Slim AS '! '1 4- VOL XXIV. STO. 258. UimiKOTOH. H. C.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1875. WHOLE HO. 7X03 XiSCILLAXEOlS. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 8Y TELEGRAPH. Orjanlzed Bunds or Negroes In Ark.. as -Senator Alcorn Hid tan, Chalmers ronuuandln!; tltc . ... .. "Whites' .. l NEWS IN GENERAL V fcen ..a l ' "' - - . . . . Flrcs-Conventnjn -Ravlsher Arrested True lllll-Sbejwa'ii's Memories - A $'iO,00p Fraud. V-V M-UU-. .'-It BI TELBGHAPH TO TUB JOURS AU ' .w3ife l NOON DISPATCHES. ikKAXSAS. ,.t i A Mob Repulsed. , I IIklena, Dot. 4.. Many whito ladies ' including Benator Aloorn'n daughter, are bare rrtu Friars Point for mUtj. The negroes, three huudrod stroug, came within a short dititanoo of Fnuru Point. Qep.Obalmprfl, who bomniauda the wlilte. moved out aud gave them ten miuuren to .dhparae in, (The nog. roos reorganized Uir'ye luiluHont, when thewefo again 'diftptirHed 'on the ap proach of . the .whites. The uegroea are supposed to bo waiting for rein foroonieuta, Col. Burliend others have gorje &wa HonHherb to organize forces to go down to-night. IIklbna. Oct. fi.-Ttie Sheriff of Co ahoma County oaused our town to be invaded thm morning' by an armed mob of nogrooe. We drove tbem back. We are Wlfyorgaruzed for a defence, with Senator Alcorn and Goo. Chal mers in command. ; Tlie sheriff has fled the ooanttt ittthfd 04 aid iaimvd- n " Geo. R. , .! ... -I : i A LOOKS, wfsmScTox. The Confederate Colonists. Washington, Oct. 6. The Bwatara will shortly leave for Parngna, Brazil, and will bring back and land atr Port Royal, South Carolina, (he remainder of the confederate colonists, - V KENTUCKY. Iatlonal Crangff-DestructlYo- Fires. Louisvoia Qpi, 6. Hj executive ammittcew Ins National grange, Is in oesaion in this city, The directors of the Mississippi valley Trading Com pany are in ooaferenoo with, the. com missionar i conoarping , tba direct trade in grange products, with Eng land.ij.,,iMi.ii.ll.i;' i3 .'", Five large barns in Robertson comi ty, Tennessee, were burned daring the past week; eiiVbfvirig a loss of forty thousand pounds of tobacco. The Courier-Journal' Mpoeial says, the fires were occasioned by gases arising from the tobaooo by a peculiar atmospherio phenomena. " nicsht'.dispatches. - ; " ' "CEOftGl A. " ' i The Elver Improvement - Convention. ' r Atl ANTAy Ootk &wThe river ira- provement convention met in Homo. B. 0. Yonng was elected permanent president.: ! , ; , I tJ k-.i fffSSkli HI OM i , The, Bask f California. -i i , f. Sam Fbamoisoo. Oct. 6. The board of trastM etaeted D. O. Nulls, Presi dent, Wm, Alward, vice President and Thos. Brawn, Qaslusr,.! The ad vi wiry ooraimtte Br cVfamoseA 6f ThoK'TJoll, Wm. Sharon and iaa. R. Keoue. . ,. " Aid for Texas. Galveston, Oct. 6. The bHdg over the bay is repaired and trainB are running regnlarlyr Aid-isjopraltig from all directions' forwarded whore it is most BoeiUda i jl'be .storm washed out thd) ohatradr so tuut European steamers, oaa oonie to landing without lightening. ' u . - 1 1,. 1 'The Board of Trade, Nsw. Yqk, ty.; rrf board of trade m' arranged for a number of publiq fdrf'iwa.o! Jhe'flumuoy que tion to be delivered at Cooper Union, by Hon. W. D. Kelly. Oct. 11th, Oen. Butler, Oot Hth and Col. W, M, Gros Tenerj of SfLonis, Oot. 25th. i,, i -ti -, n i rr, " 'J'IX KHO0K ISLAND. ' PaovaoaxoBrOet. 6 A most-valuable bank letter in Sunday's mail for Boston tffcfcdnfc: O w W.-v Thnhonseof a widow ladv named Dora Wilkinson VM entered last niglit ad tins wWow.anda.young lady sleep, lug with her, wi r obloro for iied and thr-'tridoir dragged to an adjoining room and outraged. When the women recovered consoiousnesS the men had . Xat'CI ' "i""'" r V ....... . . WASHINliTON, A BeyWirjof ihirjni'g ItemoHes Washwotok, Oct. fl. The announce ment of a lengthy f evjew of Hliorman's daltalot-UMi U llepirtaiMitJ reached here to day. it wm maao a volume- aa htk as , bda. dt Hhetman's. Free aooess to the official files for tho purpowef mrikinff 1hia mpllntibn waa given at the department, to the author. It is by Gen. Boyton, and wiUbwpnblwn in a fortnight by WUctaoh & Baldwin, pi Cinoinnati, The Kejro War-A $20,000 Fraud. MF.Mrnib,. 0't. 6. The impression prevail lu ro that no blood was i'riar Poiit. uui that no st-p bad bfeu tAkcn ft)'forwnrd men and rn i fromhiire A body of orgMiizvl dipu. will (T. from Ileleua. Aleoru had 70 eavulrv and 40 infsutiy with which hs had driven off two himdrtd negroi nucier liryTv n. The steamer Maud fnm riclena reiort no lighting. The sitnation is unchanged,. , , CAVTAKiiKiA, Oct C, Henry' C. Avery, fornu-tly of this vicinity, but of TrxiuTftiiice tun war, was arrested for pruxMUtg fraudulent government claims of over $'.'l),000. M ASS i( III SETTS. , ('onteiitloa-Failure Kumlnatloa. LowKiii,, Oct. 6. A tramp wm ar rested oasUHpioionof Laving oommitcd the outrage ou Miss Longmade. ' His faoe was scratched and hisolothtog 1 was bloody. He admit ol having loft siiuooom auont Uif time of the murder, The -State Labor Reform Conveu tion has 30 delegate. I) U. Clmni- berlniu of Ronton, r presiding. The retiolutiuu that it Was iliexpcdi' nt to make thfl nomiuatious of state oluoers, was ti I mi. Howes & Rlauchard founders, bavo fwlt'd. A prohibilion party met at Troroont Xempic. ' Tno hall was well HlkHt with ladies. , Itov.l). E. Eddy presideut. The oommittuo on resolutions repon ed amoncr other resolutions "Resolve 1 that the safety of tho repnblio and the enttso of -prohibition depends npon making the party a unit for the right, which oan bent be douo by defeating Alexander II. Rice. A oommittee of thirteen was appointed to uoruipate a pronfDition canliuatH tor iovoruor Jas. L Raker was nominated. rORSIQN. CANADA. A Hill for Murder. ToROsuoj Odt aA bill for mnrdet was fobud agairjHt Dr. Davis and bis wife, abortionists.' Ijp.i. tr';i t. 9. t .' !.- j; IT1AIIHIEO. On the oveuineof the 5th hiat.. at th rril- drne of kor Iiii4r, ljr tuo llof. Ouo. I'tttar iii, Kdward K.Tureti to Kmlly, duunhwr of Oul. J. a. Bart. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. positively No Postponement l - A FORTUNE ':f'Fonir! LEGALLY AUTHORIZED, TEXAS GIFT CBI ? ASSOCIATION Of Defiliioii, Toim, will glr a I SECOND GRAND GIFr CONCERT, Nov. 30th, 1875 DKiWINO F0SITIV1. Or Money Refunded First Capital Qift . i.;,..;,..$5Q,000 Becond Capital Gift -.- 25,00$ .) Uae Uift. m proportion ktrouiitlnglntll U i 8250.000.00. Levvest Clftto.a Whole Ticket, SOOl trine nt' a Wbula Tioxet, 4, waloli eoBiUtJ 11 nvo i wiui on.. COUPON TICKETS. SI. Which will entitle tho holder to ailmiKjIon ti he Urnr.d Ui.ucurt, mill t ouo-till k ot hil lovvr jiitiuy bo aiyaxUU to Uir whale ticked inmoer. , KflKponxttile .Mit wanted. An onlKil for tlckiitji Auit illriwit ntilrnntlJ I.,i. 7 ' ' ' iroultw, Faiwro, etc.i -glTluii full prtlm lara, mnt tree. In writing, bs ui and igi vi'ur nuiun, uiwu, county ami iHla in lull, Ordr ftrtIcttnmoiltiti!ij tu 5 anfl up war i Mint 0. tM If dtwirod. 1 AdUroHHait iiomiuiiiiio.iii)iiii(l 1ntKkt tl . R. COLLINS, Secy, Ocntson, Texai. tr ORDER TICKETS AT ONCE isthe- kTSwing"wtn fibiln'.et take pIMi ut, onu, join, uu uut a euori liui now I nut u. , , ; - , HOME ENDORSEMENT I Wo, the iuridrincd, cltliout of Oetil.on I'oxiw, cheortullv ilv our tuminioiir lo thr lionorxl'la au4liuiiUw li" which the Vnfl u aui uiu-uuucbu th I'm-OillConouiil HMi,'ltH.n wm conducted, mid iw to 'luiiini I'AtlNtnutory msnner in which nil ttie pleileV ma iirnniinrH r iiib awocuiiou were cfirridi. ml; ami, liirlhc.r, Un miidl, hertily emtorn- ur aeciinu urum uui concurs, to do ivm MOTemler3Mi, 175. . . W 11 Wiun, Mayor, Gltr of Ioion; Al lermfn Jmtu W D Kirk, 0, W Waltorn' Ok tt !iing. j WJodyatd, W A TII1, W B Row t U Taylor, I, M .Lilin-on; John Koriu.Wholu trrr Oooit,; .1 HOui, Urortr Kpi itnln Hreii., Wh.ilpnale I,ionor; .SumHtur WliolrHiile Dtv UooaU: Max Urtnuliulu Vio.'ini Dry tfaxxia- Hon' J Vf . rftMirioim T mm At Auction. The f;lty Hnreo t llocknwa. and onff mule wti! be sold at aaijfloii. iti Trdrit Jif the City Hull nnuiiu; ini mug unii, nil 0 OHH'K. .., , W.PkCANAIV, Oct T Mi Mtjror. ws.FfjMCo;rHoi; p.iuUr motting tbU ('hnrdy) erring at 7:90 o'clock, .,i 4 ,,'.., , . w.l. JEVKi1r, oVitltt ' '. " I '"' ' Recording Secrttary. OYEH HUNDRED ONE Dltl'nreiit stylo of bull M i i rakiRliig' ffrtm jf'd )' to 1 37 W. ATOM line of OVf KCQAfa, eimipTWnj -tt itylet of .::. . it i 1 ... .to COLORS : AND . WEIGHTS ..I t - H,f . VIJ l.-r- ft if. ' '.., 1 1 1 l ; - t . . t . V i J IM 1 !.i ; ,l . , . . ,m:r" Ltl,"'';, 1 w-. . tfargbant Xallor, f i WILMINGTON CLASSICAL -AKD Hathematical School rniiKFitxsssioM wiu. iikoin tr.v L "ii the 4tli ot October. 1 Hit. at tb room ot Mr. MoOtnnrj, curmr nt rowrth end Trin if.w t ycora. . Trrm pet BeM'oa of 18 week., Mtiblft In Hrnc K cmei tary Kngllnh braiiobM..........U 00 tnwt with H aifehr,... 3 0 Ltiin, CrtrkrFrtncli a'dQar 6 ln- hii.b. .tf....-h I . t-t B 00 Two w owre or the ym uawod !aa iiuvfs.. y, io ou lai'l.lenlal emu fee lop Puidl. wiM he rhvgdd from iHte or entrance t" I be ami of the mi. in Krnort. of Mobolamhlp and l.iiMiptnient will be (iirnivavd arnte and guntian rttry. Morning an4 aitornoon H-wloin, ttirougheut VaII And Winter. Wnp rnrfl,M K.rv m.ili.ri drees either If the prlhcipele, at WiiminKtn, i. , ... - - 1,0. s an . - . . POCKET KNIVES! POCKET KNIVES! -.nt Nwlnd onof the largest ami brat a"" irt d stucka of Wnalenhn! ra and other Kt brands or SegUa fwket Kutvwaeverbiought i . nil aaama i niu.i. goon war ini ert Ml exnrwaly for aHraeltree and thentfora eaw ne tiiu at very low (are Mtu a I examine before purobaatug eleawhare. oet OlbltSA MDKOHMtiN School Books. Ai the old "POPUf.Att BOOK MTOKh" OP EDWARD MANN'S, (Pjrmeriy Ijore'. Book Store,) i . " " " ... o. May tie found e romnli te aiBirtnent ot . . SCHOOL BOOKrANDlSfAW. Parent.. Teacher, and (luardlaniare reetveot- fiiHy ItiTltcd U oali and eiamtne eur .took and prico. 1 (BOTTOM PRICES (ie Blank Rooka, Book., Paper, KiiTflona and lifdca Htatlonerr. Mereuanta and others In tereeted will pteaee notice. R.MANN, Book Seller and Stationer, ottfiSt . Front Street, near the Uotale. JOHN D. BELLAMY, Jr., Attorney u.t Law, Offloe on Market Street, near Northeaat Oorner i .;. oraecoad Btrat, V WIDMINUTON, M. 0 Will TataeUee In all the Court of the 8u"e. Prompt attentioa glreo to the oolleotlou cf claim. act I) imeod Coal! Coal! 300 TONS CRATE COAL. BEST QUALITY RIB ASH. New leading. Early barer will get advma tage of the keweat prleaa ocieH i ii. u. raaeiiii e wot f WOODY t CURRIE, General Commission MerohanUi 1 rlsoeae and North Wabst atreeei,' WILMINUTON, H, U, ' -.: We will eeodaetonr bealnee wit the deter- mlnailoa to eaubllah a grat-elaeaaulotly oom mine ion heaae and io give entire .U.faetiOB to all who may favor ae with theti patronage . o. v. woouv, oct Sim . . J. H. Ul'KBIK. Sale of Valuable CITY PROPERTY' BY virtue of the power contained In a dofd In trn.t exeoutml to the amtiir.l.itnd m triietee tor the benefit ot eertalniiertlca therein named, lir the late Thomas W. Itawey, on the Ttn day of January. IH70, I ehalleipoee to pub lic auction to the higher bidder on Monday of the next term of the Hepertor Uourtof Menb- leuunrg county, being the82l day or Noyem bet, 1"I9, between the hour, of IS a., and t r. .) at ine ixiurt House door, tbetbllowlnc eity proiierly: 1. The lot In the city of Char'otte known ae the Hanking Hout of tie Haijk of Meoklen- bwg and occnnled by the I ate I'hoe. W. bewey, axienumg niiy-.n (M) eel on xryon Krent and theeameon Uhareh Mreet, and eiteuding from utreet Io atreet. t Also one lot In Cliarlotf In the Northern IMrtlon or the city, fronting on tiiaham e'roet, adjoining the propertyoC at, I,, Harringot, SAO by -191 feet oump.UIng throe front and three back lota. . , , , f 'be latter will be Mild In noparate Iota, ay Term, made known on da, of -ale. i -.i.i)BWr, - octS4t Truatee. J Due Notice. IHAVR RN(UORf),PORTHI! PKRHItNT, the "Hall" or the5th Ward Racket Co.,' corner r "IIUi and Nun ettootl, where pupile U) mMr y eotiool wiH pleaee meet at ae'dleck a. m , on eto Inat.. t r - - i oct Bit 'It- ,iW, kloLAHKIN ! MI re'JJI NG R V.- The nmleralgn'd wlehee to Inrerm the Ladlea , :that.alieiaejutpitarnail rrow New York, 1 . where aha baa been for aeyeral weeke MAKING HER f ALL PURCHASES ' In FINE FRENCH MILLINERY. And will be prepared In a taw 1av to ehow ber rrienna ana tne puuiio genara ly, ne latan style. In French Pattern Bonoeta and , llata, and ererythHig pertaining to the buelne... I have aim a Tory j flneasleothm of "' FANCY GOODS, J ; Oon. atlng ot . , , badien' Coranta, . . i llooiwklria Ponipadoore, ivf;-t), JJtrefl .';-lt ii-.,, Ituttont, ., i . JUottoei, ' i , Mttohlng Ami the Urgent am! eheaport itoek of Zenhyr I rrormea akd guetlaiKI worn te t" eefl tait 1 aide of Haiti mi ire. Older, from the OOUNTRISOfclOJTEp, All orderg will be attended tQ with ttrouiiit aaj and . , , r. r r Oe43r - 41 MAKKKT 8T 1 . r7l TUB rLAtK t0 TIN MOTIONS j vt. t SAt ALotof MISSES' JACKETS " ; k," . WATERPROOF C10AKS. As i sAmpi.r.a jtmr hevkiveo I'leaae kxamlne my Stock at l M .1 iA E M BROI DERI E 3. .;! m iirrMsx r.;n I COLDSOORO, U,$.tl M PKTTEK, A.M., Ptof. Aacleat and Mod ere lAiif aagea , ,.,. , S. W. Pref. MaiaeUaUaa, ' - - J. '" s ' Iba 'I kirel Terea ot Iblw ImekU Hon il ltalu Tiondavy, Ana. 9. audvud on ,HHday, Imr Vl.Ira. 1111 IS Mohool I .ltuatl In the town Of OoUe . buroiihn wnkii or Tjur Kaliroa U), aud Iruia lie rolbilUy offer. .uiwilor ad.aiktague to uronta and guaMlana Uvlng la Abe .ar inundlug oounlrleit or In the aaetara perUoa et the Male. The location la healthy, and eo rear. ..f alrknaea aed be enlettetned by reate aaiKllug Utah? enne Id thle laee, aa not a ainglaoaaa of aaikia. tllnaae aar rwl In the nhool daring the peet eaholaaue year. Ho la'ont. thervrore, eaa teaaoaably be ilatmretl from fatronntng Ibl. Kohoul en the ai-of f the anbealihlneaa nf the loratlon. I'rofi-aw r f . W. adame, who bae ehargeof the MtUniatlnal ltpartnient, te an alumnae of MaiHin UoJIega, and hae been a .iieeeiwrul tuacher of yumh for many yaare. Tlie conrtaof Inatraetlon la anejnd , tbornegh aud bitnu.lTa and aeoke to derelop and Imt ro.e the maatal nawere of the pupil by training them te thiwk, and by teaching them tho right baa of tlia faealUea wltb wtleh tied hae en dowed them. i . 1 ha kwl4lne or the ebool, while It le mild and parental, anforeaa the daty of ohedteaoo toetery rule and regulation. At InaaborUlna thin and dlaordvly ooadaclere wholly Inoom pallida with asholaatlo training and montal frcgrea. no boy whole Indlapoaed to Impre.e hi. lime or la an Injury to hU follow, will be retained In the Houuol, Moral and rellgleua Inatrictlnn eeoelve a dee hare of attention ami oon.Uleratlon j for an ient Ihe heart and eenaolenee be tnatraoted and anllghtdnd, mere aeouiar learning will avail ba little in tlie lormatloa of a correct aad optlgh oh ar after. , The four rellgloua bailee being well repre sented In thl. (.lace, even boarder I allowed hi attend that bur oh on Sunday whleh hie pa rent may designate. Thle with and preference of tlie parent will be ettUitly elieervad, aaaota lug of a toetarlaa oharaater U oouuteuauoed la the Hchoul. Boye are prepared for adranceil elaejee la llollege or fur the aotlve baslueat of life. The bul.dlng, hiUierkri known at the -'re. ale College ' baa heart aaonmd by the PVlneb pal, and will hereafter be uead ae a eohool for boy. Deadly weaunni, Urtoxtoetlng drink, profan ity and orery apeulae el gambling are etrlotir Terms, per Session of 20 Weeli If kit N At'TASOa-BALAftOa K1K8 r OF OOTOBBH. Tuition for prlmar department..,, .""BIB 00 Higher Kngllah 10 . Adyaaned olaiae. with Akre- i bra, eto,,. ......... , ,. M 00 Advanoed elanee with Utln MOO and with ltln aad Ureek. IS 00 German, French, and book-keaptug, each iua.. .......... am Board, wieledtbg feoj and tight TS 00 Incidental txpeusee.... S (0 Each atudent will furnl.h. for hi own nee, a pair of blanket, a pair of aheate, a pair of pil low eaaee and hi. towel. Ne deduction from raltloaand Board In eaee of dtentleaion or withdrawal, and enly la or vracraoiMi noun rarrariberparuoaiar,aHireea M. FETTER. Principal, aly StMlAwtf - OOLDSBORO, H.C, FINE TABLE APPLES MESSINA LEMCSS. B). afTBBS'.. Beoelved to da rrmm Iron war Dairy the 'caowem uii er our JBE8T BC7TTBBIM THB WOHLD :'";V:-i-s';WBav"ja4Ti"t' T' h' Only for atlaev 1 ' !, ' . . -j i ... ! ) f OIO.alTMI.; ,Oar Brand Ootbie Ixtra ratatlr FUu, NEW jPRCCESS EMPIKE ZFLBUB. HONUOBAU KXPUUS'' : ..V 1 .." , I i r:v t. ' f - ASO PLANT9' RXT&A. '. fwrof eaehal : C't ?: OBO. MTBB8. PINEAPPLE CHEESE. EOAM CHEESE. , AND CREAM CHEEIE. At UBO.MYEB4. rrmh ernnkor. every week, Oream, Milk, and People' M ixo.. FRUIT UHACKklttJ ."'1 O , f . i . i . . .. COHNHllX, SOPA PKBSU BUTTER,' .. aud FAMILY 1'tI OT BRBAU, i i. . 'I !!:- -: ! j . . I Tog. i 1 A V Together with all Imported Oraoknre, at Jil ' i i QH(X M YKHH. FRESH IRISH OAT MEAL. Imperial Oat Meal, In 1 end 19 pound package and Now Katra alee Maokerel, at GEORGE MYERS. 11 4 13 BOUTH FRONT ST.. 1 I' . . .1 II . I I I MI'ill !l I 1 The Charlotte Observer The only morning dally papea publUUCi la theHtKUwaHtaritlolh an4 North of Wil mington, eltnre ieolal j lodqoam U d yor. tlaera. lt ciiraUtlo t iud aaefelneat hare been largely Inoreawd dnrlag the year juet pant, and It n w reanhe moot ol the Mer chanUor Western North llaiollna, thii offer ing en niMwrtpeii ."nn or ofmmon,ioaj tion between the MrehntoT Wftmlngtoaand the people of Weatera North Oarollua. Oally ...............SS 00 per annum. Weekly.. " a .a ar i ai-'V a" Advertleing tety'low. , , ma ' Cotton " Ties a nd Salt, : ; ,i., f .i ,.). , ; .... ,.,.1,1.. . jj,,. j 2,000 J Wffl Al XtO W ; 3E3,; 4,000 SACKS HALT j For sal bv ,,"''s, ' ! .i.m'nt iJ. till I ll BINFORD, CROW OO. l ',! it 'AlUHM. i TuC BgsI Hoosolioldjlalilliii tlie World c,vtitkoS'AL(5aiN tVca: r.RITTOIl. , , t tvarranteel tsj Oegrweei rUw.Teet ! MwMiTltdhf Ou Frt hnrancx Oompamitl. iraRealthe following oMrtlgeato. aeleoted rom aiany othera 14 Howaau Piaa laa. CM: o BALTiwota, ) . . .-. i.i. December t,UI. . J Htm i. O Wtit Ami; Gentlemen Hating wot the waeaiae oil "! InihbjeUy for llluml- aatlnc orpoee. 1 take pleaanre In recom m..7!tm Tuur Ala ldia Hecurlty" aathe eafea and baet ever naad la ear honaahoU. . lear f(gn,tn t ivvsj ww rtw. 1TIT WILL NOT EXPLODE ..-..if U rr Sitnkttftrfm M. tn,-t m jnboleeal Depot, C WEST at SON. trk. 11 B W. Lombard Itreni. BaltlmanL CUKAIVSIOYE UOUfii:. J. 0. OUNLOP & CO. N W, PreM tttreel, PelUmor- PARLOR HEATERS. COOKINQ STOVES ILLUMINATORS. FURNACES. RANGES AND GRATES! tf gtoiei lapelreit. ' taptdawtm Salt Syrup, Shot, Ties r and Hullets. a,ooo BACKS UTERroOL BALT, 15fD0La H. II. M0LABHE3 or DLACK liOLLABBRH. 800 DAQ3jBnOT. ' S3 TO ITS PROW 11E3 (If aw.) 00 DDLS NICE SALT MULLETB. t ..... -. ... ! . l W.000 OUN OAItJ, WATEU TU00F i and Q. D.'a DBMBBABA MOTSaBB, UtTDA MOUB , i SBS, BBW t'HIVANI MOLABHKB' ' ' BINFORD. CROW ft CO. eeplt j MatfarlatoUraeaUMg FlooAa. the recent tramendoaa fioahele which have Siwded aim. of Me reuat fertile low laud, of MtaviiimiHimi uara nut vuiy raiuw wiiiv leail rain and dlaaater, but hate, aa might . .. . , . . i . .. nave Dean ineoiaa, o.en iiniewae oy aa an preeedanted eutoiop of fever aud ague, blllluue Vemlttonte, aad other dleoM of a malarial type. The eun't ray, acting even ibaeaturatad veg.tetlon ami hanated noateiaft by the retlr ing waura, nare ax.aiao a rar reaouin r reaoblim tu ma, which I pregnant wl.h die. Tbe moat regable eafeguard agalnet It U round to be Ho leaar'i llomaoh Blttora. thepreenni demand for which, more partlealaiiy In the Waat and Noethwaat, where the floode hare boon mt eer,eaeeedany whleh hae eitotad la the pai, popular aa the great national remedy and preeentlveof malarTabaialwa.aheew. Merer hM II been pel to eoch a crylal tort, or It claim, mare een.ploaourty vladleated. i REMOVAL. I HAVE REMOVED TO MY OLD j NTA1XD, 1 . Exchango Corner, C. A. PRlCEg Exooutor. . . Bign Qoldaa Boot W. P. rBIOE, Manager. , aepl TRAVELING BAGS. SADDLES' HARNESS AND TRUNKS WBIP8,SP0BB, SATOIIBIiS, AXtiB-QBBASB, ' OOlil.ABH, , ' Bamee, Traee-ehaloe, Back Baud, Al) kind of eaddlery goole, CHEAPFOItOAHH, at Carpenter & Mallard's j ' jio. a BOUTH UJIT PTBIIT, gcb II ilmlagton,N.O JOHN DAWSON'S i IIAUUWAIIE STORE plana to buy area, grub bomi, rheref paitee. menore fork., rake., hollow -wars Sind .Uinee, iron, naiM, ehot,- eajia, ., at itlewoat rah prlnrn that nan be roil nil In the City. Woe, l, n and 11 Markat atrnnt. I V CH00L BOOKS jAT' rCBLlSHfeU'S1' PRICES jaat renelved a large and well eeleeted Hock of echuol book a. Parent Teacher and (luai- dlan are partlealarly Invited to nail and ex amine before making .election, elenwherfl. Kl. MANN, onlllt St North Front aweot.e. Bagging, Ties. Salt, Ac. no Knlil Ragging. wV) W KollalUrgTng. y f SO rim. Tlo Flerned and Whole, forj Harrel Plour, , : f,Kl Back. Halt. ,; ; '77 0 Ton Hoop Iron. , i ;,;i r J 10 Barrel, (iluu. , ,, f . too Kg Nalla . , raakagn KUetl. , DO lloiraliead. 8. H. Molamea I I 1M Nanele 8. 11. Molaanaa. I B0 Hogaheaila B. M, MolanM. j . , U Tleroee Klee, , , ,. . , . , , ... loo Boxe ciheenea . , .. 100 Bag Coffee. i 51) Uarrala Hugar. ,. 1 100 tjaeae bye and Putaah. . ! ., .400 K.ege Powder, Hlaatlng and ', - . Hportlng. . Fa Cap. Bhot, ftnolT, Oandy, Oamllr MaUhe,Uyater, ricklee, Tomatoee, peache, Toboeeo, Soap, Lard, BUroh, Ae,, o., Ae. for eaie by BBRCHRHR OAIiDBR BBOB. eepn Portland Cement Ales. Roman, BeenV and Parian, for walk elatem rnndatlona, atablea, eellaie, bridge, reaorreire. Ae. Kemlt at aente peeUge rot praetloal waalle ea aemantr i MKKC'HANT OO. - 7 , 7 Houth (It , New York. I .,. " . . -. . lea-tmand. ( EEHOVAL. .it-rt ,rr u v.r PT. ThomM T, Wood bu removed hit offloe end riwUienM to tat bolldlug Ore; Vale Book gtora. ""A v ''-'I" ''" f toiABi, oaoat. wtt mm GRONLY & MORRIS AUCTIONEERS. STOCK AN OJtEAl ESTATE BROKERS t WlXMUfOTOB, . a IAN BB SEBM AT TBBIB 8AI.Bg BOOM V i DI.B III W. J I . i ton-V mitw riia Hnniulartaa of everv hthenltydlKtlnctlydeaned. ' "' (Aaaeaeeo vwoa,(MM mtw p. mi AHutaaKmdeelMd rwaKaed ap THE CENTENNIAL RALQ8X Ueebeealhoroughly rdneratai and'rtfltied. aevatal aoanofthe dayaod algh', where lb beatwf wlaee, nqaore anal eigara win aa kept, Colfe alwaye wdye - Oy.ter from Baltiam, noriwa a i... . -I- " B.Q. BABHITB, Proprietor, tot It ISoftaTroatBlrt, 45. 45. 1.12 ! WATER;! I flMOKE I I ; ; . -"" " From tho lutr flro In tho wLoleealo ilppartnirint of . .. . .1()HI)AI iMAHSU Ac CO BOS A Larefl anfl Varies Lot Romembor U107 will be sold at moh aale. We would alnu call tho attention FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, a liiant nil mini . arav n 11111 arna.TaTrt rv 1 1 iv 11 iiifvii m www v m 1IVII Utl till 11 A VilAl'l IIUVUII I1IUI Replete with all the Novelties of the Season ! BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street. OUl t AT RETAIL I B. WEILL! Be WEJ LLt B. WEILL 1 600D8 AT PRICE8 ." i. I . : -.7 ALL wo auk 1m an examination of tlw iiulllo will bti coiivlnct'd of what j ,fl(K) vanls Wack AlpMctw at fill oonta worth. 62 oentav , 1,000 ynrtJa Jtlitok AlpitoHB at M ftmta Worth 70 cent, , t i l,(KH yarda Ulauk Alpacaa at 87, couta worth 80 oouta. (, , , , i 000 imlrti Iialll, lliaw at 2.5 ctmt woith ADAenta. ' ' ' fliK) jialm liftdloa' Hone nt 4H cwntH wmn BO cent. ' 6(K palm ChlldroiiH' Htripwl lloao nt :H oeiiU worth S7 ceutei. 600 jialra Chll Irt'iia' Htripml Hoao at :t7i oonU worth wnU. , .600 jmlrs (JhlldroiiH' Ht rlimd 1 Iomo ut a coiiU worth (15 wntH. ' ' ,; We lutveoii linnd niauy olhor ";ootta BQUALLY TOO NUMEROUS ' Altof which AT PRICES THAT . .. . VERY B, WEILL, FALL AND IVI, NOW : 36 MjnQrir btbeet, .. . V ' ', " . ,' . ' . I v)..i : i-. r.iliill ( 'A "t'.i i I '"" ' .1 . TALL AND WINTER GOODS :, CHEAPER 4.ift IK ? ' a i i M. ill ep1n I'.j.ll! i f" .i II !l-l LI I natst-iini7 . PUIt 11 I Ultt I rw " fTTB OrrEW FOll TUB x A 1 1- latUR ,w,,or - ; ? , ,. AlO WW,,, evww; ww-. -., 0I f , , , ,u j v, .4 i ... i. ..,.7.' (. i.iii O F.-j y.-.i ( t iiiiif tif.ill .W" ? vhnfitt 1 1 piuvur;blinwner liud 'llBalut Iloonl raUlture. ' - I '.'.... . ... ,( at xrKM''BioJes.i -v.:i' , ..-. ijAiiptTs ::! and :mi; -mjKlumA I .. , - i ,i- aadBug, of tteaattiulUwagne, i !u m. ...' i-.a, ur. Beadiflg. r,&e..; &6 5,-Ha5iT- Mosit ShtieV":Eicelsiorind ' Etrtw MATTBK8i8r. tTHRK,rStTMr:B hfiri WKAVrttH fil.lhW affry BJ4STBB 1 i 'i - riiiMirit njymrt sii im . .. , And our ow Hotele, Bteuacre and Private Keai.Ui.o-e I ,n'ikew la ttw ar at Vw rne . , , rHaglxU0llna.4llortKbeOrpu uhaaiag. .f , o, ,-, - ...I i. .,. Be Aa HUIXU A COV i t I,..,, J.fn J ii.-.U V-iw. vv.,,., lfii-).1Ml,!,.lilW(W r.7- tap IS U ' . - T O N" ol GeiiBTal Dry (Ml prlora aa will lnoro tboir Imtnexliate ol our patrons to onr stock of ! ' 7 .. t , t:7.i .,;., i i'. r II "1 j! . 1 . . AT RETAIL I T0 SUIT THE TIMES. ;.: ...I.-.! :!r.' our bLock,. Wo Axil ruttlafleij that tiutt we! my, We give below a few prlcva: Hf AS LOW, .11' TO MENTION, w will ajoll s 7. , i . ,,i r, DllKV COJIPETITIOS. hEiJt'EfJULLY; 1 , St.-1 $ ( I (, I) f. I, 32 North Front Street. TER GOODS THAW EVEIt 1 1 ; ji.i.i lit. ,.i, . il Mfii j 7.i ' . wTt t -J ''lit" I.I...' 5 ' iiia Ai i.i.!-l ta o .;;.(!' -m! t- -j- t. iii.iii ' i 'n,. a t aa mm i , y . i . . . kriiijrjiTiinr 1 li P Wa-.awwaaa. . fa ; ;t t,i rliw .i'i ,t -.) t VTiiivura - ii - "r T""-r . , ..t". ; - i rHl ;itiiri(il i itlAui.'n, o.,iiiM,p m?!i e t-j b i ii'.i I w)innretnre. ?. t .(.. U ;:n,A " exohakgs ooaNsa ' Y W ,l r t H- i. I . .. , t; i .a ii.