I '0 VOL HIV,. 170. 323 UILHIIiGrON IT. C.. THURSDAY. 1I0VEUBER 11. 1875. WHOLE IIt 7X3D r 1 ' ) i I i i r s 1 .'i ! ' i j 111! I A fit Baito jioiminl' O.Y TELEGRAPH. NEWS IN GENERAL Lost of the at; wf Wco-Election -SuIcUc-TtwPrtsldfit WHsob III -Protestant Ifbeopal f onjrcsi. GOLD 15 7-8. bt tkhoeaph to thb JOCRNAL. J ims.? i Galvjston, ; No. 10. The irapres ion it now gaining ground that not a out w saved from the Uitjrof Waoo. Two Yestels aia setrnhiaff for the boats of the Wac Indioations thon that the fire waa between decks. The theory of nope ii that the paewnarTs aud crew may bat- Ift the wels b'- lore the flames lighted the decks aud became visible.. v MISSOURI. 8t. Loti?, Nov. 10. Retornn from sixty eoon i.a give 50,000 majority in favor of th new Ootitutiou. FIWIOEK. NbwTobx, Notv 10. Mingee Roane, very beautiful woman of Southern birth, aged 22, eommitted sniride laat evening at 180 Fifth Avenue whore she had bt-en living w'tb a wejltby ronng mnrobaut named Tboe. Whi'more. WASniXGTOX. WAMflNOToNj Nov. 10. Vioo-Preai-dent Wilson, mot taken suddenly ill at his room in the Capitol this morning His friends had wrions apprehension, but at 12 o'clock, be was better aud was removed to 'bis room, " .. Mar XL O. Hodgoa is relieved by Maj: LaddiDgton of thej dutiei con nected with ti e settlement of indebted ness of Southern railroads, designated as the disbursing agent to wb m all payments on accounts of Buoh indebted ness sball be made. Tioe President Wilson is luuoh bet- from base of brain down the right arm. The attack occurred immediately after leaving a quite hot bath. PE5X.7lAKIA. . PhtxiADKlphia.Nov. 10. TheChurou Congress of ,the Protestant Episoopal Churoh in the United States, re-assembled bere to-day. Papers on the best methods of procuring and preparing candidates for the ministry was read by Rev. N. H. Schenck. ' - KANSAS. ' 11 ' ' ' - - Foot Scott, Nov.,ia-W. J. Pbil pot, night operator here, was found bound and gagged with telegraph wire and the office robbed of $126. He has sinoe confessed that he did the bind ing and gagging himself. He has since restored the money aud is now in jail. . . - tri'i :.;.v ' ' Attention WilmiiEloTtelil Infantry, YOU ABB OBDKKtD TO APPKaR AT yoor A i not t tb moinlnit it SoM iclr, t.iup, In fall BDiloim. bj ordi r ol (jnitvm J. 1 WoKr.E, ttotlO-lt !r.tHergnt. A CARD . Tilt SUBI)K1BB rRoNOONOB THE t po t pat a eirrult'on tv J. B Gsun, to l ra'Biod, ti: mlrl tadlni the Inno cent to d ) wrong, and eccou iglrc iM.ii avt-U 1A.K. H1LLIKEN. YOOB attention la calM o th t tj large andwel aaortMl irtock ol Hardaaie ol d.dit dworlp'km, )ll and rxunt-Mi gntfdo and lirlou.. Voa wllltlien b'o nrlnntd ih-t tint pliHM to buy your Hardware l at Ue old Hiid- Wa'H0BM0f M"(N DAWSON, fryi Not 13. Jnd2l Market H true t. NOTICE. EXa)R!I'NTl' PBTS T TH CAP Fear Fi Irtetd a tb Wilnlngion, . olum la Aa,i ta and wiiminxton A w el- don Kallroai. UI ba g i 41 rur rtt ira tMige VP to nd tucudig Mondiy, Not. '5"i, 1075. -v A.JOFK, - , , x -X .r'.: Jf. T A TPOE-KTOlSr. VRRTdtrnbtXia. Ho? -id Vitluab'. I an '. a k'.nt and for dat'. 1 "t i'l . tw f om One fou ta to t wet,ty Acn a. Term. libera', appyio -.- Ii h POI K. not 10 ltw i i - i Polkton, S. 0. t FOB FAIR WEEK- A K ' HWBRT flTBPB WPPK IS THB spot, aed ail ordera flHed 4 thorn li g price or , thf dav fhy are rarelTrt, thni glTliiK enMom-1 tag thry would hare If present. 'SfflM'Eiiili-'flliisJS Boxes, . Dr. g'tlted Meat , rhnuldera, Bftlllri and Bao'a Ham In Tlfro-i or 8mil Paeitagei' BRE AEFAST STRIFES. Mret Pork, VtrJp trod Meal, Flub, A aoker-e,-sla, warring., o. ' BUQA.R, , COFFEE,?? SALT, Molaebf airi.ade. 3 . ' SYRUP AIL KINDS, " , Flour of all Qiailtie..' . , - And ort fire b a dud article if tne FANCY GROCERIES, . Callrord'r frora D, corner of Dock and Iron- atreete, wumingt a, j. u. botIH ; A!KIAN ..jLtKE 0U1I3 AlID PISTOLS. AI,AG AND ri4l.AtaoRTEI Htork -t O'lna, both Mngie aud Doub Barrel, ami Bra ck and Mnaile Lovtero, alwave on band. Ali'. a targe .wort me -f of t or ' all kludr. All above for aale M low Agar br . t;us'tU',.A'Ki.:3 StSI HORSE BLANKETS. lajr-Robfa, Saddles, HarnfM, Travel-llns-BasH. Satchels. Shawl -Straps. Feather Dust era. baddlr-tloths. Blind Bridles, Bark-Bands, Collars, Hames, Leather, Saddlerj Hardware, Aile Greese. Kp r'r.g attend d to proaiiitiT, W afll fooduk fiT"dil,T Umi lnh rt a. CAKPrNTKK MAI.tAM HAHDYI'OH, STEEL Agricultural and Mechanical Implements. American and English Pocket and Table Cutlery, Cuna. Rifles. POWDElt, MIOT.Wf. Wc Invite lb at i n'lirti of hov.rili Bnyw o onr I arge ' l "il-.fl'c'wt -loci, and to th . prl r dTnt -fit we can oftef. Call and eiailn at NATHANIEL JACOBI'S, . i it; H IH1WAK t'EPOT. J jjACOlU Rims, Hubs, Spokes, Springs, A lull mtiu nt of Cnl g, and n Ma'p'lal ot tt awriitkn' A'l ora. ri roiu,.ly Bill d, and "tiffct.ou gantoed. NATHANIEL JACOBI'S, MlhDWAhE DKPOr. SASH ! DOORsTi BLINDS ! ! 1 At Foe rjt Price. 'Wl licet aiadi t On er Ornrra titled for Hain, N iwll, c, PAINTf, OILS, CLASS, VARNISH. Price red u.od at HATKAHSELJACOOrS I HARDWARE DEPOT, NO. t MAHKKT NT. nnrT , FAMOUS. GLASS. Pure White Lead. Boiled and Raw Llnsewd Oil. Class at Wholesale and Retail - ' ' For sale low by ot4 ctoT A peoK.' GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 S. FRONT ST, All oar Oo ! during FA I R WEEK AT REDUCED OT , FOR, CASH v I ii PltOVI8IONS, TEAS. LIQUOR , COFFEES, V SPICES, ' RED APPLES, ORANGES, , r ' RAISINS. J All Varietlei of Nat. . r GIVE IIS, . A CALL. ' We can fomIi,'i ery'hlng, together wltb ALL FAMILY SUPPLIES We hae a lr Stock, and will eell at niSUALIT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Our Hrand for Flour are hew Prngra Km p re, Muiorani Kmulre, Empire Ktra, Ah land and lAwer (irutea. . BUTTER AND CHEESE- And a Large 8toek and Variety of F nicy Oooda GEORGE MYERS. 11 & 18 SOUfEt FRONT 8T., nor! BEST STOCK" LOVVESTrPRICEI BLANKJBOOKS, PPER! ENVELOPES ! and ALL OTHER SfATIOWERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, and FANCY GOODS, . Bare ycut aioaey by oiling on : E. MANN, Bookseller and Stationer', nOT-St NOKin FKUNT T. SOMETHING NEW AGAIN! Wm. FYFE'S. EXCHANGE CORNER. FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY. " ' . from Parti,"'" II The Latest Thlnji oat In. that llne-tJA large lot of CELLULOID CORAL SETS AXD NECKLACES. Another Handsome Aanrtntent of TUCKING COMU8. 1 I.ate.t Style ot Linen Collar, and C'tfTa. o.H ' jsr o ti o :iCv !KOPrAll.V'S OFFICl!,' . ) , WilBlrt)n, iWnmbU A Angu k R 1 WUm.ngion, H. O , Nov. 3 1, la.ft- ) Thb sixth annual'meetino oi the 8tookhi.ih.er. of the Wl'.mlngton, Oolt mbla A Angnrta Ballroad Oompaoy l'.l be heW at the offloe 'of the OompanT, la, v llmtnirtop. on Wed needay, the 17th lot , . , v "'2 j. W. TH0MP4ON, aot4-ti , , Secretary juincxiu.rroi , COAL AND WOOD! Wa tail at lowart prioti STRICTLY FOR, C A8II Profi-1 Terr Mell and e oeiuiot alo'd ta gltaerodit, , O.O. PARHT ADo, Mew Tecatloa S. Water St., rest ofurou. oottttr icdiEsi mmrn B. E. JON t tV.OO., af OoUebore, Will b.e on eihih Moe at the Fair a tot of Open and Too Buggies. whwswtH he For SalS. U'e tbeia u aaatlnatloa. ne9- 50 SACKS K . C FAMILY; FLCUR. , 200 Barrel Early Rosa Totatoes. 25 Barrels Dried Apples, For Bain Low by BLNFORD.tCROW ft CO. COTTON YARNS AT LOWEST MARKET. UOTI FAT Tl , PtrMIUMS CIVtN AWAY All in want, who havk chmut. e'pfolally t'aeh. are aollolted a parch ar. or the pleaanrre or the mind and eey1nM to every hooebold. Peaoe ts every ene, Pianos, organ, Marie, fhromoa and Ltrsratirv. Toy tailing matter ha. arrived, rati and ercti'e It. Heading mat'er the latert.eollerud from all part of the world, elway f sale at HEINSBERQER'S I IVR BOUK ANO MDHC 8TOKE. BUCKWHEAT!! New Crop With Trimmings. FINESTZTABLEZSYRUP. NEW CROP H. '0. MOUSSES ! m e BEST TABLE BUTTER Soitl in Wilmington. " ELEGANT TABLE BUTTER m at FORTY CETS NEW CROP . .i ; ' FIGS, nrr&. , . 0BAN6ES, '' LEM05S, O. D, MYKRS Ac CO , oet2t S and I WOBTH FHDNr aT. m$8BR& CO. " Sell all Klcd of GEHTS' CL0TH1HO ! ! FURNISHING M Mi Oall-anl tftem between Parcrll aid U n l Central Houl. no10 I O.OOO HANANA ORANGES For Bale by KERCHNER A CA'DER BROS.. TICKETS TO FAIR. ThK following I. the Schedule of Ticket of Adulation to the Fair Oronndi durl g Fair Weak: ', . Single Adm'.'lon Tlokrtt TO Slagla Admirlon, Half Ticket.....,... . W: Tlekeu, Ooo Darlag air.. A... $! SO Fanlly Ticket, with Eight CouDOui... 10 Family Tli ket, with Three Oonpin'.. ) 0J (I rand (and Tlokete, flood for the day and cold only on the Oronnds. , , OS : Two-Hone Vehicle., with driver.... ... 0 One-Horbe Vehicle., without drivrr.,. as Ticket, will be for .ale dorirg the week after Monday evening, a'. I he etore of Meier. Green Planner, P. Helmherg-r, Or. W. W. Harris., an I Fd. Mann, and on and al ter f iu. dayit'the Fair G oond. , " T. O. paBOStlK ', , 8o. amlTrea. nov7 It THE RALEIGH HEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY1 , . 'Mi'-i '"' rrau.BD ar :.;:?, THE NEWS ,, P DBLI3 U iNGtCO. TklCVOTED TU THB HhittT IN1'BRE!1 ii or the State of North Carolina-to tht .aoceefof the Oonaervative party, the devel opmnnt Of th hlddea wealth nf the 4tAte, tn Invit1 rnnlffratlnn Into enr mldat. and mti I tanoetnent of the welfare cf onr people In everything that eervea to make a State proper ooubnd liiibineadent. It j , .. 1 ' s. ADVEIITIHINO OOtUMNS U wlllbafoond of treat advantate. w both tb Ually and Weekly nlroolate largely la every portion or tie Htat ttaiee raoaerate. , . n.,n.lMle Bapaual .1; i i ' DallyfOn Tear...... 08 se .Month a on W.kl One Tnar IV). JOItttAN Htv.8. irtHla FdHnt J.O WOOUJUMtaOJt SOItot 1875. 1075. FALL AHD AVIHTER SEASON. ' Btst Assorted Stock in the City now Opt at ' 36 MARKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, fThe Celebrated OuinetVOroa Grains. COLORED SILKS, ... r tbe Latest Cloth Shades. REAL SILK POPLIJS. ' MERINOS, CASSIMERE5, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, ' ; Aud all the Latest Novelties in etooo CSn)cnGaIo BLACK ALPACAS, That usual Specialty we have always maoy goods it is ouly stnall part pi tue aaeoriineDt. M OUR rj I N G GOODS. In every nriety. Will open on the 8th CLOAKS AXTD SHAWLS. :o:- MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Great Hosier, Gloves Embroideries, STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, NOTION , ETC. Crerythiog is Chespr than has been known for yew. We only require aoall the Priosa snd Styles wil-do the selling. fv3.Fl3. No. 36 MARKET STREET. novl NOTICE. NEW HiNOVKH (MVMYHavlnqaal itled a. admlnl.lratr of the ettate of .1 iMiih W. Barm-, on the Wth dav of October. 1S78, notice t hniebr (Iven to all peram hav. inl claim, airalnat the decedent, to eih bit the rnmeto inch Admini.trator on or before tb th day of Ootoher, IMt.or thl notloe el be pulped in bar of their recovery. JULIA ANN ItARIf Ka, octll tww . administrator JOHN D. OELLAMY:Jr., Attpr oy a Xaw, Offloe on Market f treet, near Northeast Oorner A Becoud atreer, .. WIliMINUTON.N.U Will rrctlne in all the Uonrtaof the 8ta. -t rompt atteutn Wen to tie coHecttoT o'- ollillDJ. J - Q-.t liB AN r OUTFIT FREE We want ome one In every con ty to take order, aud deliver gol. or I tie old and origin al l. 0. 1). Hoiine. Large Uah waeo.. Hplen. did tbanoe In every net hhorhnod for the nebt lrwn of either .en, yonng or old. H.nT. new lie'e. circular, ternw, eto . a rorai lnl. .ill tit unit free and t paid. Send fur It at onceanv ee.e mnney wyonr houw, Anattv H. J HAI L it o., N. Howard ftre t Baltl- The Pioiomtr Press ' HICKORY, N. C l the only tior p'ibbbel In Uatawba coanty, ant haanitei.iveclrcmilin among jieri i'hiiw. . im i, ann an eiaaeoi nam nee men in the mate The Phb t a live, wide-awake Dumocrallc pajier, and tadeelra. bio uifxllum Itr ad ertllog in ve. in North Carolina. Mtteral terra, a'lowe n r.ily ad veitii?milita. aubto'iutlon S3 In a.va ee. Addroe. MCKUILI. TOMI.INSON, ; "ditor. an.t. Proprletcra, ' Riarnb .9.1 idBAaa vaoBLtr. wil. aoaais CROftLY it MORRIS AUCTIONEERS, tTOCK AND REAL tiTATEBROKER. WlUtlMJi'OI.. m. a ttAN HK UltS AT THF. IB 1ALK8 HI HIM plau ot the oity,on auen!aredA'-i, Blank tiooa with the noundarlee of evwy la tleily di.ttnct'y jeflneJ. Aeaeeeed alue,aft aad irwnt,of I'lth.olty. Any .Bfurnettoa4aVt raraiia ap pliualliin. til. llATiOIJ.USALOO;:!! Hvno just r-rrTsr ct mt NAMPLB'n O O M, In the lat.t mndprn rtjle, I proome to tin In j eonnoctlnn th row tk ARESfAORANTAND CIGAR STORE. The former will b kept en the KUKOI'K iM pl.AM," and tfnntlemei vl.'t ii? n. will rlway. be fnrnilied with the cboioent t 'Meat. Venirun.t'vatnr, ui , and ' ' everytMna thU the Norfhern . ' an 1 onr doin Market fl'rn ' Ihall b.vealeo.ln lew ! day the Scent lot or , IPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Pveroffrd for a'e In Wtloilnirton. Myna- tile oo, n 1 nnnlit e'.t'i tne Hneat liquor and wlwai ti b bt, I reipeotniiiy ak aha ef thennii"" p'wtm, RtJTJBItT JONES, aovlln. sold so many tnd so' low, that among so another Lot of those cheap Henrietta's Line of White Goods. Positively No P ostponement I A FORTUNE :leqally AUTHORIZED.! HAS. GIFT CONCECT ASSOCIATION Of lnlorj,Teia. will gives SECOND GRAND GIFT CONGER Hov 30th. 187JS I'OSITIYKJ Or Money Refunded. ge::::::::::88a to da Ullt ia proportion arountlngtn all U C25O.00O.00. Lowoat Clft t9,hr Tlcltf.t, WO) Prloe of a Who! Tioket, as. whlok oomlati f Ave SI (Joaione. COUPON TICKETS, tl. erhinh will eatitla th bolder lo ailmialoi tn ha trnd U noert, anatnone.nnn ot , ver gilt mty t awarded to to wool uoae namhrr. Heeponinie agenr vinira. Aliordefor rtrketaeeiit direct promptl; fillet. Dirotil raper. eto., giviug inn parveo a... aen t. free In wntlna. be .ur.and .iai your name, twn, co.inty an I at ti in lull. 1ftiera ior iioTr.. ta iM'i.'in wj vu .a. ur wr Nnt I'. O. D.. If derived. Aldreneail vommnnlcatiou. ana mate al emittanc of money payable to a. R. C01UKS, Soe-v Dantsos, rr- noKR TICKETS AT O i.ftm Dr.arlmr tll Miel't elv take lilarri Nov etn. le.o.ana oai . lavr, u, now w ma'iw.l ,0ME ENDORSEMENli We. the inula 1 med. t ltlien. o' Drnl on r.a. ohMriull. lIv onr teotim nv to th, hio omhl andimcantai in n rn tne rvin I and utt onoert or me ea u i onoeit Aao lation wa err dueled, and a to be erj ati.fact4iry m.m er In which all the pledV md protni'r.nr no auwmihi were earner ml; aii'l, tnr nei in nrw iioriu. ei.uurw be Sroml iro t Ollt Concert; to be giver SovtraVr Sith, ISIS. w H Winn. Mayer, City of neitlaon; l lermi n J"d' W r K'fk. W Walter.' Oci II Uivlng. .1 W Midyard, W Ttlili., W It Ho.. .1 ii Tavlnr I. w ,luho'on;.l"hn Ne.lt, Whole- Lai. ttt- loid,l J H'ii, Whole'a e Uroeer ".p. rtuln hrw- "h ie'e uiquurr, am "ar hnli aale lrv Ooid'i af (irun-a'ale whnlnM.!. Ir Oro.1 H in J W Jennlnn. (leo.I lienor: t'r j;renn. THE $50,000 BONANZA t CT A RRfl inrenea m wan 05 TO JD LI Hretoftenltal. r,.rtnni. n'l t t'cn wnt f ro d- iree PENDLETON A READ, Wall Street, p. I'" mt FREE EirVaWOTW $10 to MW iu.wtol in hi a r nviirgiMs dm ,a ana wiM par l.re Proflt-. Rail'ol Htoca., Bd i,d bought n re ir(l. Intereet df M tlx nr OOO'. Bin w aoua'T w.mdjw ' yuvv. t lelih' rlra t. H.irkw .Her ot 0-, Bmkfr.and rtioker., No. 10 Wall itreet, T. P. U. T. WOOD : All K nd Ah, 0, U 'tvol, a , -, For al b WlaWTf , Agent. At the Walker Waarf, foot ol Dock Itraet, aovlSt .XKW JBMMTIK.WfLYTti DON'T FOEGETi! o T Are Inlly alive and know that GOODS. MUST BE ROLD LOW. We are lriared to BULL A3 C11EAI' AS ANT HOUSE IS AMERICA. ' Gits ns a call sod see fur yoarselyes. , Our spuoe is too small to enamerate every artiole. i ' , BLAN KETS, Ladies' aud Gents' andCUildrvna' A LARCE STOCK DRESS GOODS. - An EJndleBB Variotyi BLACK ALPACA. "Wo lVCake a Spooialtv. WAKE UP!! OKMTH YiWVMH HII1UTH, PARTL MADli SIX FOR 6.00. Mannfaotnred from WamKuttaCvtUm and HCAKLET MKDICATI2D FLANNKL, eoommeuded by every fhyalolnn for Rbenmatism. Sliaknr Flannel for Underwear. Machine Needles Fire Cents Eaoh. Frank Leslies' CUT IiVJPXil I?JvTrri21lMVNo - '.7 - j BE0W11 & B0DDICK, 45 Harket Street. JL.J-. i aJ,.JLj-jj. AT RETAIL 1 B. WEILL! B. WEILL. B. WEILL 60QD3 AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ' , - ' "" ' ; . I' . , ; ; i ,. ., -'. , -i ALL we ak Is an exnmlnatlon of our stock. We fed aiitkflutl that that the public will be couvlnced of what we say,' W.'gle below a few prices: 1 ,0f)0 vards Itlark Alpaous t ) cents worth 02 cent -! ' 1,mm yards Ulaok Alpacus ntfiH cents worth 70 cents. . - 1,0()0 yards liluck Alpucas at 07 cents worth 80 cents. K) pulrs Lotlles' I lose at 2-5 centa worth 80 cents. 800 pairs Ladles' Hose at 48 cents worth 00 cents. 600 pairs CliJUlrcns' Htrlxd Hone at 81 cents worth 871 cents. 600 pairs ChlUrentt' Ktrlpod Hone at 87i centa worth a cents. v 600palrs Chlldrcus' Btrljied Hose at 62 cents worth 06 cents. . We have on hand many other goods 1 JIQUALLY AS LO, TOO NUMEROUS All of which we will sell EO-El CASH AT PltlCES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. VEBT RESPECTFULLY, 7 iB, WlIIXr 32 IToitli Front Street. . oct2 ' ' -' 1 URrilTURE i FURfilTURe ! yy n orrKE fob the fall trade ova vhvai labok and jnckbasku stock Ifew Patterns and Designs Parlor. Chamber find Dining1 noomFumltiiro. AT XTBtMILT LOW PKtCES. CAHPETS AND OIL CLOTH AND MATTING lathis llnonrUwkfmhrao.Bllof thew and leading Pattern or Bral. Thrae-ply aaper., Oottoa and Hemp Oarpat. All gride t HI Hoth and Matting. Aleo Mat (and KegiOf H autl'ul D.in, , ' Bedding, dec &o flair. Mi a ShuoV. Eioelsior and Straw MaTtKBSSEB. PR4TlfKR!),FKTHEB I I rRatHUR PILLOWS kSD B )MTK OOMKOitTABLBH. dto.,4 fj Of THK BUST MATKItlAL And on) wn Mannfaotare. Hotel. Steamer and Private Reeldenoeef rn ehed In the Wert Htylw and atUow PrU Pleanglve a aoall and ei tm no oor St oll befor purohaalni. D. A. SinTH & CO-, t V liCFront BUeet aepWtf '--' --------. - m Carolina Household limm, AH ILLPBTRATED MONTHLY t ehoioa Literature, will be leaned 'torn th' Iold. ouoMBe9n)vric eoroBienoIng with January, 1S70. The drat number will a ready for mailing by Inrenber let h, and the period, ioal will be publlKhed each ueecding month thereafter wllboai .Interrantlon. No advan tana will be necleoted wich either lalriil 01 eanttal can oomr""l .0 render h Imuo an anraeal.10 and natrnntlv ruatiiendlniii nt itiioic reaillnc be papalar writer, both home BtoA 'taa. , rhe Carolina Houiehold Maeailne will be a lar,ts -page, elahty-roo. onlumn m mthly, haadenmelv printed on tinted boo miiAr and bnautlfullv llluwratert It I. a thoronirhlv nonttern entarprlM and lU.iieoee H ir dv rnnv awnren. 1 nrr'""'"""' to make It a iwiim rcmthiv, that . ne in Uodaoedlnth rtnily olr ile, U ewe 10 as eaiierly watoheH t-t ani rfiil:y preMrved. li"eOHTHIT o LLKKV wlllpmvean attraott v aiore. The January number will eonUuu a uro-Uka piotnre ot . .EX-OOV. Z. B. VANCE, and bloiira;.hloal aketoh, ro be fallowed lo eaoh aiwewlln nnmber with phntogratib 01 other prooilneat atateua.n. dlvlnoe,c. , I ONLY tfOHJIUM A TK4R and aoh .aneorlher ean m.ke . enote Taaai hit BBaoTiftti.iaaoa'aMaitttK, .! of eh II 1 HO 'ncbtw, : 'f Th Pin nf o' th "'avnttr In th 'erei'le,'' 'Tb Marl n n.'e "Kii .iar f-rvm tb mmm." l-n warded en rw. li-t f the .nbwtrtptl n oiu:. r'the oft,n Knaravin. I worth donblt.h Drl-e aked r.w the M lie. ' , r tr ny one Mnvitnr "tb of He ' will rf re. an ra h'js.i lotion Iree. Rint.eoogilt. W oenta, free by mail. BH min'Ua aubaor'a Uon, wl'houttti roral. 1. . Agents if ' Jvu.J a,, t ...1.14 4 U. FLANISTELS, Merino Under Ye&ta ftnd Oloyes. OF FANCY HOGE 2,100 Linen. Now in your time to buy .'"! "SB.- "m ii AT RETAIL 1 TO MENTION, HOMEOPATHIC PHAR1IACY . ; ; HEIflOVKDoq SenTenibnr I.', to tbo .pari oui.tor at M 181 wl Fut'' St., where th i rnpritor will be pi axe, I Uiee their ml-. -. Irlenu and pa'ron ' A !imrlet Kock of I'nre an I Keliable Ilonioeopxtkiu Medicine a c 1 a. Book, for I'liv.iol.n. ml family Uf, f -.taitlv kpt In .lock. I idur per mall nniim Iv a' loryint t-i. Aildi ew H' K h I(!K K A TAFti., tU Wch' PayetteMreet, BaltlBlor. . " ' E. AKHUESSR & CD'S TlTJRK laRor brer, Jnxt reerlved Iv 'too from" JT St. Louladirect. 'Jh lo'lwlnf I. there; ult of the an y.l. ma le by W. U. Conrad, OkeatMiif tU S I'tel Htiei Vaval Labor torr, a-aw Tata... j, ; I ? I-.- OnMOtrjSIOMKOMj'i'HR ANAiT . IS OT i , . TUb .tilIAMTf.( M -111. . Aa ai.la a.. al a Ik. Ktnill mi. r'-iirwii'a v T it y ,1 ... rw,, . va" TVarOJ W.M m un.V'"- - M IHR1 ftSDLiai)(of extraot abiuiio (m.ili hrtm 1H( VNH ronmcni na 1110 wir iai' .'3uu;ir , fiaVTO f trtth b'evt) ixik- tllJ Mffimf lOf HKlliM'taal jMirnem)( auuih r ni ii'iit' if of toti btmr it that it k-pa In 8oU cbJ.iui -nder 1 oUcuiiwwno, . . . , b a-, iina'll In1' I '' t'hemiw. or tf. a.NavJtalH.tuty. ' We" arn the who'ee1 agenU, and it for . . aleolathoeltyby Jm - , ' ' ( U.W. Ht)B, ' .. . A. O. H. Kme.. ADEMAM AVUUA t l r II l I f 1 1 il 'I ;it

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