3- c ( jkS AUA- ,41; Ws h i rv WILMINGTON. N. C. .THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1S75. : WHOLE NO-7.CC0 VOL XXIV. NO. 244. ;iilp Journal. BY TELEGRAPH. THE ELECTIONS Ohio, Iowa, Illinois and Nebraska, all Republican, CRIME AND CASUALTY. Democratic Nominations- NEWS IN GENERAL 0 O L D 16 3-8. iBI TT.Lr.VtAFH TO TH JOURNAL I OHIO. Republican Victories. Cincinnati, Oot. 13. The offloial re turns (rum eighteen wards anil pre cinots iu HamiUou oonutjr, givTs Qa;es 4,834 and Allen 4.315. The whole Republican eoarjty ticket is probably elected. 71 of the 85 precincts in Hamilton county, gare Htjea 918 majority. 61 praoiuots giro Young, the Hepnblioau candidate for Lieutenant Governor, 2,8(10 majority over Cry. Tbe 1U publioaua elect thr Legislators ou au averaga majority of 7,000. Haye'a majority ia Ilam ltou county will roach 1,500. 'i he returns from 5G5 preciucts, nearly one third tlie state, show a Ku publicao gaia of 5,400. , Columbus, Oot. 13. The Democrats conoedn the state to the Uepultlicans by 15,000 vtajoritj aud a lair inajority iu both brauohee of the General As sembly Toledo, Oftt. , 13. Lucas county, with one township to hear from, gives Hares 7,743 and Allen 4,433. Daiton, Oot. 13. Montgomery oont State, gives Alien 822 majority, Carry 79. XI8RASKA. . Republican Majority. Omaha, Oot. 12. The ttpublioan state ticket ia probably elected. Dodgs ooauty strongly Democratic The new constitution was carried by a large majority., i ji j IOWA. ; 10,000 Majority. .' Das Mo'kta,"OoC13 The returns reported by toe State lingister iudiott a majority of at least 30,000. ILLINOIS. ' Kirkwood Elected. Chicago, Oot. 13. The returns from Iowa up to this time show a Republi can victory in nearly every county and in most cases, a very considerable Re publican gain, A large rote Las been polled ana tl'e looal tickets are badly aoratohed ia a number of places. Goo. Kirkwood is elected by a large majori ty, and the Legislature will have an in creased number of Republican mem bers. MICHIGAN. Explosion. Detroit, Oct, 13. The tug boot Millet,! exploded her boiler and sunk. Captain Miller and his child were kill ed. MISSOURI. MaiHooie I'all -Two . Killed. St. Loom, Oct. 13. The old mn't house, on the oorner of Sixth ond LeigUton streets, fell to-day killing two persons. GEORGIA. ARavlsher. , Atlanta, Oct. 13. A speolal' to the Constitution states that Clarke Ed moudson, a colored brother to the one hung last Friday in Fayetteville, com mitted rape upon Mrs. W. L Kennedy of Fajette oouuty yesterday. FESJfsIuAJIIA. Post Office Robbery. "" Mffifoltn; 'Oct. 13.-Tbe postoffloe at this place was entered by thieves last Turns and robbed of about wo thousand dollars in money and fifty dollars worth of postage stamps. . INDIANA. ' v , Pickpockets. Indianapolis. Oot 13. Joseph Mo' Cnrthy, of West, Virginia, was robbed of S1J00 last night while atanding on the platform nf the Indianapolis, Rloomingron k Western Railroad, as the train was leaving, He was rotDou ' bv three men who iamned on the train. Mr. McCarthy thinks the men followed him from West Virginia. WASHINGTON. . Mariners Light. Washinoton, Oct 13. On and after November 15tb, the Hght at Oat Point, month of the Chester river. Cbesapeke Bay, will be changed to a fixed white light of the fifth order, il luminating the enure honaon. MASSACHUSETTS. Democratic Nomination-Dead. Bostom, Oct, 13-TU Demooratio fiontral CommittM nlaoed John Quia- 3' Adams on the tloket for Lieutenant civernof vice Hartlett Matthias. Kelley, the eompoeer of, the Ameri- .in hvmn I. rlaarL . . ...... The , DeraooraU have nominated Cbtt. 6. Davis, of Plymouth, for Con gross, urn auinos. NEW I0KK. Declined the Nomination Chonprke t Ohio R. B.-Fallure-W. I. I. to. Saw Tors., Oot. 13. (lmra W. V. Dartlett ha decline 1 the D tuocralii) nomiuatiou for LifUtauant Ojwruor of MaeaauhnsetU. Retweeu 2 o'clock on Mosul y ami thrtw yesterday afternoon tlm hnidt m of $23,000,000 wortu of the bo-.d and stock oertiQoates -f th iudjb'fduir of tbe Cbesapeke & Ohio luairoml, had cl Ud at Fisk 1 Hatohe t Qioe and stipulate J to assist in au ettmt to arr t ih receiver apfKuntwl lv Julc lknd, of Virginia. Of .lie $t2,M),iKM iudebUnluewi of tlie road, uoi.py IJ,- OOu.OOi) are bold ia thm tioiuut. The liabilities of Win. li Hunter Co., W importers and Cui.wI.hii commicaion mercnaita are i,ihhi. There will be a met-ting of the credit ors to-day. The following is a fyoonsis tl iup aunaal report of Presid ut Oi tou,. f .:r the ncal year ending June .lulli, li.i. wuion wa presentea to-a 'V ' tue stookholdcra of the W-'at.-rn Union T--l'gr-ph CompHny. To tr r O'ip'a for the yt'sr from all moiuS' , exoopt ' ttxi proceila of the bonds, were SiliiM 7.4l0. 1 gross expeiiH- e wer S(J.13,51 1,407. Tue diffcreim , $322,915.98.1 be.ug the ti"t profit. Ttw bonded d bt of tl.e (Jompiiny July 1st, 1874, wan $5,948.90 ). of which 81JV 000 is tli seveu per ot-ut. H"l'l bi-ariug bonds and $4,418,900 the m von pr eut eurreimv bonds wluoh uiitore Nov. lat, 1875. The annual election of the directors of the WVtderu Union Telegraph Company wai held to-duy, at which the old board wat ir-eteoied ith tbe addition of John Dull, of B wtoD, in place of d o. II. Mumforil, deceaaeil. Judge Liwrenou ernntod uti ord. r requiring Washin?Um A. lfnohlinir to show cuiHe on lh I5tli w:iv tlie ord r of arrj-t against D-incau, Hherurm Co., should not be vacated. FOB EIGW, ENGLAND Gen. Sabslli -Failure-Mr. Gladstone. London, Oot. 13. The Mudr d im- paroial says, that the Frei ch authori ties are seeking to return Goimral Sa balls, and Dou Carlos has ordered that he be ahot whenever fuuud. To-dav is settling day at the btock Exohange. The failure of Henry HiruioLur, Htock and share broker, of thiry-lhrue Tiiog morion street. Bis liabilities are said to be heavy. Tue World savs Mr. umastone tia assured his his fainiiy thtt he would never resume the Liberal leadership. An Admuality minute was published iebterday exonerating Vioe -Admiral 'arleton aud Capttiu Uickley fioiu any responsibility for tha sinking of tbe Vanguard, and also disunites Evans, the navigating Lieutenant of the Iron Duke. Private Shanghai diflpntolu-a suy that tbe British regulations are pro gressing favorably. CANADA. Detective Marry Davis. Montreal. Oat 13. Detective Hir- ry Davis, of New York, who capturtd Hiohols, tbe absoondiug bauk matiager at St. Augustine, Florida, found f'iu,- 000 on his person. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Molasses. Molasses. f0 HufrnliattU Oub Mot mo-, ISU HuattcHdit M, H. M'llntW'B. V D Borela 0 H. MoUmcn. For ails by KEKCHNER CALDKE BK08., Flour, Flour. Flour. m Barrels B. W. Flour 800 Bitrrol Kelt riour, VuO Bkrrela Frlucew X lyal Flour. For sals by KAKOHNEK ' UKK 1IUOH. 8alt 8alt. alt' T.C00 Back) 8a't For sale by KBHOBNE.l S CM.DKil BKOS. Eastern Hay. S00 Blm Prirtu Kuteru Hay. For sale by KIRCHNf R Si UALDKU 1U408. oct U . "Leah; A: WOMAN OF; FASHION. Bj MRS. ANNIE EDWAUDi, "UK Y," SELECT POK3IS -or- OLIVER GOLDSMITH, (Rt iTEO WITH fcOTItn,) By WM. J, ROLF E, A. M. Juat te eirtd aod for oals at HEINSBERGER'S LIVE BOOK AND MOHICKTOUK. BEST TABLE BUTTER! FRENCH PKCNE1, OKKVANSAGE, PKA6L AND UOAKSR DAKLKT. Jaai nlTil and for sale at ootU O. U. W. KUMIK, "Wixnted. A yoaniman hoan.1oritantUliilry go.Mli and aboe bunlovwi A4drM Imiu'-iime y, auatl' g formar oooupatlon, to Pontoihca Hi x MI. (Tot nrlnioouulryaoiUiiniMc .ri rtrrl. octWlia CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Tks annual moating of tbe Clmratipr if Comnaroo trill bo lold to n.y hi ii nvio v. Mranbar.ara rmv t,un lorMed tbM tbt ra will k aa eleoilon of offlcrr. for tha vnaultig ar and other bnatocM of importation triuta aotod. K.W.AMIKKWM, , oot U It gserstarj and Xrsaianr. . KEW AD3TISftUr.rS. . TR AVSLINC D AC j SADDLES HARNESS AND TRUKXS i SAlvU3l.8,aX .C-vJt'Air, "Vl.l.lt!, Msn Triii'o-ca .I". Btfk H A 1 iiuH of ,cl..lfry giut, CUEAlFOHCASll, Carpenter & Mallard's No j !UVTU PlilUT NrK(fT, up : ' ilai-4'"n. N ' REPOHT Of TH CO.XUITIOsi t W l : ., ' ti ;'i'r., t-i th o" S .) i'n Man. ultliu ) : 1' lu.l-i', 'Vt'jiwi 1. :?;s. REi3URCt5. ' ran, 1 Itfe'O'tut S'Ht5 y M'..IH 4 "I I'. . Kni i 'o i vu:t" c lUii'U... I ),! at 64 IT t'.uliil.- It .-i t- t f lrp.9 I- I'. . U.M!:tii IH'iil tlillT V.K'fv' , l ittU I HltH ttf I'll 1 l u tr m - it ' it r t t h i- i-'1 U 'I IIU HI 'T N.l'ltlt li Ui it.1'-' IS Dint timu t'i.!ik a '"" Hi 'ft ih ei ae, 1 1 i-iut, it.t n-m .. 31 r. . i't'itiii 1 1, "iti'i t,'t-.(t'i .... t u ft trr till l!l"i ......... 11 Ul. i .it il t r( i t a.Vi t m. ....... . x b.i it, - i r '1 sir in , Ikii- ........ u lis' N t.Mii'ms, 1 ,1 1 o) '.ill M'' li I tsi'I'O'l,1 lf"l t CVt Itl' H'I'.t' llli'M-1- MA M Srinf, iK-liiiiiiK umi It -uy it It' ) I J' l..fctilii .1-r imi .... .' ll.mo t oi it II 'ti'u-t.t iln'O y fur li il il.-r lliiic nut . I'.in l i It t:. i i'04-iir T (. i t cu' t-t civvil?iiin 51 Hui'l.O'ii i ruHHurnr ,oih r ill tn 3 t r rt'ir, fell 'itii tii'ii tun4 T..U1 ' Luxuries, lHttilltl utiHk litiill III ,. .. Ml p ll lull I it h. r ii i livi 1 .1 tn i II nodnii H.tiK tm . u'ii itiitl H ! t-.lttllt litit t.illli litli!! . ltit i Him i m.ni I In ml inn' 0 ku-mo j i V ii i li ..itni4 U r'-r i " t;c .: mi it. i k--i lk. . . I'mi ri'i llllu t i ill il ', iiu ...... i l,-i : '!l li t".' t-- . '. . . t' t-!ii' Ii -.i. t u fit ii . . I J ..it il -1 .1 1 - ' .l.-.-.t In. II' ".I'll . I I' ! l I Itr-ll II ' lii.'i il In i li r V it ii i Hot ..... Ii,i,i in s H ii 'iiit f f a vr.-., Nun ii, i lii r.- ! w ii'.i '. . .. Htl.M ,IH) It . .2'.l .1"0 ' . , ; 'ij . , ' . . iiii.wi iw 1 . mt n-i k I ,H ' .. !l i 4,::h '.v it;s 1 4 "I Y M' . s.i.'.i!8 r St On H III VlT lltt i t.'-,r.iiitiit, fii'tiy ul Ntw 1 . 1 . K. k t, I' t It' r in' III ii'mv iititiwl li 'lili ul i i-til v ii -I' ll' li t ill i It iv rt.t'i' TJI "t, IK I I'UO I 1 1 i O I'-' 1) lii (ill WI llli 'anil till.! I. A. K. W V KKS., Can'itt r B Stihwrili-il n (l, rtt t.i lti.itt.VH ui.' lliln lull rtivr ul t u tuli i , IK! A. M. HOW; KS, ot try PuM c. Cutr.Jiit Atl. ul W. o.McHAHV ) K Mi'RKtV. rttt- tr, K. r. f.rtK' 8 .. EEMOVAL Wf It ivo vettt'ivi rt ttir ) Bid w oil mil In oorner ! ' 0-no n'.'iX mi nit Water 8I I'f'ft.ift'id itrt ! -ii. t fi tn it liver ntl nntl wool ttf ilt bt'i t(ii ili y n' 'owtrnt "0 . otu r i.. PAHi-Kif '"o; SHARES OF CAPITAL STOCK I BrnaswictiBrifgc ni F.riif CcEpaiiy, A hntttttl rntufi'ttif btvr. ilotl f'oek of tit atvtdeml (iirn! y.l 'urimratlJli. . oct'J3t , Aanii'iBer. .Low PriGts Fi'aiiiiil ImM. mmwmm STATIONERS, ; PRINTERS AND BINDERS, LITHOGRAPHERS. oct 12 Cm . - Bub Hotice. tji liri.'by givan t)i it ft iloV, cin'rao' !.V Ibn-ere u! tb:' Barkcitlnin "N.itcv . will b? pmd tij the Msff r or th- Con .A v. Ji.hw ., titt 10 It . - M ti r. EEX0VAL. All TlfiT miiI'ThLiiM ht itinvil t ' ii't Klnr't. Ni. id. H.wh Krm t Stint, llirif. door Hoti'li oi I'lit ulil n'tiitU, WAim hu itiurtamttl ftuMlitli't fur M.nwWtp lilt i n nn I v;irlt'il HtiM-k ot Httiiiwinv, i'aVv y. t.mii-, Aflmt turitl lmilfiiii'iit. itfil r-i vtttt l - ililun umi intm ioh ol fit ii"erii I arrntiayp hem'.-'l'iiro b.'Htowtd. tx-t 10 tf : GK'i. A. nisri,' TRY OTJtt COOPER XAILS, THE BEST IN THE Oil y7- (!IIK VI H' lUH'N. KfH' H ritu ill- Hi, II-'! Oct 10 MILLI IS K It V . Mn. A. I'. Ilrown oV.ir. t"i in'urm hr pit'iin Bull the iiilili igo.Ut r-tlly u! lit i n t.iiiil a'ld t t ow (uiiy i rt'i a'cit iV.ir'bs luritr-l amm'tti-tit In in e aiitivi, Hi I h infvi-r bi'iii ollfn'il "i tit f iv. J-'r-ni'ii. "'-r In hii 1 r nr!ih humi-'h. Il-.t-. Kiowa , Ifcifh rit, Vfitol I irlHira, v.1,' . I, ,.m'H, Orn:iiii it it, At!, N y tui k fH'ii "lm ALL THE NOVELTIES of the muiii. Tina actloo of the CItAHD OPHI2TG will bo g'.Tcn through the msdiiim of thi irtvn. MRS. A- D. BROWN, , oot M mr Exchange Oorner. mnBL oarin,T wii.tcnt aoams CROHLV i H0HR18 : " AUCTIONEEHS, STOCX ANO RSAL ESTATE BricKERi WIliMINiirON, . o. 1AN SKKV AT a-HKIK I,f KIM V a t)in r'ri(t nlty, on an unlnrirrrt trio, Hiank Hook with ttm nvinilirtcii of erer? In Ihnltv iliavtitritlv rlttflt'ttd. aVajMaod nltt(t, p.W anl prMiiiit.ot ? lath city. - "u'-' Aur '.nformaUoa dulrod fornlikM) np pi 1 ration. IS1T School Books. auUm.u "iv)P' tin BViis Mroitfir" EDWARD BARN'S, (tjtatjrljf Loi'i Book Hioi,)' Wy b la -ii'l a MnttU trtmcnl of SCHOJL BOCKS AND STATIONERY. rr.-iit". Tt ttrr nn.1 (intHlan rnt rnwt a''r ItiTititlu raltahJaxiaiiMaur tckiitl (it ifoi.; , BO'TTCM PRICES: - into k H '" . I ". fV Kt"rrll art! i fi.e -ut'u tit i v. Mie'"i' wl ! lit fr ml i 1 pit liitiirt). MAN' Btwk 4l!'r nt statu WIS St ru "in k. nn-" ii . . Positively No Postponement!! A PORTTJ2TB IX)I Wl. LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. TEX8 VI FT CONCERT ASSOCIATION Of Priil mn.Tft vi. will ltu SECOND GRAND OlFf 00NCF1R,', Kov 30th, 187f I)iUVlN(J iH)smvi.. Or Money nefundod- i-'irPt Cnitttal (lift " $50 OQO Sot'ouil Civpitiil Ullt 125 OOti util 'a lltiti iii (i o,ori in " imiitlng kII I S25O 0 0.00. Lowest Cift to.a Whole Tlckpt, 5Q W VWIIVI I I "tin" si' a Vb:t I'.jmiI, itt w iU rtml,i. f Bvt" Cl I mi. mi. COUPON TICKETS, l tVltit' i HI p .litir Ihtt liolit, r lo mlni'iwlit t Ii lit. ,ri. il J m-t-rt, Ull't I i OliK llt'ltt of mh il r )f''l iu t ' wtil, d t lit. ttbo etit kii in';tiiir, lliiiinii illib) jntit wmltfil. A I' uvitrn tut tn ken ouiit tllrect iTOirtptl it.lti'. t Iroiil r, lapttrs, err., gi u fitll imriiru tra, M'n fn o In wntnif, h u ttul lji imr ntioa, tiwu in in t I s t tilulull. (l.tlura for llo t m nmtl ii WIS Attl up r aatit'. 1.. If .li tl nt. A litrwi a I ounimiinusatloiia and make ai oui.tianori'if mucry ivblito A. R. COLLINS, 8w', DanUoa, ROER TICKETS AT O n tlm i riiwitt ttul ikmiI I utjr Uk )Un not a"i, ir,o,itiiu uut wort hum tm r u t It-1 NOME ENDORSEMENT I Wo, 'ho un'ltri.nnl litliru, o Drul on ohiof ally our lei'lm a to tin iiui ttnlil ami im jnll In hi h tba tni I mil O it uitcei't uf fin l'ai O It' 0'iintitl iii t un wManeai, mut a to lit i)l ' jiMat-t-try m mi or In anirb. au ln iili dj. J Bt i"inin m ife fvmuoniim trom orrit ml; ho i, furiosi 4 nt baartlly olOihih no iteoond irw.i Ollt tainart. Id bo glvti .tifmVrSHU, l?S. ( - W rl Wlan, Mnjor. Oil) of IVolnoii: A I larrorn Jttd W I) Kirk, li W Wltr' An i l.tivittir. J Wjudyard, W A Tibl. W P Ha I 1 Taylor, liM .r.ihan; J. hi No.ln.Wlioh- ii I r, Kojilij J H HUf, Wholdti eUmceri Kn rt-'ti tirw., Wb ilt M!e Liquor) mb Uu Vnulrmlo I'rr Oo.tdn; StHt liratti'Milii lVt-.ol-l. Dry 0H ll m 4 W Joonlugt, iM.xv.1 t ir a i rent, WE WILL MAKE A to okOKit u sr i.ti Heady Made ELEGANT DEESS SUITS, Iv. NDSOME IJUiSINKsw HU1TH, OVERCOATS. TALMAP, ' loul llto itivft to te b' t WAMSUTTA SHIRTS, .MUlSrSON &z, CO. CITY CL0THICI18. o :l t 4-j SOn DAY. Ag.nl. wnt- VJ 10 'MU ' I AH m -" of wttrk I114 ( iilo ot bnth )tt, yiiunf and o ti, make m ii-,- itiTttv wn k fur nx, in Utalr own Ittrnl ii.un 1! 11 ma thi"r.frd iuom"iitn, ur all tltfl i tf, than at a'tytbl'ia li Wf oil' aioiiluy U) -ul ti ii. will li7 b'HI'ltoulitljr fur ovury lionr'. wrrk. 1 ull partciiar., Urin., Wi., neat I r Mro I Ui ou r uhlrrtaa at on, a IKtn'l doiay. Nnif I, jour Hm. Don', look lor work or hutii eaK eltpwhi'ie, unitl yau hf larnd wb4t wd oilr. a.Hno.t iV Co, Portland, Mflnfl, ' way 28-1 24-dJtw For Srnithyille- v .TK A ( It "DIXIE" w I Ili AFtKB THH lento our wharf, rovi nf Ori go, Street, at I iic'o k r. u. eoii'itf O.O. PARaLKV CO. mm mm ' -or- . Atkinson Olanninif. 170,000, tM0 Aaaeta ttepreaautud. '. fire", .' .... tit. ' :o. ill NurMi Amnric...... Ph i aitpphia. I'lititit I nutrnnoc IJoiniuii j . . .. Nutt York. 1 loiiiiii'Tilul It earanca Do. . ...Ni w York. N, Hrltlmt it Vrrttantllo InK.l'o. liliil u. H'trll tnl fire Ins, Uomimiiy.., t anldird. Nutt'inni Flro lit.. l"mtiny... Hartford. ' HiiritiiiHitUI f, M. In. tlo ..Mchutlttl. MARINE W' rcvittlo lotuai in., un,.'. Now TorV' tna. Oo. of Ninth Atnirlit Ph ltdoltihla. LIFE. i'onnirt fill Mulaal I.Uo Int. Co. Hartford. lib lilt IsrECIAL NOTICE ' TO THE LADIKM Tbua my itock of dry gootla will cony nu'tl hi at S o'i'Jock on MoniUy miiriilutr, Ooto- hcr 41I1 i'lie Uiilc are Intliol ro attend tbla ie. Kvety p'aeo of goode tffer d .hall ba lol l, bring what It nay, and la flnantitiea to suit iiurcliera. GBO. LIfcrtEK. "ootfltf '. ! Market htreet. Flour and Meal - A Nl WlXtO. FtKO. Oar-load ,. cd on ihort uotloa. Oram bought at th ' ,t ' ,- ? t : i.'l (it -it t M mtrket price. Addroaa, j vJABLOTT :I'tT MILL, crvtotta.N BStf MlSCELLVSEOrS. f:ne table apples MESSINA LEMONS. At OKtX MteKS. Kvltfil to d- troth I rum car Ua'tv Ui "cbjljtmt lot tr uttr JtlMr BUTTFttlS THE WURt,0' W h .t j U Oitlt It stla jj OKU.MTEHS Vnt HrnJ or 1oib! Citra ruailr rtoar, NEW PROCESS EMPIRE IFLOUR. MONtHlRAM CMriltK " ' AND r liASTS' rXTRA. L iw Cot cah at UCO.UVEHS. PINEAPPLE CHEESE. EOAM CHEESE. ANO CREAM CHEE.E. At UEO.MVCHS. fruth orririi HTry ek, t'rraia Milk, and Vt iuU' lUital. rhUlTOUACKrKI, 4 OUNHlliUS'lDA FHEIC HOTI'KH, ' and FAMILY 1 1 LOT KKE All, Tjilhr wlUt all lniortHl CrankM, Il UKO MYKKJ. FRESH IRISH OAT MEAL. ImtiriUt llt Vrl,ln 1 a id 10 inland aaekaarf and Now i.iira Mm M. k r. l, at GEORGE MYERS. 11 A 13 HOUfH FUONTHT , mi ii ' , " i The Charlotte Observer I'lm iiii't nt .ruin ul illy ntti ir tui'ill-h-il In tlia Statu til Kilmtt Ml in th f Wfll. miliifloii, iiHtra amttiutl Iii Iivimoi mn tiv sdr-ir imi, lt ttlr.i.il tun , li .ml it mf ilnt lut han I rgl lnttri-i diirl i tun r tint uaitt. a't I It n r,olia in mil. in tb, Uac. riititiil' yiwm lortii Htolina. itHnn'r Ing 't tinaitrtl in. I n m " t inu lull' Hun itl"ttth i vtif httitiuC WHml'iHna ti tha ptioiilti of VVanWni NorlH .Jmulllta, tbumso aeanooirTitiai 1 Dally ... ts tor'' anoaai WMkly S 10 - " A'tTDitUung tary low., . nut TUK I'LACK TO FHD NOTIONS Exchange Corner a i.ot or MISSES' JACKETS i WATEKPROOFflOAkfi, At NAnr.l:s ji sr hki kiveb Pi raw rxtmina my Itonk of , . , EMBROIDERIES. EXCH WOE CORNER For Rent:' T TUB anllr ftrt porty now -nrfiipl d bt 0 fl, P.i. ay A lil, Brulira lug WIlarT, Odl 4 aiid natal I'oro and col it, loo .tnl ou H iulh V?Htcr Kirotit. ir.irniwor two jeart. 'larn. viciaa. Arinyuj . , ,1. A. WAI KKR. ai Kat'riitiir. ' : T rrr JUST PUBLISHED ' I ' i w i I it i li'k f Sltlnw. - i ji I li t ' . PfiAOXIO AL OBSEBYATIONS, j ' .'" 1 ' ! f" ' oa - "" I NERVOUS DEBILITY AU rjtXblCAL EXUA USTJ6N, . . -j ' ... ' ' u , To which l adilod An titKi on Marrlafa-. . , With lnOrtnt cbaiitera on DHOKK.KKi Of THH KKf ROWUTIVs; 0 IAN, , Orlnit a ytoi.l( ot lecture, delivered it their MUSEUM OF ANATOMT, Mr vtora vtnltln(( Ilia el'y, "hmil'l nut lull to Ufa tnl. Ktdal tollPClinu, a.ing ine largeat in the wor tl- . , . . . , , (! ItOf (;tiratnn it , Oppoalm Oanllncn tal Hotel, Philadelphia. CoplMof leoturea nan ton rol.t ot 29 eonts Addrem, Paa. .K)un A N IAT (WON, ItWB KlI.BItKT 8t.. Pbliailelphla. atig 27 d-ljr . ..... .. -. r7vi5it 1 1 HUNDRED Different, stylos Sf a w" ' 't n WUITiH . , -. , . rnfl"g from f 10 00 lo , $t A tuli llns Ol OVEHCOATB, conprialng all stylet of COLORS AND WEIGHTS A. PA Til). ' Werrbaiit Tailor, net! For Sal TV o Una I and I Ocle riano. A lao ona 8 lner Maabino luaabova are nearly be and will bs ld yery low Iba tnhaoilber bating no nw lor them. They ean be at the cor'erof Fourth and Walnut Streeta. 00' 1 rod tf TAN I.AKK. ; MEDICAL COLLEGE OF, VIRGINIA ItlClIMONl). SESSION 1870-76. ' Wl A'lnter Oo irae of Me,orea h(Hi Oetobitr lit, ami eltawi In Ba atontlnt. rail courw o Med lotl Ir.irnetl in by tho Faealty. and dallt yif tem of oitumlnaivmi T mo Aajnnri rwinry, ProreMiira feea, iffl. Pbarraaitf .-onr e. iteneuetnry tleaet, SnDi for fall (.artitialara f .lal.ii.ii i.l.tn .! .. MoUAW.M. II.. 4W No t iSaraoo.at, klcknood, Va. Dean of raralty . North Carolina borne Insumnce"Co.:w : THIS Company ooatlaoeeUwrtta rtfia . fair rataa.ua all elawaeanf tn.nrableer erty All loeaesprosipttl raUW jJ.H'iH Kaooaraae H'taie mailtutlow v '. it. at. Battle, Pre.ldaDtittaU. leia,Mrl ATKWaOIl MAHKINtt. Ants. ONE 1 .- 1 " J' . .' l. j : XXV? ADVESTISIKEM3. r 45. FIRE! WATER ! ! From the Into fir in tha JORDAN MA11H1I Ac CO B O S A Larp and YariEilLot Remsmbsr the will lie solj at snoh sale. - We woold also oall the attention nil AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Replete with all the ,.'"' BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street out S AT RETAIL I AT RETAIL I li. WEILL! B. WEILL 1 B. WEILL '' ' .-..v...' I N .... . ,,,,,y,,, . !lt ,1, ;... i .1 I "!' . 600DS AT PRICES TO j SUIT THE TIMES, ; -' i 1 '' f-.-nu ' J', i' 1 j ; , , . , . x1 . , A Lti we uwk Is nn t-XHitilniiMott of linr atmik. We 1el sitUalli'd tlmt that the jiubllij will be wmvlawil of what w my, We give below few prloes: ' '. t -v - 'x . .' i' ' .is cii I i i ,,..,,;.,..;.;' l,iNH)vnrilaIWiM'k AliicKHUtA()oiiU wnrlhfij cents , l,M Junta Ulm'k Alpiiciw at IW ci'iita worth 70 twiita. i ' ! -'. ,(NK) yanla Jlliuk AliiU'(ia lit 6T ifnM wortU 8U teiitn. - j jm) pulm Liisllwa' IIoaiaa.'i(ieiiUwM tli 3intH. T ,, , , , I 800 uitlra Ladlt' Mm ( .48 mul wwtft ttO wiitj .', ; 61W j)iilr Chlltlreiw' rStrtpcl lliwe nt 31 MirtU worth 87 wnts. " ' flKr pftlrs Chll Irons' Htripml Kom'at 37 eeuU worth 4 euuu. : 000 jialrs Chtltlrwits' Htrlpeil Uiwe at 62 CcuU worth k uuuu. . , 4 S t"t lul It'i'i'UH..-'."' J C'l'i'ftS j tij '(),;(), j, fi.f Kiini ...ii it K ! . ! .'. ' w -i' havo on hitml tnktiy oilier gowln ' i .1 , Ji Q IT A Lii jY A.S ' .' X.OW, ' V lm; TOO NTJMEUOIISii TO MENTION; All of which i" AT ritlCKS THAT B; WEIU, wt2 FULL AND WINTER 60 NOW AT 36 -MARKET 7STREET, FALL iVND: WINTER GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER ! I. W '.SCATZ, UHl IUII No. BO MAE1D3T1 STRIGET, an m i FURNITURE! FlRW WR orKKK KOK TUK tt.1 LTK tO til?U8rA. LAKUE ano jnorkasedbtoob; V New Patterns and Designs 4 ; '."' ; V-r.' . ',.,,''. n J't.-( t iv ! '' v tj ,' '' ,., i . i-'.t -lt it I.Mi ' ' ' I h; ,1 .! I I 'M'; 5 ; ' ) -w- rnrlori Chnmliemnd Dinluuf lCoom.XTurnlf ure. i 't ; ,3:i i,':'.''t XtltKMilf,fAW. PlllClta,;., .'1,(14 i ..'!'; .; .. Z In tbksibiaoar took mliratHa!lif thaw and leading FatUrm pf Vrusaela, Throe-ply . eipert, Ojttou and Hup On, pat all iir idoe ( Ml ulota aa4 AtatUug. AlaoUaU Beddiogf&o. iio"l HaiMlIois Bhno Excelsior and Ztt4 MAtrnMr8, rrTKR .tr4B ai!i4 rnATrTRtrbi.ewsANua cLaisa OOStrvXAlK. aA.1iiiO l-HK BKat atATIMalaUr . i t ,,r; v : '" ,, , i . AitdetK awo MaundaotBra. ' "" . . UotSli, itsaatmi and frlvatt Uo.ld ince furnl.heJ In tha Latent Styles and at Low me rieaW(lyaasaUaedtanaiaiSVStekberirapai'ekaalB(. D. AeSIIIXH & CO;, 4 45. ciMOKE i - wholesale department of T O 3ST oi General Dti M, priocs as will insure their immediate of out patrons to onr stock of Novelties of tho Season. ' I ' , -'' "' 'It, i.m ii ,tsav 1m we' will soil . "I DEFY COMPETITION, 32 Hotth Front Street. OPENING! " : " 1 4 t r . f lit I "A'iimeT - i U LJJ

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