I .St I lit -.- si 1 I-- J VOL XXIV. HO. ,243. WmilNGTON. IT. C. WEDNESDAY.. OCTOBER 13. 1975. 7H0LB H0.7.CC3 (ITIW J t J; AC t- i r : i -a I- A Of Sail? jionrital. ! BY TELEGRAPH. STATE ELECTIONS. ' t Ohio Gof Kcpubllcao by Snail Mi Jorlty-Xtbraika Sors Erpubllrai bj 8S VaJorilj-Iwa fiUei Klrkwood a Majority of THE MTATK FAIR. The State Pair h i Suctns, Over 3,000 TUIton Present. NEWS IN GENERAL. American. Darling JicarParls - Hon. A. H. Stephens Considered Out of Danger -A Baltimore "Poet." Commits Suicide Frost In . Tennessee, etc. GOLDI6 5-8. BT TSIiBOBAm TO THB JOCBNAU 4 HOKTH CAROLINA. Balkioh. Qot. 12 The State Fair is a success. The exhibition is Urge, espsoially in the stock and machiuery drpartuK'tits Tbe crow J wi'I be vry Urge to-morrow and Thnrsday. A oitizBin pre of $9,000 is offered, and the raoe will ooranienoe to-morrow. The entries are large. 1 ! . ! i J omo. The Gubernatorial Chair. CweiHMAif, Oot. W.-i-Tbere. were over 20,000 votes polled in this eiry be fore 11 o'clock this morning. No complete returns from any ward have yet been received. The election passed off quietly. The Republicans olaim the county for Hayes, and the entire oounty ticket It is certain that the Republicans have made large gains. The result in the 6ity will not be known until late. Toikdo, Oot,JX The eleotion to day has been quiet, with full vote, and oousiderable scattering on both aides, The returns from the oity are low. Nothing is expected before mid night, and some wards cannot be eounted before noon to morrow. New Yoke, Oot 11 A private dis patch from Cincinnati, dated 8:30 to night, says: "It is estimated that thj Tote of the Btate will reaob 500.000. As far as hoard from, the Republican gaiu in every oounty, except Mahoning and possibly Frauklin. Cuyahoga county is said to have given 3.000 Re publican majority." Later. The returns from a Dumber of the northwestern counties, mostly mining district, five the Democrats gains. BTJU. XiATEB. . Columbus) Oct 11 Returns from 8U0 townships and wards give Hayes (Uep.,) at least 6,000 majority. HIBSASKA. Omaha, Oct 11 In Ha 1 oounty, the entire Republican Btate ticket wa ekcted. The Judicial ticket through out the State was elected by 88 ma jority." i ' 1 ' ' ' IOWA. Dmj MaMBS, Oot 12 -Up to 11:30 J, M. indicate a Rep. gain of 15 per oent over tbe majority of tl e same in 1874. The estimated gains for Kirk wood candidate for Rrp. Gov.) is 85,000 1 .V-'- KIWIORK. 'r , Americans Duelling Near Parls-Clgar V Braids Other than Iron Branding. New Yonk, Oct 11 A Paris Herald s epeoial says : A duel was fonght with awords at faucet, near Psris, yeeter day, between two young Americans named respectfully, Rigga and Paine. Tbe cause of the duel was an old fami- .,, ly venditta, whioh was removed last , Thuisdaymgbtin jsenawsMioe meatre. Blows were exchanged before the au dience and the polioe had to interfere. The result of the duel was, that Pains ' got wounded slightly in the arm. A one with a monkey's head on it, precisely like the one John Dolau had, wbs found near Noe's store. Dr. H. T. . Helmbold, who escaped from tbe BJoomingdale tunatip Ayl urn, was arrested Doming out of the Metropolitan theatre and sent back to the Avlnm. 5 Complaints are coming from various parts staueg.toas mere are seizures of oigirs branded with other than branding Irons. The manufacturers have been using a hardened mttai heated by a spirit lamp and making a neater brand, j t." ' CI0RGIA. fitate Fair Btenben'g Reeoverr. Macok, Oct.1 12. The exhibition rf live stock and tnaohinery at the Btute Fair, to be held here on the 18th will be unusually large and fine, as the en tries are rapidly ooming in. General Hawley, Presideut of the Centennial pommiiou and Senator Bayard, of Delaware, are to speak on the fair grounds on Tuesday, trie 19th. . - Adotjsta, Oct v 12.Alexander H. Stephens has been relieved and is con ahlured out of danger. ' 1 7TT WASMXCTO. At Home Again." Waahdjotoh, Oct 11 President Grant leaves Chicago to-day, direct lor Washington. ALABAMA The State Grange Fair. Salem, Oct 11 The nrt annual fair of the state grange el Alabama, commenced at Balem, October 26th, and continue five days, Ture are even hia1red and fifty grnitea in Alabama, that will bar. present. l, uJ the peple in every ciim tm moving to make it a tuooesa. I'muiiueut upeakers from the north, eant, eon b and weat are exptted, and the fair promises to be the grandest sflftir ver held in the sttt, Tue (ieple of SjIi m have mm ampin p'eparrttioim for gnerta. and the railr.wdi are lo U 8'ie halfrate tickeU. MARILAMD. Suicide. Baltimore. Oot. il An unknown man, thirty v-ra old tlirew Limitulf from the Mfawhiiigtou mouum nt which is 180 left high, ai.d was ornahed into a shapeli'M m-a. A note waaf.nul in hia pocket which rend : "Mo MiH Cobb I leave thee, ir liee w.r U iiop iug t I ear from you, fre tbee well, atiH f.irevnr, still fori'Vfr, - fareWdil Even though nnforg "ti never againat thee shall un lieart rebel." TKXXESSEE. Mkmfbis, Oot 11 navy frost and thin ice are firmed on tioicd plaoeH, hut it is not believed that any nrioua damage is doue to the cotton crops. PK.1XSIIYA.MA. Blown Down. Philadelphia, Oot 11 The uu flniahed Agricultural H ill, at the Ceu tenuial grounds, waa blown dowa and eight laborers injured, five seriously, and one dead. i POEEIGHT. IT ALT- VraxEA, Oct 11 All the European powers, exoept Frauoe, have exohang. ed ideas regarding the flnanoial situa tion and policy of Turkey. They see no gronnds for remonatranoe. GIRHANT. TtinT.lw rw.1 11 TIia TnrV. riavn seized a quantity of gunpowder that was sent to Crete bv the Greek revolu tionary committee. INGLAXB London. Oot 12. The morning PjhI to-day, asserted that Holland has sent five men Of war to the Carribeao sea. The Liberian consul here, gives ao- couuta of the war with the noiehboirng savages as having five engagements. The Iiiberians were victorious. CANADA. Collinowood. Oct.-11 Over six inches of snow fell here last night. Considerable damage was doue to iruit aud ornamental trees by the heavy weight of snow, breaking and bending them to the ground. Snow is still fallin tbis morning. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Dividend Declared- Th Board r Plrartori of th R..I E.tat an ) Loan Awx-lvum bar tbliilay daelaiad a MBil-annual dirlJend of all par etni. U. 4. r,iLH, Oct II H Reoieurj and Truurr. Wlt.MIlVCrTOW M and Ladder Company No. 1. Mrmbenr r qamdto.ttMtatTrok Henakthlat i WdnAil at . atTntiiA akitf.tJ Vr.ltiek kaa lall,lla..lfn.a. m, h .1. d ImH. tl . .t uw f in iuii auiiu au wiiu wiimu piviur, a aw.. orarv nrmbara wp.rlallr Inrilod to atwnu. U ...... k. w Oetltt 8trlry. INSURANCE COPARTNERSHIP. Tha nndaia gned hln farm O aeiiiarlnrr- hip to tha tiaii ADllu ui a (.iiaral li Kiran.ir biwincM, '"pccUully wlloita liberal .liaia ol Publlduatrougo af wIlojIu.tuu.N. O. J Mo'.B' DTUHNKH. of Athrllle N. O. oct 18 it EEM0VAL. Street, t tba oo. reogntljr ocrupi.d !.T A. M. Vao BJkelen, under tlarn a Howell, rvuiiD n.w Qtrvut, VV.WWI iihm vni Ubettnut, uumimjh i v n , oct IS It General lo.arana tgent.. IIOWAUD RelicT Fire EEine tcmrjany K. 1. Orv.ua ov BtooBDiaa S.oaxTAnr. Ociooer U,l78 J Member , yoa are her.bj ordered to appear attn.fnfl". hoof. In foil aalrorm for pa raaa, tkl. (Wednra-Jay) art-rnnon, t o'clock abarp. Hj order or tha Pnreman. Wat. JNo. BUHM4NN, oot It It Keeordlng Secretary. WE WILL MAKE TO ORDER OK SKIX Ready Made. ELEGANT DRESS SUITS,' HANDSOME BCSINKSS SUITS, OVERCOATS. TALMA?, and the ne?er to be beat WAMSUTTA SHIRTS, MXJNS03ST cSc OO- i r CIT CLQTSIEB8. : TRAVELINQ DAC1. SADDLES HARNESS AND TRUNKS WUIM'BBA?ciiEM.xt.K.aRrAi, OKM.AH". Feme Trar-chAln, Baok tmili, , . A'l klnda of -ad.llery gooU, ; cheap iron cash, St . . Carpenter Mallard's " o. S Bouts raoTSTEaT, sop 1ft VUaAlagton,M.O NEW ADYEIT1SEMIMTS. Rf PORT OF THI CONDITION TH3 First Naticnal Bank tf Viirloa. At WI'Mlnrtna, la th. HiaM.I No th '.rp. II'.. UM J "( lBln, OtiKlb.. 1, !.;.'. RESOURCES. r illooiiul .S S'S Oitjol.nll ii.w II. M twlilt mi.i il-rnUllM,... 1 If a. huil lu itiir ibpi. f I'. . MlOM bkii'l Hilar aiuoki , h iimU h I mongioj",. 3.1 I'1; fs ! Un .Hrl rrii f uts.; lVSi u-iiohi i'Hir ltti"ntl Huk. k,(i t Duo tuna sf tmnk.a.id Imiikt... ' t 7'.2 Oirrrnt.-i v.l M-e ( M . ) C PiKUiiuB-ptui vinii'jr. Dlinliril e kr run it. mn. .i'Uany. lor el'riu ( huim' Iflou! . Iim N itwki liM.itm iu U l Hl.t-' "I ftKi c'r nn uilM't: Tilh i V4 M (ilei'iioluilng g'ii i i r. a y i if) i I, ( .1. r U.U . .. .. 11.U.H) W ', a evlittratr. 1 -r.lor I. Hf.Si Re.'iOil h f.ni.t t h ! .e, r-.ir t, (S pt..it. o e rrn'htim e.VS 61 lue r.o 1 riurt ,oih -t lit 41 ft 1 er orii .rMt.mi'tion lunj Total UABILIUU t!a;ital .t.wk paid in.. ..i'l II 0 Ml ... S-t-1! ii : ... li,i1lilKi 1. ST ivi . k t . y ... , 14 94 ii i,n tun i h .or m liri l.d uii t -..Ui.i.i H -uk no m "u p .1 h a "anil iu' H...mt n,il Ii.vhI.iiI. rntal.l In il.l.iuai U p aiuaul.J .to ih-. Mmad orT'inoiwo' lltpo.ll.,.,. I' lU OMlltlC .1.1 ot d.iOlt i'rt Urni oncka ....... I'atlirr'. i bw... cu n. diug... IJiili.J .tut dai'O l It. poll.i f V. . It .l.u'.ii.tl UK.' totli-r National Hn- . , , Hue to 8'.'r 1hd. nd it.t . . , No". .11 1 bit .r-d w unta-l... ... Illt,( yajr.b: ToUI. S'M.H.I it Ntato o( Morta Carolina, couutji ol New Htu for, I . A. K, WalkT, C til.T of the aboaiiannl h.ii of, bib utr tr th.(Lb. ubjvi aiato Bient 1. true lu tbe ta.i o mi kuoal dga and i.iir. A.K.WI KK t. Cm '. ctS HubM'rlh d a d.v.rn tu bslur iu tbia llip lar ol urt.ib.r, IMTS A. M. BOWI'KN, Notar; PuM r. Correct-Alt. it: K Ml'KltaV. IT8' on. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL "SUNBEAM FLASHES," lmpiomptu DrlllAat,t b y Prof. E. VAVLA ER. And a1aratotof nawaongtand ln.trnm.ntO plocee. AIM uouk'a Vocal Method, rt.r' Huntreat Plaoo-r U Mcbool, Clark' Nov mitTl for; tha PianVorta, lb bora. Urcle, far tb piano, Kloh.l.jn' rlmo li .t'uctoc. Clark' Method rot tba Ketd .rg.i., ., fts. rot aiie at HEIHSBEBGEfi'S UTK BUUK AMU MU1IC EEM0VAL. Wr har raraoTtd oar roal at.d "w od frd to eornar of O aetie and xouih Water Btraaia, aad are prrpered in d llrcr eal and wool af tbe beat qu Ji j at lb. loweat phora. ootlltf ,. O.O. PAUSI.FT 4 0o; SHARES OF CAPITAL STOOKI Brunswick BriflB and Fernr Company. A II ml tad nuitihrr of ibarae Capital .took of tb dlTldend (aonlblv) paring rorporailou. CRONI.T St MORKI8, oct ISSt Auotloiieen, Low Prices. Prompt Elocution. FIltST-OLAHS WOllK, aW a. a Wr STATIONERS, PRINTERS ANO BINDERS. LITHOGRAPHERS. oct 11 6m . Due Notice- 18 hereby given tht debt cou'-fnotcd bjr the erew or th BarKcnline "Nancy Holt," will be .nd hj Ike Matter or the Con.lgnete, U. L.HVAH, oct I0 3t Ma-tcr. HEMOVAL. rpHB undnl(nc4 b w remored t tits itor1!, A. No. 2i h.uth Froi t htret, thret it.mr. Hontk of hia old a'jiii.t, where hi i aa Inoreamd factlltie. fur ahowlnir hi. Ir(te anil T.rlnd atoek of Hardware, Cut'e-y, Hunt, Ajrlrul tarat laplement. Ao., and rrapMctiudy . -llcli.a oonilnuaoce ot the liberal patron. g. heretofore b'.towed. octlOtf OKO A. PR' K TKY OUR COOPER NAILS, THEBE8T IN THE CITY. GILES 4 V TJRUHI80N. Mew Hirdware Hon, net 10 MILLINKHY. Mn. A. n.'Beowndefr'Stt in'f.rm h'rpHtrona a-id the puoiuguni r tuy ot l i r. tirni mu THt NOKTb ERN M1KK3I8, a.id l w folly prepared t tltow 'ha largest aaM'ttnent in the above tb .t oar r dm u ottered utth e t. rrriich, Mer Inaal Jtndiab Honn-I. Hat. Howe , Feathna, Veltcv, Mbt:0, Lao., Omanim ., Ac. My atot k oon aln' ALL THE NOVELTIES oftboaaaaon. Due nctlce of tb GRASP OFSalTZITC; will b given tkroaga tba midln m ol tb pre. MRS. A. D. BROWN, ootltfuw Kiohango Corner BUCKWHEAT, - UATHBAL, oonriarf, v IDUTOH HIURINO, .1 " ' MAUKKHKI, Jo . arrlv t and for aal at S.H.W. HUKOK, N.B, Ooraar lUrkot an! leooad Sir watt School Books. V AtlkM PiiPt lH BlS HTOB4" tiF EDWARD MAIN'S, (f timerly tre' Book Btnt.) May be to .lid a rt tuplrtawtutof j ' SCH9.L BOCKS AND STATIONERY. Prrn."f.-,fr awtrtn'r iliir nriwl a'lv lii.it dw ol. ana vajiulun our e o k and pri'. BOTTOM PRICES: i Ula' k ll.n . I o."i. !.!! Kn.-I'l d ifj. ,U tier . Mn . t Jl.d .":itH la, ior od a i I pi. - itawv. ' ; MV . Huo 1irr a-t ',, , oriailt P-on' ( I ' a.'ibil Positivily Ko P gtpoacincnt LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. O.' Uri lj'ti,Tr.a. will (Ivna 8CCONO GRAND OiFf CONCF.R'M Nov- 33th, 1QU l)ltiVVL(J rovlTIVI. r Or Money Rofundod. Ifirst Oai.itM Oift $ 59QOOj IBeoond Copital tiift .. 85 0001 e d i.i'l. in p.iHirit iu ar oilnllng.u.U U 8250,0i 0.00. Lowest qiftto.it hol TlcfH, Bd lru. of a Wbol Tio.ai, f.l, w doh ooimUM r Ok SI uoa.ona, COUPON TICKETS, II. fliic'i willeiitlt'e ihe buhl, r to adnn.io'i l. he llni.tl O ncert, an 1 1 on HUh uf h i Vfr Ki'tni.y awarded to thi wbol tlcke iHrai.rr. , Kepmiili!e agrn. wanted. A horde", lor t.rkuta tent direct iroinn'.l- Hlo1. Clroul r, Para. ate., gi.uif full part'ru r, aent fr, In writing , b tare and .U. tnor nam, tjwn ononty and Kt.tJta lull. umora Mr tioti amtuntinf u to and up ar I aent ('. U.U., l( d-ired. AJdrauail cumrannl. atlmi. and mat al auttttanoi if m-irey parable to A. R. COLLINS, Sac-, Danboa.1 - ' " ROKR TICKETS AT 0 t.the turkwing wld aiiil ely uk placr 'oi, mio, ana out o enort Ua. noet ma u, ! HOME ENDORSEMENT! We, lb und aUned rklaen of Inl oo re.a, rher uilv ri. imr tax-tnt'ov in tk. 10 ornhW and.moartlal In ahrh the V.J 1 and Oill llonoort of tt l.iac O lt oaoei d taw union wai ci auoiau, and a. to 'he ei a uta'.torv m.nt er in wuicb all lb n .due. ml promlaof it Aaaool.tijn wrearri ml; and, fnrihet d m- .t bertlir doi. he teound Or tud (lift Loucert.to b aire Suv.m'terSllth, IB!S. W li Winn, M.vor. uiti or Itenlaom Al Irrmen Jad. W 0 Klrk.il W Waltrr.' d, 4 Nivlnt- J WtfOdvard, W A Tibh. W H Horn I It TerUir I. al J..hnoa:tl hn Ne.lii.Wliola- ..It. Dr. Oom1 J H tint, Wholesale Kroner: Kiiliieia nr.. wo iieaaie Liquor.; emtar. oi.ai urv uo.t ma urnn.'atda Wholewla Drv O.iod H n J W J.niiln..: Oeo J Itaitf r; Or J (! Fetid. MILL I NE It V. The nnderelgn d wl.be. to In 'arm the l.adlea (bat .na na'ju.t rnturnoa rrum N 'w York, wber. ihe baa boon lor Mrl week MAKING HER f ALL PURCHASES --- in - - MNt FRENCH MILLINERY, At d will he prep wed 1 1 a ("Wday to .how her friend, and the I u'lllc giner'tily, the lato't .tvlo.ln rrnrh Pvttur Hminet and : lUtj, and errjlbig tirrlaininx to the buidna. I dhtu aim a very fin wloilon of FANCY GOODS, Vona atiun of , l.adlea' Coia-to. lleo .kir i Pompadour., . ' I.a.oa : Funs.'., ntton, Uotf. Korhlng, And the l.rgr.t und rbratet mock nl fxphyr iii "i n nnrtiiimi w mii to p n.fl till Id rf B.IHnioif. loder- fiom tbe COUNT liy SOLICITED. Allorde . he attended to with pron pt. ne' .nd rare. - Ivli'N. Xj. xliinnsrnn, 1 Oodl . 4S MABKKT HT. Cotton Ties and Salt. .OOOZBU.N.iLiEH A I HOW; -IE8. "4,000 8ACK3 SALT - ' 4,For sale bv BINFORT, CllCW 4 00. aiiR 24 ' 1 0 T H I7c I fl2 E OF WpFFEAR CCtifilRY. orit p-erniun lirt l.n'i,i jm are oa'led ufi" P ra 'v i- r t .; nn 1 .It on the nth, lltli, llih .i d lii.ii dai.or Noviimbtr. Cirf ywu b .'.arrlo'e. an I oom ni h'p ol. Oranitrr., f rm'rt. mei hatilo., roeichtntN, an I it th.mith nal leant, la'le" we wan you wl h ti i .in Ihu grent, and w innl. glo'lona Ofloa -n. , , H. L, Fftr.MO'iT. ep IB tf ' ... ' President. Bacon. Pork. Bagging. Tie 100 rtnae.D. 8 and Smnicd 8ide, tl-.rrrt. Pork, W Hol'j and tulf aolla Bagjlng, "0 Ton. Piprcert T'.ea, F.iraaleluwby . WILLIAw.-t MUB;ai80N", Sugar, Coffae Flour Cheeto. , . . . . t, . . . . - i . UK) Barrel. Kflni"d Sn.v, .'0 Sank, frlm Kl.ifli.fff., ' id H.r.ei Klour all grade. 1 't Uor Uhee e. F ir itl low h " Wl I.IAMMl'U0HtFOJI, Syrup. Hoop Iron, Cluw.'.Nttllc- 18 Brrel H. Kvrup, fo-i Bundle boop Iron, : ' S Barrel U.i o, , , - WW Kep al For .ale low by ' 11 ' WltUAHJ atCTROHHOW. " Molaa. Hay. Shot. Spirit O aks. 7B Hhdan1 BbUWewUxopCaballo lai... ' H.ie. N.R. A V. Hay, SW0 Bam Shot. , ?6 i second-Hand Spirit Cuka, For al low bv wiL.LiA.nn nuRoaiaoN. ootl MISCELLANEOUS. MESSINA LEMONS. At , UB'K MTFRU'. R v tl It df tiMk uaoa vr a ry tha " h tt. e.t M or out - . "jBssr ttrrritHiH trnt wuur - Vf share ad yrt. Only lot a ht .y i . UKtt.MVR.Hlt tut Brand or IK ibl Ftirriad rijar, NEW PROCESS EMPIRE '.FLOUR MiiNUUUAW BMPIrtkl . ' ANtpt.A'xttv. ,l:..'mh.v, ..ru;MrPK,.. PIN APPLE CHEESf. EDAM CHEESE. ANO CREAM CHEE.E, At H K1 V tl .' t.i. ,--m . r Jtiiv, .i IV -i . :!. I V T , lti K tt, - t v:tNUll.U 1A ..,. i. MOTrKil, a:trAMIt.t TILOT BHKAt, T..g .War wnb atl lai'ono.1 1'rackw., l ( (IV l MT VR1. FRESH IRISH"0AT MEAL. Ipii.. iI.'. t Weal, tn t a d Nip.'itid paek.ge !id NwW re M.a M. k rei, at GEORGE MYERS. r 11 k 13BOUrHFU0NTaT, , i WO) j-. , , The Charlotte Observer 'I.,.. .... ... ....... ..... .. ...... .UI kl (. , H" fill J U. "1 . ,W J T . tb litaia w ( ot U 'i tl till 40-th N ll tnmgton, r.ir.ir.ii.o'.l induj.niMin ut adver tiMr It.olwulaUo alt and aafilaa li h'n Ura.ly 1'ioruawd durl ig tti year nw pt, aw.1 U n i r..eiia .wt W ih Mtr .li mil. if v.trn Morth oai.ilint, thwaotrer Hon netwnlh Mn.hntof v7llmlngtoa and Taaaeov seseoairnosi Dally....... 00 pot anaam Weekly " BJt A liling very low. , . r tub ruct to rn motions Exchange Corner J ' A Lot of , MISSES' JaCISTo f t ' , -and " -' '- ': '' WATIRPROOF flOAIS. As - nAiri pi, ji nr hki-kivku i'leaat Cxtmln iy Htoek of EMBROIDERIES W.PYFEt 4 EXCIUNOE CORNER For Rent. lHK entire property now nnriplitd by O G. . rar,y) Co.. embra-ln wbaff. S1m r. ar petal .'ore and coal yard, looaUd on Houth Water strt. For ono or two yean Term. BUdaeaav. Apply to , . J. A. WALKER. aop Raerotor, i JU8T PUCailHED. , . j - Ht Fdltlnn PEAOTICAL OBSERVATIONS, - 'i ' o" i., I NERVOUi DEBILITY PRYMQAL EXUA USTIOX, ' To whlih I. added ' An fcoar llfrlijo- i Witb Imi ortant chapter on DHOKKEKS Of THR KKPHODOUTI V , , Ott'UMi, Ueint a .vtinp.1. of leeturi. dell rred al their MUSEUM OF ANATOMY. Mroi!i.r ri.ithif ih rlty.ahoald nottxllto Ihl" R'oat rollnrilo I, bring Ihe laraet In the wor d' ;. r ,- , j 1 ' aor C l.oatniU i , Oppo.iteContliicii- ! tal Hotel, rtillsdrlphliJ " UoplS.oT lecture eeatob receipt of 73 ernt Aitdre, r. JURD IV A UAVl R ON, IIU6 ril.BKHT ST.. Pbli.lelphia. oogtT oviy OVElt ONE HUNDRED Dlffrrent atyle of boirl- NUITh j . .-... ... .... . . . rnngp g from (to uo to til IM), A full line or OVEhCOATS, cjo.ptli.lDg oil ity'u of COLOHS AkD WElOhTS A. DAVID. Merr'iant Tailor. 0 6 t For Sal T''t fn.Ta.id1x Optare Da-!" Aim or Sli'i!' iloclilne 'ih"al7ti rr- iitar.y now m.d will Jie ao'.d very , .w 'i nih.e Ihor having no e lot tliotn. They ran bd at ihu cor or oi Kmirih and Wtin'it ..rtictB. , c: 1 cod tf . i . B. VAf LtKH. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA It I U II 31 O N 1). : j SESSION 1 87B-76. Winter !o .ro or Loe.ar. hrg n October 1t. and o'.Hi-ln ftv.rooi.1b. ful noriat Vtd ui.l Ivairn-.tion y the Far.aity. and aIU"). pm ol einnilnntinn bv ihe Adjunrt rtn f. v re a.rri IW. Humiany t.'oor. B. nenniary HKet, ". Kor lull particular of al.lox.io apply t !. B. MoOAW.M. I.. 4w No eoUUrao ab blobmuiid, V. Dean of Kaoaliy . In 4f North Carolina borne Insurance Co.- THIS Ootiipaay eontlenri t writ pjileW tolrraa,B allclaM.of lrhlro rty All tonne promptly piV ,1 . . I t aoaraf Hon laitutioot, - ,.!. Bh H. Battle, rroatdoatiat J., Soots. ATKlWBOa 4k MAamiMU, 4ao 4o H2W ADVI2TI8EMEMS. 45. ITJ. HE ! WATER ! ! ' RIvlOKE LP ?! ' ' ' ' , ' ' W ...... ,f i t J..I- -.. M ! 1 From th lato flr In Ihe i laf 1)T1 1 A TV ! TI B O S i .iu'-M Kiwi! ' : A Lsrp and Yariefl Lol BrturaW tber wfll Im sold ot aurb a. ! W would h'so call tha ottention FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, v .i .. . ;!'.- i - '' ' -f j ii; i. ' ! . i ; - t 1 1 ) i ";f' . ' I v. j. r,r mm m M i'i ilin ; .;" f ,f ; i'l i II i .' i Replete with all tho Novelties of the Season BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. w- si I - (I ' .! ifu 1 ''-' ...i i i ;!;',. i..ia t-irtiiiat 1JI AA-LiAaV-.tlUJS.J 11U1UMJJL.-JtlLUJSUL Jl UiUdiSS miUtaUaU 41LaVmil. JLJal -j . ,! n Nrt--.,H at 1.0 ISJ.i , i -1: :..t.:i I . .! i:t).t AT RETAIL I AT RETAIL I - ' i.t. l "I i'i f. i t ' i ...).:. -t .!! -.!'.! H;"tjli( Will 'i i,. it ,', 't ? 11 h GOODS AT PRICES ALL we auk la an vxainVnailnn ol ihu jmbllo will Im tumvlncwlof what i -I :''!- tii.j-lii .: I .! I; 1,000 vnrtla lllack AIdspm at fit) cfiita ' 1,000 yards llluek AIMtwut at W roiiU 1,isk yitrxls lilM'K A'piins ot 07 t'ttnis ihki pairs IjaMliM' timt at l (nu m jwirw J,iaiW Korie at 41 onU worth UOcouU. BOO pairs (.'hllilrBBs' Htrliwd Uimw at 31 wntM worth 87 cents. , , 6M pairs ChlMrcna' Htrlpod ltoHtiat'87t cents worth 43 opuU. 600 jiuirs Chlldrvns' Htrlpod lloae at . tiM ,'.. ,' . . 1.. ...I t i j y (j uuvu uu I'uiiu TOO NUMEROUS i ,, ! . m .. :.w i - i i r - , All of which " FOR v. 5 AT PRICKS TIIT DEFY '(JillkimmON. M l J ' B. WEILL, 32 Horth Front Street. . ! Mil NOW OPENING! ' i "',.,'); v iia.-UMi.'.-..i'S'.' i l ' - . Ji ol 36' MARKET' STREET, FALL AND WINTER" G T CHEAPER THAN EVER ! 1 i '. t'u jsro.''ipjjn'; street -p 1 i OUl .. 1 . ...i - FURNoTUtlE I xrr 'rrt r thkia m nuvawitA. lakgb and iko tKASitpsTooi,, , , Wew Patterns ! .. h ,'- ' ' " OF- !"'''.- ' - . Parlor, Clamlt and X)lnlnr ICoom Furniture. i ' : f ' r" At urkf Ml.y iwrftcM. j.uiu ' ..." . e CARPETS 'AKI) r01Lj; IatbtellMonr twh wiit ial wt tbotMrand kading Pattarn. of rVui. rh -jd j naper., Cotton aad, leaip la pjU ail ridudl .Tloili oad Matting alaaM.t ! . ... -( , ,--ly,',t wj,Kr,of a.attoiji:tfo , 4 i Bedding. ' &o! to i Hair Mois, 8lucM Excelsior andStravr" " M4TTl8,,TB; vHTMr.B Eta f r AHM pu.l-OWd ANli B Ui lEK -i , tf Otrfwo,iA.m,avo .At,.ut i'HwBaTtAt'KiAi. ' " . , , AndV w ' Mnl.'Otra. I m -""I f "':;' J ' ! BBtottuUtaanilrriVtoUiMd...ojf.rnihet tmM U'o- Bryle and at IwOW ; Ms .Jjjj jli.f i.v,-iawoaVVWjawa vvoiiww."o"" '"p- D, siputr 45; t iholcsal dtutment of - r -.' ! t. t ' ' j A IIM 1 Ar TT T O 1ST I A ' ' "" 1 -T - ' v , . : t 1 ! -If U.-. I Mil ... -.!, I t..l f Jt i." - ' . .' ol GEieral Dry GcGils. nV as will irsoro tbeir iirtDclials of our patrons to enr tlork of 1,1 j M-i ; : t .' i H i--i t - t'k -w - - ;i .-..;. ' n i .i i.f. ' ; v vi a to wv niinmrTitrn '.m '. daily nmwm: l;i in-, - 'J . '-U i.'-f! Ms 1 1 .M a -.1 ' ii-f iii .ii! u.i nU J-;t mi it!(i!fiu TO SUIT THE TIME81 our s ock." SVii fbel sntlsfltilliiftt ttia'j mt wo any, - W glva bwlnwu favt priest: ' ' I ; ;i J , ,..! p.i , ,vt ,(,,f in t.iSiH , worth 62 cents.- .,..n ., ' k.i- (.,. worth 70 cunt. " ' , worrfi ou cents, i ' ;' worm so comm. - r 5J cents worth 64 cents. ..... ,-, inuujr vkiiut fjuuua - TO MENTION, - we will sell . i - a ft A a,, ... - i ,i, ; , I ...f ...a w - J -' ' ' ;. ; " ' - ' r . f I . n ' l')S t -Jui aa si h-, A ' -if) h ') i i t .. I . mT. t . .i FURWITURG ! ! f t and Designs . A i :"i 1 0LOTH.;AiSD?i SUTTWG A. SIHTH & CO- t i3 froot Siresi I !,ft I (ill -.a