(Hi IrrrP O tl i 1 f I, . I ill If I . I 4 V. X 1 , 4. Lr I I I I I II V V VOL XXIV. HO. 242 UmUHGTOH. IT. C. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1875. In I.) Fl'-I'l HY TELEGRAPH. TllECONVEIITION Adjournnicit Sine Vie IU Labon- ISie Slate Fair. CZZT7ZICIZ SUIT. Tbe Caeiape ake aad Ohio Ball load CHIME AND CASUALTY. A. H. STEPHENS. His lllnesi-Ifarj Fallnrfi-The la tflais. GOLD 165-8. I BT TRLBaBAPH TO TH1 JOClXAb. I NORTH CAROLINA. State Conventloa-Btate Fair. lUtaioa. Oot. 11. Tbe State Con vention a Ijouiued tine die, after ses- lion of 81 working dav. In the Ut few daja of the session, many impor taiitordiuanoes were pissed, amounting to a general emancipation of the Leg islature from the restrictions under which it baa labored since 18C8, and giving it larger powers. Tbe public delt qneation was not interfered with. Several iuoff ctnal attutnpta have been made to repudiate the special tax bo!,da,j j ; ; The State fair commenced to-day aul the hotels are rapidly filling np with visitors. From present indications the fair will be a graud snoeess as larger quantities of machinery are on exhibition than ever before, while the stock department is well represented. Large numbers of good horses are en tend for racing and trotting. BXJ WpTy"piSPATCHE3. WISCOKBIlf. Revenue Sclinre. aIilwatjub, Oot. la Tbe property of J. P. Kissinger, of this city, was yesterday eeiaeu by revenue ffloials lor an aasessment of $236,000 against the Union Copper Distilling Oompauy, ot whioh he is a stockholder. ,- ; TIE6LXU. Receiver Appointed. BtOHHOVD, Oot., 10, Judge Bond ot the United States Circuit Court baa appointed Henry Tyson, Esq., of Balti more, receiver of the Ohesapesse k Ohio Railroad, under the application of creditors for a foreclosure of the first mortgage. ' Oen. W. C. Wiokbsoe, Vioo-President, has issued orders to all agents of the road in conformity with the appointment, WASHINGTON. , ( De Sioox Indiana. ' f. Washinqtoh, Oot, JO. The agents of the Sionx Indians have been in hstf noted by tbe Interior Department ' not to issne annuities belonging to their respective agencies unless they (the Iudiaos) have been oonntcd. The ageuts are slo instructed to hold tbe .- la lass to their requirements, vn if th T are not paid their auuuities until the latter prt of tpriug. 1WX TORK. -- Heavy Failures. Nw York, Oct. 10. W. P. Roberta, flour and grain merchant, has made an assignment.. . The failure was the re suit of heavy advances on grain. Lia bilities rery heavy. , A. 8. Hermans, dealer in woolons, has also made an assignment. The firm of Geo. Rdcbenbnrg A Co., cotton brokers, yesterday announced their inability to meek engagements. Liabilities not stated. PKNN8ILTANIA. HAND ' - - i A . t Blotong Dlitarbances. -;PotTsvnxl, Oct 10. There was considerable shooting at Shenandoah last night, and at one time there were fears of riotous disturbance. M . Two men were. wounded, one slight- jy tnd the other severely. ,t A dispatch states that over a hundred shots were fired at theoffioers who at , tempted to make arrests. At Mshony City a number of incen diary fires ooenrred. v .j - , j "' v The sheriff hssis&tled a proclamation csHmg on ail gangs and bodies of men to disperse and go to their hornet. , , FOBBIOir, " ' SPAIN. ' Bombardment. MiDBtD.'Oot. 10. It is rnmored hare that the Carliita contemplate another attack en Bilboa, ..... MbWDAY'SlDISPATCHES. M ASS AC1II SETTS. ;1 talal PriieJlflil-lIreiw. Eoerox, Oct n,Miohael Carney, priLoipal, and the seoocda in the fstal pris Sgut, gave memseives up to tbe )- -xhoe last jiight and were locked np to await examination to-morrow. .Four houses belonging to tbe Uoston .loe Company were burned to day with ''000 tons of ios. The fire was the work of inoendariea. NXW TORK. Additional Arrests -Collliloa Saw Yuax, Oot IV Three addition al srrttata have been md iu the csae of the murder of Juues II. Nue. A man who was with Dolao, the alleged murderer, on tbe dav of the tragedy. a woman with whom lie had beeu on tbe night before and a mau who had been in bis company after the murder. The woman confessed that Dolao and his associate from Wettcbrxter quit her on that Sunday morning ut four o dork. Dolan was tbe msn wo wore the. light grey ooit tbat wan no accur stely described by VI r. No. lie re turned st half at nine with hia coat oollar turned np, his face soratohed and Lleedmg, hia shirt front bedaubed with blood and hia vest torn. He w greatly rxoited when tie retired to Ud and awoke every few minutes. The woman at non entered hi room with the third mau. Dolau, in his fev-riu sleep, had throcu the pillow on the. floor, and his heid lay Wtweeu Mr. Noe's gold wslch and the pooketbook. Tbe woman, . startled by hia fright, threw Lernelf opm him and eiclumea 'Oli John, Jolui, you have killtd aouie one." Dolan aprang out of bed and iuiplor 'd tliem to say nothing about it ana Bav the woman live uoll irs sud fifty oeuta of tbs money takeu from Mr. No, to buy him a shirt Ou bsr return hi sooo nulioe had got rid of the bloody garment An unknown schoouer ran into and aauk the coal bargt N. L. Lee, off the battery on Saturday night. Captain Coopers wife and oiiilu who were asleep iu tbe cabin, wi ut down with the barge and were drowned. lde iuman line ateotner. City of Herun, arnvi-U at Uueeuatowu to-day. bavinv made tbe trip in seveu days ntteen lioura and foity-oigut minutee. This is the fsttest time on record from port to port. 1 he legality ol tbe transfer in Deo ember lat, of the Little Rook A Fort Smith Rmlroad and Uuds, ia about to be ooutesti d by the old bondholders. LONG ISLAND. Riot and Assault and Battery. Huntington. Oot 11. The case of the People against Geo. 11 Bunk, and Royal Sammis, indioted by the Orsnd Jury for liot and assault and battery, will be tried this week at Rivershade. This is a case growing out of the dis appearauoo of young Kelney, which led to the bel ef that be had been muider ed by the lynchers. CONNCCTICVT. W K" 1 ' Bjudobpobt, Oot 11. The boiler in John O. Meeker's hat factory ex ploded to-day killing tbe engineer. PINNSUVANIA. All qnlet at Shenandoah - Church Salt Pottstillb, Oct II. There is no disturbance at Shenandoah as was ap preheuded. The man Johns who was wounded on last Saturday night, is still alive. Tbe long contested church ease growing out of tbe suspension iu 18C8, of Geo. H. Stuart Esq , of this city, by Gen. Synod, of the Reformed Pres- by tering church, for singing hymns and oommuning with other churches, was finally settled to-day by tbe Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, at Pittsburg, in favor of the Htaart party. 1 Tbe par ticulars of the ease whioh ha been de oided was the suit against the Fifth Reformed Presbyterian ohurch of this oity. Rev. Dr. McAuleya, to c joot them from their church propeity. By this decision they retain their property. The opinion of the court was read by Judge Gordon acd is one of the ruot important church decisions ever given in this oouotry. The principle in volved in this case will determine tbe suit pending sgainnt the First Reform ed Presbyterisu Cuurou. " CALIFORNIA. Destructive Fire. ' San Fbancisoo, Oofll. Tlie hoint ing works at tbe Utah mine, Virginia City, were burned to-day. The loss is estimated at a quarter of a million of dollars. The shaft is two thousand feet deep, Tbe engineer hoibted out miners until badly burned, when he had to abandon the engine. The bal ance of the miners escaped through the old shaft WASHINGTON. Supreme Conrt. Washington, Oot. 11. The follow ing gentlemen were admitted to prac tice in the Supreme Obit't: Wo. U. Garrard, Savannah, Hjnry J. Leavy and Armand Pilot, New Orleans. The Supreme Court will oommeuoe to eall the docket to-moirow, under the 26th rule. Tbe Attorney General dtcides that Cowan cannot legally exercise his functions as Secretary of tbe Interior, after to-day. There are C63 cases ou the Supreme Court docket GEORGIA. Death-A. n. Stephens Sick. Atlanta, Oot. 11. J. D. Harlan, a atranger from Alabama, die! in the station house this morning. Augusta, Oot ll.-Alexander H. Stephens was taken violently ill on Saturday last His suffering is report ed as excruoiating and condition criti cal. He is affected with a atone in hia bladder. FOREIGN. GERMANY. r DettrnetlTe Fire. ',! -j Berlin', Oot. 11. The "Kafserhoff" hotel in this city has been totally de stroyed by fire. It was theflueet struc ture of the kind in Germany. The loss is estimated at a million dollars. INGLANI .' r;Vi'". - Steamer lost-Withdrawal of Troops. London. Oott 11. The English steamer Biscay belonging to the pWt of Newcastle, stranded off Jnt'and while on a voyage from CrotutiuU to Bremerbaven. Ieveu persona w re drowned. The Biscay was an jrou stesmer built in 1872 and owued in London. The Daily Telegraph has noeived a special telegram stating tbat S rviu and Turkey have mutually agreed ti withdraw tneir troops from tiie fruu tier. His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wale, departs from London ou iiis visit to India at 8 o'olock this r.x II will be aeoompatiied as far as Calais by Princes Alexandria. John Z.rgio G dutta, a mero'i.nt at numbtr right BiootnlMd street. Freea burg. E. C, htki failed, his liab.t.tic are $750,000. CHINA. Proper treatment of Fore Isner. BHANOBit, Ojt. 11. An nliet has sppoarwd iu the Gitsette nt Pt kiu, 'ii joiuiug the propt-r treat ineut jot for eigner. The important points tti.t the EuglioL miuiator demand'', how ever, iuclu ling the puui hm nt of tde Margary mirdertrs, are atiil iu obey anoe. J'he prospeets are now not fav orable for the ultimate settlement HALT Cardinal McCloshy-Centennial. Rous. Got. 11. Cardinal MoCIohL.v will leave this city to morrow. IIn flrat goes to ParU, afterwards lie vimU Girdiu"! Mauning at London, snd then Cardinal Cullen in Irelaud lie hia ordert-d here, a spleudid marble altar for tbe Romtn Catholic (dihedral of New York. It i to eoat $11,000. Rome will sppoint a committee of Italiaus residing iu America, to act nt ttie CJutenuial' The P4e will send two Mosaics, oue representing M donua, by Raphael, and the other rep icseuuug Ht Agnes, ty Emtili, FRANCE. , Ia Commanlcatlon. , ' Pabis, Oot 11.-It is reported thst the liritidh sud Freui-h (ioverummits are iu oommuijioati jU relativt to the steps taken in vew ol the receut edicts regarding the Turkish dbt. r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Rf PORT OF THf -OK- COOITIO TH3 First Kaiional Baclt: of Wiuainiiioii. Al WI mlniton.lKlk Sl.taul Nu th t!ro Uua, Oj. Jimm uf ba.liH, tMtubaf 1, Hit, RESOURCES. asdStoootiati.. ....SiMI1 tft Otvrtlrltlll y.iwuu U. H. Boadato .juiira iroulU.m... S),uil Su IT. S. Bond. Ut 1 cti. dt-uo. u V. S. Baud. on bao4 Utlior atuekf , bo.u. ana wurtf.M.. JJ m tS Dim trua appiaiwi rmarv. .H'lit... IS.SiS TS a. Iiua Hkmt Ml.iari kuu f.wi is Iim Iran a tats Hank, aud bauksia 1 132 us KalaMaa, furnUar.aad lui w,,, Il.Ifo ifl Currant UMiim aad tax Il4....i 4.0MI IS FrsBiunupaM W.KIt Ubaakf aad . bar ak lum.. ....... . Kxobaoaat lur elcarlgg buiiw.. ...... bit .or athsr MvUaal il.uk.......... llJlO 00 HI 1 f StaU Dana. VrartlODal ourroDCydrjeludliinlckel.l Mil SaaoWmolodluf oia l riar avte.l U 20 Lagai Under Butw... II.OuOull W. eartuioaw. ui,a.poMiiiur Kfil- BHlMruitd'wUa'uiiT'raMarV (S par ciil ot eirealaiiea 1 ,11 J si Ooa f'ora Tfwrr, other tban 8 pet sea'. rdeoiiUoa fund Total 4 . , f IUBILITIES, Capita' irtock paid In..,.,. So pin. fan"! . Utlirr oa llTldfd prnflt. Nailon.l Buk no Muni.iand ig (Hi Hank not. Mi anrll nt.... .6KV3 IS . .2flonnO 0 .. ST .. t,70 IS .. IA1.WU OU ilrtiitiii npakl j.i7 0i In'llrbliial A- iu nilij.-. tlo rtaeik MH,v'.i itamand o.rilSoata.0' ilepMll. S ,IM 96 Tim wrtiflfuUof d0lt Ortiflid cifak...., , 1'aabier'. i aeta ia aaidlng., ....... OftltrO atat a d.vo-li. ,. It Mlta of V. I)ifl.yrluflifflti. taotkrr National HaiU. t'.W TC Duo H'.'e HnH. aud ('anker...... NnU-i n I bill. r-d as nntl 2i,52B 14 Bill lijrbl..... .,........ .;., ; Total tfS,lS '6 MUt of fort a orollna, coaniy of Km Ban-nrr, I. A. K. Wlknr, Cbhrof U. ar.iiTsiMro.il oaua or rt.rra uv avaar tn.t tb objr om tent t. true to tbe beat o ru. knuwl dge and A. K.WS KKIt.UiuHiKT BubKribil ai dK .oru to b.lur. mi (liwli flajr of Uctobff, !8T5 A. M. uyff om, Niitarf Putl o. Corrast Attcn: W. H. MoBAHV ir.) K M UK ray, D'reo or.. WATBRS CONCERTO PAELOB ORGANS are I ha aMMt baanti'St in rlt'wi ami r'r''t t'u t ii cTuraiad.. j ht CONCERTO STCP itUif btTfrpl.iellna iaa.i UI.Kr nu.ed by annra-.t tf rr.d, ptfuTmrl' on;.J, the KKKrJ-,1 uf whick I. m at charming, hiiU ...i atlrilng, wall. If mil'm on t( ih hum in v.)lct to u,wrb. Water.' N-tr '.roH.t-l wper, Urand and ViIa.ta Orgaim. in Uii'quc ' rei.ch U-aa, emabina Purll. o' Vwtoin witr gf.'l rolum. at to; tuitabie (or Tailor or ohnrili. WATER8' NEW SCALE PIANOS hT. mt power and a Bo. .'riijli gv,e, w th all modern I m pro re menu .re In kuM pun.n ma ;o. TkeagO.rani and PiKnimrc wrrt u tut a x yea a Friar ettroBvl) low for rank r ptrtcthand bn1.' i e In uoi'tbly ptTioints HarooU-bKnd lnrnnnnt at gre.t bargliia, Flanoarurd rnv.n. to rn' 'itl rml I for .eiier enntaof ACENT8.WANTE0: Mll Inducement (o Ir.'l'. A hlien.1 l-cou'it to Tseberi, UlnLt re.Ohurehm. onion.ty. l-. ILLVSTHA TKD CA TAI.OOUB MA ILKD, HORACE WATERS A SONS, oot 14 Ini NEW AND BEAUTIFUL "SUNBEAM FLASHES," Impromptu BrUlaat, Prof. E. VAVLA ER, Aad i a large lot of new aonga and lntromrai i. Aim l ovk'n Vocal M.tbod feler.' real Piano-Fo ta Mi bool, Clark'. Vm Bleeea. Himtrei ra i-l fir : th Pi ito-Cirt, T he Rob. Circle, for th pl.no, Klehardann'a Kl ino I i rtractor. Clark's Method ror th. Ki t rgra, .,. , , t . J. ..-,,,:( -F0t.rSti,'l-'-';' UiJ . . HEINSBEBGEB'S UVK I'WK AMI) UDSIUSTOB For Qmithville- ibjTIAt "OIXH"WILLirri:B THH Icatsaw wharf, loot f Orai g. itrcet, at I setlltf O. G. FAftSLKY A CO; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. REMOVAL. Iht. u.S nr rtut and wtxt ! (..ori.fr uf O ne mt soma Wtr UtrwL .Mt .i. iritil la lliir col and wih I uf lh tfi nuli J at ibt lort frlcra. oini o. o. MMtrt av.' SHARfS CF CAPITA! STQOK 3 Bmns,v ck Br;ie iiiid Tirrr Comae A linill i! i umhrof fli-ire rlltlKk CK(M.TtonlS. Low Pieces Pra'?! iJrfClL L iv -jl ia STATIONER. POINTERS ANO BINDERS, LITHOGRAPHERS ool 13 Cm Due Notice. ISUurohy jjU.n th X xo doM eon'r.ctrd by th. i row of tlm Riiiknntin "Nancy Holt,1 will be pitil by th Maatar or th Con.lgnaet. 0. V. HW AN, otli!t Mam, HEMOVAL. 'fill: andcraljnM b. rumored ft ht. .tor. I Kiu n n-uih Fruit Ktr.t, Ibra diior. Hontli or li old a aiHt, w.Mre h.i KM liioreawil fHClllilc tor .l o. Hi. hi. large .ml varlcrt .topic of riardwKre, Outle J. iiu'n. Agrlonl-tu-nl lniilaueiit, to., aud rxprn tmily f lite, ivnnlnu. a'i ot th liner 1 patron. gr a mcoiori1 D .to mi octlntf (1KO. A.FKCK TKY OUli a - COOPER NAILS, THEBE&TIN THE OITY. OIUCM Vl'KCHlSON. Mew lUruwara Hou set 10 M1LLIN KIIY. wrt. A. ,Rraitde r. it-iln'ora berpntrnni and the pulill ) gum rally ol bet tetan i.ura THE NORTI. FRN MARKETS, kad I. w w lull. ri .nl t bow th targent awn tmrut in tn al tb tt u.a ..ar Din, ottered hi th ill). Frrnrh, 'riln aad : (0'ttoh itoi.uil.. Hat, Flowarv 1 f en ucie, Vt)let, i.ltibuna, , ; Ltwi, Urnara. a A a. My .UM'k s aiat ALL THE NOVELTIES of lb mm a. !u sctle of tk "J ! GI-AIT1D OPEiniTG will b. fltsa theodgh th mliata 4 th prv, MRS. A. D. BROWN, oetidnw , Exchange Corner. fPoiitivslj Ho P:itponement !l A FORTTJITEI JfOlttHH. LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. TEXAS GIFT GOHCUT ASSOCIATIOXJ Or lpnloii,TeiM, win gl.oa SECOND GRAND . GIFi' CONOErj Nov 30tb, 187512 Or Monoy Refunded. First Capital Gift $50 OOCjl Second Capital Uift 25 OQOl wilii inH iu i.iiur iu at' oiiiitina n li t 0260,01 0 00. Uoyptt q!ftto4a Whole Tlokot, tin Coupon " .. (? i-iiw m a wuo-o Tii.et, SA, walot. rorutfl 'I on: ri viuuiiiir. , COUPON tICKETA. ft I . I Wlnc'i will eia:i ILi liuidr in atlmiivion t' li. Wfai.d J nice' r, en u i.ii.i ftt'ib of oli.t fr gilt m.y . awnidnd to tin- rbui. ttr )t iiirnlirr, K' m.ii-IIiIh jitik unlit., rl. " , . A4 gf.tn for tit-Hal u,i,l il.wt HS)tl' l.ll' i ' tlr.Mll T, P.ljti-T.. r, .. j;Klll ; tll'l p.rt ijtl .H, mn . fi- In ttri i I-, h u-rnnil A.iii utiui!, t it'll coil ' ,nd t t :n Ini'.) Ord ji Or tlo , t.. a-u i vl. u .ti 6 n 1 ii; r . ji.C, ".f 'Sir tl. , . i. j ! Aldrowa-I mmm -inti.il r r,J tuuks jr' tllll tunc. . of mm ny .1, la Iu j , : k. R. COLUNS, Socy, DcnUoi.l RDER TICKETS AT O I atlia xr.wiiiK aiil iHHl'l.l . lira" tiir. Vo, itb. Ia76, and but a- .bjr kit now i HOME ENDORSEMENT ! Wc.th U lulf-rwl f rifil i lilzm. nt li.,,l. rcia., rh.tpr,nlly gin our irlnnny to tin i' instil i Buliro(iarill In alirh tl.e Pint i en i u. n i oneonot tun l exiu (I H ( otu', I in.'it o a. oui. dueled, ana a. to he a'luf. :t y m.naor In which al the plctlgo'. in I torn' vtnt tbo AMocl.tliin were itwriei ml; and, I'nrlher. do mi.C lieirtllv nndiri,. tj Semud (JrinJ (lift t.oucirt lo'he JiinmlM'TS'ith, Ig78. WH Winn, Mayor, Olt of ri.i! al tertm n Jort " W Kirk, w WalUtra' ttei ' I "VI I If ,l VY Kflrtnt. W A TlliiM. W H Ha I tlTay'nr l. o .Mm on; Julin Ne.li.Wnole ilt lr Onidi: .? If tii. . Wbole-ae Umer Kn:.t.ln H'.. Whdeaa'eLlanorK umt.f holil ttrr Qoid.: Mai Urnn--.tln iVbott-aln HrT fKol. Hut J W Jentilnu. n 'T ,1 r IIMU, CALL, LOOK AT AND BUY CLOTHING ' Kiod tbe eteg.iit.hick of , , ; -? Mtrisoasr 'ae CO: SELECT CLOTHES, CASStMERS, 'j - ; U KHQ VCSTINQS ..' i - . T-f . . , And hare Ih'm ma44 to yxntr meunr at Hun. in V J'o.V . , Eluy Wamtutta shirts.' Th beat abd ribotf ent a tbe world of Mursrsoisr &$ oo. 21 North Front Street. oot 10 MISCELLANEOUS. FINE TA2LE APPLES J MESSIXA IEWS.XS. At QKKK MTIBS1. waaa aaat U'cel tI to d r ftaak 'chuttoiS rot f ear r vr Dairy tha tBItST UOTTBHIHTtll WOBLU" " aJyt ' OKO. MTCHI , Wekars UntyfMSilsjy ar Bran I. of Itoibl. Kitr FaralW fUar, NEW PROCESS EMPIRE '.FIOUB. SC'VlMjlUM KrStMttll , ,, . ; AfUPUA.NT.'XTKA. J, .w lo ali .I, OFO. MTFKt. PINEAPPLE CHEE.C. EDAM CHEESE. AND C2EAM CHEE.E, At tiw'j ii ir.oi, ..k, Cr.ara Ulli.aad r.ii it ji M' i. fix l i tat rem, ) COItNUlLUBItOA FKBtrt Ul'TriU, ( j and FAMII.V FIlAlt It Hit AW, Tiig.thor wllh all Imported Crackara, kt UEU.MI KRV. FRESH IRISH OAT MEAL. IranvtUt Oat Mi, In 1 d Wiioaad MCkai. and Nw UUI Mi S I 1)1, .1 GEORGE MYERS. 11 A 13 80UTH FRONT ST., The Charlotte Observer Tb. oa'v ra ifnlna dallv a.uar b.bll.had la the MUt wiaiofKtl.uk an i Hwlk M Wlb Ingbia, oS'er. itrelal lailuoeaa.at. m 4rvr liaar. lit eir.iuuiki li. and awfili fc.ra b.en largely nraa-a daring tay ii t iiaat, ami It n, i rewtne. imttv tna la.rv nhanuuf w eaters forth ikMtia, tea. a SO r rug an naorpaMnd raHra ' tuiiaietalev t'on but -n the ta.n'li.nt.of Wll ralngbja and in. paopi. of if Mr norita uanuiHaj i .i t S VBhSSoP SttaaOaiPTtaSII Dally.. ..as Hpwaaas) Weakly.... . ! B3T Al.itlMng vary kaw, SOUTHERN HOME 197 199 N. Chwlea BLrr ESTABLISHED 1M3. BoABoma and Dai 8oaoov fob Torara .1 v.'t Lanm. ..-.,. f FrinrtpatMr) Sa Msav M. Oarv.aad Mai. The Frvaiik laag iai (pot.a ad taSakf.' liIO and 1 1 1 . thi met 10 run iotiosa ) Ezohemiso Oorner . , A Lot of ' j !'.'!. ,11 ... r ,1 i " !( .,it.t !, MISSES' JACKETS , r ,,.., sod -i..V ! AS RAnri.EH jivsTatctiircat. , n.a. FsbjIds Sly Stock ;af EMBROIDERIES. 1 i. EXCITANaB CORNER TllK rnllte property now orsaplidW flC 0. Far.'aygt t t embracing Whapf, f fltn .o na.ai a'O aano eoai tug, loomed on South W.far (Hreet. Far on a twa yaaea Ywaji. BHailaaM... amilvtA ,:,;i.A.WaiAtwi.i' tp'. " Kraeauiri i JU8T PUBLISHED 2 ii ! J 1 1. X fl I It dtttsaj J A 0 " PRAOTIOALOBSERyATIOSi NERVOU84OEOILITY 1 niYSlCAL KXUAUSTION, fi (To wairll IS alled An i:r SfairrUgn- H 1 . f 1.. Wata tottsrt Mstrtm on ' 1 PHORMSm M 'Hit KRFKODUCJTIVJk OI44AN1, j Do njt . .rnoi'" of La tturu. rti Mvere I at tBclr ( MtTfiEUr.1 Or. ANATOMY, ! ' 1 iHrwuiire nanllig bs el'y, b'ohl not ll a ti till- rtrf.at lotlofllsi, tMug tbs Urnati til thy. i-., v.. . ; 4 j j ' H97 MiCBtiiutat a OppiMiiaC:SntlaSV istl llotel, riallavdelpbltt. IJoylp. of. lucturea tcnloo r' v'Pj M, 3j Cnb Adlr'.. n ,JOHn4N.&UAVlF;sOJJ . Ifid MLHtB'r St., Fhl alolylila. " ang l!7 t Ijf .... 1 .. .V. OVKlt-ii j -i ONE HUNDRED ' Ulffereiit tfjla of bnal- ''SUIT?!,., rnol" Sun SIS 00 (0 SH ( 0. A full Una or OVE! COATS, contprUlng all itylef of .' i' I COLORS AND WEIOfcTI A. DATIO.i ' . MThnt Tailor, " oott "CAPE FEAR UGRT AITIkLEST. ATTENHION IIEIIBERS 1 Y o r. kvtetiy orderaJ W tr at wtmr Arajory ou 4onday Tennlo, at 4 'el abar. In fal! nnlforaj. . "T ' By orCr of Captain H. O. r'.anaor. O M HARRIS. r Orderly Sargaaat ' oettOH m tl HUBS, tPOKEX AKO UlUU WaQON wheel, bngg' wheel., .alkywbaeK wagua (hw, tin. kna, k"ir bartiea, eau. rhal'i lirlag. traiailiiga, ba da, holu. amty anaft, caet .Wharbi, Th largeat ttaok th abOTO good and th lot i rloee In las d y Ban ba fouad at th SI4 aet.biUb. Uicd wart Honaauf tn 1 . t . aTORM DAWSON, - OCtiO Mo. l,a,aa4ala1araMBlrL PIKE ! WATER ! ! ' From (he late flra !a tha wholesale dupaTtpeat ol -JOXll AJS a ec CO. ; BOSTON ; A Isrp'anfl YsriBfl Lot cf General D17 Git Rsmeiulr the will bs sold t smh juices usuill Jtenra Ihuir iniucaiuft . . ... u . . 4 ,. . ,.; . , BRQte;ft!i2i' RODDICK ' . W would also oaU tha slleatioa of out patroM low aUckcl MLL AND nillTEO DRY G0033, N0 ON UAKD AND .!;-. ;.ji.) iiti'ii.v . Replete yith all the BBOOT ; & RODDICK, 45 Harkot Ctr- T 1 : . , I , ... At" at .Hetail i at nr-Ti B. WEILL I B. WEI LL 1 B. . J, SOQDSl lVr PRICES ! TO J SUIT J. TiL'Efl. ALL we ask la Kit eumluatlon ol! our stock. 'We C .fiii.iled Ibat fMi the publlo will Ira convinced of what we ear, Ws (1 slew a fcw w14v4m ' t.WVa'rUeBlaitkAlr atMoeiJUworthaj' j J.OOt jrmrtg Black Al, (-"S at tVt otmU Worth 19 i , ' ' 1,000 yards Black A I' ' nt 07) OenU worth HO auws. 'I ', m pairs Ladlos' 1 ' '"5 oeuu worth id oesia. - . '800 pslr LadltV 1 toeaU worth OoenU. ' 400 peJrs Children I Hose ooo palraChll Irens' . , J I lose J tloae ooo Mtirs l sirs (JUildreaa' btriued iiose '1 l . , , , i j. . W on MHO ttilf'f. ' T " 1 . TOO NUMEROUS, :jii ov 'All of whlct tiilUS 1lll A t.i Jtl q ' -J V ill O 611 ...... , -( I! '.,.i ) Of a .a.i.;,: 1 f '.Hi ;.-!. f t.-.7 ,' f ' . I.' ! 'i. f , iPUICES tUilTlDEFY C(nPETra03, FALL A11D : W1HTER NOW OPENING! it i' 1 jt.j f'hiiiti'w . f a. I AT i . t .1. ClWpai "J HI i I ;ti ,1., i UJU I J"! 1: .' '.; m ' rw-im . .EALL- AND )VINTEll GOODS JfS.m M.m an. . a,auai m w ain . I ;1 t No. 86 MARKET; STR1GBT. SWtSj ., . - - ' v FunrjiTUREi TTrit firfUt OTBFAUTBSDaOUa0arAtlJJUJBAMDOICalAJJtBarfe)e)Bl If vr, lM f Hew Pattera$ t r. mmmm 0 F. Tnrlort Chonber1 aa4 Ilalatff,l34omlaXltml .i t iw.'i U kt WMM ail Um IWOIft fSi I ' v ''"J s totals lias tM .ajbraaw all f tha New and tandtwa PaMrras sf y.aan'a. Tflf Iapa,0tAM aaaaUap Oarj" tJlaU an4 iWU-g. A-i ' H sI'jvJ yiiSiiil ".M vi i aad ItagS, j SwasMfal Vsstgas. ; 1 At MATTSMata. M ttiWRB. Ft ATRM fcXDS FI ktr Ht.lir AUD etaMTIB KMVVlAaLES,aYo.,AL4.i't BMMAh,. lcXj.;;v -.,.. t -T , I -i. ewnstanntaetnr. Botola, tesawar a a FrtoaU RaaMaaaa fan lake In tan Utaa) Siyte aa4 at law Vats i. J a leaawfiTw aw a waw nwaeaaaanaa)ar nwrwa aaiera paraaawn '.9 li fyna I. ,l;-tll.. fuCl styUaT ASTiiTiiinm. DAILY RECEIMS. ' . "'- - r .-" IToyelties of the Ccr: a. -..-i.-...... ..,-..... . - . at 81 oenU worth IT rS'ias. at 87 oenU worth 45 1 at 57 oenta worto 43 snta. at oXeaoto worta i m&ml' niany ewer goods . t .. i ?,T0.r iIENTION, war' wllf aell " aaawaew I I G3i . tar "i ir!S . i . a FunrJiTURj-! and Dcclm r. , ,. . .. w , t -, GOODS Jf

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