rn ) r TO 11 Cll) J (1) VOL HIV, NO. su WILHIHOTON IT. C. SUNDAY. N0VEimi 7. WHOLE IIO'7X03 eb i? Jiournnl BEECHEE. " j . Hesitation rrom the Plymouth Flock The Congregational Association Appoint a Committee. "Washington notes. Eif entire Hemenej-Ihe Fostmaster- .shlp of Vlckburs - Radicals Be JalclngOfer the EUctlons. GOLD 15 7-8. MISSOIBI. St. Louis, Nov. 6. Col, John Mo Fail pit ads guilty to four rouuia of 'the eruoked wliixke; u diotrrn nt. , OHIO. Columbus, Not. 6. It in likely tie proprietors will grsut t e domnd- of the itrikiug miners, as thu d.iuuud for ooal is quite heavy. NEBRASKA. Omaha, Nov. 6 Caitt. G. Tolloek Drought into Fort Laramie Keveoteen unauthorized persons fouoil in the Blued HJR Lieut Delsnoey alo brought iu tn more jeat-fday. CALIFORNIA. . Sab Francisco, Nou. 6 - The Direc tors of the National uo d & Trust Co. have resolvinl to so into linuiiiUtinn Within sixtj days the o pobitors au etocKholdf rs win be paid id full. GEORGIA. Atxakta, Not. 6.The Conductors' Brotherhood adjourns to-night Uraud Vbtl (Juuduotor Cinzen, of (Jrestliue, uuio, was excelled from the ttrotber- nooa lor misaemeauors and fraud in office. W. L. Collins, of Homell. rille, N. Y was elected Grand Chitf CJonduotor. J he next meeting will take plaoe at Omaha, on the second 1 Xujsday in November, 1876. NEW TORE. Nw Yobx, Nov, 6. Mr. Florence Tildito has written for letter of dis Oa'asal from Plymouth Church. A Chicago dispatch says the Grand Jury have indioted mauy prominent citizens for complicity in the wuwkey frauds. The Second Brigade of the N. Y. S. N. G. will act as escort to the Grown Prince upon his Centennial visit, The Committee appointed by the Association of Congregational miuister to investigate the ouarges against Mr. Beecher, are Revs. Buddington, Tay lor, JUsrtiu, Kveritt, and Virgin. It is probable they will not proceed to actual investigation under one or two weeks. It must bs understood that the ministerial association Las no jurisdiction over the churoht s as cor porate bodies, as it concerns itself only with the personal character of its pastor members. WASM5GT05. Washington, Nov. 6. The Presi dent has pardoned Milton Heard, who as osshier of. the Kbode Island Na tional Bunk, embezzled $200,000, and who has served t;reeof a nine years sentence. It U stated on exoellent authority, (hat in sooordance with the views of the Republican Stats Committee1 of Mississippi, John B, Raymond, of the , Jackson Pilot, e.nooeeds ex-Senator Pease, as postmaster at Yicksbnrg. The successor to Well, as the U. 8. District Attorney for the Southern District of Missies ppi, who has been elected to Congress, has not yet ben nsmed. A hundred guns were fired by the Republicans this evening, in honor of their victories of last Iburcday. A prooession was formed and proceeded to the Executive Mansion,' where they serenaded the Presideut, who, from the portioo acknowledged the compli ment as follows : 'Gentlemen : I am very glad to meet you on this occasion, and to oon grntu'ate you on so good a cause for rejoicing to the entire country over the elections of last Tuesday. "While the Republican majorities are not great, they are snflHent to accomplish the purpose. The Rag-Baby has been entirely suppressed, and the people now know what kind of money they are to have in the future, and I think we have an assurance that the Repub lics will control this Government for at least four years longer." hree cheers were given for the President and hard money, and for the President's school policy. FOBEIGN- SPAW. Madrid. Nov. 6. One thoncaiid troops will leave Santander for Cuba on November 8tb. 1XGIAND London, Not. 6. A Vienna tele gram to the Post states that the Aus trian frontier forts at Kuin, Lissa and Rsgui are being prepared for hostili ties. " Cardinal MoCloekey arrived at Dub lin yesterday. . lie will officiate at the Cathedra! to-morrow. , Vague reports of Eftctern cornplioa tions amf continental financial embar rassments are circulating id the Stock Exchange. v F A T n , PREMIUMS CIVEN AWAY A L. IN WANT, WHO HAVK CKrPIT, "p"lally C .eh err lUltI M pur.'haira 'or the pleanre ol tha mi nil and hapnlir e i er rj hott fcel t. fe-.ee to eyerj one, '!! o O J m, Vo-I.-, U r in -d Lite t tie. Aonr r!ng mater t ailred, c'l e"d trcn It. Ilemtln matter the lateat,eo'ltlid fiom til parteof the wor'd lwaTefraie at HEINSBEEGER'S , 1IVE B'K ANI MtT-ilCTKR?. "cy? TICKETS TO FAIR." Thw fell w D( litlie ch1ulor Tkketn of t Uitln-loo to the Fir Ground tnrlr.g Fair Week: SinklA A.Ira I n Tlk t' "0 - Ml g Ami Ion, Hh Ticket. ... .... 1 Vl(fl, iumI Inr nt fair IM FumliTTl kef, trtnTMfht 'fluiH)t,.. .. f ,0 Tr y Tl k-', with three Coup n.. 1 0 Uramt tnaTI 'kot, floivl for t!ej i d M'd on Iv oi tl 0.uut1. ........ . K Tw Hor- VehlelM, .w'tb drltfr.i.. ., M (tns-Hork Vihlrl"f, lthoi't lri. r... H Tleket wl!1 b for eU tn" g the rk ftr M.irdiy ev ling a ids utorw of sn, llid'i A FlaiiriKr, P, Hclu.lcrg r, Ur W, W Harrla , an1 Fd. Mann, and on and alter ri day t tha Fair Qioan1. T. P. PKlWf'. norl It 8 o ami T'a. OPENINS YESTERDAY A (1 11(11 1 Ij't Of OVERCOATS. HAKDSOME BUSINESS SUITS. 12 DOZEN WAMSUTTA SHIRTS, l ntapa t ana tinit Biiirt tiTur maue. Glorcs, Ganiiticts, Suspenders, M-Eose, AalOihar No'-l'lrn. M:uisrsoM s& co CITY CLOmiEKS. OCtH GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 8. FROST ST. All our Go"()t Curing FAIR W EE K AT REDUCED PrliCES FOR CASE, Gitocrciniss. PltOVISIONB, WINES. ' TEAH. JL. I ;Q U O U corrEEs, j SPICES, BED APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS, BAISim All rarl-tlea of VuU. OIVK rs A CALL. Wa oan fmnli-h tverjrtblng. together with ALL FAMILY SUPPLIES W have a t.arr stork, anil will upll at rJil'SUALLT LOW PRICES FOB CASH. Our Hraridn for Flotir ars em Prora J5ni. pire. Monogram Kmptra, Eniplra Extra, Ath land and Uiwer tirle(. j BUTTER AND CHEESE. And a Large Stock and Variety of Fancy tioodi GEORGE MYERS. 11 &13S0UrHFll0NTST, norT 50 SACKS K. C, FAMILY FLOUR. 200 Barrels Early Rose Potatoes. 25 Barrels Dried Apples, For fiale Low by BINFORD. CROW & CO. COTTON YARNS AT LOWEST MARKET. MOT) FOR NEW YORK ! Tha Flrtt-CUM Schooner WAVECREST. CAP!'. OAWLEY. Will haw quick . la atcb ai 'bora, For freight engittttiinenta apply tu DOT7-J VtlLLIAMSA M7ROH SOS. St Cc3rs aafst liSws "siicty. rpQE KKCU(-E. MOMTWl.y MKETfNO A C iba St Oorg A St.. Andrew Hoclely will bo IiaI I ft tlia Hall over J. o. Mnnd'nUrng -t..rfr, l hirdvtrtit, at So'o'ock Monday nlglil, BiM"eH iff Imp irl.iMo ) - tl U. SSIALI.B'IKK, norT tt torrirT. SADDLES HARNESS, WHIPS and H0BSE BLANKETS, . Made, Kepslrad and kit nn band, it. tlia N w Harna Shop on Third, between Uarktt and Pilnrasa street". norT'lw HATDKVAOB HaBOT. Attention f i!miiiloii Li'iut MirTj TrtVKBTH EMBFB of (hi ' oitipm t .r-' J orti4 to i r at. th Armor on Moo 1T wt Tnardav fil.M . t t o'ot 'p. h . S'h ami ,n, lu fa" I -u fwm 'J'tuae meiu berr who ham rint ealal 'or thi r 'mnu. aioiita, sr order' d bv tha Oa 'aln to do m nn M'Md.r wl'bout fnrtliar d.'iay.ao It taof liia ntmoa importance ha rtioa d kuoa bow m n.y be u.n re'y on lor v .raJe a' tha Kalr. B order oftlaptaio, JAM I. MoltaiM, norT Fltut Serjeant. .rm JUfKMTIOK.nKYTS, ft" 0 "lackt Amrlcar an1 L'Triol 10OT Barrrl Tloar. Si'O Kt g atl. 0 K lla Hag Irg. lew Band f ri. K)Hag-hW. mi Parel 8. II Cabs Koiuara. SS Hcgbea.l of P. K aolaanKa, J-fl Harrl of Sngn. ax Bg t' . ill' B Tubacio t 100 X' Fuel' rj and Stta Ch , 11 Bae l j 10 Koj.n b. t"0 B in i aid 8" Por H0'irur4 Hid rrrii n 73 Pm Snr. 7 Pck. 'bmIT IS arrU 'iai'k-r. St) Tub O. r, Hutier. Lye Soda Soap. 8tarch Matches. Candles For file br U ll.l.l t1 MI'HCHIVOK. noT , APPLES EUr.ES. VINEGAR, ETC. tS Kxrrv'a Applet rTul Bauer. 10 "ariwla ride-VI rgir. ' salt, ltn j:, ciii;:;mi:. '0 B xe'S'id tlatf Brie, Va'alsa. IB' B I ram Cbeeea . 10TIrfle;hl-e. On barrel, ant Bine of v acker,. MdLA S S E S. Par-el, M. H. WoUwa.' M Hoat.ha.l H. H. Vo'awca, tfT Hngrhrada and Bitnl, Cnha Mo'ae. Til 1 21 Tim New A row Tie,. US Tona Plerc. d Tlca. IV Holla Raggl'is. I0(io H vt ell riour. .'or ,a a by tK(!HNFR !H.nrR B1S. nntT WOOD: AllKlnrtnof A,h, Oak, Llg' twed, Ao , A, Tor eula by F. WK8COTT, A gent. At Ihe Walkar Wnarr, faot of pock Strent oT M - ... - ... .;, ... HARDYARE, IRON, 8TEEL Agricultural and Mohanloal lmplements Amsrlcan and English Pocket and Table Cutlery, Cuns. Rlflss. POWDEK, HIIOT. We lnrlte the at'entl in of whitla,! Buyer lo our i aria arta wnn-aeli c'ea Sloe, ,'id to tha r psrl r adTant-gaa wa oan otter. Cli and examine at NATHANIEL JACOBI'f, HAKOWAKK PKPOT. Rims, Hubs, Spokes, Springs, Axles, Bolts, Trlmmlnps. etc. A foil aaMinment of Carriage arid Wagon jnnirnit or erery oeeenpnon' All orors fiompilj flPid.And mtlifaction guaranteed. NATHANIEL JACOBI'S, H4MDWAHB DEPOT. SASH! DOORsTi BLINDS ! ! ! At Kc ory Frieze. Oi l S.im niada tl Or r. - . Ororr, filled for Halie, Nwil, .o. PAINT?, OILS, GLASS, VARNISH, Pilek,rerlu'.ed at NATHANIEL JACOBI'S HiRDWARE DEPOT, HO. f MAIIKET 8T. hotT G0TTLOB ZIEGLER, OP DOKHZBACH, Klngd im of Wnertem bere, U.rmn-, will pka eend hla at drew) tit Edaanl Peaclian, Imiwrial tierrmtn Uot rnt at Wilmington, N. C- riOTSIt DDP0NT1 P0W1IU RIFLI, SPORTING AND MUSKET MINING AND BLASTING. For Sale by 0. G. PARSLEY & CO., not Corner O ange ad Soa h Water. SADDLE V HARNESS TRUNKS. TRWELINQ-BACS, HORSE BLANKETS antl LAP ROSES Whip". Ppurn, Colla", Jtatri'Mi, ald:ery lUrdwaia Feather Duffer, ii Ciremo, Shawl Rtrain, ha' llerooil . ; . -,. A.T LOW PRICES, UAKPKMTER ft M Al LAHI). t tin. S Krimt f tr et, oct4tf Wilmington, N. O. CELERY, SWEET COP GREEN PEAS, ' ' ' CAILIFL0WEBS, BED ( AIIBAGE, CHOICE APPLES, For a l by IlOrA C H. W. RUNCE. JAOOs Pure White Lead. Boiled and Raw Unseed OII Class at Wholesale and Retail. For eale low by ro4 OlO- A- PECK 1ST O Tl O 1C. ( "RORRT AHV'S OFFICK, ) Wllitipt n. J'o'umhln Atignt K B Wilm ngon, . O ; Not 81, 18.8. ) The sixth ansfau mektivo of the Sto kb 1 .orf of tha Wl'mli gion, CjlrmWa A Adatidti !!all'rd t Omitiy h held at lite offloa ofj ttis Coippaor, In 1 niugU, on Wed aa4ar, tha KtU ln-t. ' J W. TH'tMPOON, oii-U T Beoreury. if J jAcom .!!.. I. t-I.VOf . AT YATES' 'iwOK1 ST0H V'm en And a nn. anurtDfiit of Chromos, Sloltocs, Stereoscopes, Stereoscopic Vlcm Games and Tojs At.), Fifes, Flutes, Banlos Violinn, j Cuitars Accordeons, a-iiii Hormo.Hlcaa CO UN WULbliY t For rale by John. T Ckmkh, Thorn urillo. N. O. an'w GUN j AND PISTOLS. AU 0$ Al H.u A I-OltTFhMork or 0 n, Ih.iN -ing b ai d I ub a tl .rr-l in bie.vb ami Muan e Lomtrri. la , on bind. Al,alari(e nj.iitme't t.f PUrnt. or il kludi'. A'l atuiw 1. 1 rale ri low flymen bit CILCS&MUSCHISON, o 131 ' . Flour and l.Iocil eNI MIXP.l) IKRtt Car-load ... ai ou abort notloa. Ur.un bought at ib muk t price. A'Mri".", . - V..1AKI.OITP urir MILL, ; , O'vliitta, N miii tr 10 v Atkinson ftjilanninir l)70,IOO,tHlO .taal If Oiir- . il.id. FIRE. n. CO. of or. Aaiirlu. .... A'h.t i-h;. Ph'ini, tn.nrn.ia (!u i ir .... New Tuta. i iiiiiuiiHnitii ti-euraniie i5o. . ., st'W lora N, Mrlilmi ft Mexuiitll In.('uu.lnid n. Hrtt.Tl fire ln. tiorupiiy., r atf nil. riatlonai Plre In.. i)'muiiv..'.tlnrHurd. aprlnnrleM F ft M. In. iiii.,.Maieu'hiuiU Nl ARIN E M.'rcatiflle Vnluai lu. en.. .New Vr)'k' tua. Uo. of North America,..,. 1'h lidolphla. LI Ft. !oanertt'Ut Mutual Ui I in. Co. Hartford.! iirnn OPERA HOUSE, THE PEARL OF SONG, CLARA WILDMAN. And liar New Tk Oomadt Uooinr. ' M3N0AY & TUESDAY. N3V. 8, 9. MARRIED AND DIVORCED. : Tj cnto'udJ aiih a O'.orloua Farce, .'....!;.,, j . . .. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. 10. THE TWO ORPHAMS. AX33IISHIOIVJ Orr!ielra ,nd DrtfP Circle.. W Pamiictta .....,, TS Gall, ry . 0 Heeerred Biat, wlti.out et'ia charge at llelua. b ruer'a Hook H tore. RE-OPEr!f,G AT 29 1A. A!RK.H1T ST tlatlng sold out my i nt re rlo '.k of old good AT AUCTION ! I he ReJlpl,nw, at my Old Mnnd, A froeh and weil-eolmit'd U'm k of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. B3GTS HATS ninwn'i c,. witii u i i J t (! at me iaesi OAjH PHit' S. Kui-w 1 klvu vim a lew Item wllh prima ant ed t, Bf' 'a'lcoea rrnm T. t H.i, pur ya"t, Hrown lliKrnn tr.ra i)j". to 1(1 '.. iir yd. - lo d Jiwi e i run li,'. h nt u;iwar In.' Manuel, and loiton KIkihu' voiy Cb'tp. Thanking yon all f r rnr kind and lllmral itntiirt J herftnlo'e iKirn-Ud, I ri-rp.or-fully 10 Ml t ermit',0 miw nf MM A imp In my nw hiinlnaim. rlenperUiiIlT Your,, irAl(Ul MIItl.lt, MM UlKF.r KTUKKT. ostao Wlipitigton, Invimiid tn lic,H Mrilic in Wall Mrrrl Inn to mi I ll'li iNOlur im.li Aita itoriT ;omprha .ep an tAtry Irn-t'a.'e, .onttr Ing dHtiiled etfttninenv an I a it tn mi prni' ol l nt'tk il' iiitln ai rl e jV. ie fTV HtiHk-HarluHigt. "inilwj me to ttie di'if n .' 'M-'u nl'. aitdrfw, F t(' liMHUA CO,, i. -tiai'r and lirok ', , (i p. N V. Car bangM. i'i W,l Mi.. , I'b 2H I. eol 1KW V"g a"new daily paper IN WILM1XGT0X. Procctns .ol. Hie, EycBini Review OS on Anoirr O' Tonr.u nnnv, tiik l'nil TKiL'mil will lii fin tlw uubllentlon In the City nf Wtlmliiirtnn, of t!i.' EveninoKhvipw The krviRw will be imiilt'uil every I'V.'niut', evri'iit in'Uv. Its aim will bo to furiiiph Dm latent, tlm l et, il tha Tiio-t rellii'ilci news, In uvory miiaulng ul die rm. Tlie K lii'irlii' D.H'iirt'Uc'it will be In aliV ha' (In, and Ih- local repo wt'l h tumtmhi' l by Mr .Iiiiiih" for ilvrt ye.ir, pul the" UkmX editor of (ho Dnily Jmirn d. iwr. ;h i-li's A, Prl a aon of nn-i of the found" w nt t'i liWitniAt. an1 him. It a (un til m n nf T'r l yew exwriein a In the b n-. will h .re rlMr'ga id tna latii depart menta of the papi r. ITnn'nal atrmtl'in wMl ha jlyii to U mar ket r. pfiftawltb Hi ti e nf ta't MiV'g tlm lu 1 t anaaionaof (he d ly ti U i'l"phl' .n rnm. tile hoiire, in'1 thm i reeo ta will he mail by a earaf'il. tliomuhly expfrlticed reporter. in the wliule the pip' r w'b b newpy eheap unit r l' bla. ami a epetfai nnlini tboiith whl' h the pour m in ao l tbe laboring nine . may be heir , Term, of a iber!ptlon : 1 a yr,60 eenta a month and 11 ntnn a w ek'. A Irrtlng ratoa ery low . j : ' Tn conneefi'wi with tlia BinvV (i"pnrtn"nt wa I'I fUUIsli ths1 liBvirw Honk ami Jnb Prh tins? Orft'i-, n"m competent and aklllial nperallvea wll b" i-miilnv ifc and whan H in Bewliaealu eay we wH no Ti'ir to fnrnleh ir patron wUh dm rmet wmk for the lnwqat amount of u.oncj. ' 1 Josh I. James, aug. 15tt Ciias, A- frlce. .W VK 1 1 t.XKOI . For Rent. T1IR en'l-i rr"pi ty now o-i-tiple by O . r pyft ij , eiulira-lng wharf, i91 -a a d na.a: iii and oo il raid. Iiwiti-.! un H.nith Vi .lpr M.ret. Fur n or ti yeara leriut mill, Apiilyto J. A.WAl.KKH. arp ( ..'ruinr . THE IITTLE 0AR.IN3. fl kie w "' WU'1 l" W . 'ou ttoHt woaa. 7 - JUST THE THIWCI r'TT W iinl a any a'blrera on m. V a. l' ot l hi lV'ilaia rIK- HiL' ft i o., I I'lo-eknr -t inw Vrk riiv. r. . Addiea. Bo alsb. au ran WM r:i. oetrt-eiHlly at? If WilmiiigtoQ I (4 Al.lVK TO He'll lNTKbB'T In ra Daroiina, bar bualnene ma will ailaartwalu T!l WASHINGTON ECHO, a lariea and well et.aMiliad weiXlf n.p p ir. oirrtiitlMi,! ri ii..,y, iy i. tl c.iunreno Kyiie, Moii'iri, rnmiK'n, i-iri, angnoimibi and tl,iie mlMiilnil Kale. Uiw wi.t P. Wili Hani, K tlaaanaa L.eoi Rilnra. 'f Waaiilugtoi. Ulliueanl Pmrrlatiira. ' o t 11 tar ropy,' Poaitivsly No P itpononiont ! A POSITXTITE LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. rEXAS - "lilFF COM ASSOCIATIONS Uf iVj.l mi, Ti'W will glraa SECOND GRAND. GIF T GONCF, Nov 30th. 187f OUAniMJ 1US1TIVJ.J Or Monoy nofundod- First Capital Gift 50 000 Second Cupital Uift 25 OOO, o tl x (iih iii p.u,'ui i m airnuiillngiliall ti G250,OUO.OO. LovyestClftto.a Whole Ticket, ISO woupon - if prmn nr a wiiuo Tlcset, . WttloB oomiat if Bu tl Ooiiionr. COUPON TICKETS.tl. Which will militia the h iid. r to adiiiiMtna tn ha Urii it O nruit. an il oni ulni nt hu in gi't luiy ' a award-d Im t tic ahula tlcke 1'i'uiir, HM aiM age ma wmi'ii. AUorile'fi" Mr kola eant dirai t promiitlt il.le I. tUroiil r, Paiiera. '.a. gi'iug full particu ara, aeni fria In wr ting, ba eu'aand v.i'ir name, inwn, nounfy an I nt t lu lull. O.'lir i ir tl.i.titt am iii itl'H tu o and up oar i't I', it, II., If itraired, AtilreMa l rnuiniinii. ilon and niaka al eiu itianc a of mm ey pataUla Hi A. R. COUINS, Seen, Dentioft, "r-V rr RJCR TICK2T3 AT O lath" I'ritw'ug i. final I nly lake 1 tar e vur..auu. niiS,aiiH out a eiiirt timiiioia hi nr. i.0,'JE END0R5CMf.ttT I We, lh uud.i el .mil, il li n o' Oeul on fi-xni. cliei nn ly aly-i our lo.ilmmy to lb in. urni'H awl iioi'iin 11 111 ani'ii tna f trii I an I li it onuurt nl I'ih I'etir (1 It 'oiiea I lao latioii wa. CKiiiliioied, ami mti ha yorv .atlalai'tnry mini er In wiurh all the pli'iti-i. ml i fomi-i a i.t ilh A'Miia linn were earria i ml; aim, Inr hel d m a? Imtrllly endiirei iieneendiir.nl Hill i, iincerr. to tie aiyai Vii.i ui'ir ,Tni, 173. W 11 Whin, vtmur. Cltr of leehmn: AI iermm .liiil rn W rl Knk. it W Walti r' tl.'ii I .i.yIiik ,1 W Kilyaid, W 4 Tin In. W II Hem I ( Tay nr I. M .1 .Im-nii; dnha Nelii.Wbol- li nr. IIiihU; .1 H Hiii, wn.nia cdr n.rr ; I'n ,tln bro., Wh 'Ueaia Liqiiore: Nam tar 'Vtmli !h lliy Onal'i Ma, tlru i 'ateln. VIioIx.kI" Dry (int.it It in J W Jimnlngii; li) .1 nut' r; nr .1 r 'iii. JUST PUBLISHED. ll'b dllion. PPvAOTIO AL OBSERVATIONS, o . NERVOUS DCOILITY HYUVAL EX11AUSTIOS T'i which la a1dl tn Ktiay on Marriage' Witli' lni ortant chapter, on OKORKBHI Of TH RKPRODUCTIVB ORHAN1. Bitinc a yno'tof l.i-rnro dalyred at their MUSEUM OF ANATOMY ' MriiKi'r yimllng the cl'y, .hould not tail to ei. tni K'.'al I'Ollei tl in, lining llio iargo( in tbe wr if Ml 7 liituut , nppualle) f'ontlncn lal Hotel, f'l(llailrlililu. Ooplea if li'i'turi-a er-nl on re".'lnt of 21 eeutf Adlrewi. Oh JO It i) N OA VI KNON, Hi. MI.H.cnr s r.. Phiiailelpliia. aoc 'it A 1 1 lis M fcOTI in the World C. WEST & SINS' ALAaDI.1 SECU RITY OIL. VVarr'itad 111 IMifreite lr Teal taiinrird ry thi Fire Irtiurtltw Ompaniei. arjr U'liiti. r ill ivtiiu a-trtitr ajlected fr im oiany o'hera -' Howiaor iaa Ixa V.ih up RALrwinit, ) , Dei'eiu'lHr VI, iU. J u,,,, if Writ Ami: (1 .ntlamrn-rtaylnj tin. i fie yiriuii. oile .Id in iliia i'y lor I lurai natlng pni p'i.e I ta'ia pl' iuiiri in r riim inerrtltiKy nr ''AIm Mm HwiuNty" 'i Hie aaleet aiirl beet eyr n.H'il in our liom h.il.l. Vutirt trl. ... ZTT WILL MO f EXPLOOE ik giir Si tvlcwlr'ftr it. boleai! Henot. CiWSST&SOMS I M lis V. L .mh r t -tti'.vt, rial flmora, ap 1' fl I'm l5ATi9MSLSALOO'rJ ! XI 1 V I vt ittf IT 1 1 T TED f'P ,M V f A M 1 11 It O O M, In the tat'.ft n odrrn M'e, I pnt to mo In roiinertl n th row th a i RESrALTRANr AND CB1R STORE. Tn i foimr will t knpr. an tha ' EIHMPE N k;,. hiiii K'nttniniii ibiiuik nio win i lwey 1 e iiiml.iiert v.lili tha clumTet. frtii. Vu'"on.M'ata-. ilam-, and . . ryi ih g thit 'h No'lh' i n an I 'Mir i. me M'lik f alt' nil I a 1 h iye '1,11,111 a lew il.iya the Bunel 1 d l IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGaVRS Prer offered tnr filo H Wilnilngtrm. My earn pie room le'anpfi'led with 'b ltnet llrji-ta and wiuai to be h '!. I r Ipi'Oll'iil aek a aliaraol too pnnuc pn.n.niire. REUOEM JONES, noyl lm .YKW JUtKKTiaKJklK.rTti D O N ' T F BROWN & R00)flE ' ,; ;- . . .... Ar fully slire.sna know that (1001)3 MUST BE SOLD LOW. Ws sre ' lri.rHl to BELL AS CllEU' AS ANY 110USE IN AMERICA. ' Oito ui t call and st lor yunraelfea. Ourfepaos ia too soiall to tnumorato ererj artiole. BLA rN KETS, FLANNELS, Lailiea' ant Geuta' ond Chil.lrsnn Merino Under Yeats and dotes. A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY HOSE DRESSGOODS. An landless Variety. BLACK ALPAGA Wo Iwlako a Spooialtv. WAKE UP!! CUKlMXi"1 lIti:r.N NII1UTH, I'AUTX MADE SIX IT OR 46.0 0. Mauufaotured from WamsuttaOot'on and HOAIILKT MKIIOAXl51 FJA1NNKJL, eoommended by evpry l'liyalplnn for RhenmatiHm. Bliakor TUnnel for ' Uudurwear. Maobins Mwdloa Fivo Cents Laoh. Frank Li lies' ' ' ou r iA.xii5i ArrxjLt2ii:ivH. BEOWN & BODDICK. 45 Market Street. cntt4 AT RETAIL! B. WEILL! B. WEILL! B. WEILL 600 DS AT PRICES TO i . ALL wf ank la an exnmlnntlnn of our utotik. Ws fwl sutlarled that thai l lie public will l coiivlni't'd of what wo my, We give below a few prlosa: I,00 vunla Illnck Alpneiin utSOcontu worth 02ounU. 1.1KH) yariJn Hlack Alpai'iis utfiN cent worth 70 Pt'uH. ' . ,- L"H) yariLa Itlaok Alim'iu at 07i oonhi worth 80 oonls. WW ialrs IdKliw' Hose t 'St wits worth 80 mints. ' ' floo iuir Laities' Iloaeat 4 pput worth OOcsntfl. 50t jiuii'M ( 'liililrt'iiM1 HtrlHid Hose at 81 cents worth 37 cents. WNl jiiilts L'lill lreiia' istrintiil Hose at 87if cents worth 4.5 cents. 6(H) iiuirs t'hililrt iiH' Blrijicd Hose at 62 cents worth 05 cents. We have on baud mnny'otbor gootls ' JIQUALL-Y J.S TuOW, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. ' :'. All of which wo will sell AT PJUCES THAT DEFY C0)HETm0N. VERY RESPECTFULLY, B, WEILL, 32 oft 2 FURNITURE l W K owrEU KOttl'UB PAI.LTKiD K OU K OK New Patterns , OF Parlor, Clmmbor and Dluln Koom lTurulture. AT XTUICMLY li'lW PHIOU. CIHPKTS AJVO OIL CLOTH AND MATTWO in thla llneonr l.i.'k r ni'ira'im all of lh N-w ami leading Pattern of BruaHIa, Three-ply toper,, Cjlton and Hamp Oarput, All gr tdea Oil i;otli and Mattlnf. Alao klat, and hujji, of H anil ul Deilgua, . r Bedding. &o. &o Hair Ma Mal fRKMSCS, KP.TIIK!Ka KKATHKH (lOMtrOlil ABUKS, 0..4 And oni Wl Hoti!, Stammer, and Prlyafa Haald jnomf m'ahad r waao giya ua a omtt au va ididi D. apia tf Tee Carolina flonscHol. lwMt AN f I.MMTKA TtTA) VONTMMC. tnoioe t.lt.iratnre, will be owned from th( loLna- H'.uo MaKNuaa Ovrioa commencing wdb limiiary, IHo. rue oral nnnioer win D reaoy or m .'llna by Ii.'oe iiber 16th, and th period. iral Kill be iiti"lltift aaoh anccaeding nionUi iperenitor without, liilerrnntlon. No adyan- ave will bo nelectM aiun eiturr talent or i ai'Hai nan nomin" u ren.lnr a b ieana an iir'tnlilo and inatrui'tlyh wiiaprmlliiui ol ii"lr' n Mng.by popular wiltora, both home nn1 m aa. , rhe Carolina Household Maaiins oil! be a lar ;e m-oaza. elatify-lnni column m inttity, baiidiaiumly piinbid on tinted book iiDivr and bcaiiliiiiliy illuairaled It If a IhoroitKhly m.ml ern I'nteriiriM and lleimoeoea i,alr alr tiny awnrei rtia ptiiiiiwer naaua to makri it atli-t !'. uwaUily, that, one In ttiMliioeil In t'u uuilly olrcile, la aura to b ngorly watohan for ana earnniry preyeren. tta iiOU THA IT OAl.l.BHi" will I rine an altractlTO Uatnra. 1 be J. ury oainber will oootam a lirii i ' picmre ot EXOOV. Z. B. VANCE, ; and binuraplitatl ekiteh, tn be followed lo eaih au.Hwe.Unii n lojher with i.botoffraobf at atherrbuiluedlat,ttiaiuaii, dlelnea, r (,Vt V ")!)! l,aB : and earb nacrl'ier fan naita h olwoe rim.! kii-it na.tiTirrL.Lmua t najiea. lie ol aie'i VI .m innhan, yl: "The Plrdlng ir Ui" fae'nurln toa ifniple," 'Hie MaiUm- na." ir -Kbig ljar liivin urn ui,"ior. W'flnl 'ii nivl.t of Ilia anbwrlntion prlca. r.,'. li.. uft u Si.iay.BUi. la worth uoauUtha or I -e Silked for Ibo M.ulne. , , . it., . Bi -e a.. . m M.i ce'ro an i;, r.i en'ie riptinn irtjw. ini,.vwnirr vaents, ffahy eiad. H t tnnn'ha mibacr p tio',,wl hn'il ilia KHrt"fl si. . i ,, . JUWU8 A. MolI'K,fnbllUh toWfboro.U U O H Or E T 1 1 2,100 Lloou. Now li your time tobny AT RETAIL I 8UIT THE TIMES, Hoith Front Street. FURHITUR I ViVAl U.RQX AMD 1KCKK48KO STOCK and Designs . ' . ShuoVt Eioalsior and Straw 1H FKATHBH PII4.0WK AND B0UTBB OP I HK BB8X MAl KKlALi , , Manutaetura. "" 4 . In tua Lateat Btylea and KtLow PrlS u.r bwwi u,iiri iu',hhiii A. SMITH A C0 r, iTFront Street XIIU lJA.L.TjMOltli: H OFilCEOPATH 10 PHEMACY :::; It Kltinvtll on September 1 to th epai-1-ooaatoro at N . 1IM Wwl FayettS St., wberai tb i rnpr .fir. will be pu axe I to tee their o 4f TU ni, xD'l pn'rvna A nimi its itoek of Putt) nt Keilahln Huooeopithlo Medici oa, aa ae'l ua H.'ka, fur I'll vi-Mmm ml family uea, Coi ti'lli kept In ttrtiki 'd per mall r.'B)pi lm ten iidr,. dl r R iKh !f;KK& TAFKl., 13.1 -: Piyett-' Mtri-et. H'll'lmore. i' T.17HB ltger beer, oat reoelyed In lo from Jf 8t, loui.diiect. I he foUuwIrg la the re; eolt or the ana'yala made by W. .0. Conrad, I'bainlntnf the loital State, Nar.il ljbota lory, hew York. ' . ' ' ' ' OINCLU8IOR PKOM TBR AWA T-IS OF ; ;. : THB QTJAfJTT. Tie'all j of h' beet,' aa eboW b wnr miahalis leauwrler by IU pnrei.eM.af bom traneo e mutier eonld he doleeted. Th lar(r - n. nt Mituii aih-ueit I milt belndr i,nl In etwaonllntrv great 'I'la'icitli'a wblob, bay. ma OBen TUW.IOU, ai" m. wwir pmimt tlayo of fran bryatl makae tli'.a fmreyery Mii r1-liinj and bl my r.'ooauoeniib.e srmk lor roeiliib al pjrp.e . Anoih r giaid quality, nf f hla beer ia that l k ; l.i gooil cHiiiUOU under all cUouiuUmh. w i j ' . . . w, o. po"wir, i Cbemaef tf. S. k.yari.abtafory. ., i We' w Uio ylioeiaie agnU, an I It if for Mle slash. tbe eitjbr .- ' 1 . . I , . i i. i Job fass.Js.,, r (i. J , I' i.(J,H.fHlll." if s i , r k - t ;-. 'i .' a : ' I! ! J'i.:i-..f ' I I i ..... .... j f i ir Iff ? ..? t : - 4. (J .t : W - I V: . If I I lj II I tl V.i.w t ' f. t ... I - . c i ' t Si S' i V i ''I " t -.V 1 I 1 I 7

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