I (1 Ij rir f I I 1 ST ': i- 4 . f WL XXIV. HO. 248. WILIIIHGTON. IT. Co TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1875. ' Cf ftail? journal. BY TELEGRAPH. WASHINGTON NOTES. Appointments-Report by the Indian InTestlgntlog Commission-Delano to be Succeeded bj Chandler. NEWS IN GENERAL. Ohlo-l'nlon league -Shipwreck and Loss of Life-Turkey Encroaching on Austria China -KumI. RECORD OF CRIME. A Father Attempt! to Harder His . Whole Family and Then Commlti Suicide -The Jfoe Harder, Ac. - LYNCHLAWIN GEORGIA A Negro lavlsher Taken From the Jail and Hanged I'pca the Gal- lows Irected For His Brother. GOLDI67-8. lr miBQBAPK TO THI JOURNAL. SUNDAY'8; DISPATCHES, NEW YORK. The Picnic Fras. Nbw Yp, . Oat. ,l'i4-Th assault on the colored ptonio party in Brook lyn teem to have been entirely unpro voked. John McGuire and Matthew Dowdetyf often, are the only two di rectly oliarged with murder, I A twin ber of participant have teen arrested. m ' i" 4 i LOUISIANA." ' large Contract-Financial Outlook. ' Nkw Orleans, Oot 17. Linrn ad vices dated S"pt. 28th, report tbat a contract ban ben consummated in Paris for 2,000,00Q tons of guano. An easier feeling is prevalent in busi ness and financial circles. MISSOURI. DuelllBtTlDdlcifd. 8t. Louis, Oct1 17. All parties Im plicated in the journalistic duel in Winnebago county, have been in dicted by the Grand Jury. . PE5XSILUJ.U. Union league. Philadelphia, Oot. 17. The Union League, by a vote of 614 to 450 sus tained the report of the committee re fusing to endorse four Republican can didates for city offiosrs. WASHINGTON. Appointments. . WASHradTOW, Oct. 17; Th Prei dent has appointed Jan. H. Hastings, of Miahigan, agent for the Indians of the Red Cloud Agency, vice 8aville. Franois Lairgue has been recognized as Consular Agent of Franoe at Mem phis, and Gabriel Da Sibeurg Vice Consul of France at Richmond, Ta. . MONDAY'S DISPATCHES. ' NORTH CAROLINA. Resignation and Appointment. RxLBtoa, 0t. 18. Capt A. B. An drews, for eigui years Superintendent of the R. k Q. k R. A A. A. L. R. R , has resigned that position and accepted the Superiutendenoy of the N. 0. k N. W. N. C. Railroads, with his head quarters in Raleigh. ; 'if NEW JERSEY. Double Harder and Solclde. . HAOKBTrartowlJ, Oot. 18. J. R. Iker, shot his twp sons, aged six and ten, missed bis wife, and then shot himself seriously ia the. head. i - - r;' m nissoiBi. . Crooked Whisker-Through Train. , 8t Louis, Oot, 18. Suits have been commenced, "againut Garbard Bergs born, Alfred Bevis, E. B. Frazer, J. 8. Brenecker, B. H. Engelke and others for whiskey frauds. , , The Timet says the object of Gould, Dillon. Ames, and other raihoad mag nates visiting here was to establish a through train from New York to Ban Franoisoo, The Election Returns In Wood Co. CiNOiimiTi, Oot. 18. Tlie official vote in Hamilton county gives Hayes a l 1 nnr. ii. Utir offloers tdoeiY about the same major-' p. TT... VI iiy sb xi.jwi (, ,t . Toledo, Oot 18; llie Commercial has information that the Wood county Canvassing Board decided on Satur- in which ftttfe Drown And b an. (Rep.) wonld be elected BeuaJJfB, md Hayes J 'A. aVla.ja AiMtii mmtxt iA ki TOQ UlaJOrij Iv iw wvnuvj wvv w au f u instead, pf 469., ,'" ' "''''AIABAMA: iSiiijflrti 4.1.1 t.( Jleavj Sentence. UfbUJBA, VV. 4V t on trial for canning tii terrible inci dent oa the. Helms, Home k Dsltrm day canncieq soa sontnoen w wemj yearil ilUIinviJIUIW) iitu w m mu are on trial for the same oifenoe. WASHINGTON. Indian Investigating Committee. Ac. Washinoton, Oct. 18. Tue Indian Investigation Committee have made their reporC Toey recommend the abolition of the nffioe of Superinten dent of Indian affairs in the West, nl that their duties be pet formed by In spectors f Territorial government for the Indian Territory; establishment of eoorts ; abolition of tribal sovereignty; extension of the criminal laws of the United States over the Indisn reserva tions ; exsotion of individual responsi bility from Indians for bis sots. They invoke the powers of the Department of Justice for the pnumhrnent of the Indisn Ring, and deal roughlv with the contractors of the West The re port (overs many columns sndisnnani mons. There is no donbt that the President baa offered the Secretaryship of the Interior Department to ex-Henator Chandler. The Supreme Conrt Judges paid their respects to the President to-dsy. The l'ost-msster Gi.ersl lias given ooti s that the exact distances of rail way mail routes be taken, and that all mils where practicable be sent by the shortest routes. , GEORGIA. lynch law-State Fair. Atlanta, Oct. 18. Clark Edmund son, the ngro who was oharge 1 with raping a white woman in Fayette Co., ws taken out of jail by some 300 or 300 people early 8undsy morutng. and bung ou the gsllows erected for his brother the Fridsv previons. Maoon. Oct. 18 TIm State fair opened at Cfnt'al Citv Park to dw, with great promises of sncooss. Fair attendance, with much goods and a large number of exhibitors. General Haw'py with bis party arrived to day, and will speak on Wednesduy. The fair ooatinues one week. MASSACHUSETTS. Jefferson Borden Hutlneert. Rooton Oct IS A mnvAmaiit is nn foot for a Presidential nsrArfn fnr the Jefferson Borden mutineers under sen tence of death. The areditnrs of T.pa 4- Rlinnai-d sgree to take 20 oeuts on the dollar. NEW YORK. Dolan Indicted - Erie. NxwYobk, Oot. 18. Dolan hss been arraigoed for the murder of Noe, and plead not guilty. The Erie Railroad statement from July 1st, to Aug. 1st, shows reseipts to be $5,000,000 ; disbursements, $4,450, 000. FOBEia 2SY INGIANB Pandora-Shipwreck, Ic. Londow. Oct 18. The exploring ship Pandora has returned. At Peel Sound, witnin twenty miles oi King William's Is and, they enoonntered in- penetrable joe and discovered the graves of three of Sir John Franklin's orew on Beach Island. The French sohooner Sophie et Julie. has been wrecked at Cape Arch aeon on the coast of Franoe. Twenty-one per sons were drowned. v John Morris, attorney for the stock and bondholders of the Erie road, has made a report which depresses these securities. It indicates heavy sacri fices on toe part oi Holders. FRANCE. Banquet to Thiers. Paris, Oct. 18. At a baoqtit given in honor of Thiers at Aoscton, he said the Republic mnst be maintained, and that the Radiosls were not as black as painted. He believed that if they gained power tbey would pursue a different course from what their oppo nents supposed. He also desired the removal of all functionaries who did not respeot the Republic , TURKEY. Turkish Invasion. RAOAUSA.Oct.18. A band f Turkish troops bsve crossed the Austrian line and menace the town of Erie go. Troops have been sent thither. GERMANY. ' ' Despotism. Berlin. Oct. 18. Ttnsm'n hna mm. manded Polish proprietors in the several rroviuoes to sen tneir farms to Russian tenants, St prices fixed bv the utovernmeni. inis completes the lm poverlshment of the Polish nobility. : ' JAPAN, ' V'V'1' Steamer lost. Yokahaha, Oct. 18. The steamer Hund, carrying the European ms.ls from Hong Kong, strnok a rook near Turnabont Island, on Aha Uth . f.. All the passengers and crew except veu nan ves were saved. CHINA. , English Demands." Shanqhab, Oot. 18. Negotiations between Air. wade, British Min ster, and the Chinese Government are pro gressing satisfactorily. . The , Pekin Gazette publish s an ediot referring to the murder of Mr. Margary, and de claring the right of foreigners to travel in the interior, and requiring Chinese officials to take oogoittnoeof treaties. Mr, Wade has arrived at Sbanghae. Bismarck hss the rhenraatism.' Firs inches oJ anow at Susquehanna, Po. Severs gals and snow at Port Jervis, N Y. , ' ? - Ilk B. SUsmer Hartford has sailed from Fortress Monroe, REMOVAL. yyi have bbuutid oua h.ack or buiD. Is lb. iIn awl whvr rorm.rl so. euiitwlty G. G- BAHKER, & CO Hatnrainf Ih.Hk. for ptronge h.retTurS tlbprll rxtesdeS, ws ri-ctrully solicit . e ntinuaceor Ih. mibn IEMMERMAN Jt C3nEY. ori 19-'ne.-irlAi.un ATTENriOM MEMBEUii CAPE FEAR LIGHT ARTILIERY, her. will he m.fftn gnf ou' tutor !h'. Tnl.y .T.n1n .t I:ao o'clock, ttb ArmiiiT. A fall sail prooil st'end. no. I. miminsutlKl, i ln of th. atmoat ImpT'.no Ui tb bttrrr will bs tr.uuotcd. Hy mr- t ;ni, H. Q flnnrr. C. M, IIAKU1SS, OA It It Orlfrly ri.rgitiit. aESRIMlEMPfATiONf A SUUI. BTliPY, By MRU. WAUFIEL1), Satboror "Tb. ItauKholdor Bouln. " JLilSAlI, A WOMAN OF FASHION '-"Br , ANNIJP EDWAltDH. IIEALY, A X O IvI ANOB. J u rscslTsd snt fur isle at HZINSBERGER'S 1IVH HOUK A St) MUllC STOHK. ! oot l s, JUST RECEIVED YATES' NEW BOOK STORE, A eomplets uMirtneot et BIBLES. PRAYER BOCKS. HYMNALS, AC. VThlcb sr. gtn tip In th. ymj bent styles Prion, lower th.a tvar b.tor. s I kid ax. tain. YAtBV NBW BCOK STllHE, out IT - ST Mr"t S'r et' FOR CASH ONLY. COAL and WOOD of tool qnsl'tiM steornsr ot Front nd Mnl ber j str.ata, by omtmr J A SPKINOSK. JAS. T.PETTEWAY. MERCHANLflSEtnd PRODUCE BROKER, full Has of .ample. Sf alt m.rob.ndiM and produ(.xhlblti4 Jally. Aim t.lrfranit qaiK in( laMt trice, iram Importer srl mana raotur.rfc OstOBKSSUL(OlTBI, Wlrs any nolul whsa rtqaaaMd. B H. Byrap aad Mola4jt, OoS'ea aoii Savor, ailrltOaaksssdOlaa, Osnnsd flood-ail da-s-ilptlons. oot II ly OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday evening 'October 30 OHAS. VI DDPBRZ, Bq., Habaoib. rOSITlVHLY ONE NIGHT ONLY Twanly-rourtn AnsuslTour of DUPREZ A BENEDICTS CI antic Famous Minstrels. BUhLBtQOKOPBBATROOrKand BKASR BAM ' 4 " Enlarged, remodeled and Inprnrtd. Ootn oed oi 1 )opi.. Hon .aoo. tui,fiompiU9, ' powetfu T'uupe travelling. Beimgniiad a. Wis sapsrioii of Hlnttrei.y. Introdaclng Oososrts of Merit aad KrlU Hancy KewTTed aU l 0U. Secured St ll"lib'r grr'. Book Store- oot H-8t Flour and Meal' XO M1XBIJFKBI. Oar-load . d on (hort notlos. Brain bought at tb market pries. Addreis, o4ARiiOTT orrr mill, Chsrlotte, N f laaiftr BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS OKLT $0.00, . H A N D S O M E BUSINESS SUITS, , ORAO AND CLOTH DRESS SUITS. OVERCOATS. WAMSUTTA SHIRTS, 'Split" In the Back. CITY CLOTHIER8. OfttIT Cheese, Cheese Cheese. iOO Boxes dream Chee. . Foraals by .. ' i ' KBKOHNK.t &C.LTJEKBKQ1. Molasses. Molasses. in f ft Hojuhovli Onbs Molases. ,- 60 Hogahead.S, H. M'lloaes. 1M Barrel. H. B. Molsttea. .! .; d tor oils by .-.'!- KEUCUKEB CALDKB BKOH., Bagging and Ties.1 ii 1. 2"0 Kolli Bagirlng. M) lont Msw sea rietoe.l TMa. rot aais by , .!'' eRORNBR ft LDlTt BBOS." Spirit C'eka, Hoop Iron.Qlue. Ao toe Spirit catks. ' 11 '" ' ' 'o Tonsil op Iras. ' " ' ' ' ' ; 1SS Barrel. Oioj,, Buaits Xal .aiid K.u., ', 'jl,'. " , fsrsais by.;, i , -..: -t ' KBRCHMtB QALUXa J'.Os'.' oot It .W.rR.II.VKSI'S. Horse Blankets! , Horse Blankets ! At tbSal'1nd Harness Stor.of Carpenter & Mallard's o. t U r Positively Ho P'stponement a FORTUNE FOUMI. ILEGALLY AUTHORIZED, KIIS GIF V C0NCECT-' ASSQCIATIOA Of lei,l.on,Te, wl girea ; SECOND GRAND GIFT OON0;R,, Hov 30th, 187f dua vi.( rosmvi. Or Money Refunded ITirat f!mftr! fVit't. . .... AfiO OOO SucuudCitPlU Ulit MlKJl ir. tli.. Oil! ui rtHtil in ss'tiiintliigin H S250.0UO.00. Lovyost Clftto.tt Whole Ticket, $80, Prii- ill' a Wi! TlCKet, Si. 1I1 iomli' if tl l t'lOUI.'llli. fiAUPON TICKCTS1CI1 Wliic'i will entitle llie holder in mIiiiImIo 1 1. lis (Irai.rt U ticort, Hiiltn on nrui ui n " YeT slit my le awitrileil lo tin whole tit er 'lumber, . - c K.r'U-l'ili agi'B'nwsiih'it. All ur.ler. fi tirkfl. iwiit. illrert f:out'l till.''. lartHl'W.rspsrf. !i.M "I" l'rTM ', Hi'ii' fru in r tiny, lin u c ninl "Itt nil' ntnin, I. wii co unty Bil l St tilnlull, nnlum r.ir tin ti aminntt'if Ui tin anil iiii entii kontr. . !.. if He'lml. , A1ilrea4 al imiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii.iik ami nrii m einitlaiic-. nf m' cy I'uvsl.lt) In A. R. COLLINS. Secy. Ocnlson, ir- ROCR TICKETS AT O ' v.t'ii" luawiiiif al l uukI lv ikh ilm' 'o. S 'ilk. I"i5, surt lin l a .hint Hum nn tv 114 II-. HOME ENDOKSEMENT! W, tlie uiliM .l llfll lill7u t lli'lil'Oii ixb. c!iertui!y iil" Oiir tni'im nv In t:i- iionoi lil i anil nu'iarilil ill ulicli tlm i'ir I ariill.it iiiicnrt ni t.iu ! (I if u.n'.nij tiw Uiiim w C I iliv I'll, mm in M Iim vet ' m.lMli.i.tjir. in till Ar in 1. Ittf'tl ItllUlH kilt-llj. m l tirtnnl. i'f 't Aiin"l ll wcmrim" ml; an I, fur lm' , d muss Imnnllv si-dor lie ""r l fl 'Iriit i tint t un cit. iu u. yi.ri Urmiuhir . Ii, hii. WH Winn. astK. Olt nf !' Itoiij Al Irrrtitn Jutli" W nK-k.tl W Walitr.' Hut I l'vinit. J VV HtUHHi. w riuna. n n nnw I il'J'ay or I' 1 ii'lin in;.li)in Metl i.Wliulc ilt-itr fio vt.,: il II "iitt W litiie-a e lir.nmr Kp .t in it'". W Ii ilte e Ijiqiiurr; -pain Mar Vi, ui. lit Iliv U'i"l", Hi (Irii'n'.v ti lVi oi lrt 'll 11 w tlenning. lio .1 l"t' r; 'Tii1 I'.'iiii. Bacon. Bag-ging Ties, Salt, Flour, &c. " (o HnaoiD. B. and f inoVfd M t. 4(10 Roll! and HJtlf Kolls listing, : TB TouT!M, : 1,000 Bsoka Slt. 1,000 BsrieliKlosr ll itrmli 900 Barieli Kuflned Bugir, US Masks Prists ! Uuffe,' Vti Kogi HalU M)0 Bap ) i.t. SO Hbdnsnd BblsCubsMolSMes. 100 Barrel. 8. H. Syrup. 10 Hoh'.rtj P. H. Molawei. GO Barrels Mrta Pork, M0 Bunillfd iKMip Iron, 100 Heoonil-Hanil J pint Cask., IS Barrel. An e. 60 Hon. Kutrs Faulor) (ieer. DO Bun). Tobacco. B0 Oninn Nniilfi 18 II tit' Barrels Sn tfl', SO Boxei loiip, 10 rio'C nice. 1 ill Hatre'nCr.-kur..' HO Tom Oiimiaim Oann. Tor .ale low bv WII.MJtitlN rni'ICCIIIMON. octn . : In Store and to Arrive. 600 BsIUlELHHYllUP. 2,000 SACKS SALT, 500 SACKS FINE SALT. 1,003 BARRELS FLOUR. CO HALF BARRELS AND CASES SNUFF. HEW OKI.EANS, DKM AltAKA, end vVKX PerlOiial atleiititfu gircu to all uidtir.. .. ., BINFORD, CROW A CO. oot 17 HUBS.SPGKES AND RIM I. WaHON wheel., luigg wboel, milky whepl!., wfim aitlp., tin. Iron, tiling, bix'lcs, n ihtii, rtanl'1. lriiKi, tr'Oimingii, b'i(l, lioltn, nulky hafta. ca.t wheel.. Ac. The laricmt .lock nf the abovo gnods aed the lowoit itI -oh In Ihci r My can be fonnd It the Old esuIiilnJieu II vd wan House uf JOHN liAVrHON, Oct 10 . So. V, and 21 Market Street. REMOVAL. " rpHK uridprKl ;nM tit. rr iiinrM tuiln efflr, X. No. Mi rl.olh Froi t Htrnt, three door. Koath or bm oi l tni1, whore bi ialnrPaitPd r.oiiltl. fr howln? hl tarprn anil tsrli-rt .lock of Hardware, Outlory. Wimii. Airrl'iiil turai ImplpmenWi "., and ri'.'i.rtniily . i ii''ls n onn'InuancA ol tha llherU iiatrunagr bnretitfnre baetow.d. octlOtf GKO.A.PKfR' CORDON & TURNER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS FIRE. LIFE. MARINE. Represent the U.crpooi end London end 0?ji!,'Ssdctliet'rt3 3 I ;.PIRST-CLAS3 COMPANIES, ' 1 '.WnlnniB'iijiad crtutt "' L ' p' 'I . FIFTY MILLION DOLLAR". Ofllos opposite Pilot H iiimi 3Uilr ll trrlm A Howell, ttontx Water Street, Oct 11 lm swtrKl. i..viwrp. FINE TABLE APPLES MESSINA LEMONS. IIKO. MTEK9. K.i"W.l to dtr frenk iroiu ynr !alry the "M it of r JBRST HUtTKRIS TUB WOHLO" W.har. ad yet. Only lor. de jy UEO.MTKH8 thir Bran 1. f IK ihle E.tra FamilT Floar, NEW PROCESS EMPIRE '.FLOUR. MONOGRAM KMP.IRK AND PLANTS' P.XTKA. 1. w lor ttanh at UKIV.MYKKS. PINEAPPLE CHEESE. EDAM CHEESE. ANO CREAM CHEE.E. At UKO. MVKR.S. Krfi!i itrai'nem.very week, Clream. Milk, and IVi'pie'4 MitPl, riu'iT ciurKwm, . tOllNMIIUIIDUA rBBu iiirri ten, and FAMILY I ll.OT HHKAD, Ti.githtir with all loiporKi t Cracker., si UKO. M VIC US. FRESH IRISH OAT MEAL. tumi-llt! O.t Meal, In l a hi is pinnd paekas. Slid N!W r.'.r MrKK Mv k' rrl, al GEORGE MYERS. 11 & 13 SOU UI FRONT ST., The Charlotte Observer Tint (M'y ui trnlnJi itstte np t ttnWIhil Is th t Nlattt w ill It ilttl.ili .nl .)-ili it Wll. miiii(Uiii,i.if,tr..iiclal lnM i.Biitt'. tn ad.er rnnr.. In I'.ir.inluMti .lie .'id ilsas 1ip Mon I trg.lv Inure t'Rd ilurl ig the year iii.t i'iir. and n n rfasitn. 'n l s th. Mer. Ob'lllUSf VkhIiWh Nu:lll litl'lllll Iiii olt'er nji iii iummi'tiwl lavlinra oil in in an lea Hii i i-iieiin 'h. riilunt"of Wllmliiionnd t'.-e (ioitiis ot W..ti'rn Norm tJvoMns. i eiiaac st sadsi pftsu t Oallv ....H no per an n em Wr.kly .... 111 M " S" A l.pMl.iinf ftrf hiw. T II K I'Ul F, TO HM NOTIONS Eoriango Corner ... Atititnf" MISSES' JUKKTS And 8 ' ''" k 1 ' ' " WtTKUI-KOOK CLOAKS, AS M.VIr-I.KW JIAI' HKflKI VIJP I'l'titM fx irulne n.y iMnk of EMBROIDERIES. W- FYPEt , EXOIIANUB CORNER For Rent. TUB entire property now occupied by O. O. f.r.'pyA l o , enihru 'lng wharf, I dip. and na.al ' e ami coal T''d, located on Mouth waior strout. r nr tine or two year.. Term, madeea... Apply to ' J. A. WAT.KKR, et'pt Kiecutor. JUST PUBLISHED, ': ' 11 lit Fdltlon, ' PEAOTIOAL OBSERVATIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY ASOI '. , I'll Yi WA L KXUA U&TlONt ' To which Usddiid An Uawavv on NarrlagB' W ith lraintant chapters on UMURKKHl Of Tit K URPHODUOTtVIt OK'IANS, Bel n If . enopl of l.oi-.turi). dell. .red at their MUSEUM OF ANATOMY, hi run torn vml U ii K Hi . cUy.nhould nut tHll to ae till' u'f.lit i olluiti ill, lining U14 largoat In rue wnr a- , ... . . MOT .'bcUtut Sis , Opposite C'sntllaeai (al lloll, Pblladrlphlft. Ooplon nf lecture, cent ou receipt of 29 ocnW Ad.liew, Pui. .TOKDAK A DA VIEKON, Hi' KlI.llKKf ST.. Philadelphia, sng V7 d ly , , OVElt ONE HUNDRED l)III,,r..nt .lulu of hn. I. frJ ui'. i Ft rH"gt"K I mm I0 oo to Ml 0. A lull line of if! .if OVEti COATS, CMDprlfJiig all ityle. of COLORS ANO ' WEIGhTS A.t)rin, Mnri'liait Tailor. oct 1 For" Sal Tv( .rW) and T f Octave1 Planoi. Also one Bu'e' Mai'blne Tlie abeve .re . nearly new and will t told ytry, low das uisilber h.vlng no into lor tliem 'J hey can be at the owner of Four and Wslntit Street... ' net I end If K. VA LA BR. 1. ft MEDICAL COLLEGE OF, VIRGINIA. ii i ciwtONpr SESSION I87B-76. Winter Cmmeof tenures Bngili October l.t, sn oiima In'tlV) Inonlli. Full vouraeot Med nml Ii'.tiiiollnii by the Faculty, aad dally ye tcm ol exunilna' I jne by llie Adjum't Faculty, Pro ew ir. foe. ti. I'h.rmanr Connie an, feiieltolary ticket, SAO, For full particular, sf rtloi!iioa)plt.i tl. B. MoOAW, M. I.( 4w No Hi)0 Urace .St. Klubmond, Vs. ,,. Dean of Fnoulty , t (,, I P ; North Carolina Wome Insurance Co; . , ., - t : THIS Omp.ny oontlnnes to write Poiletee " lair ratea.oo li elaws'tf tn.nele pre or', i A!l Ins. promptly paid. lti f , rnonr.lreHprn9 W'Hti'tW, R. M. B.:t:t,l'roidor'tl.i 4aisi ,wi'. Wi avanvflow a MAniyYeiii' 'L Asents 'K m Jan. jrsr JBrmBTtBMMjrrat 40. 40. FIRE ! WATER, ! ! flMOKE I I From iha lats firs hi lbs wholesals department of .IOIMJAIV MAJRHIi Ac CO j - -'i B30ST0 3ST A LargB ana Variefl Lot Remember tbsj will bs sold st suoli sale. BROWNS' Wa would alio call lbs attention FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, NOW ON HAM) AKD DAILY RF 1VIN8. Replete with all the BR0WH & RODDICK. 45 Market Street- uu' t .ju.u.i!j..;.i:....,..s. xj..f...i.!ij.j.jjs .....u. AT RETAIL I AT RETAIL I B. WEILL t B. WEILL IB. WEILL t 600D3 AT PBICE8 TO SUIT THE TIHE8 ALL wp uwk Is an manilnatloii of our stock. Ws feel Mtlsfled Uiat that tlie jiuhllo will bs wnvlut't'tl of what we say, ! Ws ive bslow few i-rltrss- '. 4 ..' ..... '.' ' , . .!' t ..1 ' , l- ," - ' 1 ,XI0 vards Itluck Aljiswis st .Ml cents worth 02 tieits, , . 1,000 yards niat'k Alpacns at to pouts wurtli 70 csnts. I.txiO yards Mack AlpucHS ut 7j wnts worth 80 cenU. OOO ittlrs Lailles' llowi lit ct-iits worth 30 csnU. r 8K) jutlrs LimIIoh' IIohp st 4 cents worth tlOcviiU. . COO pairs Chlldrtns' Striped lloso at SI ceuts worth 87 mints. f)(K pairs Clill IrciiH1 Htrlpcd Host) at 87 cents worth 43 cents. 61X1 pairs Chlldreus' Btrlpod Hose at 62 cents worth OS csots. Ws havs on band many other goods BQUALLY AS LOW, TOO NUMEROUS 1 AJI of which we will spII ,,!' AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMRETIT10S. YERT RESPECTFULLY. B. WEILL, 32 North Front Street oot Z FiiLL iiiD mm GOODS NOW OPENING! 38 MARKET STREET, - FALL AND WINTER GOODS CHEAPER THAU EVEB! ' ' ' ; '' ""'v ' - a 'fii' '''","' i"' '"Jtlf " ' f.f . ',. " ,. ,'. r1i I ;v' ,'"'-1 ' ' !' ,t So t I . . ? " "d n- -,-,;,' ?t No- iMAEKET STH3JBT. SOP' IS ..'.';:,. 1 ''(' -:'V , I ',:'..'"'. " ., :. t " FURNITURE I FURNITURE! f''-llew 'PatWrns'and Designs ZtZ 'j j v si OFr--1: K'.n f :fM- u.. - , liu-Ior, CHoinbtri aiit. Dlninsr UodimFi tlture.' .'!,'-..'' AT BXTBSMKLT LOW PBICES. ' " ' , ' CARPtTS AM) mLVcLOTU AJiD . V21&Q; fit til. line Our stck ssil rsoe. Slt of tlie Mew M leaSlas Pa'ttaras sf rif ;! l'hose-uly 1 A super., OotUs sad Hesip Oarp-u All! r tries OU Jlotfc svad AUMIss, r.M Mau i ; ., ., i s4Ks(e, of PjauHful Deigns,1 " ' ' ' Baddiflg.''&c..!'&oV"Haif,,,U'' m3 tin MATT8K9SEB, Plt'lTHKHS PBSTHtf EDS FKSTUrN ril,OWS ABO L . , UOMFUKYABliKS, 4tu., a ,1. IIP THKBSSI MATKaiAb .,.. . it.'.-;i f" '-" ' i And our B n Manafaeliirs. r. Hotels, atetiaers and Prtrate RerHin.e. ' thM In lbs UV-t'Slylee Sn4 st bw PtlS ', ' -!' s .. rKseesiTeusseussSt' n eplltf Gsieial Bry Gdi prioes ss will insure theJ immeJJtts CiOPD of our pstrohs to otr stock of Novelties of f j Season ..jibi S-ujuHmunatusAii. mnsmmmmtr TO MENTION, ame our Bites bsfera tweasfiaa. "! ' ' " l 'I u .... Kit .