. ..ii'ii'M "II i , v .. 4 rlCTW,X VnY ; p i i rr i ! jj VOL. XXIV. no. 239. WILimTGTOir. IT. C. PHIDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1875. i rY7H0L2 HO 7.CDS Cbc $ip 3attrnal. BY TELEGRAPH. RADICAL PAP. DUelogirti kj a Creditor of Henry Clewi A Co.-Ab Attempt to Kalab. Ilea a Consalar Agency. NEWS IN" GENERAL Tronble In Mississippi Tke Itgroea Ketreatlnr-War U Siberia Wkita . ' Man Shot br a Retro Mob. CRIME AND CASUALTY. Alleged Kaper PUcharged-Defaalter -Rioter Dtstharged-A Sodden Deatb-IneendiariamL GOLD 17. lit TKUKJ8APB TO THl JOTJBJUU I t 1 NOON blSPATCHES. OHIO. i ) ' . ThnBogllteaia. . ' ' OouTMBua, Oct 7. The obsrire disease has killed one thousand hogs in this vicinity within a month. ' t l' , , JUCHI6AI. . A ; il:;A Severe Storm. DaTBorr. Oct. 7. A Yery. severe storm? kr raging 00 Lake Huron aad several roaai ktsela are reported aenore.' COSKICTICUT. f 5. 4. ' I Marriage In High Life. Haktford, Oct. 7. Three member of the National Cabinet assisted at the wedding of Postmaster General Jew ell's daughter, Joeephine, who was married to Mr. Arthur M. Dodge. CAIJTOBXIA. DetantUnTcier-r. Bis Fbaxcwoo, Oat. 7 Gen. La Orangs, Bafeerrorandent of the Mint hai resigned in conseqaanoe of the eonneotion of his name with that of Pentley, the deUnJUng paymaster's clerk. . - H Xii 1 "" Tka LonliTllle A Xatkrlllo Kallraad. LoTjtsvilJ.s, Oot 7.-fAi meeting of the stockholders of the Louisville t Nashville Railroad, Mr. Martin was elected President ' ' Mr. Fink, the Bnp erintendent baa resigned. - Mr. E. D. Standoford aooaeeda Martin. , ., : bMfflatW-'. s''4 PorrsvitiM, Oot 7.- Watohmen Qra ber and Kembles.'at the colliery, were hot at by some inoeudiaries, while trying to extinguish a small fire they had made is the milL The fire got be yond his control and the mill was dia troyed. Tho 1ms is estimated , at $1,00.000 ThTee hundred men and boys have been ousted. ' The fire is attrib uted to tho Mollis Macgnire's. AKtAKSAS. ,, The Itegro Trouble. Tfnr.TiwA Ortt"'"7. HliAriflT Brown. who instigsted thekoubleia Coahoma County, at Friars' Point, says he got detaohed from his friends early in the trouble and went a foot to Houston and got the sheriff of Tunioo, a white man, to go to Friars Point peaceably and settle matters. - Brown doot talk warlike. Chalmers frightened tla neg roes from their first position by firing nVAV thfiir hA&da. Thev vrere found again behind s bayou wbioh Chalmers fiankail a.nd this time he neboered thro, when they led and disappeared. Brown baa no personal knowledge of tue ngnswg. . i , -., .,..,' . :.nAIAjwat.ij,T' SaaCarTI Precautloai, ' - Moaan, Oot. 7. At the meeting of the Board of Health whioh met last veninm tho following publioation was ordered made in the city papers: That the Board bsve no knowledge of tho existenoa at present of any oase of yel low fever in the oily The. last ease thev have , any' report of originated Rflntflmbai.a7th. the few naaea that baveoconrred were oonfiaed to one lo cality and no atsposuion to spread pas been manifested. Thfr TJoexd'liare tsken all the preoantion that is deemed aeoessary to disinfect the locality in onestion. Signed, (ieo. JL Ketobnm, M. D.. Preaident of the Board of Health.i Tke BUhop otBreiian, ,,, BMBLni. The . Eoclesiastical ' Com mittee hai 4epood th -Biahop of yreaian. ,n?irUt A YOOO The TurkUh Army. , v) Pints. Oct ' T.iThi TAhArtiA save. the Turkish army is instraoted to eon Sua tta opert2on8 tOj Uje aoionaivo, SPAM. Troops Embarking -The Carllxts. Barobloma, Oct. 7. Nine h nod red troops aailed for Ooba, and thete are three thousand more embarkinir. Mi.dk id, Oot. 7. The Oarlsis have apparently abandon I the eaunousde of Ban Babastian. It is officially an- aonoond that the Jerlist Uenerai be- ballal baa gone to Franoe. KXGLAIO. , ,, War Declared. Losvon, Oct 7.-rThe Turner has the following; War has commuuoed al Oape Palmaa, between Liberia and the Aborigines, tinder the command 01 several edaoated aativea. There was some fighting on the 17th of Beptem ber, in which fifty were killed and wonnded. The Liberia government has dispatched troops from Monravia to the scene of lotion cad a great bat tle is daily expected. NICHT DISPATCHES. riXSSUYAJIA. Iloter Canrlcted. CuuRnnj, Oct. 7. The jary ksve acquitted Siuey, but oonvicted Parke, of riot and conspiracy ia eonneotion with the ool miners strike. COmCTlCCT. , Sudden Death. Habtpord, Oot. 7. An English Baptiet Minister, who vh traveling for his health, was found dead in his bed si the house of Mrs. Harriet Boeoher Btowe. ' ,;y MASsAcnisms. ; '5 Vrlaoaer BUehargedt. ' Lowau, Oct 7. John Maher, tho tramp who was arrested as tue mur derer of Miss Laagmade. has been dis charged, on the ground that he eould not have been at the aoena 01 the out rage. ' , .. r TEOTflRSf I! fni'i ij i hi- !!''; hot by the Kegre tnanrgeata. 1 Miwhis, Oot. 7. Chalmers con- tisues it pnrtuit of (iieaogroea. Uader Geo, Pease, "oolored," Frank boott. white, was drawn into an ambush and fatally wonnded by the negroes. White Democrats and Republicans are unit ing in opposing tne negroes. CALIFORNIA. Threatening to Ixpose. Bas Fbanoisoo, Oot. 7. Pering, the defaulting paymaster's alerk, threateus revelations, that be says will make a fluttering among the politicians, as re gards to the inflnunoes which retsined Pering in his position, if the inquiry is pressed too hard upon him. 'j . 6E0B6IA. I 1 ', 1 1 AgrlcaltaraTlzhibltlon, Art acta, Oct. 7. The Agricultural and Meohanios Exhibition at Borne, Georgia, this week, has been largely attended. There were exhibitors and visitors present from several Western Htates. loc. n. u. jsastman, 01 Hew York, delivered the annual address. ' WASUXfiTOI.j The Ailatle-Cbronometer loclu. WashikotOW. Oct TJ The Navy De partment has reoeivod advioes from the Asiatic squadron stating that the health of the officers and orew is good. (Jnronometer looks are attached to all the safes in the Treasurer's offloe. The safea will open and close with bus iness. ''.'. ;' . .YIRGIXIA, V-' Moatpeller Lottery-Death. ' Alexandbia. Oct. 7. The Oaeette of this evening says that the examin ing oommittee of the M ontpelier Lot tery Association, nave removed what one of them Oonsidered an injnnuhon of the society, and the result is thst the correctness of what the Gazette has sa d about the s win lie has been substantiated in every particular. The same piper says, it turns out thst the plate upon wbiob the tickets, signa tures and ail were printed was allowed to remain in New York, and that all tho rrice nnmbera exoepttwo, were held in New York. : . Salem, Alfred Pcnn, an old and re spected citizen of New Orleans, and for many years President of the Union Bank of that city, died here to-day. He was tho father of Lieutenant Gov. D,B.Ponn, .. :.Jr..:. MWI0RK. Heavy Fallure-Ixamlnlng Cheever. New Toac Oct" 7. John Oorham. President of the Oorham Silverware factory of Providenoe, has failed. His liabilities are $000,000. . The examination of Beni.H. Cheever. a eteditor of Henry Clews A Co., be fore Jhe Register in Bankrnptoy, de- veiopes sue touowing : -4- . Clews spoke to me repeatedly about establishing a banking house in Wash ington hd finally told me h was. en deavoring to obtain tbej United States ageooy;he wanted my aid andpioiuised to pay me liberally; he stated the vain of this agency end promtseq to give me on quarter Of the entire profits, -as my correspondence will show, , I was to reader him all the lawful servioes I obnld in Washington- and elsewhere, by showing nis standing as a hanker kc., until tngenoy waa obtained and then aid him here and in London.. I conferred ' reputedly with Seoretarr Delano, Senators Oonkling, Anthony.. ttpragne, romeroy, Juornii,.oi xuaine, fiumner, r'lloa-Freeident- Wilson, Speaker Blaine, General Bants, But lor sfid others,inoludj ng Senators Sher man, Chandler,' Wlndom and Bamsey., 1 was to aid aa ranch as possible1 get ting disbursements through this-age n- oy. I introduced Mr. Clews to Gush ing and aa arrangement waa proposed aa to the deposits for foreign consul ates; fifteen million dollars w mi tioned in 1 this conversation. Judge Louie pent, a lawyer and relative of tha freaidao) bjmaiasi9 to have one eighth of tho entire profits for his service as sounsel, and after oonsn matioa of the plan as oonnsol for the agency In Washington, Mr. Clews of fared Dent $23,000 to oome to Net York as eounsel, to advanoe the inter ests of Mr. Clews. I do not knov what legal servioes ha performed and do not know that he ever oeased to hsve an interest in the business. Mr. Cheer did not reoolleot writing to Clews asking payment for servioes and mentioning that he (Cheevet) had any partners to share with him; bat did not recollect writing that he had part ners aharing one fourth his profits, and supposed up to a certain date that Dent wss a partner. He did not in form any members of the administra tion. Senators or Congressmen of these agreements. . JOBIQIT. p "CASADA. -'- n '1 Trial of Chabort, MonTBUti, Ooi 7 The oharge of rape against adds UiiaDort Is with drawn, and he will be tried simply on the oharge of assault. I ' I5GLAKI " Sugar Refinery Failure. Olasoow, Oct. T. Brown, Stevens k Wiliamson, augar refiners, have failed, liabilities heavy. Several Qreen 00k houses are involved,' , " TIIRMT. ' ray ment of Interest. OoNSTATnron.a, Oot. 7.-The Porte has decreed that on and after January next, interest on the redemptions of the publio debt will bo paid half in cash and half in five peroent. bonds oh Tneadey, mi : . H vv;)" ii - 7 MEW ADYERTIM f U fi tote ana mtesMm! Th- ft utu m uitkly ItKUIIm.nt of on 4ol Urpor liu li ilM aad ptialhl HHtay u 111. oflloe of U. SMt.twr aad rra.rr. 'J 1 fl. M. SLI.tlt. etl It 8wUry and Trunirar, i Dissolution, Tl eopwtnarahlB hrrttufura ailailna b- tvaea ta aa .rilfnaU anlcr tba aam. and atyliOf Brona A i,a.. It Uis day ulaaal.ad bj mntaal eontnit. . - . Ta.tioitBsawU. a.ra.itrr bs soailDataS by 1. J. U. H. Bronaaa, who w.ll aundaol tba badaew at Us e'd ataaa. , J.J. BHONBOH, OCt Id It mt J.H.HOBlNWUM. Flwilomatlicaii Literary fociety. REGULAR MEETING. Mnbrsars rMpaetfalir allfld tint Hi. Br.traitar iiMia, aft-r th. aanimer ad Jovraaiaat, will ba bald to-ulgbt (Friday,) In la. Hot and I.add w Hall at 1 J o'alovft. By order of the rraudaat. . t J. I. ARBS, aollU - Soerrtary. SPIRIT CASKS. Bight aandrtd saleoto oetODd.handSisys in sTobisi: JUGT -RECEIVED tOK SALl T1BT totfr DaE033ET A CO, oetl IS Am UaiaaawerMblo Arffumont. Tbe atrongaat arguinont wUlob can bo argon1 agalnet th. alflAblllty of admlnl.terlng aucb oorroalT. and nrre-da.troylng poiaun. aa ai oale and oalolne for latormltiout and retaU- taut toaeio, la tli. ?a.ty auperlor aaccaaa In tke orstroution awl rare of onob dtaoama of a med icine which Mtk.fary aatlpodo of loo abote aaaMd dree., botk la foauaat of lie comu tlea and lae rraolt. wrought by IU Hook a Mietiio is no. letter', sioaaacb ritwra, a pojrely oeg.table preparation, which not only aradloett-a with vtmdorfnl iromptituila ererr traoo of rever and agaa, and atmlreil typ. a of aiaiartfiua dl'eaaa. Iran the evetam. b 1 1, a e-rtaln proTanttfe of all maladiea b-gotten cf avaeina-teirtea air anu a er. XMa rwnit. nliorel antl f.bnl.reoiodle.(lonot off ctwith oertalnly, an I telr oontiaaad naa entail. tvn. emju.no. highly pernlolooa to (be eyateaj. The Blitere. on the contrary .not on I aff.ird.neidr tollef, bat Mtabll-h health on a ormaueut Dane. Blank and Stationery. Medium. Orowa. Dear. Oap Qaarto, Long Oap, Long Qaarto and a largo atock of all aliee aad qaaiity of MEMORAN DUM B00K8. roola Gap, Legal Oap, Bill Uap, Utter, bnv menial Note aad a variety of P APBT HIKS, j TbslatoHetylee, "To Oentennlal." "Orn urain,- sa, so , J oat raoslyed and Par sals at ii" HEINSBEEGER'S i UVE BOOK ARD MUSIC STOKE. Quarantine Notice. tTNTIli FCKTHEB KOT1CE1 ALL VEoi aels mm rorwaoaUofOapsraaiwIUoDmeto at the TtatUng Station, ' near Deep Water Point, sod aoalt the Inipootlonof tbs Qot antine phyaUian. i ylj'I ;.'; ,H'X:.: i Alt Voaaeli from Porto whero ToiW ' PsTor, adtor Infection diaeaeo aiiau, will bs re faired to sadergs a rigid ao4 pro longed gaa aaalna. ! . ffi -A i.i w Ail ToaoeUor boats 4 eay ehiieet 1 ) fcvlag awkneasoB board oa arrival, or g had oiceneaeanyum. aanng tbe vavs, are ra qaro to oome to tba braUon .paction Wttboat regard to tbe Port tom enoe they apajs;' yeaaali not lueloaaJ aa r orewUl pro. seed wltnoutdstoaUoa. ' Pttoto are epaalaliy enjoined to make safe' sol enquiry relattre to Veo bi, erew7e , and ii do. a- uvniMi wimi am aiatamaata or too Vap taln or Bommander. or If tho vewl U la a filthy eonditloB, th will bring tba yeeeei to tbe auttoat fvr fof tfvamlUoaij ) ; J J :PUoU wUfally yiolatlng bb (aaranMn. Laws era enbject to a forfeiture of th.lr branob) Maetaro of vaeele to a Sn .nwe .anfr4 doU lore a day fo satryi dar .Utay Wubtto itiS Qaa'aablao lw- and all other pereoae VS aaem warn wwvm a OTary www.; - An vaaMtoenhJeet to vleltatknj node aoo regalstlona; Ma tot a sag hi tke mala rtggia, Itilii Jfl WrrrrEBirTT'avlCTtirp plaa of iroode ir.rrd nhH b I Qaarantlfie'Kbyiiloia'rf: r ror at WilmtauMaaj tkl J' ) amlthdus,ll.O., May tT. Wia. msvW IBtllBAvl MISl'kllAM'.OlS. TRADE MARK. WORCESTERSHIKE: S4UCE, LEA ft ?ERRIH8,; UK LL J RATED P Ml MCMi:ai ooireoissBUBa KXTRAUT at aLltrrtcKfrotaa MKIMCAt U4N. MAN at Naunui, tahlabnHlMtral WDHOKSTKH, f o as as - "Onlr Good Banco," Hay, ni. 1 .11 CSA a rEHHINM that tbatraaaaa la blah. It aataamaail is In dia, aad la, In aiy opinion, tba moat llatab). aaaallat tba atoat whola wnt Marx that aiada. AmU aptilloabla to BTERT VARlB-l TTurDMH WorcestersMre Sauce. ' Ood Wbolaaals and rot Btportanoa fey tiS rwptistora, uiA an PiaaiMa, w.iatt., togland) aii Rat all by Dsalsrsla 8 as oat iaa orally taroajaaot ttaa irotld. Ask for Laa ft Perrlnj' 8anes. " At the BHE A KlA BTJTABtiK.lt in paru tbs moat oiqaieUs rallah aa4 sast te Hot sr Gold Maat, fowl, risk, Brollad Eldnsy.ao. At tba DII.IER TABLE, ta Boap.wlU " ' , !, ' . 'ft : t , V - i . i - i - ' t (Hah, Hot Jjlota, Oami, and IS all Oraflsa, U (tvas s dallgbtul Bafor At tta Llli)IISiOK AND It frtH ffABI.K It U doamad IntflspanaaW bl tua famlllat witblts sttlmabia aasiluoa I i Jrn Aw r-rwa 2 s Th.r. U do relsti In tba world whioh tan aiilToraally llkad as Lea A Partlna' famoa . JOHN OUNCAN'S SONS .n:w voHat Due Notice. IBATR RNO AOKD.VORTHt PRUENT, the -HOI" of lbe"ftUi Ward Baob.tOo ," rornor of ilth ard Man atreata, whero t0lle to antor mj nhool will pleae ataat at S a'alsoli a,, at , oa Sto luat.. ooi in J'W.moiaoriH , E lively No Poitpmement t irORTTJITE 1 . FOMfJl. j LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. - CiPf - CONCEBf - ASSOCIATlOif Of JOblsoa,Toiaa.Blll gWoa -A ' , CCONO QRAUD j QIFf : CONCEBT ITo73;C0tbJl875.; U111WIJ( 1'OSlTiYl.J Or f.loney Refunded. First Capital Gift -$3Q QOQI Beoond Capital Oift 25 OO0 Has dot tJllta m ptoporllen aroontlng IB all Ut 8250,000.00. tovvst qiftt9,a Wholo Tioknt, Ifjpl Price of a Wliolo tlot.t. as. ariiinh mnaUtJ I m . . - I an are an uouiiou. r ' , , COUPON TICKET8, tl. Winch will entitle the holder lo a.lniUalon ti 'be Uraud Umcert. aii'ltuon.-SiiJi of hit- fiT.r gut may be awarded H the whole ticket lumuer. Heapimiilble agenta wanted. " '' ' ; AllerOer.lur tiiskelaeent direct nromntli Clroul ire, Paper, eta., gWIOf fall partlca inra, aea ina jn wrinng, DO rare ana llg Timr nsnao. ww, ana IttilJ in Ittll. Ordere for tle.rti amoantlng to SS sad up or i eaiitl'. ri U.. If di-ared. . . AddreMKil euuimunlcatloii. and make al eaitianwa of money paf able to A M, COLLINS, See7, Dentson, Texas, ORDER TICKETS AT ONCE tetba Krawlng will poelrl.oly take placi Mo. l)th, leis, aad bat a abort time now re Imams. - , i - HOME ENDORSEMENT! , . Wo, the ;andertlncd, clilaen. of DenUon reiaa, rheeriully alvi our tonlmon. la th. hioi.orahlo anillm,.antn In which the FirtA i anj unt i;onoenor the roaU rtConooitl apocUtion waa oouducied. and aa to ilm rvl (atlafaetiiry manner In wnlch all the pledgeh Mil; anil, run her, u.. moat beartlly Sialorai ho Second Urnd Uln Cuucati. to ka lr.i NlrwmtwrMlh, IhTS. W H Winn. Maiinr. (IK. nt n..l.. 11 lermi n Joli W f KJrk, i) w Waltcra'oeut t lvlitjg. j WiMdyant, W A Tlblie, W B Boa. I t) Taylor . L M Jnhn-on: John Me. In. Whole wl On OojiU; J H iat, Wholo'ale ttrooor KiHieteln ttree., JVfc ilenale Llqaera; nam Mtar wuokaale lry Uondn; Mai Urun.latein WuolnMle I)n Ocode Hin J W Jannlno. (leoJl)U.r; Kr.l rFeilrt. ; At-Auctioh. : MTbe City Uofat and fiookaway and one mule will be sold at auction in front of the City Hall Saturday morulng next, at II e'olock. ' W.P. CANADT, Oct T tls - Mayor. OVEIt ONE" HOriDRED UlfT.reut atylas of baal- utr . .... tn utkhtflf rr&a1 1'i'oo is u. i a ma itoe or eomprUiIng all M$J CONORS UNQ ( WEJQMS i..;l rsi.i . ii t (' reriitTallor'. ' ot I ,J bfecial Nonttri'ins T frThVra; nv tnrk ef dnr wonoa arfil!urfi. meeoe alle'uleo an Monday morning, UctnL boreih ll'ke bMilao arolavlceitla.'atri'nd tliM T'" - . wtng wkab M. uay.ead kg qaeutitlu to I aoit pereaasars. . ......'" n ., r...r it,. 11 I KJK tIRriEK, aetitf Matkotsuset. 1, tyjv Si Civ. 1 Jt' :"f MISCRLLANEOUa FINE TABLE APPLES MESSINA LEMONS, At OEtX MTBRS. ReoaWed to day froah troat war Dairy tbs -CBOiMM tot or oar tBEST BDTTISIK TBI WORLD ' Wsbate ad yak. OalT for Sals ov t 3 , OBO, MTBM OarBraadaef Ioblo EitraVemll rtost, NEW !MOCESS EMPIRE IFLQUS. momookam iMrian ' AMD riiAHTs' RXtbVA. Iiiv for eaib at GEO, MTEBJI. PINEAPPLE CHEESE. EDAM CHEESE. AND CREAM CHEEfE. At UKU. MYMIU. rroak oracker. erary weak, Cream, Milk, and People'. MlioJ. fHTJlT CUaCKkKI, , f tORNUIlX, B LID A rRHH BUTTEK, aad raMiLT rii.or aaaao, ' Together with all Imported Crackers, at OEaMtKlaa. FRESH IRISlToAT ME At. tmprrial Oat Meal, In 1 and lopoaad paeksges ana new ira Meat moA-arai, at . - r t ) i , , ... , f ' .I 1 I- ' ' GEORGE MYERS. ' lit J380UTH FRONT ST., - :?,M ; f The Charlotte Observer ' The on;y murnlng dally paper pablkbod la the State w.m of Ktleih an I Sorth of Wil. mingtoa.onore.ueeiai taiueem.nis m auvoo timra.,, It olrnulaUn., ,ali l awKelnoaf ha.a beu larg.ly lnara-i ilurbig tne year mat tMt, and it n reach, m wt nf thi Mfr- ehanMul eat era North Uarotina. ItfcaSoSvr Inaan eiiSuriiaNwd mwlium of mnamnoloa tlnn Mei the Meruit enttof Wllmlngbiaand tne puefMaur wantorn noria tmroiiaa, ' - ' (T"i .lili'.l pnii'.l'il- Ii'" l"J j "m tshms.op ovaKsirraiai. ti., ha t '.;.'.:.l'..',ai at psf aonpni. Weekly., ' " ' " ' m ta aVidTerUatng ey low.; u t.1ii.- a ma , , , i ., ! . . in . i. ii a i a i, in i, , ' oiuaaiL faopac,,) r mII tMlaiii'o)of t : AUCTlONEERt, n STOCKANOkEALEITATEBROXEII' ,4 ; wfLKiNTtjhV il.;fJ., 1 ! ' ', ' MM BR SKKSI ST THEIR HALRS ItlrOm, yJ a plan of th. qi'y,oo an eilatgrdaoala. Rlank Book with the bounderlee of er.ry la tbenttyilletlnotly defined. yi' - Ameiwed .aloe, uaat and present .of tea .inn latheolty. , . , Any torbrmatloadsalrad rarnlahed bp ! ' pileatloot ,,:) it !i lt.. rsiv , . i , , . : THE CENTENNIAL SALOON 3 u.w Mtll itl titi't I Mi i'HH'M da. ben lhiuihly roaorale I end rofltted. Isonen stall nourtorth.ilarand tilih. obera th' bertof wlnca, Hqoorr and elgar. will he kept UoSe alwaya ready. Oytre front Vamnnro, aottoik sua ew Hirer. , . ,v. , , ', . 0. BARW11 Z, ProprHor. n eettlw " "' ' B 8oqtkj Front Bye.,,. YILMINGTO N . CLASSICAL AMD Ji; Mathematical School ' .1 . O.OAI.HOUN ( ,'"SP- f' ',. ..i f i ,. m i' .! lr iJ i rnHB r ALL SRA8ION Wll,!i BBOIN (a V.) L oa the 4th of October, IBIS, at the mntnt or Mr. M.gtaney, corner of Foorth and Prln soaiilroauk . i., i ;!, . . j.;-.- 4 i, Ti-rm.por Semton or It weeks,' payable la aaTanees .it . .. -- K eneiitry Kngll.h braocbes ..tM so Ad.snced with . Algebra.,.. M M La'ls, tr.rk, French ai S Qar aan las- - , guigel etra, afh..;...,.CT3 mi.' Ti) er mora of tlid above named laa ' gua .. ,;.;,;:.:...,; ma , JncMvntal expeata foe. ......,,...,. I Og Poplin wl'l be charaed from dato of entrance to the .nd of the am.l in ltuoorUof aaholrlilp and Deportment wfll be furaifked parenta and guer.llane qaartorly. Mornlai and alternoen mIoii.i tbroeeboat Vail an T Winter. For rarther Info, matiou ad drem dtker if thS prlncipele, at Wilmington, Hot Ian SOUTHERN : HOME SCHOOL " W&199 N. Charles St, 1 1 Baltihore, Md. ESTABLISHED IN 1342.' Boaupino aitd Dat Soaooii fob Yodmo 1 . i' ' : XiADns. Prlni!liala-.Mr. and Mrs. H. Uary, nd Mrs. Qenrl iluhn Prgh im. . - The r rennh language apokaa aad Uaglii, - xptlfl endtm tii nACE to ma mmg . . Exohango ; , Corner , - 'i 1" A Lot of ' ' 11 MISSES' JACKETS , , .... i, .j.i.j and, , 1' 1 WATEBFBOOF (LOAMS, AS RA9fPI.EB JtrST KRCEI VCD. j Plesaa EtamlnS my Slock of ' EMBROIDERIES. ' fCT tPVli,1l'""'i' EXOHAVOB 00&I?EB rnHB entire proiierty ndw aceopted bv O. O. X. Paialeyft Vo., ombianlng wharf, offloe and uaral store end float yard, loosted 00 South VatsrHtreet. For one of two yeare. Term made east., , Apply to w-Hi.i i.i.,ini-n. iBHPUWi-.-' i " " sXM'UUr. I . Jam directed lit notify eH parllea awing.My taaet teat the re aire mini, pf 4 lie f)if fiie , ti , .ere rh "that a atrict 'Sonipl lauca with trordmsacei wM ba BkaiMj Suditmb Mreune1 who deeel pay tllrlly tarn en wr befnrabi Aratnf Seittimlier;iiriino, tli.lr praiwrty will be admrtiesd aadeuld as the law directs ' 1 T T. O. Bervoss. Treasust sod cUtot HIW ADTXSTZSSMSM8. 45. 4U. PIKE! WATER X I RMOKE ' From the lata lira In the wholesale department of ; . ir -ill JOIlOiVlN 1 MAHMH V CO., BOSTON, A Large ami Varlefl Lot ol Grail Dry M. Remember thSV Will be SOLI at snnh nrlrtpa aa will Inanra thlv immauflala sale, ( ..- - '. Wa would also oall tho attention . .v J ,11 M .'l-'h 'i."i I" II ( I Ii 1 FALL AIID WHITER DRY GOODS, i ( ! 1.. .... ' t I- ,! ' ' ! ' ' ; "- ! ! . ' 1.. ,! ll ' ' (in'Ul "I J .I'"' i)l.T ,. .-I & l.i ..! '' ,..! l KOW ON IIAKD AND . , ,. ,i , ii h:l i L':i'i J 1" !J' l HIM ,.'..r. t w Mm I'iIi ,.jinin'..U ttw JMtl ..ta ' .H Hi & RODDICK. mil u,t AT- RETAIL t ' H. . WEILL l it WEI UtA li. WEILL 1 (i .! li' ,,..!,. .-.( Utl ,amill'i.' " ' ;''H.ii.fl 5 ,,j ,,J? ;il j.,t,Ji f.ti.l.j. f-. ('.. ;;poDs: B:IPE$3I8UIT THE times, 'i 1 ' 1 ,,,..Vv,,ii . . ti u v ,wn't-r, 0"U i we Ask la an axmuItiniJonaf ti jiutllo will lis oouvluooil uf, yiUtf we any, . , We glvt) Im1mw a fow rltxwt '.,u H;m tanla RlaVlt AlpftrinaWlir(4ijta WoHh tl rents.' " " ' "' ' ' 1,'tH) yurUs iiinckiAliMsoas atH ooata wttrtU to oente. 1 1 ' ''I" ' t'l,()(i0 yarils Itlgfk Ajjttaw t 074 fnU worth eUcenU.! 7 t i.i.i "'11)0 nalrs IiinllcH Huhii nt 2ri ccnU wui n.i r.ji..iJ 1 j . c ,ic . :m liulrs Olilklrttiw' AtrlDwl Homo at .iiiir iniin'n 1 1 mi- it b .i irinri "WHI pnlra (;hll Ireuri' Htripvtl Hose at " w puirs Jiujartjus' rstrl'wu Urn at tui j m J- ii ! ' "3 ' ' ' '"i 1(, ,,.,,., H .!..!( I'" I, 1 . : ,l I 1,1 , ' .. 1 I 1 1 ,n . ,. e unve ou ituiiiMwuy oiiiiir ijikmis ! v, ,,,,,, f : I., ;, ,; , s !1 , , is; ill .... i till! 1 1 - 1 if) : . . - 1 1 i - . . 1 . 1 .. ...ii .. TOO iNUME !Allot whieb i'"i . ' i . . " AT PttlCES tltAT DEFY COlirETITlOSf, ' : . ! ..A . ! i-m 1 very RESPECTFULLY, - r t . 1 ' . . ! . t V 1 A U : 11 "".!- 1 ' i 1 i if.-... II B, WEILL, 32 oot 2 1 j ,,...(.,". NOW OPENING! f AT ; "36 MAJElIIET STREET ,; FALL AND WINTER GOODS CHEAPER THAn, EVER! AT i -, i . i t r. :ii'.' i I. V. ., i . 1 yii, eap IS . o'lieai lMBitaa.1 k r ' 1 VTTE irFFBItTlb1HXlrAl.llTBSDB' OvjKtTSrAu tiAKQE AMrllKCBXAaEDal'UCK VI W. ...iia -f. v.l t'''"1-"" L hAvui V.OTS; t vu t.v:u t.J vi m; n!..i-s..l ! iiew-ranerns, ;H);U r,yir i'. wiK'uq 1; i n .ill .. ........ ,i tu thie iriieeor toasamiiraoaBitofuieMwaaif lean pr j'attcrtn or vraaeen. Three-ply - Baer.!uttiav,aaJlBfD Jarrii. il iidee tllwlk, aai ktaiVng. lleo Mete I ,"i ?v", .ll.'-i'-i' . , aaa-biiiga, of tteaatUiitJIda'abSi' " , n T Bfltttlili 604" rso iHai, .-MoBSi'SlitltVi-Wpeli f rt M atATfaWtklta'MaTa PJI.I.dWH A full BULBTEeV . t ,n.i t,i W,Iit) KJIStlHrAllU6S, StavAkV. Hoal,UmSa'hd,lrriaM iteaMenoaafarn'ahadibi tbl uCJt'styfce ami at lAw JPrlo a i .iiml ul V.ilmsWgVen.aBlUndiomjiitStto)iibefjpa.eaJB 1 1 d !,ns lain I fill uo eiKi Wtl,liti-l'',Kui,hT1ImTTi Sl",:ife,i, tI' I'J'Jt jifiat 1 Site y (-UilJ li'iilW 1 .V'.CW ssplltf ! of onr pattona to onr atock of 1 m f j . 1 ) ,ii ! i l DAILY RKCKIVING. ii imU ml , Mi ,''' .1 !.V-lt W .t . all the Novelties of the Seasons ' ! I.TtU j m,,;,, ,f, ., j. iQ atket Street, i .. I 1 i, 1 it I p . I iJ ., . r : a .,i, uiS.il;;! jjtVii 7 , t n v AT.tT AIL 1, t .,,., t )! i mri-y, .', .h it mir ulrtf k. . Wa fWil alyfl.Wl thnt ltu. ""I f wort! .10 rn'iiU. . ....ii. n ........ t if v 1 f ...: t ? .fnj wiiii.ii iiiriHiutn 111 writ worth Ml avnU. ' ' 1 ' ' 87 !ouuU worth 45 ount. - ' ;. oa ocuw worm w cvuU. . 1 , - ' itJ I .fill (i ;;'ll ll 'Hifl .T. I- -f. . -.1 I- ; ..-. . . 1 ..... I . : . ,...!! I I. i TO MENTION 1.1 1 . , 11. 1 1 ,. , we.wlll Hdl i i , . , it ' nt a M1 tti N.l ui Uv4W v North Front Street ii m ; i r. I.,,.. ., '.ijl I .i"ln-i.''. i .' g"a a in rieaaiBfft.ka'f anaesigns . -l. .! - tWl m t,i,t.. j f.i'i, j v i in :.! ... . ' I i. . . I , .... mil -ti il! . I j i J t "It! OtiiM OF"frtJ SlA'l'aMtlAb' (( . , .'UiiWAJkAiAA. w P , TU eft tVAl BW.Vray ! ( i, u I r I I) ..:j..-,:i 7 t .1 . ( 111 T ' l . . l .1