Kin ' n 'ill! Y 1 1, MI NO ION. N- C SiturVajr Mornirt. Cctobrr.8, MIKOII Trt TIIOllV) jok i: i in: on tit i in ; It was li&il f Di'tiph for tl.e f M wi u North jiMma, U 'IiOHsIkJ rr 7 Dion iiiK, li , 1 M IiiaV, St liHT D-uahs a yar; foi'B Dollars s;i Boutu; SitvB.iTT-ritE enu per nxmtfa vv shorter period. Nrred by Carrier in the city at .KVMTt-riv eenis p r mot- h, or Two Duixars and Twss t f -rtv k rcu jvr r, nrsr. Ths WsKKl.r JorK'AT. (fV.Jay) t t'liiy-six -xWuniD j,r. Two I'muR p?t year; thre copic Kite 1)ujm ad a tii ; fiMu- coi.M-s tivt Doixaw; flreclS Elf W- Pol UH AD A HALF teu , rnrmn Dollars; twenty Hpies TWESTT-f IVI DOLLARS.. StfBscw prions In All eases payaMs lo t vancr, ami no piper cnotinuad aAsr lb ration of the time p!d for. Mmittavcw thoaM bw toad by Pnrt Offes Honey Order or Express. If this can iio! be (otie protection against know by mail dm b exeured by forwarding draft payable) to Mat order of tht proprietors -ttb.sJrtu.lSAL, or by sadlug the mnnrj a ."r1strd Uur. A1venisli:f KiXf (per Inch ot 1 twelve aiilil Hue of AdreAiiiiix type,) thie Inch oi Insertion, One Ioixar; two Inser tions Owe Dollab akd a halt; three .iMArUoiui, Two Dollars: four interUnni Two Dollars ABU A UAI.P; Br Inner jot THRER DoiXArs: til ineeruoni. t . HEE Doi.LARK ADD A HALF ! twelve I aV AiOUS, FIVE DOLLABS AND A HALF, o mouth. Eight Doixabk two niontln; ifTKiN Dollars; three month, Twer, rr-rwo Dollar. (ontracts for longer prtriods and longer space m'i upmi liberal teru. address, Ksoklhabti A SAnKDfna, Wilmington, N. C. H 1J L IB -tl I " H 1 I II A I "1 t III. M " ,. ..l.-fv- f -if t'..' i ...! f I V.4 ar.', Itll(. r' t .1. t Mr- eJ lu ! it. ( t i in '. ti gl.t of "JoLd (J. Tii"mpoo, fir the I-u.- 1 ', r -"i ii'i n ( -.r I j. e'-.-i rt 1S". ' ,"ratio Gva.m'" "'of tH.m t. hate lo , '."ie-. t ( ltnt iA ft I (elcfrrii'li t j lii 1 Cu.iii nnu '.f tl.e IVni-i 1 sl l' l.t e ! is rm UfiH- m." c- 1 oojatic Comaiittte r.-iiUt-ylvHina ( f, Ten if t ' ! r t ,i iiut fl e j ' at oar LrwnJ Oov. Allen LJ faihil ! "emerfciDfj" wHt'i l e refrrnd to in for oDoe in Lia life to ri.- tip. It wa! hi letter !iiiit tim find term, lu.l i atiil Bor li-co lirtf to Late to t reiuly cur -el. forth tLe reAoti why'tbe tiDeralile; It wl! be ri-m-mlM red tl, at (iri t lie man bore B ti ui'oUnce, on thi one, hjj ti.r pr'd lv bin f ri dti-i!i (KV&f ion, to en iiiieilur aruoie i aim er r mrtmion nt runimijj i r eht but Mr. ThoiupeAn'i Wir mnt 1 third t- riu, wr."t let r in wt.ii-h lie FASEIE0I2S ond GOLD GOIiI PRESENTS! tUITOKIAt, AOTEN. Bjx hundrr d million dollars are an Dually epei t for aloobolio drinka in Great Britain. Of this Bum more than one-half ia spent bj the laboring clas ses. , A Kakbab judge Las decided that s man sod wife can go to any place of smnsenient on a ticket that says "ad mit one," ss by law they are considered one." The question whether a club, whioh buys liquors at wholesale and sells to its members upon the presentation of tickets, is liable to the Federal license tsx, is od trial at Boston. . f' : Obk. W. F. Babtlett, rtetidepl of the Powhatan Iron Company, who was recently nominated by the Democrats of Miissaohiiftt'lts for the position of Lieutenant Governor, has declined the Domination. . ( Thb Virginia City (Nevada) Mirer rfe says the Consolidated Virginia mine will yield botwoon f 1,700,000 and $1,80(1,000 in gold and silrer the onr- rent month, of whioh it will distribute to stockholders the usual mouthly dividend of $1,080,000. That journal well SAys: "When it is reniouibored that a single miue is turning out gold and silver at the rate of $00,000 daily, the mind beoomes almost bewildered iu eontrsftplating the possible product of the ( mstock when b doeen other mines r ! . have been added to the lint of d, ,1 paying oompanies." Thb dt : ; in real estate iu New Cork, But". . ' oureleMtnesa with which .lie saving ..ukhave mado loans, is indicated iu a rntber startling way by an Bgreemeut arrived at by the savings banks msnngers, to call in ten per cent, on all their mortgage notes, aod hereafter to msko no loans on real es tate for an amount above 80 per cent of the appraised value of the property. Thb new ncyclointdia Britannica devotes twenty pages to " apes," and only two to "aDgols." The Golden Age thinks this fair, at the editor (of the 'EHfltclupardia, not of the Golden Age,) is more st homo with the for mer; and remarks that it is pleacsut to see to mnoh attention shown to one's ancestors. " Thb controversy between the New York and Western Boards of Produce Exchange, respecting the) weight of s barrel of pork, is likely to be settled by New York dealers, who decide that 196 pounds ooustitnte a barrel, against 100 pounds sustained by the Western , men. The Nashville American says it costo the government nearly one third bs much to loan its credit to the nation al banks as it did to rnn the entire government when the Democrats last had control of the Federal power, and yet the banks are not happy. T C I Galiomaki states that the soundings for the submarine tuntel between England and Franoe are being carried on actively. They are at this moment directed to the part of the straits near the English ooast, at a few miles from the shore. Each evening the vessel which oarrioa the Commission returns to Dover, Calais, or Boulogne, aud ' work is reoommaucod the next day. The engineers charged with that im portant libor, MM. Laroume aud Lavallee, are perfectly satisfied with the results obtained, and so far noth ing has occurred to destroy their pro visions relative to the depths. Thb Jlvrald publishes some evi dence to show that when Henry Clews A Co., were appointed bankers for the Government in Europe, Mr. Bcntwell thought it a great mistake, and his opinion was overruled by the only offl eer who had authority to control him. The fact, adds the Herald, that the appointment was procured by cor rnpt means, puts the higher office! who enforoed it in a most unenviable light. Thia high officer was President Grant; and the corrupt means oonshv ted in the payment of a large sum of Baoney to his brother-in-law, whose Intimacy at the White House was oon . slant, and who was known j Iu, have also obtained money from the sale of other appointments. have looked like the qui!! np-m the fretlu' porcupine, when, in sddtiou to all thtt weight of woe, he was coa - polled to see himtelf denounced bt fore the whole American people by the chevslier, "A. T. Wikoft, Chairman if the Republican Committee," as a de liberate and wilful liar. Wikoff sas Thompson's dieprfch Is "a faloehood and he knew it . when be signed it." This is rongh 'on Mr. rhonipson. , la fact it is not polite, and he has some right te complain of the uspleaeatit in' sin nation contained in Wikoft a lan guage. If this little episode in Ohio politics had occurred in any of the Southern States it would hsve been character ized by many of the enlightened edi tors who will now keep silent, or laugh at it as an evideuce of "norai- barbariem," peculiar to this latitude. We advise Wikoff to calm his fierce indignation, and devote an hour or tw to a psrosml of Young's Night Thoughts or some of the venerable Bede's soothinar essays. We admit that Thompson's nsme is spelled with a p, which may have beon to Mr. Wi koff as it wss to Mr. Toodles, a esuse of offence, suflloient to justify him ia the Be of profane lsngnsge, and we wonld be very glad admit, if it was consistent with the strident truth.thst the groat Republican party of Ohio is entirely too pure to permit for one moment the suspicion that it would use money, or allow frsud of any kind upon the ballot box. But we suggest to Wikoff that the provocation was hardly sufficient in this oae to jus tify this bloody language. It is doubt less orsel aspersion of the great Re publican party of Ohio, but Wikoff ought to remember that wild end reckless though it be there is still s somewhat prevalent opinion that a considerable quantity of " demuitiou cash" was used to persuade and con vince the enlightened voters of Ohio, in the late eleotiou. We think, however, altor due refla tion, that Wikoff is really a wag, mid has " sold " everybody. Ho hits per petrated a huge joke, aud wheu culled to account (by a libel suit) will tri umphantly defend himself by what the lawyers call ," a pica by way of oonfseiloit 1 and 1 avoidance, tbu " Thompson said the Republicans of Ohio lavishly expended money iu the electlou. I called Thompson a liar, and I stick to it, beouuse we I ought votes w ith ,'Axn6(K.7.j, nud grueubuokn ore not mouey." Q. E. D. Verdict for Wikoff immouso applaud fol lowed by an inflation nf the currency at the nearest grocery. R , , - - .-A ' vl-' I N i !:" T... r ..;!! t!..- Si'.iai'j.iun ij .. I, If s i i t I i. ,; . t. il K :ia t. (. - 1 1 a it i fj--.t-;.-i:o I ruf it . i - - A - an iii:(- r fc.-.t ..1 i ; . .-I K-r -, I ' -r-u- i the i i:'JV"tI "ij I-'1 BS li . t ti.g u.n mi n.. it rmn I. r f jih :,. i. : t or rv t , i.. i. j hip.. r.iAY f'-'l iihi itir 'j ii tfc n.u:Hira'tiu-iir Tl--ui I F- W I'M mi.fH mar IX ir I ft, i i t-k t Ik- .. ,,.: f ,ri lil.rr ni.L S,i,.(i,a,it "rirciut fmnL' a'.v- nor. III, r f '4 Unt hc i. ftROUlor. Trim, 40 9 Mmi '.&i. did d -f'ii'ui ai y anc'i intent on, u l-s BU umxjKCtid "nuerg-iwy" eli'niM rrise rqiriug him tn lm eioiliilU. The oolf decided elT vt of bis letter was to li'nst intelttpent p,-ple of ell paitu. They sr, re eijually d'SifU-t d at the Mni!l.iiiunfr bme of bis remarks in regard to giving up "a Incrntivo life position" aud ooadei-eeuJirg to be President i f the United KUU s, ai d at the prexumptiin of bi s'luiou to tLe po vibility of each seouditiouof ttiii gs as would force the American people to look to h m ss the only Lnmsn being who cou'd serve aud save them 1 y oc cupying the Presidential vhiir. In his speech al.the re-union of the army of the tumberlainl, at JUts Moines, Iowa, a neeiib written out and read l y him- there are uitorn s which justify S nator ll.iyird's opin ion. There are rxprea ions ab-mt Church aud State iu it which leave the i-npresaiou that be jlenired to make a false issue, and exoite hostility hetween Catholics aud Protivtauts. The fale isHiie was an important clement iu the Ohio campaign. Grant csn probably get the nomins tion a third time from bin pHj. H can absolutely cnutiolo th K'8 v.ile of the Kouttieru Rcpublirs'ia, and 4 I more trim the North will eeciirtth uoiuiuatioa. We hope he will g t it. for we waut to know as soon ss posi ble whether this is to remain a fr. e government of co-equal HtaU s, or in to be otiuverted into whut Buya.d called a semi mi'ilsry jiower, fohteruig cIsM-interesti aud moulded for cor ruplion." If Clrant is renominated, the election of 1876 will settle thut question. We think he would be bud ly beaten, and therefore we say we hope he will bo nominated, and the inane determined once for all. ' J7: iItiTC, wilhr1" ?IiM.l,frti. f HTt iSm Pttrr- out floih lIU r.f ihr TinE ft'ir will b'l.llrl I- t;lK am I'ltl- lll 1 I", -n rru h .-id. Itl.lll !, aa nun jmi'i tabKrlpiivB la lk- ' -1 lllLu.1 UAy.VAIt." A. BUHDETTE SMITH'S t : TTT n n Tl v J! I Ddur hi ati in at ii'nnninn urn ui r man, FINE ARTS snd POLITE Literature. Single Copies 25 Cents. . : ., sahvrlptioa Prlc. 1 yr, p(-pll. InrlaiDita pTOmim oi i w vnilArf twill hi jwwimi. irv- xn iuca We Miit our CCHTIUCATFH f r t'i! -ihii1 , i- t-o-iM if nut ;nuli.,. ifWll lH ).. V fLr.VATORM --ui U r!.-n IN lLA('K- ck wum una w riticnii, irainrtw. rhe-MOIS'XIIIiY AVOIIIO, OF PAHIIIOrV," tho very finest, 1..,...r.,,i.a.,eu...-v-.,.; Cj.jtj.-j -U'wh Vten . torn? Iii lliln romit-t, aint mm eru who teguij . 'j . ... wlvleU lp tb OnerloIUtV iMthr PT'-rin ;i n iu e ch sjDn:rD r i rr f aw iuiiraia : Umi IN KID H l.l! AWAY! We will Rive f 2 OOO OO In COLD, We will P've f 2 OCO CO 'COLD JOIN " 6a i" " - tii - 'h iMir COIN Iw3 1 'wont i ihii r t iiiini r hrra In nuc 'World Of r c nil ml cm lu our BaZtar' 6, lx.ti !at :o lacii, li Hie llari-li I, WiU CLVDI-rs - UEVJ YORK fO DOGTOrj LiriHC , , '.Vilmlnston, n. C. TA'I 4,5 W T Fast Fre cht Routo"Tt67oll Po North or South. FahlOn."A' S3 eaeh, twfore Mrcu A- li.i.:To tfc gi'ltcr-mi ni th I arg'-rt Cul 3 00 In (jii'd '.In l'ili'l I'lll'i... '.in ' in t'nlll I H LrKl C ..,. 1e 0 In UnM Crnii. 4 li l,net Ciiih.... i: istn Oold 'i4u.' Mil I.Klvm! t'lnl inn 10 lit Oolil ' In. ih laiiKil (tli'b.... 11" Oil in limit limit 7'h La-Kt IJIih.. I" In 'inl'l 1 "'n. H'h I ..' C nh.... T5 m In t'l'UI ' olii. 'h l.ary ''la '..... l 0 tn (Inl'l Cnl'i, III b lru-nro'iih,... 8' '0m i'ii'iI o 11. II Mi i r n-t '!'ih ... SI on 1" l IU (Jo'B. an l mi a to iln 63th ''" limb- it lol'owt: To Hie Getter up m lti i rge-t i lab pn e tn ib id t iiln tit iKlfiilt tub.... VII I I In ( 'd I'litO. 8t I ;lti... . 04 III Olil.l V n tU I '( K' 0 lib .. 1 5 III O l't ' Ol B Mb Latyft ('lab .'..- HO I'S In old Col". Ilttl .l;i'kt t'lul...,. 18 1 In Cold I 1'h li-n H i' lih. H IS in UI Cull'. Mb I. en O'nh... ; , 0 tn (il l i o n. 'h ,riiTl ' Iiih ... W 00 in li.'ld l'm l'lth lr. l '"Bb.... W Oil In (.old Cut". l'tb l,rri Ciib.... 0 In (ink! Co'B and so m to lb 133d l-rg' t Olub CALL AND EXAMINE Our wiill ilcteil acoek of iTDglUU an I Smitrlraa Pnt-ket anil Table Cutlery, : POWKKK.Sltor ANDOArW, . O'JNI, FltfUiH AND CAKrit'llHlK" rrlO' S reiluuwl Nath'l Jacobl's IIARDWAUl'i DEl'OT. YOU ft s premium lor ovory ilirlber jen tend a. AND erv mbicnfcer fete a pre iii -ui. R nTU of Hiw Cold Coin Presents nfli r will 1 f mnd HI. leiiaMi 'n the Sea. terrber Nurrbc besides bHind r. o. ntdr- m m nei jinoui- L..n. h..-1 putil i'i,l35 OO . t.e'd, armrdiiiK lo oar prt' n ofTi rs- en write U one" nil ' "i-m ! 'h-v wiiiteii jrou thit w di exactly ns we promise. V All n npfP wy In ti i.f ii I sonr on .ul lu .u!ii r i f loir Mnalnei Illllfi nr VI wn"n yn wui as' loe nmt nuninr ani ynnr i erriniHinr-oi i-re-v v II Umw I n lum whlili y"u en ahiiw. anl nn begin get ing tubacrl- biii, or li 8 0 nU lor i lia oopv. Sui t Wliinip for KhuIohii t n'ulogiw. A. BURDETTE SMITH. P O Box 0OS8 014 Broadway, New York City. THE ATLANTIC HOTEL HEASIDE KENORT, lr J axc, iioicii oi itti.nir.tii. A friend ban handed us a copy of a speech delivered iu the luto Ohio can vass by Hon Lewis D. Campbell s very able and prsotiotl speech, toe - in whioh we find the following allusion to Marat Ilalsteftd. It is so good ns tnred in its- tone, aud so natural that Halatead must have laughed at it him self if that gigautio man ever conde scends to Btttilo:. li yv 1 draw my proof from nearer home, and from a most virtuous source, from a journal never known to lie. I must call to the witness-stand tho Ciuoinuati CrTifftfrtSaf. j For takina nn a copv of that journal beyond the ninety day limit I justify myself hy tim toot that it is a reitniuo r. t t.,.i,l... it. l . ir.i vimnrv, iwaiuua, ii puiwi, mr. jiliii- slead is my friend. I have kuown him well since, when a boy with stone braises on the heel, bo cultivated corn stalk and cabbage-leaf currency, in Butler oounty, whioh were a legal tender for the brogans he wore In the snows of winter in hunting possums in the bills. He Would have been yet more reliable as a man, but in his yontb, disregarding the advioeof his good parents, he was wont to play old sledge iu the lisymow on wet dsvs. and oatoh chubs and shtuers on Sun days, In the limpid pools of the creek, with a pin-hook, lie was born and reared in the olassio valley of Faddy's Run, a brook very unlike Tennyson's, that flows on forever, but, like his po litical brook, that dries np every nine ty days. I stand by Halstesd; our af fection is not as gushing as that of Beeoher, nor ia it emotional or parox ysmal, but it is, 1 trust, enduring. CRASS OlADtS AND HOOKS, HAM K8 AND (JUI.1.4 bH, SKINS IMI (Sll.i. TWINE Bedsotd prlcn at , . ; t, Nathaniel Jacobl's HARDWARE DKPOT, SASH, DOOrTsTftO BLINDS, PAINTS, OILS AM) (il.iHS, ..-!. ' : SIMM, SPOKfg AMI lll'IH, BAR IRON AND S I F.KI., NATHANIEL JAGOBI'S .-'i IDARDWARE DEPOT.I HO. li MAHK10T NT. YATES' NEW B 0 OK STORE I la well worthy S Vllt. Tou will Und all. Abb THR IiATE'iTi i VJfLS. TUe Newest und t'hilo-1 1 Stjlon of HUHonrry, AU the Utett Hcleiitltte Worka. full and cnreplete line of HCIIOOL UOOKH Call aud examine for youuwlf at oet le V, W.TATKS', New Book Store, No. St Market St. ' r - ' , - f 'A'r eva ---p New Yoric and Wilmington Stjanrip JAm Sailiog from NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY aod BATURD1T at I V. M., aaW t from WILMINOiON, WEDSESDAI and RATTJlir4I liOSTON AND FALL' RIVER. .New York und IVIlnilnstoil -tea9iibp CompiBr, ... CONNKOTDIO WITS BW OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS. Dally Between BOSTON ana NtTW YORK. , Semi-Wetk between NiW jOBl "anSffiTIioTpjl. W edaeakay stre .tei'tel f fiMMik rwi, Sblwriiyrly u on the pomi t rod ref lar Mtlrrw At BUM a ..i.iav. K;hll'-'' ''' "' NO DKLAYS. tww' JiJ m w 3m toaiasi niLoivuii ,tlu sihia a AI UUSTS BAILR( A I' 1HI.MINOTUH WKLiKJK hAILBOAD. ' TUItAH-l-KA I K1 SAL B4I1 AY, - . - - . ui'am r eiaai la Nats KOP.TH snd ROTJ1B QAKOLINA. CrOEOlA aLd AUBiMi Alw to KEW YOKE, B0B10N. I'BOTIDI F t E,"FALL ElTkB Me) el infieru lilies. . . i . ri ; i , : j r Kat guarantees a low u by any ethei rosU aad Uae ae oatek. . ..- romi'tlj paid. t - - w1 'aBi Murk all Goods ia C'ljdt MlInilURUn Line. ttr For faither Inforaiatkin apply to (Itbrrel the atdcitlgaS AgeaiUef ake I ss D. D. O. MINK. WM. P. Ol TDK CO SniMli..d. Oeneral Kara Agent, ' ew ieekJ a a siVnl.V . IX.ronr.htre Btreet, Boetoa. ' ' ' U I T . A.D.CAZAUX, Agont. tifflore anil Sonllern ilrt Via W1LM1NG101VJ1, C, FAST FREiaHT R-OTJTIE To al1 Points Noirth or Qouth. mug . mi fir ,rnii .nuvlt wiiiitlim A nt T lNTK(lI't:MKD "TO THE PUBbftJ 1 lt hummer by !'. in w owiu r, (wpt. K. I) OmhBiji.el Hm. lent org, It ftr the w-on of im'd. May lattO October Ist.!'" toetich Visitors only f tbe umterrfgnel my be willing to annul to Li: tnunu :l cm. He boref to renew bis jiliarant acquaintance with bit lornitr gnest ot tlis Atlsu'te Hotel. 1beiirruliraltsat.onoflhlahou!oafioTdipall the rltatur f viUicut peril or I NO DUST I KO FLIES II NO MOSQUITOES ! ! I ; aailhlm. llAMai ... Ut.rM In tlm tin! . WflOTS PllPftf ID1V Rt OnuC StlJOy tllf rltltlk' ratli ( I'm m i rait vanrnnl leain th nrt i i iwlninti'g. 'rigoiid a Buy nn tl.e rot 'tbo Mvelo Hall and euiri iiMlli g glleric' m' lnl lari mi aiimu immiaBV rfircanrooi u l.tinltUiKh n.i.1 . I . Uiuiil .tr.t nl 1 r rti.illl lilf Hi lliirt't. 1 ' All the ganice In'r eserri r ami aniuMruenl w be found at InlaTtil rewirls, tcitttes iilewure Boate, taut (ailing ami well mnnafdl. lor , PIC-NICS, FISHING PAR IES, MC0KUGHT SAILS, . , and vlaltlns ptilola of tiiterFiit In tbe vicinity. . ..., ... Tbe choiiwut WINES aa 1JQUOKS are ta be had at the MKHTAtRAVr ot theunder alaned. . '" . : Mimln Hall ami rritwt Pf rkeojer lc my itera Till t'f tvinl ot rltn rnttin Atdfil b couru-rna nriHenta md a cnti ! loll'c Hid atlntHr eervef 1. with Smp rr rooma and I'.erUlrti inipioTiair iila rpreftl; mi f In llr ( n il ai I'f i mliru t, the i-rojirMrr Suttrra blniffil tbal Ma lu ABI'U (i HCrhK vni'ir the 1 1 irir. rrtv more at tractive to hia rHi ct niiiianv than the Votel i h to tie fere-a) jubllc. Htrlit decorum will be rlglilly eiiforceU and the ciniliTt oi vbiitoinii'ffiriry atuilltd, Terms : $2.G0 per day for first w ek ; $1.50 per day for second week. f Kpeclel contract made with families and KicurdonWi. Liberal rednetlon totarly trial tore. Children and rorTaute hall (irtce. . BALTIMORE. : Ealtiniore end WiiffiiiitDn:ime4 -iNuK.:,W'hAi,TiiwoHa;-Mtt Tyesday ot Friday, at3 P M. . t -ani prom Wilmington Wednesday & Saturday.'. BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. l W lliBSt aael W llniiDjtoo Line, Baltimore. Boatos aad revktecee tine, -hi V i e i . I Ui H Via Canal Dally to Phlladeliilila and Clyde'! Phlladelrblaaird Providence Line. . t Seml-Wecklj from each Port. ' tl PHIUMLPIllA. ; tm "BUMTW.assl, BSW-aa - tWyRirWU4ilK0T. Balttiddre and jTbtlaUleilktea BtaaWat(la. T.lbtWrWSiil .i..M .! -.. t.uR n" I w' ' iWESTIBIimEt BALTiMoRi.AM iriuiiHToi turn tfw tiertksrateBtrsI Mnikm ' t " 1 !'y'T jf l it'-. I may 13 -l&w tf. GEO. W. CHABLOTTE. Trpprietor. t-1 . MV-l .TBUJB..V, In bu editorial discussing the da- feat of Gov. Allen, and the future of parties, the Augusta Comlitutlonalht of the 14th inst concludes, very sensi bly, as we think, in these words : So far as the South is oonoerned, we may possess ourselves in patienoe and await final results with oomnlannncv. The evils of resumption may not fall upon us as heavily as Uiey will.upon the North. We have gold crops, it be hooves our planters to move everything in their power to make their own bread and meat, and thereby secure immu nity from Eastern' and Western mer chants as well as polioitians. Our com meroial freedom will be our freedom politically. Ths onoe established, it will matter precious little whother men beyond na are called by one . name or another.,. The Titan of the North is engaged st present in rending vthe oak; ' We ot the South may look with some interest and curiosity ; at the nbovnd, which is sure to follow, i flie M Honsehoifljlil in k W C. WEST A SONS' ALADDIN SECU RITY OIL. Warranted ISO Dearaes t'lre Teat Xaxlarieil b) lit Ftrt luurnnc Dm;xiait. Sjr Head the lollowm eertlgoate, K'lected from many otbera Haw A an Pias Iss. Co: or BALTmnaa, ) Uecember 3, lgn. J . Venn. 0 Writ Si Jo: Uetitlemen Having uel the vsrieuaollaaold tn Ida city tor tllumi natlnff tiur)wwea. I take fleaanre in rem in mending yuur "Ala.ldlD Seourity" aethe ant'eet ana w ever unea in our nouMIiold, Voiim truly. Ibtg gned) ANDRRW KERMK, Trea't. lET IT WILL HOT EXPLODE' Atk your StarrJcerptr for it. Wholesale Deuot C: WEST ASONs 111. IIS W. Lorabird Street, Hal Umors. aeii t eod 6m i - MtoaaiL oansLV. wiLKaa aoBNia CRONLY & MORRIS . AUCTIONEERS. STOCK AND REAL EaTATEBROKERl WILMINUTON, N. O. I IAN SB BERN AT THEIR 8ALR8 ROOM a plan of the olty, on an enlarged aoale. Blank Hook arith the boandarlea of every tatkeollydiailnetiyiteSned. aaeaeedvalue,nMtandireMot,orevs i IB ths eity. . Any InrarmeUoa deatred rarnlebed in plloaUon. v laiv . . i : A ..- i- ' - v ' ail:- i iU li'l ,i..', l-.,--''.M t j;,S !"' r- v (jijrt 8 m - v h'uh ' u f BEST TABLE 'BUTTER FRENCH rR0J.E, - ' OFRUAN SACiK PEAHL AND ( OAK8K BAULET, tiJiatfcrrlelaa4rrealeat ' OotU O. H. W. HUKGB, TUe Carolina fiouscliolii Mazme, AN HilitrSTKATK.l) MtlNTHLVf . rhol. Iittorature, lll beimucd from thi Ioi.d into MB-iKKKiitR Ovnu rommenrlng with Januarv, 1MB. The Brat snmber will b ready tor runWiiR by Ilecembor 16tli, ami th rlil. leal will he imiiUslml each succeeding montii thereafter witliout luturriuitlon. No advan tage will be neglected viob either talent or eaittal can comm"- o render eai b taeoe an arseablo aud instrac-tlve comp' ndiuui ol aholce reading, by popular wtitera, both home and !. ' ad. The Carolina Household Majazine Will be Starve SS-pnge, elabty-toui coluuin monthly, haiulsotuuly printed on tinted book pier and beautiiiillT Ulnatrateit It le a thorough!, aouttern enterprise and It minceae la aire ad fully aemired. The tubl' means to make it a firrt-flliisa monthly, tbal, once tn trodiiced tn the family nlr -le. la au.u 10 he eagerly vatrbed for and rnfully nreaertet. Ite "KOltTKA IT OALl KhV" will rrote n at tract ire teature. The .la'mary number will contain a life-like picture of EX-GOV. Z. B. VANCE, and biographical sketch, to be followed Id each euooee.ling number with rboUifratihe ot Other promlneatatatesmen.dlrlnca, Ac ONMr two dollass a ykak and each luhecrlber can ruako a choice THHBa MOST BtJTIl'L,I.AB(a KHK VI , alaeof eiich m ao luoUea, .li: "The finding of the Saviour In the I einiile," "The Madon na," or "Krhg Lear Defylnir the Storm," for. wanted nn receipt of the auhacription price. Either or the (engraving I worth double the price asked for the Magaalne. Any one sending a olnb of will re ceive an eitra eutwcriiition tree. Hint, e eoiil V0 cents, free by mail. 811 montha eubscr o Uon. wl'JioBttba Kngravlng, ai. . Agents Wnntod Everywhere. JUL.IUH . HUMI i, Puhlisha oldiboro, N O TME RANSOM BOOTS. WE haveon hand a full itockof j an n om hoots all ai aflat O. AiPR(fK'8,rxeilor, . 1 ICvi'llSinaVlk IViriaaaai W.P. PbilUK.MaBaser. oct I Salt, Syrup, Shot, Ties and Mullets. 2,000 SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT. 150 RBLS. S: tl. MOLASSES or BLACK M0LLA8SE8. : 200 BAGS snOT. ' ' 25 TOSS AI-ROW TIES (New.) , 50 BBLS NICE SALT MULLETS. 50,000 GUN CAPS, WATEB TUOOF and G. D.'s DKMBRARA MOT.AS1KS, CUBA MOI.AS BES, NEW i RLEANS MOI.A88EH- BINF0RD. CROW & CO. Mp II GREEN & FLANNER, WHOLttALB ASD B1TAVL pBALKBR III ; DBUOS, MEDICINES, CHKUICAI.H, Mineral Waters, Hitters, Kerosene anil Llhsicd Oils, Aohol, Ac d-,Xo'.H, Peifumcry, Paints, dim's, Ac, &0 , for en e as low neHuy houa lu the citj- Market Street. The Piedmont Pres3 HICKORY, N, ,' :t la the only papet pab'tahsil fn Otawlia county, and haaanenb-tisivejrlrrnlitilon anmng Merchanta, Kainiers, and all clun-cs of httl neri men In the Mtate The Pgn Is a live wide-awake Democratic picr, at.d Is dwilra ble ueitiam tut ad.ertisirig In Wca'ei n Nonb Carolina Liberal lerais a! Iowa on early ad vertlaemetita. Knbaeilptlon S! In advance. Addrasa MUKKII.I, TOMUNSON. - Editors an.l Prourletotti. Basse M '-" - 4Jwb Baltlmora oad OMs Slllwae1. ; . t .A:-.t.i ai mVii ?;J-k ... l.-iha-'jHW'i' -.lw) Sh'ppen may rely nrvoa tbe prompt and rernlar sulllng ot thets BttkaSSrt, tuMk ratcb given to all ablpmenta by tbi rtate.' NO DELAYS. .' . - l t ( i (.,:! "' "' Through Hills u' Lading given to and froli Oil Perati la j ' ," -'. NORTH end SOUTH CAKOIJNA, OE0EGU Mdil4Di2l . ' 'Also to BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, PBOVIDZlCm aU othrr Eastern Cities. V j ,.,,..,,,,-.-. u ,..a"-t)i- -" r Kates gnarantocd as low Si by any other Roots and tlaae mi mtaaj. TfiB lif l1siJLli promptly paid. , :,,VvK . i , . ' Mark all Goods via IJaltiinore and WJlnilchca Lisa. Por inrther Information apply to StUiei of ths andsrstiisd JgwatsSf h ' I '("I" ' Witattwsm. U.C T EDWIN FITZCERALD. Agent; baitnuore) Llui , Ui houih etreeirUaltimare march , . , A. D. CAlAUX.AAvart, pMi.iaaoi. ana ntm lerk AAva (( 111 t V " H I. T '"-.'t- 'H 'I K ' Im-IS nsroTioj;; Carolina Central Hailway.- GENERAL . FREIGHT DEPAJJTliEIT, 1 j WniaNeTOtr; itatok 81st, 1878. ) THE ATTENTION OV THE PUBLIC IS RE8PB0TrOIAT IKTItllll ITOeTMB taet that tLe Carolina Central Railway, b(nf completed and follv eanlaBeat t aVd.o ra-wlili iu roiitidctions at Wilmington, both via direct HUaaaer l.mra emd via WaMeaoa oiler -' ' - l uuiionwn, m nuiuiwrn, uvin , i u it r.h tnmmmmw IjHim wna VIS WaMeB OA Ptirtemoath, to B dtimore. Phlladelbhia. New York. Boa tan and - - - Ity for handling shipments from , , f h . ... t .'.-! t ) " ' WILMINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITlE TO CHAR LOTTE, 6TATESVILLE, CREENVILLC, fAHTAM. I ; ,'....- i'.,. aaaaajai i ;" -''? a l"' '"ffl " BUftC l! jii i-.vvi. '. H rs h and alt statttms on Atlantic, Tennessee A Ohio Atlantic and Rleksaead Air Lias aaSlstBh in UKUllULA aod ALABAMA' - r Carolina Railroad an well ae all points I iBHurnnee from Katu ra cities gnaianteen as low aa via aavetha lia.. Bs aem and UiLlMH mlmwalvii m.M law aai aaiai Uvh. to all polutaiBrniebad npeu application tf b aaderatfiiei.'4 OntoU'taiosk sf HW r Bmlding. tji -.45, ,y..s , n ,4J;-'lW,'"i?,:i" " - - aprll J-80-lj f . W. aULrLltlX. If Wilmington IB At-rVR TO HRR INTEKEST1 In Paet Carolina, her buaiuese men wUladvertlMta THE WASHINGTON ECHO. a large and well eatabliahed weekly aa-vspa per, circulating eitenaively la H looantle.a Hyde, Hetutort. Pamlico, Pitt, Edgeoomb anil tUvn aitjolning. Rate Low Walt P. Williamsom, . H. uAa Late of Tarboro. uf WaablngkM.. Ediwrsand Proprietor. t . t tl Star copy. ! Pi? 'TdBr City, T&m i.Oftto t TrUrturSt snd tlotlectof,"' i i City of Wilmington, N. I'.. I 1 ... . Ang n,18TS. -I am directed to notify all parties owing city tains .that tie rqneaMt or the eity fur i traresti.1i that a rlct compliance wtib i ordlnanoes will be made, and such person. t :i ! k l'.i tn i r if i. .mil t.i ' MI I . t bjl . IlillV.s- : I t'll whe do not pay their eHy tavee on or before Ui Ural nr "epteajber -proaimo, meir propeny wi be advertised and sold ae tbe law direct j r ?- t T 0 8erv6s8, ' a TrcosBrer and OollscW i ( f 1 1 i I 1 '-'! i JOHN. T. P. THE PjEE OEE KErjvLD. Published srvwrw WedrMBdar it WADESBOftpl ,.i-' . 'V--V ill ,r..10Ttl-AV' Baa a urge and tanldl Mon In the Pee Use country la Nr aeat AdvottkMrtwrH f t Bal t a41aI ! either at the alrter , Series la naMhlag M4) lar mere, plantar aad aaerckaal. The extensive leoifdvtr thing pt- ronoge exhibited In lit celvmnt U the beet evidence bfiti large and Wums. tlateitimldtiiiti f1';! TT .: NnMaiaaiMtawlMW 4ki'Lm .a UBngrant new, ajaavaag to ths andarilned. t i.ri'.'tj.nitf ,i) 04." sbbsIIImf w4 wlilgff SBELBT Bip.MRlavishthvM,'a .mi. llabed erery Thursday WKaiaO. l.k. Web, 1ltor.i.,lfM.rt i, m... v...K..YvaMMV ' naari aw Majaa mmm sU months. ' " ? .MatS oitl no nu2 ui- tl i''iVI "t .1?Q .wi a-.Hl r.i.m! -4;SAoia.ul 'iu! i5" l; Bt s ?f f'O j. j j.j ! 't iv l vt' 1 M M tf f. a-.:-:A li if. V, A t I 'VI