4 A jfn2! 0- a FOL XXIV. HO. 261 WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1875. WHOLE NO 7X27 J Jf T II. n 1lM1nn "JL ' ' : j .-rrvrii sj -m- . u iu nut. i 6YTEICRAPH. THE ELECTIONS Hew fork Doubtful-Wisconsin ' Jfew Iork Republican. and FREEDMAN'S BANK. The Spanl.h War-Ingland and Egypt -Dlhtnrbance at Panama. "BOSc" TWEED. iii I If IW. IORK. IleoBTfewgrfweed'i Suit. lu Yowl, $ r. 3.Iilngt eoantr gie B ffelow 6.92. Bhroe, Rep., fr.tr Myor of Brooklyn, U elected by 1,000 majority.. . The Wot Id gays the State will be OIom, We claim it by about 5.000. The Legislature will be very close. We -l.i 1L . . ti mi .X oiaim toe Aesemoiy. rue senate must be determined by fuller returns. Morrissey'a majority is estimated at 0,DW. - ' i ' -lb Timet editorially congratulate me epnnicans .on the result, aud says that Tildeo. as a Presidential can. diite, hae destroywi himself, and it ia now beyond doubt, that both Republi. oaos ana AJemnorats will have to place new candidates before the people next Tcr a iiuaj wish to eqoceea. urant has long been out of the question as a 1 esideutial candidate, and now Qor. lilden may safely make up his mind to close his publio life with hia present term of office. No one need fear that the Bepoblioan taeceeses will revive the Third Term, as that is aa doad as Julius Ciesar. The latest returns at hand leave the Ht4e in Boubti with chanoes rather in favae ol iBigefow. 'the majority is not n-eiy to exceed o.uuu either way. The oounuea estimated this morning show where the Democratic returns increase, and where the Republican majority uuireBuuuuicKiy ueorease. mi. r i- . . . xue nupuQiioans nave oertanyl a fair working majority la both Houses oi toe legislature. The Senate will stand about 3 lie ?uhlioans to 11 Demouiati. Assembly 8 Republican to 63 Democrats. The result on the State tioket is close and still a mattor o' doubt. ' Advices from Panama state that ex-President Stell is under arrest, Bandits attempted to aaaminate the Governor and other offioials at Han Juan del Norte. The Oovernor was shot iu the sdoulder, bis wife and daughter both being wounded. The Governor ha4 resigned, the British Vioe-Uonanl casing oharge of affairs. Motion baa been granted by the Supreme Court to strike out the 80.- 000,000 irait against Tweed, on the ground that the amended answer had been served within twenty days after the case was notloed for trial. VIRGINIA. " Frauds -County Betnrni. Richmond, Nov. Jas. McDougal, registrar, and John Marthinson, judge at the first preoinet, have been arrested on the oharge of fraud, in returning the vote of their precinct, whereby it is claimed that Knight, Independent candidate for the Senate, was beaten by Gen. Bradly Johnson, the Conser vative nominee. James S. Morrison was also arrested on a criminal oharge of misleading voters. Tbey were all bailed in tlie sum of $5,000 each. If the charge of fraud is established at this preniocr, aud the vote thrown out, Johnson will lone bis election. County returns are still light, but enough has been received to show that the complexion of the Legislature will not be materially changed. Independent candidal were voted for in a number of counties, but only iu a tew juowiucob w icq suooesstui re sults. . - Carolina county elects Swann, Con. and J. H. White, lad., for the House, Culpepper oounty eleots Halle, Ind;, over Strother, Con !. J Henrico county electa Talley, Rep., over Bryan, don. ' In Augusta oounty k. H. H. Stnart run for the House as Independent, It is thought probable he is elected. . , WASHI1TGT05. Freedman'g Bank-Fast Mall. WA8BBWSdt,1Nov.' 3. The dm- missioners of the Freed man's Savings muz say toey win continue to pay the 20 per cent, dividend, until every de positor has received bis proper pro portion, but tbey cannot possibly ad just more than five hundred aooonnts per day, of which there are over sixty thousand. - ' ' ' ., The Post Offioe , Department has made arrangements for an additional daily fust mail between New York and the west. The limited mail train will still be dispatched from New York. NEW JERSEY. Election News. Trhntow, Nov. 8. Complete returns put the Assembly at, 89 Republicans, 23 Democrats , WISCQHSni; Republican State Ticket Elected. ' MrLWAUK-B, Nov, 8. Returns re ceived to-day make it certain that the 1 Republicans have eleoted their State tioket by a ranging majority of 5,000. MARYLAND. ; .Election Bow. Baltimobk, Nov, 2.- During an alteroatioa ; jeaterday, at Annspo'is, originating m a politioal quarrel, Geo. Schmidt, , proprietor of the Marx Hotel, was sbot sod killed by Win. Barber, an employe la Kallero'a restaurant. 1 Carllst Gcncrali In Trouble; Madrid, Nn?. 3. Qm. Saballs ha' rag fPluraed in Spain ban been arrest ed by tlie Carlist. Gens. Kaballa ami Dorn-garrey will b trid fur causing tue i)iMtri to the (J-riint onus. England's Intentions Toward Egypt. Lwdov. No?. 2. -TV Pill Mall ! Ouette, in a lending tr'iota ay, the Euglinb wouputiou of Egypt is only a question 6f lime, as tUt ruotut in nfceasai- for the preservation of the Iudiaa Empire. 3Xi3aTRICISS. A severe ah oak of earthanako wa felt ytsterday at Fort Yum, Cl. -vast jrifarius.irH J ! W. S. F. E. Co., No-1. I, ii,i,iuw- XttQULAK MSKTINH tMt vTnoriaT) etenlngatTV o eliKk W V JKWKTT, . nor 4 Ran. S.'jr. Ill I IVIUn VIIPUIHniiirii A NOV L. Bt Oa rttRBi T, Author of "A STRANOB WORLD," "TH1 0VI THAT I-(D,"SAFSl,T M4RKIF.D," 'UlLlM o FBBUKns.'V'IN HONOR BOUND," "URALBr," "LEAH,"' "TOO SOON, ""JACK'S SISTER," "a Quaariow op j HONOR," AO. HEINSBERQER'S UVE BOOK ANl UQUC 6TORK,! ct 11 !,'!.! - NOW REA D Y . ; ; . . ... , . . A Superb Ptook af CLOTHING, Which wa Offer at Eiceedlnglj Luw Bataj. CLOTHS, . VESTINQS, CASklMERES, DIAGONALS, To make aud to roea.nre. uaga, umbrellas. Canes. Bows Ties, Ac In Grant Vartetr. MUNSON & CO- CITY CLOTniERS. ontti NATIONAL SALOON Having jvst fitted cp my SAMPLE BOOM, In the latert modem nje, I propose to ran la woDooiion tatrewitu a - A RESTAURANT AND CIGAR STORE. Th former will be kept en th. KUKUPEAM rii'r anu Kemieinen Tiiitiuir me will I Iwtya be lurulilied with the cboterat Ideitta, Vtinipon.U.ittart, (Jam, aud . Terythin that tbe Northern an I oor Home MarketarTrdi I (ball bare also, In a lew tlaj. the fluent lut ol IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS Eer offered for .ale In Wilmington. Mvsam itniio ip .uipura who iue nnin niiii'ira and wln tn be had. I rtipeotrall auk a ahare of the public patronage. REUBEN JONFS. lOTl-ln ' , NOTICE. SJBUKBT ART'S OFFICE, ) Wilmlnpton, Uolnmbla 4 Au.u.tt K. R.J WUMDgtoa, H, O , Xov H, 188. ) The sixth asncal mbetinq of the StookhoW.n of the Wilmington, Colombia t, Angurta Railroad Company win be bald at the offloa of the Oampaa, In Umlngton, on Wed nesday, the 7th tart, J. W. THOMPSON, 0'4.tl Secretary. q O T JOE SK EKTART'S nfFICB,' :cb," i iad.t'o,,S , .8,-ISTS.) - wnminiiion weioou luuroad t wllmlngtoa, H. v., Nov. HI roRTIKTH ANNTJAL MEETING of the stockholders of the Wilmington ft Weldon Sallroad Oompany will b held at the office of the Company in Wilmington, on Wedaeeday, th 17th inet. , . , - - J. W. 'lHOMPSUN, no.4td Secrrtary. 1,000 Barrela Flour, all grades, fresh from the Mill. . : .-; : , 6,000 Saoks Liyerpuol Salt. 1,000 Barrels Molasses and Flour. 300 BoxeB Cheese. ' ' 60 Boxos Dry Salt Meat . i Oiickctfi, Brooms, IVniiH, MatcHoH, NiiilV, cc. At low figure by 4 , . , ; . ; ; BTNFORD, CBOW k CO. ' IBT S 11 pi par. hating contrast, with a pleas copy, j si - SADDLES, HARNESS, 'TRUNKS. TR4VEUNG-BA09. HORSE BLANKETS and LAP ROBES Wbirt, Kpnr.. ()oi'r, Harni), Haddlery Hardware. Petthr )i.Urs Ail Sraaae, Hbawl Kiraim, ba 1 Il.rr0oo4a A1,LO-W FJEIJQBS, OAKPKSTEK ft MAUiAktU, Mo. t Front Dtrret, OCtMtf ' WUmlDitooQ, ctxxims.' auinowEss, kl3 c Ibbige. C.U1CK AlTLES. Fort hky O H. W. RUNCC. mm, ous, (iiM Pur Whltt Lead. Boiled and Raw Llnaaad OH.' Class at Wholesale and Retail. "'Fonnl. torn bj "" CIO. A PECK. w b ilwil an't Lllug 1 .tiictlj. SOMETHING NEW AGAIN EXCHANGE COBXER FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY, from Pari, arge TU LatMt Tbiuj. ant in tht line. lot of , CELLULOID CORAL AND NECKLACES. Another Ilandetma Aa.. rtu.nt of T (JClClNG OOMI1M. Itat Style of Lluen Oullart and Ctiffk. e-t.'ll , . .... JOHM DAWSON. lild Etalised Hardware Es aIislimcBt T31HK p'tlilBTO HVV AXM.of a kln(1. X tirltitl .'tones, 'rfo. ..n' hana, M'ea. roa Mik r 8i'ra Lack., lotto I U4id, Sb t' Uai, Pow ler, Puiikut- knl.i., 1'Kble.kuiirti., ato , at th. lowe-t oaah I figures tu tlie oity. t " : J'N DAWSON, novl No. 19, 4', and Si Ma hot Street. " iTABlFAPPLES MESSINA LEMONS. OtSC. MtHtl'. At R.c.Wed to day rr.h "cbolceat lot of our tram ,ar Dairy the ;bk8T butter im tub wohld" We ha.a Only for sale uy ad yea. GEO, MYRIli Our Brand of DoiMe Extra PamlW Flir, NEW. PROCESS EMPIRE IF', CUR. MONUQIkAH KMPIA- AHD PLANTS' PX1 A. L'iw for each at QKO. MYE&3. PINEAPPLE CHEESE. EDAM CHEESE. AND CREAM CHEE.E. At GEO. MTEKH. Pre.h RraRker everr aeek.t Cream. Milk, and roopi.-. is uea. PKUITOUACKBKS, CORSHILL,SODA FRESH BUTTER, and FAMILY PILOTJBKEAD, Togtther with all Imported Crackers, at GEO. MYERS. FRESH IRISH OAT MEAL. Imperial Oat Meal, In 1 a'id to pound package and New Kxlra Meas Mackerel, at GEORGE MYERS. 11 -13 SOUTH FRONT ST., repM CHEAP 8TOVE IlOUsE. J. 0. DUNL0P & CO. 81 Wi Pratt Htraet. Ba.tlmore' PARLOR HEATERS' COOKING STOVES. ILLUMINATORS. FURNACES' RV1ES AND GRATES SST HtOTss rapalred. ep 1 dftwSm NOTICE. NEW RANUVRH OOUNTT-HtTlng oaal Itletl ae eduilnl.t ratnr of the eftate of Inseiih W. Barnes, on the fMltb da of i 'otnber. 1STS, notice Is berebr given to all per.,ma bs. in. elaims against the decedent, to exh bit the same to itlvb Admlnl.tratnr on or before the Sotb day of October, PM, or this notion wtil be plaoed la bar of their recorert. , . 4VUIAAKS HARWHa,'-' ootsi lawtw 1 admlniitrator ' 0 KORTH CAROLINA" irCEUMS : MR. EDWARD P. TFMPI.H, of Boston, will soorien his Western tour this aeaaou In order to rl.it the Hoaih HI -ew Lecture STREET SCENES AND CHARACTERS 1 pronounced by enmpetent Jmlges to he bis masterpiece. Mr Tfniple may be .ngsged to lecture next winter, lo an North or Soeth Carolina toans on rea onsMe term. Address t.DWAKI) r.TniMrtF. -ontaidawlw Nurib rlonierrHe. Mhss. JOHN D. BELLAMY, Jr., Attu rney u. Law, Olhceon Market ttreet, near Nortlieaat Corner vf second St reef, WIIiMIN.H'ON.N 0-3 Will "ractice In all the tkm taor the Sta e. f rnmot attention mItcu to the coilomteu of elalran. - . j octfi lmeod t I OO BBLS. PURE COPPER DISTILLED N. O. j COR WHISKY I For tale by . ,' i : John. T Cramrb, Thomastirte, N. a' sua U'm GUNS AND PISTOLS. AI,A' OR AVrn,b A'OR1'P,l Stack 01 Ouns, lioth Slngie and Double Barrel on Hreccn anu Mutsie ixiiileri,. alwa a on tnd. AlS'.alarse iv.ortiiiet of Pnr r all kludr. AO abors foi sale r.t luw Dgures br GILESMURCHISON, ...rpening 29 lvIKK.3T ST H.Tfnj.oll oat my mt-r Mor prold twK'i AT AUCTION! I L.ie Re at nv old (s-iJ. A trr.h DHY 60011 CLGfHIM. BOLTS HATS PKKtm. H tv. Tim urn . B m rrow Jo. tu S.:. r f n. ' t.mn Uittion r- SjjO. w 1 . t jrj. Ho U iroia I In. hI ai.war.ta. KlanueW am t uilun Flanoala Ck.ap. Th.nklutt ymt all Ut rur Vm.l mt llb.irai iHifiinna nmcMto a nt a.lt tl. i rf 't fuli Kill. 'It r ponlhia.i.n. .r tU4 .tut. tu mj n.w I'unlurw. R!p(.r'lf Ydura, OKOKGE U:iUi:U, MARKET HI RRKT. illlil OF Atkinson & Mannincf. rOi-IOO.OOO Aala Hepr. aen.vd. m. Co. or Nrti. An.rl.t. .... Phil. ia,,h. Pimm. ln.itrni. limiiuam ...Na Yura. (Kiutinxntal it turantie Cu Nt Voik N.HrlttsiiA Maio.ntilM lim.t'o..li I it HartloM f ire Ins, VompHOy.. . havtrird. Nat'nnat Pire Ina. Oomnan. . H-.rn..r.l prtugllftd p. a,. n. Oe :.Uaaaanbu'U JIADINSr. Vtureautile Mii'tia- ln. t; .Nr-w Yo' lui 0t.or Naith AmHfa ph ltdalphla. LIFBT. ' .onnentlrut MutUil Lite Ins. Oo. HartfoH.t fb art mSIN TURPENTINE FARM. AP RTN r i WAN TKD.In OMOf th h t annolnted rarm.l i tbn vmth hl)W)ii rnnuliiK twuilY () new e mm tin. eap,aiil will h tv wttttty (iiti net (Miator no niw seatavi, qnivimtl l')i-Tt,.n ' P eat iunu nmrver nra m . ami near a et.. u) Ha'tr naylnir atioirt Tan I hnni.tiit itiwi. I ol a anil a St 'II, a .p'.enillj cliiiun to m iks mouey la oiHtred A litroas .JAWH l.fff WATt no.,' Natal Store Factor., oct2lil.w4iT Ma.animh, tla. E. ANHUESER & C-'S PURS lager beer, Jnt rer'lr.nt In l,ie trout Ht, loul.d rect. The following Id there; suit of tbe analysis made by W. V, Oanrad, ChumUtuf th lnttod Mtal.t Naral Labor! tory, New York. OONOLCSIOW PROM THE ANA' T.IS0l' TUB QUALITY. j Tlie rmtillW of till, heeir. a ulinwn h an'ilyalu, l nerl. br Ita p ir.nev. aa no .1 traneo i. mntter fbiM he ia.oetrd. th. Iai. am imio' esii at'.t anh.tanna ct'ilt being u.oil In efrainlln try grjat q tatiU ia, wliiclt. hay. Ing been routed, '. the uoar that peeitllar Unto of fr.ali breail) mak. this ln i n BoaiUhnig and hl lily r.coinrnenc! b.e drink for medicinal nnrtna. Anoth r annd niml'tv of this boer is tht it k eps In geod uu lition anuer an oiruuuaiaoetis. W. ('. ttOSRAD, . Chemist of O. 8. Naral Ibraory We' are the wbolerale aiants. and It la rr rata airo in mo oujr or .lOHH HAAS.Ja., rt.W. Hnani A. 0 H. Pinks. ADRIAN ft VOI.LKKN. "pS AT YATES' BOOK STORE Tou oan find a Buo assortment of ChromoH, Mottoes, Stereoscopes, Stereoscopic yiews - Gamc and Toji. ALSO, Fife, Flutes, Banjos Violins, Cultara Accordeons, 0ttt4 Harmanlfna. Orrica o f itt Oi,ki:k am. TtaasDaaH WiLHinunm, Wciluwday, No. 1st. To Proprtorsor Kmpersor Kar-roomsi Your attention Is ealltd to the following U'lerof Hit Honor the Mayor .a atrial ol rt Biiceoi mo rams win ne rq lr.ii.ana any party falling to pay their monthly License TaXt VD or bemro the Kill tt Day of each month IN AD V Nt'K, their Licenses will te forfeited. d the party subject to prosecution ana (!., I. prorliliil for, In lo l.ition of tllty Tax Oidmanoes. T. C. SFltVOSS, ('Ity Cleik ami Treasurer. O II, K . M AYOH'H OFPIOK, 1 ClTT 0 WlLMISOTOW, N. O J Ma. T. Sitav.m., Oi'y Diurk Tmanurei i Him Von will tiuineillatel notify persons ba. ng Hnr Pot m I liviimwihat unless paymeit of ihnr nv n lily taxes Is made on or tietoie tbe Sh'ta;nie ieii monib iiini.tf, t:.eir liceuaea will le dculnred loniiitel. Very H expert1 iitlv, W. P.CANAitAT, mr2-tf Mayor. 21 Parkag sCln Ice O. P, llulter, 16 Hoxos Pact ry tinrt 8UU Cteo.e. fB Hoxu llurt'o d.' Dread Preparation. Glr gor ."-n tps, boda, L- mnn, Htir and Ojsltf Cracker. In Mam ie arid Hoifls. I'heahore goods are rn hh and will be sold l y HIM.IA.TIN .tlljtt. llisioaj, SALT, BACCN, TuOiR, C0FFE. ETJ. iWni'iiAm rirmiand I.Werrxol Stlt. 15 Box". Bao'.n. tin Bairebt fngat all Orate. - lion Bags ottVe. 79 Hi.xe" Tobtceo. ' , j . ICw) Bairels lour all tirades. Lye. Soda : ' Soap. Starch. ' Matches, Candles. For tale by ' ILI.IAitlH J.tlUHCIIl0"l. Flour and Meal Nl) MIXKl) FEED. Uar-load . 1 , , ... line. el on thort notice, a rain bought at ta market price. Adilre-, i v-AB-UYIS f II T MII.I,, ' Wvtotta.n .aaitf For Rent. nillR ntlr pri.tT no orvsplo.) hi Q (. -r i.ir-i. or Ima y.nr. ferj m.Uo e. a.ljUi a J. A.wt.a:RR. THE LITTLE CAR.INQ. risrior 'UK H i MaouiN I worn nuar woaa. JU3T THt THlKCt t nt Ite to an. a't.tre.a nn re nl I k... U.tl... IT. lb .tfc, HI"Wr "I; Nw Y"l ii"a.t j; d,1," B i:rI WaJITr.O, net M-tHliy 5- If Wilmington II auvk to era imtjckrnt t ta Oaruilna, r tsrineaa man lll aJ.ertlMla THE WASHINGTON ECHO a large and wis!) entahll.ha.l waekly aii. pr.etrt)HUt:ng vireiM.toiy Ii, tl cnuntle. tlytle. Beaii'i.rt, Panillm., Pitt, RiLratHiaib. Wat. P. Wn.i.iaao, h. uaaatiaa 0 ' ' "l'ra- nt WaaWiigtoi. .it II Stareopy. Poutlvaly No P itponemont A FOHTU1TE lOUNI. LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. TEXAS GIFT CWCERT ASIICIATII) Of leiiUti,1ri.. will glraa SECOND GRAND GIFT CONCERT Nov 30tb. 18 DKUYLNU I'OsmVI. Or Money Rofundod. Hits tie Mitt, iu pio.iur t in eu omitlng ,u all ti 8250.000.00. i-riiwai a w uoie Tluaet. mil. wuinh mmUJ ft uto wi uuuion... COUPON TICKETS, II. Which will eutlll lbs Iml.Ur to sdmlsaloq ti a I'rm a unnutirt, ami tit on. aub of what r.r Kiit mav ha awaidud ta iiil ahuia tink uirulitr. niwponiniie agents wanted. All nrile-s to' tii'ko't. mm Ulrei't prompMi 1'. I Irmtl ira, Papers, etc, gi.nu mil nartlen ara, aunt free. In writing, bo snra and li your name, Vwn. oounty and Stt In lull, Ordms r.ir tlo.ati amimntln t tu as and ud war jwnt '. 0. t If rlml eil. r Atdraanail .oniniunUailon. and mak all emitiaiiotaor moiiay pafable to A. COLUNI, Stint, Denraoe, Wf ROttR TICKKTS AT ti Nsth Drawlnv tl.l hoa! Imlr takn rlafei r.SDlh, IbiS, and butt alim t time se re t.OME ENDORSEMENT! We. tba umlfl alrnert. rtrt.wn. nt ii..i .h reiaa, i-heerlullv sir. our leulia. ii. t,i ih, liiounrahl. nnd impartial in ahrh the '( it ami itill i onnorl nl thn ra. II n inn...,i i a lamm was niiioioa, aud sa t. be .nrv yausiacuiry manr erln wnldi all ttis pled.! .mi prnmieraoi n e twn inn vera oarrien ml; and, fnrthet, di nmst, heart II e dur he Moennd rmia (lilt Concert, to be im Nii.emVr Stltli, i5. WH Winn, Major, City of Penlroii; Al lermeti Jude W IS Kirk, tf W Walter.'J,.i, it living. J Woodyard, W A Tib ha, W B How I t Taylor. 1. M .IMm-on: John Nettn Wliol.. a llr. tloxl.; ,1 H tlu, Whole-ale Grower: Kpi'fteln Urea.. Wholesale Liquors; wain -tar Wbolisale -s lr Gooiltt aiai iirnn.'.i.i,. itrale fir Gooils H in J W .Innnlnu.: .'o.t l"tr; tr .1 'Toilil. IiAGGIG,TIKS, PLUUR 25 Tmia Mew A'iow Tie. VS Toi Plnrenl Ties. S '0 Rolls tUKgltig, 1000 barrels Plour. ifPLES. EUTJEtlVIUEGAB, ETC. St) Rarre's Apple. Wfutis H uit'-r, to KattbVlMgar. salt, ni tj, ciii;i;si; mm khcI s "nit. 10 Tierces ltlce. to.i Husf Cream Cheeta. Iv O I S SES. tlO BsnelsN. H. Molasses, 15 Mouflioails 8. IT. Molasses. 78 Hogehi ad and Ilarrel Cuba Molasten, .'or sale by ; : ,' . ; i KEKC'HNf S A UALDEK BROS Otlt CS JUST PUBLISHED. ' 11 ih Filltlon. PBAOTIO AL OBSERVATIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY , . . ... AU ..... PU'ilVAL EXIIAUSTIOA ' T.i which h atidtid , - an I7rp on marriage' vVitli imi ortant ciiartcrs on liHORKKK OF THK RECfcOOUOTl Vn ORDAN. Beinv a Twin!, nt l,e-nire. de'lrered at thf t MUSEUM OF ANATOMY htra i, on .billing thi clow, i-htt.tlrt not ttl to till' .rest colloctiin. Iinim the larseet tu the a or f HOI 4 liratuul Nt . Oppoalte Continen tal Hotel, Flillwitilpli In. Oot'leaof lerturca Kent on refelpt nf !ili eents Ad ire's. I'Hi .10 Kit t N iV DAV.lt' ON, K' KIi.HKUT 4t.. Phllailalubla, aiig 'I !! xh BcstM3JiI ill tils World C. WEST & SONS' ALAODIN SECU RITY OIL. narrantetl 114 Decree rira Teat Ewhried by Hi 'ir Iniurnnrt Ctmpaniei. "Heilt i'i fulljwIiM ertl(j lato, solect.od from many other.. MowaaD Fiaa I "o; o Bat.TtMntit, ) Decern jcr ;t, Wi. J Main h Wttt Snnti Onntlemen ria.lng ue l tue ir mil-ollarold Ui hi. .illy tor Illumi nating purpnees, I ta plastirri in recom mend'lnc wi.nr "Aladdin Seounty" aathe safest and nest' eer used in our honwhold. loun "ilitied) 4NDKBW REBSB.Pres't. CtT-IT YILL wOT EXPLODE At k ymr Kt mkteiurur it , Wtioleialu IX-pot, . O: WC&T A SONS H8 115 W. Lombr4SUt, Balttmor. itp gdtn D ON ' T BROWN & Are full alive atnl knn ireared to SKLIj Uire us rail . azuall tu tuututtrate ever artioie. BL, A N K2DTS. FLANNELS, LatlieV aud (Vi ota and Ghiltlrcna' Merino UmUir WkU and Gloyee. ' .' A LARGE STOCK OF FAWCY HOOE DEESS GOODS. An Endleso Variety, , , , . , BLACK ALiPACAS We Ivlake WA.K I0NTK 1)11IH KIIlllTW. PADTTI. SIX FOR o.oa Maoufaolnri'd froruWamsuttaCUton WOAMLKT MKDICATE1) iTtatm tvt-f.' litiOOnimnnrliwt tiv trnr l'l.ili.i..n Undera,'. Mi fid cut i.vijx BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. OUtV4 AT RETAELi 3. WEILL! B. WEILL! B.WEILL BOOBS AT PRICES ALL we Attk Is mi pxnmlnatlon of our stuck. We foel autlsflt'd that that the public will be wiivlncud of what w any, We give below a few prlcew 1W vartln Hlnck Aliicns at BOoonts worth fi2oeiiUs. 1,WW yards lllack Alpacas at CH cciila worth 70 cents. ' LHK) yanla Jllitck Alpucaa at Q7 cents worth 80 ceute. ' tMH jmlis Lu lles' lItH at a5 ccnta worth 80 conta. JMW pnlra LiuIIi'm' Jfoup at 4H cents wttrth tlOcttutn. 800 pnJrs ChlltlrciiH' Htrlpctl 1 1 oho tit 81 cento win th 87 ocut. 6tH) pairs C'hll Iri iia' Ntrlpctl HoHnt87f cento worth 43 ceute. ' 600 pulra Child reus' titrlpcd IIohu at 52 cent worth (15 eents. - ' We have on hand ninny other goods ' ' bquai:ly as low, too numerous to mention All of which we will sell ' AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. VERY RESPECTFULLY, E. WEILL, 32 North Front Street. oct 2 FALL AND WINTER NOW OPENING! AT CUD 36 IvI-Vni-I-T FALL AND WINTER GOODS: CHEAPER THAN UVER! ITo. 8(3 MAEIiET StBISEST; "i 1ft FURNITURE I TTTEOrKKK FOR TU1C PALLTRADS OUll Tf UP New Patterns I'nrlor, C lmler nul Jilalna: KoomFuPnlturo.' AT BXTRKMKLY LiW PH1CH,. , ' ' ' ! ;' AND OIL' C A I. PETS I i this line our took i mi raoe. all of tu.- Sew nuiiem, Oulton and Henip carpet" ah , (and M -ge of H Beddiug. c &o. Hair. Mai M ttrKKSSeS, FF Al'HIltS,PK.tTHER I OOMrUKTAnT.'l. CTO.. Lti OF TH.1 BT MATfBIA-i f J. ' i J Auilout w Manufacture. .1. Hotela, Bteamra ami Frlrate KSDldinoraf rn'abed In tbe l-atet Rtyls and ttiw Pflo ' r.ewj in u a can anani tin me D. -Arri:.vr, FORGET!! RODDI0C rsl!",r',?,V0lI)S MUhT JE HOr LOW. We ere AH CHE W AS ANY HOUHR IN AMERICA, ami atn fur onrHnlvi (tn. ii' t a Spaoialtv. , E UP! MADU w - . mm, &W j M m and 3.100 Litmn. V.t !., t!- i . ,.m vi i ujv VU UUJ ..- "1)1.... ii m . . . .' rive cZrrrauKsK,Ml Z iA.uvrruivN. AT RETAIL I TO SUIT THE! TIMES, STREET, 1 Id.. FURNITURE I V V ALI.AKOB AMD lA'CaSASICDBTOO aud Designs ; CLOTH AMI) MATTING', sad leading Patte ii. nf Kraaaei. Thre.-alp '," grites "it i iota aai Matting. , Aleo Mat , . aull ul Di!.l(n, i.' i ShuoVEi'elsior ar.d Straw; PS PRATI1MN PtLtOWfl AMD HOMTES our bcok oeure uu euasinc. .1 . A. SmTH & CO., t 43 front 8uel GOODS 3 iij!':U.i III'' 'i . M i fc O v ..I S lutulsi-'b i (.-iff 1 t "t.

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