f V' - (Us iV I ; Ml Ml M i.-. Cr UILUIIIQTOH IT. C. FRIDAY, NOVEIIBER 12. 1875. V7H0LE HO. 7.010 70L. XXIV. -HO. 324 CY TELEGRAPH. W1SMI1GT0X. Washuqtow, Nov. 12. There are CJfitradiotorj opinions rmnrdiiiK Mr. Wilson's condition tlii rairninjr H as re-tteM daring the night nd bad srtasraodio extension of the iron. Whiskey sod opiates hate been injeot. ed nodr the Ma. H is now drown sad iodispo-ed to onYersation. Or. Baxter mid t 11 o'clock e was r i ing more eomfortuWy ?d think he will recover. Mr. Wilson himself said be felt more natural . Attorney-General Piwepoot ha de cided that the act of Congress of Aj ril 27, 1816, coaflrnwd to Hugh and John Maxwell Hie grant of thirt t six thon eand aorf at the fork of Black river, Mianotirl, made to President Mwell in 1799 by the Spanish gowrnmmit. This large trsot of laud is situated in Reynold and .'. Ihin county, Miseonri, and is therefore declared to belong to the claimants, represented b're by Warwick Tonstell. . Wm. W. Civites, ohief clerk jn the general land office hat resigned. Wm. Q. Riley, of Virginia, has been appointed consul to Zanzibar. The President returned this mor ning. -, .. At one o'clock Mr. Wilson was shar ed and dropped into a qniet sleep and slept until to yards evening. Dr. Bax ter expects ta have him out in day or two. ' - - -. - NEwToBK. Nrw York. Not . 1 1 .Leonard Cox, oinbier of the Western Union Tele graph Company iu this city, is a de faulter to the amount of $13,000, roin- appropiatiou of Ooropaiiy 's fund fori sp cnUtion in Wall street, witu lue ex p. oiatiou of returning it when he won, is the cause of his downfall. It is thought his friends will make the de falcation good. O. W. Ellis & Oo bankers and br. kers ol Broad street, notified the Pro duce Exohangc yesterday that they were unable to meet their engagements. It appears that Ellu was the "Bull" in the corner in October last. OIED. DaaOBT In this city, on th morning of tha 11th In.'. IOfll. H.inrv, third son ol Dr and Mr. A. I. DeRoeset. In thrMth year of hie ate Tli mneral errlos will be hii at BU James' church this aiternoon at t o'clock. JVBW JBfMMTISK.nH.YTS. ST. JOHN'S LODGE N . 1, F. A A.M. Bbstb sn: Ton an. rennesredto m et at St. John's Hall to-day (Friday) at a o clock p. at . . to pay th let tribute ot r epeot to iur ilo eeasod brthr UH IXtlwweJ, By order of the W M , J. O MCNDS, Sec'v. OPERA HOUSE. ' ' ;. 1 ; "" " FBID1T IYE5IM, KOtlitil. Fexswsll Benefit to THE PEARL OF SONG. CLARA WILDMAN. Who will appear In her srsat Impersonation of VIOLET, The Life of an Actress- Print Family Ma lose Saturday. THE TWO ORPHANS '; Twenty-Are pent to all parte of the Houm POLKTOISw". STILL ALIVE anil MOYING VK&YdealrabM Lots. Hooee and Valuable lull, for ' eut and for Hair. lot In liie f om One fouitb to twenty Aore.. Term. liberal, appyro aoTlO I aw3w FolkUn, N. C FOR FAIR WEEK. AN . yvrKT OTBKR WRKK IS TBK year at loweet prloee to bnyere on tbe pot. and all orders filled at theru: ing price of thf day tbry are received, thus glrliiu ontom er. renlinK ord rertlreot to u tbe itme dan f they wonld bar If present. SmoiGi Bacon .In HUfls. and Boies, Pr Silted Meat lde, HhouMers, Bollles and Baoks. Ham. In Tlerosor Sraail facxagei BREAKFAST STRIPES, Mf as Pork, Water Ore nnd Meal, Flh, acker t, Mullets, Herring., Ac. BUGAR, . COFFEE, SALT, .MolatMs of all kinds. SYRUP ALL KINDS, . Flonror all Qualities. Ana over lira ha dred articles of fine . FANCY GROCERIES, Callorordt-r from ns, corner of Dock and ron Ntrseis, WllmlnRin, N.O botIMV iUHUN A VLIiEBI. GUHS AND PISTOLS. AI.APQ AND ri,b AORTRI Htoi-k of Ota., both Mngle and Doub'e Barrel, ml Fieeoh and Moasle Loaders, alwavs on band. Alio, a large apsort.met of Pbeots or all kinds. All abova for sale r.l tow flgnros by . i CILEt'&MURCHISON, lyrHl " HB8UB80RIBIR PRONOUNOK THB A po t tnt IP olroolatlon by J. B Ganfo, to be "a fa'efhood, l I mlslnadlng the Inno cent to do wrong, and sncoumglns r.ljU BOflOU U. K. MILLIKKN. Y0TJRttent(m Is called 'o th' v ry large ' nd vol i assorted stook ot Hard are ur very desrlrlptlnn. Call and Haul ' gMXtsaod nrloM. 04 will then beornlncd th-t tbe bbww to buy yonr tiarawars is at tee om niru wars-ou-w f joHNDAWHOS, , It ' No. W, t and J1 Market Street. NOTICE. -mxrillUIIOfl TICKETS T- TH 0AP4 Jij rear Fair, Issued by the Wilmington, rX..i ansn'ta. and Wilmington S .l- dun HalHoads. will bi for reto'n 'swjtre aptoandluoluding Monday, 0,np'2,pg - S.F.AT.A. .YEW JDfSMTiBK.9K.YTn, HORSE BLANKETS, Lip-Robes, Saddle. Baroess, TrTfl-llnir-Bsirv Satckela. Kfcawl Straps, Feather DuMers, oaaairiioins, Duna Bridles, Bark-Bandj, Collars, Dames, Leather, Saddlery Hardware, Aile Sreese. .. ... .1.. .n..,lfl to nmaill. We Wll teod m low a any iiMti Hous" in the "ta SOMETHING NEW AGAIN2 Wm. lFE'W, EXCHANGE CORNER. FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY from Far'.. TheLateitTMnje oit In tht line. A large In nf CELLULOID CORAL SETS ANB NECKLACES. Anoth'T Bandeome Aemrtment of TUCKING COMIIH. ltet Strle of Lin n Collar. nd C't ffe. oHU The Celebrated Double Ekutio WK!NCKKIAN ' STEEL PENS, re for rale by all dealer. In Stationery For e..nnlenoeo. tbo wt-o may Lh to try them, MropLe Oar 1, oontaliiln n one eyh of 1 numbere, U1 be eent by mall on reMpt of i5 fO t. 1V80N, ALAKkMAN.TATlOH A O.. li) viand Mt. New York. eepioam Low Prici, Prompt EmM FIlWT.CLAHV01til . 1PP STATIONERS PRINTERS AND BINDERS LITHOORAPHERS. oot 13 6m GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 S. FRONT ST. aiUur UoVi during FAIR WEEK AT . REDUCED PiiiCES FOR CASH GllOCKHIES, IltO VISIONS, ' TEAS. LIQU ORS, COFFEES snces, RED APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS, BAISIKS. All Varieties or Nuts. 61V12 US A CALL. w V " - Weoatn fui nh verythlng,tcgother with ALL FAMILY SUPPLIES We ha a I am fltock, and will sell at I M SI ALLY LOW PBICES FOB CASH. Our Brands for Flour are New Proijra-. Km. p re, Monora Kmulre, Kinpire Ettra, Aih land and Ixiwer (irvles. BUTTER AND CHEESE- And a Large Stock and Variety ol Fancy Oooos GEORGE MYERS. 11 413SOUTnFR0NT8T nor! 1ST O TI o :ic HKORKTAHV'S OPriCH, 1 Wilmington. Uolumhla &.Anguiitt K Hi Wllmlngtou, W. O , Noy.3d, 18,'8. ) JLHE SIXTH ANNUAL "HKETINO of the StockhoK.ere of the Wilmington, Columbia A Augnsta Hallroad Company will be held at the office of the Company, in Vllmlnton. on Wed nesday, Uie 17th to" J. W THOMPSON, 0,4.ll .eortarr Pure White Lead. Boiled and Raw Unseed Oil - Class at Wholesale and Retail. For sale low by ' vou CEO- A PECK- BEST STOCK. LOVVEST PRICE I FORJ BLANK BOOKS, -r A -r-3TrTD T JJrZ. JT OiJ J. vr i ENVELOPES and ALL OTHER STATIONERY, A'w SCHOOL BOOKS, and FANCY GrO O 8 , Bare tout money by cilllug on E. MANN, Bookseller and Stationer, bov t H FRONT T, HOWES' SCALES li v J are tbe aeuts toe these well known 'OalSi1. raH'ts sni no un 'oiij ot. yM before bnjTg Oih.-i 'aks. ' GILES 4 M UR'JHIHfl f. . .'ostM Hardware Juose. ir-.. jmiic K l U.Y AT r s. COAL AND WOOD I We sell at lowest priors STRICTLY FOR 'CASH Pre' Is Tory sjaalt and wa oar not elord to gtrs aredit 0.6. ARi.aTfh New iMtatloa I. Watot It, fuot ofuraags. oot it tf . mm K E. JUNE CCO., of Ooldsbora, Will bars on eihibltloo at the ar a lot f Open and Tod Buggies, aionwiil b For Sale. UIts tb.m ai eiaoilnatlon. ao?-it 50 SACKS I a FAMIlY Fi.CUR. 200 Barrels Early. Roae Totato 25 Barrels Dried Apples, For 8al Low by BLNF0RD,"0BOW & CO., V COTTOX YARNS AT'UOWEST MARKET. noff FAIR, PREMIUMS CIViN AWAY AlU IN WAST, WHO HAVE CREDIT wryclally Caah.arr snllolted as pnrrhasera lot tbe pleasures of the mind sad kapnlnees to erery hoaaahold, fsace to erery one. Pianos Oiiant. Mnslo, Chrmos and Lltaiattfs. Tour readlni ma'tsr ku arri.ed, call and sscurs It Reading matter the latest, eulleeted ftom all part, of tbe world. lwa fr salo at HEINSBERQER'S I IVE BOOK AN DM tniC STORK noT BUCKWHEAT! ! New Crop With Trimmings FINESTZTABLEZSYRtTP. HEW CROP N. '0. MOUSSES ! BEST TABLE BUTTER J3oiJ id Wilmingcon. ELEGANT TABLE BUTTER 'Jk . ' at FOR T.Y C K T 8 NEW CROP FIGS, NUTS. 0B.LVGES LEM0XS C. D. MYERS CO , ool24 and T NORTH FROM t 8T. mnssm- & co. SellsllEUdsof GENTS' CLOTHING ! ! FUHNI8HINO total Tailoring GooOs. Oall ami s-e them botween Purcrll and Grand Central Hotels. novio 1 0,000 HAN AN A ORANGES For 8ale by KERCHNER A CARDER BROS. TICKETS TO FAIR. Tub rollowlni Is the Schedule of Tickets of AdmUuloa to the Fair Grounds daring Fair Week: Single Adml.'lon Ticket.. BO Single Admistlon, Half Tickets... S3 Tickets, Good During Fair . ....i00 Family Ticket, with Eight Coupons... a 0 Kamily Ticket, with Throe Ooupin'.. 1 OJ Grand land Tiokets, flood for the day and sold only on the grounds.. S3 Two-Home Vehicles", with driver SO One-Hore Vehicles, without driver.. . 5 Tickets will be for salodurlng the week after Monday evening, a, the stores' of Meesrs. Green A Flanner, P. Hetntbergr, Ur. W. W. Harris., and Fd. Mann, and on and altar Tues day at Us Fair Oiounds. T. 0. nations nevT tt Hoc and Trass. THE RALEIGH HE W8 DAILY AND WEEKLY" rosLisaso ST. TQE . NEWi PUBLT3HINO CO. tlKVOrHU TO THK BK8T INfl?BK!IT JJ or the State of North Carolina-to ffa noaearnf th OrniwrTatlre sartr. ths 4srsl nimnnt of thi hidden wntlt'i of tbe Htate. ths Inrltliid etnlratlnn Into stir midst, and ad. an mint of tbs -welfare cf onr people In r.TYthlns that wrves to mass a Stats proper eos and Independent Its ADVEBTI3ING. COLUMNS ill ba foonil of sreat advantage, a both tbs OallT and HTseklT oiroalat farsels I. iff portion or the Stats Kates saoasiats. BTjpsrurrrrTOS ratksi Dally, One Tear...... ......SS 00 S 90 Weekly One Tear 109 John it f:AtfKlt"N. Editor. . , JOalUN Tl)NRJiilats Rlltor 1 . 0 WOOUiO4 lal sMuor 1075. 1875. FALL AND V INTER BEACON. Bi-at Assorted Stock in the City now Optn at Evil- IjuTIb Gstiziz.Oij ,38 MARKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, Ths Celebrated Gntnefs Oros Grain. COLORED SILKS tbe Lateat Cloth Bhade,l EEAL SILK POPLINS. " MERINOS, CASSIMERES, SERGES. AND MOHAIR GLACE, hud all the Latest Nurelties io 3 BLACK ALPACAS, That Usui.' Rpeoialty ws have always sold so many sod to low, that among so many goods it la ouly a small part of the aeaortulnut " M O U RN I N CO OOO G . In every variety. Will open on the 8lh another Lot of those cheap Ilmrioltu's CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Great Line of Hosier, Gloves Embroideries, Everything is Cheaper than has been tfie rrioes ana styles win uo me ecuiug. No. 30 JVI-A.RKET STJRTflET. NOTICE. NEW HANO v KB OOUM T HaTln (jual tlleil as administrator of lbs estate or il.xenh W. Barnrs, on the Wth day of October. 1871, notloe Is heiebv ilren to atwpera.-ns hay ing elalma against tbs decedent, to rih bit the sameti) snob Administrator on or before tha 3 tu da? of (totnlier, WA. or tbls notloe wl be piaoea in oar or their recorer). .... . . . . : VT n 1. . U H oclBI lawew dmlnUtrstor JOHN D. DELLAMY.IJr.. Attor y a Lmr, OlBoeon Market fireet, near Northeast Ooroer J Second Street, WILMlNilTON.N.O Will nr.ctlce In all the Oourtsof tha Sba a. Hromot attention siren to tl oollertio elals 0tS liOMXl Mi OUTFIT FREE We want sums one In every ooir ty to take orders and dxllver good, i or tbe old and origin al (.:. O. P. House, large Gash wages. Hpls". did chance In ey.ry nel jbborbood for the right parson of either set, young or old. Karopl e new lls's, cirnul.ra, terms, etc . a comi.lel" oulSt sent frra and pot paid. Hen J for It at once anl mate money at your bonus. A'l'lrrs. H. J HAIL Co., e N. Howard Ctre t, Haiti m"r'. Md. The Pialmiat Press HICKORY, N. C, ... Ta the only imsr D'lb tshed In Uatawba county, anl basaaeitsiiye olrcntttlon among Merciianu, r ainnrrs, ann an cihwwoi duh ness tneavlu the Htate Thn Pans Is a llye, wide-awake lemocral.lo paper, and a desira ble medium lor ad rar lining in Mies m Norib Oarolina. I.lbwal Uroi all on)erlad-yertisi-mKiita. hnliso'iptlon S3 In r ee. Address MtlKHIIJ.A TOMIilHUllJI, liters and praytaturs. m4rh toaaiL onomr. wilkss wiaaia CR0HLY & MORRIS AUCTIONECRS. STOCK ANO REAL ESTATEBROKERl WILMINGTON, . a (UN BR SKRN AT THEIR SALES HIHIB a plan of tbe oil r, on au enlared sa'l. Bland Hook with tb ooindarle.of .y vjr -In the oily distlnotl detued. Assessed alu, past and preaent, of sva li tbe city. - Any 'nrwmattonlestrs-i os-msa-xi ap p i cation lair NATIONAL SA100I2I! HvHo .irjsT rirrnn ow mt S A SI P B MOO Mt In the 'at st nioUrn Myle. I p'onote to rsn In eonnectlxn in row to a iV RESTAUE&NT AND CIGAR STORE. Tli formr III bo kept an tha lU'toPB KH fl.A ." and (utlsma lsitln me will rlwsys Mfiirnl.I.etl yrltb the choioeet Sfieaw. t rn'Ftoii " ererythlng tht 'ha No'ibrii an t onr Horns Mar kft affords Ishallh.ysalso.loarew . days the Snset lot nf ' ' ' IMPORTED ANO DOMESTIC CIGARS m. . m I aM .ala laa Wt M 1 1 art AH f . r vr nn" i "T n o m .iu....,.. 7 1. - .A aulth aSaaa. tlnASrt llstimrsi saVll.1 nit rnrn ip -uh" " --m-"- - wIm to be bii. f ff-peotf ally " ihstf of P BtTBIN" J03STE3. ootI lm, ; " ' . i i Oncncr0cj White Goods. V known for years. We only require a oall IPositively. Bo Postponement A FORTUNE voiti. :LEG ALLY AUTHORIZED.! EIAS GIFT CONCERT ASSOCIATION Or lenlon, Texas, will glysa SECOND GRAND GIFT CON0F,H,I, Nov 30th. 187f. DUiWlKU P0SIT1YI J Or Money Refunded. k lrat Canlt Al Otft 5 eoond CaDitftl Gift 2 lea des tillf In ptoportloa airountlnf la sll ttl 0250.000.00. Lowest Clftt,,. WhotoTlelpt, IBOI Pries of a'Whols Tlosat, A. wbiob oonalsui if l.o SI tJoomns, COUPON TICKETS. l Whioh will entitle tbe bolder to admission K he Uread 0 ncert, and to on- nnn or on yer silt mar ''S awarded ta tut wbols tlcke tinnixr. KesKinmie afenwwan"n. All or.l' for tir.keUsent direct promp'l nil'. (Jircul irs, papers. eti siyiaj run rrra liars, sent. frre. In writing, be sn'Sand sl yonr name, t-iwn, nounty and Mt ti in lull, llrd irstor iiosi arannnni hi yo anu up ar pent f, u.o it a"!siren. A lores ail oommunlnatiotis ana aie ar emltlano s of money parable to A. R. COUIHJ, Ise-y, Osntsos, rr RDKR TICKETS AT 0 tsths iirswlns will tioal't ely take place No? tub. imo.aoa Data suort vims now u mans.1 .tOME ENDORSEMENT! We, the niide'sUnrd. ltlaen' of Drnl on raias. cheerfully ily our teatlm nf to th hoKorahla and impartial In wh rh the Firii i and Oirt ' onoertnr tne I exau H' oiif.siu Asoi lation wa ci due'ed, ami as to lie tsm iratlslactnry m.ni er In wnich all the pledri4 nd moml-esof He Aeocl tun were earns ml; and, fur he' d m'st bertllv s1 dots' the nee n d UranJ Ollt Concert, to be jlyei' Not mv r3 !b, VS. . W H Winn. Maror. City of Deflso": AI lermr n Jud- W l Kirk. l W Wlter' i ii H 1,. y ia ,1 W todyard, W THibs. W II Bow I (lTa"or .MJ'hiion:.lohn Netl i Whole kli lr. (Joils: H Jnj, Wbolesa s Mrnoer Kp st'ln nros.. wnnissaiiiii'rs; nra -ir "VnoK-at Ury iinH'i at liran-'s sin M'hnUmle Dry. Onols H n .4 W JenulnM kito.l IV.tr; nyjoreiid. THE 050,000 BONANZA 05 to iTMtsd In Wall rMet often Irs Is to a lortni. n t "a UoiraJ sant l AU- i r . ress Pendleton jl rcau. " " Htiest, h V'hs. m FREE gfrs $10 to in h . k PriwIlAnits. has na .1 and will nay l.rv Prollt', K.ll omi moons, n "o andtiold Imuflitoo mirglns mwr-si so n ilxirren ai''W dond'posl'ssublect ipjUUi t sliih'draft. S irkw.lferiJtuo, ii,DKr.no Hiok.rs, HO, 19 wailBtraes, n. .. r. WOOD: AUKiud ut Alii, 0-i, U wh1, e., ., rorsala by K.-WESGOTT, Agent Ailbs Walker Waarf, rot ol Cook UUeeUT awTJI .ykw jnrr:KTiK.mE.YT, DON'T FOEG'ET!! Are fally slive end know that GOODS MUST BE SOLD LOW. We ars" prepared to KELI. AS Cl'EAP AH ANY UOUSC IS AMERICA. ... Give os s rail and aw fur yonraeWoa. Our rpuce ia too mail to euumtrate every article. ' BXj A IN KETS, FLANNELS, . 1 t Ladies' and Oi'uta' ond'.CUil.lrcrj' Merino Ucdrr Vrtta and Glove a. A LARGE STOCK OF FAtlCY HOSE DRESS GOODS. An Endless Variety. BLACK ALPAGA We Make WA. K GENW l)ltlH HIIIItTN, rAUVTLlc MAD12 SIX FOR 6.00. Mauufuolnrt-J from WauinuttaCtiUou and HOAULET MKDICATUD FLANNKL, eoommended by erery I'liyaioinn for Khmmatiam, Bliaker Flannel for Underwear. Maohine Needles Fire (Joule Eaoh,. Frank Leslies' BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Uarket Street. ouUs- AT RETAIL 1 B. WEILL! B. WEILL! B. WEILL GOODS AT PRICES TT t- i i .. .. 1 1 , . Auil Wf KHK lit Ull cailllll"lnMl ui the public will be oouvlnuwl of what Wo have on hand JiQL'ALLY TOO NUMEROUS 1,000 vartls Blntk Aljiarns nt fiDct-nU worth 12 cents 1,000 yards llliick AIjuipuh at 6 ceiitu wortlt 70 Pfiiti. 1,000 yardH Hhit'k A lucua at 67j c-fiiU worth 80 cento. 000 pairs Ludltn' HosO at cents worth W wnts. 8(H) palm LatlliV. How at 4H cents worth W)ceut. 600 piilrn Chlldrt'iiM' Htiit'il Hoao ut 81 ccntu worih 37 OeiitH. 6(Kl pulrs t'hll IrciiN' Mrlpcd Ile at 8i cents worth i trnto. 600 pulrn t'lilldrons' Htrlpcd Hoco at oa ccuts worth 6 ccntM. All of which we will sell FOR. CASH AT MICKS THAT DEFY COMI'ETITIOS. VEI.Y JtEarECl'FULLY. B. WEILL, 32 Horth Front Street. ov t 2 - FUlUHTUREi FURMITURE i K OT KB f OB THE rAl.t.TUAnK 013 H DSr AL LAROK ANO INCHKASIl SVOCK New Patterns and Designs OF lorIor, Cluimlr iumI lllnfiT lloojururiiltiu'e. AT rxruKMULY I. W PH1CHS. CAUPET8 AM) OIL CLOTH AM) MATTLNG ,ai d h jj., of H aint.nl Bedding. &c &c Hair, Moa,, ShucV. Excelsior and St. iw U.J.HI'Ua'r.lBl.iCI, (.' A no om Hotels Btaamrrsaul Prlyate KM-io. f rn rbod In the L'ot Mlyhs and atTw rrlo ' KlKgiyosaitllaide m neorSl.ickbelJrepu cliasliiij. D. A. SMITH & COS t 4H Front Hirer I Tlus Carolina ' HocscHoltf AN II.I.IT'.TRATKlUlONI'HI.Y- choirs I.ltratnr IU belasneii fiom lh loi.na 6,,Hi Ms-sKia OrsK'S eommsnelni with January, Hft8. Thr drat nnmbi-r will b ready for maillns hy'DeceTber ist.li, and the .erlod. Inal will be puldl.hsd each sm ci'i dlnK n'.M.Ih tberea'tar without liiterrni)U"n. No ad.an will hs neslrrted wieh 'either talent or eaoi'ai ran n m i.i ui r. iu avrffeable and nstrwtlwr. eomrHllnin o' roolcf reading, by poia'ar wrltsrs, both horar and .( tad. The Carolina Hoasehold Ma?ailne will be a lax as ..ge, elsbty-lum (oiiuno. ni'itblT,baiidssunely printed on tintt boos par and heaiitj'ully illnstrs'ed It l s thoronxbly snttSrn sntwprtH" a d -Mssnep" Is already fnl'y S'siirsd. Tha rnhber m ' to make It a flrst-.d n"nihW, 'h', onr'1 m Uodunedlnthe Nmliy clr d, "re f ' saserly watohd for ant c.r'tury iTrye.t Its'-POBTKAIT Hl,l KliY" will i.roe an attraetiye ! tinre. I'hs .lannry number will oonUln a lit" I p tore of EX-OOV. Z. B. VANCE, sod bloraplilonl sketeb, to be followed eaoh snnoee lin mm' er with fbobmobs ot otbar prominent statesman, dMn, o ON1.T TWO"t.liAH A T" K i R and eaob uhsrltie ean msk a ,'boloe Taaaa wot asaFTirvL.L.aoB ftixf yiBW IseofeaetislsnOlni bM. 's: "Tiir Klndn w f thn "ay'onr In tb 'm i,' Th.i MaSm i a.Mor "sia'f I"ar P rvins th atnrmr' " warded on nrit f tha anbsorl'tl n lrloe. Hthernrthe KnfryjB Is wwth dool.lethe p'lr a kud tor th Msstui1. r Any one i-eu.lin(( a olub Of fly, will r wt an s.'ra anhsf-rlptlon Iraa. Rin.s fOU g.1 esnts, fre by mll. Sis months subsur a tlon, srllbont tbs rntraylnu, SI . Assnts Wanted Everywhere. ' JUUUSA. BUMTfc, robllitsha joblsoora,H O. rr a Speoialtv. E UP ! ! . 2,100 Lluen. Now is yonr tiroo to buy AT RETAIL I TO SUIT THE? TIMES. r .,h utwilt vv i.l ..nfi.,,l iii,ii ti... mi rt ..v I' l l rnuniii'. uuu bual we my, Ve glvo"btilow u few prhHw mnny oilier goods AS LOW, TO MENTION, ,:, (IK TH MlSJl .VIAI KKIAIt i MAiiuiantuie. 'rilbl HALTl3IOlli HOr.lCEOPATHIC PHAlRHACY KR9OVKli on S.'pterab'-r l-, tu tha spc ou.stor at, N . Kit Wist FsyHe Nt., alirrrt Hi t roprlrtora w ill be smci .to n e tbsir o d yli-nds .n't pvrons. A i t" s'ock of Vw n' Knllnli'e lIoii.ofoiilhio Medicines as ws l ar B m Vi, for l'hHli'lsns - ml- fmuly ui-S, col -rv tly 'f I't In rtvk. iid 'is per man vr nipt lnen,Uil t .hln'wH iHKhlKEATAFtL,, LIS w,,e KayMt .(! i, H .Hliunre. TtrRK Iskot beer, ut rw'ly-d In l.vi from X at, LouUdiiecU I lie io:i' iogis ibi-re , sultof tbe ana'yis ra:ile by W. "..Conrad, l;hemb)t f tU Jii'tul ,itti yl l.abora tory, Kew Vork. . CONCLUSION FK'iM THR ANA T1UF THE qilAl.lTt. Tneqnall y of ttl beer, as slinwit by onr ai;slvsi, Is siiKirl r hy Its piironers. ss no ex. tra i o is mutU'r rould ha diciel. I ha UriM am nut of entiao.t, nob.tanre (m ilt Miiu n-el In fiordlnry great iuntitiis, whloli, hay ln been ronsied, nirns the oc-r tlmt prt'oli tr fia0 of fresh h'ral) uisk-is ril'.a r.-rreery Bourlfhins and M.lily rcouimeiX tb a rrioK for mill.r al pnrp '. Anoih r iiootl qmtl ty of tnibnripjlti k Sw In aod e.uiMtoa anler al! elrranistmm s. ft'. U.Ut)NRAr, Cberal.ts of V. 8. Wayal Lah'trry. ; We' am tbo wholele s j-nu aud It is foe sals also In the oy by . . V tfi' W4A. .'.. , " ' ( u.tc. t 1'inoa. A. O. H, Fisnsa. ADRIAN VOLUi.t4 ,. i '1 . t ; r i -i i "-1