i i ,7 i- :.:n I I . ' , : . - , 1 F 1 . , 1 s i f i- . i ,V . ... X-S V7ILUIHQT01T. N. C.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1875. V7H0LS UOr G,C:3. VOL. XXIV. HO. 234 r I Mh cm 1V-JI1J IT). ey telecWph; XY J t 3 3 V"J Ministerial CrMs' Ai1 Belgradef-th Powers J)lsiuikflMl Wiiji nla'a i , Pollrj-Insurgeut Victory, Jtc. the frecdman llank to ray i Dlrl dend -Instruction to Deposit ors -WcsPoIu Appoint menu, 4fo NEWS IN tfENERAL ' u-l,t"-t ' ' ' Bank Suspension -Army Re-unlon (rant Makes a Spccrh-Lnre Fire ' Mlne Explosion -McCloskcy. "':"';. ' 'Q' " ' GOLD 17 1-8. ;: nt TKLBQRAPH tO tH8 JOCnIAU 1 . , Frecdman'i Bank -Appointments. - WABUtNOTON, Sept. 80. The (3on misRiouijri of (tb F(KHKtituii Satit1!, & Trftot CmpauT will ootuoieuce py ing a diyideud of 20 per cent, on all audited olaims on ov. 1st, at, their office hero, Upou prusentotioo of their books or Other evidence of indebted' n&pUijfti; itwAdiiig-'to this vioiuity to present their claims per sonally. All checks should be drawn to the order of original 4opoitfira. (? ' ' '! Among th: todetsi found- nlitlod 1 Sapd admitted W VfM Pbfnt, arS T. D. liewis, La.; M. I. Jenkins aud A. K. (iordoff, C.J. jf CfooflHlf, R. T. Jones,' Tenn.; J. H. Woods, 0. P. Peavis, W. Vo. NEW YORK. J. Bank Suspension. New York, 8ept 30. It is Btated that the Third Avenue Savings Bank has suspended, and that application has been m de for a receiver, tiinoe last Thnrsday all "tnonevs 1 received from depositors has been placed in envelopes, with thenan)es f deposi to.illienMjl.(Tueae'k have not been eutered npon the books of the Bank and will be returned in full, As tar as can be learned , fleut on the doljal U eh9pC)t, eatti be? paid . Hincfl ita Incorporation in 1854, this Bank haa mihtaiued three runs. First, in 1868, which lasted four days; second, in 1871. and last in January, 1872, dur- ' ing which tl&.OOO.ODO was paid. The Bank h never recovered from the effeots of the celebrated j-nn, and ita, present insolvency, ja simply doe to the impos'sibility of realizing the nom inal value of ita - investments. The amennt due the dejpoaUorat is about S340.0004H W Sl'UluJ Large Orowds gathered at the Third Avenue Savings Bttik this morning, but di parsed .pon ft no' ice being posted up that the Back had dosed. Army Re-unlon., , Dm"Moi Sept, SO.Frfealdest Grant, General Sherman and Secretory Belknap are here attending the annual re-Wnion" of the Armiy of ,th Teunesse. Grant' espnded 'to 1 oair, reading quite a lengthy speech. , He expresaed wtauflefttionra recalling the days wuen thev had suffered together to ureserve a , Gevfirnrant;5 HlW m9 aitlieted VOTthftghuiSg for even dying for. We will not deny to those who fought against ns nj. riyilego under the ioint 'oTer&mew which we claim for ourselves. ; VO-taA-ooittrary, we -wer-COtne'all such to help build, to waste Dlaoea : perpetuate our "institutions againBt alien enimies.pe brothers iiwwm monheritaMeir''ndt KrOpardd to apologise for the past, aud to guard ajrainst A-'reOOearirenedHn these days. we must begin by guarding against ever enemy pravenuiigproeponiy ana tree MepuDiioan insiuuiioua. j, t r Begnrding politios, he read : ; We are to nave another contest in - the near future of our political exis tenoe. in which I predict a dividing ine-the;)kla.srixu:iirje( bat bn'eMfweon patriotism and iatelligeaoe on OM 4ei Ad eiperetlHdni ambition ' and ignorance on the other. Let all labor for security of free thought ; pure morals I unfettered religious nen timents, and equal rights and privi leges for all, Irrespective of nationality, color 9J, i .religion ; enoourage free sohoolB. With these safeguards I be lieve tne"5 battles liioh dreated the Arttt bf the TennesseejMmitot been fooghhaln. bhenaan closed Mtyh a short humor ous speech; in wh.icn he said that he wished the spetohes made could be scattered brbadcaat throughout the eouutry, especially the South, so that the people there could see how the North ifelt toward them. "4- 4 -lJfl)iAS ISRRlT0RI. ' -t. karaading Indians-Outlaws. ' - CHBilSNli Bepi. 30. Sixty Indians atUokedja.fci Mn gtardfl lr.twelve men afcBndgfts Ferry. After two hours hard fighting the whites lost thirty reundedin IrUiliJ NwKoaitB, Sept. 80. Over one hun dred entlswso6tlt from" the Btfttes, are in jail here, waiting for tho next tertt;uf.wra.M INDIANA. . i ,i w " bii.' Extensive Fire. La FAttrrit, Sept. 8a Mauley A Marshletti r's large lumber yards were burned yesterday morning. Loss &mj, 000, PENXSUYANU. . : r J 31 t 1 Sine Explosion. 1 r 1 VtHl3VJc. Sot 30 An explosion at tlie Anchor Colliery killed two, and injured three other nien, i V - MASS.lCUl SETTS. , Fr.r. Rrvrni Hunt 3(1 Oiu'Ia a larew rrnnibr - r of operating weut to work Mi ;mrmwff, other fimmisiug to go to work to niorroaf niorujug. All tlu) are miming. ' " ' t Boston, S?pt. 30. Loo St (Shrpard propose to pay 20 per omit, of their indwbWduest, wtioh aujosatt to nearly ) Mi 'VIRMOJfT."4 " 1 . Ulnhtrr Acquitted. :MkwhR!. Befi tWl-Ri Cliax. A. GraobDr, aconsod by bis oongregntiou of improper liberties toward young hitly, waa fount not guilty. . FOREIGN. EXULANB j Protest - Ministerial Crisis -Scnia. ' LoNDftN, Sept. 30. The Austrian Consul general has protested ng iinst the enaotmeut which exteudst the time for the payment of Austrian, bills of exo&snge. 1 - ( I A Vienna (Vspnteh asterta thai the uewuiiuisterial orisis has already begao at Belgrade.'' ;i " " , " Another fproial reports that all tli rjj)recptaUvea thtj.foeigu Powers hAveAmandea h'ce siitiou of the iiu higuous poljcy of ikii via. n , uauie rates were raised on Monday to $1 a word, , , ; j A Vienna correspondent eays that tho occupation of the Driua river aud Little Redoubt by tho Turkish foioes, intended tc force an isnie with Servio. , . ... r' .If ! Al STRIA. , f Turkish New. j 'Viknna, Sept. 30. The general and prevailing opinion uero is that Turkey is trying to provoke a eoufliot. It is stilted that the Servian Skupts ohina; by a aecret vote, offered Prino Milau three million duoats. ( Portions of tho frontier road to Tri i bigue have breu blown up, o as to prevent the Turks from transporting provihious. , Conscription . of. horaes ; have been brdered in Bervia. ' Belgrade newaonpers savs that five hundred Jrregfllar Turkish trftops in- vaaia Servian territory on Monday and killed several frontier guards'. In a recent fight between the Turks and iuHorgents, the former lost 320, the latter. 128 men. " TFRKET. i . Mediators Wanted. ' Kaousai BcDtL afl.TbeHerspS'ovin. Jan insurgents jrefuee to treat 'directly wiiu tlie x'orte. They, want th .Pow ei's; to delegate nftommissiori to make a guarantee treaty. , , SPAIN. in, , The CarllRts-Communlsts.' Mapbid, Kept, 80. The Oartista are borubardiug, San Sebastian.' ' Several persona have hoen killed. The heavy rains have prevonted the concentration proposed by tue Alfonsoists. Troops have been sentmto Andlusia to hunt down a body of communists wno aro maiauding there. 'l-.U: '"-ITA1T. ' Cardinal McCloskey. ! Romb,' Bept. 30. Cu'rdinal ftfoClos key took possession of his title io-dsv, Heuterodj he jtlbnrcli ifiipsnied by thirty Dominican fathers and seven other prelates. The title is Banta Maria Supra Miuervam.. . .rn r ' f i '"s "" ' ' CAXADA. .' H )Sult for Refusal to Inter. Montbmaii, Sept. 30. Su t has been cOnimenood agiu the Surplice atreet Cemetery authorities for refusing to permit the burial of Guibord in their grounds, ; AtUlareUlenoeln H.arord.Sawanne County, Florida, of Inflamatlen of Mie bowels, Kd ward D, Pate, aged 41 year.. M'i Pate w.a a na tlre Of Col mbueoonuiy, North 4)arollna,alnoe tlie war bee bem engafed In the turpentlna boaiacMin soetn tarotiB! aaa rawiuei we leae-wlimia tlx rMutreu to mourn bii Iom, . . .. , . . -r I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VIRGINIA HAMS. , ! ...... . . i tlJAa)MAti.O'BOIf VaV BUPKBIOt " Juat reoelved aud for aale by ' 1 BUTTER I - BUTTER 1 1 " ' A few tuba or OHOIQE -YELLOW GOSHEN Jart in." Price low. or aale by "' -. eetlSD " ' DiUOSSKTiOO. Caianthe Lodge No 7 j KKiaHTS OF i PYTHIAS' UllODLAH meeting of the OaNntbe I-ckUc ho. 7, at UasMe Mull, Fiiday evening at I ,,ns E VAN LAEB.- -r 1 lroiKor ol' Mnxio IN MIUSES KKNN1)T HA.HT'aV Sdho 1, will, alter Oot'iber (fill, t.ka a Imilio 1 nambar of nrlvate puutla. Koi airfii are. apply ti P, Helntiergr and attbracbool of Mla.ua Ken n-dv Mart. . ,. ''" !-'' octi oodtr it. VAN Lapk. For Sal TWO Bin 7 and 7k' Ovlava Pianoa Alao one Hinge Machine 1 lie above era naany new ai.d will bS aold Vry low tbe niis Iber hnvlnii mi ii'o lor ttiein Tbey oan bJ at iho eofner of Fourth and Walnut Street. -. ootleodtf JB.YAMLAEU. KW ASYESTISSMIXT8 KEY F.;Y3 CYSTERS ! . s . -j. .aVi. THR aubeenber 'eapeatfnll te'orm. Ill) rr .ai and iht ulika .' ally th la eta,ilid h.e f In IbM '. n.l will Imt. LliHHSrliiUUKAhTal. , , VjR kv. ou hkihl rail tuck of l ANNO W J()OTN II (lit! At' u rK)K 4, Kiiitr, W, P. f KICK, U.iiagor. . toll BUCKWHEAT, w - .. t. ... ill f i v dutch Hemttve.'i i , MAOIKKKL, Jttft arrive lanJ fur Mil at ' . - U. V. wl HUNOBj ' 8J N, K, Cwnsr W'kit 1 ooit Slrsota ISICVV CL.OT1IINO :il tKr Ul'Tb rallwavaud Mc.m.n. lu wbuilr. - ..... i , , , ' ' .' THE ATTENTION ol Ui iHblie U htvltca. W. ihall oprn tht - . -i. in i si MERCHANT TAIQBIMQ i Rni-.-:fat v J i IciiT.CtOrUJERS l t s?hQ0 5Noice.: YOItN'l I.ADIKH will r'lve Sn'Klifi! (! ui:llun with .11 Ui UTlitj(iuf drat c In.'Kut. ur l"'Miitf, inrludlne Mi durii Liligunjoi', M il.io, JBC.,l r M"lll IMU. .A iullo rfLot arti-ulM. Wo,itl1liTB ba lit y- ParcaU will Sul it to their alv.ntw to giv.tba GERMAN AM ERIOAN INSTITUTE a lair trial- 0XU( on MONDAY, UCTOBEU 4th. Uoraarot Third and Market NtrM, MKS.L. UUBCKIHT, f frtnlHal. oot 1 frl-iua&tiMi i Jtlalarla.BrwwatliiK t'loode. Ibercefnttrantendoua frebau whiob bare flooilod aone of the awnt f.rtlle lew landa of the United fute. have sot onlr eauaod wMe ai readro a and dlm-tdr,' but be, he might have brwn'xpeofu, men roiiowea bj an un ureoedeuted otoiopr f et aed niua, bltllena remittent!, end other dMU'l m.Urlal Tbv.tta'traya, acting upon tl,esturatd vegetation ane tai.te poi'airrenyine re r lag watnre, bav eciateif a t'af reaiwitif Mae , whUh I. pregnant wtihdla-MBj The rSoal reliable mrtguMd acjalnei it b foand to betf leuar'e Steuaa Bltwrn, the preexnt demand fut whli h, aiore prtlelrlj In Ilia Weat hud Honthamt. where the: flood! have 'been Miet Severe, exoeedl any1 wkloto ha ehlaead la tha put, pi'il' he tbe ret aatijaal remedy nd meventiveer malarlahaea.Wayiboaa. le hae tt been bat to anok a cranial tet, or ever its elalm. mor eompienoitaly vindicated. .. The CMrafcd Double Elattio fi)PENCKUIAN GTE EL NO are for alo by all dealer, id Stationery. Per ooav'tilenoeof tboae who may with to wv them. Sample 4arde,eonUialaa one each of 10 nam tie, will be aent by mall oa reoelpt of lVliiOK,HIAKKMAN,TATIOK(:i.i IBS & 140 oand St., Mew York eepsoSm A CARD. t reipaetfallV annonaee to my friend, and t'uatomera, ruat 1 hare aooepteit an engage- ment trim iir I fr )m October let lnat to manage the MF.R. O "i ANT TAILOH I NO HKPi K I'MEN f, 'fbanktat far ' he liberal natronaae of the naatji hone to be favored with It in the luttira. I ahull arrive la natfafy evervbody in politenete, good St aud lateat atvlea, aa alware heretelore. Having itmt returnod from the ' Nortnern Ultum, with all the - . NEW FASHION, t naa warrant UaruUeo ha vwrjr f ipeetand will be pl.a6 I to rnoelra your oidera. it tteapeeuuiiy yeore, ' aepto W. P. WINZKL. REII0VAL. ill ,fSA' 1:1 t 'uiiilJ ili f-'l ; HAVE REMOVED "TO MY OLD . , ...... i Exchange Corner, ...-..' '..(. C A. PRICE. Executor. - i l.il''. 'Mlf? UlUi 4 . ; v Sign Ooldea Boot W.. P. PRICE, Manager. School Books, " School Books. ' YOU on alwaya find a complete aaaortment oi acuoo1 booaa at HEINSBERGEIt'S Live Book and Music Store. LEONARD. TRIPLY, . . , ' . .' I'LAOY DIAMONDS. A QUESTION OFBONOIV 1h6()8IER MOSAICS, MH. MASON'S KK1T JOOUK BOOK, Juat received at, aep9 HilNSBEROKK'S. TRAVELING DACf. SADDLES HARNESS AND TRUCKS I , . ; 't I 1 j ) f t . . i 1 ! wuitsl.Kfni' ' ' " noi.i.AKS, riamea i rare-rumne, pau paviia, All klud. f adnlary gov-is ,'h J CHEAP WOJI, CAHII, at Caroenter A Mallard's Ho. S South rimut STaaer. Sep 16 VilmlBgUm.N.O VISCKUAXE01S. Bacon, LEagiE Pork, JJ Hot. Sruokel ,UlMsn4 Safari. ; 8 Brrel Pork, W KbIU auit Halt o(ti KUa Mf.vy " ' irUtoR. AM.lt. Bar, liio tt.rrli Gin., . :.:( ssa B.kdiM Hoop i . h , " v ft)Uant StSiH CnH'i .! 14 Bh.W.ua UlilNwCro.t!baMO- I ,000 lurnilt Floor all (tailra, to nag. rnm. n UK) pM-mt. KrliMnl S agar, v I VM Kngaalla, Sim Baj. W But RtiaOroara Ohaeae. M Oa l,.. ! al o4. f, j ' - f : ' so ouwa oaadf i !f ; ;, ) i W M Pouwa. t i ' V v; ; tS Uroai 8n ft. la Qnm Matob.. .- ,) S SO daM. OfMara. 1 mid . ; Mil Hun. ami Half Boxa OauJIU. 76 BoauaaVai. - ... f .- Hi . ' Tot eala tow bv . i ....... . WILLI AJIB ntlltCIHMO'V. pi f ::! ' . .. .. ". I BUT ONE W E E K; IN WHI CH TO CLOSE UP BUSINESS Xhs abort tlmt aovtort nia la hih to wind upn UUflNKcH, will noaipal ma Va , : aaeriaoa mr oiS and aiaat v i loaa nwti.r aoooar -at -. t I h"V ' ON MONDAY, OOtOBBR 4TR 1873, , t will, boglato cloM out mr ant'ra atock at, A-XJOTION FOB OASIt wHhautrcaaiv ai"! wltlioat MT PilMM(). ehar.oti-f ana litanc or ;tbf rt taioo S.-UI Vn.wii w mqalr. oiimmant or nittTitaiun; ntulaur4ia,iula wilt lie mmi at uriosa to auit purohaaurr) wken m il at AU0T1OK, you than Dtka your own prlooa. ; Vary Hai'tt'ully ill"-''. ua.yttUi jjMue-u, 1 Iw Wo. SO Market Street 111 jou w aiNaiia, (Lata of Hpruut A Hlniwn.l W lniliigtoo.N. O. JAM. D, UUMNINSl, (Late OaHlil.r Hank of New IUiiotw,) ) Tatboro, M. (1 HINSON&GnmilNG rou THI SALB or ' i Cotton, Rloe, Lumber, Tobaooo( Naval Stores, and Southern ' Produce Oenerally, lsro-ioa CHESTNUT, ST. P. O. Box 9030, fltltiMlelpUla, l'a. j 4 ' - ' ! 1 I i-i i b aipsasNuae: ! I. B Oraloger, prealdent Bank Of Hew Hau. over, Wltmlngfoiii HO. " KB nurre, rroawent ran wauonai oafia, Wilmliigtou. N C, j t i ' Jame. Dawaon, Prcal6at Oawaoa "Bank, Wilmington, MO. K H Uurdua. PrealCUak Bank New Uan- over, iMaboro, M 0. . j A Leak, rreeident buIi( jt mow nanovvr, Wade.boro.NU, " JeaM H Liudeay, Prejeot Hank of Oreena. wo, tireeniboro, M 41 M Weddeli, Kq , Tfcl lC ' ) IV, Hon. W 1) dohuion. axuilou Uourt House. ..... . . .I. - July T ' ian-awT For8ale. Thehonaehold and kltohen furniture of a gen tleman declining houMkeepIng, atonr Bulea rooroa. Front atreet, pa Tuoail.y.Sept. 2(tli, at 1U oV.lont, aji. : ! And 1 Dra) a and H an.e'a. , - UUUMLf ft eV)RB.lS. sept. Ilia, St ....... anot'a. Pi? Toe City Taxes. c 00 vf Treaenrer and UDIIeotor, hI ,i ; . . . ott? of Wllmlnaton. .()., Ant 17.1S7S. ' am directed to nntllv all aartle. ewlnc eltv tuee thai tbe requirement, of the ity for ifareaucu tnat a atnet eompnanoa wua ki ordinance, will b. made, and auoh perron. wbe do not pay their city Usee cn or before tlie Bret of aapteaiti.r Juroxlmo, their property will be adverUMd aud aold aa the law direct - ' T. O- SerrosB, Trwwnr.r and (Joll.ctor Bagging, Ties and Twines. 800 Holla and Roll! Bagging. 60 Tona tw Arrow Tie.." . 1 t ...... SO loua Fierood Xiee. i - - 200 Pounds Twine. 1 For aale hy: l'l U 4 1" ti U ; KKBCHNER& CALUKB BBOSi vlliait, 8alt,! Saltv1 1 v s.ooo Backs Bait' ' ' For eala by ' , KBKUHMBU & VAt.OIB BBV8. Cheese, and Rloe. ? li' 100 Boiea Factory Ubeeat. 10 TlaroeaBloe, , ,. ''tot sals by ,. KBRCHNEB et OaLOEB BROS. ,v' . 'i uv r V ' ' Flour. Pleuri Flour. .; I, 1 00 Barrel B.W. Flour.,, , i , , atrrelM Kelt Mil) Klcur. r , toq Barrel. Prince. Hoyai If lour, For aale by . , ' KIKOHNrB QALDtR BROS. vep3S .,, ,, .... , Salt, Syrup, , Shot, Ties and Ilullets, ,k ,) Hi . mill, 2,000 SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, J50 RBLfi. a a, MOLASSES or BLACK MOLLASSES. 200 BAGS 8TJOT, 1 - 25 TONS APROW TIES (New.) CO BBL3 NICE SALT MULLETS. 60,000 GUN CAPS, WATERPROOF ' and G, Di ,; . , , DKMKRAKA MOI.AttRB, 41VBA MOI.AS BUS, I4KW lllLKAXB MOLASSKM- BINF0RD, CROW k CO. sapit NEWtPAPERJ mils )UIUHKN'H KKiKNH, PitrtlUbml X. i tti llxuirt i)rphn A.yluia Woil, SI jr , , Wll.WOMl.lNPAI.K4.H W, Nla f ln.iy, fclltur, W,.lily.at St H0.y.r. I.i ttle lu Kllilr. W II, HUN APVANt'd Prrry O Wtlltn, 4lr. Wtiikiy, at 1 a I'tuiu oi alio la HliUca, ; ALHKMAKI.RYlMltS-Wa.kiv, at Wlr.l r,. ct ..iiuru t, U. Wiikrton, mil luf, lmiratio In folltio.. NORTH CAKOUINAtJlTirKN. AAfVllo, N. O. K. M. fwraaaa, (Mllii'Ti Una ,ar Sa. PaniootaUo la yolttio.. THWB4V1'MRRM HOM It -Charlotte. l. U. Hill, etltlor aud prtri Mor j H. A. Shot ll, aawmlate editor. Weekly, t a year. UeaMcraUo. tapoiltloe. ,, . ; THB fR ANKbtN OOrKimi-UBahurg, M. O. U, S. Baker, editor and propria" . Wekly,atl pel annum. lomoorailo In poll Uoo. . . ! TIIR t'AKnMNA MOUSKIf(ir,r MAOA . ZtJNK-tie.ilalioria. Jullua A. ll.iaita.ed Uor, Monthly, at S3 a year, one ol the lliia.t literary work, ui Ut.Soetb. HAKM)tK brtT0ttAT -William J. 01 Y.tn.. editor aed troprletor. Weeaiy at per aiiMuiu, ,. , . , ; ftTAHHINOTOM KOIttlWaalillighiH, 14. IV t 44raiikr, editor and ,irprl lor. Wnskly.at a)or. lemoof atloln tollllra MtltuN dtMONit)7,K.-viia A Hias tun,eilliiriaiid pioprln'tita I'uklnlied Sauidaya, M l layqtr,, .icuiouratla I pulltloa. GBKHtiVlIi1 R KKUltrPH-Weekly, on TburMlavat (Ireentllln, Pl't comity, at sua year. Ji.T lupoltlca. , Lyua, attitor, Democratic HltBNN HIIRO PAtltltlP-Oreeiiabor , N.4) P. JT. lutty ami .Ikuu W, Al- brTgh aht, edlti.r. and linnirl'tni ,t in y. ar ','; ail month. ( A. IXinooiatloln pilU..a ClrtKt.TlY ATR lHA . MeltitSteend iublilne O ton, td tira ani pn ixUiiura Publlaoml fturd, at Shelby, al, U, Dciu icratlo Input- m e. ; vino yeaiea. 1A'rtii.INa' MltSrtKNaKrl-Hetnl.Weekly, V Mondaeand Tliur-Ura al (iotoanoie, mi a yeer,.l. A Bonl'a, editor aud propria lor. inmooratieiu Bounce. run I I MetlinMut (llinrflli In Norill Catolni. Bat eilitt, N, H'V. J. . Hob b I to, udilor ami proprietor. Ouejeir ti Ji. i ; ClHP.LnY BAVNf WHhltv, N. tDS O n-hml everr Thirwliiy ni"rnlng. DnrlHni W.hk. edlinw.tl Pemnrrntin In re I'l, Sob'crl .tlon si V) fur one yea'; N oeu' for ta month. " ' mill PKNTHAI. PKillRJ'rAN Or en I hnrn. N.O pubilalid In Ilia lniare nf tlie Meih'xll"'. I'ritraiaBt Church, aminni. J. 1. Hldhaux, eilitnr. SI IU pur N year, RWB!NN.iUBNA'. OF I'l'MMKIH'P, . Ti Pool, 7r,, edlinr Weekly, t 91 a Domocrallo In pollileii. RnCiKV M"TTNf MAIL -.1. It. W. tn Tbirri. p-onrlniorn: W. L Tli irp.nl t' Weekly, at fH a yaiir, Dem iirit'o in pnllilm. PT1HR Ml HINT AMI Y WATI1I1VAM Pnl- r. )lhed by Srrlntaft 'i. A white man 'a pup.' ll.vtnii. Wl, Alrr, N Ufroocratlo In pnH. tloa. . MnhKsrlptloa ratear II month, SI BO, all monUia, IBcent.j, ,(i j, ., . 7HR nXFORD r.R ADKR, allv.nemorral.la Weekly piiMbhed ererv 'Piieartav, by llluw Brllt, at iVord, Oranvllle ronnty, N, O' Vera ma wlablng to eeiMtrr the 'rade of one id' the rloeeat aenllonaof rorih Carolina will (Id well In advartta in th leader. I tlal.be organ ui ilia 0"iiirvaUva Domorntls Partv In tti oooiity. Kate a low a poa.lble. Arhlreaa Blew A Brltt,, Oxford, N.O. ., , ;. . , : rTiHIt DANVIU'R TIMES. Th'a laaivm- l ooratlo W.ekly paper, at,bllHil In km an raenaiveircaiaii.m in an trie Vir ginia and MrthUarallnacountlee around Dan vlll. Prtnei, l varj el tor al month; SI rent for three month.. Hi.eiman riopiea Tor wardad npon application. Aildrea. P.iloulilln, editor and proprietor. , THR ROAKfiKE NBWH A e.ml-WoalrlT New .paper pnbli'bed at W.ldon, 5. U. bv Manning Mro'neia, ami edited by n. k. t, W. T. Mahnliigi.wlll bewiitoul nnalaae raid, averv SATURDAT and WWIJiRSIAT., lor twelve wontha tor 4 00. If tuttd In ailranne the KOANOKR MRWH will be tfini, pnatate pre-paid, balance of the tear tor Nt DOLLAR. A gnnd medium for advertlalni, Batlneaa men will make a note of It w ben wWhmg to ad vet lias In an P.aalern Paper. ! , MANMNO BROS.. Woldon. W. O, N, B. Papera generally wl'lpleaae make tbla notice and we win return inn lavor, nOANOKENKWS rnHB WILMINUTON JO"KNAl,.nilblllind I tn Wllmiihrtao. N. O . wv KNOl.EHAIl ,4 SADNOKKH, The .loiirnal 4a tlie ohlint dally in Worth laroilaa, being new in Ita twenty tltta year. , It, l..tatinchly IHirrneratln nolltloa, and lb) .ervloe. are .ctnowlidiied bji the party throughout tbe ht.t. a. of ine.tlm. abl. rain. The Journal la aaluoble aa a com mercial authority, and on all the topic. t the day, I enlivened with tbe lateat lnlorm'tlon, It la pubMahed daily, for one yarS0J; month., Sl iO. The Weekly la publlahod at 11.00 per year. Addraav . . c,niTijn,aAnjj naAuiivniin, , 1 1 , , . . . , . . j Wilmington, : AT Eighth I RlIBVIl.I.K, (N.C) 4 ITIZKN, Abovlll, O.. Organ or the nomocracy ot i tic nlil n (Miigreraionai iiiainoi. uirgneieaiau- lUhad clrouUtion in w eatern Worth Carolina, than any two pap-ra eombined. Special at- tcntloi aiway Hivea to the material develop' merit 67 the state, and of our mountain aeo tlon tn pattk uUr. The very many and unaiir pawied aytvantavea of It aectlon are oonatant auhjeot for diw ton In Ita ooltiran.. The very large and oonatant advorttaliig pat -ronage It baa from Ihe home merchant, and buatnajv peop'p, la tlie beet gnitraniee 04 "'1 lie 'niaen" an aidverthring medinrn, The following are it. ed)Uir: Itoht. M. Fur man, Edlto-i Waah. M. Hardy, Aiaoclat; Kdlt- "r; , - HILL1BORO KKCOHOKU. Kaabll.ho February 'JOth, 181, The oldoat paper In North Carolina, . Haa a large clroulatl hi eapec ally In tbe eeantlea of Orange, alamanco, Pereon and Caawell, and I. the recognized medium of advertielng for tboaa aeeklng the bualneaa ot'thoae oouutlea. fa Clonaorratt ve In nolliica.and laagood laml y nowapaper. Habeerlptlen. and advertlamenta alwa'a ac ceptable, and the patronage ot the public ra incRlfully aollolted ni. . SulMorfptlnn, CO a year, In advance. For ait mantba 11.00 .1.1). ("AMPRON, , . 1 ' . Rilltor aud Proprietor THB ASPONIAK, 4 Conaorvatlve Ireroii. cvatlo reekly Journal, piitillaliad in Polk ton. M. Caltuatcd In a (rowing plaoa, an i earnrended br a giwd farmlug eountrr It oiler, en per lor advanlagea aa an alvntblng medium Helog tbe (Irangor'a Organ of Ihe eoottoa where lttapiiniianen, many noonerinera to me "an annUn" read no other paper. Adveitblng rat-a liberal. Subacilptlou price I00 per ' Addraas ; " 't MAwiJtT A OAI.K, , ' Kditore, Polklon, N. O ' A DESIDERATUM, AM EMCMBNTAHY KNGL1SH BUUOOL FOB BOYS. I propone, tr aaniubla pUeocan 4.ft l, to open on tbe StHof October proilmo, a aokool of tbe elaa. named. nr. j- 9'srmi, H per moutb in advaaca. -Due notloe, if a place ioiired, will b ,lvrn. JVS, MoLAVK'N. pg9 3t , ... ; naarkataiieet, RICE SICKLES FOR SALE A.T GILES St, MURCUKON'S Haw Hardware Btore. WEW ADTEBIIStXtlTl' iiiiii ' " ' ' i . , i ..( 1 1- i -1 ;' - i - . ' . : .. ' ; ..".,;..,!. ll '..lit . I A im '"''5 I' ' , . ( i h, ...-.) ... ;,itA I .t Ji"T et-a 45 MAliKIlT KHlEIlTi i : i vrr'1 Areoloslugoiitthobalanoaot their Ladies TJntlorwonr visi Ohemiae and Night Druo, at a sweeping reduction EVEN FROM FORMEli UUCL3.. HAMBTJfiG EDGINGS , AND TOSERTIOIIS. 1 ' ' ........ .' -.Il,; i ' I. .. .... . . , We are mnking au effort iu this tlnpartmnutlo rsduoa ths atek!pr(islDtfl to going North, and Ltdies will HudptlCES!luwor than any. they have orer u.,,i,ih,i.ii,..uiii i ,j r' r.Ti.i- ..'f., , ww a . viii iun ns i'i i,. CUT PAPER - PATTERNS FRSACi. Machine Neodlos, 6! C6h"Jia6b Misses Kid Gloves Slightly' Spotted, '20 Cents a Pair. Sizes,; 5; Having limt tnkmi an aen.mnt of stock wo llrnl several !small. yarioj lota whioli wo hare deUirmiuod to OLOSW OUT A- PIUOU.,, . ,j t.flltli.f UA t,(lb ' ,iu iu.h. Ualth urejit : - finr f"k BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. llr H r FALL AND WHITER NOW 01 36 M-KKIT STREET. 8";,' FA LL AND WINTERlGjOdDS CHE A PEES THAIf !, EVJESi ll"" , 1 ivi. lul. No. 3G MiVimiriTi 'I'l ' , ... .. ,,,.,,,, rt .1 I Ti .,.4 ) :i " FURMlf URE i FUpm tyrOFrKll Fdtt THR FA' l.TRAUR (ICKIJSI Al, UAROE AN V INCalBAEftajTSMJK New ! Patterns and De$ignsUJ rfl ; , ' 1 " " ' ' " fT 4fiJt .eavj. aai bdt yinab l'nrlor, Cluunln'i' mid Dluiutr Jioom ITurillaaJp; I "' ' ' ' 'AT'VxritPMai l. w f i.,ff 4tlf:im)!J mifl CARPfIS AM) OIL .1 VWVll AM) -fkjyiM In till line our -r mk anibranr. all ef tbe Nl w and leading Pattern, of Uruaaele, Vhrea-pl mipera, OjI urn and Harnp DarpUji All irr Hie Ull ulota and Hatting. Aiao Matt7 1 Beddingi &c. &o. Hair. Mosai ; Sbuoic. i Excelsior and Btrw MATTKtCSSKS, rRaTHKIlie. FMATH,KH IlKDH FKAI HHK PJU.OWS AKU BULBUIH. , UUMVUuTAUijK.Hi Au., Alii, UP THM BUST MATKUIAli ' And oar owa Maaafaetara fi:iw ruiii ,u,i.iiJ i'iUaI li'otela, Staauter aud PrlvaTo lteaidnoiw fernlahed In the l.alat Btyle and at liOV Prices. I'loaaa give u. a call and mmuiii oar Sbaik before purohuulng. k 'T v' D. A. S11ITH ff C0 t f . ,i, u . i. t ; ''''' 43Front Street". THe Carolina HousGHold Mardzme,; a N IM.USTRATKI) MONTitl.Vt choice J. Literature, (rill ko leaned from thr IoloS- J Buuo Ala-HKNoan orriua coinmencltig with i (ianaary, ISIS. Tbe Srat number will b ready i for m tiling by Puou ruber IStb, and the perloeV. ,i dial will be punllahod each aucoaedlug month thereafter without inturiupttoa, Hu ad van-, tage will be neglected wuioh either lalontor capital can command to vender eaoh laeue an agreeablo and Inatruotlve compendium ol choice reading, by popular writer., both home Biidl" ad . ,n The Carolina Household Magazine will be a large its-page, eighty-rout colama monthly, haiulnoinely pilntnil ou tinted book paper and beautifully illuetraied It la tltoroughly aoutl eru ontorpila and Iteauooeaa U alrrady folly aaaured, The publlalier mean, to make It a Hrat-iilaa. monthly, that, one Inr troduced In the family circle, la aure tu b eagerly watched lor and oaretully preimrved. It. "1'UKTKAIT (IAMiKBY" will prof an attrtntlve feature. The .1 Miliary number will contain a (Ife-like picture of , ,. , .v....! EX-GOV. Z. B. VANCE, '" 1 1 aud biographic! eke i oil, en be followed ia eaoh auoueeillng number with pliotogranhe ol other uromlneot aiateamen, divine., Ac -" ONLY TW0l)0L,I,AES A TKiB"",' and each aubtorllier can make! a obolO ' Til UK BoaT IIKAKllI'lIL.LAUuaKKURaTIIIHa, lie ef eaoh 14 x DO Inr lie , ale: "The rinding o: tbe bar tour iu the 1 eoiple," "The Madimir na."or King l.eur Defying tbe Storm," lor. wanted ou rocolpt of tlie anbasrlpttoB price Kit her of the F,ngraTlng. la worth doable the price Baked lor the ligine. r Any one winding a uliib of B , ear IS r rMlTe an extra aubacrlotioii free. MlnL .e conte 70 cunta, free by mail. Sjj, moulli eubeor-Bja Hon, wr.hont Ihe KhgraVTiig, fl. .. Airanta Wantad Cvarvvwheir'aa. " .K'LiUd a. kOklli, Pumwher, ' . .1 i.1: ..i :..-( a,.MlHira, N 4).i' T. ! t.1 :4 100 BBLS, PURE OurPfiR DISTILLED N. C. ; CORN 'WHISKY 1 15 ,tu ; " For tale by John, T Chaurh, Thoiuasville, N. C. Bug U 3a .f.i . . a t !'! V r; - s it 'l l . Ji f t it UM U j v, m . j ami smsV ' ; Tiiifif ,'.:i.!'. For jaiirunainj'uxloiirMit' ,; i ' Wegraiem.' : , . ..it t We've thing san woel ,, . . Thivuhout the year tioo eiidlt, i't , i l,! e- ' i r- : i. T' wji'vo U'ert .u.v i .1 - .iw H A sj-.t To aJt viihln tlie margin;' '"',"","J ' t ',fc An' if ) mnui i -! i slt m -it ,riiioll Afnre as'io lisun , , .n , rB,! f iu f,lsi Va'H li.'laii inii'i' bjngithu;, u t, ,. ,t)f rt 14 iu2 'd ui 4 ,,llt,r D,t, i5 ;h r iSiJ .J il!l.e-.h H't.V via 1,1 I IU 1 i tit !iicii.Jie 1 OilW il ttfl ii ll. Ouarantino Ilcticb. nNTIli FUKf Hfctt KbtOR 'Att Vkif. ...' I . .'. . ..M.-..,t.t.. J. V.itf.l. aela from Port' kouth of Cane rear' will come to at the Vhtltlng Station, hear Deep Watbr .Point, and wU tM Inaaeotjaw it US' (gear, antln ljalc.laa,,, 4 .til ,t!) rf iilW Allv)afiomPikrWwBera Tlfeal, orouieiJnrettloua dteeaa ilateywUl e.'ta quired to undergo rigid and prolonged Uaaar aauaa.' '"r s' ",T'" , .. 1 . rr ,.- m ajtAit !i Ail veawlsair boats of aay tharaoi . avinf elokaeaa en board ori arrival ar l1'' f l4 alokn.aa any lima, darlnj iASora 1 in quired to com to th) Btatma.i.' nl nepeotioa without regard to the Port from, r . ona Uicj eome. Veaaell not Inolua J m ' ove will pro ceed withoutdeUntlom. ''J "' u"1 I FIJeU aiwaarclally sryolniiTto aaeearo! sulenqaltr relative Voeieterew, Aa.) kail If not a , tUlle; with. u atatemeat f . U,Oaii tain or obmraander, or If (h,avMel ttto, filthy ebnrTltlou, they wilt bring;' the Veaeel ti) the Station fol faVthar tnailaailoa: ' iM " Pitott'4ifalty'!vwlatlnI'1'(uS jaafanrinl lw. are MTiJeoliohfiarlelttreet their bt.. MaateraQryeaeflatoaBnaaftwe; -erj,, lata a day fdr every day they tdiii the Q aaranda LAwar atMf all 6iiir'tiernu "are1 Ula ror each, ind niatf eS'ohkeiii') ).. ut n All rala aabjaes tb tattelkk aader' aaevej' regulatlona, wll) at a f Mlbi mata, tlfzlaar bool ;rotTk? ill., ft'l n PnaranlPhdlaej,w.a 'iU:U Oul W p,lt ot WllmlngUMI.K. . .wiihvib,.vfc. UnH,ait ' ':'. mat" , liilwi'lL 1 GOODS::;: 'i .,..,! i'l. l -'.ia lit .a-vii 'Si -.. . j , '! .t i I.') 1 i t tSyiiff I I. .11 .-. r a.?-filaj J ,fj.,,. 1,1 V C,l tUt hitt U cn 1 nit' it .ti'il' awf For omitiiviubi;:;; 'CJVKAMBK aIXII', will run regularly avci vil.r except Sunday, . . L arlng Wilmington 3.30 P M MraKiiviile I A M Horn auUUoa tioketi may ba purtfuaaed at our otiloe. Julyl (X U FARlLSk" A Q i

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