WILMINGTON. V C-.-Saturday Mornlns, Octe' tr IV 15. in North Carotin, Pl1' ihmtbt; .sncxTT-rivB wit per n..t.Ui W i!iortr pwiod. KerrM by Carrier l th Clt? l '.bvbbtt-fivb cent p i aior H, or Two DotXARS and Twiw- , TC-rivK eent pur quart The VYbmlt JowwiAt, (Friday! tMU-ix -wlumn-wai, Two i)ua-.a. lai year; three copies Kivi Dom.abs ami a h Air i four roi, bvbb DwiiW nvecnpie, rrsirrPoit.ARt awd a half Men eopie. FirTKKH IKiixab; twenty 1 cnple TWBJrTT-FIVB loLI.AB. 3rBcurTiif 1 an rP payable " & Vuci Ad ua paper cniifluoe t&ef Uhi (liUon of tr time paid for. KhMiTTANcu ahould be mada by 1'rwt nfii.w. Mowv Order or Expw". If ltd 4 ko be riot, protection lnt toes J null mar be secured by forwarding dr.fl oavabletntbe order fifths prnprietAr r.4theJorjwi, wjfsandlttg thewiotf ' a jecftteredlctter. ' " Advert bring Kates (rr Inch ol twelve m,.1 11pm of advortlalng tvr. j One Inch irurtUn ) Dollar: two tnarr- Unn ORB 1HJU.A 4 Bat?. thH nserllon.. Two DofJJLW fthr insertioits Two Dollars ahd A balf; Are Inter inn Thkbb Dollabs: ill Insertion. tVKWt DOLLAR AID A HALF? twolv I ;tiwi. Five Doiaabs abh a balf. mmitb. Bimit DotLimi two mnUw ;imu DajAAH; tar bodUh, Tw TV-TWO DOLLARS. t ontrcU for lwurer period And longer pace mad npou liberal term. ' E-firl.HAHO Haiwdbrb, wtlmlngton, N. 0. FEE IKK IIKHtl n. Tlii juuronf I -" ,.- tLelnnt's of Mr. J. T. I'A'r ri o pr pri o , lib Col. E. H T it aitor. Col. W r bi t i tt lUm rtl FASIIIOiir and GOLD Cr;: :::sEllT8! liia t i l lL rt A t.-m I .Tiii" C P '''""t ' lf !- It fat.nabfttuwo H a lbatalui 'a.,lo.... ., k f aa M M ui outlaw lw uiu' ia:." nun r aiul i;l iijr.n umui. i. at - r iwii.eir, m roaiiaitiif enf cnj. it"fw , a IM l. 4rf VM.' kQ ahtonaM f it I Vha tfc Irt la U ara ail mli Boil tl - j!-tlli Tn-tim Un)inn.-a h. t mm, w-kIb lb- .U'tit r pt (4miiTny f' l.cT T!HTaaJv",- uaacU ido jf t!m aah, wliii'h may b of Uio -arno.or l:ilii)iL i;iiutrejoxniaoui- Im h p.Kl f.r i nliw anX No. of aralal,"." In fulln 1 i. awiwf th atra!Bt ftmot HJ " -713. ,itrrn, a iUi -llh mol. I, rta. fku To T-ni-a ta Cnal, I. a a. ,':-! " ,. .i - THE ial?t?ITI". Ev.-r miic t ie wtffubliiia; of thie body tl.e people of Noith Croliu sve LhJ tlit ir eyf atilily tarnd l wrd tie IM ia -r '&' 7 x"f cry awtenjeiit Lou rrtu watch' , jlbr Abaorliing is J even ufnl el tbat rv I "J eefajr grow K-i, Aod lUe qi tou, ou k -iy h I, r but 1 tb .itija., n- InorAwJ. CoDiUon doT" WDAt M toe UoH- itranger to the obeirvditoriki, ena Die rrtitioD doing r Siooe 1808 the Bute gr-crful pen hu adorufiaWbe eolnruiie Iim Wen entbrtnetL'iOlia-'ti-tlialJaUUjyio the rwa tion ' lib poiut bare pr impoeed, tbe tinei - 1 t 11 : 1 .1 Ita. day wnen wy oouiu nu iuuwi.ai 1 - . ,a, j tii i.,.a. thai mni air. imore 1 r.irz z r ' 1 . . Bincie 1 odi w"t,i s t . .r?" v t' in." :::.t. -ii . .t:- .. . . u 1 a.j... r-. If ire w qwwi b-u. w-, T- ITKiaVi'Sti. an.H 1 ...... s 3Bir trictingproviaionsofconitita- Uina, witUU.f Al,f$ m '! . 1 r'3r:ini,wui44j1.j.,Kiau. biob waa foioeii upon ttirJtk 4 i,rn.4e1.i p.,; B , riT.".r-f f-NTiTti . xfilfUyuuel. Um pwp-gfrf- watTmr-tcw-ptiinm OTT-y,,-r,'r.y1Vi 1. u. ii ,Vii-. .ia-crtptioa e ih..., patiently borne the weigbt bfjhe Mreia!' ie fafr7' and H ,tlrn . a.iie' - and Lave paUentted for We anawcr for Ibetn: iBOiwUmlUtW-i. , aaa tf UtTT J T ' ' v- 'i. J , , 7 day of their dol.T3r.noe. Tl,ey ,t yabaoriber , . .,nytr AM Vt-Ufl1 H HM LH lOCflaentlrlXfillCrWa toU4., ..., .'w r ! riuiiuiij IIVaau. yi , ir.t r. iiivairau.'miTn wernnnniriiipr 1 . : . .j.-,4 . ... n I rjEVSYO"::: ahd cosTon lihec f S I 'f ' ' a 1 . ' if "1- i.h i' a ,R'.l. thia one balrtfijTattd idoilh)ying to the "I I. . ... ... .1 L I bruui um or TW awl)' worm ui uwiran-i x of the SUte, th.u the wrecked lit Am 2L I t'T " V Wbi Uafti. oLB' lUrCa. IKgOi- "" --r. v -r r--1 r-.j, Jatlam,.i.l ii lL Attained the hot-bed of ad protection to a permeating oorrm whichha. tbried and floarUbfl in MiTTrfi rank virility for Ten weary yukV.. Itgteeipent,,,,,,,,! f. 1 teavemebU irhio& 1 th waf left nJt Mb.8lchB, thelargeet ""j"", rEiiTtarAitfioTn, r r A. oolooy Ii to KittUs!n Flnrnii in Octouor. Tu Mcxijana celebrated tho anni Ternary 0! Mexioan indepondenoe, which was declared on Beptembcr 18, 1810. Dav Loviok PiBHca, of the ttontbwa Methodist Epiwopal Chnroh, ia 100 yeara old, and yet preaohoa with foroe .- and Tigor, ? ;'' r" r B "T TbB Marquil da rratlee Cmta, tl offloer of the fcody gnard f Charlea X, died rewmtly in Taris, at the ad Tanocd age of eighty two. A mon?ms!t will be ercoted OTer tbegraTeof the poct-JournaUat,(Johti lk Thompson, in lliohmond, .Ytl, od fli !23d of Ootobor. Bkm HiUj, of Georgia, reoeutly aaid at a public meetiug in Qeorgia. that juat at tbia time there ought to b bat little politioal-epcaking in tho South. T111 beautiful Neiloon ii ill in Tarif, , at the Hotel : d l'Athenee; , xnouUI trouble ia tho oauNO, hor lord ud ua-U-r, Mr. Lee, having left for part un known thij Bay.' ) ' '4 i jj CIThb oomtntiwiou of Atexaudof White, . of Alabama, to boAlkiil Jutttiott of - Utah iVrritory, lea bon kigacit by Truajdout OrauL Another foroe bill IUv. DbWitt Talmaob aaya he knew a niun named I'lutt who waa atUioted with lameueaa, and waa cured by Dr " Cullia, of BoBtqj), by prayer and the tuiHMiiliou of haudx. Mu. JlaHTHonN, the great Kuglish travHllttr, NlutfH Unit tlie.ro ia a wild tulif, uimieil MuiIJmh, livinK in the iu ; tw iof of Ikylon, ibat nre atxidt ile high, live 011 wulor aiiil roat muiikcya aud are ii.epttlkuf laugrilwr, ii. S Ministku Wahuiuiinu hHa been (.jii'iidinR the mimnii't at bia 'Ucnidihil villa at Moutmoreucy. Hiri third son, 1'itt, liaa jiiHt pRKHttil hia prelimiuury ewimiuutioo in Paris for the medical . "fliool. r. F ;; 5 7 J' ; B , 1'itOF. Marhii has iu hia poaamiiion a foai bird. fouud iu the Woat, which Laa toeth, and he oonoludea Hint the creature waa an iutoi mediate lorm be tween the bird und tho reptile, and that its discovery anppliea one of the miaaing liuka in Um Darwinian theory. At Liberty, "Virginia,' ou the 15th iuit., a monument waa uuveiled over , , the rcmaiua of a large number ef Cju federate oflloeri aud aoldiera. Ad . dreaaoa were jmado by JolwU A ilparly, ' John Ooode aud I). D. AJaury, and a poom, , written by lira. J. M. l3.via, 0 Texas, waa road. ' " ' '"J" v- s Is a letter to Dr." Kellogg, of a late . date, Edwin Booth, say. ; . 'I am got ting well rapidly ; hare bca three times out driving. I oauoot use my arm, nor can I jet inflate toy lopgs without pain, ' My engogementa muat be deferred two weeki from Ootober tth,' for"I must "be perfectly "aouud j ' before I begin votk. . jR. V, . j k Thb Philadolphia Sunday . Prvu claim to have authentic information -, tiiat Charlie Rosa ia alive, and that he will shortly be restored. ' Weatervelt is to be aentenoed and then pardoned on condition of disolwaing tha where abouts of tha abduoted boy. ) Th Frctt is not at liberty to give its au thority, but places implicit roliauoe in the story, s i i( " ClKCisxiTi is cxeroisint; its' taind " with s hew proposition for the eduoa- tion, of youug women in useful oocupa tious. The snggeatiod is that a fuml , of ,000 or more shall be raised, to be . used as a capital from which poor but ' honest girla shall be entitled to borrow suflioieut sums to pay their board da ring a term at tbe normal school or . . while they are fitting themaelves for a .,. trade. ' r-i ! .-" Mbu. Kbaoh, aa old lady nearly " eighty-exhibited at' the late" fair in Waahingtou county, New York, a piece of worsted work six feet long and four broad, representing the death ' of George Douglaj on the battle field, af ter lie had aidsd Mary, Queen of UootU, to eaoapa from Lochleviu Oas He. " Mrs. Keaoh worked ten hoars I mi ;daylfoTiiiteei(ii6Bths npou tbe embroidery,, .The work , contain twenty figures of men, women and , horsos, and required 1,857,600 stitohea. VI. aa nM at auawtailiak iTW a I raui. 1 1 .. - .. . . jjL aa w r7t . j t . - i ton of paaion in the minds of ooW j PW" !ffmi 'Dr? 'nD TM - MONTHLY vcltl.T rors and diwntenti, at the cloai aye, mi-ion ta terms .'Ja m JR 17WUW n van ia the lut throes of deadly rU. I dtFr.oern.rrnur pp. JWiym lMHf aaa-a m ;p- I l .uia warn. . r f ' ' " " ..a7a Ti ilaaa. ttoa WwH Miatioajlt; fcttCloulbM iH a.i rt. wfU.KKVKU aiawaUawvHu -iii,,! rrV.i,r4Tra-iM t I UHt aOlll tri.II SSI W, tJJWwawaja w . 3HT " lt X(l unfl:- LNVirt .;"..intK.7T AXPrft sua : Wilmington fitesrasMa lin I a- WW WaB! jkr4 lad t.s Hbrth -or Ufyarwii no l""!'"'. , , ,.,1, . t . -a aJ j any wtit u n palaha.i: r, . ,l( I fX f trrfl hits r fia fi J I I'X. I tl' awN'U KV.WBK.ii W. !al?WMR4Xi4f .Jt., and from WILMrSQiOSJ VtMD$WDtX-bkt.Uktt!tiiW " Bv a law waWa. A. KlaWl fv fMsMdhVI 1 1 A I .v ; : . a . . ia am ...lit f ..a. a 1 aangoinary path, was poibl. lota( L--TT:p TOif. TJ . n W.wmyve .ww, i !......- . KnUIJarU. ' vtmrnvr'T" I r 'IZ , l,,ii,,ra ta oar 'World AfbBBiKar 01 lUlMUfH a. . t BOSTON ANDtiFALla BIVKR. S4.500.00 - IN GOLfiSlOiiBiyBillAVAlI tlWI'Mw a p -i t ' . . .... ... . ..-L-a . J i a.o a .1 Alii 'IB T HI MII'PITiyrn .vvaia. WW W V I W nioetMB yaa" of agf, aid lad he noil aBrftoVl ,., rxr. Mrcu jS. jw.s moralisatiofl of mind s4 ''riioiple which followed Tived tbe clash nred nd pi tions of (an iosl impermeable a a I f enoe or paouo opinion, ai w .-c - M'Iltt "UM Mnni minating outgrowth o t tofr 1 1. W..a k an ftiAMk of rhaamitigm. I At lol owt: To Ua gotter-ap oMha. I trgt-at roieolod by 4 rlf-t..i.'waa ahonr1 MTAm of . KrW o..b".;. . J jw-- to the oorreouTainna ,nnft,lWn thlM J "J S , 5 T. . I.' .u 1 WHW I 11 w" ' -.na I I - . .... .. . , . , I lO'B LirgmrLiiin.... H"iin"ni ' ra ll.tui. JUI at 1 W tP.cijtPere waro u Aa folUvNK J, w, (tap.P.4a mhi iv ia M I. IMBthrftfttd BW ' I ci . d l.aarat Inb...; I.' 14 l Td-tllnb.. 41U I ar pt i.4a rt P " tiailV SetWeeri BOSTON and NEW.YORJ.. dNIWYOM. I p i ..1 a"mU'Kirwji v t -'' - . nrr alw.al Iraa, a.h 4i irr K.4JUkU. ) on III UW Cal llh !. UiUO... on iw in iowv"iw iom I rVtiiuh,... is ajhi ooidbola. JM'vUialiiiii l.ji iiita fiaii. HO VKLAY-AV Lattiii, at T.ila.li.tt. it. . .mwJ.t WLien ,n!M..H, wm1rT-''' I utu linear -..nr, -r; .r.kTii i.,.7.tc:iahT w.pifTOi.wi.Tw hi bi vbt kbilbvbi'.nu iiji. j miuanug um v. -Igbou fourteen i cbe, and hia ol -iw"B b.MPPW W,y,uoiT " I , i ,j , it I i-0 ,.M,,"If w 1 bailwiad. pwiou and excitement incident feUa Ltt.rmilli) oofflW YOU 'sfottfor 0VVr..baEiii.:P.p4. .AMD s jvMjfc va vt.-i fc-is T"aCAKWatlTOt1UVA closing scenes of an armed inter hrL ttL lr Wfl mL add ' WaS 'lIlKmKa W reieaae I - - ' a.K.w Miirnhnr bnaldea ih l amta oa j.y. ow, . a a--.- --i .ftVmMFWViu tb. restraint, which a refined oi Uixa- Allo'toWlCmK, I..J I I II.- w-.il.,.IL" . t- - T r-'-Yf .'.aa.ip iniW.WTMt'NIIOMPUWfililMilf.-aw uoj umuuna.. uj ""T", .1. V 'aS I AUK YAMINC ''"I YIIIIH Ml I 'hiiiy-.ii.mWboBraniulN.yoa r 1" S- KtW (OUaBtcrd M ow a ky th OomttitWaaUh la ter6oJl pMI X9.HhWMmW r, JMPMj.!r J rolitioaf telatlona. It haiivi free far. n wifd tt. . "Dli:nTC cmitu. . -'IV Uni. ! ! I !! i In ';;. il-t ay i UUI1UI.I ,a. wiiii. - r , .i--- ? I , L . " I " P Q;BcX POPO ' ' 014 Broadway, new TSstuiT: CABOIitNAr uEQIiGIA and aTUBAUA i BO8T0& riiOTmiiCtV FALL MTth nd otter . ,i.i ,ji ,wi. ",J ... I B Saal-a) !- MMiXBaii-ai-Iai 1n in iifidutdoua nataraT Droolhttlaf I , i ,-..! ..- c I . . I ua 'Ban a. 4 kin MA SB), it , " hiohthernle ofpublio opiniob and w"'"' -:Z7"'r Vu. the law. would in aa ordinarily weU o vi,ur).1 axd UARTBipOH governed State, hold in cheokl , ,,J.. rnwn4walaB i . ,. J I m, ' f ....'a I .. It .IIL.UI.1.1 ..... . ... i, i fin wiiaievir aeuarustmioi iupohwi " ' ki.at.ri i.a.Ki' .;. T.--; avaa.ia a aaaa 6t. .I.Xtl.t. ' r THl 1 AC0BX " . ik...... UJ..J l, Ji 1 1.. goverativtit auau, -w - i HAnnWABE SEFC GoMtitution.haa oiwnod up the riad to ,v...n r 4 - w"-;7.fT'' TD , . ' L a.l..I'.w-auioHiii-wiat corruption, ana uibi uai ro been pursuud by swift tBtBrj travel ler, wtth and abdHciiy n shamelssa- ness distinguished for their inioaity. Is s tb Gubernatorial r bBir o tha bnMamn Tonnli Vita f hi fllrnnit TAnah UUf.,.i..-.. T- . -vr . ) s -in tbe offloea of tho Jndgeao Pra- "' XLaT bate and the fleika d the Bubwioi 0A " rtTi vl Coarte-iu tho' krdj of the Opanty hbme. l6iUft9, j J CommUaioners in the Township flew v mM ttti.)fW eraniento4if the ffloes of the Justioea i. Jllo ' 'A of the Peaipetflsrever we turh, we , a i i...i.n. find .bit iheUer.ble instrument ,t4nI JjwH 'f amend, baa hedged about h patha of 'IItiJ llCair crime and oorruotioo, aud j (bat along those paths f it .is great task'5 to' find tbl-fMluik "of many who bavo walked thtreju, .wTha Uouvuutiou, tiu far, bassbiivn a tboroiiKb appreciatiou of many of the r L7ailU off ItjU JiiiUiuieuL' kud bate tdki ri the 'biWuI reform firrAlw in Uii.L 'It tiHH taken bold UidjU JNO. t MASlliAlT rVT. I, B3SXI m u paint, uujt mu m.aaa. ." la .HJiM'iu ai .ailp" RiMs.fPfHraif bms i if. I ATI ANTIC A. m . . a V. HOTEL ta jatno'J (111 iiilV V:,, BEAUFORT. N . p,rvX sJ. t?-;l 1. . ; f ft - f ?,, l.!- wci- 8J.I a other runt Mid mMiVAl Umi or .irhKp, -aWXi.i'TAf1 iliA'ifai Jl'l'al.fktltlltil'H'-W ... 1 JaUAttABkJiBt UWU9 . TAO VJJUl 8 l JJilllllKIUlr LdJlB, , I a.f-t-.a V ,Hv1l f ",!: WWWtKlIfl .r-i.,arf-a i wr" vor ruTTDPr lurormstioB ppij to I ,i1P.a.O.tlilK,.fT! .f- i i . Oaoaral BaaUra Aiast. . "i IM l Dawotuhlra Straat. Hnalmi. kiiiir oi thf aadraifjBaa iahiti tbe Uw. 5 iii ijtm. r. 01 tt a-fjVia!;'.;i i. .!-j. .. ' Haw AEkl.tkr, t BuwillDt brcan, N T. iVP.CAZAUX, Agent. TJiicXalalJU'l t iilU'SlTl mi t..t.. J'' j. .11. -w v-Ira . ft -1 Jt;-f ore sinen sim MMii mm RATllAniEL JACOBI'S ant!,..ii: .l It 1 1 ..MM m ..T n I I tn rri tmwi vv rtifi -MI ..))an-.tf.VMf afi V aa. .nta in d.H Pit toward Uih ruforniatioii of tint Jn-l ,P dieiurj ayatem, and wo triiatiiiglyjbopw that it will but take one more a ep thi sumo direction. We turn bAc with longing pye to the past and reveroutly lift them up in oouU triphv- tlon of tbe purity, the learning aad the I ability, of a Judiciary wliiokwaj bob tke brigbtevt jeWdl iu h4,.(pMoi of our good old mother sighing ihil W may agajn torn iqIpIm.'' old paths,"' Jhe OonsefYatiTf party fcaiat la been enabled to turn aside' tiwEbttbe-i Btean andals,aud to cloae ihe lid of tbe Pandoran box, era hope, ins taai great treasure, had fled.. This hofN auimates, wliile it'lofs us to expect. that the Convention when it, shall adi journ; WiU present W- ihe fieoph fo tboir raUflsatien, a OoMliteiitHi Which will restore our Judiciary to its ancient . .......... t i.j"' i giv-rj-aaa renown, ; f, f r,q iu i 'li n .'.'.''!.. J.SL-L'lU. "" ' oVic LIVIHO ABO oBif aM;;;; The marked improvement wbjdh this magaunepreteate with each snioeadt , ing number mast be a source of self: gratulatioa to the editor, aa it apoald be a souroo pfjpride tove4jjraadiag North UaroUnian. r The October uttni-, bar Contains a great varied of nier'i' teining and mstratAiTelitetKtatel AUwa' John rxia' V Boldiai'a Ektory if tha War;? Gen, 0UngmAu aiivl Coll Mar shall'a "Report of .Ito'Cligent near Goldaboro; " . Mr. ; Kingsbiuy'B f urtliex illustration of tbajT v Valor of North Carolinians' at ,lhiC.tle M Gettysburg; " Qon. Terry.'a yenr jiote- esHng; aooouot of TTerrjii Fott !yUfcT J ar Expedition; " Johnstone Jones' fur ther diaonssion of th V Evidences of the Mecklenburg DeolwatwBi.lpeins, by the late Hehry Ltowood,itiai Jp,mea B. Randall; f Ool. obn B.Tiaeler, oommenoemen. pf b ' Hiatory of tkie Ashe Family of North, Carolina; f' Mr, Kingsbury'a criiqut ,( . TeanVaon's new dramma "Queefl M4rti' , tha continuation of Mrs. G.. W. Ilri charming , ftory V Margaret .Bobbc lyn; " Gen. OlIngtaAol , jflfW , littWy address upon " RoligioriB and Popular n . a t I . :l " At ' it. I v ravora; . oemaeB many bums euaats Bad interesting ariMiM olproM and poetry, combine to raaka tip We 4f the moat readable nambers of ihia jmost exoellant, jBoaly 'i'ji'lrhi magazine of 'literature axd infarma- aiai av ..t i srrl"." a btta f iL! .artlnnol t ' t'- ?i ESTABIJSI1ED - IN rl842. f ,t W A fwiff i ,J- -W r: 1 I " ' kAjoSitta KoDtii Boaoot iron Totnso PVIh(Val-;iNr.'' ated if ta! k. Oktf . aad Mni Osnaral John r(hm, .... i i iV i.'i 1 1 i .'gli&tll-.ll. t-iwai.itea3ete-:pssw- ai"' Lna imokalmBlo iiatB-ni 01. i J, , . at- 1 fjl V .T IV 1 a- ? ---11- F. ftf - -'T" J ..... ...a' . a- ; It a I .... 1 n.i l.CT' . . 'aa jjt I - - - - - I I . i i. i. . . . . . .In- M . .. f - - - -. i 9 I " ' " - m". , - , t L . . .. ... .a..a I pffi----r.V---t-lai . ...... 1 I -.j. .. . ' ... C I...TI . fttii 1 , .1 W Itl'ttil. I 0 "UMU.-a I i aTn i i i i ii J ii ir m 1 - a I a- I n..t.a. ; in 1 --i... , . SI ... . . . ... . a...... ..j.'.T : .. " ' feOTs-SaO. i. . :kf I P;i -pji L' .'tl si' , a- L ;l ai. a , rsn-LSiC isir ..?", ; -r , : . ataiiw-- "iu. ,,, . wnitii - mm 1 g---- -fn-f .. .-. Trafii.-; Kiffi f i hirmr- -v- ! i Unm i.i ,f.i..v L-rt una, i f , , , , , , n ii , , ,n i . .1 - 's j.,,-, .;r. t , i I 1 1"''' mm , I r ; , j. !,o ,i vi fi ' i . . . . orth or O out I' '" - ' VII :. -' " "fi .wa' .! ntpi tu aj!)-i I . tion. It deerves. and will obtain, a Uhexajj iMttOnairaJ sikrvughoatl Lba Wb pabliau' frbsi the Raleigh AesM so account of a most, disgraceful oene ia the Constitutional Convention.: 4 W "II ABU1TB Ot1XBKI PIKBT, Til K V Uaerptaw,prui kaia IP pnuH-atma i 'lii Cttr id W Dmlnutwaj, UwBvmumiHpviiw , iTkfUNawwUp pulillabwd war ittfulnif. xwut HiUMlr.,W shawm b m lanna ti iUwj Ua bw aud ,Ua atiuwi.ralUU mva, in I i fiOUod! DupartMaiitwIll W I aW halAV and thftloniJ tspuiw iwW bafuraiaM by Mr JamAa, lur fl (am ut Um MeWp adiM ol Um 8s&L"m: w u.' foundarp f th Jooa!,, and klauair o tlamap prpptrr iar ftparlMo In th oaa wkow, Will bt hirn el IB ail a, Bprt- BrMrniuT. " "! ... - Vhh. iVntlaiiwHl" iB to ItrBrAfi lt rapart WHS tii l Of rurnlpbln thp full wanpMiaf thTtwi iMoraar - 111 htnMk an Utm HpoaW Will b kud by arrl, 1 tborrmib.ra' xpwrtad 'Hportor. ' Ui wbh b papaf will b kwvrWcheap hWh th & Ha ada laborlB:olaaMP Twrna ar MMSrlptMa i BB a V, Si nt BWMh m tt ats a wk.- iAdTrHtic rt ypwtw'.;;r:''' "- ' t ' Ih Mintiwctlwn frit tb acw prtnient w wfll rtUMlah thtVavthw Book and Jut PrloUna Office, wbar oompeiaut kud akUlfuI optnUva will b emplorcd. nd where tt I edka lo aajr Wf will ; OUT 1aal W rBrAIPh (aiaj Iwlron wRU tn tort wrk fr tM toaflsp iiiiiit of PBajPt' .i' a i 3uiiu. i i i 'i. . . .k ,'i.iaf Iv' nnuuii JftlW'W- Tnil. Mil lit ,1 t ? 4 ul. vwl.fi Jti".i!,i:.ia .'.1. Atkiason & Ilanninir- hir!-af tn.to 1 a . 4 i . ij. l P. M'lli . ... . . t. . -!..ti I .,tMM,Ot A HoproaaMa ; ,..il.att , a IRBW't' " -' MiawltwPMarawi,nillt.1iJ fhiiiPpo j p y ...,!w Tot. Uaatlnaalal IrpaMawo Ua.l .Maw Vk. M . BtMlph MrtlPP pMlwwIiAi. f J naniora riro idp. ctoaaipaBj... iiAnrar. MtMiinrt. OvPPpiuiT.i.llaraaoti. t BpalaatMB . a at. Up Oo...MpbpIU. MU-i-iwaM.a!,Oo.',.N.w Tola. ta..f MorUp Aatarloa.i.PbllMalMl. .rhilpipal OounaUoatllUUUfPi.Oo. HrrUarfl. TtllllAm AID tCH!ItU JlLla . Jl la a, .,,AT I , xu XSCaUCCICCSFAHf, - C l)f ' BlbauiJlf D. ViBlUluA, Wa WllaVI TPWPPW1 Oanoral; M. WfUfWAtStll. jnitft-a.p. K aptttU pV tll ACI .A .SIM f - ' T . . 1 . ivrtnm.riitn irii vuff Dftnr.rri Tttf BtAWIT wj" . t ti njTlf... .(MwuLialjai. U fur MPaOB Of X lam hui UI. May wiiii tUTIDM Tb pou ploknapp. l-,vi I jfc ,!. ii mar ii. ina new iiwiirr. iiiia. rv. j. i v. - . - . . ... i t td" potober v35lI". rcr,d.rB.1adrFbi.sM mvhtint lL UI MinnH) U1V latnini iinwr go U'k)P - r - - -,T r' r' '.4,1 I'.fliiH Ai.if .- 1 1 ( ' ' L' "1. : 14.. .!...... A-at.lt. t..tMaaifrriia til Ulft BlMlUri Of WOVOaw Kmtnvw vw a at -w-f.s ijrja .iii'J .-ui a. tu. - . ' ' t . ! . w . , I IBM Dl.Uwlkiaj "AM mia aaarwaw-w niwi www, -T-- "-" T, "W 'I. .1 - ( , - , , VI! 1 k ' l NO DUST I NO FtlES 1 1 NO MOSQUrt6i& 1 fl f'Salaa .. pi -J a.ak.. A, u . .aata A . a t lia tinnalk t it". .7 Vol i-i i 1. 1 b. an ' PWip.mli t- good PiMWlMS IfiipPtP faiy Aa 91 kt one an Jot th lihlla- ... ...iil'LiS.1"'.i!l.. .Vl. ....... I- l.i.l.lnlt. no Tw.ong iwnia v '""l-'r'li: v. v. .t h. nf PTintiNT of th an (jnoictai yitct&a paii usuvai , t fTifr t 171! T e'Hall and ricqu.t lik 01 enlo m.vlHtfirP Tlclelpriqolr.aoriiBfrpariwi Si.. "'. . "i0i:..i. :,S . Amij n i.nll and pttirtlta rartatita. with 1 aaadki'Mrd lniproa.Dii i.lprerM.lW mt1 ia tBr (:jprti.i If'1?' VL! Mnrd. . i MWWII aiautll wi nwin ni.j'.t i .. . UotItohlpplotcn.iiivlbtbHollPlo peraiw puniio. mno, nwiiu BiUiTllIOltE. ai aiiii"gfwiaBiwwBBLi. iwii'"S' 1 ii 1 niBuJHtMisf itoM wibMnraTfurd J BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. 1 . ft r 1 .' y J nr. . I Dwnavipppii Wilmington LlnJ rr-; Bslthmor, Uopton and I roTldane Lin. ' ' .dA.L."l r' 1- t - ottt cknki Dwiy to Pbllkdlpb;i and vaJ ! J T I "K a1 -I o? I Bhfppari may rW ipon im panmpt and r1r miHb w.-u giTaii ui kii aoimipiiip Dy J JBl.UWtAKtP VJIJijiov6N. Brtlp.waa')ll,iei.,bi M;muM c. .iHiik'W;.:' ... d-iiu .utettb oilii ill uJsr--ri "jKo ' nil tb S'lJlI-iol WE8TERH CITIES; BALTIIOKtX AMU VtUHHOfoM U ji;;a I' iiuntoBtrJklbo4 "7- ', Balflmor and Oalo Blircapd. 1 ,1 ;!..IiiJ...tl' !f. H.u.dr.rw,m!.i.rpi CA EOIilNA. flKnunT A "' T.V1 kiiriliiPiif roiirv 01 ii rrit:tiii .., . . . I ., . ! n-" w ipmp DPI adrfiilkri1H of Ihaaa !..... meiita by tlilp route MO DELAYS. ' X .. . Throogh Bin Udtag (IT tainti rPesi 'pufcia, 1 A TJtTT Tt3 anttrtTil ' ' ' a ' i i iVi ri I J l hp 1 All thtew """"" ts foi'!t inland retortp, hidpa phawr I to BALTIMOBE. PHITiAlP.FJ'?FfIa OSTQMi PBOVTJ)Fl.nP ami oaii, iki Pkinng o wan mna,r... .t . . ... i .ciiouttr iiBwr tttiB.'j i;i i . iu . . i ..." . ,, ,.llt . .r, ' i bip.biip ricHinn siiTiix. Muuiir.n bail. i a. w ... - i-... ... raw iiaun.: -Tii-.r--73tiJiHri. ir " i rTOrwr r- . . , . .1 : . . wr a riff iJ niyni -in .fMi-tu n utnu .TtlUHi 1 BUUt :ai.a t5J M asuiM-l BOdBT-il rta. ovraek. U iwllpf Bfpr.tdBnd,UMiw . Tbbms: $2.60 perday for first Vf;.WpefiIoJBiw famine iidfcnrloniiiti. llbtl radnot lotUo arly vtr 1. yllU ,P lI P I 1 GEO. . Wi CHAELOTTK, Propriejor, Mr BMehiteoatractPwnad with torp.iai)Mnn and MrvauU hall price maylS-dAwtf. , JUST PUBLISHED .15 S3 'tftwStioB. PBA0TI0AL OBSERVATIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY t22i ,01 a Tt-wwbJeB added j Am Eeamy Kaurriaire' I f. , ,,, With Important chapter on 1 DI80BKKR1 OF TUB REPBOOUQTIVB OROANl. Btkf a Vnoppi!or Lhmtp delirorej pt.ilialr MUSEUM OF ANATOMY. Mrngr vwlUar tha ttfy, thould not tail to M tbia gra oollotiD, taiug in irop( in tb wr)I' ' I ,c B0T Cbeatnul St., Oppta !ontiiicn- s 11 Hwl,riMidelpbla. UoplMOf lectarep aeuton receipt of 23 oenti . A4drKt-JORr)VAl)AVIKON,' ' 1 ,V"'l IMt.BB'riT.,'l'tilIittulit,'l... akd l 'TC- - v 7 " j. ome a ,rr:.!7iii Hii'MH : h .k Insurance Co. mtilS 0'mpttwnlino 'write fjilcl . 11 fair rat, on all olipPof Intnrablk pro , n t .1 rty All loam promptly paid, anaaraaa Matoa laptltilto! I :. B. at. BtU,PrldntiBt di,eor '.) K .!U IB 'll 1.1 dnCfM i'FLANNER, ,, waowuALa add siTaii. iai.pp 1 1 I i.a .... ,. T. j DBCO8, MKp;JlN!f, i:HEMIcL8, Mineral Wtton, Rltteri, Keronane ind Iilnar ed win, a ironoi, ao a,Hokp, rt uiaaa, o., at.iror pal PJ tait' t rrumarr. Palnta. low aa ny heap ta prtt sueot. TO THE CITIZEMSOF CAPE FEAR .1 '.5i.a.. MtipiViWT vwvnini .... OUR oremlum Hat ia oat aad fOBlr leklled llth and mhdayeor KTwmter. j vt Pet voor kt araaiep aiw com n . iplet 1 1'? 'wt ;aHa."naaiaiaa.Wiy 10 IMI of. tie lrlniaM (Mtt a ikiYii.a 'fl V . I ,-r! -' (.-..(.in 1. 1 ....,.. , upoii tu ruHr for Pairwa h ma,juu. Kin aaye or jaoTMnner.r i , , t fet e araaiep aiw com neip asv OranierP. I.rmera, mecbanloi, BiPipUkOtti ndUiit.thODEh not leapt, l te we wad yo vitUutbaUu crt, and w trnPt. !! oeowMotfi t- aeplgtr- B. L.FBBMONT. Prwaidant, ; . Floux;: Ileal AKD MIjyjFEBO. OK-load t . f t-.'la r,.cj; jTootl olvl ad on abort notice. Oram bought at th .'aj;i . ujiaaku market prlc. Addrea, CI-viotU.M ptk.i VClTf-:i'H A 1 lO Kt ow f ( j'Tma- WILL SETTLE T fl E fi 0 f T E 8-4) U B S T If ia i.atiiw.n umii. SDMI OkUtOClBMTlIT . Heroatter w wUlaaa to It that ph 1 be rhPniehed IM 4b V I N f I . Hi i.'l' l it H " O P ANY HOC8B IN WILMIKU TO (l, and n thlt dovUrPUon fte puk puritatloa ?j J ,afux tf IH'a i. ti W will aend you only Purh Butter fla iou.tiv. of iii4ima iilL. -lll Jt..,l I . icii3itAriJinaf7 PABjtf .ii tit and tb Uadlac laatUv iroaat r M h- Th abewe a rVmD-aw M Bftaer.kad Cha tP taj !' lB?lt tfA lfc MILLIONS OF n"tIBLT. ANUt,WJU.IUF fypsTWICB A Wrtrf,' ,..; w M torteBsatlwwAtV''j . tm t u l'h iwno.l .B'.i' I .i.oarr ntf irk l.lnaa "Wii.lfr8an. N.n. IS .)UTrrxrTh-r;fwT s..h -set t1.' rJ-wwui - 'jototii ritiT if numb T n -.Tif 'r " u t p.mo .an pi taoa. h FBEI0HT DEPAB1 ;TMest.i ..'t l,,, oi,l mi.ll .llt.vlWlll lul l.'il -.I...I. -.!.,. ' "aaU"" ''" ' - . j- pilljaT.lsriOT'M ll'l t HI Jr. t Ctarolini CentMliSay; Air; JfttliiUaT DEPABTl ,aWaacroi!it; Marpb ilst, I&75. " .jL'agt fhPAtL uarolln f)ntri Kkllwty. being eompleted nd fll eaul.De? toViSi Wriia-'ilttS WiLMrMtIf O U -AHMWiikfrim tnM TO tttAR ITOtTHB -LOTTE iTATCsVlLU CREENViLlE ftPARTklw. kriA'alf pilhalM ll..ll. a." L ...tl. - .. .t. vjr. . - ' V! !,-;! SXSmmuSSi DOlnl In nKORO.IA mnA .T..II.U. ... wm i waaaiHMllHKIt yi vr onarr Borth amoi wm empkf aatanjeed a low pari n otkat Baa. B tatmlahl or traaa L'.iiit1" "pa mm w a the lw.U w' ,7 TrT i . iiT!l! lBf,lWlM ! appiroadoa ta ilk aaalaapirind." bfflo la Bkhk it Mtw Uaaorer P.WiTT A B IT Tt- " T tT if y-lgh? Agent. iifitia iu .!...!:..'t n ' PM-.awl ajaaMdMPtlln th . Mad War I ilth broken ptooe, or oa raring tbem 'With yrter Ihell, ecs ding to pptclttcktlon prc arrd b tbEliMar i b nmpk will b recelted antH U. tobea pat, lSISi Thnpoad irnnik win 13 reat win an t cowering a4.tbrwnt "Mliiehe according to tb Chirac tar 01 the oM th itgluaanir direct .aikid pbj Bi)ltf58ia. .SB1pmU finu j jh '-tiTi ... ',..t: :wvj . W'L't :'r.t r JrCe JuC3 UQUIiei v, Pa a wan atp wpwpppp 1 awcaiy vap that it Ujaa gajMMiwwiiuia BUBaiArf; i-31-te t-iitt- in.ii ! 1 Iv.inn.Ja I n If KatMrf:dwSBjiM Btf aad 4.fba ill PV. r1l''J lit-"I I'VI'K . , Jm.i hrgM.md ror.Bg aJaMuawk, 'BIijrirpUyaawjiiWtth lllauatlon. , .TFiif "'"iio'i ion 91a fcljitinpt .allfcaLbbB.in.'i A 'I ! ibesw k Hue 1., fj, n. Di Black more, Autkwar )4jrdiick Nowall," Maid of Hker,"to. Pper,rAoeoU w" iul Ilfll.'!-."'1 IO 11 if 1. 1' HiMll'lfri.r t ui UntZ,UX&m AXD UJK) ft 'T .' VltlikiliK UIihI II,M,H iPHI. twW-M ilij ui'i ).'l i:int .iai&tqti A .6 kraaAhV.il' niil r-i DTJCEBTTl aatawrari'iiii f ,... 'w .'! I'l fM"'" lax " ai nil t ,!,,f".!t li'l. iii.?;f''eiiiWBPV v. v'J -uH lrX!t clt!! mid t.-UtuT UFVigBta4JaBPtmBaBketMkae . Baddlsi tu !' fujn ,t f-"; l'' I iii.w i' .Va ' w 't:"w fawwt. i..utu.irar ini i't w'bi !iiHi: . ,hji if. 1 '.-' ... J h-Kt'KMUaJK A cUallU . j . 'J: own: is tl H " ' " " .OJ a i.u.ij ,u;.

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