"5 t tirry or r l.GTJ WILMINGTON. N- r . - Saturday Korntnw, Octb fill !'(' T '',r-'"iU '. oUuet i rr '-.-9r.cf-t t'.nd. f, i Y-it Ji.!.A.-w ar ; H uc tuixxu tn i-"'ti4 fT7X?rrrr motto or atiorwr periods. Served b -Uarriert n tlx city at jBV!tTT-rTW CeiiU p. pioi.Two Dollaks and Twaa-Tf-Fiva" lpr quarter. lbe'VNaKaXV JOUBHAI, (Friday) B lU-ty-six, yl-raTw i'oi.iaat jt year; lhUpeM W 1u.a-s aD half ; four copies, Sitm Doixabn tivo copies, EinirrOoi.tAB ad a alf Uil) copk-s Fiftk- DofclAlf twenty epiea TwsxTTnvs Doixabs. Suiwckiptioks in All case payable In a v anew, and no paper ermtlnued aterlhe .-ration off I fiii pUtftr. i i l.kMirrikcas ihould b mack by IVwt-efiu- iftmey Or1fr or Express. Ifthta can t.o be dono, protection against tosses by nn'l tnijr h cured by forwarding a d.-r 1 payable to the order of ths pnrTtetoi M the Joi'kkal, or by lending the money a .-sierod letter. , A;hf.ilsins ll.ttos (per inch of twelve a,.;i.lltrw uf idTrtWne type.) Or Inch one lniortion,0rpoiAJt Inter ti.M It.LADArtA!J IhTM t.sortKne, Tw1m.tAKf Ibur liitertloi.t To Pou.aB Airo A half; five Inesr Uun Tbrkk Dou-Afw; til Insertions. l.'hll t'OLLAKs AND A HALF; twelve i tioMuFiva Dtt-J Aim A RAT., o t nouOi, Kiobt Dollars; two months; t rvitH Dollars; three moolli, Tim, v.rL'n I lr.i i 1 iik t i.ntr-' y HW) ft Jeri(l led eOryjar aaUrtau, K.NlHaHARD A MAI'KDKKK, ! Wilmington, N.U jthe? J bo.ly of t'e f. irdcrtvi-T 5 I nd f t4 I uo to 'ouch ;t, in the I lu-f t .t if 1 w i go 7. ACCU1-; ; Moo ton'' u-h -rlli em to p L-f as' '.-At Jit o ly, 14 tlie fciy of ilaiirg,o. c-ruin-ly the largost if not me moot en lichtoaed uj reflatsl city in tli StU UtAMivr!. Ueo. ilrnr -f3tnr t tU.TiS- ti If n.U-r whoiy J'CI.OCI. i( it i-u'i L i p' 1 tint reli. h.-M v t bo iiv jf.l f 1 .. iL iiU 0N"-i'.w ti t'l.'S-' litTtf tf, it pltMt'llt till Mtign'iir ?' ! i if j 040 auileT.iuni,' 'U p J s!i,i.M..o ii diii'netiijj nU iboalJ epek eerneetlr And werm It odoo these qaeetioae in behalf of tbeir practical It dislxandiiaed reaJfa.4 Anu woo ana now muj, jur. kff.' AM' iheaa dif raooLiseJ people, who bare no representation, late that ins to the laat oeoana rataroi the cam ber of vhiU roUrs in tbeiuiWiec rotntiaM all of wbfck hare aegtw ma joritiee, ii aa followa : Bertie. Cawl. . . . i ; .. 1.610 CraTen. 2,028 Edgeoomba..... 1,747 Oranwlla. - -2.60 I IUWai, ... .t. .. . . f.t. l.89 Lenoir. 1.038 NewnanoTer.. 3,884 Northampton 1,315 FASIIIOilC and OOLD CO!.' Pr.:s 91. It-i eTili pr-wnt tin loi Ve atrnKpee",,,"i S tiireretM Totow, -whHttT-14 1M6 Democratic Totrr.4 fr the oouutiee i4 Allfglutny, Cb.rokee, C!T. Hurry end 'fratmy'Tv uia. with a wl U atrmigtU ol oJuO they get through the preae f - Aooord, i ojia e i wuiy 144 j foi Ux eelult H4 I THE EAST ASKS. Tim Raleigh Nmvt publishes a letter nndortheaV tooiptloatx) fdllot valu able inforuiatiou, and which prcscota th claiiua of the Eaal for reliof at the Lamia ofAbatltaiMBvon inwi Btentiff a l "A ... ,1 L-.-i 7. Boomer iei iu i i -. . . immeBiting-n to lltltna look iiirj ir.7'auiBTi iu wuicr nil Aew asya editorially of the lot- lieht. thii w fcihV public4i& WTnKf MotnrarncHrig1 pmuTal attent on, without knowing who tbo orrriipoiidcDt ia. If our rendera tli i k they reocgbiBM in the writer an old friend, the lift. The Jt w 08 j editorially tor: " In onr moueof yesterday moro ine there appeared, a onjnmnnioti)ii from a alSGiSUji&aifleiro - npVrri the quehtiou'uow b fore the Oonven tion, of doing ttiat jtice to,ibe JEnt which ita ooamqiMO iaOAraueiye ruanJa. The oonimunioatiun quiutlj rebuhBHllllW lfWTfpHrtliat tfie nttcrnnwa of the Eft-tornjqtynRla were imprndout. laVCoii0U'.T utod iu one souse. We do oounidor it imprudeutrlrfataW WWrrUf threat tliCVWion hs hot been fairly UT.w. . . T I I'll i (. , V v , 18,847 The airirrenU whiU Tote of the State by the aame oensus ia shown to be 14L434 to that tha whtU t4 of hBiDfOr eoueiiaa oonatitt4 ivar ooe-eighth el tuefentitfl irbtte ToW of the Bute. Witb those figures before them, and remembering the results of former general elections, can gentle men pacapa tu aoneiosioa mat any policy that tends to dispirit the white rotes of the negro counties is a policy fraught with danger 6 ine Dtmocratie party u nortn u-rvuoar, uau ioa ; Itemocratis part resei4Jr pso va uoorst in the next general eleotiou if there shall be disaflVotion or eveu apa thy in its ranks in the negro eonutie t Areoot apaopls who oouatitute one eiohth of the party entitled to aome oonideration, and if not, why not? Is it bcoAuas tuy KM powane. neitS. ToioelinmT Are not their votes worth as much in an election for a Judge, for a Congressman or for a Governor as ilia totes tf auy other eighth of tan party I Are vtnj ta ds ioxever tis at these disfran tnllVl I 1 u Inrtjnt Vrttl ojil Jt 0n or thio t:.t r to f?JX : iwuer.il. n t r ''uir.-. I-. (Mud U, luk thma cut'. "ft:, inr otluf mil ,.f rjnal bnT. cl f.M Mr skirt Mta . Ki 4 j 4 im U( I Fail. 7 M Iw, I M1 l .MM III. i is Filth. thlanabl WBr. tr.nt fmnt." hmmmi m ro T1ro4 in Cm n M rnmm. UaMH il.. Iridlif fntiin at our ti!. It U oils of tl Tho stuat lady ohiard people fmm another poiut of Tiew. It they do not receive their full share of the privileges, they are oer- Saily coBipelied M Weaf thei-t,fai linre ii the Iwrlno of llay BtsntJ miht.if li Hi Ul Ml v'i The Wt Auditor s Report shown that for the support of the govern ment of this Htate 8C77JKI2.KO were coJleoUd in taltv of j fliul t&t w hegro counties buiueu aloue paid as follows! il'Ttio. , . M .$ .7,89. OaawtijL graven .EdgoooiubQ. Granville.... TT. I: . - aw.iu, .. 12.551.37 .. 15,077 98 ,15,700,21, Lcnoir.J . 4 ..S ftOUjA NewUauover. 44,(W0.75 rxliffi?.' NnrlliAmiitnn jva r presented bjrfact or .rgmnen M,L Ba ffBliUpptw whose mtnd Jrrsyai,aiuilly hu tUpBb teu'ltogfo 0ouuUe5; uurepre-f measure are little likely to be moved seuted as they are, aud powerless, and .1 ; T: ... , , . . . x. 1 tl..- ,!!. f. irom huh, ii)tiwuu, aij uaraunauAUonsi - 1 " - iHtihJrs of the DemiKiratic p.rtv f'.r (luveruor in while thrt ii gro aoauUest of Bertie, Caswall, Oiaveu, E.lgeooiube, Oranville, lialifax. Lenoir. New Can over, Northampton aad Watrsr, with a whits atrength of 16,813 vot, ea t 14.285 for him. Do WatU-ra gtfnUir men expect 14 out of IA whit" voter to go to the polls in the Ewt for a par ly that rtgiud. only W .tero iorer.au, white 8 ouly out of 15 iu the West go to the .polls for tiat par.yf What wunld be the cond tiou of the Pero"- oratio aarty, if tb white men of 'ha negro oounties voteu in tuo same pro portion as the whitt men of the Wt ? It there any hope of means that dots uot lie in the heavy v.it Riveu jv im s;ro ooonties? If anything be ahk-nl of thai wl.itd m n of th iegro coub- ties, nut nothing hun oe don-' lor them ! by the D. m'icrittio pac bo long oau they l expected to remaiu tre to Hal party 1 , 3 1 iinooraly troti, Ur. Alitor, fiat our friends in in the Convention will pau e and consider bet irt they d ter infus to nfuse all relief to the peop'e of tb Kant. The whiUt voters of the East are a a noblo set , of meu, but af ter all thev are only me", and it will be idfe fur gentlemen of the West to expect a lulltjtaif the.tUareat looal iutcrttut of the Kat shall be disre garded. M " 'I'1'" ' lailiooFolf trust the experiment of trviiii to win a Doniocratio v otory. witholutlswatkuaiaatib attfport of tl.s white voteri iu the uegro oouutiM will not be attempted. lua maa who, lie Caueof the sm illness i f the number r4 the iiectfooBntleS thinks they o-a1 be aikregaidal.wihlsarelyk&Bia.ttt grief.l It may be they are. ouly tu iu number: thtlr WUtUV(erB0OUttitUl oue-elghth of .the .whit voV r of the 8tatJau4 tlej psy.witlutt a frwtHm of oue-foafiU- of Uia aotira ex peases of th State, aud they will be disre garded at the porih f Ui tusU and at the pi il 4 thw party so fooliali as to stteiubtiL- ' ' ' ' ,'; r r 8 pardun, Mr. Editor, foi ooou- liut toe importance (if the subject, and the ftsjuU ueoeHHary to bo etutvd, have fendefed it impossible to say less. ' 1 Tnnra r.miuwlf illlv ,Km ! -..-1""T""F 7. VI ... g . 'aaasawaaaw -aaaaa-a " CALL AND EXAMINE Cur well . lcUd seek of KnglUa aal Amsflean rocket ana Tble Uiiiisrj, lfVlWIlJlipCKA Nath'l Jacobl'8 Aft tm 9mtt9nn mn4 anr win ks uijui rate HCK aa PHKH wh w-aii 1.1S is us. ma eaa isar'i A. 6UEDETTE SMITH'S will Sad tt pussonv Jnt tha serrrt charm that innwurrahi r lli-ura. hilo th5 th.-'it r rxrtc I km niar fl Uiot ware iwt k aJr taci-os- " oturcd. TIm wa st la titam-aiar UlaUar attaa; ihftnm iklrt la draprl tifur.aawlile msicvacb aide or ma earn, wuu n mar ne 01 i same, or Hihbon. Itrqul 1 liiTanlaof mrh BMOdi Kit entire ruiL Nixorw 371; miumti. with rlolli modi 1, 15 a. Mot of ovrnkt.t, ST.'I; pa tent, with rWvUiewrlvl. tiete. ho.t,furn'.er-klrt, 37: pall, rn, wtlh rWt h puxlcl, SO cU. M11ih1 on rorrlot of nri" Mad'-la f lite) FXtTlKK nu n In aay avrsoa aaawoaisHlas la taa 151 s 1 S 1.1 ullly pli of FasMon FINE ARTS and POLITE Lltersturs. Slnels Coplos tS Cants, Sisarrfptlsa f rlee. ti r, paat-H, lrtadl a . liratuKiraof Taa lUar' worth ufjieusruifrua to eacll The - MONTHLY WOULD OF FJUf IlION," tha wary flaee. meat hee)tlf"l. attractlt ajaaiiue tube fuun.l Iri thla cooi.trj, art4 en-jy iern woo beaj.i with taln It. will NEVKR 11;oailne It wVIa tt l eVIt. I. - . ' ubetriber. W. mm, tmw riBTlfirlTM tr Ihh an'innt or iulacr.vl.uu. (XTl im:- aTMa rrarlpt of luUcr.piluii. IbftVATORH will bs (I IuUar'a won ef ralttrat. If Ih 14 FLACK ( uaa eeairaio, Fast Cei.tn.' twtr.'ioar jri rua g'cu u Ciiirfi "ol'Siljla er i e, l 1 a t".r.'io --paM. ' ie t,lU.' nrtlior fainrua g'tcaubcb aubvir b f free a irttuiuni. ::;xU2.ijLl:-i 1 h r a ram New Yori. and iimington SteMf Q '.''I' oami.vTa-M.1, .;aa lit niOiwii: BaiUng fom NEW TOliK, WEDNESDt iu.; 3AXUI1DAX ai3 IUL. and ' kum mum $4,1(111 ih (III 11 rVm will Klwe OOO OO In COLD f Ck fat 111 ATI u. r-uii alio ai.d t bs lera at mm rt or tu i rmrrs 10 oar worio OT Fashion." at S3 rach, bnfora M-ucu t, l. Aa full wo! To the get'rr-npnr lh I erg' at (J s' f WMi id in uom 1 nn .i .arrt L'lab.... M tw Hokt Coin I I l,art C .... HO 06 In flnld Colo. 4 b La-iett Vmb,.,. IM i In Mold .loin. Stit Ureat Tluh.... )) HO In Onlri O.ln. Slh .rwt 0l"b.... 1 in 00 in flnld t;iu Tlh l.a'Mt IU'lH.. 10-1 Ml In )nM Coin. ' , stb l.-tr ..b.... T5 no In O.iid 'olo. 1'h l.araat "la''.... so n In flel Ooln, 10 h l.ara'arClqn..., IMO.nlWiK'o i. 11th l,rn. Ol'.l..... 1 ft" l Oold Ooln anit aa a to the 6Sth laret Omb: We wllleivf 2BC0 CO '"COLD COIN 13 r h i atwirid !- imtrt nuM.Irr 01 tulNilra 10 our 'BBZSiari. Ml !0 each, bffi.it March I, 187. ..,,. Aa foUdwi: To tl.s f letter up nt the rBel t Ini- o r in tit ui pin. at Ijirurat lilh.... V0I 0' In I a'd 1 (.. Sd LaraoM 1 00m fHM 0 eth lJr ai O nb , ,..t I SrafioMi oin Sth l,i(re t rinh..., US 00 In old Coin. Stb L'gi"t f.lnii.,.i 18 uft In Oold f'oln. lib la t C. ub..t 5A it LiWokt Mb L aiat ; nb.... '.6 O'ln llol 1 oia 9'b jrn I lu'... tn 00 Hi CoH f'oln lii'b I art4 '"u..i. tft OMaftoiif Colm 1 lb twaeai C'nh..., V M tol tVPi' and so no to Mis 1 33d Ur at ..' r YOU t a premium for every ! acrlber yta sand V. AND erj sNinrcTlbet1 geia pre-' BOTH "f thwo Cold Coin Pi esentaoffcre will tef nnd at fdM lfnlb In thi Sep tember Number bee'deB "snt I. O, o5dr.aa r tail prMm lo whom W h' Jltat piald 4,1:I3 00 Iu i.n'd. armrtllnf to out pier lone ofTere m wiilo to ons' r aill 11 sio a i .b'7 win ien you that we di exactly a we premises ' " g f f 1 S nr IT wy laloamlyonrownoabaniipiionM lteruf ear Magaatfiaa YllllK KrNI wnen ynt "'" at lb ttnt Bmh, ant your fettlS aoi of Fr- aw.a r awa mi ii ma, wnii-n ym on annw. an 1 at on a oegis geiiiog euoacrv , of a. u ' 1 e tit lor cne copy, am i stamp lor raaninn i ataiogue. A. BURDETTE SMITH, i v 11 P O Box BOSS OI4 Broadway. New York Cltv " Til lv ATLANTIC HOTEL i frae- autir' ex nun ana nf Ilia HtiitA onwornmnnt. fur it likely to stand fast, though they ba, in J, wolj tuo-n, n1tjr0es bay little error, Our correspondent, as thabamplon of the Lht, relieves the demand of all its objeetionablo fejdui's. g Jin pre. Bouts fucU which urusuHlffiiable. He arrays etatiHtioa wbrbh wre luoontro vertibK IIo exhibits a strength in the E.ist which had not beea sckoowl edgt d. And Lo Axtiurs, totm of bur dens f.o unr quajlyay6a, aii oppre a sion so syntematiciiiTy devised, a tyr anny so rrw rr,r tufl KjfcJKthat 19 outcry rtEfgr)iirst8 fortV as the irrepressible voice of crushing oa ' lamity. 1 1 Surely the West will hwrr jrJtBa thu East speaks not in the tduei otThreal, but with the voioe of warning ; when eho presents ardfeoH Md kiot diela mation ; when she arrays (faots and figures, and not vague assertions or random Btrfemwkgq yVe Vpelhe Convcntiorfwfiled what has been so forciblyTrTrtrr What thexueMeaabra, UESORTi float red 4 ! r-" i HARDWARE DEPOT? I 'irii wii:tinT Ralwoh. NT liic4i'o! 1875 . Meshiis. EDiTOaWirf in your iwa1 lnr, At. . T 1 "The West will yiejllii ttAht 10 eyiupatiues wuere f 9 woman be influenoed by threats which some of A 1, - T . A It - ion .eastern journals nave oeon impru dent enough to utter." I protest, Messrs. Editors, respect fully but most eanestljgoinat the imputation p5ceh ik thk. aboyo. upon tha4fii)Uf6e of the Eastern jour nals in regard to certain measures., of relief asked by th6XXh31e; poojle-of thatBoction at thefhaudsof the Con vention no in, wssion Jt sqkAp pous as ?VA Fha ivefy county saveTJtioTh whioli the negroes have a majoritv there m f TrJt6orntio newspaper, The people in these dotin ties have no representation upon the floor of tho Convention, and unless the newspapers published in their midst apeak for thera thev cannot be heard How far this fact account fnrih.liVw tral support given by sue,, counties to these papers it is cot uer.tw ftaj Itera te enquire. ,Iu New Hanitt'r there are two .deracjrn)io. ttuerarand -there is one eaonniiJluflyftAirjgcomb Ilalifax.XiraveuTBorti, Warren Cjia- weii, UMUFFiiif kiid Lonoir all of these counties, savo Caswell, without represents! ion ira WCyQwFmidj reason of their negwrrrjorttics. Now, Sir what are. the traota. that Eastern f oifriittls have been impradent enough to utter in behalf f t fit ir powerless and halplewflrfWdrsr So far as appears they consist of asser tions of the vital importanos of oer- tiun measuBtl4NMieP ahcTeipVoi sjons of fear that if they be Dot gratV , edit will be imppivsibje to.fcringthe white peclatf lite Aoiroe STifafiea td the polls iv general, ,electjon.wlTbr can be noMouLlaLoa: tha-iaviitr ckv uo taxes. Is it wine policy for I white man s party to disregard entirely the wishes of a people Who constitute tme-eigiun or ' the entire white vote nf the State aud who pay "one-fourth rf the entire xr)ensos of ( riit6tng tluJ government of the State f "Hnre'y uot. And wliou journals published iu tho niidst of thoHf people, aud sup ported and sustaiued by them, are tutruehtiu' the eiprawsioiiloi tlftilr tears tuai unless trie paruouiar tenei des.rnd shall be granted that apathy if not diaafijetioia wil ,ollew arat.ng the pcopltf titut whuit .tlfy m beet acquainted, is it a wise policy to dis regard the opinion of these journals, or to characterise their statements of faota as imprudent threats? - - liut supposa. Mr. iklitor.' that it is not only a threat, but threat that it is imprudent to utter in the sensitive an of all powerful Wastorn friende, all powerful at least in the Convention, suppose I aay that it ia a threat for an eastern journal to urge warmly that tha present system of electing Magis trates must be changed, on tho ground thai tt the amendments do not to pro vide, the white people of the negro counties will care nothing for .tbeir ratification, and will greatly weaken id their attachment for the Detaoccatio party, from whom, it may be permit ted to ask, did Eastern journals learn the argument 7 iu misute not, it was first heard from Western litis. Hate tho Democratic gentlemeil from lha West, who oppose the relief sought for by the East, ever given any other reason for their opposition than the belief that their oonttitueots would uot vote for it and would even unite with the Radicals to prevent its socomplishmont f And has it come to this that the wishes of Western voters Only ere to beootrsidered T wV ' It is true that the 2'J3 white voters of Cheiekee ;are 1 ropreiented? iii tfit) QbavenMdti, and that Us 2.8H white Voters ia Mew llauover are not repre l.atod, but will , one whit i Cher okee vote " count in the eleetion for Governor next year, or ou the ratification- question, aa muoh as two white Mew Hanover votes ? And does it rive tho people of Cherokee any peouliar weight that thef paw to wards the exponses of theatate gov ernment Duly $2,34614, hile the white people of New Hanover pay u,iKju,u r xne o5 White rvtoteya in the county or Transylvania are also represented, aa are not the .,506 white voters in Oranville, and Transylvania pays in taxes $1,986.06, while. Qraav, taipyim65i9ii s uiiUl Rut at the next general election will one Transylvania vote avail as much as four Oranville vohaaf Clay jcounty, ttRits 43a iU)ta votes, pays into the BUte Treasury $711 34, and has a del egate In the Convention. Craven oonn- ty.-witbj iM white. rtrtse.payfc I into the Treasury, aud yet bat immfP :..the-m J L AXE it V I 'V. I,VljTJS JEW YORK A.-JD 30STOFJ LINEG ' Wilmington," tfm cA .TOV V: i. U ! mm , ..... i ,,,,;.,-i.,tH ,'JH-iUiSJiuitii UAtiaK Fre eht koute to airpsr ib i-orth'or foouth.Aita R hiiu. 1i.J i. MJI 9Ui y ! 'ill .i .J I fj(.Ji b. :.-. m ; ...a -i " f t...- jl f- i;i- 3 i n ccKKurnM wiTB) ma I'A Hi w .OLttCOLdKY-RAilfiOArfi i TT..-1. .- : na..l- 1 !-itxrtvs.'L p? -ei iSeW-WwikbeleNam MBWlf OR4 utf l.M.lAff Wed neat, r ,fiird v Sbftii ere p ar rl ni on ibA hicbi i i.rf nn i,i ... vai.ri iu a i aiii) Bin a r-y inia i n.c iLOO NQTON. roiu eat h Tort, lib U.e in ' hO DEtAYC. VI jn !! 1 1, ,,, cill e. ,, .Y. t l.atHa t Ura-tattta-' j, WJl.nKtjTv 'iVnii i Aii;KtiiifjlM.Hii)aT!t!tn CJaiii) tta a.v H,t.1$ M,J -''KC.-l.jNAvi.1AI.MWAt'i!..t li a'wui . Koirtit thd FocirrcirouMA. ci oiiciA h At kixt t .( 9 JOfirkiHll Goods tlaU ffc VU iiiiiicttn I.fni'r .For turtber ln(orn.a(l.lt. aW4 totiaeFattetB,itu4d 4 tmn m U. Ulna-nio'I aiait l i. iTTi.Xra"ZS bk. . I. tarteeu, 1 Vhw.;.? .00 .,., -st i' fr:iV ivl! A.. D, .CAZAUXafA-teiltJii ea v aa. - ' " i y. ; Ill' it rm 5oAtJ l-fc r 1 AioadiJioj ti e-tniirti. I at aq i rj! f t VI .fjst 011 ud 04, iuo ino.a .( I i'l etiJ 4ntt .s-J.Jw edi Jnefci ia UrW.-tWaiJSiB !!S n-!yj. v ii aacnf.fs o f. -rl ;Jot tl i r-,,ri .j i-rji oi's.-c-n H, icidi 1 f,i;s lJ I (1 -Mr dl fr v'la'-aa:ia7H j .f;Ie and m eoililoq'la aUipp ou ai ' u. a ' i , M -v CaV k - ISO CRA8 BIADI9 AND! HOOK, HAMKS ANDOoIiIjAKS, 1 i BKIMI .ef OlU.TWIKK-i, Kedniwd prices St 1 ! I Nathaniel Jacobl's j jiiui flaftowAitK nftT, 1 wASH, doors and bunds. riiMiwi htm iitu wU. KiVJri RlHS.Sf'yUCS AD HDB1, BAH IttON ANUSrEBU ., NATHANIEL JAC0BI8 .- 1 j HARDWARE DEPOT, WO. O MAUKiaT HT. apss j .,,1- 1 .'.....(. ' '.:!. ..t.l . w.S J We .0 V1 ; : - - Bill will' Soil - BEAUFORT. N; Crry--. . IfTll "ill II YvSi II II II IM 1 Kit : 1 1 p'ljfliUlUU10 (1U 'niUUIlliillJlJ LlilK. - . I 1 firi 9 jfl - Wl irrrltfrtr.il line I -V-H . ijli. II ,1 lil u-liJ II II ! LJ 'i iij ; I I 1 I 1 J I I . . . II I " 1 eje. 1 a, --t . m. .1 4 l j: 1 1 1 mm... wx di a. ii 1 a i. .. - t . . t., u . -.: w aa 'a aa 1 at a. .. m m aa , .r, . 1 Bi.rT-.. at an. 11 . w , n i.w Hia 1 w I m it - 4J T j ; Wednesday & Saturday. i . - - Lj l so aowr'pp 1 ,4 .Aia S-l;ir .JuofiJ e..fj Vi ?.oiT .-';itj'l"fc edt ai tss s.sla nifxi y a now i,v!fi !o yln!Jiaaij9 A .hi 'Kiviri .....','V" . . . 1 i, ,. t.-i,v 1 .... . -v;. " i'i' 1 iu in.) . j 1 . ;".a Bt!T 'Jwsi- xfihrnfal dl U taunt in ji-".-! i Jd li cr5il;sBom..b 0.1 al .a eva.l I Tfi.ii a;r!J Vi r-HjiSfia sifJ rhifiw j t?i .sjvt.'jfrfNtsia 1 fi sarf va TbomsIwj Tj-iKrirv THE RANSOM BOOTS. Wl hare on hand a tall stock of HANHOM HOOTB aUatstsal ' " :- 0. AirKIOB'S.txtentor, 1 Bxobaiife Corner, W. P f BrOK, Manager. ' cot 1 Baoon. Porki Bagging. Ties. iod rictatD, a. aid otolcd Htdee, f 118 Barrele fork, BOO Holla and Half Italia Banrlni, --w I to ToatPtoiood Ties, Fertaitlowby WtLI IAMS MTJR0HI30N. Sugar. OorTeo Plour.Choeae. 4 aarnvn 4.a.. v.u ru,u upoumese questions. .uv woir-T uu Utry DOW tllArVirv tin. 1 and, UMltoft rnmeut come home to theirpeople fy.fti tions gu.i;i.iuii.u, wuiiuuuie totueirped niiu uuuw a am a ll.w y "Tine' . . , 1 an intoieraoie on'ifii 4J4 'ne, white meu negro ;i has not beep - . ..lis since a negro magisLLin) in toe oouuty of Mew Hanover had a white maa taken from the jail iu which he was confined upon tho charge of murder, carried him to no voice in me uonveniiou. Alleffhanv oopptr, withfM white yots, ptyalbW thV'StAto Treasury $1,713 30, and aands delegate to. the Convention; AndVot, Edgecomba county) that has 1,747 white votes, and pays into the Treasury ;$25,4T2 W, eiijot 'rkAmeh ptiviloga. Aud Sorry oouswy. tlat withv 1.975 white 'eolr8e.''co0ld' raise wilypw rw the D'emooratie, party Jav w , sua uim pav inua ins "rreasnrr Innlw F,e SO h.a 4nl..,i. I- n - k VteAtentiaAi, while the white people of vne eoanty 01 uauiax, who polled for the Demooratio party in the same eltotion 1,673 vote, and who pay Into the Treasury $15,763 71, have no rep resentation. Whioh counted tha moat, THK ABOVE ESTABl,InMENT, B0 FA vOKA BI.Y 1M KUI'Ut r.l T" i he ruon.v laai Hummer by the new owner. Cap). K. D Oraliai,ol 'Mteleul mg, la for the M.o ol is'". Mav let to October let. open to men .." v.i " uu.r.... - willing to admit to bla laiu.U elem. He bopee to rent an pieaaam cquami. a.w ... lorawr saeeu of the Mlentli Hotel. - ... Tbo patullar tltaation of thla honaa affords all tha eUuur a a te- wiOumt peril or tea ttokneet .M-. ., ., ,,, t jl - NO DUBT 1 NO FLIES 1 1 HO MOSQUITOES Hi Hatl-lna Menses ara attached to the Pnoae. where gneets may at .onr enjoy the eiblla ratlna nu tt ol lt water and train Ihe art id awln mint. rf as got d ar any njn the roaat. The Meato Hall and aum.uadtra allettea added laat v ar a id a pUennt tetreat lrom the glare of the aon by day, and a brilliant coarl of Terpelcbort at night. All the game for exert l-e and aainermentto ba foandat Inland resorts, Mwldef pleasure Boats, fast lalllng and well managed, for ji PIC-NICS. FISKINB PARTIES, MOONLIGHT SAILS, and TlalMi.g points of Interest in the vicinity. ; .. .4aU v- '" ' Tha obaloeat WINKS aad LIQU0H8 are to bs had at tht BE8TATJBAKT Of the under- loeit Hall sndOrronrt Parks 01 ea to yTlltors Tlrlftr rioolnd of r fl rr isrtlrs Aided h eoBrtronaa-lslanta sod a corps of lollle and attiptlte MMai.t. with ampler roorne and derided Impro mente rereMly irsdo In Ihe lollneiy 11 art mint, tie iroprktor flstreriniNilnhathlBABI)lfOHOtp.nertliiiw rrwi-, will!" Miorea tiaotWe to bis select romt ana than the Hotel was to the geneial f uhllc. Htilct decarnm will be rigidly enforced and lha conifer! ai rlaitori itonffwlr studied. Txsms : $2.60 rr day for first week ; $1.60 per day for second week. T Pnerlal contract made with famlllet and IientsUinieti Liberal radnotioB toaiarty vial tors. Children and eeryanU ball price, T mavis lw It ? ' l(W Barrels Kenned Barer, St Baokt Prime Hlo Ooflae, Piuarall gradea. r ar sale low b- w ; Wrt-IASS atOEOHIBOS. , Svrup. Hoop Iron, Ofutv NalleT. Svran.' Wo Bandies Uuap Iron, o narreie uiae,4 m Kega Kal For sale law by ,t. frfotntiswai May'. Shot! Spirit d eke. j "' ' 'tnn HleW-. rAB. HST, 1 800 BaxsLtbaU. i t ' j HO seooDd-Haod Spirit Qaaka l rCREM f a i ... , . ..rj - mi ... wblialb ABDaaTiiLDaauntiSri . RUOfl, AsbioAwt ' OHEMICAL8, era! Waters. BBttrs, Kemaane tad Unseed ,1-Obol. At d'iMosi'a, Ptrrumer. FatpU, AclAcfbdMieaalawManlhaae la til Jttlasa, Ua olty Tire Jiedtowiir Press i i 4d V tt - 'i,it" t t i' fj(l lAiS li iit 4 1 i . 'i-r 1 ii al.H.ll It tht oWYat'fnlWSM'fn, CaUwta iiii eoanty, Sneawtan axtotialT clrcn ibaajta, rai mwr., an if aJI Mere). a awuna eliiMua 6T buT. aeae men. I a the ateee- TIN Paaeai.la a vllet, ri.le-aajie I' ':.a(Tc paperamlta a deelra. It nnxflam awa--.Wfla.m4 laWestera Norib Oarulina Liberal tarma ejliiwa am yearly ad eertlaementa. eol.wii.tlon t2 In sdVa'io. Addreal atUAKII.Ua TOMl.IM.tuN, . Cdllort ae4 Proutielura, mar ok Jt-g B08T0 N AND PROVIDENCE. ( j. m attiajMrt aad Wllain.gtoa Llpti 1 Balttaort, Boatoai aad I roeWence tlno" Or tIa taDal Dally It Pblladalphla and Clyde's Fknarfeiphla tod Pro alder, ea Lias. v: BesaUWeekly from each Port, ; ; I rtriH, II 'M1MWIW U Ai lA. II UU UV I till ,1 -llllla aBW 't i iPTTT-kcti jri-iir , .., --. wuai i lilt W KM . (i .,, i. ttHlimiutwAtllJ W llJAtWtft Otlll'if ' f ''! BtfW,,l.PbhWi.fbla il.Vib.'atte !1 t" fi f : l.ally tl. Oanal baiween maj.oi.1 ;TnTRN;C!JI illol UitnVi ,ii.ivi.sJ.! . . . 1. , . - 1 l .. :.'..!.. lJ 1. , 1 . Util IU Mil.' BAt,TlM0ita ANl1fitJi u0 UMMf.H edT ' "' . : Northern taWalitaaUaiat1T()eii uuuiWi.Ji ' ' . ') " . aWe vvs .ii'.n-rm') Balflmor. aad'Oldl BaJadf 0,W j -v ' ' en i ' i i,M i.-vw .,l(f.iat-iv'j J4 .iit' Bhipptrs may rtle npoatte ppa'mpt and teVtailhit1of tticit Btesert.'UdasIca 1 "'",':4i f patch gWtu toallslitpmenleby thla raate.. ejO) DKLAY9. "' - ' ! i"i ""I ( .Tbreagk ajINsur Lradlr. giTrrl tosialTroro all Ftmbb cl sniHal ,1 sis NrtTlTTT Anrl Rf iTITH n A UfiT.Txr a flfrtTiTs j Lw.'iai ' i v..viiiin( w.y.i-.'JA.fv ttllU Ai-UallAjUA,., ,. KJ GEO. W. CHARLOTTE, Proprietor. REMOVAL. I HAVE REMOVED TO MY I OLD Exchange Corner. C. A. PRICE, Executor. 1 ! 1 ; J Sign Goldou Boot 1 . ' . -. a W F. PRICE, Manager. sepl - ' 11 TRAVCL.INC BAGS. SADDLES.' HARNESS AND TRUNKS WHIPS.BPCBS. . . BA l'tHBLS, AltiB-ORKASB, 1 1 ........ OObhARS, Kames, Traee-chatos, Back Bands, All klbdt of saddlery goo Is, . , . citRAP rbii cash, .. Carpenter 4 Mallard's . . . . So. I Dopih Faopt; MTatar, septa ' ilmla.ton, M. U '.JOHN DAWSON'S I IlAXlDWAltK STORE tt tht Plaoa to baraxna. aruh hnea. ahotala spadaa, manure forka, rakaa, hallow valM .' grwa aionea. iron, naili, abuts, caps. As., at il.aaawaat uaah prleea that nan be found in the tlty. toe. ID, 10 and 'il Market Hreet. fOCRET KNIVES! ,7 ' POCKET KNIVES I r.'1" reoetrid oneof lha Jay r at aad bral a aurti d stock of Wiwlenie ra and otl.ar g.o.t brand, or engllah Pockrt Kulrre evar biougl.t ti thla market. Theabnte g.la wars lni 0 t ed eiweealy lor caraelree nnd thoielora can be aild at rery low flurt Vail an I eiamlue before parohaalng altewbcre. Oct U1LB8 A M UBUHISON. Salt, Syrup, Shot, Ties and Mullets. . stvir 2,000 SACKS LITERTOOL SALT, . 150BBLS. S. H.' MOLASSES or t BLACK MOLL ASSES, . 200 BAGSISHOT.'' " 'A ;- ,. n fiM v fV ni''! 25 TONS AT ROW TrES (Nw4 ; inM if .. 60 BBLS NICE SALT MtfLLETsV ..! .ia .. v j ' 60,000 GUN CAPS, WATER PROOF and Or D.'e ' ... ! ... !(( i .,A A. DSMF.BARA MOLASiE8, UUBA MOUAbV BBS, NRW tJRbKAWB MOhAHBKrW r BINPORD, CROW jft CO. : , a ' ' ' ' tep It I.- . a . Cannot bt beat In quality and 'price rVt' j! Tht beet Wataawtoi thlrli maLttllhor T . ! ... ,H1- I FinlshedCompJefc a- e-tV ParttyjM 0r onj hnnSrrS artWenty4leoaen old la two months , , , in 4-jS ' CLOTHING NOW OPENING. IvIUMSOInT Sc CO CITY CLOTHIERS. eot raS2aWJSH . ."?t.f 1 .,,,?,,? .'W tf Bd!v''w4sBts et tU4a1taJf.(',crxAJli!tA 'A 'ti feiylflw "a'A 1 1 rT V'-iCS"! auloa&i "ill EDWIN riTZOeifALD, Akeht'"" s . ataltimore Uut , to sou it StreetrrJa.tliriofef ' ' march 1K4T . :.-; a-,.u ,4 ' J 5-'' ... ,. im .1... .... 1 .i... ti... 1,1.11. 11a ll;,,!. 'ft X-Jb iT A , f If"1" rilii ! ' . "111.; ITtnifM I I act that abet: ardHnt utlerf-wlih Its coiiaaetltM 1 1 r; Mian r -wa. rjrr--lr- ira ..... ... ., . ..i,.r ! : n.i,t .-..V. M4P - a..;aix adJ Itow nKnl ,..'., s n,'i;1i t'ii;A-l' -O'l .'O .AtH-U-OAdDM! tl ,yttlullllil went 1 m uaiiwavy u w u.iij m a wit .- ujMj.tAi j i tttuii T SJPARTMSST- r 1 w t ir.ui i. Mk-.r.,..'r!r-fl. .tr r'i.'l lV S 11 .r..a a. Tr,tul.,i.. xr-.t. ot.a tcm. t. IS lt) 0'TM'iytCt6,tt,,3tisFiwrvuT lffiiTt-THa Poitsmbath. i n.ii.im.ir5i.i ..TT XTrr.'-r 'L-T..' ana.-ia weie aa .11 auu.a '.V: LZ.tl . ' - . ' oval. Hii saUes Attfdmdw 4s e-lt.- a F ,-srvt. vi'iituaffl BAil 1 Ikre WILMINGTON AND ALL. EASTtfRM CiTir,TA t,i as a tn Uooii , " I .... eul . ...i u 1 'iTs 'Xir . - j - vnian'- id ,L0TTE,,i8jA.T1ESVlLLiaXri'K ENVH.LE,S-AnTArJ- I . ... a 0.1a ..S 1 Mll ' -.'1 . I and all Ufmt4Sa itHtin, WhbiM Kto Ivu tarnimt Kaiiroaa ae wen. a. an 1 Inauranoe Irom Rastern cities 1 ter charvee, and Itauee alwavi vJ0.'9""0 "le.sll,d. Office in Bark of titwiurt Ulit . 1 . , " " 9'-. ' ,"I3hl!l3l-i7lTa land rtiefimrhe, it. JJa.'awli Wjirtig WaTI awWrttlnUBOXOl.tand AL.alUMAZ; 7 I "r, V, n i 'uarantaUaeh.waara i f k i? TT. ! 1 1 .IL?,''! ?! ?. "w T istkwAi the io..; s ;Ti!if.w.fsriH,HWviiK.iii spni -"-'r ..'irull OUR ( rAVORITC-FtQURJi ... 1 .if. a ui v ' r ... "i . ' latbe bet an umlwaya telmMBi" It W (MS rfpft0?lo4P'O IdOK " .'i 1 r LrJjtTRA FAMILY TtDTllt t'd ill te cly, alittf fsVllU'-rarfb saW: ..,,rf bln'! reowre SKUbe tTJcVVOIRTXE .rjPjQCTB'"l I wrld'erilv b. TQ tTILLkV Nik weant ir.i . u ' ------ . . - ( i . nn t;.i a .1 ef 4 B SELftJT, "" " " ' nHO.'fmir.-W'i fuWBVl..l.ln,a tm4 and hirl Ihe highest mwllMfVn iiJis imen t of any whiskey fold In this city. THEY ARE ESSENTIALLY PURE. Try them either for family or medicinal ost. est 1 ... - OHaS. D. MYERS 00. A t t o 1 n oy .lA)T3i'tli4a'rw , dlDoQnMsrk t Htreet. nr tfo"rtTe..t n.. f eeco teataa'iYT " v!WtaMD).TrN,sT.4j0 .roTowmniW la fan Vie ,rn.f tn.lflJ iaunHm.I fa ttrt trl or ill M!tbiclMowrt''l FrAront aet-i tiaa Llaan ciai.il.. - . j ;.H.alll.l.lll1 H-yyi ffffu - 71" r irnTy-'m ir . ""A iM5s .'inTt ins PIIO am Yilulwalnif wtrwmito'l It- Coal! Coall ct I 'i s'ms n-iw'ii. w TO 3 11 BEST QUALITY i5..w jUdji..f iysAl-watiyiv,Vsa 0151II gAe roaetifr va - ft ... 1T.n, rjra-r -W't in w a, r AKIMT S W ' " ti'lwi'i "in .awiiiiU'ii't Mail nnifdof 009V ft CanlTIS JtQ'-Jtao' .I'll ill hiJi'ii'.iMy aisiosfj X.T.i',,a I u w W WILMUIUS, N, O. We will conduct onr bnslnest wl.S the deter mination 1 1 itstalillnh a flrit-clut strictly com mlielon liana" and 10 give entire ttllffaoUon to all who may faror at with thelj patronage d. li. WOODY oct 8 Im j.u.'cukwk'.

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