''SR. AM ! 1 1.1 Mi I 1 , 1 I I ! I VOL. XXIV. HO. 238. WILMINGTON. H. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1875. UE0L2 ITO- 7iC33 JILL "f if' J: ii jflailo journal. BY TELEGRAPH. NEWS IN GENERAL Outnue and Mnrder-Rorae Disease - Ileavf Sentence - Inmirrcctlon tjoveronient Suit - Foreclosure " lotlerj Fraud -Mexico. C OLD 171-8.;; DT TILUURiPH TO TBS JOCIUAU WOOM DISPATCHES. KIW HAMPSHIRE. . . Outrage and Murder. - 'z CONOoart, Oct.' 5. A ronnpr sotinol girl i found half a ratio from liar hom, with her throat out. She had boa outrage! and murdnrl. WXJrECTIflT. Towa Elections. Habtfobd, Ooi 6.Th town eleo tion on local qneatinna wm entered in to largely. No very marked changes from last rear ootiearl. The Ropnbli can in this city elootod a town clrk and first aMfot man. The Democrat haro elwrted the balanoa. The constitution al imendmont making the ftuberha tional trra two years and oh miffing the state eleotiona fro n spring to fall waa carried largely. The largest towna generally voted for lioenae. The ' imaller ones are about equally divided. The Transportation of Peaches-China. London, Oot. 6. The experiment of bringing peaohea per iteamer Ooroda from ; Ne w York, in a box on deck ar 1 ranged on the AUegretti refrigerating plan, was a raootna. Thay were the first Mitered here in good condition and were eagerly purchased. A special telegram from Shanghai says: A decree appeared in the Ga Eotte at Pekin, conoeding hereafter the intercourse between the chiefs of gov ernment department , and foreign minis tors. NIGHT DISPATCHES. JC 'OHIO. I ) i. Hi 3 IhQ ttowe Disease. s CisciiWATi, Oct. 6. There are 2.000 horses suffering more or less with a cough and swelled glands. NEW JESSET. Abortionist Sentenced. Emzabbth, Oot. 6. David 8. Perry, aged 75 years, was sentenced to 14 yeara for abortion. KEW HAMPSHIRE. Outrage and Murder, i . Oonookd, Oot 8.A man namod Drew waa arrested at Pembroke tor outraging and murdering a young gill. The mob is beaeiging the station house where Drew is oonflned. The head was discovered one hundred yards from where the body was fonnd. 1SKANSAS. Negro Iniurrectlon-ConTentlon. HctxKA, Oot 5 .The negroes threatened Friars Point to-day, : Home Whites from there reaohed here at two o'clock this morning. A number of men left here for Friars Point, and more are ready. A gentleman from I Friars Point says, that Brown, who is the colored sheriff and a candidate for re-election, came from Memphis last , week ana purchased considerable am- uiuuiiivuf wuiuu tt oq wwm. J a iiaia Point and distributed among his friends On Saturday night the Demooratia Conservative Convention held their meeting and nominated their ticket in opposition to tint headed by Brown. Benatot Alcorn boitig preaeut, he was called on for a speech. Ho criticised Brown a offlofal oonduot in a severe manner, and Brown who was present, became vary muoh exoited and demand . ed the privilege of replying, but Mr. ' Rix, the chairman, fearing bloodshed adjourned the meeting. Brown then announced that ho would call the meeting on Monday night The sup posed trouble grew out of this meeting last night? ; ' YIBGINIA. ' Chenapeke 4 Ohio E.B.-Lotterj Fraud , , Richmond, Oct 5. A bill of foro Closure waa granted against the Chesa Deke A Ohio railroad on the first mort gage, wjled yesterday in the United . Btates jLlirt for this district An identicaibiir has also been filed at Parkersbaror. West Varginia, Au or- der preliminary to a receivership to gather with an injunction restraining any interference with the- mortgaged property pending the proceedings, has been issued by Judge Bond. Upon the entry of the decree of sale, all par ties interosted iu the road ill nnite in the purchase of the line and fran- . chisea, paying tuerotore witn uie se onrieties they now hold. The judg ment will clear off all existing leans on the Drouertv and enable the oorpora- ,tion to obtain additional capital to complete the connections with the AxiixAKDBiA, Oct 5. The holder of ' the ticket drawing the BMzo. nreaented it to-dV. but there was no money. ' The holder' claims ha owns some silver lands in Montana and was in New York to dispose of bis lands, when he was induoed to buy $200 woith of tickets. He saya be knows where 850.000 worth of bonds belong iug to the lottery are deposited and ' has to' gr h d to his agent to attach them. PENNSYLVANIA. Tennyson's Quern Mary. Philadclpuia, Oct 6. Tennyson's Quoeu Mary, waa suocosntully played at tho Arch utruet theatre. rENNSUVA.MA. The United States ts. Lewis, Trustee. PHlIiAUKLTUIA, Oot. 6. lu the Ulllt- 0 1 btatea Court, the oniniou of Juatioo Strong In the UuiUl Suton vs. Lowis, Trustee of Jay Oooke & Co., n-ad the claim of tha govurniaeut, and at the time of baukrupr.-y wa indebted to the government 13.!,G10 pouuds aud that Win govern ment had priority over the creditors aud that the afweta iu the handa of the trvtccs ahnnld first be applied to diaehargH thia iudobtedueas Jubtice Stroug sustains the olaima of the uoveruuiMUt, and the ohaiiocs are iu ita favor, i'he deoision was passed upon the fact that J. Oo"ke Co., were partners of Jay Cooke, MoCol- 1 gh & Co. WASHINGTON. Mexico - Centennial. Washington, Oot. 6. The SUtc De partiaeut ha eucouraging advices trom Mexioo in rutin uce to tliu con tributions of that country to tho oou tunnial. The Navy Department has advices from Admiral 0 my, oomandiug the North raciflo squadron flagship, Pen anoola, that he would sail from Hono lulu September 25th, for the west coast of Mexioo, a atFuirs there scemfd diaturbed. Health Rood. Oul of a ooniplctetnent of 400 persona, the Poo- cacoia uaa oniy two ueuiua in two jreara. . ; , FOREIGN. Tl'RKET. Conspiracy. BetjORAdb, Oot. 5. Prince Million, is informed that tho Hkaptsohina miu ietura bad socretly pursued ou inde pendent policy, alnioht amouuting to a conspiracy against the Prince. Bkapta ohinaananimouHry snpporta the Priuoe. The new ministry not yet formed. ENGLAND. Steamer Disabled. Liverpool, Oot. 6, The stoamor Montana, for New York, which left September 80th, ban returned. Hhe reported ber anchor dock broken. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ST- GEORGE AND ST. ANDREW'S f""" Athletic? Club. A Bostlmof tli abore Cub will b bold attba College of Pliy.-lcin. Hall over J. ). Murnl'i l'rug 8tre on Third Strest, on WodaMdiy, October S, 1819, atbajr put T o'oloi:k r. uru, w . oiikaii oct (It etcrttuj. FOR SIOO. WK nil! toll a No. I .cmJ band ("! w) "GEORGIA" COTTON GIN. oot I tt P K Y.H TOW OUM M INQ O'l. LADIES' BENEVOLENT SO Vlcitori will picaM tke notice thitthatuu- iiliea, idi't l.st your by Fowoler A IIIMiop .n Soeund strfel bar b.an trkmiorred, on ao eouut of thuit remoTil, to tbu .tore ou Mar ket ntret next blo uj'lham'e Uralu Mlure, kept bjr Tboiuae A Hondereon. oct ( It W JE Cannot be beat h qnillty and prloe for i Tbe beet Wantutta ihtrta mik.o either Finished Complete on Partly Made. Orer one htindred and twanty-flfo dotes old In two months- CLOTHING NOW OPENING. iviuisrsoisr go r CITY CLOTHIERS, oets THE RALEIGH NEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY , , . rVILiaHKO v THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. DKVOTKl) TO THR HhT iK I tHHSlr of the State of Murtb Carollna--to h( uooaat of the OonoerTttire party, the da.el opwent or tba bhld',ii wealtb of the Stato. tb Inrlttng eml(jratloti Into our mlrtit, and ad TancemoDt of tbe welfare el our people In OTerythlng that earvee to make a State proper oot and ludepeudent. It. ADVERTISING COLUMNS will be found of creat adrantage, a both the Dally and Weakly olrealaU larxely In er J poruon or me Slate ttacea moaerete. " ' SUPSCHIfTtON KAl'Ea I Dally, One Tear B 00 ' S Month. 3 00 Waeklr One Ynar 1 Ml J'HN 1. CAH1R"N. Krtitor. JOltOAN S rONK. oclte FA lot K. O. WOOIHOM. LrfKJOl B btof nvoMted In Stock Privileges In Wall Street laad. tomanyTIIOUSaNObor dollaus KRorix. 'Uoniprehen.lT explanaf tory alren'ara, aonttlning doUHtd .tatonenta and quotation prlii of all atock doaltln f tbe Ntw York Ktoek Stokangt, mailed jrn to tboae doalnnir epeauinie. Aanreaa, AL.F.X PltOrHlSaiiAVl A OO., HanKer. and Brokfra, Opd. M. Y. "took Kaobaugo.. VI Wall St., fibOTl'-eol ' -BWYORK: Valuable Itaal Katate tor alo. 1 oiler for aalo that U'M throe etory Hf tp Bnl'illne. aliuateilon Ibe cornet or Pollock ...a I'n.Kti atrerta In th" off "f Nowbo II, and known aa the McLean HulldhiK 1 III. BrnnertT ut auniiraniy looa'oi iut nui.i ur Cotton Faotury. It will be told cli 'M' and upon eaey terma. Apply ta HV.KV.rH BRYAN -; AtlareovfnrU B, I'ladni 4 l o. : For Rent. THE eallre property now orcupt'd by O O. fart'ey A .u,. embra lng wharl, nffli-e and onal tanl. loxwted en South Water Htre Ker one or two yeara. leriut mado-T. J, A. WAIjKER, tep ICxacutor. MlSCELtlXEOUS. WILMINGTON CLASSICAL AND Mathematical School rriHK f yi-h sbsiom tn.i. bk hn h.v A n ih 4ib ul O "b--r, ' Ilia Minn, oi Mr. M.'Utniity,ornor ul Konrtll and i'rht teaiaireete. Ti'tmi per Haaa'.oa of 19 wevkv ptynhM In ailraaie; K emei tvy Eg1lah krnckee ..!. M adianced with .. ltra.... SO . t.iln, t.r ak, Franrh i fj Qat nan lan guage eitra, each L i rTm. n $ Ml Twoor nore ul'tiie abiiae nam nt 'an . ua(-a , m (io lm l lrrital aiprnae fe , 1 ffi Papll. will be ohfird fMiu iUih ofentrtuaa t i lha ami of the wa-l n RonorUof SeWarMilp and l)xrlmniit be furn'fhatl para'i'a and t!Utr iian. qaarteHy. Mornlnjr atid atriiAoii N'mIoii, throunhout Ml an 1 Wlntnr. Tor f nrfif r into. matl.Mi ml droaa either If tbe prlnclpala, at Wilni'ni't.'ii, N.O. Oct ti t POCKET KNIVES! POCKET KNIVES ! .In-I rwld onaof 'ha targrat and bH aurtad atoflke of W''niho'ni and otlir gx- bratlnf I ngilh Horkvt Knivaa yer b'ought t llil raarkor. TheabiTe g axla witre luiort "d exiTaaaly 0' ou'aalra. ai d tliofofora can b and at mry lo flunra. ("all ant examine be for a pnrcliailiii e'fwlirra. oot 6 (lll.KS A Ml'KCIUH.lN. School Books. Atthlold OPOPULAH BUOK t(rottll,""OF E'DWARD MANN'S, (Pjtiaerly lto'. Uouk Htore.) May be fonnd i rciaplotoa 'sint of . SCHOOL BOORS AND " STATiDlYERY. Parente, Taacbart and (laaHlanaara raaiiertx fully InalUnl Ui call and examine our a1o:k and prlcoa. BOTTOM PRICES On Blank lloo., Hooka, Papar, Enralopa and I'fflca Miatliuiiirr, Merohauut and ol bora In ternal od will plaaao njltcu. K. MANN, Bonk Seller and ttatlnner. ootSSt Front siro.it, uear the llotoia. JOHN D. BELLAMY, Jr., Attorney it t H.u,v, Oftlceoa Market Ntroot. naar Nortbeatt Oorner of Second Street, j WILM1N JTON, N. 0- . Will practice In all the Oourtaof the Hla a. Prompt attention flron to the colleciian of claim. oct 8 linood Goal! Goal! 300 TONS CRATE COAL. BEST QUALITY RED ASH. Now landing. Early buyert will get adran taguof tbe lo.o.t prlcaa WOODY & CURRIE, General Commission Merohantai k tluoeea aud Nortb Water Streets, " WlLHIMOrOM, N,0." We will oondm toar bnelneat wlib the detar- mlnatlon to aatabllab a flrat-clat atrlctly com mlaaion houao and io five entire ttifation to ail who may faror at with thetj patronage. .1. It. WIlllllY, obt 5 lm J H. OIMUUI5. Sale of Valuable CITY PROPERTY. TY virtue of the power contained In adowl I) in trnat eodulil to tho tinderatiiid aa truntee for the benefit ol certalnpartlit therein naiO'-d. by tbe lateThoma. W. Unwoy, on tbe TUi day of .January. ia7u, I ahallexpoae to iul- nc auction io ina nuii-m Diudur on niouitaj ol the uextteTmcf tbe (tapenor (jurt of Muck- icnuurg oonniT. ooing innui "ay or Merrm. ber, W5, between the houra of 12 v., iM If. I., at tbe Oourt Hou.. door, tbe following otty pniirty: 1. 1 he lot In the city or Charlotte known at the Banking Honae of the Hank of Mck'en burg and occupied by tbe lato I'boa. W. Dnwuy. eatandlngSftyair (M) leet on I'rmn afreet and theeameon (3burb etreat, and extaiidtug from atreet to atreat. 8- Aleo one lot In Charlotte In tho Northurn portion ttf the city, fronting on Orahnra atrat, adjoining the property of w. L. Hnrrlnger, J! uj ui luet coup lung tnrce iront ami tnree baek lotn. Tbe latter will he fold In anparate lota, ay Term, made known on dar of -ale. f.h;ikwry, out 6 4t Trnatee. Due Notice. THAVK KNQ AGE I). Oil THR PKEtrN I' A the "Htll' the "5th Ward Hiieltat Vo corner of firtU ! Nun atrueta, whire pnplla to enter ray aohool will pleaaa aide at (o'clock A, m , on 6to luai... ' ont5t .!. Mot.A"R1f " M I L L I JVK R, Y . , The underalgn d wlahea tn Inrarm the l.edloi . 1 . L- . . ...... ... W. ' . . vu'. mo uapju.i rniurtiiri iroui yw mm, where the baa been for aeveral woakt MAKING HER FALL PURCHASES In . A FINE FRENCH MILLINERY, Ad will be prepared In a tow davt to hIiow her frlenda and the public gnara )y, tbe latcat at y Ion In Fr.-ncli Pattern lloimxta and il ita, and everything perialulnw to tho bualnnva, I hire alao a very Una eeleoiton of FANCY G O O I) H , Conalatlng of lAdlea' Coraata, .,, Hi,o- avirta ' 1'olnpadoira, Lacoa .. Kringea, liuttona, . Alottoaa. Hucblng, And the largeatand chaaiieH afeck of Zoi li) r Worated and HlmMatid Wool to bM bad thl. tide of Baltimore. Older fom tiie - GouNTitr soli c rr e d. All ordort will bo attended to with pruni t. neaa and care. JLvh. L, ITlaiiaerdii, ' OO'.Stf 48 MAHKKT HT. inE PLACE TO FIX N0TI0X8 " Exohsungo Oorner a Lot or MISSES JACKKTS and : ' t ; , WATERPROOF CLOAKSJ am hAiTIpi.kn jkat hkjkivi:l. Plrata Kxamlne my Stock of EMBROIDERIES. W.FYFE EX01IAKGE OORNEB COLDSOOnO, N.C. M. TKTTKK, A. i Prof Ancient and Mod ra l.ngnag.a. i 11 - ' ' E. W. AOAM1, A.M., Pruf. MalUematloe. Ike Ibird T.rm of tttla InntttH linn will beg III oo .tluuelftyi Aug. II, atideii4Mi ifl.itdiaT. ! Jtt.JlTS. TH 14 chnnl UiltoatMl IA the town ofOohla b ro (thi. centre of lour HallroaiU), and I rum u 4'ealbUllyeletaaaMrior adiauugt tn pkrcuU aud guardian livltiginthe ani r ti ndlng Aiunulaa Or In tba Ka3.nr wtlun of tbe aiai. Tbe looatlon ta baaltky, aud no fear, uf .ieVmae need b anterUlnnd by parvata M-ndlng thnlr aona to thla place, aa not a lnglcae of iwrloua lllnpaa (Hwer re.t in tlm aolnvd during th pat arhiUaKtla y. ar. No parent, tlivrvlora, ia r.amhly lf daterred ftoin i-atromalng thin A.'kol Oa the aeore vf tbe uuhnaliblu. a ol the Ixutluu. tnfe"r K. W. Adawa, wk fcaa chMgaof the Mtbematoai iparnnt. K an klninnn. or KtmVi'ph Maauti tWbig, ad hae bona a .iieea(iil teehirof yoo'b t'Ar man j'aia. 'I he oournt ut tn.-ff ifllon la aurd, thonnigl and rxlouaiTeaud aaok to devalue and Improve tba montal iowra of the pilplla by training thm Ui think, and by teaching tkaei the right n oa or the lai'Ulllcf with whlcb tlod ha. en dowed them. I'd dtwlpllne of the llchool, while It l mild ami preutat.enlorceH the dutv ol obedlanco toerer rtlaand regnla'hmi Aa limibonllna tlcn and dd-rlv eondactare wholly Inoom paiHd" with anholatlo trulfln and menial t.rcgre no boy who la ludlapueed to Improve hla lima or U an Injury to bit fcllowa, will be rdalnrd iu the Nahnol. Moral and rellgionalnatrurtlonrerelvea a due aha' i or at'entinn and conalderatlmi for an leaath baart and eonwleno he Inatruetad and anllghteiHl, mere aenular learning will avail bv lii tlx in the formation or a correct and uprtgh character. Th four rellf lout bodlca being wall rpre aent Ml hi thlapiare, ever? boanlor I allowed tn attend that I huroh on Sunday which hla pa rant mar deaignate. TbH wtaii and preference of tho parent will be atrlctly obaerved, aa noth ing f a f aetaflaivoharaetar if auaatenanced tn the arboU' Boy. Are praparad for advanced nUajoa la Ooileg or for the antlve bnaltiiiat or life. Ti e biil.dlng. hitherto known at tha'Te Male doll' ire "baa hnen a-urwl by the Princi pal, aud wlU kareaftor be uaed'aa a tuboot nr boya , - " piuidly wtttH)na,lntoxiallpfdrlbki, profaa Ity amt every apecloa at amlllu are .irlctly prohibited v k . ; Torms, per Session of 20 Weeks' HALF IN ADVANUK BALASfUS UN V, IIKbI'OFOOTOHEH. , Tulllou for Vrlm'ir- ileprttneut.,.,i " Sl OS IlighrrKnglleh I.,., it 00 " A it vanned claiace. wilU Ale bra, etc, . .i .. Si M AdvaniMd elataea with Utln .....WOO " and with I. utln aad (Ireek. US 00 Uerman, French, and book-keeplug, taob evtra S 00 Hoard, including fuel and llghta. ....... .. 75 60 lucldeuUl rxpeuaet ........ 100 Each atudent will fnrnlah. for hit own nae, a pair of blanket., a pair of ebeete, a pair of pil low eaaea and hit towela. No deduction from I'uttlenand Board In eaea of dUiniaelnit or withdrawal, and only lu or proiracito. nnanoae, i Porfurlher pardoulart, aadyeet M. FETTER, Principal. BlyM-dwtf j QOLDgBuHO, N.q FINE TABLE APPLES I MESSINA LEMONS. v At :-:'CiK.,'' : OK0.'MiriK3'. Recclvoil to day rreab front cur Dairy the "cholceat lot of our s j :bbbt buttbrim TUB WO It M)" We bars ad yea '; J ) ... , Only ror tila oy ; , , 1 . ;. OEO.MYKK8. liOor Brandt of DotMe Eatta Fatnllv Floor, NEW PROCESS EMPIRE .FLOUR. MONUQUAM KMPIttK '.v ANU PLANTS' KXTBA. Liw fur caib at GEO. MYKK8. PINEAPPLE CHEESE. 1 1 - EDAM CHEESE. AND CREAM CHEE.E. At UKO. HYKhVi. Fruah nrackara avety week, Cream, Milk, aad I'ooplo'a Mnei. . .-jjia l v "- ' FKUIT OKACKBBS, -'.l' coRsniLrBonA FRESH HUTTKR, ' aud FA M I fjY PILOT B HtAD,' E 1 Togethor with, all Imported Uraeaen, at . UKU.MFKR3. FRESH IRISH , OAT MEAL. Imperial Oat Meal, In 1 and 10 jMuad packages and New iCatra Meat Miurl, at . j GEORGE MYERS.1 ' 11 & 13 riOUTH FRONT ST., The Charlotte Observer The only morning dally paper pnbtinued In tbn Mute w-iat.ef Kai'l,i an I Honli l WlU; uiitigton.olfjraniioci!. Indunciu-ntla W adver. Maura. - It iret.ii i tiae - n-t a"et jlneaa hive litenltrgoly tiiflrivl dttrtag tlie year ju pivi., ami u n i re ionoi m in, oi m-i mii. i..itjini' .ntrn Nurt.li tbtiolina. thaaoil'er- Ing.u- onaitrnal avMi rai af comeianlca tViTi aetwa- tiiH. Meri-.tlanUof Wlliuiujtiaaud me people ui rrv.i-Qiu oi ia v.iuiius. I , a I f tAaas t raoas6witiii i Dally, v,y..,..j,,,.i..y.S OOper'aBBtim. Weekly.. ...,..,. ..i.... t 10 "i " -. ' T AdverMaing rory-.toirV "1,ur' ma ,- . j i . . la Cotton Tifc3 a, hd Salt, ,3,000 BUaNJLEa. Al ROW JIEsI" 4,001 flACXS SILT rt For salo bj - , , - ' ' 'BINFORD, CROW k 00. c. WEST& sossr Aladdin , RITY OIL. V'T I ' tVMrrafitcd 130 Dovre.a Teas K nilorieii Ay Uie Vr iaawnrace VatkpaMet: ' fair Iteat tba folHwlag bartlgbiK), tklectod from many other '"!' ,r ' How-lab Fiat ritAAjo: or Daltimo4ix, k lecember,ia,.l7l. ( Ar.. if.it Ami; Uantlemen Having uwki the varlouaollaaolil In. liu) oiiv torlllumi- 4 iiaitnii Darwiava l t.k.w ot-MMatra in rocoiu- mnniling yuur "aiivhuiu ncournv aamp aan-e. and bewt ever seed la ouv honarhold, . a exara ""riignea) .' AMOKCW HEItB, Prea't, 02- IT WILL MOT EXPLODE yir .-A7wrr " i . ( Vfboleaalo Do.oU Cl WEST A SONS- US. 115 W. Lombard sueet, UaiUmoia. sep 1 eoi f m iter ecu: MISCELLANEOUS. CHKAP SiOYB HOUSE. I 0. DUNLOP ft CO. (1 Wi Pratt But, Baltimore' PARLOR HEATERS. COOKINQ STOVES. , ' ILLUMINATORS. V FURNACES. RANGES AND CRATES. . tr atovettapalreil. . , 4l, aaptdiwtm , (,, .. . ! Salt, Syrup, Shot Ties . and Mullets, - 2,000 8AOK8 LIVERPOOL 8 ALT, '.' J5fnLS. H, H. M0LAB3E3 or ; j i li UUK MOLLAHtiEtJ. v ' i ' i '.'- 1 .. , 200 DAasrsnoT. -: 1 M i f., ,. ,.'- . .. ; 83 TONS AFKOW TIES ..... . ;.. - i ,:., i .; ; .,, CO HULA NICE HALT MtlLLETS. co.ooo qcn cArs water troop , mio. D,. j ; UKMCHAUA MOLASSKS, UUBA MOUAB HKS, NKWtKUCAIIHMtlUkbJC' m BINFORD, CROW A CO. Sp 1 . ' ) .. asi'iDi! ... . ; 1 naUrlu-llr.etlllajr t'luoda. The rroanttiuiii.hiue ftuabota which havt fliaalad .una or' tbe unmt forlllo low landa of tke United State, have nut only cauaed wM eirelru'.awtuieatr. bat fca, aa aslght have lierurapected. b. en followed by an uu prefledviiled outoi op or fuver and ague, Mllloat roailttonlt, and other dlaeaaet of a malarial type. Thoun'a ray, aoting neoa tke aat lira but regulation and Ivtlutut iiuo It loft by tba retir ing watara, her nxnnlen a fat reaching nilae- aaa. which It pragnant wlik dbxaaiM ' I'M mwt reliable aafeguard agaln.t it la found to be Iloa tetter't Stomach lllttora. lha priawnt demand for which, attire pa (ton lev ly in taw VVr.l aad Houthweat, where the llotala havn been meet eeroNHf racurhi Mtit wkiah liS eilatanf In tba paar, ticbnlar aa ilia groat uatlunal rotuwdr and preventive or malaria hatalwayt booa M.ref baa It bton put to auch a oructal tnat,pr Hi elalm. mora euuaplcuou.ly vindicated ,;:;;..RKM0VAL.j;V.:;.;. I HAVE REMOVED TO MV OLD i.Uut iUtl . i - , V ' 1.,.. .H 'Ml! iA. 1 JL , : 1 ' I Exchango Corner, . - x C- At PRICE. Executor. i : f. Sign OoKlon Bool W. P. rilTOfi, Managor. ! ' . ewp A i - c r-tA ! - TRAVELING BAGS. SADDLES HARNESS AND TRUNKS WHiPs.gptms. s' UJII.AH, Hamoe, Tracechaliit, Baok Haade, 11 AH kipibt of aaddlary goo la, - i at Carpenter At Mallard's . hO BODTM FUOIT STBBCT, top 1lt ' ilaaiagtow, W.O JOHN DAWSON'i ' ' fltlittplaaatb BUyJUot, grub boee, eliovelt tpulea. manure torka, rakea, hollow warea good at4Ua,rajQ, naii.,aliet,'aiHi, ,, at the lewett caali prICea that Can be found ut tbe oily. hoa, 19, HO and 'il Market atreet. CH00L B00K8 . - at 1 ptjBLisnEivs ' rimcEs, .Taat raeelVeiVa large and wall aelectel attek of ar hool book a. Parent Teacher, abd tluar- d Ian tea panlunlarly Invited to nail and ei amine before making taleotlont eltewhere. - Kl. MANN. oat tut ft --r; ; ay Batn rroat aitreot. t Bagging, Ties, 8alt, fJto .;" I'-.t. ii ' irl f-. IUJ.'.- I (, j ,-i ; SOO Kntll Bagging. M H ' W V Itolla llegirliig. ' I v ( ) t'eaiaTlea flaroadand Whole,, 'no Haa-reta Flour, " - . ,.. t : . .. eVoo Hark Halt. - i I i '0 Kplrlt (leak. I v. j on. none iron. i ..,) inn kn..al. i iIi.a i , Al YiMAk NaaV V A i ! WO I aiTkagea Ulvata. i , ') i - 50 Hngaheada 8. H. Molaaact. . , M Alairela M, H. Molawoa. i ' w ' TtO(f.headt H. M. Molaeaoa, 1 111 Tlsrcea nice, , v T".'t.i--rloi Bo.oa tiheeto.'" ')'! ' i ' : ,! i J'-lral BagaOotree. .-' " ' j SO llarrok Suffer, s i i, . . UK) Oaeea Me and Putaab). , ,. , ' 400 Kega .Powdor. Blaitn-g 'anil , .i. , SpertlM, ,.f, .. 'rtr.i r Fot Oapa, Hliot, Haarr, Uandy, Oan.llo. Matflio.Oya'crt, Ploklej, Tomatoes, peachaa, Xoboaoo, Soap, Uard, Hleroh, gko,, dto., Ji. . " For tj .t" . V! 1 ' RKOCUMrR AYOAIiDFR BROS. - eapSO ' ' I - - T ; , Portland Cement 1 , . ... ,yi)(, ' Alm.Rotaan.K-aano'aaMParlaa, for walkt elaterof fxndatlont. ttables eollart, brklgea, reaorvolra. ft Mootlt alg eenti pottage tor praetlcal treatla on emonta- . . H.Xi. MBttCHANT A OO. ... ,,. ... n 1 , v.i , - SoutB y, yn, ' - ' tfiS-lntanil. 1 ii 1 ' ail.. 1 a 1 1 removal; I ..I. , Dr.Tooma F. Wood bat remored Ma flee aud retldenoo to the building ever tfatet' BoeH Wan. .-'.' "' -' '"Ortfa WIUBtBb OBOBbV witBaa tu aa rfcabNLiMiQaRja II V. ITQCKANDBULE.TATEBRflKERJ , Vr'iWlLMIWOTOli,' . 0.i( J ) ( - U(l'B'l5 SJT.FN AT fHlCIKHAtM ')M V aplanoftaaatr(aaaienlrf.dt.)l.''' - Ulank Book with the bonndari. of every la tbealty dlatlnctly defined. Amued Talue.naat and Draaant.af f in 111 our. - . Any tuoraaatioa deabud fvurnltkad Hat fcfenf'hnr hRhty ftaoVateS annfren'ted. laopea at all noaraer thdaya,i4 high',1 where tii- batr winr. Hqaore and elir will be kept, tlurTne alway. ready. Uyatart Irqra wultimorv, Norfolk and Hew Ktver. X. (1. BARRITZ, Proprietor, oot I lw I South Front Stmt, VZW ADYIRTISIXSm 40. 40. FIRE t WATER II FIMOKE I I ... . . , From tba Uie flrt tn tho vholanla tSrpaptmfot ol . ;.rcltIAlN MAUBII Ac co Hi. . - : i t a i t ( B O STON s A Larse anil Yariel Lot ol Geisral Bry Gc:li ' ' ' ' " -' . . -i ' - I . . T '. ( .;'..-.: V', i: i Vi " ' "" ' ' '' - . : ; ' ' ' "I' , Romembat tUjr will bo sold at mah price u will luai Ihtli rnmtiTlntt !le-;,.;U,.l i..,,.f r. , ..1 - . i -! i iu ; il ...? ' f i f! t i-.-S. ' '.-? !- j . - ' ; . " t i i W vonld klso oU ths attontion FALL AND WHITER DRY: GOODS, Vn ... I -:.:.M 1 , v..,., I. Replete with all the 1 ' r 1 . .-! .'.;. i t. j . - ,. t v-.-i.j'. 1 ,-M.i BR0W17 & RODDICK, 45 Uarkot Otrcot oat AT RETAIL, 1 . AT RETAIL I , .: B. "WEILL I B. WEILL! B. WEILL I 80 ODS AT 'PRICE8 TO SUIT THE : TPEO. ALL we huk 1m am sxriiiI nation of our stunk. We tael nuilaAed that that the )ublio will bo oouviuovtl of what 1,000 vardsBIaok AlpacM at80onto worth 68 centav " - ' ' 1 1 ,aH yurtU 1 llaok AlpncoM ut 6N oonbs worth 70 Ottiits. 1,000 yartls lllwik AItoa at 07 oonU worth 80 ceiitey j , ..- i , VNl pttlrs LrwlUtrj' Homo mtUR omits worth 30 conU. ' m pulru Lmllcs' How at 48 oenU worth OOmuto. " ' "" " 1 , 6tN) pairs ChlldreUH' Htriixnl lime at 81 oorita wo.lh I7i sa-ntav . : o(K) iiulrs dill JrvW HtrliKd Hose at 87) conU worth 45 ooutav 600 iioirs CUlltlruuH' UtrliMxl Homo at b'l conU worth 05 coutat. , " ' . .... f- .: ; j. ' '-.:H - v ' ' - ' ' Wo havo ou hand many other goods x liQITAIiliY AS LOW, TOO NUMEROUS All of which 1 I ' r ' : " . i,; t';'ijS,iti';. (- ; , :,,.;,.4. !:,r 'u-u.v aid '-vY --.iip i,f . , VEBI BESPEOTFDLLY, AM . : - "" : f,,B, 'WEILL, .32 Horth Front Btrcot . II IJ L I 1 .. - j t . . .kv. in i i ' iii mm m h m - - at . .at I .' 'o!ii :!, I i . I - : . t ' r.,'tt -f NOW j.-i j--i i-t : i. ' r """" CvO- CwD- DlGiiii?Or, ; 36 MARKET STRBaJTr,'; ." ;, : . ' INTErHgoGCIS , , lilt ' '1 i fmpi 7 , f i ) , 1 1 h t' A. T ia ' 1 ' ! ... . . n . . - at' , - 'I I ' JSTo. 36 MARKET i STH1C3ST. aapIS' nil !u,;'" - .'' ''-'"' '' i vn- FURNITURE I; f:..l -I 1 K orrK FOEtHETAI l.TRADOUUSrAtIB0akllDlNCbaAllKi8TO0K in; .... ? , lie7 Patterns III thla llneaar tteanVaaea airaf'ttiaMerraad teeltn Pattraa Brwaeehi, Tbaavply ttutiert, 0Uom aavl Mania Oarpet All jrrvle ou iTloik aad ktattiB, leki ' -.i I ;r. r-Aif- 'f'."1 atavwuiul Ualua. . s, . Beddings &o.f feoVHain UosirBliucV, tjolsidf tin Matt KkSfatB, r-KATttlt. TKAtHtk BKDS fKATHf H PIM ,nH V Pf TI , .! tHMuTABLK9. o.. Ati.t) THBa,.Y MA.IA. . .. . .,.,,,( .v ; And our own Manufacture. s Miiteft, tteamore and rrlvata'Healdfli.coainrn'thed la tbe l-att Btylea and at L rns i "' fk5eireu.oallandroiarStiokblrpireiaaiBaVi stpistf vT....;. ! our patroni to oat Cf .; i ; I ' I i ' fc n.!.l Novelties of tho Seasons wo say, Wo giro below fqw prlouK TO MElTriON. wo will it'll " .1 ! :: r i- Tt .i, 1j .it- . , - i'.. . t. ' i-i v .... - "v.P , !-.,, 1 Vlfll "1 1 i illl fi'ii in ' I iT i. Ui! S" ,T'wi-.t t .,' FMRHITUnS C 1 '!l!!a iv.itvat uw ana . 4031523 -1 OPENING!

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