t N I ., i fj 7)r-ss- VOL XXIV. HO. 241. V7ILHINGTON. N. C. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1375, WHOLE HO- 7.CC3 i x i i r i , 1 1111 S f kil l . a ' I j I i . ' v A r it Sty ilj 3iinial. BY TELS GRAPH. THE CROP STATEMENT Fiend -Death oh the Rail. Li. NEWS IN GENERAL- M i V I. w Kitlonal Board of Trade-Indastrlal Iialbig-W4tmllt Seate afed. crime jMf 'd&jj'xitir. .till' I COLD 16 1-2. a , 4 i . 4 i " ' .it I ST TKUOBAPH TO THB JOUBNAU I . . ' ; , , CohiCTICUT. J', r V , til' ' ' 1 ', The Langmeade Outrage. , HiBTfOHD, Oot, 9. Ajilitioual pir oumsUuouit iLorenw ths, probability that Drew ootomitteci the Langmoade outrage. M1S81CBC8ETTS. Sentenced for Mutiny. a BosTOK.'Oot.'ft John Glew, of the Jefferson Borden Mutiny, plead guilty aud was seutenoed to tea yeare in tue penitentugy, y j 'Ml ' s" t ! ; A Itman Rend. Bat City, Oot. 9. Early yesterday morning the houee of Geo. Forreat waa entered by some person uukuowu, who poured a quantity of aoid on the face of lira. Forreat, aa the lay asleep, Bue ia horribly burned aud will lose her eyes. The outrage ia inppoaed to hare been committed by a man whoae auit had been rejected by the girl, who lived aud alept with, lira. Forreei rtSKSVLVAJIIi. ' ' 5, Bentenced-liduttrtai IxklblOoi.' PmLACaLPHiA, Oct. 9. Weatervellt, who waa implicated in the abduotton ' of Charley Roea,' waa , sentenced to 7 5 ears of solitary; confinement and one oiler fine, r 1 ' ::i i-rj j1' PmBBcwi Oo?j ; 9. Tha Tradea men'a luduatrial " Exhibition opened thia morningv) Nearly all the exhibit or! already ooonpy the apaoea allotted to them. The auooeaa of the interpriae la aaanred beyond a doubt - .. , , OHIO. - KaUonal loarf of Trade,' 5 Cisoiknatti, Oct d. The deJegatea to the National Boar! of Trade, in their reoort to the Chamber of Com merce, recommend that the Chamber use whatever influence it may have with members of Congress to the end; that the general government may pur ehaae all existing lineeaod manage the whole telegraph business of the coun-t trr. A resolution waa oneren in eppo mtion to thi declaring that the obam-' ber doe faoeommit ltaelf n favor of the croioetof the-ff stidnal ' Foatal Tel graph. Thia question which baa been tue atnrjecv 01 many aiscumuons in the ohamber, came np for final djS' position I u1- : reaoltition against committiog the chamber in fa vor of the Foatal Telegfspb, wafe cirri edbyaoonaidera.ljifrmaityj, .n .A ' HlFTOBt.''; . Orden of Irreit-Deatk on tie Ka1 Njw Iobk. Oct 9. Orders of arrest were granted on Wdneaoy jast, against Wm. Batle U)uh'can, Wm. Watta 8bermanud Franota H.OraiB, of the late katkibtt ''nrm of Dunean, Sherman A Co., oo . eom laint of W. A. Ferdinand and W. ft I oan. U. itocn Mna. whanthawrw tfae fin r with frand in haviniaw them a bi I Of exchange nn London : six dava bei ire thev ens pended, and when, aa alleged, they knew it would be disbop ired. , Orders of ineirmtcimi omnnratiay, and each of tkeafi aiita $ jye m ia the aum Arfivauohaind dollars. Rochester, Oot. 9. A freight train on the New York Central Railioad was runniag' at 'tb rate oi forty .miles an hour when,it hlt the truck aad dashed against the walla of the depot in this mtv. derfioltahin Part of the building and orushicg tlie ;engine mid a good part of U),atu. Xbe engineer ana fireman weao-wetn Kiiiea, wyiwB. .fMf.i rrUrt Mrt-CortOB EiTlew-Dwttli, MMPHffl, Oct, 9. All qniot at Fri- T..:. 'I'ka AtfUanUm at ftliartaa. tan. TallatchMllbttqt. originated be tween rtcuator.-Alootn and a negro named Blaokwell Blackwell who was abusing Aloorn aud other lMpubuoan Wdera. waa arrested by Deputy Sher iff Hall. Blaekwell then M George Hall a white man. Blaokwell waa pur sued bv the alltriff and other) to the baok room of a grocery, whore ke waa hot fifteen or twenty time ttud waa mortally wounded. v All Republicans, The ootton exohange crop report for BeDtember ootaii- rJli're-pousW ol the average dated September 80tlij of theae 17 report tha, watt or -warm and An: 13 clear, dry an ooot Wrtn i aional showera; fiO wet and oold; 64 re port seiime f damage bf TUrt; ' ' S7 bUght; 60 roljJJM injured by.atotni; 49 no damage. The total damage report cent The oommenoemeut of the pick lug aeaaon averages feptetuU-r 16t u 85 report an pngressiug well: 85 pro- grenemg slowly; 31 r port the crop aa oaedmgeloaly; 62 retarded ly s. new; 20 m Miitippi retarded by po- htioal uoulilir wilh froat at the iame dale aa la.tjfr: J6 report tht tne oropa will be about tue anna m hut year; 95 bvtu r; 1Q not bo got d, eti mted better crop than taut jeir by 24 per en: 90 n port labrera wi-ii dvtpoMulAud wiU hsmat the orop uq-H Itadetorrd by aickneu; ol r. port aiokaaM of aerioua kinds; 23 report negliguiic from politioaleuse; lore port that manr lahorera hare abaudoi e 1 the crop: 6 r(xrt pickn wailiux j lor n gtter wage; hu report rroxt at t. a arerage date ut 8 pt mber 20; 2 report oropa killed in the Mieeite'pii bottom; 78 report no daniKge; 40 r prt fre.u; lUl report that wht at, ry aud grxxcea hare been and, will ba owu tlia fall; 41 extimitte he f.mo aferage aa lant jmt; 53 increased aro agf ; another re p rta none raised. The estimaUd average- iucrraae i 21 per ceuV m. the tjgreg.te. For N rtn Altbam thi io tu n 16 K'oponiM-, one repur a very w-jrru weather; 3 olon ly and oold with OtfitusiouaJ rliow'-rs; 'i wet aud oold; 8 rdKrt aeriouH damage by runt; 10 report damage by utoruia; S mid uiage Ki muted average tnaHe is 9 per o nt; tue arei ace date of tu oimra uvon ui Of piakijg waa bepietuter 18 u. O e report progretaiug wtll; 15 alowly, cause aioaoesa and alow oiiemng itii fr3t at the aame da e aa lat yar; 6 estimate tha crops about the aame. 8 leas; 8 better average, estimate 6 pe oeut better; 14 report to their Interest that laborer are all disposed to aafe the oropa; Q report delay from sickness; 1 reports some abandonment ou ao- ouunt of low prices; 1 reported pickers waitisg lor metier wsge; ' report frost beptember 20th, but no damage, report no iroat; all report tuat woeal rye and graasea have been sown thia fall; 8 say about the aame as last year; 1 reports less: 7 more thuu last year. The eati mated average iuoreaae is 5 1-2 percent. JUtoxrn.nl. Oot 9. Judge Morvin- tiey, late Judge of the Bapreoae Court Of thia BtaUs died at fit o'olock thia morning. Extensive preparations art being made for th fonerar, wbton ia to be held at 3 o'olock p.h. to-morrow. FORBION. 8PiI!f, . Bombardment. Hassan, Oot, 9. -The bombard- mant of dan Bebaatian ia resumed. ITDITSIT . Withdrawal of Troopi-feaee F JBaxeBAa, "Oot; J.--The Jonrnala here aay that the powera hava iasued a not withdrawingths troops and vill not prevent the Turks occupying the Servian territory, if Bervia provoke it, . . . i e - . . - A reponeu new Dervian nuuiairy uaa been formed and that tha membeia be long to the peao party, i - arrciiT-n Servian 0epatla)lplomaUeholer Taiii Hat O Tha Hiiniu Tlanal. ties met at the residence of Prince Mi lan and rejected the motion for war by vote oi sixty-1 w to twenir-one. A dispatoh received hare from Hagn announces tuat tue veneaueiaa Mitua tor Plenipotent a'y.with hia Secretary, left there oo Batnrday for Brussels: The announcement derives ita rmport- anoe from tn aaown rwuuoue be tween the two oonntriea aud anggesta the--iaquuryT- wbetuer the movement doea not indicate rupture oi the, d ptomstia relations) . i'lie . diplnmstie oiroloa aay probably not, as ia suoli oaeea utwaUy,' there ia no attempt at leofecy; , . , , t , , a bo tkHnoey i inter reporw a severe outbreak of cholera in the Province of Myaara."" " ' 1 .,1-1 i. r-.-i' rtUfettleitof .-'X"1;'1 .,,''!' Kingston. Oct. J.-rTke filibuateoag stesmer, (Jtngafty, had a very narrow efoipe from capture by the Spaniard, off the coast of Cuba. By mailing close hi shore unde the" cover of night, aha effected fanditigf during two evenings, but, was so xloe to, tboflpauish eu oampflienlf thai1 they -fired upon her with rifle. Subsequently she euooun tered a Spanish 'War steamer, which chast d her for sixteen hours, olose along the Cuban ooat in dsyl'ght, but aueesoaped and headed for Jamaica, reaching Port Uoyal Munday night the eTent'ntliu"., 8ha t qulri repnUl ana naa d an oiamea to iaa per pram aad ammunitions at Fort August. MeAaWbiki L ML Snip Waodland wiA tm!km nharirn tl ber with steam uo. Out o theJ Umguava' tsrew -dd of fever yestreday aud three otners nave gone to tnt nmpTtai to-day. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ORIEIwTAL- - SPORTINQ MININQ AND BLASTINQ i too ki.lo half tut, aa. aaalatars ef Ihl- Jumij r.l.brated oder lor Mia apoa vary rovoraDia caru tot AgenUiOrkeo oad.r MUla., Cheese. Sugar anfJ Cpflfe?. WO Boim UhMWa , iia''larraKBar. '; ' " '" ' Jm Bag! OoOo. . ' try. ) t. 1 tw 4 . tf 1 f , r, j K4E0HNIR OALDtB BROS. Baggingf TJes. art d , T Wine. , ano Kollt Havf Bantnf. 1 , ilVj . . : M Tout New aad eird Ties, I u aoa4il'was far tea by , , ,n, 1 IBBCBNIR A UALOBB BKQI. , eetta ' .1 1 ,.1 i f 1 Jt a v a ,roaiyaaiagie iiiwrasn, , TOl ;w,A.vmi.EMEiTT. ' TBYOTJK CORPUS NAILS, ,JkJ THE BEST IN THE OUT. oiuta WVRCHISOM. Ml It MIIiLIfEKY. rt A. , anw .e , V k tpHM aa tS. vabUj tM tj a a irt ua I TEE N0RTB IN lMAEKalB. aiiltav.iwrniiv,'.' .radt thorn th UrgnM UKilxentint, it,.. lh .1 h bB t,4iT, Omius n , Sc. -. M) lUhk 0a alua i ' ALL THE, NOVELTIES i ' of lb . f Oui ttctir, ii tfcf GKA1TD OPEITIlTa will b. I?m UMfk tb m Mltim o' th'1 prt t. MRS. A- O. BROWN, f xohange corner. OCt ItllW H'JII.XPOnt AND RIM . W U "N Ih". i. l iut hvcli.ntky wi.arl i ii asia., tit. im b'it( li, a i.' lwf i'tna traia j lia J. Mm. -l I t . I I li itirv n out . th. luo g-Kl. iil ha t ti ' n lit y t I I"kU t Um old a-'lb lUa. ti tu. IV B.UM t J'H IMWfcON. est ia Mua. ia,tsa4 H '. k"tebwi, FINE FELT HATS. '.. . (--- -. ' .a I i'.'ui -' ' ' PiTENT REVERSIBLE SILK ,HATS( LADIES' TBIMMEB mt NATS. Umbrella, Txnnkif, A.e 'f a. " . . . REMOVAL. D&. M.J. DaHOlSRT IIS KKMOVKB hUufflc aiHl mklaaa tuth. Bea Bttj kaMdlnf , ob Ut sorMT of tint ml Setoad 8tra.tS. ; act 10 US Due Hotice; : , - " . lahwabytlveatkMasdsbt SMWaoted by th. or. of taa BsrkenUae "Kascy Holt," will bs paid by tk Mister er the Coml.otH. r .. : 0.L.HW4N, set MM i MbMr. BEIIOVAL. THI 4eiat.M4 has raon4tkl. stor., NO. W. a.alk lll atiat.tlMaa.iar. I1 0,4 ,tD,, whw InaraMM faallltlM ft tbnlti hi lirf. aad vartd toah of H Cutrwv, Uana, Aarlsal. taral la pit nan U, a. Md raactraj ilcli. . auBtloua.ira ar taa IU...I Urw-Vaaartwd, " - . essietr r OIO. A. 'K'K' YATES U U S OCX 8TCHE lsw.llweriy ti . ToBwm flnd slI ALL TBI LAMSf Tt TKL; " rk N.WMt ad Cbto, I Ityla, afMtatloavj. All the tutott SeiniUfie Works. FonaadeDSk.t.t.)insor ' M ' 1 8 O O 0 1. U OOKH , u.it aa siamins for yanu.lf att'i')'OV I Nw Bout Store, 0. tl Market Hu GALL, LOOK AT AND BUT i o ii. o t it t iv a1 " lViiai)baU!(.iitRMker ' ' ULECT CLOTHES, i (!" 'ill i;i...:.'....".i '" !' i rivviaatirT. : .1. AN8 VESTING! And ha 1 h ra m.Ja Im mar nnmr. '.I Mom a Buy Wamsutta bhlrts. 1 Tb. beat sad ohepet ia tb worl.1 of MXJisrsoisr &c 00. fli 11, Sorth Front rMwlt CAPE f EAR IIGHT AR liLERT. ATTENHI0N MEMJ3EE3 ? m Bra naranv nracran rn i.m i ...n. AraT on "0ti(lT rvannln at I n' Irak Mara, la lull aniioral. nj on or 01 unm n. u. p mn.r at M1U ' ! f ;il IW - ''' j.nfO Hal.tBI "' i nilA lln.hi la W lUek Oku. i bilfl nmt MUrd O.t, I tw 4 tutni eraagitr faaiUy Vtt.ar',7 1 Mulloin,'"iitcr roond Me.l. Mkt. 'aiwro, Corn, l unfit Uuodt , Candy, Jrokert, Ao.,&. ' far 14. low by ' - j..H,, ornt mittoy,' ' , ,,t 1 nmmlttioa M.ratiaata atid Uruovrr.' . etiodwit :l'J Af.siviit f . ATTENTION W1IMIKGT0I1 3 UJHT IHTAlfl Rft (-." , .. . - . 1 ii,. J XTDU ar. order' I to meet tt your Armory JL to morroo. I toilat eroallig t 4 a'aliK-k In fall untforn for artda, arma in.r.l.r for Inaaactian. aad 0 a aad lb. rtgtlac mimthiT acting lbs arn.t alngat t o'eteofc,' whan bvalnora of lb. ata at ttaaartaaea will bn hoooght h.lor. lio . on p. nr. Ike retoran oorpt tw. partieolarlj. i.qiMatad oattradUia annul, vjwimo, Mia auvaio. f 00. r 1. - - - Vfruarij or..ao. kTOktHtldKOUNAOlflBKM, AahovUe, 1.. iv. at run.., auiior, Uaa taaf Bt. u.ai'Buv (nji.wva. . . . (J TIB Al SOU UN, a Caaaarvatlva Im0. oralis 1 aeblf Jaar.at. paUttaod ta Polk. tarn, W. 0..titat.4 lit (rowing blwia, Sal lattaaadod by a go4 taratU. aaamrt la ora. anpartor adaaalatas aa aa adTraUalng ataaHiat Bwlaa bs Uraaaar'tUrgaaof UMoaetuntvbart IIWiUtluiil,ttaa;abaBrikra t Hio "tt soulan" ; re.4 ,ao -olkar jtapot.i 1 Adtartuing rat., iiaarai, aaatstiauoa anca f j.oo per 1 . Auuraaa MAWLKT OALK. .i in a iaaai aaar-ass Q a EES IE (IS H I KE -S A 0 ,. LEA & PERBINS'jl: uKUikiavATsa , t , , ..i MH'ncr' , axTKawrw- BV ' 1 f- 1 aLRTTPUlVSI B I MRIXC41. (KK ItoifKOrsaarM l) J V Wj&XZS'. .,"-' o f;t " ' wiitcarK.' ' IK - May, 18M "Onl? Good KKKKINa 4kl Uie'rui- iIilIi wtemt in lr 'fia, and . In a ni'lnkm, th. uiiat lgllblr a ajllM , Sauce," i tt ir ih i a ' - t Jwm, Hannt tlatt la Worcestershire Sauce. ','1 ',,ya?tsa5.4 we poruio lt. , .. ... ....... : 4- . ruprlaUwm Uli rKSKINS. W..eaita., .... ..t . ... . . , . ii . i. . . i KufcLnd; aul KUIIIy tM.l.nla SaaM.M iallf tmi'ifhimi ta eerM t . it for Lea A Perrini' 8aaea. , ..:!... i I' ,. I. - . .. t UK UKCAKt4Hl;TAULK.l :"jjb- it t'i. iaoit .iqaidt. mllak .ad Mat u Hot ...., i . .... i or Oold Meat, Fowl, Flxh. Brvllsd KldDST.Ao. ,1 i "... atth. oiK.tKKTAai.B,talMip.iia ruh, Rot Joint., amj, an'4 U all Urt'la I ;, .;, , i uw... ' (IrMSdallfktfiiiatw ... ., t . .. , . i k : ' at frT f,it!t(!HRo!CANO at't reit ! j 1 1 1 ' ttntiE It Ti daamMt luidnKenaalila bv Hioai rnllM With IU Satltahl t 4 S r J. I i I I -4 0.N.IIIM4 a Vow jvi r-t n., l'bwa l uo rnllait In th. wurld nhmh U hi aiilvuriMll; llk(. m In A . FWClnj' farno. WurOMtanMri Sauea. f'.fl ; JOHN OUNCAN't SONS i-1l i'"r;TT"r A KW VOHK. UK vdtw IPAifival Wa 1 il.iM.inMt ..." J IMW IhyVUSiUSUII A 3TOB.TTJNE ' ... I FOR HI. (. . LEQALLT AUTHORIZED, IS GIFT CONCEriT ASSOCIATION Of 0hltan,Teia, will lra . I SECOND ORaNI HITS OONOERTJ i or MoheyRefunded Flrat Capital lfB.....&i..i...-ifi flnnl 3eoond Capital Uift-4 -U... TfiS 660I is dt ifu ia praporiian arbaetlog i all u ' nORfi nAnnn i is rneaorti wavi. .loaat, as, walek ara.ait' avail uovioaa. . , COUPON TICRtTa.il. Which will auUtlt the holder Ui uliniuion ti k. Orai.u Uuncart, ni l ti.oim Bub uf hi T.r flitmtr aw.ruiw to tin who . llcke Uiwnirw hi. aoBui wanted. ' ' ' 1" 4 11 ord.ii or .iijk.1. Boat dlrevt DroSibth fJIIW -" ' ' ." ' - . - Clrcultr., pumi. a,-.-, "i,.,,;"? full l.tftifh 1,..., n,.... .rrn 1,1 T rinlf. hfl kB'B "n our ntmn, town count, hii ! t,U "1 lull. (IrltorN fur tln.nt, ..n,...u.... ....A .0(1 UU Ojltl1l!J.li.a,.,,(Iall.'f A1i1remil eominiinlcmlonn und makS ftl tin jtuuioi.or m.rt or payahM " A. R. COLVNS, Sk Odilw,lt!? . j ROER TICKETS AT O Nor,IIU, 1W6, HliU but a tlljrt Ulli.Jiu. ra fwc taMBSEiirijf',f:,!!;!.f Imilfl Mill, if, (UUrii. of llrul.nn I uxiv, (Jiacr uiij My 'f JilV, OUB loatiavna u, la IM (r.iM j vui 1 iH-o ii ti witiisui gwo .it,, . ia W ,h. nn .l.iarii.rj IB!m .motcil !! K alJ, 1)1 lroiu.f ib aoI ,!) . ta autn.. ml: tin. rnrriiuf . it nn.m Ii,..niiv . ..... WH Winn, Mv..f, fit,- pf Donlfoui Al 1 1 . lii. .1 W mcHkKl.'W ffl.Vt. W It Ho. i I ay or i. a .1 hn imij .. h i Nevln Wia,i( "Jiir Gu 'l.: .1 il nit. Wlili"t.Vifn..r Kp.Wi iUa'.ik-K.iat a liHai ant-Tnr Vi..ve t., .. frvverwirviMii 'l. ' '..UCVn rai iaul -JIk'I'v 'l, rufVinl Ho -k'lwo .11 int.! h. 11 be t a'aii-iio..-.n.r.,a.oi -1 , - .it. mi' a ,M?ts - ,.r HU PR ED. Olltureiit aiylcn of biiBl- -ruf . " DMA IlllfKAH ?! raiiKl"g fn ru 1 1(1 UO to viw 10. a ruilliBton (ll-.H,.ZA ; 1 jl . tA OyEiiCOATS, comprlririi' all' feyieaof CotoRAaS 'tVClGhTi r' ran ' ut tnAtfn, 1 Merchant Tailor. Blank aM Stationery. ' '- nn. cr T1 fi Medium, Orowtl, Ueaay, Cap-Qairtoi Tjong fklH lx)!g Qimrto and a large ttockof all tle tad quallljr of ,.r m ,.-,. r. ., MEMORANDUM tJOOKd. , ronU Can I .gal I'ajfl 9VmH, tditbXI'W. maralal Mom and a varlctr f t A T H'hal.te'.tryle., "Y. Oeatenulal." "Ortat orai. .,.., ZlTASia 3rt iil.iiJasiirao.ivod and for lale at 1 - Mll KLKM018. 'i-Hl i .'i oot I j ' : HEINSBERQEB8 UTB boob; AMD atDaiOBTOM . MJSCF.LLANKOUS. FINE TABLE APPLES ;. MESSINA LEMCNT, I 1,! At I ! lit J, NVaKI' SMiittalii asm mm khr DrV' She 'f hiMcwi Ut of our . , , I'lHKAt uurncaisTux wwaW! , . , Wshava adrb ' i i Ohly to nl. aj , , . , , ; ' - w bo, l a n, tliuU of l)o ib 4U raattW rijar. new process cmhie ;fioui. i ..I ( ,.,' MUNutiiUiticairiiiH ANurt.aM'a,'KiK t .1 1 aco.Micaa..; L i ch at PINEAPPLE CHEESE. I .J .: 1 ) I J. ..: i,i 1 ,-:t EDAM CHEESE. ' ' AND CREAM HE!a(. i I.--.,,, .H Mtsii MV.-aii,' 1 at ? ! I'le.li'. r 'li-rt ff ., Or.am MlU, iv n I'o i.i.j't hihj, (Pi. , f . t . i t : OltS ' f .1 l THtH ft ! . ! ,m I.. J .i in I- I -I F. t Tug akar ellk all Import! I rark.r. .1 ' . ' GBO.MmUI.I FRC8H IRIShToAT MIAU taiperltl U.t Meal, la t Sd 19 vnd ptektsw and Jf w attra Utm Mkcbtr.l, a ' ss ' -" ut if 1 if i - v.i 4a .1 GEORGE MYERS. 11 k 13 SOUTH FRONT ST.,1 " The Charlotte Obseryei: Tboo. y auriHnaatiy ftir peoiKnwi th. ut .tar U.lm.k sal nk ,""i ulltftoa, ontirt tfiaoiat iniiuoaaimii. w wm tow. IU olrmilatio ail. tad .taltlaoal bn.tbtknUri.tr liioraawd daring th.y.ar jum part, aad H a vaaoha. most o tk. . Maa; Oh.BUof Wfiturn ri uaioimo, laat.nar Ingan ni0rmt kikrilom 'or adraia.aioa ron net in tin MmnhMit.ar WltmlngWoaiMt tk. pwpU oT Wartoro Nurlk OaroUaa. , J,-.!.. it l !.l M.lfK U !. I"' taansef seaaasirtwaij ..jj, Dally.. .4.,,a.,,,Maa af sar aaaassj Waskly ttv? ! -i.i mr Adtarttang asvy taw. . ci --.,4 a . aioatsk oauatT. , witaa. aeaa v nonuiv tx. finnniQ . AUCTlONttRi. (t (i , , STCCKANBIEALCSTAtEtSttCtl ."...r I -"Mi ii. WIXMI1IOTOII ,, O, , , y ( f. ( ,,fl 1AJ BB I BEN AT THBIB BALB8 BOOgf j a nlaa aT tkaaltv. a. aaloraadaaala. Isa of tba alty , aa oalargod soala. laak lloak alia 11 1 k.a.aartaa at tatl ' ' i Hook ante taaawaa i taaaltaalatlaatlT JaSnad. AtaiaMd valaa, east and saa,af v ! a.'.L-aioa 4-rad farwkw-d a !.. 1. L-t lit;!' txiiJ ' i rai THE CENTENNIAL SALCCM RMb.n 'kor laiblv radovatad itd rag Had. tooaa at all no ir.of Ih dr and. utg h', ah.r ra but of !", rtqsorS aad etgar Win M kept 1 Oolfxa tta.yt nif, Or'tti. froai alUSaore, norioia ano h.w niT.r. J ' i.i V.O, BAfcWgtX.Vtof!!.,'!-' ootitw:,,.., , .,7 ISooili roatlltar WILMINGTON CLASSICAL I -;li!'.r'l HT.i '' 'utl 1 Ma1'MUl . ''TUili'.oi Pl!tula uU .aih MathematicaLSchpol K K. BltVAN ) ... rnHE 11.1. HUSSION WILL I1KUIN (U.V.1 1 on llii fth bf (1 .ijOi.r. in; on thr ftii OfO iNUi.r, miS .at, Uio oon .(Vfr M-g nm jr burner ol Fourth kml Pru to atn-t tt. ,li.U OUaKMlH ,Ji , T.rsH 11 SoMipn of, 18 woki,, Binl) 1 advaacot 1 '' ' J ' ' ' 1 ' ' B anwUrj E igliah brucb.t......H.;.M OS Liiln,uriK7rtoifh una u.tmun 1 '. 1 iillK(HA..aJ...iilU 00 ra iro ui ud nujro imiu-a iau- "'uiir 1" W ' pAl l rh t gi l from dt of sntrane. l.th.0Hdl.fllMBfW(J) 1 f ,,, JtniKirl of iilfnVi6ifi 'artn Ppwtmant will 'i.. ... . t . J",1, a,. i.irntliMt otran'v and lair'iaii. (iartarty, H-11 Yin 0 n tu. .a una .iivtfiii .I'wiim, iit'mikuvw. .1. rii tirVk Kali an t Whitr Kor fijiOwfrHifo mallon ad uramciinor 11 luu 111 niriotit, ai niinarnn l0UTfll7KNOB0ME e8GH00ir lUt VJ'J X. UttArles Bt., Mrllft J.ilU I'AMl'.I.H li-tUIMOUK, MO. fa ajvi'l J I3ST , . . . t tMUftiBNO A.UVilrtlQf !?'41"!Jill9 - i .wttfliO .St.. .' J 1 'f.HH tf.a.B 1 ' te , Sue. 1 SI 1 IH1I PLACRTO TUB HMIDJII T it .t.UwiW Ja.irtll I xbliange Corner MISSES' JACKETS-a ii i I . If". O and Aa 4nri.ii ji'nrattM.'Kiwt.Bi j Plnaaa rx.mln. oiy 4toYbf ' . H, ., avr t'x-w a"- -w - r W.FYFEi For Rent, ai.a- d! ij'i rTMIB tnttrairoiertThowfleirtMbX O. A; r'ai')r (., eavbraMrif wkavr, rna' a. na.ai aioi. u m jaiu, ivuawi oa naM Water Street. For oua or two jiaan.. laiBM Btadasasy. , Apply to ,r7T" - v r. A WAliBKE, aep I , , :. , .taaoator. , Uttfl of Treaenrw u l Uollontot, , , ii nitvof W Imlaattf. ft. ft.. I t .,..(..i...,,r41M,IM.H I aa dlrooud unAtiryaii rrum owing citv Una. tkU tka waalrOM afi aka otty f i. C. tie tuck that a Strict emopltanoa with In ordiaanoM will M 4M ta yaffcrn. Who 4t paf tboir attytaaae ka Crat or sapteatbar prolao, lhatr proporty will I adttyJaod aad sold at Mia law diraets T. C Serross, FIRE! ' WATER!! . i .! Willi -.. .! ' '" I From the !at lix in the ' I -.a ..! . ; -. !,;a i '1 mV-- . l .1... l ,13 O S, 1 i it i in a ariiaiiifaroilll - V e.U l.iti iit.,M .a. !'.) V" ) 1 ;ii i. j .' n.- - . it ivim ino.1 ire I !u J iJ-. tl. I .-.III .,( :'-v.it I' llMi.B,S.la .&.'- -.ut -11 ' . 1 a. I . i.i nut I f i itf, t fi :.ii!i i.: tu i eiH V fi' !i'l. I mhiim i s'.'l.l. . i t" I Wo would n!oj ta'j !uo aUeutiyn it . ' FALL AND:: WINTER j DRY GOODS, ii.-.l ' 11 .v ..(I .ii.i.t i. I m li .l I.i iii.it' I 1411 it t ) "'' ' I" I Mil!! ll.S II -it .Wll II ti eplete with all tho Iloveltici of Xta ti ! ,,; 1 .L.t lt v I ' B)B0WN R0DDICIL aat . j uiiw iuwiin 'I'U 1- .-,,,jiii 1 oU'i.iii " vil 1. 1 fit -til AT RETAIjtr.t:.ATvRlaTAIL I M11 0. WJlIL'ti! 15. WEILL1 B. A7BILL :t.'ttt!' ,4,4 sa ;l.Jiui.i) l3Ji ! fti :H!i 1 (i iHr.j .-ii , ? main mini " v ' ' 60009 AT;rPHICE8 JO; SUIT . TBS' TIL'S3. l,AfA ...ii. H',it.l V l-ri.itl an' 5 we ak U Hi tiMiuiiiHlJon of the public will Ii n vlrit rM or m hat we aay, "frY gfr baiay few j ,-... Kpnj 4-ili il "" if j ;' . . t.fMMlvanta llU.-k- A limi-ml II AOhaiita worth 81 aaMtka. :i ' ' ? 1.00(1 varrlii lllu.k AIihkuls at M cunts " 1,000 yards liIhck AIiai'As at tt? cenU worth bti ceute. - 600 paint l.Mle' Hons at ccuta worth 10 ceuta, , , l ami palm l.ftuu' itnee at cents wonn ouoeuui. .600 par ( 'liililri iw' Miiiped lioau at SI cent worth IT) Mate. ' oOOiialriflilllienV striiif.l lliwoat87. oenU wo. th U aeula. A RAl r.ulau'l.ll.lM.'.ul U.rl..urt llmu al ,itiv mil, liiiiiim'.iii ptiij'Lu .wy il t 1 1 BQUAL,TjY .iVI llT.irt ' it'w-iwfa do ; NtBiEttotJS dm U.i,.,..H ed 1oAr, Vh!iwVUh ' ' T .! .lUw- 1iu!j. j .'-. Suit l.ii'lil ft f .;1'i'lft"MittiiUOj M . ...rirnv. Bttisnrra,tTi.v.w 1? 1 1 ' in VI fltilJOa 8.M v.1 ,"n iuu tlKlill -J5 auuu'ui ii jiuita efiittotis'ic. oa wi -I" ' & . . t. a. 1 uuiij n jtU l1. a t I I ill. Ul.l 11 1 1 : 1 1 i a efio 1 . t , 1. .Loii'.it .lo v,la-..H al -ji .i( 1, V Wiit-iu en 1 i 8ii.i-. a, .M,,;, i:,7... 1KA1I ! I t.,i , ! u J.,noWil .r.iln'ta.t .v;ntnl" J BUuifiJSlK.il 7,1 ' . i; u- Art n Vtt'-aVi t!.i,.i - ...I .frrf.i jMUtil Imi-iUs Bill LUS SaaT. . r.- ar , ::1ff Ml ll1:r",r;Mfl,.n't Ate: . -'',V , -, , ,.., .g f,nl ft 1! t jilu.- .1 m 1 " lai; i 1 1 WI MTKU row TUc rAi T'i Kaoauutiuet AfaiuAwwa ajsp iJtvaAaJtAWa, , ., VW- f tot! .-xa ,,,. ,ii J ' ' ; ,w Vi 10U. atila'O' F J-J i PtkfidA atimb'i- mllAiniB,I? I eJj lultiHi,ti tVJW'ittQer wrc'f 'w i!-4ii.nlt.ii"i.t.o JIu , vM TtllV AN i OUi-4)Umi A nixa CaIUTH ANl) .4lliii7)TUaifJiy; ' CAT HZ 3 J tuiiwa-OstUra jS,t,rtuf V,l,,AjlrHdo4mUbaaiga MaTrjtasera, r r i uami rntriiiK 'kj'v timi oiiaptwrieLKr.ci;.,'4t irat. JJtll7l flasft fjirji MB aiywhltiaw D. j ( ..i. t . wholesale defartaaatii ! - i . . , , . T, O N .1 1. BlGfMVllri.(j::!i ia - ' n . ODD - CSl - , t t ,'t ; !! h i ti. k.f 1 of our patroaa to oai atafjk tt i.i-. r- ! a 1 I m i - 1 fi. . , I f. in i I hi; 1 1 1 j .!,i-s.Jr 4 tu)' ibti - "(l' " il ,(.......? 45ZIarket Ctrcst. . TIT t''''I"1 j s"! iu u" (' 'I ' : 1 our atoeaV W flaal aawsied thai worth TO aaikv -3 I!' in K'l Mania tanrtk 1 aanaa . mm vt,w itv.i. n rwai AS 1 1.O, ; Jan. - .. j ( (i iMFjTTTTON. "ilj ! J- Jj'l't'J"' ' f."i"""""i OX- i"-'-' a 11 4. ftfliMQ 1 UU vUW ...n . i i "i.-j; 1 ; .. . . 1 j... . ..... 1 . . .v a.' a, . 1 u . . 1 1 .dJjoai j i 1,. 1 7 , ..-'--"l :' .1 I i :ia ;'f.i4 I.w 1,1 4 Jt . ' -JOI "" 1 w - t.ufi I tl-l-v.a' rJJx.rJ ' , J a.w a t-tl v,o,toui i i.i.! ii-'"- i: ' ,.'V W if'a t! - 1m...I l. taaai. i aitl W BfllWT a- nnn. ill UAIL1 KM 1 IV I I . IV. 11 I .ID 1 . I II I Tt . I; ra t s t 1 11 -i ,U I moWViMdl I ft!t if i!i'i out ,'!t V "' ! -li-'""""-"1 -- . ' '.j iTftwTnnrirnaf i- ''"J asiisjbij - .f ownJ. fnuaaut WO lli'lU tit J IUrt,erl.w'a.adtd .ttora of rH.v, , iiri rtri1"' rninriinai snawca ,ur iaKt.,r.Htit tiAJ,. . - . .la ! LaIwS Btylaa aa4 at JjaW (Ow ' aak t.k b.fra parokaalag. ' A. VZEZLh C. Ii k ii a. act Apfiir .1 Htiabwf.r't ueck msra. 1 action ed for Uua Aepartmet.1 ia 10 1-8 per Kdh)on,rolkton, H, O. ssillbT