I V . A .. . . ." -- I ,! ) '- j , " H Lifv I i 4 ft i Kn$ i 70L XXIV. -no. 236. vmou: IJO. 7iG0O Cjjt Jjpailj lottmal BY TELEGRAPH. WASHED AWAY. A TOWS SWEPT 1WAT BT 1 WlTIKSfOT Blxtj-lTe Hobspi In lot Coifei, lew Mexico, Swept Iwiy-The Wfcole Tom Submerged , li Water, s DEATH OF A CELEBRATED TROTTER. lmerlraa Girl Drops Dead on the Bate Track at Ilnlra. S. T.-A $1,000 Monument Proposed. NEWS IN GENERAL Rellelous Ixelteneat In Tor oa to -A Prospect or Benia Jommj me IasurgenU-ExpUratloB, It, GOLD 17 1-8. I BY THLtOBAJPH TO TUB JOUJWAL. NOON DISPATCHES. . UW IOEI. 1 Texas Relief luBd. -' Nr YoBiti Oot. 2. Subscriptions to tb Texa Relief, Faud in thu city mouut to $5,345. 1 CALIFORNIA. Sesonptlon. ' 8a Fbakouoo, Oat. 2. The Stock Board will open Tuesday. , The creditors of Chaa. Clayton k Co. lure agreed to aooept fifty oeut on tbe dollar. The Farmers k Merchants Bank, of Los Aogtlos, opened yesterday. 1 " ? FORBI ON. I5GLAHD. Tirklsh Defeat-Atrocities, Ac. Londor, Oct. 1 A correspondent of the Nvwt stales that three battal ions of Turks were defeated by the in surgents, and sixty beheaded. Bervia baa summoned all bar sub jects abroad to return within three weeks and join the landwehr. A special from Ragoaa contains the following details : The insurgents at tacked Klek, but were held by two bodies of troops, and their ammnni tion failing, they were obliged to re treat, tearing three dead. A speoial from Yienna says that the leaders of the insurrection are con vinced that Servia and Montenegro will join in the war against Turkey by spring. t - AJfbuo's Speeek. Madrid, Dec. 3. Alfono on open ing the Madrid University, said: "I reooguixe the faot that education and enlightenment oan alone regenerate and restore peaoe to Spain. It is painful to see tbe oivil war still oontinues, notwithstanding my efforts to prevent it.".. ...... . .. GERIAMT. ' 1 Good Bint. . , Bxslin, Oct 2. A semi-official or gan at Belgrade advisee the insurgents that if tbe Consuls insist upon further interviews, to receive i them ' in the emp, and then give them twenty-live . 4asbee each. Tfaey will then be able to enter into the spirit of tbe. Oriental qnestion, while writhing under the lash, and will experience the sensation of the Christian Byah under the Turk inn yoke. , NIGHT DISPATCHES. i Wkole Town Wasked Away. ' Sr. Locifl, Oct. 2. The QlQb&Demo era? I oorrespondeut at Los Ounces, New Mexico, reports that 60 houses were swept away by a water spout, tbe water, covering tbe streets to the 'depth of four or live feet. No lives lost., .... . : ' ' A second water spout awept away the remainder of the town, oausing a loss of S150.000. - The Cheyenne Commissioners, who went to treat for the Black Hills, have reached, TJiookraorion,-. .homeward ' bound, having failed to obtain the Hills. r- - . caiiforxia. ' ' ; ' " The Baik of California Opened. ' - 8a Fbamoisoo, Oct. 2. A great crowd gathered at the Bank of Cali fornia this morning. The Batik doors fwuag open - amid cheer from the crowd, a eslute being, fired from the Wbaif. Gold is flowing both ways. It h believed tbe deposits will equal, if not exceed phyments. KIW YORK. Death of American Girl-Reduced Rail road Ratei. NrwBiBO, Opt. 2. Tbe trustees of ' Washington's headquarters in this city, this morning sdopted resolution "ordering that the property be closed nntil the Bute of New York shall be able to provide funds to keep it in proper repair. . . Emcdu, Oot. 2. Tbe famous trot .. ting horse American Girl fell dead this afternoon, in the first heat in the ires' to all raee, on the Elmira Driving Park, - (She appeared at tho Itart to be in the very best condition. Tbe borsrs were sooted a namber of times before they got tho word. The Girl at the first turn was nioely ahead, at His & i l a poini Oct anver aotiosa unm eeenwa to be giving out, and let her head loose. Hhe kopt staggering fot aa eiffbtn cl a mile, and al the quartet pole fell and died instantly without a Unggle. be fell very easily, wiU bar aonidei acaiast toe fenoa. The inoident excited a great deal of oympatby, as the mere was a great favorite here, and had been the chief attraction for the races to-day. ' TbS baud played a funeral dirge as soon as her deatb was made Known. 8be was owned by Win, Lovell, of New I( rx, and was valued at gUQjm Which sum bad been offered lor her last week. She was thirteen year old. The Elmira Driviog rark Association pro pose, that should the body be left here to erect a $1,000 monument to her memcrr Ben Mace offered $20,000 for her this morning. ,4 Itiw York. Oct. X At tbe general meeting of ticket agents, ksld si Sara toga, it was decided to reduce the rate between New York and New Orleans to 42.60. with general red notion of $1.60 to Atlanta and points south of tnai place, ibis rednetion win go into effect on tbe 1st November. BANK STATBMIHT. Loans Decrease '. . $2760,000 Specie Decrease............ 75,000 Legal Tenders (Decrease).. 73,000 Deposits Decrease 6,000,000 Besrr to Decrease ......... , 850,000 FESN8TLTAXIA. Centennial Batldlngi. " Philadbwru. Ooi 1 The State of Ohio has oommenoed the erection ef its building on the Centennial gronnda. Similar buildinirs will be erected by Haasscbueetts, rjonneeucut, Delaware, New York. New Jersey. Philadelphia. Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Kansas and Missouri WASHINGTON. Treasury Reports -IxploraUon- Wasoirotoh. Oct. 1 -Durina- the week ending to-dsy, the Treaeurv of tbe United States has received $749.. 000 in .fractional earraooy from the printing itarean. Tbe amount shipped during the same period was $3,021.14X45. Tbe amount of securities held by tbe Treasurer, in trust for National Banks, is 8371.489.262, to secure cir culation, and $18,782,200 to secure de posits of public moneys. TDe amount oi national jsann cur rency outatanding to-day is $346,894,. 193, of which 82,839,500 in in gold Dana notes. E. Y. Clarke, editor of AtlanU'Cbn- ttitution, left to-day, homeward from New York, where he has purchased boats snd equipments for a two months' exploration trip to the Great Okefano kee swamp. Tbe party will atari shortly under Mr. Clarke a leadership. His paper bears all expenses. FOBBION. ; CANADA. Religions Wrangle. " 1 ' Touonto, Oct. I A public meeting was held last night in regard to the religious meeting of Sunday night, and was very largely attended by a number of prominent Orangemen. Mayor Medeal) occupied the cbir. In the course qf a speech delivered by him, be said it was bis duty to see tbe aw earned out against friends and foes, without distinction. If Soman Catholio processions were distasteful to tbe Protestants of Toronto, they should seek the assistance of law. ' At resent, be assured them, the Cetho cs had a perfect right to walk tn pro- oessian. Members of the Canadian Institute have determ ned to hold Guibord's funeral on Friday. ENGLAND Resignation - Ilectlon - Complaints. IjOhdow. Oot. 2. It is said Lord Narjier has resiirned his Dosition as Commander1 of the British forces in India. .1 4.i i 1 '! T. Tbornhill, J., Conservauve, lies been eleoted a Member of railtament, from Weet Suffolk, to fill a vacancy. British subjects residing at Una te nuis will bring under the notioe of the Foreign Office the maltreatment they have, received at the hands of Guate mala officials. NIW ADTRRTI8IIINTS. Bagging, Ties, salt, Ac. re Hon ttof. Il Bufslpt. Tlea rlaraadaaa t u Holl. m it Wbala. ' too Bartali Floor. i. A,CM Bark Salt. , . .' t C'Splflt'iki.' ' 50 Tons Hoop Iroa. 10 Barrel O'aa. M0 K.fi Mall. ar i Mkact Hivtt. M Hofihtada B. M. MalaaaM. IM Marrala S. H, Molawa. (n Bogrtiaada S- M. ktolana ' " " i tlaroa Rio. . ; ' ' 100 Rote UkaMt .. , . i JM B ObffM. .80 Barral 8afr. 100 Cam Lra and retata. aOt Kaga Pavdar, tlaala and sporting. Tat Cmfrt- Bkat, 'BaaflT, Otndy, OsadlM ttih,Orri Plctla. Tomato, f eaha, Tebteoe, ap, Ld, Biare, Ae, . ' Tor sal by ' EBB0BBCB OALDXK BEOS. rtp 30 ' H I W i W 10 li2 1 '" , " Whanopa ear, ' " UERCHANT TAILORINQ blAttTMICrfT : .' with -. 1 ClOTHIt, -r CiSSIMC ' ' '!-- UD YEST1X8S er. latest ttytss:.. ' " .V-,- MUNSON CO- CITY CLOTHIEIUi, , "set" . rs r o. t ui at a.trM srk. , and Half nUi IS TwifMNt Tlaa, n Vat sal lew kjr .-4 wiLiiisa a) sirjnoniaoi Susar, CofTaa rteuv.Oheeeu , . - - . -. - . IM Har' W.ta lat, St lull ff Ma OuJM. : tv krr. n-aU ' IS Boa aUSiaati aata law v . ' vf xti a mcoho. Svrus). Hoop Iron, Clue). Nalln- ' IS amu'. B. Byraa. SS Baa4Ua Baay baa. . aa KartalaWtae, . MS a .fi fcaUa, raaaalstawky , . i Williams A) no omuo, . . . i ( s Metassea. May. thaa Spirit Calu II Hkaa4alillavaevOaeaMa eataalaaK.B. A ft. Be . MS 9mt t.aS. ... U aaMS-Uaad Spirit CaaU, . Vwr sale law v.' williasis Atavaoaia). eat . ' .' . OUJa "FAVORITE FLOUR" ti kk kaat aal It alvavs tlkt. It has ta IlflA IAEILY IL0UA..., mM la U any, aaS kaa y 1st SM lata sill. Tk treat ti cert sea Skt - - V l aalf ky at at tat Mara, I aoA rk OlAeMTMa A GO. St( IflV I i tit FOUNTAIN RUtV LSCT.- - ' ', late sAe taat fki af aay I 4 I i FURS RTK WHISKEYS aa4 kaTataaklth aay wwSay toll I at aiafllaal tef tetkisaity.j THE! ARE ESSEHfULLT PUKE. Try tkeai althet 1st faaillr at kwdlalaal aaa. eat i eBAa.D.avrBAca HOW IS THE TIME TO BUY GOHOOL BOOItO. ! Ahrft aedaaaipUla aianataf OHOOL BOOKt All H aa aewaWy arSata aiU ataat freajaS atttatlaa. l . j : UtB I00IAV0SC810CT0ZS." at I X YOTT E S' l ETC C 0 C :i QTC2. toaaaetTatafaaaw atata' aaf a tt8 mm yaa aaa w ar STATIC C1iaaattkaiaj. , AO. TBI LATBIT BOTHA A II tka LataM Sijla la atetiary. All tt LU lelaaUa Warts, al. CW. TATCr, sett , Kaw Book Star, ft. Bt Market at,, A. DAVID QlrMMor iathta( for tk BMnsy tsea t iff I !tt -1 ti ?! . , .-t til AHT OTHER HODSE IS TEE OaJI sad e tk lata! 'rJElIIVG- OUT, jp Lorn! MAica coit V 1t : .AT ,: pUBLISn,E98, ,.PBICES,(li Jnet raalad a larff aad wll l HI taek af aakoolkaol PfaaTaacSiataad Oaa dlake at panlealarlp attd ta aatl aad a aaaiae eecat'a bmcjm eateeaaoa laiiina 1 an. aNn. ' - ' 1 -1 ! If Bank Treat Bmt. eatlH m it'iixiVivia 11 Ve Tka aadrrtad aka la rrra tk Ladle that aka kajat relaraad rB Vr Terk, bare aka ka kMa- for aarere) waek . MAKING. HEU rALt pURCHASEt ,; . - Vine frenck millinery, Ad will k prepared la a l.w dayS r ttmm fcar rrlnM and tk pabl I pnara Ik Meat Mrta la Treaak Patter Boo Bete and ; Beta, aad tverytklef traialt la tk kaatewe, I ke aba a vary j ' ' ' ' ' ajMMieetlnier : , ! F Alf O ."ST. GO O D S , Ladlar' Ooraett, Beorttlrft -'.' ; .'. ' ftapadoar, Lre ' ' -:' . . ..' ... Trtiifee, . . 'l''lirtlS5Ui 0 . , .1 - 'i Baiwaas- And tk lrt ad kaaMtt teek of leakyv Wonted aad Shetland Wool k ke kd tkl ad f Baltliaora. Or dart from tk , COUNTRY BOLIOITBD. All ardare wilt k aMada ta wltk ptoapt naat aad eara. . Mraw K, iTlanAAxan, ! Oaatf i M MfABKBT BT. rn FiAci tt riN vsyioxi ICxohfvncOr, ..dornor - ALolaf ; ; XISI2S' JACUTS - , AS BAB.rt.BS JrVBT BtatVBIfBB). , riaMakitlaayBtea 1 EMDHOfbltlltttO. I , , 'i I " ' I ul I ft pcwciacowa ..i 'j tVftl gti.r ' ; atI"C"LLiNSrS. UI).IX3TQH CLASSICAL re it. 1. Ilathcriatical Cchcol 'm-B-nnfiw rrvti tkix aaasioa will aaom to. v. 1. aa ik4if Oatokar, (SI, el loaaa T r. MoOta, earaer ol tamrlh aa4 fri tatai saa aaiUh"o IS WMks. snkte la Va.kliluVrJMikaL,v..i...SJ AJraaaa4 wlti 1 ; M Alavkra,.,. N tAila.ikieak, ftaaak aa Canaaa a aaaffaeatja.aaaa...... ...... SSS Twear aaraftka akeve aaai laa- Ca, I... ISM laaldaalal ipaaat faa I( PaatN wt'l k aka'aad fraai dale aftakraaaa w aa ana at iaa wanoa naaorw af Bakalertklp aaS Daarwaa WUI ka faralaked aaraata aaS eaardlaM aaartarlv. Mar aiaa aa4 Stareaaa ataataaia, Ureafkaal all aaT Wlakw. Far fartkat larvaattoa M- draai ttHat tf kk an,la, kf WHataeto Portland CdfflSnt: u . IKRatM, IhmI aa4 Partaa, fpf walk rafaeaiiaaa,laklaa) aallart, krwt, n, Jt RaaM tU aM aotUA-a af ikaliraaaaiM-aeawaMt i , .... a.L.aaaoAWTaSorj. WeaalkSk.NavTark, EIOE;6lOKlJeS Gait, Cyrnp; Chct, Ties t! a and nulleUJ '! tOOfBACXa LTYEBPOOL SALT, lsdBBLs. b. klitoriAssza wf . 1 LAcs ifdLLABaxaN' 300 BAGS SHOT. i . ; i U TONS APROW TIES (Isw.: 00.000 OUN OATS, WATEB PROOF DBMBauaA MOLA8SM, QUIA ttOLAJ- aaa, a aw unuuas holabiu . EEfFOBD, OBOW CO. TO S I I ,. I ,kd)fiaaawlllkaia44aaak araH " I'm l i. r.'Pke 4aat aay Ikalt atf taaa aal a kafai tka CchcOl Hotlco. rOPHB LAMM Will taaatvea latjfced d , BMttoa aitk all Ik Umitntrf t int laatUata af L.erala, (ataladlaf Maatra UoHfM, MarM, 4M..M nmmn) ratM. A tall oraef aratHtaa kka M taaa and. I r Paraa wtM Aad a la ktelt adTaalaaa ta B'vaa w f. , Qf KfAJ-rK7tSXJCAM I3STIYVTI fv. f.J it- '- Optatta 0BdArOCVOase. . mtt Third aal Brk BtrU, Oamri it tfcB.a.UBUB(JUaT, eW.rrtauataetl n' BIajartsreeliaf riteda. TM reoef)ltrx.r..ioa fi ( wiiek Bs wM " f la bmI fat.ua h Iaa4 af to lJuiv.aUU. krBrt n)f 4 ,ad wld rra4 raiaaad dieaaar, kat ka. -al atlgkl Mn Ma .ipMUO, ew rollovwkf aa aa lretdBd MtrB of ft r and ...a. Mlllaa reaiueate. aad otkat dlea M a taalarlal tfpa. Tka 'iray,ellafaptk Maraud riintuM ana Hauwaa paoia lart 91 iaa rat r lnwatar,kTiald far MMklnf lae , wklak I prafiuetwiifclMai..,Tfca aMai reliable arefr4 (rlnat It U (baadiokB for chick, tior partteaUrly ta the Waa nd ener-t cobtmb Diar& taa atreesni hum laatkwaal. Wkrtk Sood aa? keea ainel earere, eaeeede any -arhlek kaa ailttedr la tk pad, pepalat a In treat aatlaal rMapdy and in-atlTaf Mlarlakaaalway.'1 flam kat It keen pit to eeek a rlal tkat,et III atakat aear eaaatdatoaelr aladleataS.i I eaaapttttoaelp vtadleataf . j 1 .;' 1 1 . 1 ! r 4- I HA VE IU-UOVRD TO MI OLD in i s ' V Exchange Corner, r eAe PRICK Exoutor. ' l'''Biga' tioiden Booi, t , 7 v -Of.'., J't4V V W. P. PBIOE, llanager. IAB3Ut4(AISESt ARD IIUNKt ,mi;ABAa.,i:' r OULLABS, paatet, Tree raataa, aaa aaaqa, ,411 juad srsasdtorg ge4a; . j CHEAP FpH OASlIe , Si. , -, I A oi"" U' J.'iJ'i Carpantar 4. Mallard ; r . ,1. ). f Bo. latjTB Tarn BvaaWiv ' .,.,. . .. -,?al.fla.B.O r rai i i i- r t JOHN DAWSON'S i XX Al4t WARQ STOpiS , v 1 t . - tithe plaoet bay axel, pok koM, aaattla. .( ataaare fotke. taaaa, aouow ware triad eeaaee, kaa, aaUav (hat, eana, A a., al lb l9elaae(i trioai taataaa ke roe ad la tk any. . igi. it, f tna liawiw rum. T.jltM -f.,iirYt'TV!iIu ''I ' "jWdk awVABUs y W VdHi I , Tk Bale af ay rtsek af dry feed trill aeav aeaoat'lofc.a Moaday anrelaf, 0 aer tn. ri fbe If lee rlnrUd.te atuoA IM r pi'ee r toa -fferd .hell ke I wkat H an, aa4 la aatatiUe le tale, (r al. brlaa taltpvtfe.,. . .. , . M aetttf tt Market BtreaC .CUTTCni.CUTTERil OlTOIOIr TELLC hikL r.i-. r. mi. k. v i ' " ,.,,.( J,., . eeflU .tt PbBOB8BT00. Tt WrrfW' lWtry Brae ka frlat aad ike pa b lie ewaerelly tka ka iaaa aeea 1 waaw -.u . iw, m wn, NMlM freek KIW RIVE OYSTBH a RIVE OYSTAM aarha fkt.t ti laUKANTaAD. arf daa. uaemrlne ker. AL LDiaxAaJ auavAMTai etllte,1; .' OWMO.'BXIA inscnLLANEOua.4 cueap stove iio use. J. 0; pno? & CO. . Bl Wi riatkjtwaa BalMaMaa- . PAIU1 KUTCtS. t c::u:s tTSYis. it ' : iiuuisATczs: rus-iscs. uxm iZi CXATIL ttBtAAt Ccttcn Ties &4 l,opo Btatto'Ai&ow 4E3. . 4.000 IIACatS SALT V For aaleby ; BlNF0RI OBOTf OCX 'an 14 V , .,.,!'" ' DUTOrJCVCCK UVfatrHTUlCXIUMUSIXIXe .,! , -,. i ft Tk kkert a tMwMISM la'WBUk Is wtakt pur auiisus. U apamat ., ' saartSa my taada, tad rt " V- taat ajeap eaaaar at ' j.ii i v-1 I .it itt ,t it ,L , k 0 MOKDAt , bOrOMB 4TB U7B, I wftl ktaw'M'MWrlirataakt.. wltkaamMTT ad wHksat BV BiDDjaa. Tk tiafatar tad tlkrar atMaa ak tekaa wall rati Ire anaaieal a dawlpuaai wliihMi will mm mm wwwwmm I aal p rakeaaa waaa .d MACOTIO, raalaeaaiklraiVVvaprtoa, I' ' " 'Tt!BNy' " I .lt A . . i. -.t aa aara a pnaaa SSf at Sw. . i U a Bw.- aaAtawatIwt I Haa deellalae koaeakeatniil, al aa ata j raua rrnKlatftet, a aeapiaapt, JMfc, I Btpiitcrkestw zn;- "IT i iCtrt af WUmlntioa.'fi, e 1 1 tsts.l rlna Mtt iriwatwwk .-)- mm hi I aa dlraateil la anMfy all rU- arat af Septeaker Ifnm, ki' iwaaaUp wtH aa aara aaia aas W a t taataueait . , 1 (T R.rvMi ' ' " Trewkral ad (Xnitat DUOKW-AT, i. ATMBA! .Ml .1 JU ve. m.i i ti DPIiB.i kUtv 141. I . 1 " , DrTOH IBBBBIBQ, MAUtBBBL. test strivetma4 far sals at !. tr. I, f-'. B. a. Oh, r I O.B. W. BCBOB,' i, r r -- aaa eteeaa awaat OTEDL- PEHO. are far alia tj all Aaalen hi BfcMkary. ri t rrT ft taartaaaa taat wka aay wak tt tor them, Baapla Oarde, eoaUlnlaa aa eaek ef I aaa ka. am k taat h atail aa, raaal at af 8aata- -. :,,:;,aiiiovAL avaa Or.Tatuf;weA.ftMmBu) iftet asA ratliaaaiA.taABaHdlt tvar ltt; Beat UBgB)l t -J 'M ' M ) S( SttV' PftiBaW tWprV a aatepM it O. Ot 1 rareler Ca.. eakraxlat wharf, IBmi and B aval ltr ai yard, iatd a Boath WaUr Street. Par aaa a Iw yaara.; XWM " W.A.jrtMkV, tic:ii:itiumTit::iRi .;. .-. ' Tf'f i-rt. nir ,sA'.tl i;rf v VlLBlMOTOB, B. a ; f : IAB BIB ITT AT TBBtBBALBB BUUBl V ' of tka atr, em ae eaiar p Bleak Boak Hk iakaaearMf i vary-1 lmtaa-ltrd-aiatlT SaSatl. t -t ' i latkaaltT. raiae, paaa aaapiaaeaiitWVT . Aay li B!l ft lIV insurance) i-jrenw .-... ntatwrt f ie,t ot ,toa iriia' Aa JRiaa iiumraae OoaBpaay,af Barfftrld.' '.Laadaa.Aataraaat Uaataaay-ef Jaadaa',' CuniareUt piriaa Aaaraaaaapaaj, , wterk Jtati siltstir Aa&tSa j t;lyst-rf 1 4i "' "(vT-i i' 1 1. 'II flf tUf y feM riaM.,''AtMs Bin. JwiA,grikaeiSte aaarlr aew 4 wtU ka awe yary 'tewt vsVeeirk kaeiai at aa let ttaaj .My1 taa' a tk tocrer ef raaiUka Walattatraakv .. .. , ,. alaadtf .TAB LABB . l"KEWwSCE00i; mflLEmwN. I' WILL kp abr M 'Ike klakoa baaaV ruaa a tlrtk Buaal katveeaTlae aad I - ' da, vaeaa, Vakkraatary tk fedvapn . , .. . rnMfr e ........ .. Ita.ad i. ... . jl . . .1. .. ' . Kieeneei .....,,... 1 kaa had Ua rtart taper lea ta nU Bail aad Satk GaroUaa Iw "tear Bra Tth yaaaa Ida kow M ehooi." Kafer ky airaaaai Id ttB.'Paiaj Mf. II : tot I SI (; A.f.aolBTT'BB i:t Bee kMa Iheroerf't reeoraud a4 reflhad. loae t U , t a rfy n4 alt t,bere Mt. aaataf traa, ItfW e e' vlH ke ke-a. - OaaX elereyr re jr.' O.naya. tatat ariBaawaw aitr, ", , , a n lilrrrr .i.- wJ eeiBiw. t SBeatarteait HfSSt)1' USte IT TreMarw aal OeUeaM nW ADVISTISI2IZM3. 45. WATER 1 1 . '' , From the lata Are In the wholesale department of J OXUDA.1N MAllfivIi &c CO,, ,'.!,..'... .(! N . . : ' ' ' " 'v Boston r t , r ," J '.. t ; " ' v A" LTO rH!l YaTiBl Lot oI GBiiBralDiT Gools. . Ilamanbar the will be Bold at anoh :v t; 1 LBL1 Ws vould also oall tlie attention of oar pstronB to crar stock of FALL 7 AND WINTER DRY GOODS. Hajsleto 7ith all the BE0WH A RODDICK, 45 Ilarkot Street ! At :nETAIL I B. WEILL ! B. WEILL I B. WEILL I i 0 0 04 AT P R I C E 8 .! . M- . " .,.....,( ' '. ' ALL w ask la ad examination of tit publlo will be oonvlnoed of what 1,000 vArds Black Alpacas at Mounts worth 82 cents. 1,000 yards lilack Alpacas at M cento worth 70 oents. 1,000 yards lilack Alpacas At 07J cento worth 8()et'iito. 000 nalra Ijullia1 Iliauiat JW ounta worthlffll Annr. I -.''! " irv S..ii t .n.f ir vw AJtiuic lit. tn ivuifl wiirtu IHueuUI.' t -j; : MO pairs Childrens' Htrlpod Iloae at 81 cento worth 87) cento. . 600 pairs Chll Jrens Htrlued Hoee at 7, oeutti worth 45 ce hto! ' 600 pain t'blldruns' Btrlpod lloae at 62 cento worth 1& cent. ; " !., ..We hnve on hand many otlior goods ; bqtjalijY as low, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, AU of which t AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION, .'' ' ' ; .-') VIBT ItESPIFULLY,u ; " : B, WEILL, oot I FALL ilND IVIIITEfi , GOODS i.-i ' kj si, M'l.! NOW OPEMMtJ 1 J t! ItSb " v 36':MARKET STREET, ,l PAJiL AND WINTER GOODS ; .'CHEaPEBI ill ; HrX.;v.Ea. aeflS . s . ,.,, i. 1 1 iii .URrjITUII&I TTTB OtTBB FOB TBI PALLTKADK ,. , f new rauerns m 4! il- ." I 1 1 1 i Of - ; . .. III. lnt-lor- Chamtxir nxd At BlTBBBIBtT GAIIPISTS I A5D OIL CLOTU AND HATTING latkkjllaatat Stnafe MibraMa an f UaMwad laadlnt Pattern t Bruual. Three-olr Sahara, Oattoa sad Meat Oarpau. All trvle oil lata aad Matting, ale Mat " ' " ' aad Kag. of BeaotUul Deelgna, ... Eadfliil' tf).. '&o't HaIr. illoei BbuoV. Eicelsior and Straw BTTBBaaa; V BATH t KS, f B ATM BB BEDS rKATRfa f lia.OWS ABO BOMTK88, I nr I- U ,"i"fa"'rria.eiiiiw THBatiairHlAli BokBkaaaiataatidrrimUaed.reBf.r..4 la tka , ,, flaaeelrBaeiJanUeBilBtarliet v i i M -.h m v, ;. -.:, JJa ' BtaiakM"' oi' 'i" '! 40. prioes aa will Insare their immedinle Hoyelties of the Season. . ! ...1 AT RETAIL I TO SUIT THE TIMES, .:'" . 1 -. (...', .. tl .i( -,-4 . bur stock. Wo funl Bi.flafl..il rl..,t H...t we say, We glo Im Iow u few jirh cM: .1. ... we will sell , . . ) 32 Horth Front Street. AT THAU VB I SCATS, 'i ..(. ... ' . - 'i'FURrJITURe ! OCEUBrAL LABOB AND 1NCKXA8EO STUCK ana iiesigns h ' - " t 4!.. i- '! i-?1! , Dlntnc Xloom ITuxstlture- If tBIOBB J : i i i j. -..i - Ia4 Stylo and at Low Prl Blwt keure ia-oneio lit uLillUaXtUjt ,- A.1 Frnnl K..rtl ; AND DAILY RECEIVING

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