1 (fill ln Hi" I' J 111 VOL XXIV. NO. 260. or flaiip journal BY TELEGRAPH. THE ELECTIONS HiryUnd aid Mlsitislppl Democratic -Sew Tori and PennsjlTanla Pro i fcablj Rr pabllcai -Wlsconsli and Mlnaesota Joined to Their Idoli, if., tc MASSACEUSEITS GONE EEFUELICAN lard FljM Between Gaston and Rice Stronj Republican legislature VC -fpnblicani Jabllant, 4c. EARTHQUAKES AND FIRES. tartbqnake In fieorgla-The Shock Felt Thronghoii the State -Ter-Fire In Sherman, Texas i GOLDI67-8. mssicm setts. ' BoaTOX, Nov. 3 ThaEastsro R. R. has been mulcted 1714, for refusing to receive a ticket issued lor a paaaagt iq aa opposite direction to which the passenger wee traveling. - The voting in generally light. Rise iiaaid to be gaining many votes in tbiaottjw f 1 .". -l . , i-- ' ' Rsturna from seventy towns, outside of Boston, which Ian year gav Uas tot 15,188, against To) hot 15 887, re turn a vote for Gaston of 12,939 ; Rice, 14,904. .. , . - , -v , Cnpoe, (Rpp ) Is elected in the 1st District, over Davis, (Dam.) for Con gress. Fourteen wards in this city give Riee 6,749, against Gaston 1,350. . ' 1b9'Trtvel'er'$ estimate of the sixty towns and, wards, including Boston, places the vote- for Rioe at 20.0G3. and Gaston, 17,658, against last vear'e figures, Gaston, 21,472, Talbot. 20,011. a Republican gain of over 4.000. 7:30 P.M. One hundred and fourteen towDS outside of lJoston, return Rioe 28,347 and Gaston 25,003 a heavy falling off in the vote is uotioeable. The gain of Rioe in Boston is con siderable. Returns from alt wards, except tha 12th Ward, give Rioe 12,090, Gaston, 12.352. Tha friends of Rioe already claim his election. . 1 s Oao hundred and ninety one towns beard from give Rioe, 46 598 : Gastoiv, 43,136 ; Baker.:(Frohib.) 6,180 ; Phil lips, 193 l Adams, 1,189. , f The total vote of Boston this rear for Rioe is 13,100, aad 13,136 for Gas ton, against last year's vote Gaston, 15,988 ; Talbot, 9.697. Rioa i.as gained 6,255 in the city of Boston alone. " Present indications point to Rice's election, 7 - The vote of cities is af follows : Lawrence Kioe, 1,565 ; Gaston, 1, 757. New Bedford Rioe. 1.501 ; Gas ton, 1.530. Lowell Rioe, 2,583 ; Oas ton, 2,533. S-dentRtoe, 1,850 ; Gas ton, 1,508.- Fall River Rice, 1,555; Gaston,' 1,588. Taunton. Rice, 1,298 : Gaston, 934. Cambridge Rice.2,010; Gaston, 2.182. Chelsea Rioe, 1,156 ; Gaston, 767. Lynn Rioe, 1,095 ; Gas ton, 1,36a Worcester Rice, 8,082 j Gaston, 3,837. Haverhill, Rioe, 850; Gaston, 686. 247 towns give Rioe. 75,141 ; Gaston 69.776 ; Bsker, 7,320. The Legislature is mora strongly Republican than last year. 11:15 r. v. The eleotion of Rioe is now generally oonoeded. The estimates plaoe his plurality at from G to 7,000. The entire Republican ticket ia pro bahlj aleeUd. The total vote will fall somewhat below that of lsst year. The Legislature shows Republican gains in both branches. In this oity the Republicans elect thirty Represen tatives and four Senators. The Demo crats elect fifteen Representatives and fonr Senators. Complete returns from 322 to win, all bat 19, give Rioe a plurality of 4,835. KIWI0RK, i Nbw Yomc, Nov. 2. -Six colored men have been arrested here for illegal . voting. ."''';..-' Iba Fox-Morrisey contest is very eiciting. Betting ie in favor of Fox. The anti-Tammany oity and county tipkct js. undoubtedly elepted in the: pity by a heavy majority. The indications ire that the Demo critic majority on the State ticket iu this city will be largely redneed. Democratic leaders, np to 8:30 p.m., from scattering returns claim Kings eonnty by 7,000 majority on the State tickeC, They also claim to have elec ted mayor, sheriff, and two senators in the 2d and 8d Districts. ' Lsst year the Democratic majority was 13,675. ThurloW Wood claims that the Re publicans nave carried the State by a mall majority. - - - Scattering returns from thirty-two districts in the interior of the State, bow a Republican gaiu ef 700, ,- . Eighty-four districts in the citv as besvd from give Rigelow (Dem. Sec. of BUtej, 10.689; Seward, (Rep.) 7, 257; Olney, (Dem. Dist. Atty), 7,079 ; Phelps. (Rep.) 10.733 f Smyth, (Dem . for Recorder), 7,029 ; Hsokett, (Rep ) 10,743 t-vTheM returns coyer every part of the oity. , Ninety-one districts throughout the State show a Republican gain of 1,600. 120 oat of 657 eleotion districts heard from give BigeVow, 14,783 ; Seward, 10,468 f Olney, 9,773 ! Phelps, 15,470; Smyth, 9.682 : Ilackett, 15,503. 800 of 657 election died iota show a 14,000 majority for Bigelow; 12,200 for Phelps. ami I4,iwg lor iiacKott. The Whole list of Tammany nominees il beaten. , . , , - i Morriwey, anti-Tammany candidate for State Banator, it elected bj 076f 2,003 najority, ' New York, Nov. 3, 2: 30 a.m. The Republican ticket will hare from 10, 000 to 15.000 majoiity in the SUtw The Ri-pnbliotns secure both II mses of the lWislatur , , A duel was fongbStots aftevwooe on the top fluor of No. 106, Delancj street, between two rolieh Jewa nanifd Jost'ph Gallium aud Miwra IVaall Goldman was shot over the r-ght tem p's aud right cWk and lOKtantly kill d 1'iHkalI was-snot over ttie rigut rye and mortally wouudd. Tueju n w partners ss jewt-lers, ttI .Ua tnJy is supposed to nave sriseu out ol burness Quarrel. HRRiaBURO,Nnv. 2 This o tyeives IIrtriilt 800 majority a Krpubllcxu gain o( over 300., -p i Wa-Ksf-iKKa., tlfoi 1 Plvmonth- borongh giyea Iliitr.i ft 840 ; Perah lug 278I)em6ctiogr.if Returns come in slowly, but from majority of tbe districts heard from l'iollte ruus slightly ahead of lVrnb- io.i!.i In .iH J U.Ji The 4th Ward gives Hartranft 103, nnd Peishing 68 a Demooratio gain of 17 ovt-r lat yesrs vote, 'ihe 5th Ward, eyes Hartranft 69, and Penning 81 Democratic gaiu of 21 The 7 h Ward gives Hartrauft 121, Pershing 59 Republican gaiu of 48 The 3d Ward givr Hartrauft 77, PerHblug 166 Demorrs'io gain of M. . The 6th Ward gives Hartrauft 75, Perahing 62 Democratic gain of 7. The 15th Ward Kive Hartrnuft 36, Perching 80 Democratic gain of 26. PartAOKtPiiu,1 sNov 5J Chester City gives Hartranft 470--a yiin of 197. " " " , - Unoffioial tt turns ree ivrd from 26 wards of the'oitv. .nfw Hartroift a msioritt of .2,934. 'Ihe five remain ing wardt to be kmrd fnm are R"pu1f ho in, and it is estimated Ihut Jtltrt- rauft wi!l hsv at.U'uet 15,000 mninrity in the citv. j His mnjorify two years ago was 20,4-14 Ed. Joub.vaI. Lycomina couutv will give a Lemo- cratic mijority of 1,000 a Dnjoorutic g llU Of 3t, U t,,., ' ' "?' t ' f' Berks. HiBty gve 6,300 majority being a Democrat id gain bfl, 000. ' ' Huvder couutv Kivea hbout (HJ() ma jority for Hartrauft Itontiblic in gaiu of 35. Pike oounty, Di mocratio majority of 850 Democratic gaiu of 49. oohuvlkill . county, J'erHlnnsr 1,900 majority Democratic gaiu of 233. Montour oouuty, PerHhing 250 ma jority Demooratio loss of 330 Ads i s eonuty, Pershimr 523 major ityDemocratic gain ol 80. Delaware county, uartranu 1.80U Republican gain of 408. , i liucks oouuty, i'erHiiing aw maioiicv Democratic ise of 11.1 - York oonnty.'PersLing 3,000 major ityDemocratic !' of 28. Clinton county, rersniDg 700 major ity Demooratio losi of 255.T Uinlford county M About xtbo, or a Demooratio loss of 185, . : Democratic gains.' Cumberland county, 105; Centre, 435; Hunting ton, 551; Northumberland 14;Luzerue, 400. : Repbblioan'gsina. Columbia oonn- tv, 32; Lebanon, 162; Sosqoehans, 41; Blaiu, 36, . . , Ai v t,W V Futlretttrti from all wards give Hartranft a plurality of, 17,352, a gain cf 4,889.1 isiH t' ..VUriri n I'HiiiA dklphia. Nov. 3. The result in the State at this time, 1.30 a. u., is very doubtful. Twenty-two ooun tiea including Philadelphia, give Hart- rrfiift only 1,427 majority. ' a. u. Col. MoClure, wm cedes tbe State to Hartranft. The vote will be very close, - MISSISSIPPI. MiMPma,'Not.5 2 The election in Misniasippi passed off quietly, and no disturbauca has been reported. The returns from all parts of the State show overwhelming Dumocratio victory They have ? carried , evem doubtful oounty; and have the Legislature by a large majority. , .Lamar, oingloton, Hooker and Mouey, Democrats, , are elected to Congress, two districts not beard from. : " The Oi jcinnati Gazette, Rep., ssys the Democrats bave about twenty majority en the joint r allot Jeff Davis is spoken of ss tbe next TJ. S. Senator. ?;nji 01 Ta Tbe State bas gone Democratic by 10,000; with majority in both Houses, with four Congressmen, and probably fie whole six. WISC0JSIX.- J MiiiWATjKKii, Nov. 2. Tha returns can be compared with the election two, fears agd,Jwbtf thb smberatie te fprmer? carried the, 81ta bj IrfWO.W jorhy,. -- c; - ' A 4 ' k M" , Returns from 86 towns and preoiDO's give Taylor, Democratic candidate for Governor, 386 majority, a 'Republican gain of 475. - : ; :. : ;: . Returns from tha oity and 85 towns give Tsylor 72 msjority-a Republic gain of 10,017. " Ludington, Rep., is probably elected Governor by from-3,00a U- 6,000, but the rebt of the ticket is iq great doubt. . i . ; . .,tk t f, . 'i i- . ' SEW JKBSET. . . " r--, I H'hUf 1 Niw York4 Nov.' 2. --The fetnrus from N w Jersey , indicate. tljat .both branches ( tSe VrgiUttr tr ftapub; lican. The Republicans gaiu fivo in Sussex, two in Hudson.' and -two in Mercer.ii ,;. ,.-.' 5iB Lateb. As far as heard' from , the Reoate is a tie, with Carndeu. and Glouchester coontiea, boi - Republi- can, to hear from. " JDAUIIilSlJ. . , Baltimi'BR, Nov, B. -.Several bloody flghts have ooourred, bnt ;j?af. irenaral itmhi.kunna Tha ninrrli. urn tint ill fore, bnt the t 4iawbsftite control at all the jBMciBotsjjjj Baltimorb J?oy 3. j 30 f . m. Sev enteeoj Wafdstgwe VriMI'a majority of 1R4M. a aain of 121f!2uMi.tbe -ViftA of last week. The entire oity Demoorwf tie Lsarislativs ticket la elected. . WILMINGTON. Baltwori, Nov. 2. St venteen wards give Carroll, Dem.. for O Tor nor, 15,296. The ret of the Demo cratic ticket about the s.ci tuoj ri!y. Tbe Demoorata carry the State. Tiseixu. RiOHMoxo Va., Nov. 2ud - Des pite tha exoitiug content in tUU oi'y, the eleotion pasted off quietly. L re bat not full vote i-olled. Returns from 13 precioots show iu-d'-peiideut who opposed the Conner vativetonly f t HtaUs Seuat. ra have Kuind Uritlv slid if tlie r.'rnaiuing prwi-mctH toi.'. tlier with Henric i oouu ty, wli oh im a part of tli Senatori.il District show simiUr Iiidepmidxnt illH, their Otldid ite will be cleotl I'lie Kepublicnus had ouly one candi date iu tU field and he run far be hind the Iudepindnt Cn-ervative Tbe caudidtiti s for 'be HenNte re ltially Jolooii, Wm. E. Taiiur and C. E. -Worthsm. The Imb j e -duuta are W. O Kuight, P. 11. Simk, Rep. Nortuout Smith.- Latir Full rt-turus Irani the city preciuo'-S bave cbaugnd ttio aipeot of Mffa rs. Geueral B'adliy T. Jolnmou 'or State. Kn nte vgaiu-1 In m the lmlt'pejidt'Ott m ide the tttronir t flttlit uaaa maj rity in ihe city of five avi dred and thirty. R'turus from toe County prooiiietH reducim Johusou's majority in the District, but his eleo tion is certain bv ovtr 20i) nwioritv. The two other OonxervhtiTm f.r the Henat". Ta'iner and Wortham re re thcttdliy much larger nixjoritit's. lwturns from flf v four preonots in different counties show increased ui.- joritieifor Conservatives, whose gains in many cases sre large. Repnblio-ui how ou'y niuall g.iitiH and iu bat few iiiHUucea. t in impoSKible to estimate the extent of the ludcpetidents move menta : outside this di-tiiot ss re turns are too nipiigre Tin' D lo i ca y Lfnchbura by a small mnjority hoi i a l.ogj fain, Norfolk aud Portsmouth elect emocratic tickets. WASU1.NGT0X. Washivotov. N.v. 2. flii'iinet Toe inioriMonme t of Hriffhum Vr.ntiir wah ditcnsied aud referred to tho Attor ney General for iQveitiiatiou. '1 Im nnmntroll r of Mm nurrA.inv ii to day in receipt of a telegram from tne president oi me national uoia Uink and Trust Corapauy, of rjiu FrunaiMOo. affiiuallv informing him , . j D that it has gone into voluntary liqui- uauon unu:r iua provisions ol tun na tional Bank sot. T.eoly-two female clerks have beon dismitiStd from the Patent Offl.i'e. GEOKtill. Washinotov, Nov. 2. At 9:53 p. m. there were two sevore shocks of earth quake, which o mtiuu d for ubout forty-five seconds, the sroond shook following almost immediately on the first, tbe direction being a little west of south. There was am uibling sound with moving niotinu, which shook the earth, causing some alarm among tho people. ; Atlanta, Nov. 2. A distinct shock earthquake was felt here and through out different pu.tious of the State last night. Atlanta, Ga Nov. 2. The Broth- erbood oonductotg assembled in Grand Convention, Delegations from 36 sub ordinate lodges, and gran 1 ollkers are present. o bnoiness yet except pre liminary regular business transacted. Tho Convention will remain in session all the week A bmquet will be given them at the Kinball II m-w on Friday night; hu excuisiou to Florida fol lows. -Maoos, Ga , Nov, 2 A very per- Cfptib.e earthquake was fait here last night. It Iiiate1 at leant JO seoonds and shook windows, fl Mr aud walls. It occurred about 10 o'clock. OHIO. Centennial Religious Celebration. fhxniNNATi. Nov. 2. At a meeting of a large number of clergymen iu thi.-i oity, it was r solved thnt a ceiitoniiiiil religious celebration be held iu Cin cinnati. That a board oi inauayers, constating ot flifteen persons be ap pointed, Who shall be churged with the execution and development plans for the celebration. That invitations to participate shall embrace the whole land and all religionists, and be lim ited only by tbe utmost ability to make it such a religions success, both in representation and numbers, ss the world has never witnessed. It is uu derstood that this enterprise meets with a hearty approval. .TEXAS. KlifS! ... ! JestructlTe Fire, Galveston, November 2. The fire at Sherman (Tex) yesterday, was first discovered in toe St. Cloud hotel. ' A strong southwest wind swept tbe fire serosa tbe street, burning a row of buildings which was used as offices, and tl en ragad on both sides ... . . I ,1 of tne street, s iar n-triti a lnciivnug the new postoDloa building on Houston street, south side ot the sq iare. The. flames spread so rajidly but ft w (rood -were saved. The postoffloe and con tents, nnd every printing ofliee in the plaoe'was burn d. Sixty fivo places ofc. business were burned, and snme thirty families are homeless. The fosses are estimated at $34,000. Near fy'all t!ie houen were f frame struc ture aud ofcly parly covered by insur ance. . - ' TE.ESSE. 1 Desperado faptnrcd. , . Iemphis, November 2. Ed. .fohn soh, a desperate Degro, atabbed two white men, sod two negr)es on tho stenntot 'PUif Allen, yesterday, about twelve hut s' below here, 'hilling ono fiot the negroes iustautly. The other one Whs put asboie iu a dying condi tion.' ".The orew of the Alien arrested Johnson, and scut him back here for trial. . . It is reported that lie recently escap ed from Marion, Axkansas, jail, ''where he was confined for tbe murder of an other negro, " N. C. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1875. j ' MICniGAX. , Gkaxd Island, MictT., Nov. 2.- The i S'ei mer Phil Hheridsi. which is aahore w ill be a ttU lo. ILLINOIS. Chic oo, Nov. 2. Gov. Brveriilge liHM ojib red the r irst KcKimeiit to r lusm under anna at their armory dur ing tt;e cli chcll. At a ui' 'tmc of the general freiubt utT' i.t t of Kattoru liuee, to o uider a lurther advance of rates rant ward. huve decided to pm-tjH'iie at'on for li'W Wf i k. kEMK'KT. T Lornvir.LR, Nov. -2 The tob'irco year ju-t c'owd will be as memorable ns iU imm dia'e predewwaor ttioiiBh it will be remembered ith different feelinps. A ct a mi of rhrinksgs and loss everywhere ti tho e enured in h'imlV the staple, it is iu striking oou t.raxt with (lie btiovatirr in vulnee and protl'a in the trade which dixtiuguiHhed last year. But if we include llievn.t maio itv of our opiilHtiou, ami ti e l .rg prep )'idcrauc of capital inter-e-td iii it. the result of the year will fur more than redeem its character, ax the siinooKiful crops and declining liriees of 1875 afford better grounds for1 cousrntutMtiu than tho ruined crops aud buoy int tuaiket (f 1ST. ELKCTOTCISMa. An elevator coiitaiuir ft 40,000 bnalis!s of grain was burned at Belleville, Ont., last night. i A Are at Rhornnn. Teias, last 'night destroyed three bloi ks of houses. A fire at Prohton, Enir., destroyed a large factory, ousting 200 1'liiptoyes. Tho steamer Faraday hat grapp'rjj and buoy-'d the dirt ct cable. Hon. Thus. M. Jenks of Rhoda Ii land is hnpelesfly ill. The Miinsioit mill at. Full River was entirely destroyed by flie Int night. Oilier buil lings aud mills wi re on fire but the fliuns whh iiVlued.. The lut-a wa about $100,001). Inniirauod $12, 000. POEBIO 3ST. ENGLAND. London, Nov. 2 The King nnd Qiieen of Deumnrk.and their iliiURhter the Piiu es Tbyra, aooinnpanicu by Princrt John of Schleswijf Holnteiu, arrived in F.nirlaud to-dsy. They were met at Dover by tiie Princess of Wales and suite and esoorted to Lon don. The 'distinguished vinitrvrs ill remain until the beginning of Decem ber. Notwithstanding the regular Michael mas t-'rm has beeo abolished, LuriT Oairnes, tho Lord Clnino'dlor, extenij, d the cnst,omry receptim to the Judges at his nriUHion to-lav, after which they proceeded in proo'-nsion t West minister Hall to inaugurate the new Michaelmas aittiniranndcr the Judioia ture Act Tho Lord Chancellor and Lord Justices will sit as a Court of Appeal. ITALY Romr, lNov. 2. The trial proceed ings if t.ne persons charged with betner O'inoerned in the unnler of Rnffiio Sonaogns. ed'tor and joint proprietor of tbe Ultra-Domoeratio journal Cl Capitole, tbe aaKNi nation 'of which created a great sensation at the time, and was by many attributed to t he clerical party. This excitement has by no means died out, as may be seeu in the fact thnt the Post-office seques trates all foreign newspapers oouoern ing the trial proceedings. The trial has spparentlv developed the f lot tbtt the murder was committed by a rami n imed Frezz-i, though the evidence ia believed to be insufficient tooonvio'. The German and Italian missions here have been raised to embassies, ' CIBA. : n.WAvvA, November 2 Tranpora with 2,000 more troops arrived to-day from fspiin. The Rovernierit has iVsned a decree wliioh is fted O.it. 2!)'h, and is to take effect January 1st, 1876", requiring the invoices of all goods imported into the island to be certified by the Spun iah Consul at the port of slupmen". . ,VKB tnVKKTtSK.riK.YTII B')KD WIvrM).-A viinn gentl'msn w -h I! KT l snl balding tu a atrlrtly p. Ivt-family. A'Mreiw II. h, i,, ., rjaatk. hvki BBi!Jin and Loan Association. rrHK ANNUAL MmTtINQ or tU. Stock. buMer will bo 1'eM l His l'lt,erol?a Htl, Front Street, thli averlng at 1 o'clock. . c. a. aixtH, TiotS-lt WeirsTV anil Trfamiw. 7 nnualMeeting. ThKS'XTH ANNUAL MEKTINQ of lb k ecli' Ick' Bulldlrg anil T.oan A.-tclatlon U1 he h'nt tlili evening at In oVl ck, at he Hi bor Ian Hal. Hhrli..)it rii b 111I1I a!l atternlor CP. feL' IS, Rrcrotsry nnd Tren.'rer. 0. I. M.COBB. nets -It St fjGorp and St. Mews Athletic M. Ttt MONTHLY MKKTIfO if he i:uh will ha helil il Ilia ( o iKor PhTKirlsnri' Hull, o-r ,1. ', Mnii'l'i Irngtore) on Wedaeprtay, Not. 8. t 8 n'oliick, P M .harp. Iery Byern her ia rcq io-tt-il lo he ir.'.n, at bu.luew of IniporUiii-e "111 he trmifsfi'td. ... no U tlK' W, BAII Y. J'ec'r." iIf Wilmington,;-"" 1.1 Ai.lVK TO HV 1 JIT IS I ESTS In Rat Oiollna. I.r bnpl iefh mnn y llla'UertiiwIn THE WASHINGTON ECHO; tUin u wall eM.MI.borl weil n.-j por, ririnlHri ti-npl"-lt ti tl rwnr)lM Hvie, nen'iti'U, Ptn!iei, I'ltt, Kclgepunilx i,1 tl.T wllninmt: Kate. 1,ow lt P. Wh.liam'js, , R OaiiHia, , Late of Tarhnro. nf Waeblngioo. tU(or a Proprietors. 4r0tl btStOOpJ, TO THE CITIZENS OF.CAPE FEAR C0UN1RT. Ot'R i-pi u 1. out t Taarrattl'rd oi-'" t rt t i..r bm1 Km ou la-V. M U-., lnli.V fbdimit NoTimhr. jri.ui b-.i oie ami nm and ! a.. orHK-r, l.'inrt. tanht)iu, M.ur.mU. lH t niUiM, l'li. w.ii jou nh a. an IW ( oat, anl w rut. g'orfoaa K.Lriirvo T. "'PlMr rrwkirat. For Rent, THR ntr fr 'p.-rt os!t!i t O O. e Y.t lu . .ntSra tn 4 wharf. .! il !,' n c o-.l ,,i,l . il. I0.1..VI 4u S,eitl. '4iw Mrmi. K..f .ni, or tu y.r laiuv io.HT. Ain lyta J. A.WAl.KKH. T' f irruiur THE UTTLE DAR.ING. IMS HiLll A t'0.. Hle-fkiT t . Nw Turk fit' l O. Aaiiea, Uot STKS. AtlKSHii nioetl, (fc-tM-rwIly REMOVAL. Tll nt nLiiM h rnnnrMl t hi. .tnr, 1 Nn. 3V H.11II1 Rtu) I strae, IHree dmr "iun'h it In. 11I I u, I, wijere In iia liiutrwwl t'l.ltM- lor httin I.I. ):irce ami arlol Uwk ol HaittwKre, t!u'i"y. tJunn. Afrlmil lii'al lmiloniriit. fo , aivl rminHtiuIlT 1. 1 s S i-iin'lhiit ,ra ut tlii 11 crtl niliiiiilui hrmiiT'irv bntiia.il. oot ie tr URU.A. PK( K- MarfihaVs Office. At.t. i'KRSPSI OTIlRIt THAN 'TUB ritn!ar ixtl veur lbt lty, Dating In thrirpoi- umiIob p iOce bailg .-for be O ty o Wilmlng I mi are mi'mili'il 10 rut urn tlirtu to tblaoffloe ltiiiu"U't-lr. a d war hp I n( the nenatty tbe III liiour b tti tui t't g In any at.nner or on tiy ufi'Irta ttbauver to (Iteui or rel.ln bem Inlr imxkhuIimi, without Suthoitty from tli-nty OKU. VY. PBIOB, -l'ml gto ,Oct.2 City M arihat. Po3itiVlY f.'a P itnonsmsnt ! A FORTUNE 1LEGALLY AUTHORIZED, 1 iUS (ilFT COOT - ASSOCIATION Of llinU'ii,Teiit, gwa iuvsM n - GRAND GIFT ..00N0F.RT Nov 30th. 187if DISAWLXJ 1'OSITIVI.J Or Money Refundod- Flrst Capital Gift -ffOQQP Second Oiipital OifU -.. ki OOO, Bui ile. Ulll-iu (iiuiur liu atrountlng ui .11 ti 8250,000.00 lowest qiftto,a Whole Tlct, I0f mo or a w.i'o f lu.ei, 3. w itef coii.Wb COUPON TICKETS, l Wlniih wilt ciitlHn Ibn b.ilil' r In mlni.wioi ti bnOrai.it Uinrmt, ail'l ta on fliiU ut ab'l nr gut may tie aarard.d to llir wbo!. tloko nimlii-r. Kn.snllle agfiiin watilfil, . AI.uMF.afor tiikut. rent direct ptoTD'l llllei. i Irenl ir, Paira nto.t Riianit) eartiou , wni lo-e In wr'tltig, hu n 0 nd rUt yn'ir lumii, ewn, rinntv uiiJ st ti lu tul. Onlim i'ir tln.fli' nun jU'ij tu S aiel up war ,nt i'. Ii.t,, f ttl't'il. AMrriMa l ciiniuiiinli-ailoii. and make al soiltiatioeof mmiry payabU lo , s. i COLUNJ, Sao', Oentstn, k" TICKSTS AT O mb. umwiiiK ail i,v.l lielv take cl.ro nil .no, m.o.auu out iujr lime no re 10a us, . i.OME ENDORSEMENT! We,b tiiiibt .liiiaU, liilirae of Dent on rm, chflFrtiiliT i;lv our ieilra n lo tbr baiinmlil and mu arHal In b eh 'he fir! I and U,tt onourt of t'm lQ It'oinvit Ko Utinn w- c i Unc ed, ami an 1 1 be nvi 'iw-iii mint er in urn an ii pirovi n l i roml-r. -f r A-sui-J tl n erern ml: an t. fnr'boi. H- mr at heirtl f e'litir" lth sf .1 l ilr ni (Hit Concert, to be give .Till. rrn i .nno, -BfO,' WH Winn, VMr. ; nrnenlmnrAI It-riiMi.) il.iW 0Kitk.lt Vi Wiltririi'o il I,' lii)f. , V wdya d, W a Tlliha; v H Mom. I liTar'er I I .1 liti-on; .!"lin Nethi wnoie- l or- Ou-Mrf! -T H out, Wliolo'H'e Urnoer; Dint' In Hr., Wh iippa p I, In Horn; am "fur vtmli 'e lry Ul-( Ihi (iriiii 'atoln, W ol -lf Pry Oro la It n .1 W Jennlogi: (,.n .1 rw-.trr: or .1 1 r"il. JOHN D. BELLAMY, Jr., Atturiiny a lL.il "W, Utfl eun Vnrkst stream nar Noiltica.! Corner i tr Hero d Street, r WtLMlS ITOM.N O'J Will - rnotlRe In all tbe i'nurtnof the St. e. i'rnru.i -t onlioii lcn lo t'iu coileilon of rl ilm-. o t 5 linwul 100 BBLS. runs corrER distilled . c. CORN WHISKY I' ! Tor tale by , f- Jontf. T Crambr, : Thomasville, N. C ntt IS 'm tick: NKW fANVBU "- t? v I YH .Vina quil-ifti-l 1 nli lftrt'W oe tb e-tslo l .1 ,bu h W . Barn, b, on tlie Will tav of I'c'tiber, IS 5, ihiM-w I. haifhti f,rn t l iwm ti. h.t itii; i ini sln' thu di'Frd--i.t. to 'h fcU the nmcti tl It Atlqilm trMiir o-t or h-fii-i Oip S 1 1 ilo nf I'l t i r.l 7 i. "t tli's nutl.M alii ba ii .o d In b.fl' h Irr.-co.cr . f t ... U 1.1 A ANN "A RNKs, . nr'Bl Ixwtw , Ailmlnt.rat.ir ItfSwiaROLtKA' mMk - I ..... M. EI'sRt K. TKMPLT, of Bonteii, will miiir'rn h'e c'errt t.mr fltte or, lnnnlr?iiMt the Hes'h HI. fw LfC'U-e STREET SCENES AND CHARACTERS If p'OidnncFrt hy rnmprtet t Jinttc'e to he hi. tniiiit.'rp'Fi . Mr Temple Ifcay he .nir.grd to lwt.ir tiFjt ulntpr. In n Nottb or Siiulb i arnltnt to- n on rs ot ile t,rm. Addre Hf'HI r,Tr.MPt.ri o t3l'rwi ' "t'b some ti le M a. GUNS AND .PISTOLS. ALA 08 AVD ri.l.A9vKTKIlBle.ik of O m, liolh single and P nb Barrel, ami Bte-ch and Miii.'F Ia d.t, ala. en hind. Al',alaige a-or.iiin of IM..m all kind. U above for sale at low figure, by - . - GILESi&MJRCHISON, 1 otsttl ' SO 4 f I JUST ' fl Mlll Ut I 11 .Vjfav JHfKMTIMt.1tB.YT9, B O N'T F BROWWS. RODDIOC'i Are fully alive n t kuow that OOODH MUST UH HOLD LOW. Ws are 1-rej.ared to HELL AH CUliAl,' A3 ANY HOUSE IN AMERICA. Oivs m i rail and see for yoiirseUes. Our speoe Is too small to fuumerste every article. " - ' BLAISKETS,'' FLANNELS, Ladies' and QenU' aud ChildreV Meriuo tndsr YtsU Mid Glove. 1 A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY HOOE DRESS 1 An Endles3 .Variety. BLACK ALPACAS We Ivlalco WAKE TJ3?!! CaiON'TH' DHIOteH HIIlllTH. PAiitta urinT SIX FOR &6.60.: Mauufaolured from WamsuttaCot'oo oooromeuded by every ttivsielan Uudorwear. Maohine Needle BROWN & RODDICK; 45 Market Street.; ntM AT RETAIL 1 U. WEILL ! , 15. WEI LL I B. WEILL 600DS AT PRICES TO SUIT THeV TIMES;.1 A I.L we risk Is an rximilnntlon of our stock- We feel MtlWled that thai tlie public will be convliici'd of wlmt we say, Wo give buJow few priowt ' l.otxj vards lHarkAlpnrns ntfiOiH-nts worth 62 cent.' ? 'ra u'-' l.tKW yards Muck AlpucHs t fiS nW worth 70 cents. . . ,: .. -, -4 1,(K0 yards ItlMek Alpiicus at I17j HtxU Worth 80 couU, (HKi imlrs LHtllt's' Homo ut i5 wnU worth .10 ;ents. 8(H) pairs Ladies' Hose at 4H writs worth 00 cent. ' 6ot juJrs ('lilldrens' Krlped Mohw at 81 ctuUi worth 87) cento. t ! s -i t,.s 600 jmlrsChll IreiiM1 htrijied Hose at 87) ceuts worth 46 cents, t ... s h. . &00 pairs Cutldreus' Htripcd llosu at 62 cents worth 0i scuts. We hftve ou hand 31 QUALIFY TOO NTJME ROUS All of which AT PRICES THAT TERT B. WEILL, oct 2 fall mmwms NOW AT 36 MARKET STREET,"0-"'';- FALL AND -WINTER GOODSm : ' CHEAPER THAN 'EVER tTiZi n n (VI No. 3(3 MARIvIQT STREET. ,' FURNiTURE! WRnrrKllVoBlIJ(rAtXTRDEOUHUsrA).liAlt'MtItn-lWKltAS08IOC i. New Patterns ana Designs d Lm ,u m tu ' '':' '; '.. - o P'...;, Uiiiu 'u.ts .) imi' -u--- ' ; -"' .".! . , . .(, ..,;. .t,;tj 1'nrlor, Cluunhei and TInlafi HoomFttriatiiirei. -' : ' ' ' i "At KXTRMHt.tfJ PklOltt. '"W lJt 7' :"''.- ' .-.! -,'l ,!t ' :18 - !l!?s CAHPFT8 AND OIL In thl. iliieiiur tf.is .m'rrallit f Nfw i-uftm, oiitutn ami H.m. .,vi j " Bedding. do.. &oi flair.! MV SticJ') .relsioay .'StraVu i: M vi i'Hsi-iitB, rr .traH;;ralTtKBf i-l('if.ahEH'il.i.wsAnB0i,iTS3;,P ' ' Anilnit r i Mnntar.tura. I .1tx "i5 I frat-J'.''- in ii r-jjj. oi r Hotola, gi.sn s-ii1 PrtTats ReM.ne f ' riislii Ui 'bn S'.yUa a.LW; Jfrta uj. i.'.- is, ;j t:itn.r'ii e.B w4 v .nine owr '. af fu rtify. ' " ' . , ssplttf WHOLE IIOS7.C20 O EGETI! GrOODS. ,!ti! ef - a Speoialtvi"' 1' 4 ... . Uu I U- HV 1-r.i1 nnd 2.100 Liueu. Now is tour tina in hit.! for Rbeumstisin. Bhaker Ffshnel fo Five Cent aoh, Frank Leslies' - i .i fl ''ll AT RETAIL ! I .'tl ff i .! l-.ad. i to muny oilier goods , ' AS LOW, , t ! - M TO MENTION, we will sell DEFY COMPETITION, , RESPECTFULLY. MM, i t. 32 Nortli Front Street. OPENING! ! ti. -ii ( t. .-'yi l i l ; Vf " H it rn ri,niiiinrrJt4 "111" ' - lo..! x -o'i a 'tl ,vkis o.!i ,fma l ! s (1 r 'il'' I r." . FURWIXOREj: ( I -dl .VJ l-if Sari CLOTH TiiMATTIiav v and ilarltni VarterB. ht? sVoaaei. TlWalf ' I r rs '' 'n,.i 1 f 11VPI-A -1fHr ii puti 11 .in, - r - - u.nri ,-IIIIJf i