I I 15 1 WimiHGTON. 17. C. FRIDAY. HOVEIIBER 5. 1875. VOL XXIV. NO. 262. Y7H0LS HO- 7iC23 Uf hi Snlln "JSouronl. BY TELEGRAPH. THEELECTI01IS Jfew Tork Gofs Demomtlc-WIscon. bId Doubtful. BRUTAL MURDER. 1 Fatbtr lurdfrt His Two Children, Attemiti to Kill HI Wife, and , Commits Suicide. NEWS IN GENERAL. Trooier'T1ilskejrallure8-Earth-quakes, Election Rows, Ac. GOLD 15 7-8. NIW YORK. Election Statistics. Nw Tork. Not. . Tim Tinifls concedes 23,000. The World oUimH 10,000, with a cbauce (or A-mbly The Tribune Buys the Democrats have elected their entire Htate ticket by 7,000. ' Th HwaM gives the Demy crats 6,000 majority. The Republi cans, to fill the Oogreanional YftCM cy, elt-et their otndidte in tbe CheUngaa Di'trict Albany, Not. 4. The krgni claims 10,000 for the HI ate Democratic major ity, and makes the Senate 22 to 12 - Republican, and tbe Awmbly 66 to 62 D'iuooratio. giring the Republicans 6 on joiut ballot. Tbe Evening Jonrnal nays, our table to-day makes the State Demooratio by majority of between 8,000 to 9.000. The Henate will stand 22 Republican to 11 D moorata. The Assembly foots up 72 Republicans to 66 Democrats a Republican majority of 16. We have spjoia) advices from aim st every quarter. WISCONSIN. Election News. MiLWAtT&M, Not. 4. Returns re eeired indicate the eleotion of the Republican State ticket and Legisla ture, The Democrats haTe Treasurer and Superintendent of Publio Instruc tion. Madison, Not. 4 The Republi cans concede the eleotion of the Demo cratic State tioket, exoept Governor, and a Democratic majority in the Legislature. WASHINGTON. " - : Suit. Washinotoh, Not. i. The suit of Mrs. Gains vs. Caleb Gushing, to res train Cashing from interfering with certain claims, whioh be contends bad been transferred to him for profes sional services, which had been pend- . r ' 1 in L - i ing in ine opeoiai xvria ior a loug time, bts been referred to the General Term, to be heard by a full bench. . INDIANA. Brutal Murder. ImdiasapoiiM, Not. 4 The Kokomo Tribune ha the following : David Robmson came to town yes terday and bought anew suit of clothes and a revolver, after whioh he went borne, showed the purchases to bis family, and then .ate his supper. Robinson was iu a good humor, and appeared to be perfectly aane. He remarked to his wife that it would have been well if little Dan, his son, hod died two weeks ago, and said he bad attempted to kill the child. He then drew the revolver, fired at his second son lying on tbe bed, turning then and shooting at his wife. Mrs. Robinson ran but of the house, follow ed by ber eldast eon, aged eight years, the father shooting him in tbe face but not seriously. Robinson then took a razor, approached tbe bed in whioh lay his daughter, and out her throat. He then murdered the son whom he bad first shot at, mounted bis horse and fled. His dead body was found this morning one mile north of Jaok son station, on the Indianapolis.Peoria & Chicago Railroad. It is supposed be committed suicide. ILLINOIS. Failures-Wisconsin Election. Chioaoo, Not. 4. R. M. Hooley, proprietor of Hooley's Theatre, has madeanasignmeMit. r ' r Ira Howes, formerly President of tbe defunct Manufacture's' National Bank, has gone into voluntary bank ruptcy. Special dispatches to the Jonrnal, Post and Mail sav. the returns received at Maduon, Wis., lust night and this mojning, nive decidedly changed tbe complexion of the eleotion ' in that State, and created considerable ex- oitement. ; Tbe Democrats olaim that their entire State ticket has been elected. The Assembly will be very close. Tbe Republicans still claim Luddiooton's eleotion by about 8,000 majority; Further returns are awaited with much anxiety. . . MJSSOrjBI. 'Crooked" Whiskey Indictments. Ft. Louis, Not. 4 Two new indiot mPDtS have been found against two prominent oiLeous lor connection with tbe whiskey ring. Tbe Globe-Demoorat, referring to the indiotmenta for whiskey frauds rfcently found, mention the name of McKee, priuoipal proprietor of that psper, and Constautine Magtiire, late Colleotor of Revenue in this District. The Globe says MoKoe is ready for trial, and the publio may iely on bis oomplete lindioation. CALIFORNIA. Eattbqnake - Virginia Utj. Bah Fbascisco, Not. LK sharp earthquake has been Mt at Yuma. A special from Virginia City says mining situation is encouraging, the water is tiling, and bmld.ug is p rM grossing rapidly. KANSAS. Election How. London, Not. 4 Sheriff N il at tempting to suppress an election low here was hi nisei t shot dead. MINNESOTA. Election News. Pr. Pact Nut. 4. Latent nturni estimate tbe Republican majority at 10,000. . FOEEIGN. ENGLAND. Bogus Degrees -Carlluts- Fire. London, Nov." 4. Geu. Soheock ha written a 1 tier to tbe Times expomug the sale in England of ficticious Amer ican University d grees. be Tost bus a special dispatch an nouncing that the Carlibts have occu pied Diduna. ; . Tie rsenal at Rindsburg, in Hol stem, was almost entirely destroyed by fir yesterday. The oUl damage will amount to 6,000.000 marks. SPAIN. Spanish Papers on the Cuba AffaMs Madrid, Nov. 4 The Epoca says it knows nothing of America's Cuban memorandum, and believes the root ct dispatches greatly exaggerated. The Croniota, the ministerial organ, believes that AmerioAn filibusters in vented the news of the eqoipmenr of five frigates for Cuba, in order to create complications. GEEMANT. German Parliament. Berlin, Nov. 4. -Tl'e German Par liament has ratified the treaty of com merce with Costa Rioa. Herr Von Del brnck stated that the Government in tends sending representatives to Cen tral America, for the purpose of ex tending treaty relations, IT ALT. Heriegovlnlan Insurgents, Ac. Vienna, Nov. 4. The Herzegovinian Insurgents have received one thousand breech-loading rifles from Montenegro. Tbe military commanders of Bosuia have convoked an assembly for tbe purpose of proclaiming a National Government. JTXW ABVMBTIKKMIkXTa. OPERA HOUSE. TF AJL K, WEEK, Ldmeiicii2 Monday, NoTGite 8lii THE PEARL' OF SONG, CLARA WILDMAN. And Hr New Tark Oomwtv Uompsnr. MONDAY & TUESDAY. NOV. 8, 9. MARRIED AND DIVORCED. To conclude with a Qlortoo. Fares, WEDNESOAY EVENING, NOV. 10. THE TWO ORPHAMS. ' ADMISSION) Orche.tia id Dreat Circle ..SI oo l'rqnetle T9 Gallvry fSO Keeerred S"ti without ettia charge at Uatm. oirger e nooi store. NOTICE. TUB OFriOKRS AND MEMBERS of th. ub.mber of Oommercs are r.,patfally reqnete4 to attend a meeting or th. Chamber at tae rioaao Kicuang., at t 0 C1UCK toil SfWaooa. By order let Vice Pramiant, J NO. L. CANTWZLL, Hecretary. botd-U AO OIK PKK DY MDK BY O .OltJ Men and Womoa, as th. ag utitor - n iA'Miiiiiir'u vu.) uunni, 'i, RICH! RAREM RACY!!! Th Live Book Btor. hat Jnnt received the aindeomert A anrfm.nt r I CHROMOS. moties ' ' 1: and COLORED LITHOGRAPHS, Ever bronfM to thli elty. An Invitation 1. hre vxtended to all to oa'l, .x.iulne and make auleotiona from th eitaoelr stock at HEINSBERGER'S UVE BOOK AND MU1IC 8TORS, tiovS SOMETHING NEW AGAIN . t AT Win. FYFE'.S. ' . EXCHANGE COBNEB. si A FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY, ' ; ' from Pari. Th Latit Thing out In that tin. A large - t -----, . hiivi ; - - - - j- CELLULOID CORAL SETS, , . .. AND NECKLACES. . Anothtr Handaom AkMrtraent Of TUCKINO'OOMBS, I t.t Btyts of Un.n Ooll.ri an4 Ca Sk. octlt . . vsr jMrisBJif-vr. SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS. TRaVtXINC-BACS. HORSE BL&SXEIS- fiEl LAP EOEES Sfhtn.. Stiiir.. flal'tra. Hinm. -.U1 MT- Y Hardware. fMlM Ihrfter, Ail Si.we, - nnawi iiri, p ' iiwt " A. X JL. OW PRICES, CAHPENlEKa M4IXAKD. So. Kruut Mr ft. orttf Wilmington, K, O. GBEEN PEAS, Jill irt AUTDO BED ( AB1UGF, CHOICE APPLES, for I- h ' C H. W, RUNCE. PAIMS. OILS. (JLASS. Pure White Lead. Boiled and Raw Linseed OH. Glass at Wholesale and Retail. . For nle low fcy nor OIO-A PECK- 1.000 Barrels Fiour, all graJt, fresh from tbe Mill 6,000 Sacks Liyerpool Salt. 1,000 Barrels Molasses and Flour. 300 Boxes Cheese. 60 Boxes Dr. Salt MeaK ISuolcetM, llrouiUM, IVnl.H, MntchcN, Hnuli; Ace. At low flnrec by BINFORD, CROW A CO. f All D.peri harii'g ooatr.rta with u. i.ltHW onpy. BOTI JOHN DAWSON. Old Estalilisiica Hardware EsaWisliiRcuL I8THK Pt.snRTu BOVAXhS.or s'lkliwl. Grind Mhmee. Orui .Cut Mawe, Vl'tf, ..rind Aim. Nitlt. Hng rn. 8or5., Ixk, knlxa. Tnb'o-liiiiTM, Ms , at tut lowest cuth ogura i'i ui city. JUHN DAWSON, r vS Ns. IJ, i'.ondill NarkatStrM. FINE TABLE APPLES MESSINA LEMONS. UEC. MTrBI'. tram unr U.'ry th At ' lUcilTtd to dy frMS 'choicest lot of cur JBB8T BUTTBRIS THK WUBU)" Wshars ad yet. Only for sals oy Our Brandt of Doable Ei tra Familv flour, NEW PROCESS EMPIRE LTLCUR. UONuaRAM KMPlBai AD PLANTS' KX1AA. L wor earb at OKO.HTBKS. PINEAPPLE CHEESE. EDAM CHEESE. AND CREAM CHEEeE. At GKO. MTKR8. Prwh araeker svery week.l Cream. Milk, and People's Mixed. FRUIT CHACKIK4, CORSHILL, SODA rUBSU B0TIBK, and FAMILY FIXOTB HE AD, Tog-ithor.wlth ll Impoftel Crackers, it GEO. MTKKS. FRESH IRISH OAT MEAL. Imperial Oat Meal, to 1 and 10 pound pickftgni and New iSxtra Meat Mvkerel, at GEORGE MYERS. v 11 A 13 SOUTH FRONT ST , ' N O TI C 'K. ' BEOBKTARV'S OFFICE, ) Wilailrifrtn, Uoiambl A Augtirt K. h V WUmiugton, . O , hoy 1, 18(8. ) rrv X. HE SIXTH ANNUAL MEB1INO of tbe Stookholur( of th Wilmington, Colombia A Augusta Railroad Company will be held at th offloeof theCompaay, tn Umlngton.on Wed need.y, th 17th Inrt. J.W.THOMPSON, no4 tl Secretary. NOTICE. ' BKCEETAKY'8 "FFIOK, " Wilmington We'don Rtilmad rw, Wilmington, N. O , Nov. S, W!. X HE FORTIETH ANNUAL MEETINQ of th Stockholder, of th Wlim'ngton A Weldon Bailroad Company will b held at the offlo of tb Company ia Wilmington, on Wednealsy ths ltth 1nt ! I ' J W. IHOMPB'IN, tiOT.td" " ''BecrrUry. OIONAL SALOON XXVI.N'(i JV8T riTTKD HP MY H AMPLE! ROOM, In tbs latett modern pfyle, I propone to ran In j. - connection ih rewith a a mmm and cigar store, The former will be kept en the KUaOPB N pi, A an8 guntleman l tloic me will I rlwity. b" furnlehed with the ebon cat Stent Vnn'enn. "Vetera, Oam-, and Tcrytlilrig lht ih Nonhru - , nlonrHom.Marketaflnrd , t ' l.lia'IbaTenlxo.ln a few day. th. luwt kit ol IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIB'RS Ever ofTured f ir h1 In WllmlHgtnn. M mu pie rnoiu t Uipit with the BnMt llq i i aud win, to t" had. I riapeotfulle aek a anar. ol in. pnblic patmna,.. REUBEN JONES, ovt Ira AT YATES' B30K STORE Ton cut Aul a An wrtatat of Chromos, Mottoes, Stereoscopes, StereoscopleYlews Games and Toys. AMO, Fifes. Flutes, Banjos Violins, Guitars Accordeons. Wfi - Harmonicas. BUTTER, CRACKERS, &G. S8 Pckir. iinlc Q. K. Butter, IB Hote. Kiit rr stul itto It we. SB Bine i HtV'o Ui' Bread P refaction. Ulngar Xui, "od, Lrmon, ugr and Ovtr Crt. ter. Id Harrvl. and B tr. I'lieibo.v gii.' ar rre! d will b. no d by : n iLi.i tnfi tii b. ino.. SALT, BACON, lUGAR, COFFEE; ETo 7UU0 aok. A n. iWna and UtotiiooI 8lt. TS Boif Baeuu. na IUrrol. ugir ll Ura-li-a. Ikm Bd Lolt'c. TS Hutu' Tobooo. KVW 11 i roll floiir-alt tlrde. , Lye. Soda Soap. Starch. Matches. Candlos Por ikle by wiu uns niK(iiiiM)Hi. cL11 100 B8LS, rCRE COri'EK DISTILLED N. a CORN WHISKY 1 f For'tal by John. T Ciiambr, Thomasville, N. C ana II ?m OUN3 AND PISTOLS. A LAi OS AND w rl.bAOKTICliatoc ol Onn, both Mingle and Duob'. Brrfl, nn.l Breerh iit Man e Lowlrr, lwi on bnd. Alw, larne M-ortoioM of Pinole or all klndr, AH .So', fur pal rt low figure, bv CILESt&MURCHISON, o 131 Flour and Meal su mixed rr.su. cu-iood nd on ihort notlo. Oram bought at th markKt price. Ad.lreM, wJARliOTTP HI'tT M1M., ( wlntw, If ,, . .,. . - NOW READY! A Superb Hock ef CLOTBZ1TC, Which we Offer at Exceedingly Low Bat. CLOTHS, VESTING., CASslMERES, DIAGONALS, To make auil to ineaMir. Bags. Umbrellas, Canes. Bows. Ties, Ac. in Ort Vnrli ty. MiUMSOlSr &c CO- CHI CLOTHIERS. . 0"fl OF- Atkinson & Manning. : $70,000,000 Aaarts ttsprcaenutd. FIRE. n. Co. of NortL Anerlci...,. Philalephia. Pbeuix ltirnce l)ompn,....New V.irk. ikintlncntiil Ir.uranps uo.. ...Ntw Vork N. Hrltlnei Mf ontll In.Co.,Ijid n. Hirtf.ir.l 'Ire In.. l'ompiir...nifrd. National Fir. In. f!imtAiiy..,Hrtfrd. ' prlngtteld t, A M, ln ro..,i)aiiacUaett MARINE. Mrcntlle Mutual in, tio Now Yor- In. Oo.uf North AmoHoa Phlldel'hl. LIFaT. Connecticut Mutual Lira Ina. Co. Hartford.) fob tn , E. ANHUESER A CO'S TTJRB lger boe, Ut rawlfvl In lo Irom if Ht. I ouladiiect. - The loUawIng 1. there; eolt of the ana'yais ma in by W. O, Conrad, Chimlrt if th. .a m 1 rttatai Naval Labje torr, Kew York. 0"NUU'8ION FROM THF. ANA1 YIS OF THE QUAMTVC T qull y of thU a 'hown by our acnlt l ipcrlnr b Ui p ire none, aa noei trn"o n ma'Usr couM be dm-ewd. The lam am-'antof extract aulisfaime (m.U brluj umH In extra irdln trr grmtt iiuutiti., whioh, bar. In been roHBioil, kIi the ocer thut peculiar ButiM f frush bfnal) m.ki.r.h J h"r a very Boiirtxhing and Muhly r.comniend ib.e drink fur medtcHial pnrp(iH., Anoth r good quality M tnte beer u that it k eyt In good oou litlon andsr all olrounwlanoe.. Vf. O. 'NIK RAO. , . ChemUUof V. 8. Nrl Ibrntorr. We are tbe wliual agnt, and It U for al aUo Id the olty by Joss win, Ja., O" K.W. woitna. A. O. H. Fihshw. ADRIAN VOIXKKS. s,i RE-OPENING i at iV- ; 29 MARKET ST Hating .old but my btre ttoek: of aid goo I. ; AT AUCTION! ) I hue He pnd at mr Old Pturd. A frc.h and well-faect d ij-ook of ,t DRY GOODS. CLOTfflNG. BOOTS HATS 8boe - nil di. which 1 will aell at tli lnwt CASH fklOf.H. Below I lo nun a lew I ; . Hera, with prioe. aaneied :. B.f. ;allfoe from to. to , per yard. Hrown Ootton from 6e. to I0. er jd. ' Oo d Jii' from no. and up wan la. i'iaiiuelo and tVitlon FUnn.l. ery Cheap. Thanking you all for roar kind and liberal patronage li"rtotore n'raicd. I reep-ot-, fallr eullrtt . oou.lnnancw uf th. ine " . hi my new biulucn. ne'proi.iuuj loura. 4Ji:onC3Il Liu I II Ell, UAKKKT 81 RRKT, octM WllaJngtoa, For Rent. THK ml i r Hrijr how ones44 b . O. C:;y A l . mbr ln wharf, tffios tl ul ). and wl ?'d. kuotad on Sulb Wilrt Mrl. Frneor two yean. Terwt rata mit. Apply to J. A. WAI.RKR, "V WMl.W THE LITTLE DAR.INQ. 2 a rxarioT .aw s wit'Htsa voa Lioar woaa. JUST THK THINCI W iirnt irr lo n addrw o r- "Wll'IOt ihf )..llr PAIR- A "'o., "S Hliwkor Mt Htm V'rk P. (. Addroe, Hot 16. AK!VlS Tt'.U. ortM-eoilly X-If Wilmingtoa I S AIIVR TO HPH INTfrKSTi In Pm Uaroltva, kt tulnw ai.a w ill ad.wrUw la THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a largi. and wnll aiitabllihed wnkly n.wtta pur, ir'-n;tln(i t'iifly In tttcunnlle.o Hrilo, Bii'lb rl. PanilbM, Put, Cdgoooaib and vt.i- ttitnlnir. Klw Low Walt P. Wii i iaxm, K uatsxsa, Lata ol Tiwbnrii. of WathlogUin, Editor and Pri,rlttwa. not 11 SUraopy. Positively No P 'stponement ! A FORTUNE LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. rrO.S GIFT CONCEBT ASSOCIATION Of Deiition,1e. will glf.a SECOND GRAND GIFT CONGER,! Nov 30th. 1875 D1KAW1KU 1UMTIVI.J Or Money Refunded- Pirst Capital Gift 85 Mooond Capital Gift 2 tee do. (Illt iu piopiir l in arountlngm .11 U 8250,000.00. Lowest Cltt t9,a fVhole Tlct, 15 Phne nf a Whole Ticket, t, w link eorutoU I flTO VI UOUOH. , COUPON TICKET8.il. Whioh will entitle th. bnldrr to adinlMlon ti hatirat.d O invar t. and tii on.- Ollh or ht wr ant may ' awarded t thr wbol tick. number. rtA.ptilMiiHd .gen wimm. Aliorde. for ttikuUwiit direct prompM, i:IhI. lilroul ir., rair, tc., tiraj ran r-arvcu ara. Mint frr In writing, bn mr and lgi your name, t-iwn. county and St W In lull. Uftlora l'ir ll.t am mini to wo anil uu u....l i I. j4.hI.mjI war 1 pen. v . v, , . A'tdraaaail eommimlcatHina ana wak ai emittanot. or atouey pajiaui to . A. R, COLLINS, $o-T. 0nbMn, b-r R3CR TICKETS AT O lathe OrawlMK wid uoal'ltelr Uk rltcii Nor. ADtb, 18IS, and but a nun time uow r 'U n., . i.OME ENDORSEMENT I We, th uinlo .lined, cltlan of l)nl on, feia. rhcorliillT xlv" our tetlra"iir lo the Inn ornhl and Itni arilal In wh'ch tb tint (1 and Oilt i onort of l'ie Istaa U lt oncmt AaruolKtmn u O l lliio'eil. and aa to 'he very UitllnMtnry mauler In wblch all Ui pledgee iiw lirumi-ra ui 14. ja-nuui '.ii.u .clwiwu . . . . .1 1 1. u ... 1 - .... 'lie Second Orand Ullt Concert, to be glr.n Nortmoeramu, istb. w h winn. flavor, (jitr or iienmnn: ai lermcn Jndirn W 0 Kirk, tl W Walter.' Geo H loving. ,1 W.KidyarU, W A Tilina, w 11 no I HTarlnr. I. M .lohneon:.ihn Netlii.Whul- w I r OomU; J 11 On,, Wliole-aleUrnoer; Kiiinein lr., r nmnaie iiquurpi nam "uir Wholiaitla Orv (IiiikIh; Mai Urunialvln hoialn Dry GkhIh Hm J W Jannlnga lleo.t lt.r; r .( II FeIUI. BAGGING, TIES, PLOUR 28 Tori. Maw Arrow Tie. '.BToii.PlerctdTln. S0 Ko'l. Bagging. 1000 Barr.l. Flour. APPLES. EUTiER. Y1HEG1B, ETC W Harral Apples, UTnbl Baiter. 10 Barrel Vln'gu. , 8AiiT, ni(K, ui:i:se ; A 00 Sack. Halt. 1(1 1 lrce( Rlc. 0!) Boar Cream Chsen. MOLASSES. WO BarreU 8. II. MolaNw. 14 Hogebeade S. H. MolaM. It Hogxhrad.and Batrel. Caba MolaM. or aale by " - ' ' KERCHNI R A tJAM)EK UROS. t S8 JUST PUBLISHED. , 11th Fdltlon. PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS, of NERVOUS DEBILITY rjtr&ivd l EXiiA us roA Vn which I added An i:ar urrlaffe- ft'ith Imiortant cbaj tr. on HHOKKEKS Of THK KKfKODOUTlVR. OROAN, Bemv a vnonl or iMnare dnllrcred at the f , MUSEUM OF ANATOMY htrnicr. vleltlng tha city , nhinild not 111 to ate tlil great coltuctl m, heintf th largest In th world- S07 tiiratnut Hi , Oppoalte Continen tal Hotel, Philadelphia. Oop'f lerture nton reilrd of 211 eent AQ ler. I K il'l'ii" a irt v i r-yit l(t Ml B.' K r hT.. rbl.adelpbla, angTd-l - iHo B st floascWJil tatUB World C. WEST & SONS' ALADDIN SECU RITY OIL. warranted IJ0 Oe-rooa rirs Test Kndnnfd by tA Fin Iiuurano Cmpmiei. tr A lie riillnnlnj oertlgiatfl, wleeted from many other.. Uowaad rias Is Ooi ov BAtnanas, ' Demmbf r 3, WJt. ) M'iirt (? Weit wi: Oiitlemon riarlng un.l tbe irii.u. iillMuld 'n hla city lor illumi nating pu po I tata pl ir in recom ro"ndfns v nr "Aladdin Sfcnrlty" M'h.Mfrrt and bt ever od Iu oor hoahold. Vour. ''(sTin.J) ANDBKW fiBKUB, Prw't. D3"iT WILL NOT EXPLODE your 3lmH4ptror U. Wbolenl Depot, Cl Wl&T ASOSIS 111 HS W.fVtabar4 Htrast, BaltUnors. ip leod fm thiLI HIIT. UtS .VA'f JBfMmTIHK.mK.XTti DON'T FOEGETII Are frilly alive and know ILst 00OD8 MUST BE BOLD LOW. Wa art lireiiared to HELL AH CI1EAL A3 ANY HOUSE IN AMERICA. Give ni s call on J see for yourselves. Oar spaoe ia too small to eonmerate every article, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, Ladies' aud QouU' aud Chil.lrena" Merino Under Vesta and Gloves, A LARCE STOCK OF FANCY HOSE DRESS GOODS, An Endless Variety. BLACK ALPACAS . We Xvlake WAKE UP ! ! C.KNXF4 UUIN HIIIItTH, PAHTL1 MADU SIX FOR $6.00. Mannfaotnred from WamsuttaOut'on and HOAHLlflT BlliDlCATKD FLANNEL, ' Reoommondsd by every 1'byslolan ; Underwear. JJlaoliine weeaies f BE0WN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street utM AT RETAIL I B. AVEILL t B. WEILL! B. WEILL 600DS AT PRICE8 TO SUIT THEV TIMES. ALL we ask Is an exanilnutloii of our Btock. We feel Mtllsflud that that the iubllo will be oouvlncfid of what 1 ,(K)0 vards IHurk A lia(ui at 60 cents worth 6:1 cuuta. '. ' 1,001) yanla Jtlnok Alpucua at fiHcouta worth 70 ceuts. ,. . , 1,(HK) yards llliick Alpaoas at 07 vents worth HO cents. WK) lmlrs Ijiwlles' Hose at 25 cents worth 30 cents. ' 800 i.alrn Ladles' Hose at 48 ccutaworth eOcenla, 1 600 t)Blrs Chlldrcns' Htriiwd Hose at 81 ccnU worth 37f cenU. 6(H) pulrs Chll irons' rStrljH'd Hcwe at 87f cents worth 43 oouU. COO pairs Chlldrens' Btripcd Hoeo at 62 centa worth 66 oente. We have on hand niHoy other gowls EQUALLY AS LOW, TOO NUMEROUS " All of which AT ritlCES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. VERY RESrECIFULLI, . B, WEILL, oot 2 FALL AND WINTER GOODS NOW OPENING! 36 MARKET STREET, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, - CHEAPER THAN EVEEI AT No. 30 MAEKET STBEBT., .ep IS FURNITURE! FURMITURE ! TTTK OFFKB FOB THK rAULTBADal K VH OS' Ah LABUB AND INCBB A8D BTO0K r Hew Patterns and Designs Parlor, Chnmbw and Dlnlnar KoomFuraltiu'e: , AT UlrHI'MKLT Ij'IW PBIOBB. . , . , . . . 1, CAltPKTS AKD OIL CLOTH AKD MATT1AU . , , . . .ii m. NfW and ldlng Pattern or Brnaaei. 'ir-ply ,r a.d aue ststs Bedding. &e. &o tiair, Mia i " ShuoV.' Excelsior and Straw" S, ,TI-BBaaU. .THKRX.raiTHKB I ."A"' 'ATSBiALS'D 1 bojiKur ABLi, 4o.. V. of 'ilia bmsi maikbiaii wiv Andeut w-Manufactura. ' eplIU a Speoialty. , 3,100 Linen. Now ia your time to buy for Rheumatism. Bhakcr Flannel for ive uouts lijwli. frank Lesliea' AT RETAIL I we say, We give below a few prices; TO MENTION. we will sell 32 Hortli Front Street. AT i. ''."Lt i'M!-'? hc- D. A. OIHTHO. tiueel 1 1 I i i ' i

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