-. , ' (11) rr$ WILHIHQTOH N. C. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 6 1875. UHOLD II0.7.C23 VOL XXIV. HO. 263 6Y TELEGRAPH. REVIVAL OE THE GREAT 1CA1CAL. What Mrs. Francis Moulton Knows Concerning Befrbfr-Dlsmlssed From rijmonth CUrfh, c. REVENLF FRAUDS. Grant's Private Sccrctarj asd Onrllle Grant Indicted Tor Comllcllj In the St. Loul Whisker Frauds. NEWS IN GENERAL Wisconsin Stilt Doubtful Convention -Kuftsls Protests Ajilast Turkish Barbarity-Whisker Bing, Ac. COLD 15 7-8. NEW YORK. gmnsKllns Decision-Great Scandal. N hw York, Nov. 5 It is annouocwl that Hpanlnh Government hns for warded to their agcnti in tbis city orders to buy np and ahip at ones proTwion and amm initios, to the amount of $400.0 ). The money for thi iMirn'Ht waa contributed in Hav ana on the 20th nit . upon receipt of telgrm from Mdrid( to th( effect that American Intervention was feared, and that all that could be don? to deter it waa advablft. Several deputy mrshls, after being ! driven off onoa, laoceeded iu capturing lit 'i .....II ...;. ... in j n 1IDOII Btlll IB lull uytJiawuu Rrooklvn. Judge Benedict deeded h tnotloi to auah the criminal indictment agaiuat H. B. Claflin A Co., for com plicity in the eilk smuggling frauds. The indictment contains four oonnta : let. That of eoneeating smuggled goods. 2d. Facilitating their trans nortation. 8d Facilitatiugtheii eale. The athoouut of the indictment makes seneral alletrations of violation of the laws. As this w xn vat ue and cannot h anitamed. and therefore the motion ds to this count is granted, but an to the other ti re counts the motion to . aaaah is dented, and the indictment is aiiatainml. A meeting of the members of Ply-rooTi-h Ohnrch on the tsiseg of Mrs. F. D Munltoa anA Deacon Went, who bare been notiftVd by the Examining Oomnvtted of their intention to drop ' tbem from membership, for non-atten ' dunce. Deacon West was not present Mrs. Monlton waa present, attended by her attorney, Mr. Prior. Biity members of the church were present, half of whom were ladies,, Mr.i Prior read the answer,1 written aud signed by Mrs. Moulton, concluding as follows; "My absenoe is an enforced one, and is caused oy tue crime oi aauiwsry com--mittftd by Henry Ward Beeoher, pastor i f the church, with one of his parish ioners, which X know to be a fsot, thrmiffh Mr. . Belcher's confession to me. and tbroueh the confession of Mrs. Tilton, and through the oonclusito evidenns of the crime from other nonroes. I appear before this church In loyal obedience to the summons which I have received, and I hereby declare my disposition ,and desire , to . 'diachtrse all the duties devolving on me as a member, snd that are conn's ' tent with my knowledge of theadnltery of the pastor, and his false swearing in regard to it." . A silent vote wm then taken and the ' name 'of Mrsr Moulton was dropped from the Plymouth roll of memberphip. It u stated, tbere nas been a commit ' 'lee appointed "by 'he Congressional Association of New York and Brooklyn to inquire into the truth or falsity of the charges against Beeoher. This Committee will commence business at once. " ) . WASniXflTOS.,. . Fire-Whiskey Frauds -Awards. ! Washinotok, Nov; B A 8 re this . morning destroyed threeshanties.born ing three children to death. All O'dored, . " The Attorney General has a diopatoh stating that DiBtript-Attorpey, Wells, ;l the Adminititration candidate, ha been .; elected ti Congress from Mississippi, by 9,000 majority. ITie Attorney-Q"neral ha1 no advice rf the indictment of Oen. Baboock and ' Orwille Grant at St. Louis.' . General yj tbcook remarked that he did not care 'to tke any notice of the report nnlesl it should be verified. The gtar pays G"0Babcock, private , v secretary t the President, bbyb, with i ... n-fereMe-K-6" special -dispatch from. St. Louis to the Oinoinnati En , 'aiitrer, stating that he hasbeen in dicted by the Grand Jury at St. Loui& for conspiracy 'with the distillers of tbatoitrto defraud the Government ont Of the" tax On 'crooked" whiskey, that he does rot beluive that any b- f 1 flict'meDt has been found sgainst him for several reasons. Intlie flxet lnovthe news of his indiotmeiit first appears in opposition 1 pspers. ' ' " ' Recond He has Dever had any in . . ' tlmatlon ! from ; any sonrce that his :'! ' name was to be proton td to the Grand Jury : and - finally,, that : he knows nnthin of. not nas ue ever naa any connect on, directly or indirectly with the whiitkoy ring, and Until he receives reliable information that each so1 inn has been skn the Grand Jury, he of oourss wilt have notbtnir to say in the matti r. O' Pitzroy, whoit is stated tumtd State's evidence, he " knows Vmnt althanirh ha believfa he v, - '") t . . - . 'id see him tme. end only orce, w ' bti Lonis. , , , M. Bartholde, the nmrir r)f the k ..!An ttr.ar.iali Plat nrt fVim. mission, for the settlement of claims of oitians of the Unite.1 Stat- against Spain, for wrong and iajurka oom mittea on their ph-wWi' and property in the Island of Cuba, since the io monotMaent of the preeeut insurrection, bas returned the following cases nb mittd to him by the arbitrators, with his Jeciiaon and award thereon : Joaquin G. da Angericatb-Spanish, authoritiee were, duly nn fi.nl f the Ameriotn ctiinibip of the claim ant, six mon'a before I. vying an em bargo hpin hia pnierty. and have ei'kuuwledged his iunooonoB of auy complicity in the ineurrection. The property was- asen in wn nm ..... i hat, 1H73 orT4. m. . ' i . I .L ... I. IJa f . . . imiuim ' . . -. . . Hie BiMDian nu iixru w m . the nijunt detent km of it, and !r tne H'jnry t eitined while in their pos sesion. T e umpire award the sum of 474180. with mterest from tue date of the decision until p'd. at tUe rat of 6 pr cent, per annum. . ; M , Pedro H. lsiolier XO nmtt cu U awards claimant for injuries tx received in a private qnarret. The proofs do not show thst he was guilty of any f .ffenee, w that tnere was then sufficient poe for nrrtms! him. It waa entitled to a trial tmore a com petent court, and w-t releaeea irom imprison me-1 only sfttr a detention of six'een d T'. : J3.000 fliimages. with 6 per cent, interest from Hpt 1. 170, to the day of payment, are awarded O. Ysraiero'hsoontiuueu lor want of jurisdiction. Joe Li. wurtego uismisseu, m proofs show thst the o'ainia-it, mba waa of fon-ign birth, had n.tt complied ith the rcuuiremeuta of the iiatnra i Bition laws. ' .. OHIO. t Strike-Indlctmento. Columbus, Nov R Most i til" mineraof tte Hocking Valley Mm ave struck for an increase of 10 cont per ton. nivmvATi Nov. 5. V siwo ai dis patch to the Euquirer from St, L-mis says, "tne annouaoemeni i mmw m the tfnited'8Ute! grand jnry have tnnnd infliptmeuta' aflainst 'ex-District- Attorney Patrick, ex-U. 8. Marshal, Krum, C. Newobmb, Orvtlle Grant, brother of the President, Gen., Bab cock, the President's private secretary, and others. The greatest excitement prevails. The indictments charge them with conspiracy with St, Lonis distillers to defraud the Government out of the taxes on an immense amount of "orooked" whiskey. The indict ments grow out of the testimony neiore the grand jury of Jan. M. Fiteray, late Deputy U, S. Collector. Fitzray waa indioted by the previous grand jnry and lately pleaded guilty to the charges against him. He is said to have been the treasurer of the St. Louis whi-key ring the most gigantic combination ever organist! to dfrud the Govern , i ; MISSOURI. , . , Election Ifen. Kansas Cot, Noy, 5, -The Times baa returns from T6 of the 1011 Legisla tive districts In Kansas, whioh show the eleotion of thirty-oiue straight re publicans, aDd thirty-seven opposition, olaseed under the head of Democrats, Indepeadenta' and Reformers. Last year only twouty-six memoers went in the opposition caucus, showing that the contest had been considerably doner than then. The Democrats also elrct a Senator to fill a vacancy, and a District Judge in the Fort Soott Dis trict. IOWA. ... , Pork-Pacfeers Convention. , KeokckJ Nov 5. Adjourned meet ing of the Pork-paokera Convention. A resolution in favor of a discontinu ance of buying on commission J and Dronoainir. a deduction for utimercbant- able bogs , Reports from del gates from- different "sections' indicate the oron will be as sood aa last year. No serious results are appreh nded from WISCOHSIT. Election Neirs. 1 ; MitiWattreb. Nov. 5. Returns from reaiote' towns are very unfavorable to the Rennhlicans. but will require an offioial count to determine the result! Luddington is probably eleoted by one thousand majority. , PKSNSYLVAm. : ; Counterfeiter Captured. , Philadelphia. Noy.. 5. McGratb, the oimnterfeiter, was airested to-day on .board the steamer; JlnUiana, , Ue had engaged bia passage to Europe. FORBIO 1ST- 11 STRIA. Protection for ChrlsUani. Vienna, Nov. 5.,The Neue Treie Presse says Jfgnatjoft Russian Minis ter at Constantinople, has, bad. an in terview with the Grand Yiaier-in which he threatened an armed inter vention of tha great Powers if the Turkish prosecution of Christians con- - ii t f "' ReTOlt-fananclal Article, te'u London, Nov, Of-rThe ily News baa a speoial telegram from Alexandria saying that the inh-ibitanta of Kaka" 'otr the White Wile, have revolted and ofpnted the EaDtian toops,, killing n hundred. The Government trtw raised, th wrecks, ..oi xua.UBSiaB neen Iri the harbor of Wbaaterftool, has beou offlaielly invited by the Bfiwsh Admi ralty to pnt iu propoaalf , for raising their-olaJ Vanguard, sunk off ,Wuk- low Head. The lims in its- flnaurri (.1 article i .. . .. .1. this tnormna annouuma .vh-?. "'" of the co-oparative ered.t bank. a. - 'wiudl and disgraoe t th -eit. and I al iAnff!v in imates that it is swindlii g the people by dat of lU audao ty ana nnscmpulousneai'. It fosters scheraos like the Keokuk Kansas Cty Rail road, which asks for a loan of $2,600, 000, wbsn it bad been ordered la be old for debt. ' ! TVEUT. The SuVJrne Torte and Enssla. CoNaTANTixopLn, Nov. 5 Gen lg nstioff. the lioaeian Miniswr, hsi a long intwri w with the tiulUu jester day, in whioh be rep-eeented to Lira the mal-adminiatration of the country, discontent f be people, dilapidation of flaances.andthecousqueut uigeucy of r formation. , G0TTL0B ZIEGLER, OF t"r HB CB, Klnfrtt-ia or Wuertsw bij. U rmn, ll p fa rQ bin ! i'tm to itt i renbmi, (mpr l H-m.i OM"l tI'"iniou,I.C.. , noit m RIFLf , SPORTINO AND MUSKET mum AD BLASTING. i Fur Hals by . V. t . : ; 0. Q. PARSLEY k CO., oil . Cor .. m(" ! ou h Wir. SADDLEi, HARNE33, TRUNK. TRVILINC-BA08, HORSE BLANKETS antl LAP ROBES Wli, Sporn, Culiaf., HiB'". -1ilfrjr- H.nl. Ftkr lbtp ., Ax 34Mii i. . sn.w etm w, i, iiwtnnfM. A.T LOW PRICES, OA KFKNTER M I 1 4 H t). tin. s rtitit tr o, ort"41f Wilmlngtnn, N n GREEX PKAS, .CllLlfLOffERS, ! - A BED CARBAGE. CHOICE APPLES, For s t hjr not O H. W. RUNCC. nmi oils, mn Pure White Lead. Boiled unci Raw Lineeed OH. Class at Wholesale and Retail. , For Ml. Inw bj no4 OCO- A PtCK 1,000 Barrels Flour, all grades, fresh from the Mill 6,000 Sacks Liverpool Salt." 1,000 Barrels Molasses and' Flour. 800 Boxes Cheese. 50 Boxes Dry Salt Meat", JJuokotss, llroomn, IVnlim, MateliuH, Snufl", Scc?. Al low figures by . BINFORD, CROW A CO. Sf All ptpert ha.ing ooutrioti with a. iiloue oopy. ioHHDAWSON. Old MUM Hardware Es abiislimcnt. 19 THE rijAORTU BUT A XfcH. ol ail kind. Orind etumvi, Oiut .Oul Haws. Sllx, torokA Am, nans. uag rs, Hnrjw. uei, ' olloii 0fd, Hliot. 0(. Pow.lor, fuelnt knUrt, Tbl.ksif. lo , at tli lowest o.h BguiM In lb city. . : pat S N. W, 2 '.and 21 Makt Street. FINE TBALE APPLES MESSINA LEMONS. . GEC. MTEKS'. irom uar Dairy ths At Rjc.lTOd to-tltk fraali cboice.t lot or our , , f, 'JBtSiBOTrfcaiN THE. WUnU-D" ,. W bars adjst, Only tor s.U tj Our Brandt of Doiblo Extra FamiW flour NEW PROCESS EMPIRE .FLOUR. MONOQRATi KMPIBhi ANUFCAMTS' K'litA. for cub at ' GEO. M YEKS. PINE APPLE CHEESE. j. EDAM CHEESE, : ' AND CREAM CHEE.E. At USO. MYKRH. rronh nraaicor. erj wek,l Urvam Milk, and PeovV. Mual. FRUIT OUACKRV ; . t S: 'cUaNUILI., SJDA KKBtt Boxraii, - - '. and F AMILV FILOT BKEAIl, " Tojith wltb II Importe1 Orankeri, it '. , , OBU. MVKK4. rftESHllRISlTbAr MEAL. IruperU! Ut Meal, in 1 kudlOpoandptokigoi . t . ; . ' - 1 and Now xtra Mkm Mackerel, at ! GEORGE MYERS. 11 k 13 SOU rn FRONT 8T , NATIONALjALOOM ! Hw, '"',, V - T "atiq tfcsT riTTEt) rr mt . HAM 1' L. K It O O M, Va tbi Wrt'M?rnTiv1e, t prntio-e to run In ooyjiecti'm ih rew th a - A RESIAORAKT ANDCI8AR STORE. Tb fotaiw'wlU b k"pt an tha EUrtOPE J f lA and gni.lmnn lltlnr rn will ilvay. h toliidwlih tba chuif.i . Vim iinrlttr., (lm-, ud Trvtni tt tht hH Norih .ro .n I onr Homo Mrkta(rl'rdi ; J.ha'lh 'IW InAfew 4 taa Sn.rt lot of IWEi AND DOMESTIC CIGcRS K. at off.rtd nf 4el Wllmiatfon. M im n' room ...1 .mil.. I. unpp'i.n wun nn uq i nriDil ' .li.i. ol public p.iruaie REUBEN JOKES, i 1 -. a wr w i t AT YATES 3 OOK STORE T.a t Ab.1 a bus utortia nl of Chronics, lottOCJ, Stereoscopes, Stereoscopic Tleits Games and Toys. ALIO, Fifes, - Flutes, . , . . Banjos Violin, Guitars Aoeprdeons, ootit Harmonicas. t, MM &C. 2.1 r(g iCti"! O. r. tlultr, 16 IfotM Fnt rr and t-Ul Ul e. Hoi. H,)ro At' Hr.d eratln. Qli'ger Miip, Imos, ii(kraiid U.Ur rr. kr. In H.rrirl. ami B ins. ILotbnivv.'. r rre.b tulrl h m'd bj UII I.MJIM DII H lU'llll. Mil BACON, TOR, COFFEE. Ef ; JtltM Am r'.c.n nl LltrrKl Ki.lt. 1,1 llin'i. Bin. KM IUrrols ugir ll UralN. SHI H.fH Olt'. 78 Hti Tob.coe. IMO llarr.li Flour all Oralo. Lye Soda- 8eap. ... Starch. Matches. , Candles Wot wis by wn,i.iins (ninciiiMiN. ' lbOBBtS. PUllE COPPER DISTILLED N. C. CORN WHISKY 1 ; tat l hj Johk. T CiuMun, Thomaaville, N. a GUNS AND PISTOLS. OB All) wiI,L AHSOlireKBtnrk -fV. nf f)au. Iwlh HtnulM kiul Duub'ft Burrol, .11.1 Bi 'h nd M mile I.okIit., lvi on bind. Ai", Isir wtiiMnt of ri"l. of all klu.li. AH a do?. Im Ml st low flunrm br CILES'AMURCHISON, o 131 Flour and Meal M MIXED rKED. tiar-load tJ on ihort notlo. Uraia bougbt attb mikt print. Addresi, wJABUr rs ciu Mir. , (M vliittc. inn tt NOW RE A D Y I A Suisrb Stork sf ' CLOTHI1TG, Which wi Offer at Kxceodliijly Uw ttmei. CLOTHS, VEeTINGS, CASHMERES, ' PIACONALS, To mak. .u1 to tnMiie , Bags. Umbrellas. Canes. Bows. Ties, fcc. " In flro.t Varlfty. . : s , . iMUisrsoisr && co- CITY CLOTHIERS. Ofltll ' mm tm -or- Atkinson & Manning 70,000,000 Aaaela Itepr. seiiuid. FIRE. t ! In. Uo. of laorti. A tanrlo ...... Plulsej'hia. Pboni Iunrnf tMinni'if ,...Nw V .rli. Oontlnnntnl I. nar.nc 1)0.. ...Niw York , N. Hrltl.b A Mro.iHI. ru.U...Lonr1 n. H.rtlonl Klro In., ioinny...nMf'ird. . N.ttouai Plre In, (.oui.nf ...Hitr'lir1. HprlngilHid P. A M. In. lo. ..Mn-fiebuiett MARINE.' Inn. ()0. of North A.ii' ".3...Phiwl4llb!a. ' LIFF. 'lonn.ftk'tit Mulinl l.il lui, Oo. Hartlord. lob 2"t OPERA HOUSE. loMGcciDi Way, Mcato 8U1 ' -i i u i -Maana A. if , THE PEARL. OF &ONC. CLARA WILD MA N, MONDAY & TUESDAY NOV. 8, 9. MARRIED AND. DIVORCED.' T roonolud Wl'n a Olmr oa' f areo, 1 WEDNESOAY, EVENING, NOV.' 10. THE TWO . ORPHAMS. Aritsftroivi Or,-W'.nd fire' (1rfe... . ..J... .!'' H'.Mnntto., ..... W Oi'l r ...... W) Hr rn'd S t wliftut t'j cUrg at HelnS b ti. v Hook Sto o. RICH ! RABEH HAuY 1 ! ! Tne I ive stook fltor h Jut reoiTa the . BBd.'10t AiMrtlMlttr Ol M0TTf.8i 4 COLORED LITHOGRAPHS, F.r krouil't to.4bkilMr..iAa invitation to r.uiuld to Kit iw call, n.iulim and lu.ka . 4otioni Uroai 4b ni.n.lrn ok at LIVE BOOK A NUM0S1C STORK ict3 For Rent. THK mlr pr.-psrty now oap4 b O. Q. l'iy . nibra-tnit nhvt, rfSc. d nl .la n4 ooJ id.lootloo Sauth V jixr Mtr.t. f "u. Of lo ytmr Turns 1 J. A. WAT.KFR, PI. Kntiw THE IITTU CAR . IN Q. a rascaoT hvhh au'iiia ra lur Wirk. JUST THK THUOI nt to o n addmi oa r- 4ttt Oi Thrr ll.ll,'. ltR- 'HiL a.. t'S Hlewkiir t , Tnk ot-. p. o. addi, Roa !! Mii.m tva.KTKU. oiiM-di If Wilmington VI A 1,1 V K Tll HrS INTKhKsra in -ti JL Oarolloa, h batnm m.u will 'ltHlMla THE WASHINGTON ECHO. alarms and writ e't.Mi.h.d unlit ""I'S per. cirrnltiti ttMU.i.i.i 11. tixkubihmo Hvdo. K..ntrt, I'.mlirti. Pill, Kilrfvillib and tl.cv-D illnli. H.W. low Wlt P. Wn.n.aua, K. (UAwaas Lkl OrT.IIMHIt, f WMIIIB('4M Rdiuiriaiid frnprl.Uirt. Mill HtarMf. ositivsly No P itponement ! A FOBTTTXTlu LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. EIAS GIFT CONCERT Of Urn. will glf.a SECOND GRAND OlFl' ' CONGER, Nov 30th. 187f DUAWIKU 1'OSITIVI.J Or Money Refunded. d (lilt, ta inn tun I tu avountliig in all U 825O,0t'0.00. Lowest Ctj,a hole Tlct, ISC Prlo of a Whl 1'luwl, s, w lob ooiulotr f flro St Ooiu on.. s ' ! 1 , . . COUPON IICKIT8, tl- Willed wllltiitllla lb. huWiir w.lmiH.ion to ibo ilrsi d 0 nenrt, mit Unu. tlHli Of wh t t ant ru.p awnrtld (bi wbiM Moko iiumlirr, . -. m All otae-. IV' Mokul mn dlrei.t proTpMj Olroul r, rr, tn ki'g ru .rvc M-nt (rr In wntinii. tw -u' and U vi.nr n.m,l.n. oiMiiit. anA St t. la lull. OrU.ir. lor Ht amtiuuMuil w t anu up r ntntr. U.U..H n rn. AtlilroMiiil roatmuaintilliiuaan aiak an! (mitt nu of money tyitiL lo A. R. COLLINS, Sw'n.OenUon, ir ROER TICKETS AT O tU. i.r.wing wnl uonl'l-itlf lko rlw Mo. 1Mb, !;, n(l nut riort urn. no re in n, . : i.OMe ENDORSEMENT I ' Wo. tb ntidti .lint-ii. i lili.n- o' Ilrni on rea. chrluM lv our lex'lincnr b! Iio.'of.hl. ii'liini'rlll In h.h ibn firti i ml (1 H uuuurt of Hi l n.ll ttl oiiOit inUetiiy m.nrorinwi.K'h aiiina pitri" ml ifomiwor ie AWBim ti m tpr cni mi; aa, (nrike. d mmit BoitrtUf e'trlnrw h snond ur.nf llll Lonoert, tu. b gltati W H Winn. Mur, Ultf or iinn i nmn JudW lKik. i W WWitri'O.o lvlon. .1 War-djard, W A Tttib, II Hitm. I II TUif I. W J din on; rehn Na.Hi.WMla- Or. Go"U J H Hut, Wholat Or ionr; Kn iiuin rtro... wnoioiiaio i.iq ior.j ra-ir, VholcL IKf i(Mn Ki Orun'!ln, iVlolHMlri Ootl Hm J W denning.; .n .r n.t r; rr .1 ; rnn BAGOING, TIES, FLOUR 25 Tom N.w Arrow Ttc. VAToilPierctdTI'ft. ' io ItolU Bagging. 1000 lUrreU Floor. ma. imi ram m, B0 Ranell AvpUa , t5Tnb. Bnttvr. -10 Hatral. Vlnfg.r. 8 ALT, KICK, CHUEJJE. " fitO Hacks "nit. " lOl luraol Klc. , Hfti Buwi t'ronm f'haiwa. i M OLASSES. S30 B.rrol.IS.lI. HoUmw. ' 1,1 Hoi(fliJd 8. H. Mobwo. . IS Huglifadand Bairoli Culia Molataei. or aaaby . ,t. , . tKUfjMN1 R A 'JALDF.F. ll')S. otJ8 . - " ! JUST PUDLISHED. , , , , , 11 lb Edition. . - PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY PHY Sit AL' EXHAUSTION s t i To which. Uartdod ; ' f . ' An Kaaay Marriage- : Wito Important ebaiti oa UHOKEKK1 Of THB UBPBODU0TJV 4 . - - . OR()AK, ' ' Boine a rnnwH" of t.flotjir dell.r(i. at tholr MUBEUM OF ANATOMY btr.nni. iul"(t ih tlt,Khuld notlall to m ttil vrat coiloclKin, nciug ius wikoti i th wi.r d- i SOT fhcktwutSi, OppitkllwConllMen r. tal Hwtet, Plilladt Iphla. Coiili). Jf Inftiinf nt on r.wlt of V oot Addrow. Ib. JOlilN UAV.S-OS, " Ui Cli HKr ST.. PtiHatloliibii. . ng 17 rt-1v ( .lui B:st Lloascti3:clOiI in Uib World C. WEST&SOIS'ALAflDIN SECU, rt , rity OIL. : .... Warranted 11 J Oofreos rir Teat i twinned by Ihe Fin Tnmranc Compatiti. ajrttevlii-i rollm( a.rtiir, Rciaotml from roan, othora j.' ., HowAm fiaa Ix o.ot)'P)lrl 1 , . . ' ictlpri1,18Ii. i Item i ? H'.fl Sim" Wlenwa naring uw i tn f,iiou-IU"ld ' ' " ",r lll""""" nallnir i.o-p''"" ' l'"'r ,n r.rom miimlTui Vn"Ala.WiO aurtM aihrnt r.7h!iru awd la ear boo.hold.! lour. triiW. (Mlijn. ) rxr IT WILL NOT EXPLODE Wbolomle txpot Cl WCST SON HI IIS W. LombArl Strast, Baltiraors. p lood am J4. m ,viry jrjtarrajr.vjr,vrs DON'T POEGETII BROlnJtJ& Are fully alive and know that GOODS MUST BC BOLT) LOW. We are prepared to BELL A8 CHEAP AM ANY UOUSB IN AMERICA. Give ns a call and see for yourselves. Ourspaoe is too. small to enumerate every article. , BLA: N KJHTS, FLANlSrELS, Ladies' aud Gents' and CuiUreus' Merino Under Vests and Gloves. A LARGE STOCK OF FAUOY HOSE DRESS GOODS. An Endless Variety. . BLACK ALPACAS We ISrlake a Specialty. ' WAKE UP!! OKNTe' IJK1AH HlIIltTH, 'PAIITL MADlil SIX ITOR $6.0 0. Mauufaolnred fromWamsnttaCtitton and 2,100 Linen. Now is your time to buy SCAHLKT MKiIOATKl FLANNKL, eoom mended by every I'uysiciUn for Rheumatism. ' Shaker Flannel for Uudecwear. Machine Nsedles Five Oeuts Each. Frank Leslies1 OUTPAP11P PA.rlvrJEQllISrN. BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Uarket Street. OUtM AT RETAIL! AT RETAIL I B. AVEILL ! Bi WEI LL ! B. WEILL .1-1,---;. " - A,-' " - , fy , , 1 ' l, 'r , ! " " fr P 6Q0DS AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, ... . ..... , t . ' A LI, we nk Is an exam I nation of our stock. We feel sntlsflod that that the public will be convinced of what we any, We give below a few prices: 1,000 vards Illiick Alpacas at IWcotits worth H2 cents. 1,HH yards llluok Alpacas at 5H conU Worth 70 cents. ' ' 1,040 yards liUnk Alpacas at 117 con la worth 80 cents. ,tXl pnlrs Jiaillea' Jtoae aiwcenw worm au uvuui. , , i0 palm LadieH' lloHe ut 48 eeuts worth (10 cents. 00 iiulrs tJlilldreiis' Htriped Hone at 81 cents worth 37 cents. 600 pnlrs Chil Irena' HtrlpedJIoae at 87J oenta worth 4.3 cents.; . 600 pairs Chlldrcns' Htrlped llose at 6 cents worth (55 cenU. , . ; We have on baud many other goods j , ,j 11QUALLY- . AS LO"W, TOO NUMEUOUS -.' All of whloh we will sell i . POR: (,OAH . ; PRICES THAT DEFY C01IPETIT10N. B, WEIUii 32 Hoith. Front Street. AT oct 2 FALL AND WINTER GOODS NOW OPENING! 36 MABKET ' STREET, FALL AND WINTER (300D3 . CHEaltfiR 'l A. No. 3t jvEARKirr stp.tskt. FURra.TURei FUrnTURi!: r si orrv. r roK th t Au,tbad I Xi 6 w iijraiiuiuio rUrlpr, Chancer 4 ttoom Furlture. OAltl'KTS AMI lli mmi AND tIAOTISG . ... i .i:l vi;t -i a'l IW'1 iiN-w and leading Pattarn. of BraataM. Tbr-pl U tlibl Inr-..; vkij1 " J,' "A7 " rf., oil "lotA aal M.tuag., Alto Matf ,HMOs J luU.ulDa.,!., ,f d3iugi;;&Q,r;S'n! I faZ Hi-elsior and ;-twr ? i Cr.HJ'H l,VrottTiSWrf.lo .A' iX O TH-) hltt tAA VSH'AL . t HplSU mm TO MENTION. AT THA1I EVER l w -T-.v ;s j-. f' tra tirat tltto and ik INCBSA5KDSTOCC auu wvmajj aao ...i.hl In U. LaloVt H'tlfi " att.W ttl U ! rtMij , ' . r , TJ. A. SIIITII & G0-, iirrcxitEut: mm