(In (Tf$ I hi ,M il i VOL XXIV. HO. 247. WILMINGTON. If. C SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1875. XIROIZ NO. 7.012 BY TELEGRAPH Washington notes. Treasury Departmrnt-Cnstpm Ctlpts-Inttrnal BfVe one Re. relpts-Seaator Pease. Re NEWS IN GENERAL Bishop Llttlejuha -Bank Statement- Bank Bun-CarlUU -Turkey. CRIME AND CASUALTY Fire AsawpatUuiInceiidarl8m- inaian rarears-BeTere Siorm -Floods T G oil ri 17 BT TVLiSHHAPH TO TU8 JOURNAL. I WASMJGTOX. Treasurj hepurtnjent-Eenator Pease. m w 4 ni i.v tcniviiTnw iw a it a ntim. held bv tl Treasurer a, aewirlty for bunk olrctilatiou, 18?58,R57,212, nij lor ippoMi ci puono mnny BloVB6 200; national bmijt tiotn rfcirl (of redi mption ilnvx c tin p $3 881 965; national rarik Dotm Wifriulirtr $316,- 813,708 ( f wch EXMO.000 are in us tioual gold bank rtotf". The rnMom receipt n m- &w,wa.iafi, ir tbe month S'70J7.3BO;: for the flno.il year ou,a;m.vu tu: internal rpve-nre rH'intn tiwrlav Jt CIS 43S: fur trm month $520,258,647; fur the fioal year $3,373,179illft "lb leiral trnrWahip ents during the week wer$3,7o0,on0. Ex Senator TVase had a long inter view to-day villi the President on the subject of bo Mississippi troubles in olnding Mis mmJoI toe difficulties; the preseatoonditioB of affair Md the remsdipa. The President talkprt free- ly and laid he m wmb jTratiflnl thai the two political parties had effected an amiable adjustment by which a fair election would be held and peace main taiued in the atrte. . Efforts have heretofore been made by Senator Braoe and bii friends for . the removal of four federal officer in Mixainsippi, but Mr. Pease has assur ances that no removals won d be made in that State for mere ptrtisau reasons. Attorney Gen. Pierrepoint assured him that none onmiuglnnder his depart ment would be disturbed. The Fostmastei General baa direoted in oompliaDOe with a request of post master Filley, of St. Louis, that ar rangements be made for a scheme for a fust mail servioa between New York, St. Louis and .the Southwest be made prior of al such matter as naturally belongs to io PQoaylvin)a Railroad, and orders it to be sent by that line in stead of by tbe New York Central and Lake Shore route, This new arrange ment Will sate to the department an expense of sn unnecessarily long haul and insure. quicker delivery of mails between the east, south-west and points on or near the Hue between Rt. Louis and Pittsburg to whioh closed pooobea are sent. It will also la a measure al leviate the inoonvanienoes and delays now caused by the lack of postal rail way car service between Pittsburg and St. Louis. Tbe Post Master General eays he views this matter in a business light and desires justice done to all MASS! till SETTS. , Bun on the Banks.', Boston, Oct lfiVTha run on tho Home Saving's, bank pc ntinned to-day, but tbe depositors exhibit more confi dence. Commissioner Gutohel has ex aminrd the bahl'Srid certifies that it is perfectly safe and able to pay all do .. positoratij tiS.iJUi , I i; . i ' CALIP0B3IU. ' The I'matllla Indians. San Fhanowoo, Oct. 16. A dispatch from Portland, Oregon says, the Uma tilla Indians have driven off the wprki men on tbe Nevada Northern telegrabh connection and threaten to kill them if they continue the work " , -. COSXECTICIT. i ?,.(;; ,i,n.,t Palmer Boy. NouwiCff, 1 Od '16 Palmer Boy, who ws worth, $3,000, and who had a rooord of and wa nine years old, fell dead in a race to-day. rrr rr?5 o. DestructlTe lire. Oikoin-sati, Oot. 16 TneEgle dis tillery t Pitt '! Indiana, formerly owned inngbim, oounty, ; burned last uigbl. ) . .. tif 111 f i m - " YI,B(JtfIiAar Arrived Fobt Mwwwpqott lft,-?-TheUnited States frigWey Hartford; whlclr sailed from Lisbon September 9tb, arrived in the roads last night. All are well on board. ia ,r tvr, . - i,-.;. Bishop LlttleJohri-iiMassinallon. -Nw York, Oot. 16. Bishop Little jobn sailed for Europe to-day, his mis sion is to inspect the American Episco pal cburohetf in Earopn, under ap point men of tbe preoeeding bishop of thoEpiBCopalohurobesof .the United StateMinVHuiv,-. h:-A .; 'i An evtMiiDg paper, of this city pub lishes tip following thrpogh a gentle msn who arrived to-day from $L Pier. ... tl, V-AamAk Lnaaw tti 'RriLkatli VnrLh rff U -ST SWWB'7I PWVP - Amerioarlatelligenoe aa b -en re ceived here of a moat trerible aeries of sjMSsioaonfltIa tingle night and for tha pnrposa. ot robbery, a, whole family ,0011 of an aged loan, a millionaire, named Francis De LecIe his son-in-law, Mue Cartier and hi wife and two .t.s and a dsiiRlit- r, and one Foqn't, the keeper of their villa, were foully murdered on the morning of the fifth or late in the night of the fourth inst , at Mr DeL. EC4es man sion, situated abont half a mile outside of tbe town of Kt Pierre. Mr. Dd L -ole never had had the cu totn 'of deposit, ng his money in b.uks and it is therefore certain that the burglais and assussios bare secured an euorm oua booty. BANK 8TATIMKST. Loans Increase $2,5(10.000 Specie Decrease '. 250,0(K Li-gnl Tenders (Decrease) . . ' KV).0(K) Deposit Decrease 1.500,000 Keserve Decrease 3,850,000 R1100E ISL1D. Incendarlsm. Pkoyidbnce, Oot 16. An attempt was mttde last uigtit to bnru the man sion of G. O. B Allow, in Wouaocketl. Tbe la e iuctwdiary tire destroyed tbe Wonsockett hiuh eoliool i h val uable chemical phiUtphiCHl aj aratus. ENGIA.XD Sntrt Storm-Flood The Turks. Halifax, Oct. 16 Ther wai severe storm at Siaga tit u ItUtd ou Uie ,10th. ibe sebo4ur Martha T, Pike aas lost and the Brig Pierre Nol- ohoue was wreck do 1 the north In sou anil tweuty-eigl t of tbe crew lost. The bodies of the Captain and tbe c toi have leeu reoovert-d. London. Oot. 10, A Paris pecil to tin! Evhn t-ny, that the popular ty of lut ita i.s c umiik mucti uiiiasiue. ith tiie Miu'MalmuixU Tlie liinm Paiis ibrie poudeut fas, il the mm 1 cry u Ut f.aWd ou ti e questiou of ysiem otiug, Also Ualiou will lorui an eitra pxrliainei.tary ministry under il. li.uxlou. which will d lav the di ution as long as possible. There are tweutv thousand home'ess people by thi fl xids in tbe neighbor hood of Ahmedabad. Ihe Standard publishes a special tub gram auuouuoiug that tbe Turks now bold the district of Zuboia. tb. ast refuge Of the iLSurgents. ' ibe ikadioe, wlncli was lannobed to dy, is a 16 gun iortr corvette, oou struct d of iron cased with wood. SPAIN. Don Carlos. Madrid, Oot. 16. A , correspondent in tbia city publishes letter from Vic toria dated October 14th, stating that Don Carlos bad imprisoned Gon. Dar- reguray and some other chiefs. MA It HI ED. (la tb. 14th In M. Paul' CTnft al I n thrn ( hurch, by tb. Kv. U. It lien h m- sir. w. r. i.mnua a in num. peiton butb of ibt 1 It jr. In AnlifTllle N.O., o tbs rTsnlnc of tbe UUb lut , by tli' Iter. Dr. Bbx'oii, a,it,t br Be Mr- nr. uun; Mr. Ju. n. mjuc i km Kate U- B uton Nn rar.N. DIF.U. In MlnhcapolL, Minn., Ootober 10th, Lowel- td, nuant Muvr iwenvn ana bum u. wh- iin tb 18th li it., at Castl. lH?ne. of btm- ( oriH.ic malarial 1. rer, u-.n w. ovdm aged ii lent, 1 momha ki d d.r. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS o ztsr Xj "Y" so. 00. H A. N D S O E OUSIIVKSH SUITS, ORAQ AND CLOTH DRESS SUITS. OVEHCOATS. WAMSUTTA SHIRTS, . t i 'illt" la the Back. luisisoisr s& oo CITY CLOTHIERS. . ' bt n OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday Evening 'October 20- VBAt, Hi DCPRE2, Esq., MAKAoaa. POSITIVELY , ONE NIGHT ONLY Twtoly fourtn Annual Tour of ' OUPREZ A BENEDICTS CI antic Famous Minstrels. BUhliBIQCK OPERA TROOPB and BBASS BAM Fntarrsd, reodelii and Inprored. Com cd of propie. MOincrwin.,ronipiTO, pow.ilu. Troue irarelllng. Bsrofniiej a. lb. anperloii of Mlnetre'sr. Introduetnj CkniMrt or Merit aad Brf. liancy . HiMtM aaaUtt 00. Sccnrtd at Hflloib-r-get'. Book Store- oct 17-St Bacon, Bagging Ties, Salt, Flour, &c. 1(10 Rovm D. S. and Smoked Mrs. 400 Roll, and Hair holU Baglnf. . 1H T.MT!ea, : 1 900 Bark. Salt. : ' . - 1,000 Barren Flour-all trade.. M0 Barrel. Keflued Sugar, 1 100 Haeka Prima Bio Oofl'w, VmKgNaU ' tOO Ba.'i 9 sot 80 Hhdkand BblaCubaMolaiaef. . 100 Barrel. 8. H. Nyrup. 10 Hog-h'td. P. K. Molaese. 60 B urela Mean Pork, eo Bundle. Hoop Iron, ' 100 Secoiitl-Hand Spirit Cankn, , tt Barrel flao, M Bom Eitra Paetory UhaeM M Boie Tobacco, SO fiSnuir, , . IS Hilt B.irelaSailT. ; i CO Boif. Hop, ' t ' " i 0 riaroeiKlce. -r , U Barret Cracker.. a , jt U0 Ton. Ooaiiap. Cuua. For ula low br , , , WILLIAAH nVRCUlBOlV. oetil . SIW 1BTIBT1SI1HSTS Cheese, Cheese. Cheese. KO B01M Ortaa. t h. w. Foraal. hf KKKCHHta A CilTirR BKtM. Molasses. Molasses. M Higidi Cta Mot SO Krh4., H.M ilwa. IM BUralt M. II. Holrr.. ' ..IS KKKCHNrR I ALDER BKUS., Bagging and Ties. J S Rolls B.f (t f to ion. f aid Plnoed 1 lea. Far Ml. hj Kicrohsira i dkr enoa. Spirit O ks. Hoop Iroi.Glue. Ac 5W "l'lril .41 S Tom. H troa. too ttanrUU.UJ. Bunt', N.l and Ki.t. Far M ( by IHOKNtR A o.AMIL J..I1S. oct it In Store and to Arrive C00 BARRELS SYRUP.'' 2,000 SACKS 8LT, 500 SACKS FINE SALT. 1,000 BARRELS FLOUR. 50 HALF BARRELS CASE3 SNUFF. AND W( Ht.KA NS, DRMAKAHA, and OVBA Per onal allantion K'ren tu all or.l.ra. BINFORD, CROW k CO. OCX IT CORDON 4 TURNER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS FIRF. LIFE. MARINE. ReprCMat th 1,1-frpoi, ind L iidou aid (iiorit, and other FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES, With nomtdnrd axitanr FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS. Offloe oiiixwlte Pilot H )um omlcr H.rrl.. x, How.ll, nana Water Mint, m 1 1 sm FAIIILY BIBLES. A large Mnertme' t or fliie. mnrornn U.und JTaaill ttibk, Just rtcel ut at IKt." SBKUOKK'. piaos, Organs and Chromos. Bold for east trhf the.aajr Monthly Install msat plaa at HEINSBERGER'S 1 1VI BQOK AMU MOSIC STORK, oet II JUST RECEIVED AT YATES NEW BOOK STORE, A complete assortment of BIBLES. PRAYER BOOKS. HYMNALS, AC. Which are g 'Men tip In the very be.t at) I. prlre. lower than erer before. Call aid examine YATRS' ivrw BdOK STdKK, oet IT Me. R Market Street FOR CASH ONLY. COAL and WOOD of fo1 quaPtie. at corner of Front ai.d Mul br? Htioetn, by ootnif J. A, MpRINom. HOWES' SCALES I! "YT lr ' agent, for tbtee "welt known Male.. Parties will do a ell toeiaw'na ma ple before buying other umkee, GILE8 VUBUHIiON. oot IS " Hardware Ttoiiee JAS. T.PETTEVYAY. MERCHANDISE and PRODUCE BROKtR, nil line of .ample of all meretiindiw and produoerkblbltrd dally. Aid t ligiam" qim' Inglowe t rrlce Irjru Imrerirr. 1 nil in , nil raouirma, ORlKkHS(.l,li, I KL). Wtie ai r uolnt when requ'.ied. OFFBBJ1TG- B H. 8y rnp and Molaeoe., Co tin. aud "unr, pirit Caek. and Oloe, Caonol Good a I de ilptlenn oet I' lr HUBS. SPOKES AND RIM. WaGON wbeele, huagt wheela, tulky wheel', wagon ailee, tin. Iron, b'm; lHKHa, !, hal' irii'a, triaimlnge, ba"da, bolt, a kjr tbatl, rant wliecle, Ac. t be lirpi'ef e'of kni the above gooda and the loe,t i rlooe) In Ihe rl'y cn Iw f 'nnd at tb old emab',uhk. H -id-war Uouator JOBM DAWHOK, Oct 1 No. 19, SO. and ill Markdt atreet. bemovalT" TH nnderf.ne,l hs renioredti hi tori, No. U, b-aih Froi t Ntier., three uoar. Sonth of hi obi a'and, where he ha l'iorrw,l faollltle. for dhowlr-a hi large ami Tkrl d lock ol Hardware, (Jutle'y. Uun. Acrl'ul tnral Implement. Ac,, anil r ! tti mljr -Ik'laa one 'I no ice ol the llierl iwtronage heretofore beetowed. octlOtf GEO. AiPKIK- Dover School, Va. Tdal rntlith SrMiii, f tin mmr,h, wit 1 bigln the Bret M.ml.y of HeptenHier 1875. A quiet borne and a practical education glreatoboy. Addrea H. B. MoOOBMH K, Principal, Aid, London eoantr, Va. "'"' HErEMBJE."" ft '' General Hanter, Warreofcia Virginia ' Bar J A BldalUe, l 0, tf u wllt., 9 J Prof Joh Hart, Elchmond, Va. " t Bayaolda, Baa Mar eoa, Texas. EW Ali KRI1SF.MKXTS. Ilcrso Blankets! Horse Blankets ! t Hit; a-l.-t- ri.l lliifiJ Ktire of Carpenter A Mallard's. . 1 1 Fcsitivdy So P itponcmcnt KOI t HI. LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. C1FT CXCEtT AS;9r :" Uti'lr 'ii, ljv ui ii. SECOND GRAND .GIFi' C0NCF,R,',1 Nov 3Dth, 187f DHUVIMJ !(! T1VJ Or Money refunded", First 0;uital Oilt "f Odi 1 SecciKl Citijii,.! (J. It a5 OtH !enl tii't iu p o,u I ,u mui,llig null (i S20O.Oi 0.00. Lov;est Clfttf Whole Tlclt, )30 " " " Coupon " ' I? rn.i" ut a Wlioie TL-krt, w ,Ihk tun.lft f Bit' l oi onii. COUPON TICKcT5.il Wlii-'i will nuliila I he i. t i adnn.4'o i. heiiiiili; m-. t. ' t 1 oi MMi.it h" t (ii t m . in' nwii'l a lo u nl. j e ll kt n,ni,r. ; Itinpi n -It'll- ' ii'ii v if .I. Al or le-" '" lii!i mi. 1 .li!f I'miKi' l il V. Irciil r, I'-.; 'r i'ii ,, er.- u f 'I! mil ru 1 a. m t re In nr ti n-, in m e mut i. 1' i' iiirriH. f. -ii in, ,' v .1 lulu!'. tlld'TM 1,11 . t I'l I'l'l1 i t.i-5 i lii ,r ait .. 11., f 1 tl 1 il. A lilrt'i a I fiiniiiiiiii:.' ,i tin. Niktl ut'iK.' f eru.taiii a f tun' viv v.w!- to A. R. COLLINS, Sa"y. Denlion, RObTR AT O the 'iliij i I .I'Kii (vv- I,).,, .i. No,t '111, HS, ii it till, a ell'i'l ll,!, no-v n- in lie. HOME ENDORSEMENT! We, the u it'lt. rl :n il ,1 umihi I'mlii' .. ehfrrlil'lv ! t tr !. tni BV i II, liu or.ilil 1A1I in, hi lil In li 1 1, iin ',,., an,1(l;lt iiim.Tt t t'i' I 11 H it ' n O 111 "II '" "1.HI ' I, I II- M III Ti". bii'!i' mil' ei in i' i'ii 1 1I1.1 piiil, nl pioml ee.if -B Vaunl it -m were eurm i! an 1, i"r liw il in lixtr l, ii,i. lie ...Mill Ur .11; (lilt i o K-me. m lie uivi-i if rn'i 1 3 "h, KS. W II Wln. "lir, l lti of lint lin ,! i Imoj 11 .lul W ' K k. w W i't. P. 11 . living .1 W olta'ri, W T.ili. w H I ) Tav "T I .1 Im tt: .1 hn Nh1 W'i i. I' l'r Oil mI; .1 M ' lit. VVholn e Urn,' 1 n t' In H.w. Vi'h'ilrea'e I. q ,ur-; im Ui 'nul .,' I'ii Ho vi ijrn,i il. 1. Wt.ol l tr (1ki II n J W .lennl'i.k I ! r: r .1 . Ke.'rt. FORTUNE IN IT. Ktr, r,n,n . I'llie it. 1 ' Are it. A 1,1, BUI. (1 4 WALK K. Krie, P. AGENTS WAmn for fr. M cli', urei' Work, NIGHT SCf NE8 IN THE BIBLE ida mxg iirlc ' I NkW -i K .in li an, Preae w A .I t e. I O. IO H'UilV A U Pbll,llphla, I'a. $1 200 paaFiroN sioo inre-ieU in Minck Pilvlioj,.. ! w ... ,,.,( Book, aud 0.rMtlr. Irtilliiir. II w 'iinii.m. " rntrr -e. A tdre,. HASrau J6 On.. Hunker.. IT fa'lHtrart. Ne Yurk. iw IJiV H.IM MJY or vUI. OIUt-M-JL lOt" How el'h r .-) mi tait'lmtie ami nalii tne lore md ll"i'i iomh or auv pira m tha e.lnxwe Inntanil,. i hlsnlmple, inenial ac quirement all can ptnene. free, hv mill, for 2Vj., toge'tter with a ru.i-lairi ifiililo. e trn'fan Oracle, llr.anie, Hint to l,nllre, Wd linij Niirht eihlrt c A ijav r tin.ilr AdireenT. w 1 1.1,1 j M ft HI)., ''ulilKlierk, phl'.adDlphla. Pleasant and rrolilaMc Kmuloynipiit. llii 11 ui 1" "I l aim ina !" "0. hn lotilvl" "Whatar'itbny Aiirtb Ac. such ai thii cai'.lxio iiljtiH of tli 0 ;i,i ,i-i llu large, eiegaii' nn c'irom p olii 'cd by lln r.uritiean an 1 i ini' ir ui (J mi nii Pubmhlii r Oo. Krrrytine will h ii. Iin in It requln 1 n l I ti Sid' th p' ;tn thf Tn ' or th!!! I'lV-'B. t1 UI VMltt'.'M. nit tlt-1. a., t i'i I fl nd bh.iII. niO'i out ol nui'lov.auut. will Im I tlilmlui t et pnlii i-r offureil to make tnou' v. Kor mil pirdeulva n I et tnn l"r confllfniU' .'Ire il .r A lilrr. P. UIAituN A il"., IBS Wabingt ,n Stiect-, M0H1111, 51 ui. Jomiissiancr's Sals cf Lan a. V virtue, end in m s i nci nt n order 01 H pir ur Oiirt or imi w jinn.ver IV m. I 1,1 .1,1. in. a 1. .l,i.n.,U XI I I, . imi-Uk, ao 1 Itu hull IV. U ., a-i and wl'o Ht( 111 n, ri iivtf, (wi'li It l put lll'iii tor mile ai'd pait on ol '14 0,1 I w;li. 1111 Hnturilny, the B0h iU? ' it'ier, in.t., ntllo'l,ok a it., t Kucl nnji C'irnnr, li tli cliy il' WllmlnK '011. iso 'o '' hj 'lie hlir'.rtr.t lill.'er nt pnlill.i .I'lmlon, ttio full,mii lota of land ltu ato 111 r-ild cry: 'in" lot, on tin no -Hi rt Ir.t'rn 'e Inn of FoiirtiMd II .tu 't m,"t, iru tn tl dlortiin Harnett trr cnl M IVe" 'b K.nir li etre t. ami in , ru li.tk on it. intern line 8! feet, S imh mei tli ' l it.ltiim'ill ! w. -it of a d 1Jolti-liigtliu..ti:v,-. Mill u.Mf.cti.n H trn-M rtrect and riiMil' tiHrk im i; ctut''n . t T1-- 97 ftti t, 8 Iiji Ii , n il ,ntU.M.l rn I u l.'ij lei f.Hiiu h m Oi.e In r Wit immcilHlciy ).' of lie Iw-t mti.t 01 rd '.," and e I' ri'cd fn-ni It ty a 9 fee' mini Iinvii g a'i H ir eit t eat 1!) I'eot, i d 'lie t it bH -.k mi , e ciw'i ru I r.e I4I1 lent and nn i ew' "e ti lino ire'. one 1 ti t 10" a $ , til' ilii mt eiltl! tied, on flHrnctt (r et, 4 iwt, mi l 1.1 inr.n bunk on u h ta I'tte "nil feet, ai.d t-x li.wvtt rn line 1-0 fn.'t. One e'hor lot, rati:, ill .1 -I y -u'J lining lilt Ivl nan.ed I01 on t m weit,.lrot.t 40 d vl '11 Ma, n tt tvt. and nitiniug t -k .11 i" ! r: Iiiv 191 loit in1 tin lie w U rn linf ll leet. On i 'flrner bit ate two m"ll ft r, . on t'i next two ' ronii.,rtali'ei dn"nln'. J'lie tout! ' l nit. Mi tl.rc j d"i ritid ar ace lb! fewt h an l'ey t cotnitjivn ' alt of tli nt A plo it :i,o-a 'ota'cau .'cu al my offl e. 'f'oiou onv-'blrd rai. la'a.ice lit tn inrlallroivtitM nl ! and . 1 rolTu ninnth w'thSper ciut Int'.r. t. Tilli reervdd till tiUjin ml of putoua e money I' i .-mpl ?o. UittiKCTZ tHITLUB. 'JoniBH-sJorer, octWh, 101U. irh.Wth A W.hj, ',, , C1IKAP STOVE IIOU55E. J. 0. BUHLOP & CD; ; 91 W, Pratt Street. Bnltimorii- PARLOR HEATERS. C03KIN3 STIVES. : ILLUMINATORS. FURNACES. RHTES AND GRATES t(J" Mtovee rcpkireii, aip 1 dAm COAL AND WOOD ! ' Wo nil at iowct prices STE1CTLT.. FOR ..CASH. Prufl' lTtyrmall and we cannot afford to give credit. J.Q. PAR11.BTro, New location S. water St; loot of Uraniio. ' oot 15 U MISCELTiAXKOUS. lTfMlfAPPLES MESSINA LEMONS. UK'. MYkHS At U'-cdted ui dtr fie.li "v'd-ot li.tuf ur irotu v.ur lary the Usr ItCrTRKIN YI1B WOHL.O W bar. Otily lor le ,iy ad yet, OK.O. MTKKS ur Urand.of tVnbla Extra Pamilr PUar NEW PROCESS EMPIRE .FLOUR. NONOtitt.W RM PlltK AS1 PI.ASTJ' CXTKA. I, 'W lor eaeb at UKi1. MYKHS. PINEAPPLE CHEESE. EDAM CHEESE. AND CREAM CHEEa'E. At Ufcl', MYKKK. rrrt,iH-,'tfirT.r aeok, Oreaa Milk, aad l'H'l'e Mitel. rhl'.T ItAI K'lll, l.unMBlUHl)A pttKi ut'i rrit. und PA MM. Y I II. OT BHHAI), Tg-iiir with all IniiHinel I'racktr. tt UKO. MTBKS. FRESH IRISHOAT MEAL. 1 Inr " I '. ot fi, In I a d 10 pnnid p.ckaga. and N w r.jui time Ma. k rl,at , f GEORGE MYERS.1 maouru rnoNTHT, The har lotto Observer I ti 1 mi y 111 1 11.11 Jil ii.i r im iil k d in tli.' 111 w 1 if It I'.n h tti'ln , ,ll' t. . .".-' tl 1H.1 It-t'ir it i'i 1 live li i-it I itlW I I'. 1 in 1 li h wll. id 1 ',.'01 il to !ver d- ", n- lilnie 1 e I iii'l ig m er il li na'. in I II ! ' " t t -lii a i 'il thv M r . ii.-if v,.(i ,tn -,ittli 4, 1I111 'int. t'li'r- v 1 itirnii iti'l'in ' n a iinca ti 1 in t v n Hi-1 . li uit 'nt Wlliul'ttin and e p.iidr ff ira N-wt 'aioluia. , rn,nitir gndHirrioai IKII....-, . ... Wcellr ........ tr i" hi ..tn 00 par annum ,. I in K vt-r, tow. Till riM'K TO FIND NOTIONS Exchange Corner A Udof ,-, MISSES' JACKETS ; -, and WATERPKOOr ( L0AKS, .in Ninn.M Jiikr hki'mtkp I'i tx inline niy itm-k of EMBROIDERIES. W.FYPE, KX01I VllI2 OOKNRB s For Rent. rpilK entire pr p 'rty now OTUpl d hf O 0. X K.n i'li l o , "cmhra "Inir wfiirf, im a i i,ni 'ii e Hi d roil va d, lo..tul ou Month Vi'Mtif street. Pur nti or two year, lertu. iiimle en. Apply to J. A. WALKIR, ( ep K.eentor, JUST PUOLISHED. Dili e dition. Pfi ACTIO AL OBSERVATIONS," oa NCRVOUS DEBILITY A"0' -I..-:, i YAIVA L EXUA U&TKhV, To blt (i I' added An liaany tfn Matrrage' With Imi ortant cbapteta on tH()H".lll yir IIIB IvKVKOUUUTIVi'. OHOAN1, i Bemf a eviinr.l ot l.ecturo delivered at their , MUSEUM OF AK ATOMY, . MrmifeH flailing the city, i-lmold lidt lall to ee tli!' ji (i.l t'OllHiti hi, bring Ifif largeet In llio wor if i ' - .' eiO? t liratriit M , Ofijtniallw t'antlnrn- (al Hotel, IMilladdphitu Coplc cf Itrture vent on receipt ol It oent .Id -t atijf 5 d , I'm .fOHIM ft Jt LM VIPtON, WS Ml II HIT S r., Pbl adelpbla. OVHlt HUNDRED .Oilttren, Mle of bi- fler - ' ' ' . runt g from 110 00 tn U '0. A full Ilea ol , - OVEHCOATS, c.'niprlHng all ty!e of COLORS "AND WlGnTt A- PAV1U, Mercli.nt Tailor. oot t i r Or ' ai T (' fii'7 a idV Octara Plaio. Aleo on ... tiger Wecliiiie 'Jheabeo ert neany new nl will be nld very low Ih iter Liin no ii'u lor them They Can be at lb cori'i f of r'ourlU and Walnut Klreetii. ocleodlf ,- , ,- , K. VAN L4KH, MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA. I t I C I I M O IV 13. StSMON 1870-76. Winter i!" re ' L'-f. bg n Dctobof lT, .nil c i-tti tlf ni'intb'. Kul' sou ui Med li I .-e iu !ii"ii hvttie Kat'U tf. and dill 'y-t-nt id ex i'ii'ii'! hf 'hi Adlunct rriity. Pro r-1, r l Charm ' i'oure fS', II "iiencmrj ti'-ett. aw. or mil i-rticulai ot at .Itij.i,' , ply t J. B. MiJ'tAW, M tr., w No a in tirade ,st. hlchmiiiid, V. Oea wt t'acnfy i' ' '; " '' North Carolina bome Insurance Co. T Hlh 0nipanyootitlnveta write ioiltei tetr fAtl'B. uti ail ciaeeemn ineartoi pro erty All l.X'C ' proropnv pam. rfotnrs Home inetlruttonr. s"- . a. H, Haiti, Creirlden;tMat.-. alaiOi i ( iary. a' Jan. ATKIMSUH e at AanJUU. - . Afn(, ONS mm MM HZW AL7X2TI8IMZKT3. 45. FIRE! From tha lata fire lu JOIlUiVlN MAHNH Ac CO., B O S T O 1ST A Larse eafl YarleilLot ofGaneral Dry GooOs. lUnicmbar Uisv will ba solJ at aiuh ii .111 i.n. o.,i. t . u... jl ' -S We wontj also call (Le sttoution of oar patroni to oar ttuck of ' 1 - 1 s - : w -. 'i '.-.( 1 : . . , FUL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, XlliV l) HAND AM ;.. 5 Replete with all the aUOWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. 1 '..I. -j.ua AT RETAIL AT RETAIL 1 B. WEILL 1 K WEI LL ! B. WEILL 60003 AT, PBICE8 TO SUIT THE TIMES, A LL wp aak Is an f xatiilniillou of our stock. ' ftl si.tlaflcil that that Hie public will l" convluct'd of what we say, We KVe tiulow a tew prloiw; 1 ,'WI0 vards 11 lark AlpneaS at 60oenU worth 62 oeii(9 , 1 ,000 yards Jlliit k Alpatvis at M cvaU worth 70 i-put. l.lfH) yards liluvk Alpaeits at 07J wnU worth HOwuU. ; WH imlra LikIIoh Hoso at 25 wtiU worth 30 cttnts. 8iK pairs Lartifs' Hose at 48 venta worth 00 tittnt. 500 pairs lliililrwia' Utripcd Homo at 31 oonta worth 37 fouU. fioo piilrs Chll Iron' Htriped ll(matS7 cunts worth 45 ocuts. S00 pairs Chlldreus' fctrliwii Hom at 62 otiots worth ttd ceuts. We have on hand many other goods , i TOO NUMEROUS All of which AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION, - , ,,w ,,i ". ..;,, very hesi-ectfully. B, WEILL, 32 oet 2 FALL AND WINTER GOODS : NOW OPENING! . . ," , I "'n "' -' J. ' I : 1 ' . 11 ' i Ui t, ;. it i - i , 36 MARKET , STREET, FALL AND WINjrER GOODS -V . cheaper: THAN EVER! ; ' i'd Vn'C .',lr l-iiV't!i!i'"'S." ' r'-H ! . " ." :. ' ' '' "' m i 'i ,i ui .' No. 80 ' MARKET . STREET. vp 10 FURNITURE I ITTR riff Eft VOB THK FA'tTBADr- ODBtTlfAl. VARUB ANI JKCI.B13BH8T00H New Patterns yl '1 Q yi- i-if v"','!'t Sr M irt .' sitiM i s i, 1...' i,i i I ; ' " ;t n: . i larlor ClAmlr tvul Dlnintf Itooiu Furniture' I ,. a.."it'it...'Af fXrm',HW! ftlCtB.. ,. sk.! . v: ,- CAKPJvTS ANDJOIL CLOTU AND MATTING Iathl.llnoiir'-tn.'kenVraaallnrh.MrW ad leading Pattern, of Brand, 'I'hre'-plf a)rr Cotton aad Meap rp t AU rnW'H i bth aad Matting. A 10 U j -v .andh.ga, of tteaaUiiilDeelgna, s ,, , , . , Bedding.- &0.1 &o Hain Moss. ShuoVt Excelsior and Straw MATrEBSBBB. rBtrilRtia TBATMEB BED.F Cil'HEK rlld.OWS AKU BuMl BB g y OOMFUuTAB.KS, Bo . At,', or TBRBatiiTMAVKHIAU ! f'M ' " AnSwdrwwf Maimiacaerai ,j in r-.h-:-. Hotel., Staamerw and frlrat. Keidnee f .irn'thed in tha Latent Style, and at lf Frls rawpTi a a eau anaetsniai awpUtf i ii i i ;i . , 46. WATER ! I RlvlOKE i i lha wholesala departmeat of . iuny(t lUlUtCUiatW ' - R0DD1C.C IMIli RfXlillBG, '!.-,!. " - Noyeltiea of the Season. TO MENTION, wo will sell s Noith Front Street. t HS ' '. 1 . " FURNITURE ! and Designs 1 i l i 'l ' '..vi,t i! I -.i Aa. ii.- nft f n,i ear sma nerera pa-eaaaiag. Street 1 iniM-etIjl' t ri tri 1