H;ii!i) :kml I.t YI LM I N O TO .V. N- C -Zlzniij Yon'.zg, Ccto&er i , 1STJ. fHt Daii.1 Jocks aw Uj it' wtd2y , i io North CaroliLiA, ia , auUlji rvi -j mon ins. except, M .civ,, ... KKiifT ikh.lar a rr ; Fui Duaiw sj -a Hitbt ; SgvtxTT-nvi oeuu per niuuUi "or ehoru perk-ia. Nrvr-d tj earners the citj at ;VMTT-riTi er-nt- p ttfiutJMW . wt T " i i-ms cents ir 2tianT. f t!wru JnKU (Friday a liM.t4ii" Witrn pir. Two UhllaJw .- f-r( ttrr- (vrptfS F"1VI DoIO-aum AM hal ; four roi'K-S lU.4kS tri-Copl-", ElSBTOOItAW "D A HALF itp jv, Kirmts DoiXA; twenty ?4V-STT-rjv ItoLLAk. " 5i iisokiptioss iu ill r--a psysMe tt ft sure; and o fnvr a-wituiui-i after tin okj-iiro Vthe time paid for. I.amittancim should be tneje by P( let 's on Money (irdar or Kxpms. If this can V no h re, ,n-lln acalnrf knew by ' ws'I may b e-cured by forwarding irft pataMetotlia order rf the prnrrietr th iov vsii, or-by Midbif (As money atsred'.lerv- 4,ivenilng lUto (per inch of twelve Hues of advertising type.) One inch one Insertion. Ore Doixar; two Inser tions Ohk Dollab ixD i mmthT .iisertiona. Two 1'LI.ANS, ftw Irtsertlnti TWO DrttXASS AST) A HALF,' Ave tions Thukk Dollars; dx Insertions, i jnfr Dollar abd a hai.p: twelve t ta- rtirme, FlVB DoiXAM A.ITD A VAxr, t t ifwoth. E rf Dollas; two months ,'iftuh Umi-AMs to."" aonthA, Twsw, tt-two Dollars. ltOracta for longer periods and longer space mad npou liberal terms address, 5 .; KMQKL8ARD A 8AU5DRS, Wilmington, N. ,BDITIAI. HOTS. . Thi. Kw Turk Tribana dieup 1ti'qntiodt Why Hm the bnwneM of iosuriDg liTei fallen off? The main rea-win is belieyed to be the general dcprmsion of nearly all mercantile and professional enlerpriaca. Among the miuor oamea it ia alleged that there ilinnnnointment amonff rwplo who have bocu deot ivid by tbe fuUe prom iee atwl pro(iH'oti bald Mil by tbe ean vowir hrtbU. The dilgtAt of Sieg flM '4w'ffored Hheif 'policlVa To lapse in eai J to Lave Imh u communicat et to ibo gpueral public. Hiaaug grated that if people eoultl witlidraw fromtboir agreemrtU 1d flow their policie U tbet lo m aceoOStH, by ebecking out the balanoe due, tbiy would be better ratiafied. In Kounebeck, JJremon, !) engine baa 'been 'nearly feompletf d by llerr Troaain which molrea tbe problem, which for nearli thirty jemra baa en gaged tbe attention of inrentora, ol the ntilicntion of atipcrbcatod ateaoa ia oouitr.on crginfs. Tbe answer to tbe problem, hat been louod in tbe now applioatlouof a pliysical faw, and tbe use of a peculiar lubrica&t. fAa engine working f ith ecrbeaicd BtcaU needa only half the ordinary amount of coal, tbe boUor and grate oan be tmaller Vij one-hall, tbe mpply Of water by ouc t aird, aiid tbe air pump mid condenser re equnlly reduoed to Lalf their Unnul Bpeefe, The improTemeut has been pateuted in England, Belgium, and other countries, and cau eaeily bo ap plied to tugiuea tf the exUting tjrpf. A New 1'okk letter aaye : "Very aa toniiihing viposares are twing made relative to the heavy fxpudituren if the Publio Dock Department and the utter worthleaaneas of tbe mtu'a of work done under their auapioep. Nearly five million) dijlara bavq beeu wasted. l( i complained that Philadelphia-and Pottou, with ther water frctabd iarbor IniproTcmenUi and constantly increasing terminal facilities are taking niuoh trade from New York, which only great effort can regain. The new line from paiUmore to Chicago is doing much also for that city, which ia now f 4, nwpopojiaiog , the coffee trade. "When he Welland oanat en largement beeomea ' eompletad, to gether with the harbor improvements at Montreal, teaaelaof l.VOO tons will run Uom Chicago to that ity," T" ( r i AiAWLKBSNKsa in ooumem iiiinon ia being fffttaally ernsbfd out, at but, and tbe vendtjUao.the Bullioers ami uenaorsons, wmon iias raged with auob fieroe viplecoe. there for tec years, and numbered among fts vie tims no lees tbarf thirty persons on both aides likely to be finally dixposed of. The notorious bandits, John Bui liner and Allen Baker, leaders of the outlaws ban just been ' found guilty of killing Col Altiorge W. Sianey, and sentenced to tbe peniteitiary for twenty-five yearj each, Several other indictments" for murder are pending against theiUi ipop whioh they Will be tried and1 tiey 'oanoof escape tbe gal Iowa. Tbe vendetta will be remem bered aa the moBt remarkable one on record. Beginning with the shooting of oue of the Bullinera in bis oornfieli tbe feud went on for several years- a dreary sameness Ojf fightuutil, net qu-te two years ago, matters grew more serious. "Old George" Bulliner Iras assassinated from a thicket, .Dave BuTline was ' hot dead on the way to church one BandayTbon -"Old Jim" Henderson was shot down in his field. IIaf a doica me -who worked on the farm of the defedef'&dnV were sbot at, and most of them wouuded. Then ' Dr. Tinoent HirjobchXre( who had worked up evidinoe egmusr the murderers, was shot dead before bis door. Then followed the murder . of, Bisney' who was called to bis door and shot. Tbe morning after bis funeral WW eta-8ieneelr wlid bad? bii,tcl that ' he knew somqthing, about these mnr derers, was found dear! 'at hi door with a pistol wound In his brain and an other ia Lis bodrLThis fs an imperfeo list of bis Victims o! the' rendeltt, two of whore wprst, partisans have met their fate al the bands of tht law "' mi.mxiTo, c ii ii lo n i:. Kil l IGU AID ftll lm ST. Brother Fn 'man. of cnr este rcfJ sotcmporarj, the Ahrn!!e CViVn b, j -t - - tire T'ate. We lave not forgotten 1 1 plw nre of his g t.ial pres.. ae iu e .r Stiru-tum a few werka ago, v Under- tbe above caption, be gives to bia readers tome aeconnt of Lis ob servations, and oommenoea by saying tbat it muni be a source of pride to the people t f our Slate to know of tbe rMtJ and conrtnoed growth of their priucpal eitie. A rtc nt vint t the aliove pleaAvd u no litt!e. Every evidenoe of snltantial inipmrrsaiit waa visible all arouud. I be DiiiiiiefS men. while uf oourat aouiwLat Aif-et- ed y tbe 'tnsgency of the 4iejn, yet were in g oa spirits and enKnrigiiig. ly hoptfuL Our noble old State n uoue ouward at.d miward. audi with rokI lawa and bouet men to make and adminikter them, it will not be long before tbe entite .commonwealth fill be rolling In trajnity. e can t enumerate all we aaw thai adda wealth t our cities, but will mention a few of tbe industries of each. He then gives a description of some of the more" important enterprises in whioh Wilmicgtoniana are engaged; including tbe Cotton Factory, tbe Gu ano Works, ; the Cotton Compress ith its immense powerj for reduo.og the balk of the stspte to one-third its ordinary size, for abipment to foreign ports and adds that this, besides her other commercial advantages, and tbe possession of a people not surpassed anywhere for iutelligenoe, energy and liberality, ia rapidly eiibaaeiiiff tbe wealth and character of our chief State seaport, ; ' ' ' . ',' He then, in (urn, gives a description of some of the improvements of Char lotte, Raleigh and Salisbury, plsoing thorn, also, in the way of growth and prosperity. Then oomes of course, bis notioe of his own beautiful home, which he calls his " Mountain City." . We abare with our friend, tie: pride and I exultation with which jbe must have sat in lits rnouutaiu eyry ami penned the present and future of Aahe- ville: But nose of these places are nod liun our own Mountuis City, Aabev.lle, Fully one bsndted tboaantid dollara worth of buildings are now going' up, iuoludiug two extensive hotels, one 165 feet front and four stories, the other 85 by 05, four stories, with two large iron front buildings to be, con structed neit year. All this beaides the number of private residenoea re cently built are now - building. Tbe pCpuIaUdu is rapidly hi ore art ng, seve ral famines Laving recently purchased pr perty and located here. With the early completion of the railroads from Aabeville toTeuuessee, tli as ooo looting with the great .North Westf Asbvillo and Saliabury connecting with Char lotte; Wilmington, Ashcvillsand Hpatv tanburg OonneeUnar With Obarlenton and Bavannah; aud Ashe ille and Mur phey, connecting with tbe South West, besidea opening np tbe erandast mm- enl section of the globe, will make Ashevilletbe mimt important inland city iu the HoutK' Work on two 'xA tbene roads is now buing pushed for ward, aud it is hoped will be completed Wltuin two years, al fartliew. North Cnrolioa lias Mnne to be proud oi nor live principal cmea. Tbe situation of Ashevillo, as we re member it years ago, is one of snrp ts- sing beauty. As you ibwoend from the kip of the ridge, the town i pred out before you, among hills which sre green to tbe summit, while as far as the eye can reaoli to tbo, csHtward and to the westward you behold a continu ed succession ot mountains, valleys and .plains thai' aeanifo be tli very abiding plaoe of "peace on earth." And while we congratulate onr neighboring city on the prospect of sn early realisation of her foudest hopos of various railroad connections, we feel almost inclined to a pigb of regret that uie magic ouarm Of ' bet magniuoent quietude should ever be broken by the hoarBe cries of tbe steam whistle, TUB nOHAIi OF OHIO. ; The Maoon Telegraph, commenting upon the five thousand majority which Hayes revived in Ohio, says: "As About C2.1.00O voles wars polled, this is lees tbsn one per cent, of the vote, and a ch'iuge of one veto in every two bun ded would bafe gS'ven I 'majority tbe ofner way. A good deal more than this majority was lost in the oities on tbe soft money issue; but, on the other band, there was positive gain in other parts of the Mate ou that issue, rbi fatal eueot, bowever, of the introduc tion of the currency question into tbe campaign cannot reasonably be doubt ed. It disarmed and divided .the Denocrala, ana put tljiiCi qn the l de ? i 1 ... . I tensive in a canvass in wnion aa ag gressive attitude oonld otherwise have been maintained with signal effect But, in its very worst attitude, the re sult of the election leaves Ohio debate. ble ground, and furnishes no sound reason at all for according her vote to tbe Republicans in the ant Tresiden- tial elotion. With a good candidate, and a united ; and harmonious rally facxt Fall, Ohio can and will be carried by the Democracy." " - In an editorial on the same subject the CliarCotte fj$irjrjos ui some' reflections from which it draws the following conclusions: '- ', The Republicans of the North are divided upon Do new questions, but are firm and united in their one ruling principle tne preservation of their Continued opposition of good will to wards a brave and fallen foe, or what they term tbe rebel States. The North ern Democrats have never experienced the cruel oppression, the extravagant misrule, and Uie lawless anarchy that has been the portion of the South sinoe the war. i Hence thef bare noth. ingatftakehalf so vital, as we.1 Tb UepubUoan party here are a unit, and are firmly soldered together by the eoheeive power of' Federal office and poouo piuuuor. mere u one grand t! ti -w ("nhtii.ml'y n'riv ! f. r t) p.cipift l;L. ri r J .urn ti H .ulu mut ri .-t-rt ttf -r SU't in h. r!i i.I- rp. .-iii.! ii-,.U jnvi!K im n..ii. . , t t. i,j uf Ittl tioa r(i nt e'i.n we ewe nut a &i tr , it'ier. 0r riilit au.l iilterlli'ii fl"t. at d then en e' Itti i t i.ftl cj ot(i-r ai d i!ui'r talt iiii'. 7e -k tl.a lKnifcra!t; parly f- r i-!' etkr not to rutble-xlj batzrd tin t ine'i Ih tl.in f.r accumpiLUii J. Hi t'U U ?vri baa not b- n ret-r d ; it h on y beS arreil ft a upmumjI Von i-an reruedy IIih I'tnnder y U liave eoinniit tej by letting m! i t in v. I'd eur-t i -cy qaeatioD, aiiJtHiDiy-Ool will aoon m-ve (no liebitd tbe duud tLkl ole Bcuri bis briiliai ej Ur tULeJ 1 be grittid oldrbip that baa ndd u o many aweila asd defl- nocijy tn acliorou at'ai, hi tLr ug'i tbefo'.ly of u skilled pilo'a, Mrut k uiou a roex ; I 1 1 ban not f.iundere!. hh" atiil fliutta .u o a- jenty npon thebate-i tide, iier sa ls and tiKgiiiga arn Uiere ; u-r prow only suNtained a al damave ; h-r macbinery ia atill a nnd, and hi r pilots, navinir loc tte.i ibe sbods and shallows, cau ttuer forth with Itwut dau- gtrin thefijture. Coder this headiug tbe 1'eti r-tburg Index and Appeal weloomes tbe visi tors to the Agricultural Fair, as fol lows : "To tbe visitors from a distanos. whether from the other sections ol Virginia, from North Carolina or our sister Common weal lit, or from any part pf the North or Houtb, we extend a Waj ja welcome and asaurance of boa pitable greeting to-day, in behalf of the city of 1'et' rbargand,the Agnoui tural Saciety, The Cockade city was never known, exo pt on ens occasion. to close ber heart or her galea againat a guest; and the f X'j tu.n baa refer enoetothe attempts made by Butler andOraut, by Uuruaidoand Kants and others, to visit tbe city iu the interval btwoeul861 and 18('w." . UUl.O. -5 1 keii lias ci t tinn d a tteudy appre oiation of gold since tbe day of election in Ohio, and if we mistake not gold is now, higher tbsn it haa been sine 1873. If the tl uoty ef the eotitrtotioniHta is to work out tbat which they promiae, there is no aocouating for the rise in gold which is now going on.' Contrso- tioil Is, in progress, bat gold gets high er. We wonid like to know how long it will take to bring gold and paper together at thia rate. CALL AND EXAMINE Cur wall "lotKt aork of Knllah an I AmarlnsD Pi cket and Table Ontlery, .1 fOWDEU.SHOr AND CAPS, O0N8, rilTOUi AND CAKTB1UQIS Prion riduoed t Nath'l Jacobl's HARDWARE DEPOT. i. CUAS-I BIADtU ARO HOOKS, K A M S A N 1 COW. A K8 , ' SKIM A D OH.Iii WINK ; i ' . i Hntucart prlc- a at . rVathanlelJacobi'8 HABDWARB DBPUT, ' SASH. DOORS AfcD BLINDS, PAINTS, OILS AMI) U1.A8S, HIMH.SPOKrS AfiD HUBS, BAH IROlt ANll B I tK .' '" NATHANIEL JAGOBI'8 4 hardware depot,! wo. i maiikk'c nt. asp m ': E. ANHUESER A CD'S ; IU RK ligfir bw, J nil reealvnt In lea Irom , St, louiidaect. Iba tolluwM'gla thara ultof tba anal j iii mala by W. (). Conrad, tJkamtatjf tkaUitltad BUtoa Natal Labor torT.Vew York. OUKCbCSIOM PROM THR ANA' IS OF THt QUALITY. .1 A'-'haqaalPyorthla ban, aa abowa bv oar anahiln, laanparlrr bv Its pnrenrna. aa noct iranroji matter could ba dniaotad. J ha larga im'nvn riuact aanaianoa (man nring naoa in m'r(irillurt groat qaantiUaa, wltlob. bar. log bexn roasted, ! tbe oeer that pooalltr flavoi of frasb brrad) Bakes thj hiaravarv asiirl-hiug and hlhlv racommandabla dr ink for medlcliiaJ parpoaea, Anoth r good quality or this beer la that it krepe la good oaudltlon nadir all elreaoieUDoas, W. 0. CONRAD, ChemliUof W. B.ifstal Labratory. Wa ara tba wholeaals aoanta. and tt la Iter salalsisUaeliY j , , woh naaa.dB., H.W. Honoa, KA. U. H. Fiaaaa, ADRIAN A VOLLKK8 Jf aapi . Invested In Mock Privllaar8 In W all Mret lands to mnnyT II 0 U S A N 1)8 or dolls aa i bovit. ComprahenalTS iplaaa tory olrcula'i, containing detailed etstemaati and naotatl.in prlnra of all stock dealt la at tba Stm Fork flock ITxckaiyi, nailed rta to UloMdMlrin Wii-ioalaU. Addrsaa, ALKX PKOI'HINOMAW A OO., Hanker and Broker, Opp. W. Y. btook Kichange. 1. Wall St , t fablHtr-aod ... NBW YOHKi Valwablo Real Katato far Balw. ' 1 oler lor aala tbat large tb.ra story Br Irk Boilding, alinatrd on the romer of Pollock and Craten atreeta in tba eiiy nf Newbem. and knoan aa tha McLean Building. 'Ibis property la admirably kraaist rot a Hotel or Cotton Paotvry. It will ba aold cheap and apoa SasTterma. Apply to , HKSRYR BRY AW. - Attorney for U B.CIafllnAOo. . COAL' AND WOOD! : , j ;?. j W. sell at lowest prions j s ; j (, STRXOTLY, iFOR OAS II Prod' h rory snatl aad wa eanaol aSard to l-a credit. t , - o.O. PARSLRY AOo, . w TiOcatlan S. Water st , root of Jraagi , Noctlttf CORDON TURNER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS FIRE. LIFE. MARINE. Beprtasni Iks Lirerpooi Sad Londoa aad ; Globe, and other FIR8T-CLAS8 COM PAN IES, r . Willi soaaMaad asMtsof - FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS Offlos ppoalta Pilot KMeeandex Uarviaa A flowill, Monk Water Itroet, Sot 11 taa , fpS?? THt A jjACOlllI AXE. I FASillOilS c.ld COLD GOI" r.ifJTSl o. S"i. lui 4 a 1 U l xVkZ'.i'-3' 'K'-r .,i":ii I., ifijirc taalaawaf oar '.. 1 .' r:I i ai aa it it. M.i ki jiaria ma r-ti U" 1 rim4. life r.jf , j r,r ,.,!. JltB. 1 IlLn-.i'.rtl'i ! r ,f T- l .ah' W.-.T. - it .raw. a k M I'.irvti. The via heo-rkift Is i!rat.H to form awiiio ru!Lii l l of Hi- i!t, J7; nii.tn..1ilrl -H'-'-ti Ufau-.c-. in . i nn,e, or KiMxin. Rrq'..irca 1 iranliof S7- j I 22!' 'tZ2&VrZ 50;n.U wU d rauod.l.25ciA - ft.... -r.Oua ln'tiAtim. or orrkift, atvl; litirn, wiih II mm. 46 miim 'kilh iwhUJ, ijrti. to JaiukKikirW 1 I .VjiMnntTf'pt(ifjir. Patfrrr eai riaik Moduli f lb AMiTIBaV 1 1 - f r i till I A I, iAAU." A. BS1HSETTE SMITH'S TIKZ ARTS anj POLITE Literature. Ileal CopUe 35 Cents. Sakriptla Prir, 1 a yar, Ait-r'l, larladlaf finmiinnt oi 1 it ifouarr wuria ui pauanuirua iiMrnoar, Vf wml mr rrSTTrtCATT W. in'.' v.i main or w,tM-tpoo, r I.rVATOHS will b. ilm wit nr s-ir najMi lm IM PL AC It "I out vlur'i wurta U Puunu, lfdMirauj na 'la 1 1. ill ia km u um Jtmt't aaUacrlaiiua 1 U vu aca fhS MONTI liiV -WOlllilinKw V lie OF JCABIirON," tbe rery flneat,! BWb.aut (al,alr.l.ai,..iWt..ioaJi ion ooanirj, nti mmj wwb "nu vrg with Uklog It, wni HKVKR illaroatlnaa Itl wkil tt la pob l-bal, S4.500.00 IN GOLD WewUt ttlve taCOO CO In COLO COIN X' Co naa- at ma a- 'Be 'arna mm -r nl ml trri In ear World Of Fasfilwn "ai.stacblkibfe Mca ia t.r.w T6 tae I-t'rr--pot iba laitt O ub i ' uoia i um. .i f 't V'h.-.' ,n ''o Cota t't irs-( C ah.. l'O 0 la Gold Clr. 4 h lA-ce-t Uiali.... 1:4) isin (lold'Jln. J StN iMrtrrat Cluk.... 1SS SS in old ftn. - ttk I rnrl rl k.... 1 in AS In lnid t'eln Ttk La'ia-t t'.lah., ISi) on hi (lolfl I ok, sih ltrialt:iub.... JS SI la 4. old oln. ih l,iri la"..,, "si In ilii Cnln. lO'h btrgonfO'tih..., ' II 0 in "o'd l'o n. ' lltli I r ih..., SlottlrtOold (Wa- aadao a toiba fJOth l-arg. t Ulab: YOU lt a prenilum for every aabaorlket jou sand aa. AND every iubrcriber (eta a pro- BOTH f the Cold Coin li esents ofiera nl if iund at fun ii-nnih in th Sep tember Number beeldea ' ,rand P. O. ddn ia m Afrwn.io-iboit, Ve b? rii Mid i'J,l:iS OO Iii im'd. irpnrdlpg to oar rrlnna ofTorS. Nn" p" writs lo one-" all '""" " "-y win tan von mtt YOUR BEST b, nii-u 1 o- nta lor una copt. Hunt Stirnplor Faahtoa Uatalogoo. j i sj tj ( ' t' !' A. DURDETTE SMITH, 6 LtviU P O Box SOBS - 914 Broadway. Now York Citv THE ATLANTIC HOTEL A. HEA.HII3E , U ,"' I 1 ' i ' f. BEAUFORT. N. O-..... . ...!r , . , I ,1 . . I It ; : . 1 : . ; t h VI v N1 O it -A, ' slt?" it immmwmm Hpj 'Mil" wT THE ABOVE K8TABI.I-HMPNT.SO PAVORABLY 1NTROHPCED TO tH PUBI.0 la-' Autamsr ty Ihf ntw owner, Cape. V. l. Grabaio.of Htcileiil'nrg, bifor the tr-Of of IHTrt. May St to October let. rn losuch Vlsltnri only as the nnde.rnltri.ei may b wi lluti tu aiiuiu ii, lm i .ii.ii i l ch. Ha hnnaa to renew bit nltarant acauliiUiu'S witii- ill li.itui r gurcuot the Atlantic Hotel iniiT iiurKiii" uie iiarii-iioiei. l b- pecull ir situation of thia hotm afford, all! in- pc iokuera. . NO DUBT I ; NO FLIES I Baiblna llouara ars attached M the hnui -. b-rf gM-m mny atonee sn.loy theMhlla rstn ejltot 1 1 -a I al. r n o ira'n iht an r. la B'lf. n'urae as any apnn thereaat. ' lbs Jkihuir Hal ai .1 nuin andlra gllrifnil(li il 1m ! nti. "1 a liassnt rotiealtrom tha glair ot tlx iun bv dty.iiid a t-rtl, lent court ol Ti rpHcsMrat.aislit.-. . ,i : n All thogamea ior meril a and aroast metit io t o found at hiiand rsaorta, beatd-w pleasnre Boati, lattiaUing and nail Bianagrd, for i A'v'i i I H 1 2AI PIC-NICI. FIXHINO PART and alaltlng polnta of Interert In tbe rtclnity. . V -it'r ' 1 Tbe eholocat W J NKa aad IJUOhS ara U Va had at the UESTATJRAKT of thaandoa algnrd. ..-..ii!, , ..t ...,( j tH jt Mnile Ball and rirqn.il Paiioien to my f t 0 klrir tiqi'ii' Uof 'tin partita. -Alilrd hi ronrtrcnia.iisiatitiaiid a roipa v toll'i aid etttt ttr iiiiM. wHb aanplar rooma and dec lilt d iVprprt a rti retentlj piadt n tbe (Bill ay 1i Hl i t, t! t rowlitor Mat'rre b'nif-ll II at H Al-'M H Hfrtt.ti ir il; 'a ,'M bf rn ttiorr at tiactlre lo Lie rt ltd roniaiiy than tbe Velal wh- oils fti-ial jubUo. Dtrltt daeoimn WW be rigidly tnfoictd and Uit ct-mli ri at vlritotiatt.i.N-Wy rodlid. , -,. t , n . t ii ' ' i - ..! .ii- Tebms; $160 ferdsy for first wee) ; $1.60 per day for second week. t i f i "! rj r ttr Cperlal contractu mad- wit) ramtlif. and tors,, ihtldrrn and leiTaat hall trice. maylS -dAw tf. TbeCaniia.Hoii.6Mil Magazine, AN lU-USTRATF.n MONTHLY c . ehotce Literature, will belnued from th Iolwu aoao Ma-aaaeaa Ovnoa oommenctng with January, 187S. Tba Brat nnmbar will b read) for milling by December lth. and tba period. leal will be published each auooeedlng month theteafler without Interrnutton. No adrau tage will ba neglected w.ich either talent or capital oan notumi' .o tender aa fc lusue an agreeebls and i natruotiro eompeodlum ol onolce reading, kv popular writers both borne and' ad. The Carolina Household ttngaiine Will be a largo SS-paga, eighty-font column monthly, handeomely piloted on tilled book paper and beaatltully llluetraled It It a thoroughly enuttern enterprise and It xioce-i Is already fully aaaursd. The pubiuiie. muana to make It adrit claw monlbly. thai m en in troduced In the family clrole, ia auua to ba tagorl watohed for and pnri'ftrT'y prenerfM. Ita-KORTHAir OALlEfV'i lllvrorsan attraclirs teatora. The Januatr aumber nlll coaUia a life like picture of EX-QOV. Z. B. VANCE, and biographical aketch, to be followed In aaoh aaocaedlng number with photogranha ol other prominent statesmen, dleinas, Ac ONLY TWO HOLMES ATKAK and each suhsorlbsr can ntako a cboloe Taaaa iiiwt aaArTi-rL.Laia rsuxiiinoa, liao(siMbS4illlncbea,iB! "Tha Pladmg or Nailonr in the l emple." "The Matlnn n.or - King Iar IWflng ths Storm," lor warded n rectil.t of the subscription price, ruber mi Mm KnsraTlBgi U worth ilosli(lti prl'esakdfoi IbaMagtalna. - ' ' J W anyonsa-in.llngsolub of . will re rie an ettra suliMiription Ire. Mint s copli aionnts, rroeby mall. HU mm h fuliaor p tlo, wl .hont the Kngralng, 1. Agents Wanted everywhere. ili'LHiH . HiiMI I'liMlih . i, r-lfttbtiro, N 11 Ut RANSOM BOOTS. i WK btr on band hill s'ock Of1 KANH OM..TI f)Q,TS all tins at , C Al PRICE'S, Fieontnr. . Kscbange Corner. I W.p. pRioE.Maoigtr. . wti . tW'.-Tie wlm l i-t ac. our' io rt( t. M m I- t ia Lm t. a u i p;i'i,k fur av t ti one nt its I tlJ PUKll I j,t v-.e nrx wfttl sm ! t ' a r--ii-r lablur ' . whk'h mar b of aiukinkirir Utr-i.-i l.tiL' s, a O.'i O C ! T'l T3 Crnjthl? , XMU iT.lftCrB' PaTTIf' sap'a py, ft tiwtm t t " rlptli a pr , al 1 s or, i-Mt-tal't. Una rtolUr'. worth or Pa'trrua (ientoaacb sokaoribar Irce aa prtuiua, i-;i Ch i ..... " .. I a - ' ' TO GIVE M Y! WrwiI(E'el2rC0 C0 I' COLD t . ft. . -TV ................ , all . I.lu COIN li.il i ir t iirv.no iU lataa-l M "l r il fil tail 'Si tnjt vti Beiesr. al SI 9 Ssciy rrif lewaraa iia7av A Aa follow: To the flettr- nn M iht I araa-t tlub..... -sVliiOin Oildt.uln. . ad I uiini inN.'..; toa an In 'm im. Id lirtaat l' b.... W 00 In (lo'd t'Sn ith I tf a' O wb ..is o n 0 Iu ' ol Sifc laitrinh.'... ti M In I old Coin. Stb U'frit Cliil. ... is on In GM Cam. lib 1,-t, t V, ob. .. W fO In Ciold Olf Mb Li Hit G ah... !B fr' In Oola oln S'ht . irg'H r lO'.j.. ffliCIO ID Cnlf l oin . Wh ' r' H n uUi.. I .K)" l.oiM'oli. 1 Ith biiiW ("nb.... XA S In fiold Coin. .nAmnnMtliiiqV I .fDtml ll.iK we- exactly a yve premise. ih. y i -t - A .7 1 foot y .f J way ia to rn t jour own oowrriiiiniii io run i ia iur AiafS-'Ora wlirn yn will (at tbo flrnt nainbr and ynnr ( etilfl. att. nl Premium-, which V ean ahw, and nt nn e broln J61 leg tubicrl- I . C'f. 1 1 'r t ' i i ' .f . : tba ptaaiwrf a Wjtagf WiUMuf perl or i OjiOtlliOEa lltSAO it. tV.UUKLIUhl aAIII, 1 toariUtiUU 11 lUTtftodswisi (aesrlyMst- GVO . W. CHARLOTTE. Proprietor. i i in iiiii mi 1 iiaasasanaM Bouthern Illustrated ' V.i-'o in;i :i.o y.i.j irw ! zTsiyflai lingua JOiH(N.ifis id IpHt ONLY ILl.USTB.ATKI WREKLY 1 rn tba Hootb. Klgkt '-aafceaJi Pvrtf onH a mis. l oi tailing norereailliig matuirtha' A y weekly publiibed In tlie Kim"h?rti (SUtPi, , number or tba SOUTH fchll JL V ITBATKU AHK bf IssorrJ JSj " snatardarV at- f ' Jane, 1S7S ; rttS PuMldher Intend making It sn 111 UK tr .t-i record or me times, n wm u oat of svrv ft'l'lo, Political, Ul.toil.al, Literary, a4. s -lentino, walon Is.. ta catrret lnler-ot, And g to tbo bettllln-tiatlonsthat CttubaoblalaaA, O' lalnal or foreign, .. . The nnUTHUKN lUaUS TKATKI AOK ill beprlnrsd ok anW' tvab, ansV liearkbook D oor. Is--"" - ' aa lUllstaf sontrlbatora wli) Tte fewwl tk b uamrsor mny or ins nen write , in tnenouta Mortal and ihort ., iWfal AM iketones. and "Oil cor doct d fdiiorLalilfpartewnt", giw f Ing the lateat personal, Utorarv. S.'laatitto. 4 A niicai reunion, ana eommeraui lunsiiifuur.e, Will larnlab ererf wck an amount of reading matter nntiirpasted by other paiiora, lutue l lenra and tarlety It la Int-iml-d to taaa tli NO'I'IHKHN II.I.UiTKAIBI A(l. a Joar nal for tbe Brest I" sevaral columns wl, b st orlally dr-oted bai subjects irtlulna to diimestlo and p0altifj.1 A -iW . No ramlly ahnu'd ba without It. Hab-of Iptlou prioe only SI let anndh. Pext- f"B.'T. FDLGHUM,' Eilitor;"" suiaiga. h a. - J"' - -;n ' ,, Jy, , ,Ttf. The Piedmont Press XlCftORl r( N, O i - la thavonl Mb liked . la. HJetawka oonar T, inn naiawenenaiT mrciniUon tuinn. teoalv (rtrtirtiUon nmnriff at.a.li.n.a V . . . , . n.ai men in rr Ntal Tba Pass i a lire wliie.awake Demonralio iiaiiei'. , aMI ttenlra blsmMlnmrnratf-ortlilng In Vteafern Nonli aroima i.inrrai terms allow.) navsaSryad VSitla-mettt. Milnoui.tlon 1 In adrince Addrel , MDRHlLLa TOMLINMON. i Editors and Proprietors. 1 aarc.!t-t .'.! -it . . 1 " ill. (" I r ' rJEW ,VORr;.:jn Fro zht Ro.MtQtpcoIhPo ti- ; :: TJorth orSouth. ... -i. ' Hew Vbrlr,a;n4, Wilmington ;Steia!saup".aUw! t k .'.''i! SEMI-WEEKLY. Sailing from KEW tpRK.' WEpNQJDAX and PATU1DAT at I V. lL't aad ti KO'I ON, WEDNESDAY and BATCRM I- 1 mf.! af-B!ei3 tslmnno) BOSTON A Tm PATJPVTrOt 1 v. .Aia.i.i.i. i M'Wmtm) . baity. Betwaen BOSTON and NEW York. Bem:Week.y between NE vf ,fr lpea.-.y as e .1 ..-.it .Jul I "blpprraaayrl-Boi.tBrroBiUd rtf-lar -ailing r tk-M Si.t.H a.tf ..i.aW Wlt.Ml01,.tgtrijBiiail 0STi BtSrUwAI. ' A U tt-Mttiv-i w. r -;t , , i 'T","ffi.W2 Jf, .V. "V aiu.o-.(.,1,' i ..ji f...,l t aJ , -' ' ' " " ' TH CAKM.111A MiM a4L BatLWaT. . - ,lyf. tro''bB.llsorU4g(lvtatoardfroBi.lir)nBi;ta T""??f " NORTH and fcOTJTH CABOXJNA4 CEOBOIA aid AUfiAA ' ' ' Mark nil iootlsjiaflj'de's iVilniingUii r rn. ia....t.v ......iV. 1 -' -U :'i "Kiv-1 i ,no-l D.D.O. MINK. 1 ! '"U'' Uoaaral Raatent A gent, M Daioaaklrs Straat, Bostea. I l;a. i,CB:t A . . ' i . via: ; wiim us ! ... .i, ,K '1. : i -. , , i i; ."m f .' ;j ' ' ' .FAST . B'lEIHtr ', ROUTE I'f'V To k ..lit V ' . i- ill. V -.S"4il!. V'i j- ill. ? " !- .ViliiV. ' Af, 'H'lt t BALTIM0HE. A i . : EalteaiiwCliJiiijjiM1 I ,.i ,.r..n - -a - saatr.wsaaiT. " ' ! '', -BAlLINO PKOM BAtTitwORBsi ' Tuesday $t Friday, at 3 P M. ANl PKOat WILMINGTON- ' , Wednesday 4 Saturday, BOSTON A NO PR 6 VI 0 E N C E. i 1 Itaitimors and Wlmingtoa Ubs, Baltlatora, Boston and I fovldenee Ubs, , j ' Or via canal fully to Philadelphia and t'lyda'o Pkiladalphia aad Prevldenci Ltns. 1 Ssml-Wseklyfrom each Port. - ? " " I .,(! .'Jl :i''J'( 1 i I -'il llMll Wll it'll j 4 ' : ' ' o . i i , ",. ., -ii I f ! !' a; i Rhippors may rel'v npon lbs prompt and rsgnldr sailing1 m there Stamm,' Sal'qalcfci!';' fstcb given to all shipments by this robtr. NO DELAYS. i- . .,. r. . .1.,m.:i 'tB-otgh BllTsr'fa-,.toMrfgMafvBll IUf- : KORTH and SOUTH CAB0LINA, OEOP.GU aad AUJJAjlA;' Also to BALTIMORE, rHILADELPtaA,1 I'BOT-U)JJ3.(aL aaL Otbrr Eastern Citiee. .!;-.?-.-..,' nr "- . .. r ,TTr7T l gusian.waf ivw aw j pni vuif r promptly paid. I ... mr row iwwarinmmsuoa apply io artbat or EDWIN FITZOERALDa Asanti ha tlmuro l.lut . ou Kouib attest et. uaiutBore. marcn is.u (hrolinffltotral,Eailway,:;i:." I . r a.uiJ ' i, ;-.' fT VMli MV .3T3 ,TCH2 , r UiSKAl. ,fOi. avi iv t p mna VAfltNTKJH fir-Tirm' pfrhtfo i.tri Hallway. Diri-wltti its aanaeotio-Mat Wtimrngtoa, both riirwroiioin. lo H .ttimore. f hiladelpbla, New X -.7 mi uuu i(iogiii!piBcu (joga A WILMINCTON AND ALL EASTERN ClTlSsfi' ir411cMAr if. I .... rt ,!!. .... 1 II f states v f li 1 Kstastoall rwmuiarnWbsO BonsppUoUloa I. HannwAP M ii 1 1.1 In si . apr8aM - rrrrii IS ALIVK TO HKK .NTKkKSTi ta Baal UarotLna, ar biiasM yearUl yertby la THE VWASH1NGT0M ECHO, a iarge and. well astslillihaif tTvtkl n-p per, clrrnl itin sttr-i-tTdy Ir,' tl a ooanttSSO nyac, nevimrt, ramiic and ktni ad hits IpS Rat yde, Hetulnrt anilloo, Pitt, iSdgeconibt ' Kit -a tatWi A w W Llk SV . i'ao , -A'tjWABa ' , Lata of Tarknr a, . , , "f Waablngtot i Kaitorsan.1 rronrietora. ana an stations on Atlsntis, Tenaeaaea Ohio AlMAtla aaA BlehrM AW tJnA mi OarolinaMatMde as wallas aU poHiMta OKOROIA and ALABAMA. f I iwiuaun 11..U, a.Kin o..ni .I.IIHT.l a- lOW H TIB BV OlBBt llOSa B tSTaabaAl fsr charge-, and Hates alwan aa law ai tbalatiMi.. T" TTr'Tn M"H!n.'M? yrfMatrsva-viii m a.ii.r.,i Pay VYour GiU: Tales. Offlft of T-eamrer aa.lOoHSoto,'1 hniaoto, 1 i '' toniN.o., 5 Aog 17,187) rttea awing tit) uny oi wtimmgwi i laaiillreoledtoDoMtyall parHsa awing tity taitw that tba requirements of ti e ally tr M'trajsaucb that a atrlct oomnMaiaa with iOrditianoe will be nivle, Slid iuob prrMiai whs dunot pat their city rait on er before tbe flmt of antem ber proximo, ihelf property will b s1 Tert lard and sold aa the law directs '. ";.T.C- Serf oss, TV'! I..', in . Irsaswsf sad Oollastor ... .' u t ' . i no.Ton Linirn v. it a'" I'f-i ..UiUif.l.ldAW . warn m . jTOBl and wilJlINaTOK. iwralIPwaai - 'i. rt, 3!imMi'M;j4 j i-O J in i' '1 ! ' 1 '.. S r. .(".IS 1W al,t a., ,. ...J h lifSkiWvwlwku-w, f , 11b I ui .!twl viii .ivi - -r.'-i o rroTvjVerot I I! 8 U'lll. '. I si 1 t ,M l ll Stl.'(; i -( ii ! t i hi: ,r .1 K !.-!i1J ffciJ liSKil i- t t,J1.,1-.1 t i .' I II Vi',"'fl t . .i r I iMlOttt Hi '.!. 'f -iftWIJf. I .., i ( iMlltttt il I '.!. 'f -iflTOlj a '!! PHIUDIIPHIA. .Baltimore rasJ WiliniTistGalj : aaahiwssaU aarwaatr1" 1 "'J ; BlL(aus(a ano woiiiToa,,..., Baltlaiora and PblUdaliWa teaaaatO.i' Dally ria Oaaal WwS "'" ; BlLTiaoRB A6 tMlUbpLJ-Uljl) , ; 1,.; -. I .t , .ixitji!, u) ! !.! 'Mi , -- - a t - IT ' "llitil (alOl-Uj , i'ti,' BALTIHOlUt AVD TtUlKTpia i orttvsrafcaiJJailroa dd Amtmd UtiU-Ui fi'l-iH KmltilatA. nl nWLa VallMaa nfvw BsDa hi p qica U9mm ff ViT fMtttt 1 ij id it . i j v.l , If H nit ' f't''11 Ml i'l I'1,II , Ht'J the andtrslgnsdAginiasX (AaAnj; ,, l, Balt SMre iu.a N.wlatA LAts'l II. .LI.. "ii-wui-rrv,ama,Bl TI ii; . ;rtri oJJ -i,:T .Tfb oi I(i)uii rt'iea I Ii )i v:iif saw wrdtir Mill fluirjIiT DEPAB13Pi;o- tl S U II And tu) ix MBPaoTrtTiii w rwwvii vrtna. Ja i binir0oanllai ans raHMtM Ml riaaireet steamer Llnea and vtaWsM. rk, Bostoa aad PnivldOBoa-aMaalad asanas sasasj liawi y BlaaJ Us I e iieen vitcij spartan .MiMiile n!T-.f .l0 ,rrir.) nO ti'it a in w'lloia iwul Y' aola Ji 1 isweau to iba draignc4. Offle la Baak af Ma 1 - w pw jtlii ' Wa,,, 1 Published evert Wetiiesday at WADESBORO,,; AN9QB?JtOUHTI 1 ' o-s JO MM. .-a?ATSi'r''ni') c .Tt.ui ii tsaliw'i i-i . !. Qii'Ji . Hr I b !f! i r iff owl v.'l fi'illii i . - .i i . f: Has a large and rapidly taeroaaiaa riair-r. . Hon la the Pew Dee ooantry ta North aad AaatS sitner or too aisrer states ror raaaatag a farmers, planters and nrerrhantj: 5 7 extensive tmt MtfHlilng pat. ronage exhibited in Ut column u tK beat evidtn&ttfiUtarfa kMlnflum- SST bVolnrsn ooptas,1 wni rates isf ad-SwH I tlalni.iotit traat po-tai paid, i" ' , JNy, T. PATRIOl . r , , ( I ; ,w ; f svtttnraad pUiUawa:) ' SHki.by b a mi k ai aeuy( k. t) rbZ, i M-ked 4-wiTrTharadayasornl. Sarkli?Pl( A V7ab. editor. jDoMeanla lit eeuaS .( I ; . -I . . ' I Si !-li J J "ji 1 i" r r 1 A) 'i it n

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