( . f ! WILMINfi 1 ON. N Eutiaj Kornlnj:, XoTfffibrr t, 1b Daii JockSAU the oM.t d:!y ;y.r io North L'aivliua, it pul'Iisiaal rXt) mon iiig.ext.vrt Monday, t Kiht Do. labs a rr: r"c" IOLLABail i'9s tbs; Siv.sTT:riTS wots per bhmiUi ir shorter pv"d Jwrred by CarrV-rs ii t! dty at . JiVMTT-riYE nl p mor a, or Two PoLLAB sod TV T . -rtvE wit rv qnarter. jhe Wbkali Jockhal, (FH.Uy) a t'uV y-il sJumn paptT, Two DoiXARe year; U.re copkt Fit Dolla au a at alp ; four eof.-, BTJl Dthaaks Ti CPfSe, ElHT DOIUMWD HALF tio tples, Fifteeh IKtuuAKa; twfintj eTBetTwirrt-m DoixAits. K'BeCKlPTKW In all payable lu am, and no !( ertUiue after Iks 1 aHor jf t'e time for. , I xmti,"S tiouM be rnaJa by rp. -t Mooh Or! r or Eiprese, If this can ..ol be (Uhip, p.wciioo against tosses by uii I tnav bo mwM by forwarding a i 1 1 pavaWe tf tiw order oflhe proprietor. aHhe Jocual, or by tending Ihe monsv i glswred letter. 1 ' Advertising Ktea (per Inch o t.wlv sttl'ilNreB of advertising type,) On Inch cor liwertimi,.02 Dollar; two Jjwr- t O' JE taOU-ABAJTO A HA!; thW .V-tirma, Two 1 I.AKa; four insertion i T0U.KS AND A HALF! flW IraWr- 0 THKFK DoU.ARS ill lllSflltlolie. . Dou.ars sd a HALr;twi ,w -Uous, F(VKpn ti Ar A iAi f, . .amrUv. ErouTl)n.t.AK! two nionthr ; I teen Dollars; tfu-ee rnmi'ha, Twks, 'i rwo Dollars. onUArta for longs r periods and longer bf null upou liberal lemis . SlfSELBiHO A Maunders, Wilmington, N. C i.nvi ii miu l A r! rgz, tu Hit w;U J' .'eh on 1 n ' : 1", 1 aa at i' p'i'n!' 1 mi'l ill WMiik!, w'.iW ft ra i! rrg t ) wrirVl- r J i porfc'lr taixth AtrendiJnl bny try 1 f th wrinkll A hi.aoewV Tfc RVigh Sfnttnel prints tn n fcdote, taleo from tb column of Ilarpoi't 5rpziuc, thr whol poiut nd humor of wLicheonsil in waking itippor that tome North Carolina Solicitor fihibi'flJ profound iRno rno of tlire thinp the Dible, the Uw end the gme of faro. When we rrtd the s'ander in the Manine we little thonght it would be rcpabliahrd in North Carolina newspaper, whf re the acqnaiutanoe of the bar with all three of the subjects ia Dotorion. The Sentinel aaka who ia itf We answer it waa do North Carolina law yer. KPIIORIAl NOTES Orr of 9,000 proatttutea in Taria, tcoording to Dnobatolet, only thirty 5t bad an oooapation preTioua to t Leir fall which would aupport , Chera. Gk. Jm. Thommom, ia floating Jown the Miaiiaaippi river, on duty aa an engineer in anperinWndanoa of 4beivMon the rivet audita bay- Oil". ., -, Viotob Buoo la raaking a new ar- rcogemeutof bit pHy t "Crorowell,' which Roaai iutttndu bring ng on the atage in farii, duiiug the coining Winter. Thi Loulaville -Couritr Journal got ! t ired of repniving eleotion rrturua aud laid that General Butler waa tired of ailrer apoona and had bought a gold Sine. i" - I Mssaits. Micmt-LAif k Co., will pub 1 iah tLii fall an aooount of a Journey lonnd the world, whioh dona not fol low tn the beaten track. It ia written by Mr. J. P. Campbell Gouxod, the composer, f11 1 down It aim. At the artenth atair be yelled yortlitimo 1" and aa be etruck the I t it octave he looked like one trying Vply sduet.- v IutKOta, whioh ia principally Chic fi in thia Inatanon prondly tanka fifth i D buaineai failure for the three q w i era of the year previous. Thev nnm bfr 277, amonnMng to 8(1,013,971), Mm, Lixcplw i row in 8prlngfl.d, 111. 6he tak a oec aional aliort walk ujon the atre' ta, and aeema t be iKtaewbat improving from her late do pieeeion of apirit. Ik the far NorUieaat, the boundary JIi e ia marked by cnat iron i liar a, ' eight feet high, set in the ground four feet, at a distance of a mile from each ther. Th fEng1ah and American (i .vemmeot aeta the poata alternately, Got. Allen, cancelled bis engage xenta to apeak io 1'ennaylvania in the rreent canvaaa and returned to his lit me in Ohio. TTis reaaona for ao Joing were not made publio, but we O an infer thera. .- ti - A insHiEvocs elitor remark' thnt 'he suggestion that ladies' dreatamay be made of the newly discovered, nn hieakable aad elastio glass, prompt bo hope that it isn't- Wis transparent kind. ;' ,; : "Hocbrbold Klmaroibb," by Henry T. Williatna and Mrs. C. 8, Jones, THE HECEIT FXECTIOa. Well, there is no nae to attempt a disguise of the fact that the Republi eana have oariied the States of Massa chusetts, New Jeroy, Minneaota, Wia- consin nl rt'nnsTlvania, New Toik islelt to the Democrats. This ia about the wgy the matter stands lu these Northern and Northwestern States. The South has been a quiet, but deep ly interested ohaerver Of the contest in tbeaa States. We all LojJ uJ b lieved that Ohio and Pennsylvania, as well as New York would bear. to vie tory the Democratic banner. Aud now that the fight ia over, ai d we bit gin to have the araoko clear away from tba fluid, we begin to atk w hy waa the Democi ttio bsiiner not borne to vic tory in Ohio and in Pennsylvania. In reply to this question, the short a:ght ed, selfish, and inconsiderate policy of the New York Democracy looms up and stands before ns for an uumistak ble answer, i'amruany, 1 ililen, and their respective coteries, were seia d with a aevere attack cf bard-money diw a-e, and tried to make their indi vidual complaint a national epidemic The attenipt to make the currency question assume a p'aoe in national politics should n vur nave eu made. If Ohio bad been let alona to fight her own battles, her great Demooraiio ohirftain would again have walked over the turf. The overweening im portance of &ew York did the work for Ohio, and came very near ooking her own goose. The result iu Peunsylvani- was a natural squ-nos of the ronult iu Ohio, Iu the great Prisidoutial context which ia now bi fore n no wing of the Democratic, party ahruld aiaunio to control the wlola line of batile, or, by itaown iudrtpendont manoeuv.iriiigru bnrraas the progrexa of tlio pai ty a 1 a whole. From the atoniliii!g and tlnpliira. ble rnilt in tlieiH ktntcH, we turn to a brigbtr picture, and iir this piolurn the two shining staraof Virginia aud MiHaiHiipi lieum forth flu ir liglit. bm lii'iicoua which shall gil'ilo im out of fiys of Oido and Pi-tuylvMiiia, and again s t us iu the right liue of stU.'k on the foroti of the corru tiouiaUi aud oeutr.iliziitioui.-t.i. All loul I to Mia siaaippi and her gallant Con ervative leaders. 1 111: nii-iiipi 1 i t r mix. T! e Yirk l!-rn'. iudu'ros in p. ni" p'in t'k relative ti the rtt-nt c!.t- ft i'i MiiHippi. it wouM l a a.jnroe of grent frrat.'-n.-tii.n ( th S,Hithern people, if the frtit u-ti ied the Jlera d in thesUs- m'tit that "ihe scandalous miwule of Governor A Bit' I was as hateful to the hoi eat IUpublicana of Xfisissippi as to the Democrats." Hat we enn live without the gratifiV cation winch would flow from this a nrce if it existed, and free'y replen ish lh) cup of our joy from the knowl edge of the bare fact that the onco proud State is finally redeemed, and that too, by a fair, open, atand-np fight, in which it was decided that nrgrojtower allied with white knavery, is oompe led tn give way before white Conservatism and honesty. CVntrary to various fears, bopes and expectations, election d y sppears o Dave Deen as qmei in .uiKainii aa any one, even a Quaker, could have wished. The Democrat have rarri. d the v tats, and this puts an end to the Boaodalous misrule of Oori rnor Amn, which was as hateful to Ihe bnet lie publicans of Mississippi as to ttie D m 1375: FALL AND 1375. VIfiTER nZASOn. ocrata Yeaterday alio. J thnt Attor ney General Pierrepout wns wise in rsf iming to iotefere in Mis-sipni at the demand of the Governor, d that auob Ilepublicsns as ex Senator Pease, District Attorney Vel:s and U. 8. Marshal Lak were 1 g'l in sdvia ing tlmt the federal gnvernrreiit saoiild keep its bands off. Tb responsibili ty 'or f 'X'd Koverment i'l rest after the Leginlature meets upou th Demo or ts, snd the country will watch their conduct with some curioMty and li vely bore that thev will prove int ai d hi'iieht rulers. It is probable tht the new legislature wilt impeach anl r move Governor Ame. which will tie diHapiioiiitmettt to bira, aa he hoped that it would b of a rmpi emhi to elect Mm to the ITntrorl HtHa H fia. The Novtl of the Season J' CI1UIHTIAN KF.IDS' "AQUMriON OF HONOR " "A Jii"tti of Hmior bf ' .IUii H .0, 1 .tt ml b ho prino as a wuik Iik'i t r nf I 01 4iari" I t ' tito. 1 ha unVoln 1 ei TOI la-' llOU ''V forlll I'rlOclniuii: yrnm M fhilaU I'rrt: "A new w 'ik fl tmii (it lihilnoan la alwT" mvwiita' l . i'AO miim ol lluui'r, Ik a vnrj 3' HuuMiern MirliM, wlb a w' win trit't and wll-ntiii-(t il"t ami with ttutiih which will b niiant cl a1 jr nln" From Ike JVmo Min Rrmtter An imn aim told nL..r v, t ill f 'D'-lrt-nl ani4 ul"t. i hit am In "O rsai cnt (Tratralnml an.t . rrji"Kliitniw ttitornfl aa llm ILrxailaot tbr narraiiT ar oang'ii ai ami jmnea to g thor " Tnm tk Louitvill Corritr-Jimrnal. 'Ttmiory l unarniliig uno, anl la lull? wurtliT ol tba authnr'a rrn'atinni ln.ieiol.lt ha mm1 ioa tha bm snd gobM. ol ail tbal shr haf tt wrHtan." Vpi tkt BotUm Olobt, 'rnqnliiiMflrar In atjle and rlmatril O tone, and l north mure than one oarelUI read Ing". fmn k Vnra llnald. TUf author huwmiihi lin rare and with a bh1 .ithlcal and ar'li-t r n'o.o-w. and th-.a- u I''" " ntlal ne ila tn iho b'lildmn pf an mir'an lit"ratit'. A'nna Ike Hol.on hnfh 'A" f ntnliii'lea in Sm-ll.'" fl o'hin, O ii'a'ton 01 H inor.' will luoa'h'li mailt,! I, tlmalrtia'r "tw' ' wu p rn a'lour -from Ma Huffafa Vinirirr. th antltor ' 'Vt'-rlo '!' ts ons ih- in aniwafiil of Ihow h i h iv rh d n co noun iiiv'i rjt ot lh ora le mitmial AiD'irl' n II T j " 'lniUm. Uloh. PI'a.SI.Ift. M ailed toamr a. I treaa wi'hm tlia (tnlt'tl t V"S. Iwar-fiaM, un rwlpt of print-. it. aim I. r 'V v r i . enblih r. 4 ftM HKOnwr, N, V ao( i d ! .TRADE MARK. JOiUSHIiiE nw, LEA & PERRINS' .iKUolHATRO B.-st Ai sorted Sicck In the Cit now Open at i , ' '3 mLkiet street, BLACKSILE8, The Celt brated Guinet'a Oros Grains. COLORED SILKS Ml the Latest Cloth Shades. 1 REAL SILK POPLINS. MERINO J, CASSIJERE. 3ER3B. AND.H3HM3 LACE, And atl the Latest Novelties in ED BLACK ALPACAS, That uhu1 PpeoisHy we have always sold bo many snd ao low, that among ao many goods it ia only a smalt part ol toe assortment. Pd OURUING GOO D S . In every v iriety. Will open on the 8' h another Lot of those cheap Henriet ta a CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. MKN AND BOYS' WEAR. Great L!ne of Hosiery. Glove?, Embroideries, White Goods. STAPLE MO Fffi lillS, NOTIOXS, El C Everything ia Cheaper than has been known for years. We only require a call the Frioee snd Btylea will do the selling. '1ATZ - ts B fumy . No, y(5 MARI5T STP.KK-T. m B"I FASHIONS and GOLD COIN Presents! forthcoming illnstrated book on bciiae furnishing and decoration sub j C ita now producing considerable liter- (ure. ,: : ' ;"f'. Ia order to evade the Maine liquor 1 w an ingenious enntrivanoe has been invented st Bangor. It consists of a barrel within a barrel, tarnished with a fauoet, whioh, when turned one way I tppliesawset cider, and when turned it another supplies lager beer. Thi project of the Prussian Govern ment of having easts taken of sll the principal monuments and works of sculpture in Italy, for the Berlin Mu seum, has already been begnn, The artists chosen to execute this work are sLe brothers Karl and Robert Caner of Ireninach, Germany.' ; Thb will of ihe late Frederio Hudson. whioh has been submitted to probate gives to Mrs . Hudson his residence in Concord, with the lots opposite, and to Ois son Woodward a farm of twenty two acres and his books and manu script. The residue of the property it left to wife and son, share and share alike. ""';;. A oobrespondkht writes on the an tjaority of a Confederate staff officer t&st Stonewall Jackson got bis aobri onet from General Bee, who said in tbe heat of contest :"Men, we have got to win this battle alone. There Stands Jackson like stone-wall, and will not help ns. Let every man that IT a man follow me." Thb anniversary of (he birthday of perventea waa celebrated in the City (jf Aloala da Hensres, Spain, on iha 9th -et, Varlons hterary and scientific odies took part in tba festival, and a r'e wss offered for lha best mono- rrahm on the pioper way to lonnd . -wn library, to be called M L Bib liotaca C;rTaEtJco-AIca!aiaa,M Al'KIt 4 N X inill'l, For the ln.iiellt of our color, d pop- nlatior, waasjUfy tho following seiii- ble article from tho Mobile llry'itttcr : In the lato "(Vorod C invt'iition" held at Augn-t i, (l -oigtii, Mr. II II Turner advocate! the eroiirratlou of the African r co to their u tiv lii aili, on the uronii that they oohUI got all tue nvUts tbey wsutel there snd 0 uul not get them here. , It is not iu evidence that the prop osition waa very . euthuiatioallr ro- ceived; and more than one speaker de clared iu effect that he prt fened the Amerio.iU ills he had, over any prema ture African ones that he knew not of, Ho the matter went over. to a future convention; pending tho remi ts of Stanley's Expedition, doubtless. Now, we have only one word to our colon d friends, upon the subji ot of their everlastiug disoouteut. if they do not like America well enough to stay, and prefer Africa well enough to go, by all means let them emigrate. If their knowledge of that tropic laud induces thorn to believe : that there they can woik leaa aud rsi'.e mjre. loaf more and got better paid, or hum wild chickens with greater rtoompeusn than tame, then let them not stand upon the order of their going, but go at once. There is not one thing to put bar, or biuderance, in their way 4 be war was Xought to lot tuem thiuk for them elves; the publio debt was piled up to let tbem emigrate at their own sweet will. But, on the other band, we more than suspect the lion. Turner of hna. buggery in his proiwition: that lie was only talking U Vnnoombe." We honestly believe that he and his sort, are better off here in every way; aud that tbey Knew it all the time. In which esse we are earnestly impilb d io second me ht. tiouis "Kepuiihcan, when it ssysof this subject; Let. them cease their everlaating grumbling and go to work like other people. Their complaints have become an unendur able nuisance, and muxt be abated else there may be an involuntary mi gration one of these days..;. : ; , Upou the som-dnesa of that advioe there ia no question, awl we remind the colored men hereabouts that thev bad better take it They make their situation no more prosperous, and surely more nuoomfortsble. by con stant grumbling;. ud tbfy know as well as we do tb.it they find this coun try too tree and too easy to subsist in for any terioos thoughts of leaving it. " i i Tbs Philadelphia SYess says tl "choollouie" is taking si moat aa m. Mirnor.n-' ts kxibaot w iiv 4 J al.h I l Hiroma 1ST Mf't'y'. ti tCN K.I MAN at Man , ONNOWHHnUS J t hl, br,h . m I OKt'ssTRR. i. ra . V Mav, W.M .f.J ' 'oil .K Onlo flood. 5Si'KttKtNrt that fiauoe," . il all.-atl toii?a,-ilffll: V(. KV VKRir. I Tnf IHH it' ri hr'iraiiea lahlrfh. t vrtrrnwul in Id la. and 'a. In mi Idnlnn, tba mo( i aUtiihli- aelliia ha niit whnli- m' sai' thai i Worcestershire Sauce. Suit Vi.li.i iit tor Kiportaooo' bj Ids rnv.rlat.rt, LR A A PKRUINH, Wwcsatai, V.rjglatidi aud Retail h Uealaraln Sanoaa fn. fully throiigbout the rld Aik for Le A Perrlns' ttauoe. At the HKUAHr.tSI TAIII.E It .m- larjtlit raiwt on unit, rellih and seat to Hot or;0ld Mat, Fowl, riah, Broiled jvidnsy.fte; i At the III ft HI EH TAHI.K, In oop,l S rtab, Hut Joint, Gam-, andln atl Uravle. It gWee a dellgbttiil Btvor. At U- LI"i:ll:Ot1 AND M'tMVKH IAIIIiIOH It If dceroi'd Indlapeneable hj i.Iiom tauilllar ana ita eetimabia qoailtlea. From tftm far Tlm.a. There U no relloh In the world which lean U'iltraally llkad u I.aa A Perrlna' famoa Worciwierahlrt Sauoe. JOHN DUNCAN'S XONl' II IIIHS ti""J H ua rdftw ' SmltVi "Instant Dran tlavator." Till. VVT HhOW. IM rjvpar Part ar iti PNir, (wronv piae UtMrllk llie"Bl vator" Sm1 la. You r.a ralM roar aklrt Mla paaaluae mud. &j plaoa, and IImd Ul II l.il, yon rn katp ItralMd. llk.vlh. tlr. rmm lhFlltn. IlliOopf Ilia aklrt la ft X&Atnil ... Ya. rh'onable Vaonar. I. araw n I fullnaea Io tna barb, ..it lha "atrluh front." I SavM man Siaa Tea TtniM Ita Ooat, l na ba abut n roa. One uraaa ia am other. rrte,4Baaalaaaoa. Mailed. I 1 CLYDKS UEVJ YORK AtlD Ronmri Ll'FS Wilmington, N. C. grrc' Fast Frc eht Route to all North or South. Pol New Yom and Wilmingtcn Sttmkip lhj I SEM l-WECKLY, Huiling from NEW YOKK. WEDNESDAY anc SATURDAY at 3 IV M., and from WILMINGiON, WEDNESDAY aid SAltfil .f BOSTON AND FALL RIVER. New York ii Mi UHmlnetvn M-iritsltin t I 11:11111'. - - 1 ...j--.. . oorNTf ti;;o with th CLD COLONY EAILFGAO AKD STEAMERS. Daily Between ECSTCft and NEW YORK. Bt'mi-Wfek:-Kareftv YORK and VJLMIXGTON. Vf.liir.v" r,,Id Iromea.h Ton. 1n er H.lM.era a ay ri I, u m,U,e . .,. 1 1 Ed rr l.r l!ti-r ,.t i,., ,.,,,,, ,,.. , ,,. j.aj.haiTrn.r,.!. 1.1, n, .au- -.., t f LAYS. WILMINO'll N.t 1 i.l V ft A S At i,VVl A 1A1LK 1 WIi.SsiMiTON A WH I ( N 1 AII.l f.ai), Tbrc nvl Killa of l,aillpe gltrn to a. d i'.'J, l) , Jn' V h k1 . ' KOr.inandFfinBCAI.OLlNA. 01 CI CIA si d LATAIV! Aho to NEW YOEK. E0B1CK, IT 0YH1ME, I ALL LIMl! atd ttl Mark all Goods via UjdtAs Uiln.h t n Liiif. r for tuitber Iniurmatlrn afplj to nbrrol tl:e urdtiigB.d gent, 0 t.r Lln. WM P. CI TI E A Ol., naner Aifafta. New 4 oik 1 liir. I:c!Hi s t,rti., N T . A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. D. D. O. M1KK, Ueneral Y aatrrn Agf iit, - 29 Peion-lilre tttreet, Poaton. BalHincre efl Seilii Sleam ImmUM Con ptiy Vii WILMIKG'IOA, IN. U. a . w - - -a ,jy"- No, IIS. Thta Cnatnme nln. the admiral inn of all. It la one of those atvlra that la a ire to pleaae, especially a it ia prnpriata i t any inatertal. uud ronnirra lpae eouda to make titan any othor ault of eqnul beauty. It U one of tha i iraionr rnaiamra ui our cur. I na riuui ir will find it imi.wwj In t tha airn t cliirm Unit Improvca lo r flenre. hile the all :lit or per or t lorm may rrwi they were nevcraoaiivantat'iwisiy -attired. Thewaiat le tha rrcular t.iblliT ehapo j theovrmkirt la ilrnncil to form a wldo ruliloeacli aide or trie full, wntoti mny or tna aama, or itiniHin. i.equirai iti yams or Inoh ffiKKla for entire an.L Nn, of niat. tro; pattern, witn etoiummivi, xarta. Na of overaklrt, 8TS1; pattern, with rhth mndtl. SSrte, No. of nmlcrakirt. j,tt: pattrru.witnciritiimmici.oocia. fliuiioa on roccipioi prtr, OR the Patterna anl fist It Med'le ef tha 1NTIRK VIT will br ill VEN KKF.K na PHK.HID l In any rH-mm "Pat Tlu(iiiAAR":" eu" ."lwcrl,,i"", ' ,h" - A. BURDETTE SMITH'S ' IniF'toiofFaioa," FINE ARTS and POLITE Lltersture. Single Copies 25 Cents. Aubarrlpttoa frier, $1 a year, po.t-pald, Inrludlnf s prommin 01 1 we lasuara' worm 01 jwuerua ireo in eaca aiiuacrioer. We emd ear CERTIFICATFH fnr thl. ammmt . npne rtveint nr eiioMTIullun, ( l'v I nr our liuhra KLKVATQRM will l alvrn li PLACE of one Uuiur worm ul l'attcrna, irae.lr.ill. The - SIOTVTIILY WOULD OF I?AJBIIIOIV,lhSTerTfllieat,l niOHt beaiitifvl.attTactlre mai'ie tobs'ound In tbla country , and a!? peron wno beglre witMaVIni It, wilt NKVEH dlanoutlnaa while It ta publia'ie t. h 11 - v jr i v J F A Smile's Illnstrated Pattarri Eazaar! Sample t'opy. 2S Oenh. Hn' .erlptii.n I'r i e, SI in a year, poat-pald. dm loll m ' worth of Patterui given to eaob enbu'r brt free aa premium. $4,500,00 IN GOLD 10 GIVE AWAY! n o viGi'i: SR RKTa MVS ' rriCK, ) l!mintnn irinn l!Hr.a. i"o , Wliniinghin, N. C, .Noy. S 1175.) lHSFDUTC'TH NrJAL MKETIKQ of the fto -Vh.diU-raof the Wilra nTon A Weldon Hailroad cmptny wl I ha hel l at tha olfi.e of the Company In WHmliigton, on Wedneaday, ihe I th In t. nn4t. t J W.-HtMPS"N, Rferetary. P'omineut a part in mlit'oi now as 1 the "log oabin" did ones of yore. CORDON 4 TURNER, GENERAL NSURANCE AGENTS FIRE. LIFE. MARINE. Kap"M,t ibe Liverpool and Loudo Oloh", S-dfrirT FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS (iWoj oppoalie H to' H oai undrr If .rrla. ooseli, f.orth Water lUoat, sot 11 tat . We willclve J2 OOOCO In COLD fffklSI io fln kirrilti. ho Kt i it ll- hr larm-a i ,ini .r of ruhariber to onr ''World Of F a nlorti at rarn, nnorr Mnrcu o, in; 6 Aa tolt we: To the gettcr-np ot th" I argeat u ui ssoo to in How t oin , i 1 .a if. at Cluh.... vno 00 In Hold Coin ! S I Iyr?eat C nb.... IM 0 In Oold l!.n. 4 h Laret Club..,, 1:10 (Oln Hold 'tdn. ftth l,areat Oiib..., IM 00 in Gold ddr. Sth I arireat (M b.... 110 00 In Mold Oin Ttb Lai'ite Club., lort i In Hold t oln. Sth 1 arpiat Club.... 15 U0 In Hold oiu. lh l.arg. at rinb.... 90 01 in OflM Ooln. Ill h Larneaf Club.... Ill PO In Oo'd ( o n. Uth I araeat Clnh.... 1 00 In fluid Ooln. and ao a to the OBth Largi-et Olub: V will Rive f 2 BOO CO' COLD COIN ' Io 3 I 1 1 ni i o n i-a It tai yat i nr r cl mlaiite't to (in Eaietfi" at S' 0 tacl, I eh it 11 art b I, IKi. Ai Ii owa: To the Qt'tter np of tha t arge.t tin loin Oold Colo. id I aigiat liib,... '.'00 0'i In ('aid Coin. 8d I arteat l l-ib.... VSi Win (loM Odn :th I atf; at O nb .. 1 5 O'-ln Gold nla 'th LaipeM rinb.... li-O 00 tn t-nld Coin, f'b Largeat Club,... 75 00 In Oold Coin, "ih Largtat C ub.., pXI 00 in Hold Coin, Mta liS geat Clnb..., 46 0-' in Ool.l 'in. d'h i.irgi'at I In .... in 00 in Cold Coin, h 'h ' ariatniub.... S 00 In 4old Coin, - 1 h Lirseat "ub.... 25 Oln Gold Coin, and j n to the 133d Largeet Club , t FAST PKEiaHT ROUTE To cl1 Points Worth or South BALTlHOHE. - Baltimore aei Wi.min&tou Line, aasi-warBLT , -BA il.l Nu FltoM KAI.TH OKK- Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P M. -ANll FltOM WII.M1M1TON- Wednesday & Saturday. BOSTON AND PnCViDEKCE, B..ltitu..re and Wilmington l ine, Baltimore, Hoaton ard 1 roridei ce Line, Or via Canal Dally to fhlladel bia and Clydo'a r hlladolpbla end Proyldenre Una. Semi-Weekly from eaoh Port. PnilAMIPCIAe Diem UimU ling. : ii-wntn BkiwKia hi l.i ikii'mi.. AM wil.MiMp'c-N. Baltimorewid Pkiladrlphla M anjboalOo. v Dally ai (.Anal between ' UALTIMt UK AMI I HlI atiKl.PHIA. WESTERN CITIES BALTIMOKE ANI MLU IKttT'oM UM Kortbern Uentral Kallioad ' AMD TBI BalMmore and lihlo hailroad. 8h'p.ra may rely nin the iMiipt a.,d rfpniara.OIr, nt there Sttanera. and onirk 1 atih lrtii U all ahi meina hy ih.f r.nle. NO DELAYS. ' Tbrcuiih Blllao' Laoli g (mn to ad In m all Pou.ta In NORTn aiidSOL'TJJ CAliOLLNA, GEOJtGIA and ALABAMA Also to BALTIMOKE, I'niLALELrillA, BOSTON, I I;0V1DEKCF and other Eastern Cities. prryTaft?r,,,WJd " '" " ' l"r Boa,nd "sas gaiek. Lor. or oy.reharg.. Mark all (Joods Tia llaltlmore anrj M llmirgtoiiLinc. ; tor- for 'nrtber Informatl.n app'y toeliber of the nnderilgled A(tntaof the l,lne. A. D. CAZAUX, Asrert. "ait iiioM ami 0 l.iuee " WlLM!TOII. N.c. EDWIN FITZGERALD, Agent, ba tlmure , 60 ?uu;u htustiriiaitlmnre. roreh IH u YOU (t a premium for every aahecrtber you set i ia. AND every rubroriber gets a pre- BOTH f thee Cold Coin PieaentS offt' will t f.mnd at full length In tbr- Kan. tennbsr Number beside amea and 1.0. adrirrawa ot l'i peraona io h..ui e be Jual paid ajl'A, J 00 iu .o'rt, aoennllng to "ir nreyione offers. a ran write to Onan ail ' an.t tney win ran yon tnai we n exactly as WO promise- I (III K Kt, l I T',B will get the aat number and yonr 'ertiiatea (.f Pra- awwll A AW fcs 1 mtum.. which von can how. and at on" bealn net ins anhaorl- bere, or ami 13 ont for cne copy. Send Stamp for aahlon Catalogno. A. BURDETTf SMITH. P- O Box BOBS- 014 Broadway, New York Cltv BUCKWHEAT!! New Crop With Trimmings. FINEST TABLE SYRUP. NEW CROP N. 0. MOMES ! BEST TABLE BUTTER Sold In Wilmington. ELEGANT TABLE BUTTER, at FORTY OK ATS NEW CROP FIGS, NUTS. ORANGES, LEMONS n'AISEXS. C, I. MYERS A CO , S and! MUHTU r&v f ST. Southern Illustrated Age! RALEIGH, N. 0. THE ONLY ILLUSTRATED WKFKLY in tba South. Eight ptget. Forty col amna. Containing raoro reading master tha' any weekly publlanod In the nuuthern Mtatoa The drat nuoiber of the Hl"THKN IL TJ8THA Trttl AUK will be teeu-d on Na.tarda.jr, 'iOih dar of Jnae, 1879 The publUbar Iti'.erda making it an lllua tratd raoord of tha t'nw. It wlUtieat of ay.ry topic, Political, Ulatoil al, Liirrary. aid olrntlflo, whlrh b nt rnnrnt Intxraat, an i g To tha heat littM.iatloiiKthat ranbs obtainnd, original or rora.gn, The H'iUIMMIN it.l.rsi'BATirn (R will ha printed on m-w tyos, au. lieybook paper. On iwliatof eonrrlbnrnra m he found the DairMof many of tba beatwrlta.ali, tbesouth Perkh and ebnrt t'te, ivrni a t kit.-la, and "ell enrduot d i'di"rUld p ii trnt, uly Ing the lataat peraonal, lterr, a- Innl'tle. no litlral religions and somroerrlal Intelltganre, will tu'nlah t-er wvek an monnt of redln( Biatter n anrpaed l-y ntb'-r pa; rra. Ii- exr-1-lenoa and yarla'y It le Intended tn Siakatbr "O' lHKHN II.IX'SI HAIRII AOt. Jonr nal for the B'eal I aeraral rolnmna wl 1 ba iwlallr d. nt. d t"a. anhlMa arialiilnit t -) diBatlo and auoia. I fe. No family ahnu'd he with n It. Snhaerlp'tlonprlnroniT Spr B-'ilBi. Poat age free. R. T. FULOHUM, Editor, Ralgh, N 0. juoa ntf isroTicJO. Carolina Central Railway, GENERAL FREIGHT I EPARTMEJiT, ) WiianNOTOs, March 81st, 1875, ) THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC IH REIPKOTPCft't-Y INVITrTi) TO"THB act that tba ( arolina Oontral hallway bring completed and lull rqiitpfied ror biralneae ottnra-wiih ita connctione at Wilmington, both Tia direct gteanivr Lln. i iti,d Tta Webb b an Pitamiath, to Baltimore. Philaiolphia, New York, Boston anl f rondeiice anoqnaled fas tty tot handling blpm. nt from ' WILMINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITIES TO CHAR LOTTF. STATrsvii i r rnrrtvivii i r cD.eviti EURO and all atatlona on Atlantic, Term aaei Ohio Atlantic and K'rhmind Air Una and North Carolina Kailroads a well aa all poUitatn GKDKutA and AI.AHAM4. InaurKnue troai Btrn oltiea Kna ant(l a low aa yla ant other line. Kotsrsilbalor trans fer chaw, aud It a tea alwayt aa low aa the lavaeat. Katea to all point luruiabed upon application to the undo" mvntrl. Cfflos In Hark of Saw UanoTer Building. F. "W. OLARK, prllt 80-ly General Freight Agont, BOOKS. BOOKS. 1 BOOKS. Call :nd cxamii my Stock jf STANDARD AM) MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Y A IMC S' . . and MOUlDING? A ctij ilj J.-' .rc'lTel at YATES' NEW BOOK STORE o SI . WOODY U CURRIE, Ganeral . Commission Merchants. ' I tlnoeaa and North Water "tree'a, WlLMIKaiON.N.O. We will OO'idn to r bne'nnaa wl b tha d"tar mlfailon to aatab Mi a flra'-cl fiTM ioin mlaeion hji.a-and lo givee"t. re a.tl.f.ction to ail who may faror of with lhlj patrnaga, .1. I. WiDV, ect Sim J. B.CURRI. THE PEE DEE HERALD. Published eyerr Wednesday at WADESCOKO. ANSON COUNTY JOHN. T PATRICK. , Haa a larva and rapidly Increasing mvulEr. tlon In the Pee Dee country to North and 8 oath 'Jnrnllna i i A.lvoitlrera win Snd It tha heat martlnmta ettbor ol tha aiatrt "rata tor reaching tBS iltiar. tlKTitera and mrrhanta. The ertcnmve heal advertising pat ronaffe exhibited in il column it the best evidence qf iff large and influen tial circulation. fjr ,..men oonlea, arlth rate fer adrer. tlaii.g, eepl Irae, poatage paid, on application to tba ntideralp'd, at Wadaabnro. JN. T. PATRICK, Editor and P roptlstors. SMFLTIf BANTlEff-lthoIby.ir. C. Fab il'brd arrry Tburariay morning. Dnrham Wetih. ertltnra. liemoorano In polltiea. Hub eriptlon 1 SO for ons year: st eentj far stimoDtbs. "