.' 'I'" J Jul J I.'-.. M I 11 I ' C7 ' J T I ! W WE OTci .O I I- 1 -o. -a' i I 1 1 I .. : -4 ' :lf ""V i ft I H "t w..!... Hi i ' 1 ', . ' r ! ., t ! a ' i II II iti 4. tui Ist.rJJi ,i .A VOL. XXiy. lIO.2C5. ftt ilailp Mortal uotES rtim'trfilii fit inuxi -IIOMt JP nUt U YeaHy la. italnenU-Lone Born. "trr nolsiiu. -The rail Elver MI1U la Fall Operttldn'Torllsh tr.. iXbil W OTIC!' i LJZf.Ui .ariiZiTT.ir7 IBT lAiahitt,fMf V(AuAfa , , , PtOORl 'MMATCHKS:-; 1 ,ii "MtJjUii W CAHFOEKU. ' Bah FaAHCraeo. ' Oct 1 T.T noti lUk bfc hWned 'thsVtue TJs&k IJtW, TOM. ' JSty-S 1 4Ui ) -SnsDieiona exist cions exis thai ito. Dr. Porteae tu foully dealt , wim. ms wawa m gone mi m '"heed J)ora several nutrks of violenoe. Extended Peculations. " X'HMiMj'idbbM U Planters National years. The bank will so into liauida linn - . . W MAEIL1ID. ' i-n ' . KaTlsner CaJtWtijf!r'' m BALTmoBj, Oct.lXTli) -Vgw Thomaa Owwr, who escaped from Mid dlesex oouuty. while under sentence of baaiedb ariaiedliere aT held u&ffl t a requisition ean be obtained, by the INDIiX TIKKIT0ET. Jm Unnjnjon I i- . t ilk A. MaVciTTSept. SOtB, va ,. Port Uramie, WiT. Sept, 80.-ilfter '-""the coOneii yesterday, wben enortnous price waitf put oh the Black Hifis by the 8ioua, tbe Commissioners bebame deeiroa npt to submit any prepoaitioa " ' for the purchase of. the Hills. At tcKlsy's bounotl, a protocol Vaw9 i -p toy' Messrs 'Ashty ALawrenoet wa presented touihe chiefs, which, ktter reciting a desire for pence, offerid to bwrttif Aht5folniviejW the Black HiltoWj&OOO.TJOUper annum. This right to tertMnate at 'any timff bn a yeara .npjfcie by Jtbe . United State k s ' Hecond To Durohase the Black Hills from the Sioux Nation, an J pay thOT for ' their interests therein1 the sum of S6.500.000. iu -fifteen equal - I jftd.MA4a mmiA anma tsx Ka an. a amaUy appropriated tjt UAt subsia- tenoe ana ciriusauoo, , suu . out jaea than. UQ0.POO to be expended aanoail j m MlA of (MK7'rx.?( I at ;i lWriV-.lua wa rresiasm or n ' TTnited States, nnder nroDer res trio , iliositgTiitiorj;'aeffigtiat6 three routes to tne ciaoa mils country. .JA"eiJig-liorri-6onntry lor 550.000, pay able ftonujklly, for tea years, the skoney tc be expenged forioQd and atook. ,t ,t If wafurtnei proposed that il . tha t'ipvOHaacMptedJ pivwutl"foaldle diyltl acpii; y This pro' dians tondtti Ijnni Horn, chief of the Minneoon- jadiBltttbedatte ooasoil rMfbg up and delivering from his saddle a olawrA JPtts Piotea" and iotf-TJiUg Woundand'notteii TaiiSDOke: I?.? "tiwallisi wiaeipally on theif wants; The Indiana feel insulted by Lone R A fcrlttin rVflfl nh attemnt was mad a to kill I The Commissioners, with theaxaap. tion of Messrs. Asbby, Lawreboe ana Bwalm. left, on Tbursdsy.Jor Fort. IlrtmTfcV .aMi..-ia i... ai.'v ' to .UfgetlaMoW 1X thqWohoBi of IJw tljaca pijis are t an-enu, aoavotowg uas Deen aceompusnea. Kr , Peremptori Jlemindg Rhasohm. Oct L Mr. .Wade. vi - Bhtisfc 11 iiiati:'Jttaa .intimated to the v "OwiUoMfirma tr me oe mands are not oomplied with' y U) . ,.. .1 VI " ' ' I --' 'J.I Vi.it --lecttoi8enti-Cirilst Tlctorj. 'lil'OotJl.X'nlJeotionlfor lllmber ofTParliameut at Biaokburn to fill ths vacancy caused by , the, death 'ka' P.?!.lJ LiMnvAd aLr. onrftfi'.HeDv'I! I Jtdaja Ti.a.i u.'iil;..Ulra wrre - William Caddinston. Mayor of Blackburn', itld i "'--r r?vf both Conservatives. Thwaite was MaBtoetsmM e.w.a A special from Berlin state HbsA Tnrkev haa informed the Powers that , .ibe-tias earaiflsmei wbW itnJ Tatks will be obliged to repel Servian! and, .-Moatewid'foroads, and that sho is gradually calling in her Roumanian reserves. 1 ! "A special from Vienna ennoonoCJ that lbs Consuls at Mo tar have. be3 inatruoted by th Puvnrs to aenf it Ptt inenoall-mboTiit&f mt . of rtibirinTeartgaUon, which propo t for, tbocoagh raforn in Boaaia axi afc-gotiDia. : I S A. Paris dinpatoh Ujs that speoLl ioformatioo moeired eonfirma tha im jrwloivttiat the OarliaU baT jrain' ! a viotorr bex Baa BabastiaB on Thai.- MQa or nrtt uuoarea BoiaToniao, w&a iqvtded tsosoia, bavs diaperaed and raturjoed kd tbai iomM ta 6ontnarn NICHT DISPATCHES. LornTit.Lm, Oct. 1. Tha OoUrio Jburnaf Naabville apeoial uyw tkat Mutual LiiosiranaaJOftmpany, lit? imj,ln,lUiddMTnnMg4e. have flled mit to reooTer back annual prenjinna anxwinti(T 4o 1 10,000, on tb grcjnnds mat tne yoippAny nu failed to oompl wim tueir oontrcei. -Jlfu' t..(l t I ln I J I n l ' DM Mdimw. Oct l.-Tha Prealdarit and party left here to-day for Denver. I Coav1ctedTrallaiedilH4iilv Bostow. Oe. 1. The' Inrf li Uia Jwfforva Bordfa mutioy pn, re turn -edU' Mk)l Mnviethia; Miller! and SftiSf, flWa.fJtlaiaa- Oier).' j- I Bbepard. Hail 4 (.: Wite'rialv lnml ber merXJDjiiTkta, falleA fo S1.600,OWl Banks here hold tifarlT $500,000 of their paper. Montreal banks I hold 93UU.UUU. Ff ! Ritbb. Oct. 1. B. Oct. 1. Tventv-aia-ht ns ma mil i jnxireajaiubiiaai i xne tj ts now virtually ended. COXNECIICUI. The (nsnranee Commissioner and the f T American life. ' Niw ) Hatm. Oct L InsnranoS OcAnmlssioner Stesdman appearidat the offloe of the AmerioanLife A beat Company thia morning, and formally demanded pottgeatiion of the effects of tMC&piuyuBeilVYtjres, presiileat, gave answer in writing, stating that oiaimea to act, vi nooonstitntiMal and void, and that the Oommissioder's bond w&s iU(rl,ad Joaoffloient - He added. ibAt btiiuka utend to r . the law. bat would hold tbe assets t j4ot to order of the courts having Jo diotion of too JegaA questions invoi? i. The Commissioner's oounswl then i -formed Mr. loyestbst he would f ' J toUHTNe teadott Strpkrlot'Ciart morrow Jot -sf writ of mandsmus, rJ that be would hoU him. ?Uab) as ' oriminal law. 1 President JNoyea fc-.j VlBHTkCTAV. ' . . . . ... t.. -.n. I'.l ! ! ' it I , I " T flW '!. WiAHQWTOV. Dot. 1-The rJipAal Servioe observer at Tybee Island; Oa., retorts an Amerfoan bark aahote on Htone Hocse, two miles southeast of Tvbee. Two boats and a pilot I have gone to her aafri;tabj6f; ;t -iriT-r H(oirr7TTi oi -! a -J 'W . m . m 1 1 I. nr. roneiurrAua w utiuvrnw. B4oit.,OcrKtJrl4,orei as was buried to-dav. His friends five no trf;tto'4(,rhjir:P.waatta victim of font play. , tVuwra. LiaKllow ft Vo.; agenla lov dty, tag draitsoUflflJB tur ns, f t 0 TUEIIY. Sever Pasha Commnnleatloa ,T mo vtaWWtw'. sum "tfesnrtistisOiiPLi.' OcUlT-lnstnio. tlons have been aeot to Sevwf Pstha to receive the reports of the foreign Ooa . fatolgtpm fVP Uif (JUvernbr; f Bosnia aays. that in oonaeqnenbe of the advantages recently gained! over the insurgents, telegraphic. ,ocmmnni cation bss been re-astblisaea between T . : . I ' .J I -.i.il. . i 1 a BieiuDri sau varaaaov ''""" , I U -iM w( '.I.-' i- I l 1 1 ' ' ' 1 " CcLrai,l(lUJ-kaliJitJfllo,-rrooalt LtrDwrr WptY.-iTte British Obtai maniliiil afe-.fiihralLa iinktrafl .fnnrlaf oompiaiat of bagRreai0ris- by Bpan 1 oh ivMitnrt lai Kniian ormuta. 1 A Berlin, special Bays' the Powers have agreed poa the aeoeptableneas of the proprai mad w tne Jerce- insurgentaa!aHMnaior jux- IKa nAttakikKia..i ti.ll ttl :.t . i ill 1 TOkliori' Brestsn has notified the ISoolesiasfioal Court that he will not atteDdTPnlthfl grqid that the Court isAatnipteHt4r9hia Tvrenty. three, priests .have ..annoapoed their sub'mfssida to the cotewkstioallaw. , A spwoial tVosA Cktpsobagwa trite full aooonnt of the ssnguinsry (riots whirih occurred at Btookholm between the mihthat'&d mtimt Wim 'militia stormed the poltoe station, .woniding a number Of piticerheb. ' The oaUse oil tha tmblai4to aistad.t I ' A speoisl from Psris ssys the 'Masi tJulfOT JTBgue uas caitea anentioa to ,1k sUc ttskETaxn about tha--llersa-govipin insurrection, whjoh helsaid Worimanufaotured in the' interoet 'of uufurupulous atook iobbors. UlLimrQTOII. IT. C. SATURDAYa. OCTOBER 2. 1076. :ttissxi.tts. 7 Lx IH WIIM5T0K. i l. Mfl Itlmi ill ftn s 4..K . ....... 4 fa '....... .(. a oa i lu r .ifwican. ta tl auta n-t 4. , t I A. J. Maliim! Hum i'JSTi:a. 'SW Hkttur. t. .r -Hnlaiaa rran Huua. .... 'wini.ro DtDMiiui iii an. (oadiliua, MmHIilll, S,0M UkH, U auo iawi sa kat4 Hi. Ntimi L..T KsImm, at lfc.vk.rf 9t am () 0. Barker C..k fcHrkat M4 lMk ItfNU, tkli day, 84. ataj.OMkw , isrl, oama.ik( at 1 a'st.a.. - .! . . omoHLT OBBII, ( IN Aaetlw.ws. siAVitii cniTikaiiAL iaIbon -HkA44tharotTl'f rMrat.t aait tfittti. f.(iattll .north. hab4 Wih", oatr. ( of wtaiL liquor. vtu . O.B alwtjr. rMr. Ortn from : ; t t,; ait, rraptW, : : , a Froat Stra't, : . -BEnOVAL. ; Jte. th.aM f, Waod aa r.aiotwl aU .fflo. aad rsaldaa ta tk baildiaf evar fat.t' Bask School Notice: Y OUH lAaalSSaill nrf a S atahM t SMtkm wlta aH Ik. adrnta a Irtt MM IkitMatS af Lraraln, tarlnrtlnf Modern Lwataasw. Miuta, .., at raanaiii.alM. A fall aorpter SrM-elatt ttwlnl kT bMS a (! ii -..'. S" Partats will lad It to thttr sdTaKti. m gtoetfeo i w .. v-f. v m 1 F!lTcni OpiSi.a ktoSDAT.OCTOfe irnar M Tat, 4 and Mark.t Stn STITUT aTiii OBtltHtb. Uarnar M Tht,4 sud Mark.t Strs.u, el Trtl-iaaAUM nalarlaBraallav rioU. , Th. ruwntuf tnii,k)UTe.l..to1iV;tk a4 fluoded tuBi. .rot aiiM-TaittIS d laililt or tii. UolUd Uta, hkT.not onlr rauHd wlda t iaad ruiB aat uiaatUr, kut k, a. Bight ii.t. )wb,X.oImI, b.tn futlowrd by h yn- praoravnwa avieiapar ItT.r ai.a f u.. tllli.u. r.aiktl.nta, b4 athr diaaaa. 1 a sularUI tfpa.. Tk.aa'.rar,aatiof Bpon tttaraud aagatatloB and tlUd po.ii I. (t by tk. tat r- 14 waura, kav. aaiad i fu readbln Bikw- n i TM at waioa w arn.ai wiia ill faikkkl. afr.gtiwd aralBt It U round ta b. Hoa- tatwr'aSt.atMkklttOT., tk Br.wnt drsiaBd lot wbkk.Baat partlcalariy la th. Vm aud StiUwaMt whkH tk. IikhI ka4 bkB stiai Swra,Baoailaan which ka aiUtd la th. MM, Bopnlar aa tb art natlunal raaodf aiid vr.vaatlT.ar aalrlka.a ho. fir ka U bw aat to ueh a .rauUI tatt, or ht owploaoaMy rlnJlq! . HP ACM UlJkTi - wa ftor' kl.' b tl dMtars ta BttkBry. F-v too -tilMtesut thaB eta stay wiJi to try ii.- .t Mr a il Uard, auntaUtns on. tank of )t aibw, wilt bs nnt bf atail oo rolpt of l.Vjpt'MKiaatit4'ai m irb1.;'.'' .-. .4 lB4JI4flwaaaat.,M4wtorlu .; ' I rDfltfat1v aaaooBOS to bt frUnda and OBBtomara, that I bars seosptM aa SBgags aim witb '. i ,- Mil. A. DAVID rrora Ootobar tt rnt.i to mne th' MKK. nmvr TSJbOBINU UiriNTNSNr. fhaBkraffor it 6 liberal natron orth past JI nop. ta M rBfwwi wito n in to. rotor., i miii a'rtro to aUify artrrbody lu pontine.), good tt and latex afylo. a alway heretofur. naing jat raiarnoa irom in. nonuero , T NEW FASHION V ( aa warrant attlaTaetkm la overy r ipaot and aui so Bia'i to rocai ywr era.rs. .zHEnOVAL; t rii Vff bemoVed to my old kl;; I i-li i i i- f! ii I'll mi ii - - .il-ii'lCl ! Exchange Corner. m! kit ii. kib&f Executor. f'togaOoldott Boot 3143 0 ?VHiriD -ii SI 1 W. P, (BJOSg Manager. j School JJooks, ' 1-1 ,; School Books. ,,, ., 1 YOTJ sbb alwar lad a ooaaolMa aortmnt ft aekooi books at ,T j MM bllfMftrJERGER-4 '' tive Bk aid ! Music t3tote. INABD TBIPLY, v . uik vn i LACY DIAMONDS, ' A QUESTION OF HONOR, CI J J 1 -ta . HoOSXt' MOSAICS, titWi.'ll ASO'i W OOOK BOOK, Jait r04lTd at HKINSBRBOIR'. sopts TRAVELING BAGS, t tAStltt KAXKESS AND TRUIKt AATcilBLS. AXLE-ORPAR. - nna. Traew oaaia, wara Dan us, All kind of aaddUry goota, . 1 Qarpe)ntr Mallard'B " .,IiJMH.a aorJTPaoT STBBBT, ' aplS ' llmlafton. N. 0 BUCKWHEAT, a m CODFISH, . 1 " WTOH HERRING, t U JuBfaltrlToa'awl for Bit wf in L ;hoj1 SlioJ I A 3 u. H. W. HUNQK. ' S3 N. B. Ooraor SUrket and Boooad H tract nscxiimocs. Bacon; Baginfir,Poili i ! !.':' Ale Vv. jv. F?S- Roman. S Si.1r. " V A " iJ Boia.SawkaUSkrWSa4laoai4fa, tai aa..ui SS-k. MS Rolli and Hair Rolls Mitre "SSTJ Bairiaa. I a. .. i I m TawT!., - ' ' sna s. St M.S. Bay, TO. KltMi una, BaadlM Hh bwa Siis w.d-Haal aprrrt CaakS) Tl M ah aad Bbb) H. On. Cala M- ' ,fW parraliFLar-sUaMtSv - ' ' ' 11 Bat friar KM 0.rTa,T 1M Hari.il tUSMd U4r, no Baa. aa. ... '( .i ttl is i aS rloi'i Eatra UrMBt ObM.. UMiLrt. VI ' um Sod. SB Omm (land r. a ii . Xia Hun Potash. . ( l Oroat l(Vt UrwaiMatnii.t.; : BO I'um Oraiara. i ' ' too BoiMand Half Vans Osadba, Fi aato low ST 1 i O - MI03 J wiLiLiAioa sii;MAiiaolf Mail i- v.- i.- :!., !! . ,U'wi but ontz week: in which to ciisi up tut nun i .ii I UI Ths ahort tha now'i.fl m Ik ktiioh ta wlhd apny BUSINRSB. UI eompaisa. is aamSo. aijr food, aad atuil , ON MONDAY, 00T(JBE 4711 1879. 1 will bfniaka.BtSif Sat'tVaW at wUMBtHarrT. aad vltboat BV BtOpIKO, Th .baraotnr aad atak ol tl igeN 1 too wll knn to rsaulr. somms&l or dUorliiuon: until d ofl., ooii i will k. sold at nrio to tall purobaatrt) wktsj Md jou i May y.ar owa aria. . i t TrrKifnily OE0BQE LEIBEIt, 3Sw Mo. lu Mark.t Strt- NEW SOUTHERN II joai w aiasos, (Ut.r,4oraat JAMB D.ottMBie,! (Lac OMhlar Itkuk of; N Hanorar,) TarboroiN. O. ninaiu.i W Imlugton, N, 0. HINSON&CUtlHIHG t TBl.SALI fjjt ro Cotton, tlleo. Lumber, TobajoooJ Naval Storee. and aouthorn , froduoo Oonorally, NO- 103 CHESTNUT fT.' r. O. oe.- aiMoirhka, rat. ; t a.' rr aspasBsosinT I, R. (tratrnW. PrMut Batik sf.Jf.0 Han o-m, wiiBJtiigtoti, 11 tJ.iv I- nurre. rraaiuf i rim a Ai BSMk, Wllroliigtoa. N I'. t " 1 Jamas laon, Prtatdcmt Saw WllrainatOB. M O. 1 ;' n a. M Hordan. . PrMtdBnt ftuk of lw Han- fcvor, OoWboro, N0.1 - - 1 C , V I .'I i A LK r-roaHUBt U&bkSC AW tSOOTOT, aibiM w j t , Jbm H Llnily,frut 8.... ofdrasoa. bore, Oroeaaboro,)! 0. T ... . J ,. tf . IIWVtFlU, .t VI fc .l,". - . Z niMa uvek isvwwm. i a a.- M WwM.ll, Rq..TaKn?( 0 Uaau W 1 Jokawa. a. sum Uonrt Uou., 0 . joiyi iss-dAwtr For Sale. t TbboBBBb.ldsndBlbAPifBltBroof asaw tlan daollnlng kotk.ilg, at oar ; Sal room, r ront tret, oa Tadat,S)fi It ;R(Ut, at 14 Unlock, A.M. -, AndlUrariandHarno.. rtv.i--- 1 iimtkii r uiinalt. 4pi.tHb,St, 1 ( . ' ABOVS! Pa? to",uili''W' Offlo ef TrsasBrar aafl OaiiapSr. jf , , Clti uf WUoilogtoo, tyfyfo J an dlraetad to antlli all tiartle owwiseltr tia that Mi Mqatrttnonts of th. lty fur 'Crach that a strict coopllanoa with tr ordiuano wnl b. nail, and aU txBWiM who donat pay tbalr Uy taxM oa or b1 iBm 8nt of aptaib.r proximo; thet nropafU wl b Bdrortined aod sold a rh law dlricUj w,, T. O- 8erroB, Bagging, Ties And Tvvihaav lit " " : '.-.i'!T ll'. V 804 Roll and H Roll! Raggliig, dibi i;-'00 -IBB irow rut. m Tail PlaroBd TI4a 100 r.and Twin. Forialoby " 't KKllCHRKBorcSjTiBT jii Jt JtlUI ,T2UL ili V Ol, ll H 1. 1,1 It. .11'. 1 Salt fait Salt. .aaUorroAai 4 fell .'It1.,.l Il.'l1 tlblJil'J For aal by '. uMlI f 1 KRROttJtfarfjtVaEB BtOBt;-; Cheeio, .and. Rice. 9 i . Vnll.v H-i'nr y im til Mtni;; iu 7.1. -', -j . . ill. II. .1 & . 10s Rous Pactory Ubooae 14 Tlaroo Kto, fjrsstsbf" u " ! K(R(HRB A OaIiDBB i'.-l.l .11. I I ii l.nl-J. i.1 v ; ; ' . Flour, ; Floufi Foujfni Banal BiW.rioiBK i ,. , 4"0 harrelBll MID VlovA 200 Barrel PrtocoatKayal Floar, ''For Sale by' . - if 'J ton 1 ; ' RRRCHSfB) af OALOEK BRi aepM ,, ,, ...... i,K- t,ii to... Salt, Syrup, fihotj Ties and Ilulletfi.r i ill AAA.kAA. Itii iJll 8.000 SACKS LIVEKPPOL SALT. - l&t BBL8. tit v BitOL ASSES or ' , BLACK MOLLABSESm j - 1.- .... I ii) A ' ' ' - ' ' -'.! !! A tf tl 200 BAGS BOOT. .--.!. ,.... , 1 1.1 i 1 i.li.tl ,M t .tal ' " 25 TONS 'APKOW TIES (H twY .,t tit 60.000 GUN CAM, WATElj PROOF, audG. D.'a ;i : .. . ,.! .-t il t .iW ImliiM I a PEBCRAhA MOU'Ka'.'OtBAl kOUAH ,Wt8, HRVt RliRANS MdLASarH- 'tM B1NF0KD, CROW A CO. asp ll f tloi '.!!'J!!J1.'.1.Lt l1"1,' -'J-l .' . -l.Lilil.Ull 11 ..-J NfWIPAPIRI. f i 1 mill llrtlLDKi-V yttlBMU.. PlkAt a. i u uwora wrpoaa avayiaa. wiir. atatarav. .,. ,,h..iii'W 1 1 Wir. iLSOit PLAiitpsitMa-R 'K. aio- staaatri 4iw.-WaklTAt si 00 avoar. aawwi w'nca n.l j,, r, , TTTUK ART AMCaWfaoiy aV WlillaatS II uir. wmbjJiBI SI a mi. vobiv rattolsaaUtiom .f ' .I -if .1 Jnl. Jk LDIBtKLITIlia-WMilT, Bl VTd- liV. KwsMpar aaaaa. f-j . Wlaakaa, 00 jotk oajtObuiA otriawi, Ab.s, Xl N. O. R. M. rarataa. adlivr. Ua im i,f pBBtOBIwtll IS aotttra.' '' I , .'(, ft t-v ) 'i i " 1 'cVtrn'tuji. I ,1m mkuQOtmR HOMa-oarUt: d L' a. Mflr, t4r aHl BarWr) 1. 4. ehaa f.rflr bwaaoatatts ta Sol Idea. n,nr- vf r)1 - fi nj(iilv 1 ni I mil FEAMKlitN OOUHItR-Ua'tbarc. X M.O. O.8. Bakw.adtMaadiproiif tabor. Viaaklaallt BOt I JtoBMoraUo la Bi' I fl 0 rTWM 04AOUIMA atOOaOtB VAQA- X ZlKK-4)oldlr. Julia A. Boail. d- ttri MatkiBieaar. aawaf taa aaat llllji' h J ,! i.'.t )--'iiinio J""dr. IMOTON CH-Waklnt4a.-ir. 4frannr. MrkrA ' Bb4 atirlJat.i 'fWlrMII aiaa., lla..4raUf la tf t MltffON ORMOIoi.UTsil a 'Tkas oa.adltafSBBd pr.prl.ior. 1 PkH.ha BatardaH, at IS Sroat. tJostooraut l mi !tl ll I 1 I l-.l.. GRECNTILliR K B(l 1ST RR WaokSl f . oa Tkarrat UtMatin. Pttt aobBtava. SiByr. o-af TroaH adia - irtwoorauo, lapoiltks. ..... T. .i""1 ,-v,li ltd ( GaBMO0ATt0r !( om. x.O P. r. Past aad Jam VI -abv n . How 1 I O'HI 8H BLS T AI'K' tMA xMDuS aad Balhblas toa, rdltm aal proprllor. Pultd atardarit Bholbri WaaSrtlotaOJ-, IU. OnirS. HIH I H? A ' 1X11 I ll CARDURA MRaMKNaRR-l-VfklT, Momla.iand Tkandara. at Oakiilikro, 4 Lriii. Ikm J M.ikollat rrkarah la North Carolina Mf B. M. IV. R.y. f, n. Hobbltt, odltai ls HViJlV VIB1' H. 0. 1, Wtbh, t HRarR)iUiB a. ttilirjc. aam sbr I (lii rrtHH ORNTRAL TU(I IHTART. i wlbASrab0! .1 I. Wl.tk.... ..I. - TJ"fT"rn tJTS)t M AH v,l.m N.Vr?Vo.k UKMtB r. at at a . DaaaooraUa la aulttl. . . .. . - j MCTUWM, H. A 0 Thorp, iooratl4la pPlltlrai ". A whit, ataa1 papor, Oemoorails hi poll llo. . H !" MU !' ' ! Sabaorlptloa raM IS BMatkS, II as. BN0M4l4W-ltl j 1,1 rp"R 'XPVRrtRAl)RR, BllTDr(Ktl 1 Wrkiy BBblUhad T.rTTB.rtay, by Mow C taraaai MahlBalO anarutiala of oi4 TI.rf,'Wjar""'."f ri. i, M tiaiua to noarr.K wui or ona of tk. rloMt Bvntipn or rar'k tjaronaa atu pa l WIH W wwwwpB m , qv ivauri I Ilbrtbirrtajnr rh40onrTBtl DBtkarkt4 UW,A(M 4d.U Briu uxiora, n. v. 1 ,,r fflBR DAMYULR IIMR8.J TblB 14 Rwa. JL' oraB WMkty i4talaaA4lM IMS. havisr an aai.niTeirBiatua iaanui.Tir glMtai aad North Uar,Ua4DoniBrnn4 Part-; till.. Prloa, 41 i yar; Si lor Ms aiontbi S4 eanta ror tara moninm ppaoiaua aonw nw wwtt.tf aK)OBpt)ot(4B tAddraas P,B4aldJa, adltor and proprlator. i- maBoitixiwlaaw.. 1 JwnPr published at W.ldon. K, hf Mannlrf Broi barf, and adlt4 by n. Ri T- A V. T. Kamrrnr, WlH b4 4t mlt frar tM . vary BAT0KDA1 and WBOK ISOAt. for tw.lv. BMratB W-44 00. ' U Bald la Bdianoo Ut. ROAMOKR f RTWa wtlf f4 nnt, font. Vt4.paWl,4lBMoor tbo lr tor ji hih.IjAK. , . ''A'anod Bxdtina for adtrartlMns, JSnoa man will aiak. a aoU or It ba f UhlBS to ad vt4la bb r.wB Pr. D lI. a ft VJ1 KMX a HHrar.w.ldhn. M. O.' 31lB: PtparifwaaVally wli llaBiBAliU nvtioa Boa wb will ratara vna iTnr. i w.i.i-r vOAMOIi RRVtv .r uuriauirLOa 1 , msR wiutiKQTo.ionRAVti'w 1 HavtiBi nB0iM,'OW Of RNtJJifcpABJn SATTNUKKH. Thl Journal I thai sUVt dsU4 at Vortk 'lArwIInd, boim litr b Hu kwwntf ita wan ft vtra"hly PaAoaratla, pmnHB, bbb la, 0111 1 ii4i ar. wiiinnniw or tk. aHv thrwartoat tha Stat a or ia ab.lw.ato.. rTbaJaavaalta alubl a aom- atatBiafawtaarrty. airo t an m. mpta at m day, la fnltTMMwHktb htrBMinrorat'tloa. la it 4abrlabatf 4t7 far and war Ot.Oflt 4 fcwmt, MA4V- -Th. rklt M pabHalMd at lunaw Mr.Ji.a!iMa.--" '" - v 'IT, v . i. ,,nank. liill itliu 1 OC .: . 1 i .4. k .n, 1 vUI4 t.l .JIK'K'i W ! : f I ! .1 i KlgUtb UanareMtona) rjlAwiot, krgl tab- UtkM 4ir4Utaa IB WBMara 4ta vsrsti Saaa y two papns oblaad. Ipial (atkia a) war glraa t bba. jMtarlal 41 EtstotUi Blat,Ana af r BMantamea' ib U par f alar.,Ta rr Brynd aniur i.ai1 kdfantas4 0 It sattiua atar.asiaat auhlact to dUcB'Aoa la 114 aoiusBB. I ,. , J Th wt I art aod aoBataakadwtWIMt rentes It baa freaa I ha koai aaafcata aad biilM pup!. I tba bast saraat44iOt "Tl 1 Itlaan" adrutlalng mf(lliiv,,,t J J 1 . Tba rollowlnsar. It editor) Uohi Ml. tn D4 1 li ar. tan. Editor; ah, M. , a4jfft Aaoea,E4. tiill. t'ii n-.t ;-' ' in-.t ,rl Jo ll; lUitkt'SU IVUVtW napBBDB: L-Fabraarf JWa. iaoflj Tba.M papr In tb Carolina. HaalargaolrBaatlarp' tMiyBf IB. eoomi. 01 urang., aiaataao Jroakri(lT)wll, and b, tka raoognlaM AnBnril uTrtlin foa'thaaaBMbbu ar kBatuaoaftkaa. BBBiitt.- I Uonrrai to In ...... ... 1.. ..u ..1'L..A I . .. Qiruqpiana wtvmi.au yimtmiiiwi hi I hh'ttbtlon' Bud MrntfUt .rau-alwiM ao r4b jjand H aaWanMUkiA luj, pabllo to litliuiiT aonnina. I b-j.ii, 8BbMrlptkn,nMayar, la adranek. Tor la montluHASi- ..Jj W J.n.OAMRRQW. TUB ARSOMIAM, A ConaorratlT. prrt eratlo Votkly Jsaraal, publlihed 14 rtk spat -'W' 04 atsuaww m a rVowlTig'plaoa, anl urronndd by a gwd urmlnr ooantry 11 Snort a parlor adaaw4b a. ao adrmtbtng modlaot Hlntha 0r4(BiUgaMMiOBati.4wb.r Ut iBbllliOd.BMiByafaatbaTa 4a k4 i'AB konUn" rd B. rtkw pri i' Aid-tllng rA4 liborahi .baor4iaoa prwa wfKI . ... . , , . it4 r ,it. 14 I Ijdniai ,..,.,.,.i, At AWUCT OAtBl' "' . K , . ini M Wlara,JISA, M. Q,,,, V'Ci(:ATUU, lillA f w.v It , llt.i4llIWMl w 1 AafEMIJll'AaifvA411QLUMCrl(Hl4 .HMOT8.. T r'HpoW. W a intUW1 fue ai 4 hal, to opoo uu th 4th, of Ootobar .oraalaM, a aoboot ilaba'Woj Wbal, ktitk4SUMiaAA(Klir.i I.AHJ.U tr tat Term, SI par month In adwadoo. . , tlMai4V) 01 881481 IrHonrod, wl I A ,V J0.8, MoLACRlMtiO -"" '- Mark.t Straet. faii la aA.VAS W . VOjaaXrVj2aVm.2' knit- GILES A MUBOIISON'S Raw Hardwares tot 4, Wklt.aliiByr. Ubi IX W AD7flTISMMS. 45.' 1 " - . .t.tev l5'.l Hi ivt) III , :.!i if.;! '" FIRE ! .WATER I ! ' r'U ni! In 1 J-. isn 1 ' ii ) .. . ...('. .-MX lifi'i 'I ' vi .? . a ,i l! i 1 ! fit i-t :t taa lata Art U tha .1 :,!lia ll, 1 1 Ii I r. :j n .'i aJOllJiVB. 'll. 1 I Hill" mil 4 , m. !i I ! ti, Vl,l o mrt: 1-4.1 ! yr-t.. t.3 4l!!n-liJt 1 J (.1 .ini.- I -1 I 1 1 ' v tiniin f.uit 11 h ill' mil il.i.Sw ! . . I -vi. eltlisiw w ,r!.- v,iiiiitait f . f liwf . ; v,if.ai 4irrii-j I.fis -tl j . .1 'i.i . 1 . I n awBHr-jflHfi Wmj wui otaoia ai suon !!f ! Cl f t i."l lliltl if StiJitKiO tti;! 4 tiiili:iuttaij.lit J mm tl .ctukii i 'I'l.ni) .1 wr. 1:., nfd ' 1. i1iwi3i!. a,)'-: 1 Ui ll'IMIII l 'll jfi'f i 1.1 I1U(W.J H.lill ll 'lilt US) If) ! .71 ",.iiil'i 1.4 v ,We vonjd also call the attentfon (jiisli'it a if-t'.i iHii.'itfti Hill i 1 ... 1 i 1 uj ii.i-i i i ni 4 (t'tl Ii. ... IH tin j. 1 fifl-sn I t iljtf '1. niiiiLiu iii .ii I.''-! 1 1 v. 1 ' TllllV II .1. I iiUM Ul 1 Sili R t m i , trf iiniJii? iViol tuill t:U I..; Mm 1 SttHW 'ifltft AJlthe ;oi iWMol f...lo n-.l..:.--., '"' -..jkJj ll.l-J! i.....-.ii ii I-,'' ' I'- '-..-( J.M I ' ' FALL ' AND WINTER DRY GOODS. POM RODDICK,; 45 Market Street. ,inamt4it, tun tit- waiuai mil ui ' . ''''' ' . . . FALL' AND'! WINTER i.H o il ) -Mil It) hlttiwul tij id ai lituirf- i ii it tli U ''"X TT7 ' ..luit w I I VV,! 1 iftMl tl!..(ll'i'(,l" tTlf jl. " ' I'll- i t li t ' 1 tt k hi- 'i i 'il'i f .t.i.HSS-uIvlBKET'1 STiTLllJlliT, fit ill 1l U"lJ' , 1lill..J ,-l1 1 Jl. .1 " . ... ; FALL AND WINTER, GOODS ill I mi in .1 4 - ' fiHKAPFiKB than ...ever Ii II, I'd 14 111 f Jkil 'tft 1 1 in Hull 1 ,tfil ),l ! " " '';iJ ni.J 'if rir( lll 11 1 a 1 'j i ui 4 &.lltt1'tl Nd: 30VMA:RKJiT . STREET. 1 SpU 4 f i , ' p U l ll I T U l b i r UK til I UKL I Itf B OTFIB FO TBE FAIXBAUK OVU8VALLAUU ANV IKCRBA8K aawaai at ga awash. Baa. at at BaVAwa at a awaw. BBkaai Sk rritew- Patterxis 'ulJ ' .wj.itl ew. ,hhJ tK.im .mLm p'.T dWWrfbjiamr tiud w w,,,ttuu"V tXrHwi4'W i-RicRi.-.i m.. .Hj..t-.;,---t jjlHiVi la taJs lbaoaar Atook 4W4IWBBM all a tkMw and leading Patt.rn or Brusl. Thr-ply Tujura, Cotton sad M.oip iiarpi-tB i All t tUi 1 til cloUi and Watting.' Al Mat nil t.l iH wi.nU iii" i. anil Magi, of Beautiful Onalgua, r( 1 Beddin& &ii'-fid i"Mlri , Mosi. ,SkuoV. ;Eicelsior and Straw MaXr,MaU.rKATUKSjPK4TBVt flKI FKAI'HJCK ptUiOWS AJip JlbUITERH, '"VRbOMFUUTABL;8b.,'ALli Or THKUC8T tAX'ft'AL , ... , .. ,,t,-..i ,i i L ,- i r-jf - Atto our own maoaiaotoroi ;,'"! to&M.IWitoaMkftaPrWaU KoiliiioMf.irnUh.rt In th I.Jit Niyle and at jpw. Prior. IS U''i (13iWBB0 4TCF WBiaaii aaii aaamma anr ww waijra pn.-uiiaing. t 1 W. a , M WMfV , A ... 41f I (I. ho tjwiioK a ed laiim I'HfniJ.:! 1 ii an ,v.il iU .4 u.ii.'!.n-4 1 Uratnra, will b laaaad from llw Ioldb- uavaHaviBBaaaa 0rfoS awamaaetng with Janaary, W. Th. 8(t nnrabr will b 1 reailj anr atatllng by ttooonibar 14th, aad tha boriod loal wMI bo Bulillahad aaoa andltts ntoath 4kraftir without Intarrnotloii. No a4ran- tag. Mill baaaglooto ruob - itMr talaator oaiilta) eaa oommanil to r.ndar M l lata an BfrabkV aad . taaUaettt. - eeatpondium ol o rBBdlax, b ffV wrftar, both ko0. 'Wlll'bl V Wi. 88-pkg', Slgbty-roui doluain saratkif,aanaaoB)ry Mrowa oa ubbm oooa paptr an, tar .riu mbuuiuiii iiiii.Lrinii i . ia nailUlf alt an aaktrprt a?4 lUtuooaaa laAlrrady fully aaanrod., Th.publUbor mean to Bakaa Srat-nUU mtmthly, that, 0400 rt Broiluor,a to ui 1 taottiy juirci. 1. aue to 04 4grty WatehOd ror ana earafully 1 ttri-POHrtdAIT OALVKEVI ktlll attraotlT. f.atur.. 't h January nn nrrvd. 1 nroT an nnmbor will 4ltr-ltfc4l4t4or. ABd alograpbtokl hU;k. b firlo.04 4o aoh auoling aambu witli iibtornh ol tkertiroailneut tUmn, dlrluo, and1 bi oiiarllr ckii nmks k oliotoo 1 SaaBS al? BBAtITIL,AABHB RnaMMTIBBS, aaoriaobltk Wlno, rlii "tli. rto.ling Of A.SBTloar In tk Tsnpio,' "'Iha M nlon n.Tr or -King Lw Defylnii tha HUirm," for. wawtad on raoalpt T M ubnrlttiAn , prlo. Klthrotha Kngrarlng! worth doobUtb prlrokl forth Magailno. ShT.A,,rss,dn(',lk a l.viwlll rf hiMli iftr tubmrrlutum (re. HIiil ..oooktt J JSwSntifrooby bbbII. - "Jj, raoB'faa aabaorip- I tlon, wtlhoat tha KngrarTiTg, gl. 1 ' ". 1 quAgrarrts) Wntod tvonrwhOrei.. j Agents' fjr,i,. tti i r nuirttboro. M O. : ii.jii U ,100 DDLC. tootljiji Au Ta il .UOaUiUWWX 1 .. fnlqkitfek4',oui a K inticios rn J aoKuovuuO iu 6R;''T t&AMii, Thomasville. N. 0. saiutat WHOLE HO- GXCD f 1 n 40. RMOKE l i vholoaalo department of t CO I'l l fx W-p ; i tl I . . , t i 1 1 A. i" 'a .i . . ;-ji r. m.I --. -ur . A A 1 .1 .' -'S''. ! . .. I . K ( .t , .... . ,.. 1 , , ...i,-.-' '.?, : -.T-.-.-r ' .... J . . . . ... prioea aa win insure vcelr immediate of our patrons tb oar stock of i( .ill .-... it At ( 1". 1 't in !. I I f ! Novelties of the 'Season. '" l GOODS 1 . , iv Ii - 1 . :...! ,! It. ... i:.-.- 1 .ii lii'-ti.. tx u ,l.t 1 ! It I I ii ." . i--- !' i ., I t . 1 AVbRI tpaw aA B BawrSi aaa. jaa M and Designs w I till ftivf '--tt' .liodxu 17urnlt ilture. is. A.! HMITH ffi IJU'. --n u . (.- ifTfroot Street. Quarantine'-Notice. at from Port Bouts 0 Qap P ar wilt. oobj to at th YUltthg 8ttloa, near 'Deep Water raltit, aad await tlio lnp4tlaB Of tiis Quar. antln rm.bjias.;. , .. 3W...f 1 AUotel from Port hr. T.now rerar, or other lnroctlou duoa ailatl. slU bo ro. quired to aadurgo a rigid and prolond Qoar- antlu.' Aii'TOBHiBWboaofny'ohSrae'i arlnf tokntat on board on arrlral, or -g bad 1 ... ...i. 1 ni! ! ,iH '.! 9 kiu T ' ! ii I 1! Ii i', i t I . 1 1 Vi ' !' ' 1VII 1 .r 1 . i . K ADPTrTn 1 I I A I I I W'JSrf'"jStJlj. v. a j- 1 loknOM any Unu dating ths vyf j ara rt qaird to ooma to th BtatlQQ ,. i; ripotloB without regard to th Port Iron a wo they odbv." Vwwel not lno)aJ s 1 oV.'wlll pro Beo4 without detentlOB. i iii juunt ! PUoto are aopocially snjotaod to ataka ear folenqairy toUUr to roowto, orow, dvo., and ITnot tltfled with tbe atatemeata of tba Cap tald or eommander, or If th Totel' U In a Altky onditlon, thy will bring th. Teasel to th Station for further aiuninatioa. ut . Pilot wllfaUy vuilatlnj! Ole ' Qoarantlno Law are lubjert to a forfeiture ot Utolt branch; Matter of Towel to a flna of two ondred dol lar a.4y or. awry dy. ihwr otoiato ths .' Qqarantla. Lwi and .ail other . ftrton ar llabl for acb and (Tory ofl'enc. , . All Teeu Mibjoct to Tjitatka usdftr aoor regnlalloni, will let a flag in tbe ma n figging, B44beU4v i"1 . ' lt 1 ' Quarantine rhutln, i, ' 'Ki-.lr ! Port of WllmlBgttm.M. . Smlthrllo, M. 0 May , W . , rt'taM 4S 1 ...! I ...,.. ..'.' .'.'tUtltnorl For iDmithvillo! STBAkfKaDIXIErwmran frgolarly , , , i , -:',yy i , arery flat xopt 8andy, , . , L.ailog WHr4iairt0B.,w...iiw.w...p f J " BniitaTtil.... 'AM OonniiiUUoBtlokotiiniyb parjuwd at ft',,0"0 aaPARiLIfJkOO

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