f - 3 ! J r : v III 1 J i M ! f i l 1 ' I 1 L 1 VAV ML XXIV. HO. 321? WILnmGTOH 11 C. TUESDAY, HOVEaBER 9. 1875. V7HOL2 110- 7X37 TLCRAPM. "CROCKED" WHISKEY Col. Chapman Preparing Testimony to Convict the Whlnkpy Rln; -Overtures to the Government. WASHINGTON NOTES. Fast Mall Arrangements - Inquiries Regarding the Spanish Note -A Sew Counterfeit -Babeoek. GOLD 15 7-3. SUNDAY'S DI3PATCHE3. JUSSOIRI. 8t. Louis, Nov. 7. Col. E.K. Clip dihu, Leal of th Stamp Bureau nt Washington, wl,o with Un. Lnci-n HawlfT matin the invetitiKut'oti -which re u'tt d in the seizure o" difitil!er't and msfcifving hanHi hure d tiring the pust surnm-r, Ihh arrived hr. to hhi t m preparing the hiky catses which are to come np during f tie n it term of the U. S. O'Hrt" i'tmugh mutij f t' e oou8f d htve put in plea of guiltv, it is btill neeswy to put iu oartaiu amount of urideooe so as to en able the Judge tn intelligently sentence the oulpii. 0.1. ..Chapman states t u hi any amouti i (esumopy t m the h nds of the Guvt rnmeut more than ill be nH5sa y to prnduo0, e pccially in ctson n which t'ie aocwd has plpadid guilty. It is also stated tht overtures l ayj been made io WhhIi iriRt 'ii in behalf of Home of the guilty, eff'ringa snrrondt-r f all thpy pos win, on condition -that the Govern ment will not p'.ecs the criminal part of the proceedings. These overtures, it is asserted, have beeu received with no diipositiou to consider them. The Grand Jury adjourned this noon uutil Monday, w thout presenting any new indictments, - ., ILLINOIS. Chicaoo, Not. 7 Mr. R. Oter berg deniei that the N. W. It. R. Co., has purchased of hira the Roekford & Rock Island & St Louis R. It. He says he is determined to run the latter road in the interest of the German bondholders whom he represents.. Mr. Osterberg starts to-morrow for Bock Island beari g with him sn otder from the Court directing the Receiver tri turn over to him the property of the road. WASHINGTON. Washington, Not 7. Arrangements have been perfected by the Postoffice Department for the arrival here of the New York mails in time for distribu tion by 1 P. M Since the publication of the general diepatcb last Monday, stating the posi tion of this Guvernrrient toward Spain on the subject of Cuba, as expressed in former instructions to Minister Gushing, numerous inqnirieshave bcrn made in official and other quarters for further information on the subject. Some of the inquiries were apprehen sive that measures of a hostile c.harso tor were meditated, bnt for this there was no foundation, as the matter is merely one of diplomacy. ' MONDAY'S DISPATCHES. WASHINGTON, Washisotok, Not. 8. A $5o .unter feit not purporting to be issued by the First National Rank of Gnlens, has ben discovered in the Treasury. There is no such bank. The President left here tliw morn ing on a brief tour to New York. The Attorney-General says tbalvpfS cirtl reports to hira entirely exonerate Babe ck and Orrille. Grant from the charges upon whicK they have been iud'oted for wliiokey fraud. Ex-Scretary D lno was at the Iu terior Department to-day, far the pur posfl of executiog oertttin papers requis ite for the formaHrsnsfr to Secretary Cbnndlei of the guardianship of the Tarions Indian trust funds. A private dispatch received here this mnrning announces the total loss of the steamship Pacific, between Port land. Oregon, and San Franoisco, .by foundering at sea last Thursday, The dispatch says all on board were lost. NEW IOBE. : - New York, Nov. 8 Honry A.Mann, for fifteen years Treasnrer of Saratoga county, has defaulted, haviDg illegally issued $140,000 worth of county bonds during the past two years, nearly all . of vhioh were negotiated for in .New York. He will be proceeded against for for forgery. FOEBIGN- ITALY ; R M8. Nov. 7. It is reported that the French and Ita'ian Envoys to Italy are soon to be raised to the tark of Ambassador. JTEW JtnrBMTiBBMKJVTH. K dlel to our list of flrf-clM Comptul Ususter las. C of Manclitsler, England ASSETS flO.OOO.OOO! T,oefhlr. Inanrsic Company, or FnirHnil. Mgra " " , NewVik AMitito " '.' .York plf r.' arg Hkrtngt & Tn -. Co Pet- rt-b'g. Fnntl Mll " " . Bi)n WK srs orpri o'r.rif "n offo ed uf, nd we co. B 1. t y x; kre . t thii yVrong" Wit filnd. Mr 8HUial Nnrtbroii tid 'r. 0 H. Robin, oh bi.o f ntir. cb.ry o t''i ofllc.- NQRTMR3P 4 CUMMINQS, .VB1P .fJl,KTIiK.WrT. HOR3E BLANKETS, I.in-Rohrt. Saddle.. Html"... TrnTfl- iHns-Bag. KaicticU, hhawi-Klrap, rratntr uusirr, nauuit-v luiue, duuu Bridles, Hack-Bands, Collars, Uaairs, Leaibrr, baddlerj Hardware, Axle fcrcese. n.irli g at'eni.d f pro.,, id'. , W . II tol'iilua i t na.M r? II 'in ln- I ' Ciil'fNIr,'HiUi DCST STOCK. LOWEST PRICE! BLANK BOOKS, PAPER! . ENVELOPES ! ALL OTHER ifATlOERY, schooiTbooksi, s ,'rt . 4V AN O Y (i O O 1) H , M yo' r uiuii.y n r 1H( oif E. M NM, Bookseller and Stationer, M)V ' M'Kiii riu. i r COAL ! COAL ! AU. IZK, ' fGR GRATES,' STOVES aaflEEIlEES, FORCASH, 0. G. PARSLEY & CO., Attention Witetfoa InMiry. YOU AKK OBI.KKH) TO A I TK K T 0r Mo.'ry III en n " M o'.-'o k, linrn. nirfiill i.Tilfnrni,'ii .m-ln ur.lor fur ln p.p'ion, to r-c'tvmh' U.iriuh 1St. I f4n'y aid ihd orf. Ik Olt 4nnl. Mim frmiflh. o. mp" v ho lii n t j-t rn"" . foiwanf t.) r-.'.e ih -lr n outi. iniiii wU 0 no t otu r niorilni. Hy or rr ol Cm t tin. J I "ourE, nov9.lt flr-l SrfHn HE. JUNKS CO., of GokiBboro, Will tieon exhihlllon the r.lr a lot if Open '' Tod Buggies. i bt For Sate, tilvothrm u iniiilntlniu noi 9-lt 50 SACKS N. C. FtMILY FLOUR. 200 Barrels Early Rose Potatoes. ' 25 Barrels Dried Apples, For Sale Low by BfNFORD, CRoW GO. COTTON YARNS AT LOWEST MARKET. 1.0VI F A I B, PREMIUMS JBIVEN AWAY All in want, who havb CHK-nit, efp"oliHy C.nh rt nAkMed pnrohwer. lot tha pleurr. or tbi mind rd hapiilnera to erf ry-bouof lol't. Pe.u to rvrrj one, Piano. Or jhiu, Kafir, rtr.-noi and Lltomtirf, Yoar ruaitlt.tc mMtr-r his arrtvod, call and iccsre It. HfHiling uiHtier llit luie.t, oollectcil from all pvt. of the world. !wa for Mkla at "HEINSBERGER'S UTK BOOK ANl MOSIO 8TORK. iot7 OPENING YESTERDAY A Si 1.0(111 U't of OVERCOATS. , BAPSOME BUSINESS SUITS. 12 DOZEN WArVSUTTA SHIRTS, Chiapo t aid Iwl Milr.v dimIo. - Gloves, (janntitts, Suspciidei-s, Halfflosp, An Hiilier NotiIHoii. iviuisrsoisr s& co- CITY CLOTHIERS. ort 8 i . 11 and 13 9. FROST ST, All iw Good, during F A I R WEE K AT REDUCED PiilCES FOR.CASFi GROCEHIE8, PiioyisiONs, WINE-. TEAS. L I Q V p R H, COFFEES, SPICES, RED APPLES, 0RANG Gjs, . LEMONS, EAISINS. Tarl'lln. of 'ut,., GIVE "US A. CALL. We cn fuenlsb .verylbing, togetber.wlib All FAMILY SUPPLIES We have a I .arc e v tock, and wtyl se'l' it ' INISUALLI LOW PRICES FOR CAStf. Oar I raid, for Flon' are hew Prnitre.i Kb. p r. KonoirrtT Kmnlre, Emptr. Extra, A.L Und and lower Unite. BUTTER AND CHEESE. . A ml a 1.41 1 810. k an 1 V.rletv of T inc j Go nIi GEORGE WYERS. ' 11 & 13 SOU i'H FRONT 8T. , ,,1 - JOHfi DAWSON. til RtalilislictEarilFarsEs'aMiiictt Tihk nvnToiipixi".ii'iMii.ii Urird Nfcmee, (va.lvi Haw. M., Br.t A, NH. H.tj r fT, lwks I u .lum Cut., i-h t k,, P..w ler. t i kril..., Tkbi.-kuifC, lo , at U loweM ; figure In Uieoitr. I JOSH lUWC'OW i'Tt N'. l.t,andt Ma ktsirn-t. SUND I1IKS. ffO m Am.rlei aa I Untie 44 I. too.) Rtr. U r lour. 0 R'l Hat.lnj. lom B mil r 1 ii( h ' KM Pa iyI- w H t!uba Vo'wra." Kfl tlugbi-ti.of P U itoiiMi. SNI Marre'i" of 8nfr. t -2il B ig Oi nT.e. I'M Poxi-il T.'baivo too hot rctTjr sad St tn ( h tm. 100 Have. ' y KM) Knxre Pot h. 1"0 H-1-. .nil r. Sfi Knar. Horatord B-ad Prpara'(.n. ft Boi Himn, 75 I'ackaxo. Snuff TS 'arrela l?f ikr. 19 Tub O. .. Butter. Lye -Soda Soap Starch. Matches. '' Candles for ail by Wll.l.l tTIs V nt'HCHIHON. o?T RR NEW YORK ! Th Flrrt Olw Scbooncr Wavk cuksy. CAPr.OAWLt'T. ha q ilck -il. .ait'b M t bore, for fr.lght n)v! 9 W II.I.IA MS 4 M 'ROH'SOV SADDLES HARNESS, wuirs ana iiukse blankets. 3ta.tr, Hepatrad and k.iit on hand, at tbe Nw Harii. . Minii on 1 bird, bMwiwn ITarkvt and I'.ln.'fl a street". no.TJIw HAVDRH 4 fB UURDT. H AR 0 WARI7W0 NTltE E L Agricultural and Mechanleal Implernenta. American and English Pocket and Table Cutlery; Cuns, Rifles, POWDER, HIIOT. &o. We Invite the attention of vbol.iiale Buyer" to our Large and weil-wlc'e.l tock, a id to Ui. prlT advantage, we can eltcr. Celt and examine at NATHANIEL JACOBI'S, BSK13WAUE DEPOT. Rims, Hub, 8pokes, Springs, Axles, Bolts, Trlmmlnes, ao. A lull eaaoriment of Carriage and Wagon niR.Dini.ui twvi j urpuiiiiiuu All viuci. J Kinilj HI lid, and aatlilaitlon guhr.qteed. NATHANIEL JACOBI'S, H DrTAKK DEPOT. SASH! DOORS!! BLINDS ! J ! At Pcory PrloM. Odd Hum made to On er. Oram Oiled for Kln, Nwll, e, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISH, Prlua reduced at NATHANIEL JACOBI'S HARDWARE DEPOT,', HO. f MAKKKX KX. nov7 WIFE NO. 19. BY ANN ELIZA YOUNG, Brlghams' Rebellious wife, ' 1 lirt only cnmnlet a'p-ae of all tK Secrets of Brlhsm's Harem or niun. oorn .u moiuiohi-u.. ANN EL'ZA now fx no. , to the wor d, ns no other womancan " secrets. mvstorlus d crimes ol the u rribiu a uteiu oi i'u v gtmv, irom me ert beglniilng. Nnnriy 200 i tlu'ritt'n be.iilllv tlie w irk. It 1. ilio btt fllllni book uhll,hd. 10,000 Hi', nn ai d women rn h,re empovirent and m' from $5 $ioi"t- All live acents aie wining ti.r 1 latratod Oir:u!Kr, wi li lr.j to'mV s.nt f Tlo not d'luv but ad'irmw DUSTIN. OILMAN A CO.. Hartford, t., liblcago, Hi., Umoiuii'iU, Ohio. age in tue World Ho n taint IS 1.i. ',ier. IS enrelone , g liin pea, p n hi. Per, '.emll, Satentya d meami'r,anl a pleo Dt J'wnlry, Ingle p.ekage with el.g.nt pI.J. n .mpt'd, 3 Ip. !ir.iula. tree. BRIOK A 00., T6.I aroku way, N. Y. SOMETHING NEW AGAIN; AT Win. U'YlliTN. EXCHANGE CORNER. FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY rrom Far in. The Latrat Thlogi Out In that line. A .large lot of CELLULOID CORAL SETS, AND NECKLACES. Anothtr Hands me Awrt oent of . TUCKING CO MIIS. 1 at. t Style of LI dun Uollan and C lift. oct.H " IS" O TI C fC . HEORirAKy's oFrrcE, ) Wi'mlr(rt'.n. Oolomhl A Angiit k Hi V tlmU'gton, N. U , Not 3 18 5- ) Tlhksixtu ANNUAL MEKTISG ot Iht Sckholi.ers of the Wilmington, Oo!tm,Ma Aogutaf R.Uroid ( omi"y bt bd at tbe ofloe of the Compan y, In I'mlngUm, on VTcd neaday.tbe 1'tb In-t, 3 W. THi)WP0!f, COAL AMD WOOD I We sell t low-.t iirtcs STR'ICTLY FOR C A 3 H 1 Pro1 U viy ,ma I and cai nol afford U glyeorellt. I KbWttoni.Wiac at,foot aforutaa -. otl 8 If JACOlllj AXC. 1875. 1075. FALL AND WINTER SEASON. Boat Assorted Stock iu the City no Opn at , 36 MARKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, Tbe Ctlttbratid Guiuet'a Uros Graius. COLORED SILKS, tie Latest Cloth Sbades.l ( R3DAL SILK POPLIJSTS. MERINOS, CASSIMEREi, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, And all tlis Latest Norclties in UD creoo BLACK ALPACAS, That jnsuitl Hpecialty wo have always many goous it is oniy a smau part or tue assortment.:' n o u r rj i r j c coo d s . Iu every variety. Will open on tbe 8th CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. MID2ST AND BOYS' WIS AR. Great Hosiery, Gloves Embroideries, STAPLE .'-AND UW Every thiiig is Cbeapsr than has-been una raon and Utylea STo. 36 MARKET STP.IGET. NOTICE. SEW HANUVKH llnUM Y-Haylng qnl IdVd a. admli.l.trator or the e.tate (if uh W. BriHi. on the With da. orimtuhar. HiS, notice la heiohr gi.an to all pertiM b.r. niu claim. aglnat tb. d.owlrnt. to r.h bit the .imeturuob AdmluiMritor on or bi fore the 3"th day ol Ootoher, 1.76. or thla notioe will be puto.i in oar 01 ttieir reco.orji JUWAAMil HAHNK",, oclBllawSw AdmlnUtr.tor JOHN D. BELLAMY, Jr., Attorney n Law, 1'hV.eou Market Street. nar NortheaatOorner .1 reror.ii street, WItMlNUlON.N 0 Will '.r.ctlre Iti all the Onurt.or the Sfa r . Prompt f.ulion glen tb t'ie collnonoa of Ialm. octs liniHKl AN OUTFIT FREE Wo w-int mini) one In eyrry roai ty to take order and deliver go Ma ,or tha old and orlgui- n. ...... iy. iiuupu. , are i.'aU wg, Nlil.n- d'd , haric m eiry n"i ihlmitriiod fui the right p rwnof el'hr ret, ynung or old. Samp a ow lia'a. clrcul.i. erm., etf., a romplrl oiittlt twnt fre and yon paid 8, nd for It at oncH an niae mocv kt nmr h.im-a. A ldrm. H.J M L Si 0i..( . X, HotMil fire I BaltK ni'ir'. !,o The Piedmont Press HICKORY, N. Cv t the only piper pi'il.h-d In (JatawLa cuiity, an'l U.-a eiten ire circui .lion among herrl'-nu. aimMr.ant all c!n,:eiit biml nia nirn in tlio nt.te rim Pun-, la a nT0 wlile-awiikrf liooiocralli. paper, ai.d inili-.lra Me in" Hum i.t a.t.eiili.Mg in wfa 111 North (laroiina t.itii'tnl tiirm a'1w, nn ) enrlj ad ?ei tt--trjtr,ti. ut.an: i.ituu S2 In bvki m. , Ad.lre-. MUK'iII.1,4 IOMMN.SON, Kddor.aiiii Froi.rletvrii. mr ! IOU.I.L IIHOKI T. wiLian M'laais . CaOKLY.fe MORRIS AUCTIONEERS, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS WILMINUTOt), N. 0. I IAN r SRES AT flEIttlALiESHOOVI V a plan of f.b.eclty,onaien!.rjie(tK.ai., Ulnnk MunL with lh. nmini,.,).. i.f... Id ''ipnity dM'lnotly ds ne I. A d lne,pa.t aad preeent.nl eye litbecltT. Any 'n'rrmatJoadafirad re'nl-ned ap p'.ntti'n. 1111, NATIONAL SALOON ! H viMi jt'sr rirrrn rp wr 8 A M P li E It O O M, In the 'l.',.t niodrn rtyln, 1 proIl0 to nn In on'inei tl n h rw ib a A RESTAURANr AND ClfiAR TOE. The form-r will be kept en tb EIT nPR N fl.A , " Brd g.ntlrmi:i .le'ttng me will -..,.. . A ...nU A.I l.l. . nk.....Al. riw.j. i u, in-.. ..u in. ,iiuii . m iet. Von -Hin.i.vatnrs, (tarn, and -viryihWg lhit:'he NortUern an I unr H itn. Markctalt. rdl I at a lb" ye 'Ian, in a few lay. the Ilii"l I. it of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CMS Kmr mr. ml ir1( (j Wi'mimtim. w.nm. , wf,, , , i,,d. Ir -peotfnll, ak a i a i:.reit ) iol.iti' p-tronag.. . L ' ... REUBEN JONESg , wl ln C23 cncrDrfl a sold so many i nd so low, that among so another Lot of those cheap Henrietta's Liue of White Goods. GOODS, 11101, ETC. known for years. We only require aoall will do tha sailing. i . . Poaltively No Postponement I A. FOBTXTNB : LEGALLY AUTHORIZED, KXAS GIFT CONCERT ASSOCIATION Of JJeiilion.Teiaa. will glrea . SECOND GRAND GIFT CONOF,, Hov 30th. 1871; DRAWING F0SIT1VL Or Money Refunded. First Capital Gift $5Q-$QQI Second Capital Gift 25.0001 Hoi dee Olit- iu p opurilon arouutlogm all U4 S250.000.00. Lowest Clfltt,a Whole Tlcfcpt, 8 Prion nf a Whole Ticket, S3, walob eontlebl if Bo i tionpotLi COUPON TICKETS, tl. Whtnli will entitle tbe huldnr 10 admlMlo- ti he Urai.d 0 m-rt, an. It join arid or ht tit gut ra aw.rdrd to Hit whole tlnke nnmiier. HeKn-lhle agrnt. wantiHl. Al' or J(' for ni'kul, Miit dlrei t rromu l. nio'. idiDtil r, Paiiora. ,iu hill partiou -Ant free - In wMlim. hi .me and '111" ynur narurt. t .g. 00 uuy an 1 it .1 in tun. Ordir. f ir tlo rt, amiuntl i to and up war .entC. .., If d.rt'ed. Andrew a.l ooniniiinli'.atiuii. and "make al fremiti anr I if money payable to A. . COLLINS, See-r. OentaoA, ' Hv- ROER TICKETS AT O A. the Drawing will poal'I'ely take plaerl No. 8'ito, 1KD. and outa auurt time now re malm, , . .., ", ,.0ME ENDORSEMENT I We, the nndn-aliued, eltlwn" o' Drnl on !,. rh-'T iiHy .lv our teatlm ny to thr iii. ornhl i and impartial tn ah eh the nnd , and O tt onoort or t'ie le.au O It onrwtt t.-o lation wa, ot duc'eil, and aa to he.etv ,atl.rart.iry m tnt erln wtiteb all the pled' nnd rroml-eanf fie Aeonltln wore oarne nnl: an t. lurthot d ma hetrtll. endnrw tbe Mrp-nid tlran l (lift to icert, to l.e gl.ot lorfm 'irrann, 'mo. . W 11 Winn. Mavor. Clt of nnnlHin: Al lermnn ,liid,e W Kuk, ' f Waltor I PTlug .1 W todya'd, W V Tll.t... W II Hom I Tavr. I. M .lolm-on; l-hn Nel , Whola -a Or, Gov!.; .1 H 1I11,, WIh.Io aeilroror; Kp'Ht'tn no., Wb .lale iii, ir; "am-tar wiiiih s'lla Wry Oi)hI: M i. lirun '.i.'ln A'liol"-.!" Iry Iriiota H.n J W Jennln. Ilh-O.f Itoatrr; lr .1) r-lld. THE 850,000 BONANZA SK Aaa T! CZ f lure t d 'n Wall O tO iJOU H r utorteiihai. 104 l'.rtii'i. fii'i 'H'tTn''. lit frre. Ad- irewa PENDLETON A RED, S3 Wall Streei, Nu Vj.k m FREE Ciciiiarhow I0 to $10 to .MM ln.j.ied in Mt. a Privilege-, ht. pa -t and will pay lr' l-itlf... Kttlioad Hlo-i, Oondu aiidUuhl tmurhtiin mirgl". I..iornrt f(in ilx .r rt-n .aliowdondop-nltn.uh e 't iJjUUi t i.tgli' rira't. b irkw.iter AO , Kinki-.ind broker, No. 10 W4I1 Ntreet, !. T. I O. UU. WOOD: AU Kinds ot A.h, Oak, Lig'lwwd, Ae., -, For aula by E. WEKOOTT, Agent At Ua WaJk.i Wawf, f no Vol Dook BUert. -1 t,yT ; .yjra fB'AarisK.K.vra, DON'T FOEGETII Are folly alive ami know that GOODS MUST BE BOLD LOW. We ara prepared to SELL AS CUEil' AS ANY HOUSE IK AMERICA. - " Give na a call and at for yonrsehes. Our spiipe is too "" ' smaJl to euatnerate every article. BJL A N FLANNELS, Iiaifit'a' and Gents' eud ChiMrens' Merino Under Vesta and Olovea. A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY HOOE DRESS GOODS. -A.n Kndlesa Variety. BLACK ALPACA "We lMako a Speoialtv. WAKE UP!! aiUNTs' l)ltlH MIIIUXN, lAltTIV MADE SIX FOR 6.00. Manafttotnred from WamsuttaOut'ouand 2,100 Liuen. Now Is your time to boy 1 SOA1I-L.IQT MliDlCATKD 1TX.ANN1CI.. oommended by evorv I'hvsioian for Rhenmatism. Bliaker Flannel for . Underwear. MaoLina fiwdlea Five Coats Each. Frank Leslie' O LTV IA.IIhl PiKXXJBWIVH. BROWN & llODDICK. 45 Uarket Street. VIM AT RETAIL I B. WEILL ! B. WEILL! B. WEILL 600DS AT PRICES' TO SUIT THE TIME8. ALL we ask IsVn examination of our stock. Wo feel autlsfled that that the public will be convinced of what we any, We give below a few prices: 1,000 vartls Black Alpacas :at 60 cent worth 62 evnta. 1,000 yards lllack Alpacas at 6.1 cenU worth 70 cents. . 1,000 yards Ulwk Alpucas at 07gV cents worth HO cent. ,000 pairs Ladlwi' Hose at 1 ooiits worth 80 cents. . 800 pair LiulkV Hose at 48 cents worth 60 cents. ' 600 pairs C'lilldrous' Hlrlptxl Hose at 81 cents worth 97 eenfs. 6(X) pairs C'hfl Ircuw' Htrlpcd Hose at 87 cents worth 43 oenta. 600 jiairs Child reus' titripod lloso at 62 cents worth 00 cents. We have on hand nmny other goods ' EQUALLY AS LOW, . TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, All of which wo will sell IFOaE'' AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION, VERY RESPECTFULLY, B, WEIIX, 32 lloith Front Street. oct 2 FURHITURE i FURUlTURe 1 WK OFKER FOB TUB FAU.TaAUI 0UE USPAL tAKQK AND 1NCBKA8ED STOCK How Patterns and Designs . O F - Iarlor, Cluml and Dining; Ttoom Ftwmltueo. ' ' AT IXTBEJUELY LOW PKlC'ES. CAHPETS AND OIL CLOTH AND MATTING latbisllneonr 'stwk'nilrafteaallortheNi'W ami leading Pattern, of BraSMla, Thrat-plf ; Huoere, Ootton and Hemp Oitrp"U All gride, oil Oluth and Matting. AlaoMata 4and Huga, of H autl:al Dsdgoe, Bedding. &o &o Hair. Mu M T TEKISES, FRTIIRH FKATHER t OO.MroWf ABL,K, u..i t,i. " Andutti w Botela. Steameriand PrlrateHealdinoeaf rnl.hed in tha Latent Btyl.a and atUw Prlo r IIJMV (ITV Oar tMU Mil"! IUI1 p. wtplStf Tue Carolina Honscliolil Magazine, AM ILLUSTRATED MONTH I.Yc . eholee Mteratura, will he Inned from lh loir. a,aoMa-.eaauBOrvioa oommenrlng with Jan nary, mm. The tlr.t number will b ready for milling by Ddceaibflr 16th, and the period, leal will be pahll.htd enh aaeceeding m.inth thareatter without Interrnntlon. No ad.aa- tire will tn negieotea jicn ettner tainnt or capital nan oomp.'"' o render aai hiamaan avritralile and . n.trui-tl.i. eomprndlno ol eniloe res Hog, by popular writers, both home ttsCv i ad rhe Carolina Houiebold Magazine will be a larms 28-page, Ighty-roui column mvintlily, ImndMBiely printed on tlnt.id book par and beautKully illu.traled it U a thoroughly ai.uttern rnterprier anil Mt.uooare 1. ........ . I'm 1 1 k ...... .t T! m . IW.llallMr IHMIJ to make It a ftrnt . H-r ui-mUiiy, that, onee In-1 trod need In fit. Uinlly clrole, la line be; a' tract l.e featnre. I h.Januiy rminbei will oontaln a ird'ke picture ot EX GOV. Z. B. VANCE, and blograpblctl akoh. to be Prtlowed la eaoh euoceedlng n-inilier with i liotiyreoha ol other protuliieulatat 'amen, dllna, dkr 011 T TV yjl,li.tliM A VKi'i and eanh .uhao.-l'mr vau ana ? elm Taaaa moit aaAtTTi.Oi.iLAKOa r ua alae of each 4 I i0 Inches, yit "The Pn .llng or the Na.'i.ur to th ' riopln," "The Mudun na." or" Ring Lar I)fviug the storm," lr wtrlvdon rmiidit f t'j enbanrltitlon prion E'lhi)' of t'ie r:ngtay .ngla worUt double the nrl -e aked for the Magaiine. 'D'lni one win ling a club of n. 111 r,. re t-1 an extra en1., notion tree., -"In, niplo '.0oeiitN fr. -e by mall. H i roin he eubcr r tlo", wl'h"iittho Ktigra.lng, 1. Asanta Wanted aTverywriere, ... VY y-w a(0jfl.wiw Su. AT RETAIL I ShucV. Eicelsior and Straw FKATHBH PII,l,OWH AND B'fliSTKIt Of TUKBCUT MATaHlAb Miiiiiifantnre. Oiwua uaiuta yuwaaMlua. a. surrHcp., t 43Front Street THH UA.LTlMOltia HOMCEOPATHIC PH4RUACY ; RRniOVRDon Heptember let to tha tpa'l on. wore at N 13. Wt.t Fayetta St, whore th l roprlf tor. will be pi. ae-l to ee their o'd. trl.nda and pa'rona A onnit lte atoek ef Pui ,n I KHahe ll-imoeopthlo Medicine, aa 1 bk Hnka. for Phntelana rd family Ufa, CO, -rt.i tl V ktd li .tuck, vd n per mall wnpl lyaile Ht.dt . dd' eiw H"K H IOK K A TAFKX, isr. Wen' K,vftt. wen t, Baltimore. t. mnm & co-s PURB UR'r beer, Jnet roclyad In lae from t, l.oudlrrct. Tha lollnwlng I. the re ..I. r h annlv.la m.Kle lit W. Conrad. j toy, Tor. , , Ot'NOLDSlON FHUM TUR ADA T ISO? THE QUAUTT. Tee qualify of thla beer, aa rhown b our aBil3lI,i.aiperi''r " pareee,aa a.eit tran.oue matter eonld he deteotrd. Ibel .rjo anvmntef aKiTaoaobtnce(mil, being oe Inetlraordln try great quanutL-a whloli, hy.. Ing beea roaated, gl.ee Iho owir thitt toiiltr fla.o- of fresh br.wll mktii'.a "erayery onrlhing and hl.hly r.comrtiont. h r"r nk for mettltiual parp-ai... Anmh r rind qnalitr of thll brer ia that k ee la USA e.ua.Uoa, under ail olroomMnnoea. . W. "KAn. Ohemlataof TT. R. l ahiftor. We' are the yho ele ag-nta and it ia for aaiaaleolothsaitibf ' ' , di.na Ha, Jaw, U- H.W. Htmoa, :, - A. 0. M. Piaaea. ADBJAN VOUAii . atl : ' ' .' r

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