, - I J I I IM IS r ,M It WILIiIHGTOH. H. ft, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1S75. 70L XXIV. NO. 256 WHOLE 110-7X22 T C77 i i i it : 1 I 1 I I i VII in . t O? ?'to.!n lournal BY' TfetkiurlAjH. NEWS IN GENERAL. fontfitloi-Yoo Aralm I liable to Bear the Imprlwnaient-Ilif Cm- J L ,YJ cnxzns CASUALTY. u. Murdtr and Suicide--Earthquake Iiplosloi -fjsttrlpus Death- r Drflwici-i-Udlitel ' I BY TELBGRAPH TO THB JOUHfflfc, . aaw.nj tin W rst.Mn.t,'. n v. ...... . Washihotos, Oct JJ8 -r Arrange mema rt ia progress iot tiio iusi in"1 from Waahingtoa Nt w Orle"s- D w II pass tbrooRh Danvi;i CUarlotts ana Mlanta, aJ wil' v saveaattf half finu, V f-ren Washington and Columbia. Senator Patterson is urg ing the ma'lerj. m i . Judge Qu H. Cowell. f Conopotl ont ban been appointed chief clerk of the pttofflo8idparturi ' '- ' 1 ' ; Tb h)IU0 of $104,880 .gaj tender, it Mag 80 per Cent of the Na tional betk ete leaned dnrinir the moutn. in "onjntlon -xploi!oDe, , New Ioa,'Oo4.-!i8. Tbe antmal oonrentiou ofjthaRaib-oadOpuduetorh' Life Inwiraoi iHaooiariorj report that twenty members have died and $26 643 were paid - to their lieirn. Tbe present jnijubeMhiD il l.Ss reoeiiita Ka Ji?ttW Middlitowji, JOot 28, Tjkel ton of a maaVrdoa 6ieh arnuld stand alwnt 11 feet high, was exhumed near Ciroleville, Orange oonnty. Nbw York, Oot. 28. A dinpatch from Riobmond says the explosion in the Raccoon ooal pit, Cbestv&ald oonnty, killed BaTls, Smith. Ooodrey and Tutweiler. The bodies were bnrnel beyond recognition. The Hoae of tbe Bih p's Protest ant Episoopal Charoh has eonvened. There were thlfrtyj Bidiops , presaot. Bishop Smith presided. The object of the session j the creation of Bib opi for Ohijitnd Africa. ' - ',J t I i aM i 1 i i t NiTADA. Ilfe.iil.A I ilk. ViBanfM -OiTij Oct. ia The best business men estimate the losst seven millions, and a half a million a one third of the ipsaranoe in foreign com panies. & large numberoi women are being senV to the adjacent places, and safes are being paired out. ' The Tanlts of the Baiik of 'California are safe. TEXIE8SEE. .r?a?thUakp!5 5 ; XT' H MsMtnat Oot 28.-The earthquake last night caused: w siderable alarm in different parts of hn city. Three shocks in rapid succession made, the windows and crockery iMtlf .especially in the upper stories, and in some in stances caused a stampede to the streets. " f!" " " yA A full delegation was appointed to the St. Louia International Convention at St. Loniei by tbe Mayor aud Oot'on Exohaigt.,i')4 i ii - i i .ir.ua ' ! snssomi. .re Md liltlds.':' .':li. St. Louis, Oct 2.1 D. R, Faziar aged 21, was forbidden by his mother visiting PK&A Plochmarf. , aged 16, Visited'tne botjs'a, , shot her in tbe breast and stabbed himself fatally. The young people were engagod. ' j Found Dead. ,,,, LKAvncwiatft. Oct. ' 28.'-The ' body of a young and beautiful woman about 25 years old, was found in the river riohly dressed. Ia tbe pocket of her dress was found $176, a card case with the name" L 'MJ, Bar, Blackwell, a check for her baggage and a pass from Chicago to Kansas Citv. nAio arnim mji f Disaster. Niw PoOTQ'ci, 24-AUrge two inaatea sendoner was seen to sink eaat f ard o" Block Island yesterday.' ( It is anpposaiitwerti hmt. ,. , ; 7 ltJasi8TW,, LilInfomatiTOi is re- ceived here that Gapt. llehan, his son and four men were drowned in the surf at Pubuloiidfl Pjioa, Peru. , , ... Gbas. Gftason, one of the Grafton bank robhar,, nnder jfoorteqn yeara ieptence, escaped. ' nwiiiriiiifr . - iaw blMlCMd "." CoNQOBp.OqL. 28 The Grand Jury indicUdLavPam,' the mnrderer of Jo- FBBwitiie)cwmfJ, Opt 28. -Th Vir ginia Jlerald of thisoity annoupoea to-day 4talMI B. P. Blitler hai pnr. ehaseda. gold mina ia this vioinity. The roMat idavolopaaeots hw at traoted wrosiflewble attention to ' the mininqjfaoj Ml'iW .aeoiioi, of Virginia, .i v JF" OEIIO 1ST. GIHH.Ur. Munich, Oot.3. ThJ Pavarian Chamber .; villi k. e-ittivened farly in January and nrtdisaoived mile the Mum of a deblock by rejecting the Government fl&aocial bills. BciuaN, Oct 28 It i difitiiMy set tled that Pritfe Fd-rick Willitn,a ooai pan ied jynjB eldest aoi, mVI viit th CuUntiuiL iTheOoano-flef rbjsioians acting it behalf o the supreme Court, decides that Von Aruiui ctn't ' lnr th pro longed ittpritouaxjot to which lie U atuteooed. Gambetla's Sanlfosto. , PiMt, Oot.38i-arobettapbUabea the followiuir manifHito : 1 am eon- fidut tbe approaehiuK elcotion will abow. ibow a great ltepubl,iOiri maj'witjr. Ipbojda sTstert to! I,Pf,t" o future AwnWy mnnt U tioa ap oontrol of tKl.0" bT S'-"-, . ' UiiOi. . , (irange. i Totovro, Oot. 28. The Dnmininn Gr gol I he j'atrooa of .Hunbawlry lnMOfAi, 1'hera are 237 sulxrdiuate gnugtM in the Dominion. HawaawafaaMaa saaasasaaaa 9fKB. in i,.' , ' 0'ob JT:h, ISTJ,o btiio (sr, Ctireuce An Bri, mtnrm r I). a.iil Miunl yi . t- rf, (1 IS mouth. ' tur cbill'iu U b hrrtn.t. , ilx toitl C'm lii ku jtmiif a oil; . ; i Dimlfcd'(r(i ikia iJi , A 1 ' 'Lat ihm ai'piov b" b cf't. . Nor M3m ih.ir hurntlf cl tm I'll. Ui lm t H a. r u li i H , f or cuoll U lllDNI I t'U," - . , i ' tVaill w br n. thera ' oid (N-TOtlng thru I tl'i, Implm hitf tmt . n u ihiiu " Tbl tu .y O'lr or! rim Oa bHi( , 7rl-t Hl.c,i)ii't.iUuif ot M(aiiU Ml r 'Id' Jabani '4 1 j ;.". , I ran r.ltli. nd rltri lK r r.H-cifu If In f iwd in n .ml tiio 'aiirl t ib tliuir r .-ili' n o'iii H tr.t, I'Htww-htStu it.4 .CiiStch twin till. H ' 3:81 P L' Arioso Club. TbsHegular Hoiiihlj Meeting t Hook ami Ladder Hal tbl. iTmwWi rroiiln, at 1:30 o'ducb.. . II T older o' tin P o-il lent- oCt-W it-" J'ef wf ami Trwiifur. , ? mON JOHD i CHAPTER MA o at..'oa' HiLi., WiLMinaroa, Oct , 1ST8' Npeclnl mooting of Concord t)tiitrr K.i.l, this enl-g, t T n'olork, for' Paul tfnUr'. d grea. All vUilIng eitmptnl ma ar oordlallj vltod. Sj Older of th. M. K. H. t J. . O.lf. LLDHANt), T.OORDE R A Hiiidiom. Stock of , ,Sjii J. - ift V ri nruv ' ; ; cassimebes "i ri- j VE3TINQS, Hill b made t ' mavaro In "murp'ttvl i jr e j mid inrqumloil Bt. . ( . I. large and wW. 0 1 aojKe, , , M"UTsrsoir & co- CITY CLOTHIERS. out St Marshal's Office. j&Mr fpHBtiN .OTueR.HAH! THE regal.r police of tbe City, baring In their pos- mIoii police bdg.'i-fpr thaCity of WllmlDg- ton art reqaeated toratarn tbm to till? ofllce ImmaJUIely, d wurnel of tl penlty they 111 innfcr'by tt( t'rg In any minnernr on any ooouljo wbattyer to om tbein or retain Iheaaihaer poeaaoaloii, without aolho Ity from thaeityv - GEO. W. PKICB, WHmlfgton, Oct. 2 CUj Mamhul." SE'f CONFECTIONERY STORE. TIIR OSDEBfONKD H AVK JC8T opine1, In 50). 31 Front tftraol, 4 lirexhaiid Kliint aaiortmenl of dAlibiSs, l"firjiT.,i A 11 0'T3sr4.. ,r NUTSJ, B,AIH11W- "j-ts T ff f ' WOObandWILLOW-WAKB, i H i,l l FANCY OUOOEEU8, o., o . ... . .. ' r. AICQ .' ... A : '' ' ' A Urgcawortmontof 1 " ' - ; 1 O 1 A B I KHt To which attention IsinTtUd."' '": W will keo contntly on anrl frerr Trt- ety of Uoxl In out I nn, hH or whl. h will be olaattheyKBVLuwKsr PKicea. PIANOS TUNED 11 BLOW HALF-PRICE ; t; He gnartaateaf pirfe tunbig m Or no charge ti.de, and ha'lirig critic to eiaialn bin w irk. TRY HIM -FOR . FACTS ! tET Order. recMred only at MAKjS'' Hook" Store,! IT -ortn Front. t'es ,or at ATK"' Book Stor, or at Mr. Rueckert,' rerldence. N. R. oomr Tblrd and Market Street. botaitf . i,jiL ' i . 'f SHEETING . AND YARNS ilTTLC RIVEB SHEETINOv, :, LEBANON A SNUTIIiG,' V UK! CEOREE SHEETINGS. iV ' RANDOLFH YARNS, " rvraalaatlraatorPiia .by "Witt ' vi-w I f AJM eVMwTtOmsOP, CHROMES! . A It f. r J eoirpVu lnwlsflil CHR0W2I, FRAMES OF ALL STYLES oJ siw, tio" e"l oh l "fr.a rA to Hilt . j or m i. , FIGTUKE FRAMES MICE TO tMR J ml rrwi.nl I rr mif t nrt U - OVUlt qhZ HUNDRED OiRVrmit 1)et of bnM- runl g frum $ w to OVEiCOATS c nirlklng all nit' of COLORS AND JWEIQbTS A DWlD. Mw.'h.i TiAo'. Kit I SADDLE',1 HONESS, TRUNKS. TRAVELINCOACS, fiOkSfi BLAffifiTS aiii 'LAP EOSES Wi.ip , tir. 4ilr, H.in m, 1 r-itrtd my lUriwx e. rettu-r. Al 'Jr.tMi bi. Mr,, mil lu I Itie .r 'It4h A. T X O W, PRI CES, Turpsntiritr Scrapers t TKltx ll'i!,J.jlol.itii'. Druirli g Ki.l'V, H.'Hil t.g Kt.H. 8i4i..'..fH immfV Kti finb b -el", l''k t tr 1 1 r .Mm'ti i k. H ck ro , hoi. Ho: l, CuO,i tt'i t'lin, A, i Th l irit ih r : tn n,inl lnwm' irlm' nl llm Im)i-a 'l o .ii l..i Iimui it lue U akinii f llj-hij M.nlw tie li u ol - - I ..'l)H i 1) 1K, Vo 9. LH. t Vttlict stnr't. 8 )t nJ to arrlre. Mt, Hulk atd m't).ll, Litl Tt.ro, Tub and full'. . Muiit in Pin Barrett Flour. o. n, t'.U o FLEfi.SE 8EMD . IH TOtti ORDER?.- ja. t. p Km: way. octsa Merclin rt' e and Produce B-"k i ti3 :Bcst HouscMdOil in tUe World C. WEST& S3 JUS' ALAflDIN SECU RITY OIL. Warranted lit U.greea t'lr. T'aal xr itetttha rniiowlng omdgiate, MlUd frjiu man; Other. - i t HuWASO f iaa Ik Toi o Hi.tiohk, V. . .,vrs -i; .-Uecamaeeaa, ww t Jbiti't 9 Wett Sunt: (Jantlomnrirtng fei tii TtrkW' oil fold 'n nl.iat? tor Mluaal- nntltiff (iarpe I tali olawiirra i ro minii iu roar " AlwIOlo Besurltr" sitae taleK nn and k( ever OMii m 4u batukbultl, Var '"rf'linad) , . ISOBBW BBtaB, Prt, IT WILL NOT EXPLODE Auk your .?( mk'r.frt fttr li. , WhoieMi l)o,H)t, C; WEST SONa, , l'3 116 V. L'mbtf street, lilJior. . 1 w-l Diu TJRPE WiT".' AHAKTNF'W WANTF ,inoiiofhihM"t H.(iliitnl rnrnnln the No'Hh. hi lun habrcn ruiming twnty(M) iiew-o'oi tli wir. mid wl'l h e twniity (20j i.e cr ir hi neit iv.non, Mpirudl 1 ncrlon Pltu'y nl niund limber, he tlir and nour.ctrt, o upwly htrliiir anont Two 'Ihountxri t(,Ti Uiihm and it '11 - Kilendtl clian ;o to make money 1( ode ied Alrma dACOh MPPAN A HHO., .. vl More Factor. , . ootj'dtwiw - ftoTniib, tiC Fire Dogs, ; Shovels and Tongs. A tlreat Vmlety ).r ia'e by ' H OILKS a MURCUISOIV. or. 3ii .-.. . . . METHODIST CONFERENCE. S : CmZFtH WHO WII,I ENTFBTAIT J M mlirorib N I), )ont' renew MeMio dmt K.icocal 'iliaroU i'lontb, dn'mg It i4 proam I e alon. t connne In Ih a dtj Ilc. ldt, will pi-a-e ittiiI th -I' rniin a. and tb mini b tof t wl I rmclT, to . tUiT ia' tie n.ider elgued Committee of Arrangement.. .... . W. M. PAHKKR, H..M. ItOWOKo, i Wilmington, Oct. J8;n, t toninilltte. 0-t7-lw IN O rJ? I C K. Tub VKPi:R8Tn5oD ri-rrR For Sale), one of ih li.m Bualnoss Locations ln 'be Vu ,typ' lnnum k, li J lour nilnarrcm hallot'o Ulnr, on ht I known uthe New Hrlttln Buut. ronrintiiig Nine Hundred and Ninety Acres oi IRii.l.ou wuiuli Kr turpeniui bun . partly worked, with Hie ctmn'V of runtlnt or leading yourghoxwnr Round Timber, with good Distillery o'"1 neoea aiy Ui'nrue, a!l in runii igo d. Store House ''"a'' I'n !, ami at b0'anri out hnM. lor meeeiirfnl irnmctition of ihn Turpentine and Mercantile bu"1" TERM :" tbird Cash n t 'rd In Mix Mxnibe, ftnd oi tbiiu u olue laontb. Pneiio girraJan arr lt..lf7(i i THOMAS Lt WIS. ZEPHYR WOESTED ! HT ZEPHYR WORSTED! Tlilte aaiiacI(2 rB!il21-2jsr m . 1 mm i If '"'."I '..,',;.T'''r.'by ;;"; ;:,v., ;,; k t i ..O.J i. -. . ,, .k,.s otw AT YATES' B OOK STORE t9 a S.l a ila 'l l' ('hroutfts. " 1 ' " '' " ,;.;MoUors, '. -. . , " rr Mrroosnipf . ! i ! " - SlrffOsfoplf Vlrwa CamfsM4for. Al.ao, -rifes. ' ; .- Flutes, Banjos, ' Vjollns, Guitars , Aooerdeons, jv -jHarmenlcas Flour and Meal- A Nl MIStUI tKKD. l'r-'nd ri uu abort nolle. id tin bo.t.'ht attb ni) ket prltt. ldlree, f U'sARLOtrs nine tf ta thaw, g Poiitivaly . , No P itponement ! AvPORTXTlTS KOKHI. LEO AIXY AUTHORIZED. TEXAS GIFT COM O? eul J-n.l e, win giTa SECOND .. ,i GRAND GIF IV. CONCER. HovtJOtli. 1875 LDHAWLNU MUSUIYIJ Or Money. nofundod rfrit f.'tiitWi ftifA $5 tJsoond Cupitul Glft w-....., S dHHf hi tt'Oimr l n ar-ountlng in all t4 vmw 0.00.! Lowof t C.ljrttojD W holo Tlokot, ICQ Coupon ' I? pno "r wiiii'it rioer., A. w .loh cuiinUt f 4 . i' H ()ii n. r QOUPOli TIOKf TSt CI VhirH wifn itnle ihe li.iw r o aiiii'S:m I, hHril 0 iicntl, an 1 1 iv-.n. flfni ut h t . r g'it imi '.e a iulutotn a bait llcke i.imiirr. K'KJIt-iW.JIlti WMl"l, Alt ar t ikau tout dimct i romii l. I.le'. . . Clr.iul r, Paper, ere., aivtii Mill i.articu ', .uu !. Ill l tiiiit, Mi.eand uliii voiir mviw, t in. ci int. mi. I M 1 1 Ui lull. Order, i r tlo.en a.iiii itlm ti to and uu eent t O. !., if d- i l. . AldreiMitl piniiiuuU:atioiia and nikk all eunttanot ol money ir.lil to . A. . COLLINS, So-. DenUoii. R3CR TICKETS AT O tne ttawtiiK i 1 h1'I1 take idsm Nur 'ia. l;s,itud but llor('Uuio U0 t nans J i.OMC e, li amid i 0MC ENDORSEMENT Wc.'n uiiitii aimed, rlttarn b' t)ml nn rea, clim-r'nliv ilv our lewlnt nr to thr 'i.inoril.lf inilni.arill lu ab'eh the finfl -nallit oneertoftli t H It onoei t m lat'm wacH.duo'ed, and utii be . v Mtbiritctrity mamarln waicb ell lb pledr'n urn iuuili. oi ix. e awuoi .ii.ui were crtL : Kiatj ana, rnrthei, A', rat lihirtlly dure, pnnaeranig "Ttnu mil tjuuoeri, lo ! glr.ii vi n nmo. wjot, or iieeinon; l..j.nii i. it.i. W ..t ..,.1. twi wifTi, uuimw r I'lvirii;, T TT.I'irr Ul'l U-Tlng. J WaoUyurd, W Tiblw, W B Mum I IT'r liM.lohn onitlnhn Nert i. Whole Ml Dr. GkU; H Ha. Wholnn'e (r"er iviiuptein nrat. na'iem'e iiiqaorn eitm -utr WHOlrnlg IK (ionl: Mil llrnu.aLaln Wholei-nl Dry Otwla. Mn,f Wenulaga; ioo d null' r; ir t u t hii. HU3SS?0XES ANO.RIMS. W.SOW bcel, bag gt wheel., m'ky wheel, wag in axle, tin, Iriui.buKg' ho.iie, aeta, htf jiiriiiK tr nini'ng., bit da, to' , .mlky ahtfta, i 't wheel., Sc. 1 lie largi'et a'oek of tho hovo g !. ni t i In In vent i rl w In the el'y can Cm,' itt the old e'ih'lhe.i Hard Wofi Hotto -f , JOHHDAWNOV, " - oetIO Wo. 1il, if. and V M.,ttet Street. TO THECITI2EiS OF'CAPE FEAR ; ;i:3'JNlRY.' , lni n i in u-ii Imt I- out and Tiu era flailed upon t i ia'iy n.r t' e n-u Kalt oii the Jtl, 19tk, lltli.tml ilti h day. ' Nor-, mh'r. Cet your h aiariie'e ami eo u and help na. Hraiiirerp, termini, merlunloi, merchant., aedUat th egh nnl lAitxt, lvlei we wan you wllh n on thtt great, and we trnet. glorlon -P V.lf . r 2 ! : ' ! 5 ,1 . f, Preeident. i J. M Chasten, General Commiesion Merchant BALTIMORE. Xirri.t lve iHir .i hi a'tentlnn to tlieanle VV (lotxini tl Hinrce, : Peaunt and countr iirmluc (ranera'.ir. ln to the rur- cuM "r m'i'n'.iini k nr nr l ermiwuon tUptin J. M. urtiugtv, Prdiiotol Hauk of how Hmiorsr. aogM If . - . ' - , BUFFALO SPRINGS .Mecklenburn County, Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER : 3f THE SOUTH. .OPEN 20rn MAY, 1875) 1l'c watoraar pwewd or extraoMnmi'j enrkMTe poweminalhrttloniiorthe KIDNEYS ami HO t OliKU, In all deranmanU of th UltlAKY UKOANH Incident to warm niac mle .-g'linl in Dvaoe lain. In ni. eases oocuiiar to women ia Chronic Intermittent ami h em It- ton t pevers. m enronio Gonorr hoea Secondary Syohllls. Claot ami n n.iroi the'Cenital Organs, and m .n r. rm.of Qout Rheuma tism. 1 Uilr ri-onrkcui" in i ml eittcart In f ed et i'nl .-arcd r .ntirhe.1 for hy imool'tiin roit flii-t ndiihfd mti"nl men of the iTi'irtrv, both N wth and Mouth, a well abvrm.o-ifd r.w rim the mit iiniiuof tlonitliln annror. I'ei InionUl. In Ptmidilet form inriiiehedon p oatijn. THKWATEK PiiHSAl.K. ' The witter la put np In case! of onedmen half l'n Hulti t er e,ae. Route to the Springs tor the Southt u wn ul lUr ii.. inoi, d and A"a l.n A r l.tae KftMron.1 to -Kaitielmrg Ipt In Hiiltlai eounty, Virglnl't, w!i"re all ti.ma are niet by oca t , ,n iJi.igJg mil, dl. tint , , , ii THO ort, " For Sale y'ti SrMTa'MlTk' 0Ua I'l.tno Aim tone ngo Machine Th' ts fi nearly ; new and win be' wM very low 'the; eabW Iber lnvi)j no n" tofthe.n The oan b at thu cut ut of ""'Tflrui m 1 W tiant t'rtrtta. Mri,tf .t ret' J jv'AVAvtisif. For Rent. TllB-ti'Be W.pTiw r- ipl1 b (y ni i I r . emhr In wliarf. effl..e " ' (1 i.aa' "d eol rt low W on HMh Vt'itcr Htreet.' f.rMi Or tw,y.r leruii ma te a uiy. - Apulj to " in V9 &MCtM. .tMrni.vi.aj. Mortgage Sale. I.N riMiSl'A.N. Kf a tmta,! nd bv lntn H i mkeamt il, 10 K"l lletr A Kre-., rt-i'.'ererl In Hm, K . N.K.. vt th Keg'.. tt IhH.I. in the i nice Nr. Hanor.r i , we wdl or), r liv at f:trh u g rrner, In (be t Ity i t V :na. at uahHa aneilaii. tttt cit.b.ri, II Kf. ,ih. t da. ofMlVKM. HlN.IMVtl lln'eoi'k. M , a certain lot ot Un.l (.i In ii.e i" t ui VVltm'iittn Benin, alhrf ar , ix.uit am n.t h ..r in. e ui h- in 4 ui U1. t three r.iiin'im ihonoe ' In trfctr utiio fi ut, ltl. li.-e ..l(iini liimd 're-l and I I, thwie tnulh .-reetv-nte. ft, t trace int une Inmd'ed ant icn tcrt. tiKUMV A MOKKI. o t eoilt. Au.'tt.nier REMOVAL. T1IH nderl..ne.t rmoTd ti ht .ror, he. IV S.uih Krttlt mi.t, three d.iore Mont of hie old .and, wht-re he w IhotreMil rtotlllle. tnr l'Owin Ida lre and varied utoek nl tianlw.re, Clltf'T, Hun, Aarlent tur.l ImplertienU, Ae., an.1 r.eitectln'ly ..e. Id) a t'tiuiliiitt.ire ot th H-'ru patronage k"r.'.fitre bettowtd. wtllf r 'i OaO.A. fKlK Quarantine Notice Tf NI'Ui rtTRTHK t NOTIt K At.lt VK vie rV.im Pint- .I 'litt. of t.i 'ear elll "timet. t tl VMtlei Ntitlnn, aear I'eep 'at iulnl,d tll lb liuftiitlun f tin Qiiar ant lie riiy.lcHn. All Hli from Purl, where Velltw , or ntliet lalot'tluu tti eaao etlnte. will b re- iulrod Ui uuder.i a ilgld and (irolungcd (Juar auuna. An vewel.nr bo.tji.if any chtra.'i aelng lokiim.cn board on arrltat, ir ' 'a had lli kiu-Menf Umt dirlng tlioVii.M., Ir e qOiTiHi tu coum to the iu li'li ii.ncti. i llhout rrg-rd to the Kurt t. oiu 'iiu tliei ncaie. Vie-el. not In.'iii t. nte .III ora cdml without Mntl..m. Pihit. are e.i..ii:'y d-ied to maKp rri. Mil erqultr tdat' e e ele, m w, V't , and If mite tl-lt n wi'h Hie t,iem,... ., the 'ap. tln nr ciitiiinoiidi r, or II ' j.wl I. In a fl'Th cnnditi..n, tn y wdl t.iliiji 'i.e I to ri. -it ttiiio foe f.rlh't a imitiH'Mii 1 Pllnl" IU'iil riolailug Hie (J mraii Im f.H. e Mit.K t to it .rtuiturf m tjietr b inch; vl Muter ot T,.et.'. n a tine ul tar i 'indrm! ilol' lr a 'r etcry d tl" t ,ii'Hto tb" ij ial ill I , a i l ell o her p. r-on. tre el.i for each aod ir-rv urti-n.io. A'l; el .iiliject m t',ithin audit ano fjiu ten Ii.iih, wilt a I a hag in tli.ui rlggint. nt ld i . 'J . r w I ttrTKR, Vuvif tin I'hrincian, : t - fort it' trnniltigtm, X. , - li.l'ti llo, JM. (.)., May I!t. mt ' l tilniivl AMERICAN CYCL0PE01 1 IM'VlM'tl DiH loll. K.itli"ly r twri.toii hv. tli- a imI nli.r. uu nm nil..te..i. Prirt.id rr ni iiiw)iit, and iliiiMrniHi nb f w m TliiuiMt d t n.a. r.i gt . ot' Mrj. ' ! THK woitwiirtitlly iabii l nnd. tbA ti tjo(rttkl NKW AtienltJAN i.VtiUiCJK- l.t we.M!iiiii t d in lim einee which lime tbe Wid.. sir .illation wlil. n t h aitatned In .1 varie f th- Unit H twee, and tb.elguitl dt " m tte wh.cii hat taken (da In n.ry I". in th ul ri'letio, llit ritnie .i,d a hare ln dn.Hf i the t-dH.'r. aid p bit he eto iilnnit It In an .. and thorough r l- uo n I in leeue a new c'1-l..-i t utll '4 H K e.MGi!AN OY' OWH'cSl'U. W It till, iii laei tun year, he ftrngrtw of dle. MVt'rj in . 't uep.ituiint of knuwltilg" li Diaiie a ntw w wk nt ruterreco nn liH'iBtle Wtlt Klie nii'Tcm ni or pnltlcal kft'iiu ha kf 1 1 put Hi ill ilixurtri auf "(lUim e, . d their fraitlui eioill tio i initio . iiiiil ui d uee. fill a-te and I tie c 'nyi nlenc, and i iniicuu n tit etivtiti lite, )iet inm. ct.n."lieiii ieolu. tltxieliaii. o uirrtl.li rolvli gtwliunaj thaiige. of pt-o'l'.lnr bum. lit. II civil war uf Our own oit itiy, ah'ch wan at It. height, when the litet vxilumu nftho old wuik apinarvd, ba hu pilj been t udud. and a now uouiiw ul cnnimeiolitl and liidiif'tlHl aotitlly liv buen eunuieiic4 i litrgn a, nen-uiua 10 iinrgodurapi.ic.Hi kiiiiwi Irrtg. hate limn mie bj ui ludtl.tigabl pltu lii.f frka, I'll greal political reToli)lhm nf 111; lt d -cat!.., Wliji the inlutitl tt.uitol lb. I,e ol tlnic, hate htouuht in 0 I Ub)t tlrw a BiulH- tiKlM.nf uew uirn, liue name r In oietj one . inoii'h. and uf whoen lite u.i'iy una n cur ton I j know tt e parlliiiiliai. t at ,it,i f linve tnuu I. Utitil and luiputmn' eli'iti. uinln Uiuoil r likli ' hr tl-Hil ayt)i iiri-mivrd only In Ihe u. wpapmiior In ti.o 'tiui.tiut pub HcHil'iiieu! the ilat , but hl' b oiiuht now to take thflr I'lace In ioi m .nt nt and authentic bjatory. jn ..ai'run me prctrni eniuou iur ine 1 1 fee, tt bun aoi o'dhigl) Vit ''it Hi aim (film etlitiH. In hrluti diwu 111' Inturmalliin to Uie lattat pOMdlile d ilea, and to Imulh an .oru rtn account, of the moet ricent dUcnTcrlc. In acltiia e ol ettry f.n.li piiidactUinlu lllcnituin. nnd if tbepewtel IntriiUune In th practical .it, tut well aa to giT a .ucvlnt .mi origin tecurd ul the tuogreit. of political and biatorl eel evniu : I'be work t a been begun alter long and cart-fiil i rollinlnar. Iftl-or, and w th the moat an) lo n!ti,nrccstor curijlng lt on to acou r, mlrmtit.ii. . eiiiii. ot th" mlgiiKl eiir. i.tj ie f.'Miue b.e teii Utidl, t,ut cvuy i.ntu h b"i u pi luted iii now vi a, roiniing in tuci . n.w )! im ih tynb the iiinw ,Uu end com ue u tie ifde. ct'e.tt-, hut with a tar ,-ttiaier I't'cuutary i xiteif dltuee, and with .mil I ' piiivami'iit in l' com IHi.'tl.ni He h ive li in rut'goiid hj loiiger pt.iljnc. and eiilaigrdt ntiwbdKe, I he tlliieira'it.n. which are liiliintiii.nl fur the fl'et t'nif In ttie ,reent edition bar. hten ed di d not Iur Ih atlteof pli.tortHl el'ect, hut to irlre g-e er Iiiel ittv and mriMi tti the e.nla a tlmie In ill tint Ther eulbrace.ll biambet iteidrucf Hiidnf natoral hlrtory at,d di let the rioct Im0ii him renerkhl' fcatnrr id eoetin y, architccure. and ait. i a th varlou. jwcefert rnechanii. and matnta'tmeit Al btii't'l. Iiitendtd Iur Inetinciioi ratlin, tliao iitl)i leliinriit no i.'lne have bee .f ared m ami I thfir Mrletle ncellebr j tie c .t or heir ett cutlnn In ennrnioue, ana It l believed will tli da welcome rrcrptlon .a an ad ilral In 'ea'n e of thouj i'l ii'Wdl, t,il worthy jf lie li'h chatctcr. Thin wcrk le hl tn SMStlli"Hioiil'" ya l.lenc di llrrry of ear u tultime It a I II I e otim i.lBttdln fUtcfti Tg.ortHeo nliimce, each oillelngalio t R'lo : iie fully llluntr-ied with eveonil thnn ai,d Wmit Kngravinga, aid wllh nuffjiornn. colored l.tttonrratih'e Vai'.. Prico and Sfle of Bindlnu;. Ineti H i io. u, ier vol f 5 On In I it rir? Ifulbcr, per T'd nfl In HairTarkey Mnroeot. per ml.,,,.... T W) In Half Hn.i,oira gilt, per ol son In Foil MoruCfo, HUtlque, gilt vdgea, por vol t 10 00 fn Full Kui, per tol .10 00 Vi. Iiiui.it lmw rradVt Succ-idlng ru i.mca. in til ciMupl'd'.on, will he U'U.d vaoe In two moiitim. . - - ' ' ' ' ,ccmn pje o' the AMrttli'AN OYil.'iHtK.il t. .h.iwinir true, lilint ration, etc.. wllh ent grail, ou.appllnitloi g FiBnr CiiA8a Can vaksixo A o to nts - ; ; ' "Vantbd. .- i Addrcatta rnMIhfi, ' D. APPLEl'OS A? CO.. ( "49 ftfiJ fi51 Pcondway, N. T." lune 12 1i tt TUMI ABD EEPA1PM PIAHOS ! T J ai'l rent. " li Vinii gttn few wtk. lit i.,i,r p re . to i . r . -1 t rirtit i, 'ii'i.inii'.i H. 1!R H hikI f?f IR- ft V-i. All nrd n le-t hki . kiiu it Unit trti m) U'uj I n ti"ud'PJ et.(iU", , oct Iw .:. U v. n - - ' v tDHPEWI-E STiLIra?,- ! teHrolnafWi kn.e in. Tii:y.llml Htiil 'nfrlr it. with v-'o'to. Arm, and Vu;, t.Maplei.i- Tern k ry aiixlvralo. " ooU3 AiA. urtnifii ciaw. .vau- ni'Ar.jtrT DON'T FOIiaET!! ' -. . i ' " 1 t ! !.: viit Are folly alir ami know tl.at nOOTfv UVST RE KOLI) LOW. T art, INparea to fcl'XL AS CilKU' AS ANV HOl SE JS AMERICA. . Give us a call and sea for ytmraolvea. Our apsco Is too v , ' small to enumerate everv attiola. ' " '" ; ; jj. '' ; i! .i i'-. i BLANKETS, -IPTuBlIxMi- r f ' : i i i . I e i . Lailica aua OeuU' aud CLiUrf ua' Metiuo Under Veatt and Gloves, -t A LARGE STOCK DRESS A T . a. ""tt "Wq Ivloke W A. Iv .i:ntk nmN hiiiuth. pautia ,mt." 1 FOR MHUiifaoltiri'd from WamaullaOnt'iTi am! HiiMmmi'Hf1iMl lv rvtrv l'liviii .ii Uudorwuur. Muoliiiiii NtHilki (h:ti-,vi'i;i. i 'a'i ri.: xt BKOWH & ROOmS. 45 Market Street; ' " AT R ETA! L I I5. WEILL ! L. WEI LL! B -WEILL GOODS AT PHIGES TOiCUlT Aj.Ii u p rkW 1m an i xiiiiiliiatlon of Hie jiiilillo will Im t'ouvlnet'U of what wo a,y, We jflvc Wow u luw girlots: ... t 1,(M) vanla IUik k Aljimita nt lfiiiu'w.'tlt l!2rriil "! " oil IM yarda Hlack Alpaima at AH (Hnla worth 70 cf nt. t r" H 4 rt j lo 1W yarda Jtlttuk Aloat-as at B7J fonts worth Hi) centa, .h-Jm ,ui ti ;0 iiiilm Ludli-H' lloae lit vt'iitH wol'U) m oi'Uta. u lt ...4 (. i . u 3m pain Lnilles' Jloae lit 48 relit vvortli (iOcciitri! ' " 1 ",'w KHiulrHl'lillilrt'im'Hlrln'il Hmt nt Si fontt worth S7 reilkF M' ' -'i li ' At III ....I... tll.ll 1....... I Lll I t I ! I . - 1. t a - . - . i tenr JHtneillll llfUJI n.lllfll lllWti lib I 5(10 imlra Ciiildrt'tiH Htriiii'd llorni nt liuvu ou luuiO TOO NUMEROUS i All of which 'FOR : DUCES TIIAT, AT T B, WEILL, 32 out 2 mil mi I ri n miirrrn rHLL HHU ill NOW OPEN AT 30 MARKET, STEEET, FALL AND WINTER CHEAPEIl THM. EVER. ......... ... i'.. No. H.lfl 8U MAiHK3i:T BT7J,15ET.f ,., I,. ,JH;..:l, 1 ..... i ii.!. f . I ..' ' 1 f-T sr s F U R fJ t T U R E I WMOfrEK FOUtUBrA'.ItTU tDKtrlTKU OF i -.. ... 'Xj i t !.' ' 'fjT f; .ii ititi'l'iJ jk h-itii'I Hi asatt V.l'arlor, Clml'' "V IiiIifif KooinJFurjiJitu;e4i(i '' AT RXTKKMKt.Y tW PlUCKsV " j'ri! J t iil OAKi'KTS ) AN1) Ol(i i()L0TII AJiD ' MATTIiNtt""1 i. -tJ. 1,,'j .fcJ4i era !- 'sl.fj.'l 1 1' ' l3jri 1 1 till, tine lit r-v.k n-' rv.'l rhn w nt'd lead.'rf Pattern! of Hrunit T'lrn.-tdi, rnmJ U ttm a.d r.iifr - t.l g'td.e I HI loth aNnM Wing. Alert Jtntl r " Hw il x -i Oi aotl vl !i alftaevni t-vt tiii.ucDi-Ji OIwl Ml m i i'ii 1 Aid .nti w iMan.ii.at,.- I..tn.i m Mil Ul Itt'w8 wlowiwas H.)c1r, vrini j-awtt HrWVfl Kei-l-!-fi riibiv , I k'W I i't! If t Bl'i U'U ll .1 .s Vi "' , " ' V . . . , l.. , ; . . a . ,,, . . rtOiltJJI' .UdJ V'-V. v W ' r t I . j. . I ' OF FANCY HOOE GOOD8; -r -v ' ' ' :,; .? ' t 'I '?,! !V,f.:'.'i.. ?y.,t).,l a Spoialtv. no I--: t EJ UP !! l"AltTL., - ' ' : I :'t OO; ?,Vl)fl Muvn. 0 N w isyimr tiroo tmlty' 4 ' l'UNNKLJilil djl for Um nmeiinm'' ui.'.;. rfM'ticr to J.v. (Jmu Eiutlii Fl-iiiik IjasHAa1 r V M TT r-rrr TV" AT RETAI L I .:T ff.5 it.ii.a tn' l':,'t ::J inc. mir aini k : Wii (,,. a,.nMi ,t n... . : tlf i'OIIlM WOnil fMIUUI. .'Ml, ,i.iiiav 5J rentr) worlli (V'i uttuta, t ,s . U(ltoi I ' I".-l';..iii i n-.'tis m ttt.t i.i ij -I tiutiiy otlisr ,'immIi .1 J-. i.i ii i.ii at -i jjwf uft V trt) ! TO " MENTION; .. ........ . . . .1 'I u "i .Lii ui.m Ml v will at'llK ; if?.! f J. 'll'Vfe'i t 1 i I u di OjOLSKC 1)EF IT C()3lITlttON. t n nfcsrEcriTULLY. I , :. ..-(. J Ikt "r. i '. TI- 114 Hoi th Front Street. M A ' 1 fwtri 3 jj 'if.i'ifjrti l i.ti .-;.. l ' !' ! ; .a nnnnn ti cn uuuud ...(fi"fgtM'(inoif O's i j U a ; '.J' : a ' J' v vj. ,!... i: li l'f Ti.i .j ,Kj mil it if tl'Ti-f ) !' f; t id etniit 1 eti t'i,''ti,ir i nofilaaisri rr- t :kj ri sas'i - ,-,d kilotl-l B.f'3 " t.';i4 riUidt AT- 1 .m l. fi.l'i tai U '..-. f,UX. ; .Xii'i.;; i) uiii uit-Iilad T iOl F URM TUf fe" 1 lil "StslMJija in J: Mi( AttAROlE Aiffo iXCKKAb'lCUSTOCK . . ,i .-m" hjv..t-,;;u ne.t-tw.QI ItilfUve In bo 11 ttfb r, atnaeriRi'if110 j 0.K t vi. but t,, an au,.)),,, .. 01! 1 ! Utl fVIPl "UVflli.ti'l lilt.lelil.iC .eillflA' i ri.'.i i i'it f i:ii. A MAUAAAJ. Aw Wa lii front Bueat (tX lrtit. if- j s i' ii tt . 0, $ it br s.-i ..II It m t !.,, Mt " I I1 ' 111 illl lib f' naiiy Hi 1 .1