lift I t tit I U i ?0L. XXIV. -.HO:. 237. WILMINGTON; N. C. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1875. WHOLE HO- 7.001 i if) t t . " ; j 0 ar Uiiln journal. BY TELeCRAPH. , jonisrsoisr. Honors to the Memory of r x-PrcsI. 30,000 Persons In Llpewjs j j , Vks&jtfdxbtf NOTES. Ifafal Order -Post-office Awarfl-Tue Freediijaa-a &njn Bank -20 Is start Wio fcrtt nt. roof Paid. ' .yii 1.11 t.iaHtr -I - : NJW3 IN GENU HAL BanlLlJliJltteilintcd Assas sination - OlttMiT nens!on-' Clyjyfar to Spain; id rjtiVrf COLD 17 1-8. ! JB WLlQltiPtt TO THErOthtNAt. 4 9UpAY'3 ; DISPATCHES. ili Torchlight Demonstration. . P!l.AeLFHtA., Oct. 3rd. There wan an iiupunii g uiuhh meeting and torcb ligbtjMij)iip)l) jbp lttooarts list all I l4W4 4i ' ' I M EW 10BK. Pubtlc Bulldlnz Bururd. JfBXAa,tMt.'58t(i:-rL6 btiiUitip; knowu an the ,; baby honstv" about ... .one nundrert yards from the poor one nunurea yarns irom me poor boiiRd tVuting.i Sustaining 41 bnuiYs kau; 4 'ini"jii nurftosj taut 61 female BOURl . MARYLAND. Probable Harder. Baltimore, Oot. 3rd. J. Frank MorrtHou, formerly Light manager tl the Western Union TvXegrupU office, was out five times by a man named Tom. - Band.'- Morrison received b wound in his kit side which may prove fatal. , 'fAuioKm: " ' i. panjc of California. , , Sf Frisco. Oct. 3rd.-The Bank of California closed at one o'clock an hour lutar than usnul on Saturday. The di DOjita .exooaded the payments by a fmuti ql a milliuti. w Congrntu lationa by all,, , It believed that the bat, iw.' bore land - thau ever. ' tEXSESSEE. , I 'K' ' 'l ' ttpnoM to Ex-President Johnson. Nashtiiai Oct. :8rd. '-The memor ial jaguin..ihoie of ex Preider.t Johnson, was a full and complete suc cess without any disturbance or aoo -dent. Te, procession, oommeuced moviDftitii tJk. atid wis the largt tf. turnout of the pouulaoa ever wituesd in? this oity; niade np of military, citi zens, merdhants add civic societies und was two hoars passing the capito'. The stretjt dewgastwd as the line of march were crowded with people at an earlv hour, and at 2 p.m. there were at least 0,000 people ou the streets. All the publishing and a large uofiiber of business houses and private residences weradfffflQd.tqmimrcingi. 'Tha Presi dent-sajute f rtwenty-onw gnns was fir! at sunrise frbm tupiUjf Hill. ' All the bellfju thpitj ,and Edgefield toTffea'from 7 to 8 a.m. During the movement ofb tho, prqtxJHsiou minute guH trlrtlfciilna Uae every tifWen minutes throughout the day, closing with a national salute of thirty-Seveu guns,k.iqsbfcJE-Sailto Fowler daMvra tlie memorial address at the Capital "this t.u. The address was very" elaborate, requiring two, homs for its delivery and was a reyie of the ex-Presidents political history from bis childhood tyhffif fj-f J z . .Kwoarowj Oot, 8rd Her Majesties tewnm WWl,'lurt her boiler pipes kifWig Hie second engineer and two stokers. The chief engineer and anoth egybcp3reSibt epfct to livo. - 1 MOinM"ff OIBPATCHES NOON DISPATCHES. wn Aitewpted Assassination. Baltimom,', tOqta iJL'J League, captiif a tug bust approached the sa(ifitdj--W--Ptwk-ctinrch;" while prayers were grpgresising and-attempted to slKit,attiertJttttiey; be oause League llegoOaitley placed League's daughter to -ad ludiaua cod ot.'ague, is. held for grand jury. CorENHAOEN, Oc'tl". The. Swedish Btemner," L. J, Biigor, r u n ning bet ween Lubeok aid Opynnhaa'n ttirpld in the Balti 'f wwnfy-roilf pass 6Lg.- rs and eleven of the crew perished. The Btewrpf wbb kman 0X built, in 1808 ft GallnthiMn QtlililliniJl i.ifJ-'l 1. & ill a?flf,.w 'wtv decrees that the agricultural popula tions which peacefully follow their avo catlotrsj'be ctcmptlroni the fourth, t.f recently imposedrithea, and be reliev ed from the arears of taxes up to tbe financial years of 18731. The latter exemption will not apply to well t.i do c'nnnes Comrauuitjen are to bo repres ented in an Adiuiuit-tru'.ivn Cumin! y peihouH oliosen a- en joying their eonti di'iiCrt. HtiUionable iiemtuds of sneh r prpsentativea to reonivd stteiit'uii. Thu gradual realizttioa of these and othtr reforms are Wided njxn. v SPAIX. Boiubardmcnt -Elerllon Laus. Sa Seiiastun, Oct 4 The (.Vlis'a threw one hundred and fifty t-lu lis in to the city Haturday. The frt iieh res idents are (mbarkiug on a french nmi of war. The garrison' expect-t n iu fircemBt. XIadhid. t)ct. 4 A ib-creo publish eJ. re-eunetiiig the e ectiou law, fur lhdlgires a ibputy to every 50,000 poople- by uuivers.d nitTrHgt-. J lie govt rument i d'-trtuim-d to soudSeu or ltiibi, f inner mniieti'i-1 tiio colo nies, to Cu. a, With unlimited poer to regulate the finances. EXtiLAXD. Brigands China -Turkey. Losihis, Oct. 4, Br g.itid-Klopp d sud loblnd tin' ii.ilnmil train ltrrn SiragrtHsa and II aeon 4m iii. tlie MHcngris robbi-d, re sov uti't n AmHiicitti officers and s.n'lors supiosi-d to belong to the steamer Pmtikliu. A telegram from Slianghiit says: Mr. Wade is still at Pekin. It it re port ed that Mr. Qrasvenot, st ootid s cretary to 1 he L"gtion, will go to England with dispatches details are nukuowu, but it is not believed' a liu.. 1 settlement bus been reaelied. Aipciul dipatch from litignxa re ports the Tuikt liavo bcoii reinfoiced st Trebiuje and Klook, ami the inhiir gt lit are retiring low .nlu G.iMolikos. l'be ca)S Si earner reports a .0 curat dinuioiid was found nt the South- Afri cau diamond field!). NICHT DISPATCHES. XEW 10 UK. Farce-Convehllon. KewYobk, Oct. 4.- A Hrgs c-oa-d tsseiubli'd in Tamma-jv Hall to wttin &s what was advertised as a fpiritu ilihtie seance, tha operators decamped with the proceo ls. Tho rough portion of the audience broke the cabinet and other stags furniture. Tbe body of B'ujamia who was drowued with Dr. I'ortous is recovered Tho ttiird annual convounou of tlre engineers of the flretlepartment of tho United States ouvouihI, II Ulny Sex ton, of St. Louis presided. Commis sioner Perrv of New York, advocated i he firo conbnstiblo bureau and bureau for tho pnniriimeut of iueendaries. A, C. Hendricks was elected president. Among tho vice-presidents elected was ThoG. O'Connor, New Orleans. VIRGINIA. Lottery Fraud. Alexandria, Oct. 4. Tho Gazeltu says the committee of ticket holders appoint) d to exumiuo the tickets re maining in tho wheel after tho drawing of the Moctpelier Humane Association last Friday evening, met ttiis morning in the room of the Association, in which the wheel, after it was closed and sealed, was deposited for Kufo keeping tlien the drawing was over, Afl soon as tho wheoi was seen it was apparent that at least a bushel of brass tubes containing tickets had been put inside it, and left standing, for they were at least teu inches higher thau a maik that had been put upon tho wheel previous by one f the ticket holders, though the seal was unbroken and bad the same - tamp that had been pnt upon it pnblioly, they were thoxe of the butt end of a knife and a current gold coin, which could easily have been put upon new wax. Iu an inves tigation Whiob ensued, it was discover ed that the arrangement of thedrawiDg had been intrusted solely to parties from New Yoak, and that all the money arising from the sale of tickets, except some six or efgut thousand dollars had been left in New York, and was not subject to the draft of the officers of tbe Association. Tlie parties present, then appointed aoominiit e to prooecd at once to New York and endeavor to recover snob -of the money as could be gotteu hold of, after which they ad journed to meet again to-night. The excitement on the street in conse quence of the discovery, was by no nleuns limited, and the subject was the topic of general conversation. It Is believed that not a single dollar was drawn by any bona fide ticket holder, but that the whole of it has been ewamped by New York sharpers, who are accused of tbe wholrf fraud.' WASH1X0T0X. ) . : Cnpltol Notes. Washington, Oct. 4 Tha Navy De partment has orders that on the 27th all Hugs in the harbor at Uouotulii be at half mast, and that funeral guns be fired in honor of ex-President JohnGon. lion. It. II. Duoll has asHiimed his duties as CommHsionor of Psteuts. The Post-Ollloe Uepartmont has awarded the contract from Caddo to Fort Bill, to G. W. Cook., This is oue Of the defaulting routes. ' ; Some newspapers have erroneously stated that the Freedmau's Saving aull Trust Company will commouee paying a divideud of 30 per oent, ou the 1-t of November next. The Ooinpiny will pay only 20 per ceut. The whole number of open deposit accounts is 61,144. The present liabilities are 2, 925,749 dollars, The amount of the first divideud to je paid a'love stated, is $591,141). There are about 5,000 ac counts of less thau 1 dollar, and nt least 15,000 scooifits less than 5 dol lars each. As the CoramiSHiouer will bo much pressed t get ready for pay dent by tho 14 ot November, no claims should be presented or forward ed before tbattirtV , ;(..... calu'okma. . !' The Bank of Cnllfornla. Sax Francisco, Oot. L The Neva da bank opened. Large crowd but no .lemon'itration. The Bonk of Califor nia is doiug business as usual. No extraordinary call on its rosourcoB.- - JIASS.U HI SETTS. Death Sentence -Dama-jrs. Botov, Oct. 4 The Jet! r m Br den uutiuters, Geo-. Miller, and Win. Smith are sentenced to be h'ii;g Janu ary Hth. They rrenved their s.-ot-eriee without emotion, ' . Martha Ilntvhinsoii recover d S1'2 5W from the B aton Gis Light Com pany, for "versonal injmy received when her house ws blown np with g during tho reat tire of IH72- Fall Uivhii, (Vt 4 An excess of help has applied for . work at nil the pnnlls tin morn iiff. pocket umi " P2CKET KNIVES I lttl rctWtJ on. of ih ni(iit !i.l t." ; t d. iuck of W istif tiii m 4n i ..i i.,r jj 'Ol I ra'iil. ot i i-h fii n t Kntrrx r. r b oulit tlit muka . Thb . in vre IwiiMt t'tt.exi'trm y lor a lv ,uil thsirlori can h n.ilj m v.wy lo ti ; -h 1 ,a 1 , uui ic tii-furo (uietiH.liig e e h. r. o utLt.4 . wirt.-Htv.,.N. ' School Books. Ai iii.. oiu "roi'i'nvH nnuu sroiti." vi- 1 EDWARD" HASH'S," (formerly iMre'i Hwk Ktors,) My bo tojta i commit ten).r-Biiitof SCHOOL EOCKS MO STATiflBEBY. Parent., "I'mchet. it nil ni4 fa iy liivludUi c.j.1 i Him c .iiiii iiour iikK and prices. BOTTOM, PIIID ES Or Ulniik lino , lloolt. I'Biier. KiijcIol.. an.l latiomTy. Ueic mu.'a and i-twr. I- Ut.10,1 In p.i.y li jl cv' . K. M.X.' Huoli Keller an.t smi'.iiut, OC.13'. Kroi. ttrou, i.eir ilia Hot -tie. JOHM O. 3 ELL AMY, Jr., AUoniey nt haw, CBl:e(m Maj kt fittcat. if at Kottlieint Corner of Kuttii, Vl!i.MlNliON,N.C Will riH-lii-.e in nil ilm Onrtjii- tlio Sta . t-roiuii. aliei.tiuu flrcotu t Xro.Kicooit of Coal! Coal! 300 TONS CRATE COAL, BEST QUALITY MQ ASH. Horn iHi.duji. E.ilj Lucrj tiil g,:t adi-au tuK of Ihu lono.-t .rioi, oct at '. u. PARufc V Co: Copartnership Notice 1 ' i WE he Oil day, October M, I8M. a.oct a'ed ouibk,vhi tiie tian.n tiuH of a gtmoral loiuimiikiuii bii-irii iw, b too name and tjl ol WojiI ai urne. J. It. WUOO' , oct83t J. U. CUttlUK ' WOODY & CURRIE, Gneral Commission Merohats. 1 ilucew and Noith Water 6 treela, W1LMIKU1 OH, K, O. We will comlui t our btiM:nt li tbe deUr uilnaliun 1 1 tatabilh a tlml-tiww ouli tiy ooin lutiieloti hit'lHand to ulvttnt'l-a BLli-fMnniin to all wbo uiaytavor us witu thoU oatrouago. U. it, WIIHIH, J tl. (JL'RKIB. Oct I Ira BiEff ADYEKTISEMEN'TS. Sale of Vuluablo CITY PKOPEaTY. BY vlrtuB of tho power conUlned In a dot-d In triint eno.jiiUHl tj the oadoridtatd ai uiu'co lur tbe bem-llt oi cenlni.rtsta tl.erMn naiiioii, bj the lute X boraa W. Ooaov, on tha "th day or January. 7u, I Mik I expire to iub-ln- auction to thti bibcn biddor ou MomUy of the ue!forniof tho !Sa.iTior Court of Mi-ok-Unliurg cimntr being lheiiJ oayoi Mjtrai. bi-r, l-i'J, bf tn tha bonri. o( l2 m., ami I p. ., at tha i.onrt Huusj door, ti e folmwini oity P'oi-erty: I. 'J he lot In tho city of ('bar oito known arf tb a Hanking onB of ibo Hnk of !Vi,'kien bins and out iinied nv the lute I'boa. W. Downy, axteniilngflt'ty-mit (IW) loot ou Tron ttreetand the eatno on Olmri li aireet, ud extending from Blrrttit to if root. t A If ono lot in Cliariotto In Iho NortWu lrtlon of the citv. fronting on O almta rei-t. adjoining Ibn prop ;rt y ..f . I, p.-irriiniflr, 8 b yI l. el. tomp ling tlirio front and tnree back lot. - The latter wlij herald In i'pirato lot", iorun made kimwn on da of no. i t. u, ihv - v, octtut Jrualee. Due Notice. IHAVK KNUAOKI),'OHTH PKEII'NT. the "II ill" of Ihn-'flth Ward Hmke.U'o ," turner of "ilt'i aid Mm mttrl, whrrn . u -, i i i n to i liter nlv a-hool wil- pittas incut at Du'cluck A. It , OII ti(o illBl.. ostB?t ' .ro, Me' A''R!N Ml L I, I N i; u v. Tie) iitidei'mt;n il .'(. i mitm Hi.' I,h1'i' tail she I ji i.-t-i- !:-l Ihim .N w Vu k. Wllurt MM tut- b'-l If till' H-i'i--l HO- k MAKING HER FALL PURCHASES' . hi '.. FINE FRENCH MILUNCHY, A' d will ln pr(;int I., a t w.- tys to .Mt t.i-r fintniU si:d lJii -nolic K"neri ly, Ihu latent Dii"i'.iii Kr m il Patt rn l!ii'ii'-ta i.i-l II Of. n:i r pv -rtili'ttK rtr :t tO'M' to llitt 1iiioi. I li-. itl-o u very liu -1- O.C ion of E4 A N C V O O 1) H', Coiissiinof t.adioa' Comi-N. lion mire " l'oui'Ath tt, , 1 .11 ' CM r ' (:'. - Hu.r i , A- . , Mo. t r. n-i i f: Anil tlie lirsKtsnd ctiP'ipwt mmk of Im Wor-tcd Hud Sii-. i in. I in-i! lo li- htil i in fcido ul l.rOi imoi j. tinier fiom itm C O U N T li Y SOL I C I T E 1). Allo:dei8 will Im 'attend 1 to with jujioi t lice and c r. Tj, iriJHiaj,nii, ' OotJIf Ai MAt lir r TUB I'LaHmXb'YioX""- Exchange Corner T a Lot or 3USSES' JACKETS iinil IVATEKrilOOr CLOA KS,' an'I.'kn j i 'sir im: i:ivi:iv I'li'iifc. S1 x iitiine my Stork of . EMBROIDERIES: EXCHANGE COliNElt JlIStLLL.tNEOUS. WILMINGTON CLASSICAL AND Hatliematical School J.O.VLVMAlNP',"el'li- ' ' ' rpHK FAl.lEOoN WII.I. BKWN (I. T.) A n ill 4iii il O uih.r, lailt at 4h luonu 9 t r, l (Ii)iikj:, corner tM Konrla anj Prlii it roeta. I'- roi oer Salou of IS wli yajab'.a In atrm.e: .Eonie tirjr K'lgllB'i brhcbe..,.,.,.tSS 00 iltnin. will u, AUebra..,. SO M 1, .tin. i.r k, fr I't'h autl Uerman lau- 1'U' itra, ah 100 'l'o i t n nic i'f tlio Uot i auii'4 ln- biitt-i WOO Itii'i I . nlal , -liiw le. t 0 P r i bo rb I'ni-it lium date of eatraoo t ;i 1 u i. tha mi l .n . , ' It .-r,i- oi si-iHfiar-hlp ami 1) 'irtliit will im i ji tt'niu'ii ntroiii aim Ratruian. qaartariy. in i.u.rf ami a tirniH)n k'iwioh, mrnunou Foi an t Wltitor. for fiirtliur tiirormallun ail liu- itiier If lb irlurlial, at WiliaiitRlflB Salt, Syrup, Shot, Ties and Mullets. 2,0(10 SACKS LIVER TOOL SALT, 150 BBLS. S. Tl. MOLASSES or . BLACK MOLLASSES. ' 200 BAOS SHOT. 2j TONS APROW TIE3 (New.) 50 I5BLS NICE SALT MULLETS. 50,000 GUN CAPS, WATER PROOF and O. LYs DfMKKiK.l M(I.AHSKS, CUBA MOLA 8KS, NICVV . HI.KANM MOI.ASBK!' I11NFORD, CHOW CO. qi ! School Notice. TTWr'Vi l.AIIIKS will receive a lliihdied d- X nrwilAii wliti all tlie advainntmo! a tlrat cia-e Inml'n'n of i.carjilni;, 'in lu, ling Modern I.ihU'Uk, Mnlr, n aoiiKb rate. A. lull cor plot ntac-el i laaeuon hate been n gHfll. tr PareuU will ttud It to their a.lvautaize to givoia GERMAN AMERICAN INSTITUTE a fair trial- Opens oa MONl)AV,OCTOBEU4th. Corner ot Tliltdand Market Street, WKU. 8.t. UUKCKBK'r, . , ' Ptlnolpal. oct i frl-run&tnee .tlnlnria-IIreedlng t'looda. ' Tho recent trcmeinloiia frw-lieta hlch hiva II'bkI. d anno, of tlio uut fertile low lande of tno L'nit.til -Htc-. li ivd nut onlT lau.ed arkla ; rcmi ru n and dini-tur, but bare, aa might iistn iien,xi.ecttu, oern lofioweii oy an un i oMiiKnUil iiuicionol 1 er ar.dnaua. bitlioue i i'iliitli'tiH. kiiiI niliur d dona a ol malarial t ie. i'heauii'a rays. ct ug unon tlieaaturated vcu'dallim and iatiitttd oaiia left b tha rnilr- lug wa'oia, hive ox 'a'ed a far ivachliif imaa in i. which It pregnant widi ilia 'l'be moat teliahtenalVii iril a: lnt it la loiindto be Hoa-lot'i-r'a sioaitcn Kiiuira, the preaent demaod fur ahiili, niiiia ianiriilriy mthaWeat autl Suntbweat, wliera Ilia lb mil have been mt tee, ro, excecda any winch ha. exited In the iai, I'oniilai attiliaui nat n0 mat remedy and privptinvoul malnii.iliata.waialteen. Never Iuih it been nut to Mich a crucial teat, or Its claim mor. ion)!cuoiialy vindicated. REMOVAL I HAVE REMOVED TO MY OLD S T JL , xchane:e Corner. C. A. PRICE, Executor. Sign Ooldon Boot W. P. PRICE, Manager. aepLO - TRAVELING BAGS. SADDLES HARNESS AND TRUNKS whips, sprits. SA I'CHBIj1), AXtiE-OKFASB, Hanina. Tiaco-cliln, Baek Bands, A t K'nil4 of raddlerjr i;ooJa, CI1I5AI lOIt CA8II, at Carpenter & Mallard's No 8 SouTa If HOKT MTBT, op lh 1 aalaU)n, N. O JOHN DAWSON'S 1 1 A 1 1 1 VV A U 10 HTOItE U .lis pUc.n lo bnvnji a. R' nli boea eborala ii d iu '.till".' . .O' k. rakc4- hollow warea -, - . tl .i.itii.-. i o'l. i u 1 4 i-lj'ila, CM'H. Ac, at".iiitRn li. iounit in the 1 1. 1. -i iti. vi ' d '.'I M iratt at not. M'EClAL'.JiOl'ICE T O T 1 1 TZ Iu AD I 12 H . ThHfveor niv tioekof itrjr Joe la wot coin- tni 'ii tt hi Ou'c in-, on M'lmU.v njoin'iijr, flr.iD he: i:b J'lio Ui't-4 are hiviitd .t ailcnd this no, Kt!: pet of iyjuli ' I'and hdl be M .0 H. w-i t it ma , Rud iu iimiiiiita to fid i.o liKO.MKBEK, oi l 3 T 10 Mat-kti hlr,t. fCHOOh BOOKS ; AT l'UCLTSIIEU'3 PRICES, .Iu: ro-'.oif tl 1 1 irjj.t tnj well asieota t aloek o f -hind htioi ParenlaTeaeheteaial Ouai--i.'i-.H a e p it I "daily Intlled to nail and ex I'iiine e;oro luakniif atlecUona lawbrro. Ml. MANN. Iff North Ftout Sirtof.J Bagging, Ties. Salt, Ac. 810 Itoba Basiling. J O Uolla llHf!i;luir. 5' . na Tica t U rced and Whole. '10 il I'rmx Flour. e.'(K) Shi k" Salt. ; 4 o vi Int ' :ke. :0 Tini urn p Xiou, loo Karri-' U uu. !) K- -a Nads. 8i(l n k IK' a lilvet". M Hcpdnade 8. H. Molaaat. IfU rrela S. H. MiHa-ara. 6' I'i'Kdira laS H. Mo a-aef, PI rlrcea Hlne, too Hotw Uknae 1fyi Bi(t" Co Ilea. (larrela So gar.'-- Imi II iaa l.te and Potah. : 4() K"K" owilr, Hlaatlng and Hporlltif , Ku' Cain, Html, Hnutt', Candy, Oandlea M u Ik'n.iIjH ura, I'lcM, Tomatoea, Peaches, T. bo to i, soap, i a d.SUrcti, 4o Ao., e. Kor aa a by , KEKCUN1.11 & UALDEK BHOS. lop SO MISCELLANEOUS. CHKAP srovK UOUsli J. 0. DUNLOP & CO. IJ T PntU KtrMt, Bait Btor- PARLOR HEATERS. COOKINQ STOVES. ILLUMINATORS. FURNACES. RANQEI AND ORATES W BtoTtatapalrad. wp 1 dAwfn Cotton Ties and Salt 1,000 BUN JLB3 Al ROW ."IES. 4,000 SACKS SALT . For tale by - BINFOIU), CROW k 00. an 24 BUT ONE WEEK IN WHICH TO CLOSE UP BUSINESS The short tint, now left ana In which to wind npnr IIUSINKSH, will porn pel aa to aerifloe aiy foods, and nuet lose monay siwner or laUt. ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 4TR 1875, I will begin to elaea eat aiv nt re stock at A.XJOTION" FOB. CASH without raaerve and without BT B I DDI NO The ebaraoMr and ex teat af the ok Is too well knswn to reqnlrs onmment or rtlaorlpuoni nntll day of sale, goods will he sold at firlesi to suit purcliaaera; wlna ao d atADOTlOd, jou then make your own prloea, Very Respectfully GEORGE LEIBER, aep H lw No. Market W treat Pay your . City Offlo Of Treaeurar ami Uolieotor, Uolieotor, gum, N . )., t Aug lT.ISTI.) Uityof WIUdngtn, : I am dlrsoted to notify all eartlea owlna altv taxes that tho reqilremenis of the elly for i raarssurn mat n airiei oonpnanoa with I rordinauoes will be made, and snob neraana whe do not pay their elty taxes en or befiira the Drat of laiitnnberproilmo, Ihelr nroporty will be advertised and sold aa lbs law direct . T. O. Servoss, Trraanrar and nnllrMnr NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY SCHOOL BOOKS. A Urge and ootnplet saaortaent of SCHOOL BOOKS. All eitv sud oonotry orders will meet prompt auemwa. i HEINSBEEGER'S MVK BOOK AHO MOIIO HTOKB. ortl YATES NEW BOOKSTORE. Iturect Tatea's new store and be aatlaAad that yon o buy your STATIONERY AND B00E8 Cheaper at home. ALL, TUB LATEST NOVEL". All the T At eat Htylee la HUtlonary. All tbe UUat Uoleuiltle Weeks, at ' C. W.TATBS', oot 3 ; New Book tore, No. HI Market 8U A. DAVID Glvoamora clothing for the money than ANT OTHER HOUSE IN THE ; 041 fend ve tb ltrt rxxiivo out, THE LORO BEASCH COAT- net? - Thos. C. DeRosset Insurance Agent-I Hsraaaiene 940,000,000 na AassTt iCtoa tnaursnee Compear, of Hanfoed. Uinilon Asuranoe ijompany, of Iranian, Oomojerolai Union Aaaaraaoa Ooaa paa i , Umdon, . New Tnik Under vrtUrs AasoeJatiaa. ittr For Sal TWO fie 7 and Tv Octave Pianos Also one ginger Machine. Tbe above are aaarly new and will be sold very low the eubse. leer having no aa for them They eaa b al th eomer of Fourth and Walnat Street, octleodtf I. TAN LABS, A NEW SCHOOL IN WILMINGTON. T WILL oben a eobool In theHlntoa echool I room en filth Street between Aa and Kunn,on Monday.the lh lnat.,at (be following tatea, pavabte monthly in advance; Primary claaa. .....M...W W lnle m illaif 4 10 Ulaaalcal I 00 I have had ten yia xrlne In thla stat and Routb Carolina in "learning tha ynnng Me bow ,u auiioi. neier ny permission to Ales. Mnrunt, KH octtn JL J. MoINTTRB THE CENTENNIAL SALOON llta bcon thoroughly renovated; and refltted. la mien at all oouraof thedajand ntgh", where th baft of wlnra, llqnora and eigar will he kept Dofree el ware ready, Oy.rar from Baltimore, Norfolk and New River, B. U. BABNIT1, Proprietor, octllw e Seith Front Street, If Wilmington 18 AL1VB TO HKR INTBKII9TB la Real IMroltna, has kaalaaaa mea willadvertlHla THE WASHINGTON ECHO, large snd woll eatabllahsd weekly aiwaua per, eintnlatlng sxtanalvely In tie ftountleao ll ..A . Ua.i.lnrt P.nlllvl. Pitt. Kit HAUikj and tb04e adiotnlng katee Lam WaLT r. wiLLiaauwn, sa. uaaaaaa, tiioi larouru. oi vraaaungUHl, Kditors and Proprietor, ejtu , Btnoopi, . NIW aiDTlKTISIMIMS. 45- 45. FIRE ! WATER ! I .'MOKEl'i. From tbi lata fire in tbe wholoaale department of M?. i JOItOVIV MA-XtHIX & CO,, B O S HO 1ST A Large anfl 7ariefl LdI of General Dry Goods.. -:":,': .. - . i-J Itemerabet Uiey will be told at mob prlow n will iniaro thotr 'immediate SSilO BROITJN & RODDICK' We would also call tbe attention of onr patroni to our itock of M' ' - . . -. i -vl FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Replete with all the JUiiuwK dc aUDDIGKi 45 Market Street. out AT RETAIL I B. WEILL 1 B. WEILL I B. WEILL I 600D8 AT PRICES A T.Te We ACllV 111 t AVBmlllOllnrk tt the public will be convinced of what 1.00ft Vttrta Tllnnlr A li.nnnu nf Ki nniita wnrlh flO niii,a f - - - " waa iaj itwv ) jiva a vw wire hi we (.it'll liM 1,000 yarxla lllaek Aliaww at 6 con to worth 70 eouta. 1,WK) yards Black Alpacas at C7J cento worth 80 ccuto. 600 palm Ladle' lioae at '3 cento worth 80 cii(h. .Km niilm I u.lli.u' Ibon nt ill nunlu wahIIi Oil ...... u v.... .... . a timii.n imw av .f I.V1IUI n.r. bu mfvvtlim. 600 palrrt ChlMrenn' Htrlpf'd Hohc at 81 centn worth 371 contn. KUl ...i. rit.n l.......t Cli.l 1 IT....- ,.1 iw 1 A .il tm . a j't in viiiiuitiin 1. 1 1 u ' 'nt; 6H) palra Chll In-na' Btrljwd lloao 600 pain Chlldrens' Htriped Hone We have on hand EQUALLY TOO NUMEROUS Allorwhlcdwo will sell , . AT PltlCES THAT B. WEILL, oot 2 FALL IfJD lllim GOODS NOW OPENING! ' -AT' j IaaI . EvD - C3lsi-0: 36 lVIRKET STREET, . FALL AND WINTER GO otiS; CHEAPEBJ THAN EVER! . ;;at V''-' No. 36 MAKKBT STXtiaaX.' FURNITURE ! ' ' ' ' W OFFBB rOH THE rA''l.l KiUt UL'nvusrau, apu jnt;aaaauatubj.. w .' " Hew Patterns - ' O F ParlortChnmbor and Dinlnc ltoomTurailti(r:jvi' s AT BXTRIMCtt t W FBI0B9. , j i-;,,,, Jl , .j ) , ai CAHPETS AND OIL I thW line onr Htn.ilt ambraon all of tbaNew and leadlne Pattern ofBruaeela: Thra-tily J Saitere, Cotton aad Hemp Carpets All trade (Ml Oloth and Matting. Ala Mat h f"il nd augs, of BaauWul Deslgua, , , , vi ..jr - , Beddingr'&o.t ftoTHalr. Hosai jVAilntaatiRi r PtA i nrti9, r ej nan And auv mmn Uotolt, Bt4or(i n4 PrlrUHtMnofurni D. taUtr u i 1 . tsi'j'i t- -r,.t -'-U. II If i iMll Novelties of the Season I V..1 1 , AJ RETAIL 1 !; i , -' "i I . ' ii- Jl I TO SUIT THE TIMES, fill IS astatLp Vtaa Aat 1 1. . It .. .1 i 1. .. A. A . 1 we any, Wo give loiow a few ricv: t i'j ; ' (i , I'lli ti ii. 4 f -i.t: ;.- nr .1 : I ' ii up t)A vvutn TT Vfl nil Ol J UtTiain nt 37 cento worth 4.r cento. at fii cento worth Wi vvwlp. ninny other goods A8 LOW, ,;,; it . i !'--ll III TO MENTION, I l,M . .1! 4 nail :t A,.t DEFY COMPETITION.- mill n I il i; nunniTTii Ml) 1111,1 lll.llilHUi VERY RE8PECTPULLT, ' 1,1 32 ITorih Front Street. j u 1 1 ! . ' i I ; .. i i.i ' .idi ii ,'f JM-iU'vy ( .. 1 1 i, ' .' ) t "('.. .i;l'ia i ..i m-ii gut .hi i ;,itt.tU F URN ITU RE-! ' I , , - -' ,;i ; ..i i ' ..fif -iHJlli and Designs 1.1 B.K't IIJll'I'l .k-AhYc. ,--iiiJ , i '.. . . ,.'ii.i CLOTH AND MATT1M f ' SKnoV Eioelsior and Ztrtv a i nr.n ri itxj tv 9 ahv jivtAA9'! MmtrnTtnt. , 1 ! , 1 ti'' 1 1 . - l,e4 tn tha lUtt BW ftn4 ftt U)w Prl A. SHIT1I &Cp.f -:t 43 Froiit tiueet. " BBM . w.s jr a "v tv- . 5i id