'1 rt ' i ! 7 c tr ;;iL:!iGto!r tr. a, '..uCDimubiy. .hoveuber 10. 1075. VOL XXIV. KO. 321. If- ( i I - . ; . . t I NEWS IN GENERAL " Hartrantt's Majority - Shipwrecks Whiskey Frauds -Health Associa tion -Experts Asked For, c. QOLD 157-a , , TEN.NSHYAMA. Philadelphia. Not. 9 Hurtranft'a official mi-jority u 11,150. CALIFOSMA. , i i f Haw Fhakcisoo, Nov. 9. Henry L. Jelly, ow't, iurtivor-'ol the rit.amihip Paoiflo, floated on the pilot huo from 8:30 Thursday nipM t 10 o'clock ' Saturday rooming. Hia companion 'died from exposure .and wa cut lariat Dy Jelly. ,x ' i ' TI M1SS01KI. St lions. Not. 7. In the U. H DistriotCunrt yesterday, a putty jury wasaworn in. after wl'ieu, J. 11. Witt, against whom two indictment were pending for conspiracy egainet the fjovernmeut. and dtfrsndirig the liov ernmenL withdieW hia olea of not guilty, and eutttfed a plea of guilty to both indiotmeniM, rfjfl Oraud Jury maae a partial repoj, rytnruing mi dit tmentaagaitjet tWo partus' alreaily indiotvd. . . , , MABVUXJL ... ,t Baltim ;n. Nov. 9 The third an nnal meeting of te American Health Association ootirened to-tlay. ' Ue tween thirt? and forty members wpro preaent. The. Jntpdnctorj;; addreja waa delivered 17 Dr. lonor, presUeut of the Association. IA8SClir6ErT$. ' l i I r t.. ' t T 1 1 1 1 been reooived here'of tbfe anppoaed Idas of the brig J. W. Islpenoer, which Bailed from Navaasa Sept. 11th, bound to Charlentqn, B. O. Twenty-four hours after ahe failed the ternflo hur ricane commenced which -caused ao much damage, and it ia feired the brig was lost with all ou board. WASIHSCTOX. Washington, Not.; 9.p-The Govein ing Ommittee of the Waiihington Stock Exchange this afternoon adopt ed a resolution j IbaV hi view of Jthe opinion of the U. 8. Attorney-General concerning the 3-63 District bonds, that the United States ,thfmelve authorized the iaq ofj,tlie8e botidlto secure their own , Jebl they shall hereafter be reoxigniaed ;afld. rfasaod in oil tranaaotiona of the , Exchange , aa bonds of the United States. . ' Alonzo Ball, of 'New York; bus been appointed ObjeJ Cltrk of the Interior Department. ,,,.,,,. : ;" . TEXAS. . -GALvas-roN, Nov. 9,-The pity of Ww arrived hwe- yMerday from !New York, and ,anonared outride wh the flet of veawls a( 1, p m. ,, ,8 ior.Uy after she was diwvered to bo on fir, the paasengers and crew being Oom gelled to take to open" brntts to save their lives. F O R B I d- NJ i. London, Nov.,9.BeP6rtw MnfltW the dispatch to the effect that the Egyptian Gomnrueintf tiM applied to England for two experts to examine into and arrange, its) flpaupes. j ;;-4 i) ' " . ' ITALY " ' ' . ' Bomb, "Nov. 4Jty'iiiAu&'-Am'- baasador'in thiHity haa bin sum moned to Constantinople to ippiimo there the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He favors the reforms recommended by Russia, Austria and " North. Ger many. ,VJi.i.L Reoently the piarw Esponol save publication to theat&(emcnY that the note has been dispatched from, the Vutt'oan to Bpain 'insisting npon the execution of the Concordat;, attributing the civic war. la -religions tolerance, ' and demanding "that the Bishop of . Urgel be tried by Eoclf eiafttical judges; Bell lt Kiodiof GENTSCLOTHINan Uertlajt Tailw.lfs. Tr7 CI1 n1 t'lers butwoen Purcill nd Oianl DAW SOU BANK. A'C a mating of Ike B rd or Director, rr:dy. Nx1 'Htnl Honul diTlarxl of 4 p Trent M foUHd from ba prytlwol UiUBn, uvlj! ou dem-.nl. , no'10-lt fi'-i'.tn tiMbM.-' URAX6ES : OHAXtiES. 1 0,000 H ANAN A OiUMCKS - ForBalsfcr r..... - v KCXE PAICER BSCS. ' 1ST o tic e. Ar tt.c r nfi of ihf V.'okn'i. Th "ty. I UN .. hln th fbf d v l e Ag rloti.tiral Vulr mw Ib p g"-, wi.l b ucd u b d.y tT the HviMof tM eity. Uahr Hank 0lj' OTr. ". WALK'V. C 1" Fe 'Hi.-l Bank. WM LV K . in.'! t'.hrK -yn H-Mik. IIORm- BLANKETS, Lap-Rnbes, sVddlpa, Harness Travel-Ititj-Bas. bale hf Is, Khan I-Straps. I'raiher Dusters." Kaddlf-t lotha. Blind llrlrtt. t;m h-Hnmls. rnllara. llames. 1 Leather, SaddUrj Dardnare, ,rjXHo rnr gi1 low m 'il I rv n m-yui 1 1 u V thP.VIKHrt 4 I AM) HARDWARE', lr-0 mil: Agrloulturel linf eebanteaf Implements. American nrQ; Inptleh Pocket and Table Cutlery, Guns. Rifles, POWDKIl, MIOT. Sio. Wtill'fc'ot .ml 'in wh1 '' Wny r't our tftdfi d iirVl' '4 :. a id to tti p. rt r it'.t gfti m- n oltr. , NATHINIFL JACCBI'J, H'KHW.kbE t'KPt'T. THt i jACoin 1 is -. r AXE. Rims, Hubs, Spokes, Springs, Axles Bolts Trimminrs, Ac. A I 'ill 'Mur niAiit Otrrlir- arid Wsgon M'etlni oi rvfry rt-no'lutluiv , AIL rd.ir f rom;i'l fl! rrt nd t'.fi t on go-.r ntri. aitTuvwiri urnant ' lift (UN1 hD'A.a UHl-OPJt SASH ! DOORS ! ! BLfXDS ! ! ! Atf te ry Prlc .. WI H'i. mu'la tl'Vn r. .- 1 ird r filled for Kl.,N mni-, to. .. PAINTi, OILS, GLASS, VARNISH, - NATHANIEL JACODI'3 . 1 HABPWAEE PEPQTJ1 wqjji:hWiiEXh?U'.. rro nit Pure White Lead. Soiled and Raw Linseed Oil. CJass at Wholesale and Retail. For le looby W ' C?0- A PECK- GEO. . MYERS, ' 11 and 13 S. FROST ST. litZi e i Alt aw.'diriAuVftiij . . F A I R VV E IS K AtEDlteED PfliCES , f OR ICASff anbcji.:ixiili3ib1 lis s ' 1. PUO VISIONS, "WIJN Ki. -.r,i"if ' a -i i ' COFFEES, I tV-' s SPICES, , -, .- , 1. W ; - vBED ipptEs, 0BAXGES; i v.. ! : - LEMONS, ' ... : -u-:,k-w raisins: All Tartotlas of Nottj . t.i - CrIVK 1 XTS ."A. ' CALI,. --Wtnnifnfii' TB'T'titflt. tgfther wllh ALL PAMILV SUPPLIES alia t; i - t )-'-. .i'ti'! 1 Wi W t re Ktnoll. and will Mil t t , FNtfel Atlt LOW PRICES rOS CA&H. Oar Prandtfhr Flmr Are r frtitM la. fi'ns, M"nour'Tr F.ronlre, hull ire Ettre, Ah id nd I wer (;r BUTTERn AND CHEE3Ei '4 fid A lArge SWi'k il Variety of Fancy Gooda kGEORGEvKEBS:1 11413 SOU tH FRONT ST. , ' no?7 , . . . . , n BEST STOCK. LbWttSTPRiiaiEI :') '.. FOR -. BLAUK BOOKS, PAPERI . ENVELOPES ! awl ALL OTHER .SfAUqRY, Aim SCHOOL BOOKS, Anf . FA N C Y O O OD S E. MANM, Bookseller and Stationer, HT. NOmn FUONI T. GUN3 AND PISTOLSj ALA' OB AND.WH,I.I,OHTKIHtori 01 O'ine, 1'iiih -ingie and Doub e Harrl, mi.i Hre-cti and MubiU) Lo.dern, la On hind. Alai, a large u.-oiimet of t'l"Jnor all kindf. Ail aD'iva lor n low Sjurne by GILtSr&MURCHISON, O 131 TFlour and Meal. Nt) MIXKO FBBD. Oar-load i fi oiiort notice. Urn bought at th ' ' 7 ... market jrlce. AddreM, .j ' - 'JABtOTT C1TT HILL. X . ' fVlorre.N : oa tf For Rent.' ; 0 .u THB entire property now oflWiplrfd hfO 'O'.' Pri'xjiA I'u . uuihra'lnd wharf, nfflVe a 'id naai a'o e and mil r'd. k)ot"doi South Water Ntroet. For one or two yeara. Term nude-eaey. Ipptyto ' '. - j. a. -Walker, , 013 E.til. EiikAuTil L k..jjnnct ISTHK PLAOKTO BUT AX5, of t tin.1 Urlu4 khKIW, ' ut . H r, I w J Air, Kil(. tUng r arwn, M, knl., Trfct-tiirve, etc , l th I ot't tigwl ittaeit,. Jit( DJWfOS. xotioe .r K BKTAMT'M FFIPK, Wllmiitfr ''(o R.llrwl y'rl , vi;mlntOB, N O, .nov. 1. It,- ' ' UT! T1I ANNUAL VEKTla of Kllrt.,l (-qmpnT wlt tv halt t Um rffln of lhCimfnt In WUminftoa, on W1mUj, b iTih In t J. HOWP l!t, i i noT4'4 ' Rr'tairT. 80MTHI NEV AG4lf?i Win. FYlE'rU, EXCHANGE CORNER. I . FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRT f . - ' " rrom I aria, i' The LatMt Thlnji oat In that liae. A. ' large ...... . lot of , . -' ,1,, i- CELLULOID CORAL SETS : AND NECKLACES. . t . ', Anothff Haodmae AemrtnieM f ' TUQKlNG CO MllW, lt.t Style of Uoep Oellne and Cta tlK " OlMI it i SBOKETAHV'N orrioE. ) . . WIlBlnBt m, iVdombla A Anfl K. R.V, loi iigtWi-rliO .Not.Sl. lata' 1 J T; , .. 1 . m ..:i.t ,.t ;i HK SIXTH ANNUAL MEK1INO of (he , i ., ,. ... 1 .... . Stockholder! of the Wilmington, Columbia ft Aaaaita halUoad Compact will be held at the , T . 1 (. .. .... . t i ' ' ' ' ftfj?e; Of the Company, In ,l'lnten. Wad- needay , the lTth I-? I j . .1 J,W.mOMPSQN. . f..4 t! ! - ! -IWrterT" COAL AND WOOD I weiell at lotrattjricoa " 1 STRldiTL Y" FOR' CASH Profl' laverylinaU and tl cannot afford tn gl.e credit , , . . .1 . , . O. d.FilULtY AYOo,' New I-atlen S, Watet. St., foot ufurOK. , 1 oct 18 tf i rs- H u izTsp 12. WE have added to, our J let or Brat-clat Companlee . LucasttrIis. Cg if Hfkff., Wfi 1 ASSETS $10,000,000! Laneartlre Intaraoce Company, of Fngland. Mag.r I " , .., , , , , ,New V'k Aliautie ' V , ! V . f new ir Petertburc BaVinc a A In,. CO. Petert-b'g. FanyUball! " ". Beaton WK ere prepared to eerry any line offered - ua.and weconflileit'yeiiects.kaMwf the pa'ronageV pur friend. i , 'Mr, Haiuual T.nrtnrop afd ."r. v. a. nouia. on have entire charge o' tbla ufllce. v liii'j unDYUDnD t, riiiaaiiiQe. , nuni aaupjar aiaiiafi. nov9 2t 1 ' "' tt. V.. .lUNKH A 'CO.. nf Ooldnboro. .WH avs oa.' wliMMSai at theVafr r ioe of 1 Open and Toa f MlW"hf5.w!n WJ For Salt. no9-St 1 llwe them an etamlnatlon. It 1 1 : 5HACKSip.piLILJDIi 200 Barrels Eariy Rose FoUiocs. i p .Barrels Dried Apples? 1 1 f-u ; FcjrtJale Cow by .. ,1 1 i. inford,:grow a go. , CO J JON YARNS AT f LOWEST MARKET. - nu.i ' ' . PREMIUMS JDIVEn' AWAY All n want, who havb cRFriT erpiolally Cask, are solicited as pnrchaaert tor the plea.arra ol the mlndjinjMfaptnee to ettry honMhold. Teace to every one', -Fiance, Urgana, M tAi, Cbromoa and Liter at ire. Tour radlu matter baa airlTeJ.call ud Scca'a4t. Reading matter the latent, collected lonail parti-tiiennaTal waya for eale at ''' yro.) . .HEiNSBEEGBR'arJ' UV BOOK AND MTjmC 0DORa . t -it.-.; i' 1 t t - 'T tit K '' BUCKWHEAT!! New Crop With Trimmings. S'JNEaJ TABLESYRTJP. NEW CROP N. 0; MOUSSES ! 1 Boid in WilmingcoiL ' ' f ELtCANT TABLE BUTTER F O II T YJ " O E f S ; .-.) it..i 1 NEW CROP TI6V .CKI.TAS 3itTi KUTS. OBAJifiES, ' ruAvn 1 UftaUiiB. ; illlllS !v BUGGIIiS ! J. If. Cll AiAiS a JtF., I m w wrm A 1 AflD . Viir o .in j i t ' r fT I5"8' f-i80rtf Stock i . n 11 ( l.l' . . : 36 'IwdrAttllET STREET, ' BliAGK SILKS, 1 l.t.a xi .Tbt Celebrated Guiaet Groa Grains. COLORED SILiKS; t Ulthe Latest r1,'; i?,i3AX sitK poplins. ; HER1K0S, CASSIMEREV SERGES, APJOHAIRIILACBp . .'. ii .1 ... " 1 :. . ' ; ; ; Wud all the Latest NoveltiM.it f O .JBLKCK ALPAOAS, That uaual Specialty w haVe always many gooutft Is only a small part of the aaaortmt ut. ! IV- q jj r in n c c o o d s ; In every variety. Will open 00 the 8 h I VV t 'M ;o:- Hi MtelST AND BOYS' "WEAilRv 1 .,1 1 1 1 Uxl . Great Hosier, U..i (rlnvflej AJAAAaA UlUvi Av9f jiiTiua 3 Jiir I ID MM ii IS l..4 t! . Every thing is Cheaper than has been in trice and styles qo i'i?:i ' ! J.. . . '"I'l'l NOTIGE.:; TEW HANOVEB CdUSTT-Haylng auai n Iflod aa aduilalalrauu- of the eatale ot J' aeKli W. Barilla, on the W lh day of October, 1STB, fibtlce la kfirby glran tn ell parauna hay. usciuna againtt the decedent, to rah bit the laAc tosfiicti Admlnltra,tqr 4n or before I he 3otJi da 7 tit uptHbw, vc tbU aeUee wl piacedi i bar of itielr reooer. I ilUUA AbA BARNrS, OC18I law r admlnlitrator D. BELLAMYIJr., A,to oyiB . .., Law(i Offloeon llarktt 'tet, noar'Northeaat Oof er f r " "I . Beoond Btree', Wilt aeeeie in all lh Oouttaof the Rta a. r-roulpl utmntjon glteu to tue coilecilon nf olalme. - otitS ltn"Ni - t " 1 1 1 j i.i i r Ah outfit free We want name obe la mi) cou ty to take drdere and deliver gooila.or themdiud otlgia al U. O. I). Heuaa. 1 arm Caah .,. !".. did I'haAce In efery net; kborboed or the right 1 e H. J. HAi LfJCo.,6' n, Howard ftrort, UalU- The Piedmont Presa , U HICKORY, N. C , ;u')f')T Is the nl purer pibllfhad In Catawba oounty, n-i iiaasaeiteninA'iiiilriioiaDMlig Alercriantei.Vaimni, and all rlMtaor bunl nen ru ill IbeXtatH ;a' l a live, w1ewakeiiemdnratia iir, and ladealra- ' ble ni dipm 'Jr adeitilng in Wee'rn Morib Qaroiina. Liberal terma ailowe on yearly ad vertiaraMttta. , Suliaoi iptlon 2 In e-tm ee. Addrera . MUHHILLA ru.MLINSON. ' dltnrant Proprletora, T .mareb.Vl-S ri ft. I' ioBeL oaokty. Vif.ae mikbis cnoaLYowis AUCTIONEERS. STOCK AND REAL CSTATE6R9RERV ; -;; t.ik.jMlM.Tiji..;vll4 a.Ttl n f (UN BF.DKRN AT rHKirtrtAI.ES WHItl . 1 fc pian of (tie city, on at) enlarged aA't. " BNtik BikA Sttb the wundarloiiof eT'iry lni4jotty.Jii.ljict!jrdBtlnW. ' AwMfed?alae,pat auO preaent. of era iejth-oityV T - , ' ' - n -nrnrnatumoxaired nurnltbed ap ptittiiMi.-i j NATIONAL SALOON ! HiTii.rj .iJjst Firrtcn rpMT ' " ' tn the" lai prndern ttle, I frriAe to rin a i.i.,- connectl'n ih rew th a - -a "' : 1 -1 1 ! . " ' A RESTAURANT AND CI3ARJT05E, The former "will be Jtsjit en the rECBOPEAN . and gxiitleinen elaittng me wijl ' rlwnya be tiirnlalied wltb the cbe,iit . aieula, Verileiin,ltera, Uaror, andi , ' - eterythipg ' lht' the Morthera , nl our Home Markftair rda ' ' " lalia!lbrelaoju a low; . ... . - '-dayetlif lnetloter ) ifceriT?re4 f)ir aaio In Wilmington. My anm j lii-in MHtnii.t wtb U Oi-pM liquor And 1 nfcwf n'narnae - ' I j . IHirenn oi eueer eea, young or out. Bampl e new Hera, elrniiUra, Urm, ete.r complete out t an, t free end poet paid' Bead for It at oncan1 nmba bmjuv ktcnui bt.nua.ii Aiidr. 1075. - TER GEASOfJ. ia the City now Open at Cloth Shade, 1 V.V'-iV") -t 'Hi . if t . !.? I t .... .i sold ao many and so low, that among so another Lot of those oheap Henrietta's Line of I i X A .VJ ;'. Whfte Goods, J3 GOODS, NOTION ETC. 1 . . known for yeara. " We only require a call will ao uie selling. . - 1 ' ' ' .) il n.tl f! .jL-q. ..'.i'i.JL'-SlH. saa Positively Nt. - P';itpoDement I SZLEOALLY AUTHORIZED.! fTKXAS CIFK COXCEET ASS9CIATMJ Of UeiiUow, Teaae, wilt fire a ' SECOND ' ' ' QimrrrorfTfNCTjiiT', Hov Si)th. im DitiwiNU romvi , Or MoneyiRefunded. leoonapiSVi'ftlu"- ieedea Oia-iu pioporildB eg-ountlng m all to C25O,00Oa0O. LowatCltoVlct,! price or a Whole Ticket, an. whlcB couelati fit are, si .onioe,. t " -.- ; ' r n r ;j i COUPON TICKETS, l. WTiteh wilt entitle the bWdar re admiNrioej ti ibeUrau D' licert, and t on. fllih ur hl l.mr eiitm iy 'is awantcd te me whole lloke Liomber, KnsriflnAliile eeenre wantMi. All ordeia far tti ketn aent direct' prompt,!) Clroul r, r;iere, etn., ginog rail nart'eu .ra. annt frre. ' In writing, He rare irnd algi ynnr name, Lnrn. noiinty and St tiln (nil, Drdere for tlnx-tt arrtinntlng to M and op a. i.llll II llilxl'hl - AddreMA'1 oommiwiaallrtii and make' all freaiHtanoi a of money parable to A. R. COLLINS, Sn'v. OtnUoa, Tt rw; ROER TICKETS ATO ' V Aathe Drawing wMl podfl ely take rfaH no I'MD. l!UD. ana out a auort time now re ma.na. ' i ' 1 .OUt ENDORSEMENT! We. the nude: al rned, vltlaena o' I enl on Teaaa. eheertnllv elv" our ter!m"nv tu thJ flioniirahl' and impartial In ah fh the Vrid i) and Out . lonevrt of the i'eia U Uronceili Aaoi lattou w emd noted, and aa tn 'he verjl .atlaratory manser la which all the pled(er ann promi-wenr 're awxioi'iion were crn. ml; en'i. fur'hei di Di'nt heutllT ei dm. 'he nroond Oran.l Olfl Concert, tn be glren VoTimtv-rS'ilh, 1KB. W H Winn, Maor, Cltr of Denleonj Al lermen ,lid W n Kirk, w Waiter.MliJ il Loving. ,) W HHlyaid, W A Tltilia, W II Ho.. I () Taylor I M .Ibhuaon; John Noln, Wl.ole t.in llri Oai1.; .1 H Itni, Whnleaa'aUrnoer Ki)ratin Hfw.. w n e m i.kj nir iv WbnKeale lrr OOVM J11 Grin ''air WholfMile Prr Onode H-n J W Jennlnta !(W.T Dert r: tr .1 1 Fetid. THE1 050,000 BONANZA Of- x f CZ f Invent d n Wl O TO jO Vl afreet often kada lo a f,'r"i. '"'I i'f'il nt-r-e Ad- tre PENDLETON A READ, 0 Wall Street, frit Y.iik i i, ,.. .. . Cnftll torf? FXPLtNATORV e1(t ft Ofiltl rriDD CiroelaehewSiata plU ' 10 SVid.1 Inaeaied in Ht k Priflli-gea, baa paid and will pay Larue Proflta, Hatl'oad IJtocke, Piiirt. and liuld bought on margin Intereat 4? C fill Hla ima eear.al'ewMtondApoaltaiubJect tpJUu. toalgbtdralt. Il nek waiter St U., Bap kere and ririSer, No. 1 JVall rltreet, H. T. P.O. U'7. WOOD: - - I 1 . .1 ' ,. . , ift ktndi.ol Aah, Oaa, tig twood, c A., Tor tele by ; K. WE300TT, Agent. At the Walker vTsexf, tv of Deck Straw. ' ,V Jl - DON'T FOEGETI! 0 Are fully alive and know that GOOD MUST BE SOLD LOW. - We are prepared to. bELL AS CHEAP AS ANY HOUSE IN AMERICA. . i Give ua a call and aea for yourselves. Our space is too t . . small to enumerate every arUole. ' Ladies' and aTOU' andiChnveni' erin A LARGE STOCltOFFAnCY ilGE 1 .1.1! DRESS GrOODS. ; ; An Endless Variety. I BTACK 1, ii .'..,-WoM;akaSpeolaltv-: 'r HI , : , l OKJSTH. nYUM NlilllT, PAUTWtt" HADE s i : p o r 6 , 0 0. . Manufaotnred from Wamautta Cotton and 2,100 Ltnen. 'Now la your time to buy .-. ; , ,t ... ;4. " - 1 1. .' ', . SOAHL15T Mli:IOAT12pI?'i,AlSNIL. r 1 eeommendad by svsrv rtiyaloian' for Rbertroatism, Shaker Flannel for Underwear. Machine Nendles Five Oenti Each. Frank Leslies' an ;BE0WH & K0DDICKr45 naTketr Street. liuiiA ..1- L,.1,....1. 1 . .' '..'ll.! ..-.t!.J. AT RETAIL I i .. ... ; .) !.. 'I li , -ti , ii a 600 ds At; pS ; I:: l: r'" '"-uoi'lMtvi i-a JuJ.v.' n.ioK-U -iIva.l t,'. '''- .' ALL We ask atl exArniniiUon of Mir 'sUitfci 1 We. fwt autlhfliM tbatthat ' Urn publio will be ooiivlticed of what we say, I Weve, below a few tirioea " 1 l,0dOvardsBlack.Alpuos at 60mita worth -BtwiuiJ? V'""1, ' " a " ,.J,WtJywiJe JtlackAlpuoas at 68 cunt Worth W ent ' ."" !'" " ,( ' J i.ianjyaraa LiLaoli .AlpneMnt U7 oeuta wortu)ctm ,(., ! hn'm (" ttHtpuJwJdUV IliieetaioeitU worth DUcenlH, , , 8(H) pijra LadlesMior at 4 ctu.u worth Wc-nW.",,t i Ij " 1 600 jMiira Chlldruua' HfrlwU Jloae at ill eenU worth l!7, beritar' " " ! 000 jiali-s CUII iruiH h ipod ll(ieat.H7i ceuts wortlH.) ot'ut. , '! T MUfpalra CjiUua'.trpe IIow at 62 cents worth OficonU. (,. I 1.1 t '' ' 5 1' "i' ,, H ,,K., ,,s 1 II ;.. . We have ori hnnd I TOO NUMEROUS .'" ' i All of wliicli ..i .i ... : '., -.. 'j , l-!: f ill.,- . 111.) K ' AT PHICIS THAT DEFY COMPtTmON; ' V , VERY EESTECTFULLY, .''. IB, WEILL, 32 ht 2 PURriiTUREPUiiiniTURii-1 lit yjBTTlU FOB TBI FALtiTM A D t OTJ B TJ T AL LABQ AJIp SCUKAStU STUCK Hew Patterns and Designs, ; '; :( 1 :itilor, Clin ruber nud Dlnljijf- iToom FtUraAltulro. i ' ' '"AT JtXTt?ttLt'tOWliC. !. o' - " '"' " ' CAKPETS AxND OIL ; CLOTH AAJJ MAITIaV In tbla line snr Ntnuk embraeaeall of the Bew and .leellnj Patterne of Bruawla, Three-ply !, , aipera, Cotton and Hemp Oarpnta-,AU grwlee m loth and Matting. Alao Mate iand K Jg , of H autlmlDeilgna, , ; L , i i , Bedding. j&o. 'o Hair Mia MATTBBUStS, FKATIIKU9.Flta.THKB i i 1 1 vuuruniaiiaaiaOia ii'i . A ad oui KbUnomlfi wn Hotela, Bteamera and Private BiwhUnomifi rn'ahed In the Liteat Style and at Lew Prlo Pleeeeglre uaoailaadet imlneour Stiek before pu'cboelng. ' P. aepWtf :- tub Carolina Hoiiscnolfl MaiazinG, ' AH II.UVSTRATRD MONTrtLVc . tbotot Lttnraiire, wilt be leaned from lh tOLoe- auao Mfiftaaat Uvvios commencing wth danuarv. 115. Tin- flrat numbrr will b readt for mailing by December loth, and the perloif. Iral will be irtiblmhfd each auccetdlng Dmntti tbereafter wlihont Ititerrkidton, Jlo tn l.n. will K nnvlArlAtl iriah rttane Ijttrd'l in capltiil can ocnrer l j tfndfr e Vj tejas as agreeable and innrnoiiyt cominlium of coulee reading, by popular wrltera, both bom atdni'-raa. rhe Carolina Household Hagaxitt will be a lar.e Sr-iege,: 4Vbty-nnt mrAinin monthly, handwmcly tirvad. ra tlotid book laner and neautirullr tllnatrated. It la a horoaghly eonlt em entorprlee t aaccei If already fallar enenrnt. t erulllitier mean, to make It a Brt-p!aa! mnntiilv. thai. onc In troduoed lo the ('.imiiy ,clr"le, . la aine ( b, eagerly watchtd f n and curerul'y preeeryed. Ha"POKTWAlT OAL1.EKT" wllliroyean Ur active tna'.nre. i lie January nnmbor will rnntaln s Ule-like pketure of . ' ? EX-GOV. Z. B. VANCE, and MograplMcal akoteh, In be followed In each n.!e'IIg nmli'ir witn pliotoirrauba el other pron.ltieat etateemen, dmnea. Ac ; j ; ""T ONLY TWO OOl-LAhS A TCAK . , and fans, ulwerlbnr ran malia a nhidcA Tsaia amT AnTivrL.tahoa fwur.jvieoa. ateeof each tl a it Innhea, via: "The Fir. ling of the Maxnnrln the I'eniplo.'' "1 he M t v- nB.nov,K"igLeAr i).-r'iie- uie-Miarm," i.r. warded on rrxwlpt or tie elia'rlptt..n p' Either of the Engrevlng. la wor'b doolile1 price aak'il for the Mignalne. tar nvnneaen1lnalqb Of Ifi'wIHrV eelane,'a'it'i -lyti m Iree. riio..eoopMt SO eanta, free by mall. Sli oon' eubeer.p. Uoa, wiibuntthe Fnifravlng, l. j. . , , . ... alUWUS aVatOMTa, fmiMiriiliiJ ArAJf.K.Vr; Iwy si M It I ..1 I il t I AT HETAIL I .'l.i.. w 'j IIMJ '.11 I maiiy otfier goods j- ' , , , TO MENTION, we i will sell :.itr.i : 1 Hoith Front Street. BhttoVi" Eicelsior and Straw' I)t FKavrtfta PILLOW ANfJ B0L1TB8 1 ur iqubiioi (laiaaMu, Manatactuxe A. smTEcd- M '. I btreet XHK UAI.XIAl01Iia - H O M GZ O P AT H I 6 PHAHHACY gtE.'TinvR on aVptenibrr let to the arjarl- fi.iwtore at M '. LU Wwt Karatt wt waer tlujl rcifdtrtr will be plab to era their o'd Trlehn ni iie'rona . A crmalrte etook or Pure an t Hedahie Hoinoeop-ttblcredlolnef aa ae'l aa Rimka, for Phyatciana a K.I farally UK, Co -etttotly kept tUiHtock. OriUjia jier matt jirvmi I atlondi d t... Addreaa B' f x II 'KK A TAl"m , .1S1 Vee Faaelti'MlriAA llililiBora. ..v. i E. ANH'JES.R A CQ' PUKE lager beer, J oat received tn. toe from' , ' dt, Lubindlrect. The lollowing l there;; rult.W.liie analyale made 'by W1.' V.' Conrad, Cheidlrtuf the Umtrfl Staiei Airal t.aboia ' tory, New Voik.. j a nil :! ' " '",;! U'lNCLtTHION FROM TBK 'AMA fJSOf " ' "'tHK. QTAWTf. h.'v i iiit in !-. T .e qnall y of Uila bw, .aa ahowa b our aBiliaK l iertir by ite ji'irone. nan tTn9ut RMttcr rou'd he dl'tdj -I he lx,r 1 km nnt ot emraot eunxtajire (n ill betn od i., tn extraordlntry great t nan ! whlnh, hnv. Ing been rotated, gtvee the iietrt tVUi i-oiiia -r ; i Bavo' of freh bee ad) 'innkaa th a "AiMt , BO-rl'hiiig and blahly, r.ooieoimitib . .'r i.k fof medlf"al mriioe-a. Ano'h t ithhI nnality of th barrel tbt H k,-iepetla geodf OHU Iilioq nrraer ai' nrenrnttancte. f 'alj i;as Wl. rhemla'tei r. . v; II UiV rj i ', Wet ra the fboWie agrbti, and it is toe aaisaievln the city bv 'pi'ir 1 1 Joiia- WaA. .la,, .. i 'i a r 1C! ; 'ACSJAfit A VoUtKei A. 0. H, K'wireii, i V A Mil X'4 I, 1 ) Oil j!' :'l ,i I i, v I f ' ! : in ! i ; i- i tt i , 1 1 1 I I ' till' I.!- 11-1 1 i -fiaUti ,3a3 sap f Saad T MOUTH FBUNf it.' sV J puv; , j 4iMA.. II M it"1 .U.I I t l.tf i , 1. .,.( WW Mll i.W im A ba tail .tnaw u,.i ....-d.l 1 .i;J.i.m in. r 'i i.'iil I. -II .! ail P I