. f i 11 . - KlWiY WWW II I I I I VOL. XXIV. -HO. 240. WILfflHQTON. IT. C SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1875. WHOLE N07.G11 .t BY .TEiiSCHAPH. M (f HEELECTIOUS " 'JMEfflLT STILL D0DETFDL .rwdqlcal THr li Woo fountj- .rfl.i najeruy er 1 19 in mor or latlve Majorltj. !tf,fj?$ A2,D'- CASUALTY Di-lan lqdJclrar the. harder of Soe- . KlTUber kmrtti-T cnlc. ,... ,.. ,,NWS IN QNERAL- EarthuiiaJrrMIssfsslppIIroufclfiEnd. a.V ":8Pln d the . nucajl, , - i ( i I taigLU' ' I ..... .mu w k OHIO. t .,. - -' '' ' i itedloa Returns. - CotJwAi(t5.-Neither Repab ,IM ftoiif u6 TDflmocrntioGomojittfei have rooeiel any additional tetnroa this inorniug. Thd S?oataia still dobtful 1 fillip Ii Wtffc JW Ireottitod -iW 1B Vwooa oountT where it i reported the. Latbb. Tbe news juot received from Wood oouoty, olaims that hvy frauds were practiced in Perrysbur which will probably jieceeaiUte the throwing out of many rot polled there. If thii oW ia connttd Ilayea' majority io the oauoty will be 469 aud thin electa one Ltepvblioan titmator. ii thrown ont Hayee' majoriy in that oouutj wll j)e 7,234 juiU bvtu Repub JgWui 5aUra alaoted.- Io elthr easo a Bepoblican reproaeotative if eleottd A fty fV(M ,u th 'l'PHb- ntefchl)j two majority aud the House by tweWe majority. Hayee' majority will probably now be over four thoua- .A&suaWoPioiThJ .t. aroupo, tt raoe ua itnu yeaieraay J!i iit;l000 meJ women add obildreo LWattiyiBjar4' large timber. 1 t ,....TW4I-U " VlW IQRI. 6jrJaUrtlwniA-7ory -Falfiires- ju uUUe 7 Iwratwl EatUher - i Nw YcaV Oct 15. Gen. Uutler leotured on flnaaoe at Cooper IustitnU kst mfr f Well filled home. Ta Graurl fttry haveilldicted Dolan . u if Vw' No " ' " . Moaoa, Sherman A Co., wooled deal erf at No. 22 Walker street, failed yea terday Their liabilities are $200,000, asawtsO.oOO." l"he prfboipal member of the firm ia a brother of A. Sherman who suspended on Wednesday last. HariaMbtftein,':hUr, yesterday made an assignment for tho beoofit of hisoreditori Qia labilities are $3, a fcl. JCTLt)58i aaeeta 118.045. ; 1 'fieoolored e aoh drivers association r wuil'8 returning from a pio-nio were na.iaaUAiia Orowd of rowdiea, who ". killed two of them. Sven of the as .aaUantaliaa.haBiiwrfested. f i J i , IkKOMAMtOW, O Jt. 15 Minnie Oer msivaJittUi girl. aged oioe rears, who was walking with a,, younger eiuter, ,Hmw'ylafd irar otrtrtged to day. The CjtyiW.sereame brought two lad cl "'Jj thfii r assistfl rni and at the same time a party of men came up wfeea the raffin escaped to the woods.1 fnb ' sequent ly a young man named Lover t was arrewt0d &twtMe3.Tte officer a had grewtrouble in keeping the pec P f fel WW-'I-e girl may dio, J jzt j ,WAB HUC TOX, 1 4 iJ at Tho MliitoMjtpl J'rouble Inded. i V. StarbNt Ooi, 15, The follow " r-soivw Wd here today! ' ' Jacikbon. Oct. 14. m al ff- W&ltofrion. h A iTfte Yniiitarv operations have been msiwndfd. tf G3cJmes,' -a ad ' based 'boon the most full, ample and minute assnranoes of the leading oitiSens of ' the Stato that there sfeaU.be peace and -Vf4i? 'atod IreaaleotiMe 'They would wyAnaaaftme 0 ariswe f or thslawlaea but they gtjaraoteoJiU ioihe civil of- flMra in the exeontion of th&laws. The GofMdlt-Axptees'BimBelf wholly laomtiifltil with the1 asursuoa given, asd m hwitMcTlfiar (ley are.madala good ffassjifl WSJPbe eorrpd.jaa to the 4etteit" an iffiprovea leenng prevails, especially among- the whites, and a general desire for pesoe prevails among a-li0awngdt,ii'i 1 The signal yoffloo - report a - sever IT&rtb W GT A iL on he 15th at f KingonJiniUoa, - w 0 1 i . Baania has deoided to be represented at the CentenniaL- I "" Wasbxmoton, Ocii 15. The Presi dbae; at i Lri:iIJFOR!tII.,! u W' I 4at A jPiJPTitAac!o:, pot ,15. A sharp Vuockbf earthquake was xpereact'd bereabou 9 0i)l00k, last ovectng.1 q be som ,sreretrom"BBHt;-o west iSvioVtrJhst Santa Clara vaileyj JOUtU-t t?B JErajoisoo, mention the ""Jm" JUSsACBUMn 1 Soi ob the Banki. Bostok, Ooi 15. There has been quite rnn on tho home savings banks bora to-day. but tha banks paid all that oame without exacting any uotiot. CEOKGU. Earlshf r Captartd. Atli"!TA, Oof. Edmoudaon, tha negro who onmmitUd rie on a white woman io Fayette coauty, was captnr ei in thia city to day. mssissirn. Iianlnatloa FoMponrd. Vicssuraa, Oct. 15 The i-xartxiaw tioe of the thre men chrgd wuh ahonting negrtvea ia postponed , uutil WeliidHy nnit. . ' . LOl IMAM. , Irmted oi Suspicion -Shot -Hung. Baton Houua. Oot. U. U -t. Au turo William and Johu 0ir rern ar-r-itnl hare y tiferdiy I y D'uty 6her iff Woodward. o'jarKwl with atcwory ia the poinoutng of J. W. Haadt r. Thy wttre taken by a Deputy HtiMiff aod a-p? towariaChntoa Krporta hore aay J no. Gair wa ahot to death on the road and his atiitr-iu-law hang in the Court Hoiiae aquarn tlx re. Mr-. Qair ia line and ia ut diturbttl. Higned, Riry Hel.nnter, Mayor. FOREIGN. ; The Spanish Note to the Tatlran. Madrid, OoU 15 The Epoca of thia oity baa an editorial article ex planatory of the note rooeatly sent to the Ttiou. The note, the Kpoca aay, point to the religion condition of Europe and ni iki the deduction that t-'pain cannot be exceptional. It expressed a wiah to Ofgotutte for the modificittou of aome of the articles of the concordat of 1851 which can nefcr be executed. The Spanish note to the raticau coo snrvittive raiuiitry, expUini that they were defeated. The, note aaka tho mt loan amaent to aettlement on a broad a baso as poRxihlo, 1 I XGLA'D. , Heavy Gales. . London, Oct. 15. There were heary galea around the ooaata of Great Brit ain yesterday. Tho telegraph haa al ready aauounced the wreck of aeveral coasters aud the loss of a number of lives. TURKEY. Innnrrenta nrfealed. ? ;;CO!wtantinoplk, Oct. 15 The f ol Invinir nnora i .ifTtiiial A forAA nf 2,000 insurgents have been defeated uy me ruras. iou were tuna ana me rest took refuge in Houtenegro. Sev enteen villages hitherto strongly in sirgeut have submitted to the Turkish authority. ' DIEU. latJiWtlt an tb ISih tnnt.. t.lmla duhtit of Mary augmta nd Chm. W. igwi i)un ana I noiiin. r iuarai ill tkt ilaM at 10 A .. ouibanornnr of RUth aud N an street, (rum thens to I akdale oiimry. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS FOR THE Y0UNQ. POrPINtt T11E qCESTIOS, A KIWOBM "AS OLD As THE HIUJ,' "LIFE'S MISHAPS," 'TOTEM," 'THKBE MKRHT MEN," A Mon'ehold 0n!n . COMICAL CONVERSATION CARDS. "Jeronn Park Stu-pM Ch, Oune of "p. oerilli ri,"-Tlie Lullea' Prophetto Uraclo," '.l.piiet.ienliln.' and sllle Jone.'a VIU to Ho(ng Nw and Interes'liiK Purnr dome of , . "qnll." dptfd o anf ' . t ! , a um Uer of pltjers All foruleat v, HEINSBERQER'S MTE BOOK AMD MU-tC RTORK. COAL AND WOOD! We sell at lowert prlc'S STRICTLY FOR CASH. FreflMn Tor roU and ae cannot afford to (Ire credit. ' '. n. PARH LK V A Co. New t.ofntion H. Water 8t , luot of UrMig.i. OC( 10 11 REMOVAL. THK undersigned taw rniOTil t Bin stors tto. l, M.nth Kmi t stiet. thiee noorn Honth or lila oi l starwi, mhirt ha la lacreaiwil t'aollliM for htiowlnv lit Urie aud Trld utock ol Hardware, Cutlery. Uuo. Art';ul taral lanl"mnu, An,, ad rexpertitiily inn i-iminui ir oi me liver 11 tronage hriiifore bestowed. octlUtf OEO. A. PUCK' TKYOUE COOPER NAILS, TEE BEST IN THE CITY. GILES ft WUKOH1HON. , . . New Hardware Houee. eotib MILLINU11Y. Mrs. A. f Beewn derred tA Inform her patrnni mo peoiijgonr rauy oi oei return nom THI .U0HTUERW MARKETS, ad la now fnllv Tf r'ed t- ow 'lie Urge it . jwortm-ni in iti e aoorn lun nas ever oven olftred la th fl'ty. French, Herilu ana CmrllitH HonnM, HU, riowers, ',. ' Fesihirs, Velretn, Kllibous, ' ' Lanes, Ornaments, Ac. - My stock con: alns ' ALL THE NOVELTIES . i k i . YVf iortbassaabn. De notice of the CBAKD OP2HTHTG Will be gtroo through the medium ot the press. MRS.'A D. BROWN. ootwiw Kxohanga Corner . Flour and MeaL VQ mttl.TEtD. 0-loat ad on short notice. Grain bought at th market pries. Address, .3ABL0TTI ;ITT MIL!., N jBMtf Poxitively Ho F itponemcnt !j FORTTJ1TE 'FOR8I. LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. mm cin concert mtmrn Of lriiUi,TriM. will gU SECOND GRAND GlFf C0NCF.R,',J t Nov- 30th, 187f luuwiMs roinvi. Or Mortey'Rcfunded. l-'irat Capital Gift f $50 OOQ Second Capital Gift 25O0O 8250.0 0.00. Low.p.t qift to.n WhoJoTlck .et, $5 COUPON TICKETS, tl Whir will entine Hie hl,i r ' .!m -u 'he iiiai.il O ncert, en ll ion - Mull ! oh let f't m.y be ewitclcl t lb. vhale llrlit I'lmurr, H.n Ihle n-'iii. w in"l. aiior-le !' 'liet Mtnt d'rei t rm'iin'l Hie'. ' lrciil f, f apers, ere, aiu 'mII f'iru i .is, Kent rrre In writing. Hi niesnd pig. ; ir met, t .wn, nmntv n l r t 'n lul1 . Orders fur tic vt-i dm'i'l i Ut rt aud a; .r Mnt r. i. t.. If iinel id. A1dreil weamunh'.attuiia and nuke a" eui'tianc s f m.y pityabli to A R. COLLINS. Sec y, Dentson, IV ROER TICKETS AT O etaw l.'rwln U ituei I e'r t.k i l,.r. S..., Hh. ICS, and but a short lints no u 14 - HOME ENDORSEMENT I We. the uudn elm.U I u ii.i.i.,,,. rn. ph'iiii lv o ir 'e-im nv m th iiouorAhl and imper ii! la h. h l.r twt ' ' uiiwrm i.i...f It oniHi ri i mmn wo i niice l, mm l i hn r ' ll.t.ry ra.nterln wit ch nil tl,u pli d iiii'iuiHinin nH.ri.ii.n wfretirit ; am, fur hB d m"t h.ii'l t a.to lie HtwirdMrAUi Gin i.ourert. 10 he ymi W H Winn. ior. )lt or IVMm,,,; k lurni.-n .ladw W tVK"k. W VHrr.' . , I. !. J W lv'd, XV t Tll.l. IV II Ho. I Teyior t. .1 .hn on; . hn Neil-i.Wnok 0. l"r, Go Hi.-, .1 mint. Whole .a e llr.ver Kiret-ln H'.. W h draive Uii'iori-; iim tr wnol.Si'e lr Goml-: Mm I4mn.-i...i vVhol'Mle lry GixMs. He J W JunnliiM. Mao. I lnit. r; lr .F K.n!d. WE WILL MAKE TO OUflKR OB 81- I.L ; Ready Made ELEGANT DRESS SUITS, HAND80MB IJUSIIVIwa SUITS, OVERCOATS, TALMAS, ! and ibenerer to bebMt WAM8UTTA 8H1RT8, IvITJJNrSOlsT do. CITY CLOTHIERS. Oft 'I Dover School, V a. Tlal r went! jth 9 write, oftin mnnth., wll begin tae Sret Mjndty of Septenher 1875. Aqaletbomaand a praotlonl edunatloa glTontoboyt. Address R. B. MoOOBMlUK, Prlnolpal, Aldu, London county, V. KEFCHeUKJEH. General Hunter, Werrenton, Virginia llsrJ k B' ll j, ll D, In it rill 1, ii 0 Prof John Hart, Klrhioond, Vs. B P Esynoldi, Sn Marcos, Texas. WILMINGTON CLASSICAL AND Mathematical School B. K. BRVAN.Ip . THE K ILL SESSION WILL BE1IN (l.V.) mi ih.llh nrn.ifnkap iu; at .i.a . . ... . ol Mr. M.ginney, corner ol Fourth aud priu tese aireete. Terms r Sers'on of 18 weeks, psylild In advsace: K'eme'tary KngUsh brsiu-bes..... J1 0" Adtenced with AlgeLra.... ' -f L.t In, (.r-wk, Trenrh and Gerinxn ln- guages extra, eerh. 8 00 TiMr mo o of t ie ab tre unrngd len- gufie. looo Incidental expense Tee 1 Co Pnplli wl l he chvgrd from date of entrance tn the ei.d of the ses-lun Report, of H.ilioUr-hlp ad frportmont will be turni.bed pHieutn and gu ir lians qintrterly. Mornlrg and aiternoon .Msnton., throughout Fall ana Winter. For rnrther Info mm ion sd drese either if the principal, at Wdm nuton, N.U. Oct S3it iNsuiiritoiuis ' ' OF , Atkinson & Mann int? 9t 0,000,000 AaeU It cpr. snii vd. FIRE. lis. C. Of HorfU Amerlc.,... Phd s.lehm, Fhenn tn.uranoe iMmpsay ....New YoiK. i;ontinental Irsurauce On. . ...TS.w York. N. Hritlsnft Micntlie Ins.Co..Lond n. Hrtlunl 'ire Ins, Companv... nlf.nd. National Fire In... Cmuaoy...H wil'nrd. Hprlugbeld t. A M. In. ik)...Mamichiis?Us. MARINE Mi-tcantlld Muluai Ins. lo.....Vew Tort' Ins. 0. of North irar;o:i rh hdeli bla. LIFR. fonnertlcat, Mutual Lite Ins. Go. Vartford. Icb 27 1 ANHUESER & CG'S TJRB lager beer, Jnrt receivrd in le from Jr Mt, MuisdirecL Tha lollowiiig Is thrt re solt or the analysis made by W. ''. Oonrl, Chemist f he United St'.e. Naral Ltbora tory, Kew York. 0ONCLU8IOH FROM THR ANA T3I3 OF THS QUALITY. .'. Tt qnaliiy of this beer, aa shown by our analjsl, Is superior by Its pnrotiess. ss noes trancojs ma'tqr could ba delected, t he larite in mill etreotilstance(nialt btn n.ed In exfraonllinry groat quantities, whlnh, bar. ing been rotated, gires the iMr that peon'tat flarot of fresh bread) makes this eer a tery aeurlnbing and blhly rroommend.hle dr nk for medUTiial pnrimees, Anoih- r good quality of this beer Is that it k'-eps In f eod esnditiori andar all circaouUaors. W, O. DON HAD, Chemist of W, 8. NaTl Labr story. , We an the wholetale ageata, and It la foi sale also la tha oity by Joaa Haaa, Ja., M.W. Huana, A. O. H. Fiaaaa. ADRIAN A VOLLKHH. apS WORTUNC IN IT. K'" ""7 i.u.a it. .v.d Kr AieoK Al t. ff Ai.n. hk, urio. re. I AGENTS WAMTCO NICHT SCENES IN THE BIBLK. e0 4idvi.l Nhw u 'K ii. n riilllelhU, Pa, ' U Wail Stre.1. Nee Ywk 4W . )iV' H.IM tSCY. or , HOl'l. CHAKM X IMi." Hut rl k r ia.T Iwrmin an ii'i tri itc nd a'tv-.'.. el' arif p-rn t4i . n Im.i iiiily. I hi.liil,n.,'.l a l iitoiout a'l rn kj.iw. fi-M.. br m-ll. for t '.. to . '.r a in rHg il l, S 4V'laii u Ir, i em., AH. to I .il. W J llrj NnhrMIrt '.I 'ii-r l"jk it'riT! IU.lM i !'., "aaltaairvPaiia.l.ilphla. rirai.aiit a u5 rroDU'ile Implo) uir nt. " iinll" 'it i m k ' . h" lofll" ' AhA" a r. ui H.Kih,' .i-, Hu h tin. einl.m;tioiis of In) o wne Hit lr .('4vr H.. o- r m . p olue-t hr "h' Kuio"in and tmii'i'in V. or ml fabi Sin Oo. Krdi. one will wit Hum H rci ilio. titiltni h rti t."l ( 1 tur.-v t'l eo-a . tor in !Wd, i'i it.j'r. i.(.til:i an I lit Is 4iit h "l'it.'' e.it i'i i''Un-n'nt, il Hul ihiKilie h t i'i..i.i!.' r nil ne.l to make nrn'.ov. Kor niil p.rtie"H s snd fi'mo to .Nii.ll li'ti'u -ire ili'" Ai.r AMfAt'iM . " I,, 'i Walii'iiia bi rr' H ,iu, Mu. 4w mm cu.cti;T8 pakii- cuus are ili Bot hi'Sntital wt'les s lrer'' I n i-.'r niailr. ih-CONCEP TO STCP it ' beet em i'cjJ In at I Il I. -r uin t 6y itnt Kirn ei tt i-edn. p. rnoiily lolril, (at l l rHi I nf vkirk l In n rhurnin'g, and ml lining, wall ll i I. a"nn of th. hum in yjioe .u iMib. Y.h1 Naw uri'if al ei'-iwr, OmVI ird Visl -ite " 'i ,ii. ia I'li'nue arenrh 0 so, coTiliino ru-iie ol' VoiiMhe wiU g.rM (illume"' t mij 'Hi ihie 'or Par 'or lir t.ti nrrli WATEItS' NEW SCALE PIANOS aTtr t imw-r amt a tine sinking t-i'ie, w Ih all i, ifU'ni ij. rn.nii.'nt. -e inn httj 'n w mi ie TlirwO kMiii d Piii"'r w ur -it 1 in y Piii m mrnni li low for i ;.h or pirl c-h and litis' e in in n lliiy p.iunit', N 'ij bund tliili i:m 'tils 'i ijfril lir,ln. Pi mo. ard r .aus ' r ni until pit i for as r rom ACEnTS WANTED Nuclei indii'.rn:eiit o lied. A I'ln'i'.l i'l-iMiiit to Te irhere Ml ".l-r. .itlninn, .n'nui'e.l. ta-e. Av .i..f'.rff.l TKI I'A T I f,'f.T MA I I.Kit HORACE WATERS A SONS. 4l tiro ..iw iy. , Vma. P U. Itox .mr o.'t It I in Bacon Pork. Bagging. Tlo 100 Roa)sI. H and !ruokni lilies, 'li llir-i-l. Hork, ei Knlir and H..IT mills Bt;ln)', ftO Tons I'lei oud Ties, F.ir sale low by WII.L1AM1 MCKOHISON- Suger. CorTeo Flour. Choose. inn Har-s'. H..fln-d iiijir, TO ManVs frlme M)o l.,ll i. Hartels rinnr-all grsdrs. V Hutte Ohee a, 1 1 r sale low ! LIAVta M1 UllHiKON. Syrup. Hoop Iron. Clue. Nails 711 Harrt-h- H. Hvrup. Mo Hundnvs Hoop Iron, til Hurrels .iie, i m Kgs Nat s tot sala low hy , : WILLIAMS ft M0 BOH (SOS. Mo asses, Hay. Shot Spirit C smb. II Hudnaud BLIanew CropOubaMo laMHe. 40 Halee N.B. ft It. Hay, S00 Hars-I'in SIM Hecond-Hand Mplrlt Casks, For sale tow by WILLIA.tlH St ItlVHCIIIHON. cot I CHEAP STOYEllOUsE. J. 0. DUNLOP & GO. 01 w, pratt Htreet, Baltimore' PARLOR HEATERS. COOKINQ STOVES' ILLUMINATORS. FURNACES. RANQES AN3 CRATES tJT stores rtjialr ct. " Sep 1 d.WJm ' . Molassesi Molasses. f0 lloRabo 'tis fJul.a Mobsee". M M.oii'iKil.o. II. MoUe- s. U Burets 11. Moiawe. Po' sile hy KKHCHNEIt A CAI.liKR BKOH., Flour, Flour. Flour- 300 Parrn!. B. W. Flimr . a HrrU i'M P1o.tr. M Harrnin Priniium tiyal Klnur. For sale by Ks:K(7HNFKft LPKR BBOi. Salt. Suit, alt -neks .rt'L For le hy KKH'JIlNB.t ft (JjL'IRK p. HO. Fastorn May. . . ' . ( . . i 3i'aBV.e!fi i - Ktfru nay. For sale by ...... . r ; tv""' , , oui'.K J.. OS.' ox't "4 ........ - , NEW SOUTHERN HOLTSH Joita w Hissoa, (Uk of Mcriiiitft! llinmin I Wilmli'gtoii, N. U, ams u H1IH1IIS, (La'e Oartiltr It ink of Kew llnriorttr,) Tarboro, N. O. HIHSOIJ&CTJJiSING FOK TUB KALB OF v Cotton, Rice, Lumbor, Tobacco, Naval Storos. and Southern produce Cenorally, NO- 1031 CHESTNUT ST. - P. O. Box SOnsV FUlladclphla, fa. raraacaoas: , I. B GraiPger, Pretbtcat Ban of TNeW rlan orer, Wilmlng ci, NO. K K Hnners. 1'ies'dent First National Bauk, Wilmington N V. .Tames Iiswhoii, Prcstdont Dawson Bank, WHminston.N O. . ... ' '-' ' - K B Borden, Pro'idcct B uikof Now Han Orrr, Giridiiboro, N u. J A Leak, ''rpsld.int ttEir jt Nw Ilanorer, Waderboro. M f H Lindsay, PltMriubt Itak of Qreens. boro, Greeniboro, N (.'. Hon Geo Howard.1 1 1 S 0. M WediMl, Kq i "10. Hon. W li dol neoB, auui Oourt House, BO. jalyl U0-dotf A SI 200 PHOFI f ON S10Q lard in i.k PriTllrg'.i In W ui irt. IS.oli.aiid O.tA'ilar tIHiirf. "Hjw 'to . -nt 1- A.utrM. h.it.. w. Manhtre. MISCELL.INT.OUS. F.NE TABLE APPLES MESSINA LEMONS. At UBl. MTM'. lt-o..ll to day rrash tram bar Pa'ry the "k halje lot ol eur 'BUT BUTTtlltSC TH1 WORLD Wehara ad yet. Only lot t.le ay GKU.MVtRf Our Brands of IHithle F.xtra Family Fleer, NEW PROCESS EMPIRE .FLOUR. MiJVOOtUM KuriilK AND PLAMa'VXtRA. L w lor eash at GKO. MY Etta. PINEAPPLE CHEESE. EDAM CHEESE. AND CREAM CHEEiE. At uko. aYatitk f-eth -r v e.ery oet, Cream Milk, and Pj.i,I Muet F'.l'iT ' ll.tt Klt, , 4 (,OU.NUILli,Si'OA Fl.Slll BCTIKH, and FAMILY PILOT BHKAU, T.g fhor with all ttnio'le.1 ('ranker., at OKI. MYERS. FRESH IRIShToAT MEAL. Imi't il.l Oat Meal, In 1 a J in pmnd packs gns and N. - t.'a M.-m M ki.rv.1, at ( GEORGE MYERS. 11 ft 1,1 SOUTH FRONT BT, a M " l The Charlotte Observer Tin. on v m rulii( d illy piper ps III kd In thr blute wir ot Htlola aal o,li il Wll. in'naion, nil'irs nii il lu limem niaw ads inaue. It.olr nilnHii , .Is. o. nn( ilnurt he b'sii Urgly I'lireal durl'g theyetr nt iaf, and it i it rmnhm n i.i i ih. Mr. ehanUnf tfnutrn Nurtli o"dlu. thin oit'er luaau H'Hi'riit-"d mstima isinmisioa iw indS'.nlh Mernhtiitof Wllinl'i(tJoand tha )plof W i-Wrn Nurlu 'larolina, Ttusa nt scasoniPTioa l Pally... , ......' (Hi pet annum Weekly , I HI " " S" A l.srtlsiug .err low. ma THE YUCt TO FIND NOTIONS Exchange 1 Corner a in or MISSES' JACKETS ami WATERPROOF (101K8, A "Aitipi.i:" Jiiflr iii:c:i vtu I'iiihbs xtmine my Mtock of EMBROIDERIES. W-ITYF-ISa ' ' teXOFTASaB CORNER For Rent. THE i ntlre property now oecuplml by O O. Ps'seyft ., emhra'-lng wharl, nffin ai d natal .tore and coal yaid, looKteil an Smith Water htreet. FutaaeM two years. Terms made east. Apply to , ,-. J, A. WALKER, sop' Rieiutor. JUST PUBLISHED. , . ,. , llUtrdlUon, i, .: ' PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY PHYSICAL EXUAU&TlOy,. To which Is added ! An Eoastr Marrlavga- ' With lmi ortant chapteta en . llHOHKF.K(F THK KF,PKQOU0TlVai . ; ; 0sAK; -' Bema s ryniit'Sia of l-erturos do'iverod sttbclr MUSEUM OF ANATOMY. . htr'ni . lulling ihi el'y, should lu-tlall to sea ii.i. irear roncriion, e.iug I lie largmf tq ino wor .... - t aO hretnut.Vi , Opposite CeutlatrM Ual Hotel, PltlUdelpbln. " ' Copies of krturfs sent en reoelpl of 28 ecu I Ad lrow, Mas. JOttOs N ft DA VIH'ON, liiun K1LBKKT t.. Phbaleiphla. aug "It d-ly ovuit ., ONE HUNDRED DirTi ri-nt etyks of bus!- nst IS v vv mm rai gb g from fi an m rum. a full una vt OVE'iCOATS. C'' niprtiig all styka of COLORS AKD WEIGHTS A. DAVID, -s ' ' Mercbant Tailor. octl TOflnet aa&tii Ortasa Plauos. Also one Hinaor J!ai:blnj l'lli ibove 'sr j nrarly new ai.d will be sold yerjr; low ,lMc Ibar hating no ii'e lot tbom They c in be at lbs corner of b It aad walnut Streets. cotlroiUf K.VANLAPR. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRCINIJ. ltlCUMON ' SESSION 1875-70." W intiir iior-e ef Lr,ns tiegin October W, .... r . . ..I, r L .. ana moat in pt. idoiou-, rti'wuiui iohI Ii'itiucMon by the Faculty, aud dally sys tem of examinations by bs Adjunct Faculty. Pro' tsanrii fees, l'i. .Pharmaet t'oorse S8. Iloiiedolarl tleket, fBOi For fall particular. r catalonue apply to .1. B. Mo'JA W, M. I., 4w No AiOUracc ,5t. Rlchtnood, Va.- Dean ot faculty , - vp ' ! North Carolina Borne Insurance Co. THIS Oompany eontlnnee to write Puilclaa (air rataa " elswsesof Insmrahle pie ' erty All losses promptly paid. Rnoonrage Home instltutloor. R. U. HsTtle,Presldentiaeak Jsiei.Beare ATK1MSOB ft HAMMING. A.anta jama ln- JEW ADVIETISEMEMS 45. 40- FIKE ! WATER ! ! ' MOKE i i From tho late fire in tbe wholesale dqrtmrnt cf .lOlfclXrVIN MAHNIl Nc CO., B30 ST O N ILariBaiiyarMLloiGiramiy-Gcois. f l jo. t . . ., t . ' , ! ,, ... , ' . - r - ; ..... 1 Remember tbty will be ao Id at auch aai. BROWNE' Wo woulj alno call the attention FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, ; ! ii NOW ON HAND AND ! .j I, B I '!il ( I i. 1 I .if. ;".".('', Replete with all the BROWN & RODDICK,1 45, Marmot Street. aut I t . I , AT RETAIL t H. WEILL! IJ. WEILL! 15. WEILL 600DS AT PaiCES ALL wi auk la fin examination of tlio juilillo will tie wmvlru'cil of wlmt 1 ,1X10 vnrda Rluck Alpm-iiH nt AH eonl vortl M vvntt .-' 1,W ynrda llluck AIhichm ot 68 ft'iiln worlli 70 ft'iitii. 1 J,(NMynla UlHok Al)iu'nantfl7 t't'iiM wol'th KO i-i'iiu. . , (khi puii-H JiUtlloM' Jlowi nt a will worm t'cniH. 3(H) jmlra Lmlloa' Hone at 4H wnU worth (M)fciiLM. WKI i piilrs ClilMrt'iiH' HtrlKd 1 low i palm Mill Irene' Htrljx'd Homo i uuira CliHUrenH Htriia'd lloee . , i'. , . Ml I 6001 .'.:.' .V hv oil lim(l EQUALLY . . , , TOO NUMEROUS All of which : - I AT VH1CES TullT r if . . : ; i 1 .; B,' WEILL, oot, : FALL AND f ViNTER GOODS ' NOW OWNING! : ;! '"it t s-i '' ' i... I 1 UJUm UWU- FALL AND IWiNT.KK t)0DS CHSAPJSRi XII AH EVER ! r '"at i v.v . . i .1 ft..t ii -. a v a o N-d. . 36". sep IB , ' . "!..!. 1 1 - 1 L. nr.1 1 i hli'tn o 1 '' i ' ... ... , i . ; triiorJlTIIRr !1 W S IIS . w a : -JU7 T ' . . 4.t ( ',a i - -- - I ,. A .. 'I ti!l ,r!iWnl I'll!! f;;'llew:PatterM::S - - - . vwka itj,n" tt'l Luia .Jnarvr , Ui: a .: -i-l t7H- V ir n t Utll, diBiW Potaor, Cssntrtbor oritl JOylfir .JffP,ou JP4Aalfcr. tbtallaeoto4fcmlaaBnor thalwJBflMt'aiiini patiorna or biihwk, ' 'irr'i 1 oaoerrcjtton and Hemp CarpW M rt-s 'loth anil MattMf. AbajMsM . ; ai.. m li .-i' aad Hsas.Wmeantliul l)fslus, , : Bedding. &o. &o Hair. Mobs. MAVTBB8SB8, FBATHRR8,TR ATHBR .j,,.,,.., And oar owe Mauaraotara. , . UoUls. Btaamsrs and Prl.aU Hasldoneee furaUhed lit tbe I Ale-t Hiylis and at Low rrio t L..u M mm . Ml .MHa.blA an. ttl ld. hi.f ,rm II II ' r 11 M i II D. tarlltf i n'cta sa will ii prire (heir immrtliate - ! RODDICK ol onf patiOot to our tnr; ( . i ? . ij t f J-'i i-' DAILY UlLCiaVLXU i .,,( j ; ,. r frw '-.-.ill! ! ' Novelties of tlie Season. , 1 I I " ' " 1 AT RETAIL, I TO "SUIT TH TlMZS, our ntocli. Wl fuel MliMlltMl Hint llmf. vrt miy. We Uu Mow n, Uiv iriiH'a: , i I it lit 81 oonla wondi it" cciitHi i ". at 7 ooiifci worth 4) contra.., at C- ccnte worth 00 eontn.' 1 , ...... ..(,) '..t'-h many otlr ptootla t.' '., '' 'j' A8 LOWi . i ..'. ir .''', TO 1MENTION, wo will ai'll U ll'l't . .- I. DEFY COMIaTITIOS; '. 32 North Front . Street. .... . r .... 'I .ii"-, -ii:'!' ."!) ;i v, ;-vi ,.. ..t !' " 'f STREET .1 .5 :U i.i t.l"I m ,,o"J it ., ..t h. At--.: a ' ,i iw. w. v mm jr MAIM-CEt;r;8VR3:r. . 7 ' 1 - . .' I 5' I ' " ' . . . ... .il, I , : T .ITilil rFURNITUR&F ShuoV. Excelsior and Straw BEDS FKATHKIt PILLOW AM B0LSTI A. SMITH &J0

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