I; I i j i r a; V VOL, XXIV. HO. 32G UILUIHGTOIT IT. C. OTODAY. IIOVEIIBER 14. 1075. V7H0LC ::o7.ci2 I ! VvV V'. www bf sblln Journal py telegraph. NEWS IN GENERAL- The St. Louis Whiskfj Fraads-More Trouble fop rijmoulh Co arch -In-tlmidators f onTlcted, Ac, le. ' GOLD 15 7-8. by TELEORAPIl to THS JOUKNAL. J SEW jTrSET. Bank Bon. Vewabk, Not, 13. .Tbe ran en the Dim ttBTins Bink ooutluuvs, an.) is met bj prompt payments.' . ' wishixstoj. Panama-Treasurer New. Wash i n jton. Not. 13.-i-Itar Ad-nt ral Wotdrn, commanding South Taoiflo 8qnadron. reports altufrs at ths Inth mus paoififi, tb roTuional Govern moat having given assurances of pro tecting trsnsit ' It is oonfiuVtitiy stnted tbat Treasurer New will ruf ign iu January. MASSACHUSETTS. . t ,i Injur j-Death. , Spbtnofmld, Not, 13. Senator Dawes wad painfully injured yesterday vj iqn aiqa oi oorae. t , , : WoBoiffrrrR, Not, 13. Tt. Jan. JJ Mikw, D.D.;'oetHrv!of tb Ameri can Peso Society, aad Secretary of in' ; rmtwmuiu for tie reiorm and codification of tbe laws, of nations, died here thi mrrrnrng.j j t ; . JntlmIdtors Fonnd Galltj. 1 Lopisyillk, Not. 13 Th jury in the cm Jfj ih United RU- against W. W. Smoot, Geo. Meffert, John Onan and Geo. Hall, charged with ootupiracy against i the . Govr nimnt and lotimidaling Will's UnsseH, acting TJ..S. AJsr 1ml ra the discharge rf bw duties, returned a verdict or guilty as to Smort and Mtflfcrt, bat reootc mend ed BieffVrt to mercy on aoronnt of his ill health. The men are all impliouted in tbe Owen Ku Klux outrages, MISSOURI. Whiskey Ring Frauds. St. Lotjh, Not. 13 Arthur Gun the', revenue agent, indicted for re ceding money to withhold informa tion of -whiskey-' and tobacco frauds, plead not guilty, and was held in $5,000. ("Vil Jnvf rrnn vithriaawn tha mnrinn for a ia trial and baa asked judg ment, as he is tired of being passed backwards and forwards for the bene fit of others, and is now ready to face tiie music aoJ receive punishment. ; WW T0Ka Gulbord's Funeral -Plymouth Church. Naw Yobk, Not. 13. A Montreal dispatch says Onibord'a funeral will take plsoe Tuesday next Tbe oor t?ge will not pass through the city as intended. The police force have been armed with rifles arid the entire mili tary force have been ordered out. Whether the authorities will allow the huge sarcophagus to be placed in the etimetery is an open quetion, and may lead to fresh complications. Mrs, Monlton has served papers on the clerk of Plymouth Chnroh, regard ing her expulcion without any proper trial. Sbe demands a oou-cil of churches to judge between her "and Plymouth Churoh. Henry O. Bower ssys be does not propose to be driven from Plymouth Churoh. j The Methodist Board 1 of Missions continue making appropriations. Geo. Belmone, the English notoh is UU"KoruilBljr m urio, , The Trnnk lines havo agreed to ad vanoe freight rates to the West on Monday; on the basis of 50 per cent, above those of the past few months. ' PbBjSION- ENGLAND Hunting an Author. London, Nov.12. Ambrose Aarlaen, captain of the Norwegian bark Priuoe Ocar, has had a preliminary examina tion at Newry, Iielsnd, on the change of killing , Robt. Fisher, ope of the crew. A Tlniet special from Berlin says : The Berlin Criminal Court has ordered at the instance of the Pnblio Prosecu tor, the arraignment of the author of tbe pamphlet containing the documents connected" with the Von Arnim trial, on the-charge of insulting Emperor William and libelling Bismarck and the Foreign Offioe. It is believed that Vcn Arnim himself, or some one in his onnfidenoe, is the author. Tbe offence is ptroisbable by many years imprison ment, , . ' , GERMANY. ' yon Arnim. Skrlin. Nov. 13. Count Von Arnim ill At! Vevay, Switzerland. He has asked leave of the- Ceurt to remain abroad longer, on account of the state of his health, before undergoing his imprisonment v- ' TIIBKEI.- . ' (Serrta Tranquil. Bklokam, Not. 13. Prince Milan, while reviewing the troops, announced that the.; changed political situation rendered the sending of them to the frontier unnecessary. - DIED. 'iHStll? A 1 6'c'Otk tll'S 1Or1ltl(f. Kov. tt'h. N. t A. Ahren., aged SI jwn, 7 month., kuhjik. - l8 curd waa born at Bcvratedt, Hinoier, Gitromn., M arch A , 1S4. Funnral iron St, Paul.' ETMtlnl Lntd'-ran Okaroii vo-Dorrow at 1 r. u., tbaiica W Ua dal. ( ematery. Krlma aad aoqaalnUnera ef tba famli j ara m.UUIJi lavll,! to atu4. . .v w jo f tihm .vr. All. h ltnd onr'lnf t n of ih.t llanH. r r- a r i ' Ut tbair nuu'i on or before t I sin witk r , ; W.moUDiOR". . ' prjUl Alt WIZCA. for C"iaT, Vnnn OAK, ASH and PINC, UUUU Cut to any Length. IVI.rrnt to ant l''t of th Cti B jaod a dit and ii)fio. M lowwt raah pry, ' 41. PARLfT('fl, N IxH-atloa S. Water St , foot ef ruga both u Feather-Dusters Assorted Sties. Whitewash Brushes, Paint and Eslso mlnle Brashes, Rope, Twine, Thread. tor ral 'o b Aljlo, .- ,Pachi Qulnoc, PEAR AND PLI M BITTER. PARSNIPS BEETS, CmOTI. Horss Eadish ' and Garlioi For a tie at Q. W. H. RUNGE'8. nor U TURPENTINE AXES. QCRarrat, PUSHKKt. GKUB HOS, C7 P'cd A io HhO'al.. Spadan, Forka Orlnd. a na, n A !' g tot oi tba abora foaei Jaat iari TBftnd for a tie at the lonmt eaJi pcieaa at th. oil aaUbllab! Hardware Honw or JiHNDtWSON, twrl Noe. U.li.asdtl MarkotStraet. PAUKKRi MiLLS NAILS. The Most Reliable Nail la the Market. Pot a tie bf . ,5 i' GILES AMURCHISQ3I, noTil LAND PLASTER. JL AM IIPK JTINO A CAKOO OF BOt K in a f w daj, aAd mil be mad to gr.nl freah toorder.,1 J. LORD. i. SKETCHES Young Ladies, Young Gentlemen a I'd YOUNG COUPLES, , Bt OH IS. I ,OKr,N Wlft Twenty fllurt .tlana by "Ph'a." (Flrat Aiuarlcaa f.dltlB ) km ....... v...., AL?P. u FiUCH1 MELTON, ; A Story, . ,t' T' s - Bt kt'THAmtMB'strNa. ' ' THE QUEEN OF CONN AUQHTt A Story. HEINSBEEQER'S I I Vt Book AND MTJ3IC STORK. , .or7 ' - ' : . - ' M r : ' STYLISH OVERCOATS. ; , STYLISH ORESS SUITS. , ( Z3T7SHTZ3S DTJITO ! OF ALL "'GRADES " " ' Only pUoe where the r " Genuine Wumsutta Shirts Oan be lonnd In in Olty at 6 for $7 50. MUNSOU CITY CL0IHIEB8.. THE CELEBRATED FERTILIZER ' WILCOX, GIBBS & CO'S. " BIANIVULATED GUAJfO, ThUCdtndltnow offorrd td Farraeri aid Plainer of im ill grtln fur tha season .n tha followlns liberal urmn '." t On nreolt to l.tof Norember, with option of l'Tmg in entton t it 4ierjtror mmnung, ae llrer U at Planter', tieareatata ion, $70 00. On credit 'o tar. r Nofmhr, payable In rarrauotr wltoout option, 160 00 Uaah, f 59.00. Sent lnor1eie early and fet vonr Hnann while you are hauling ootton tj market, to b.tb exp dw. O rcuiara firing analyil, certificate., etc., may be had i n ap Hoatin tn JA8. T. PETTEWAY, Wilmington, N. O. A 3nt Tor Meaara WUoox, Gibbi A Oo. no 14 ' j BAUON, PORK, mi EOBoxetD. S. Hide. -; Vi Bo.ee Smoked ilrlee. B0 Roxee D. 8 and 8 nuked Shonldert, CO Tuba Lard. SUGAR, . COFFEE, K, C3EESE, M HarrelaBugUt.'. "',"; ' ; lMSaokaOeffee. ,', ".v..;', IS Tloroea Bice. 200 Boxet Cherae. SALT. SALT. 10 000 KaokiUverp ol and American Salt, POWDER. SHOT. FUSE. '00 Ken Powder H tl), Sporting, Blasting, m B 'g shot. t 10)Doxe Cap.. , ' ' J ' ' j SOKeet Tun. " " oraaeby x,t , 1KRCHNICB 4 OALDjfcH lRO". norH HORSE BLANKETS, lap-Robes, Saddles, Darness, Travel; ling-Bags, Satchels, ' Shawl Straps', Feather Dusters, Saddle-Clotha, BHnd Bridles, Back-Bands, Collars, Dames, Leather, Saddlery Hardware; Axle. Creese. Krpairlng atlendrd to uroraptly. We aell sood. aalow si any Swld try Ilouaa In ttiax'ata ' B CAHPKMTIlltl 4 MALLARD. , DUSTERS BRUSHES SALT MAtVT. OPEriOUSEr tc i t.. o ti: rs ONLY ! hall j cc::d:.;atioNv, TUd&aVUAIX. ." Alas Vnr a f . Kr 'i- ' arra,awl M nuifi' X t ainal IimI Thrr cuxa.x crrrr:3 r:;:ii x:;it i , kOTXHSaH, WTS. W- wl'l r- r4r4 fnr ih at tlwr J.t,i rnro'r , iat a i w . tl tea ' fraat I Snoreaa, THE TWO Cr.PHAf.3. PioaoonoMl tiy tba praa aad pnh'lo, a r'Tal ba'nlabrtiliantCaaibtBaikmi' a .'l'frt. ad Matro'-pttaa Arti.'a. tta arrat . llm"o F. rant of ta .(. TCESDAT ETENIXB, NOVEMBER 16th, Will U prtaantad, tW ta at tlm karf, tha tret So'la'v rra LETD ASTRAY ! At bBf Hav4 a preavnt In kiaa Tark ''Itj with BOa iiW -. - - Prtnraar adatMoi. Ita. and Mn. Rrawaad aaata. ft. ' Pnr a'a tbraa hi. In 1t iiat a. Hla.bror'a Boo Stora. paiwonlara In BrofrwiDas. ll-a 80UETH1NQ NEW AGAIN - ' ' AT Wm. JPYlIi:'. EXCHiNOB CORNER. FREKCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY' ; rroB Farle. The Latest Thlngi oat In that Une.lA large lot of CELLULOID CORAL SETS AND NECKLACES. Anothar Handsome Aemrtmat ef TUCKING OOMUS. Utest Sty's ol Unen Oollart and Caflk. iittl " . The Celebrated Double EtatHo SIMON oja III Alt STCEL PEfJO. are fnr wis by all dealers In BUtlonery For tk.anleoao. thosa wke may U tr. them. Ham wle Oarda, ont alula one each of Iflnumtie.a. lll besant oy mail en receipt or 'it ce-.te. ..- . IV'HOS, HLAKtMAH.TAt'OR O., IDS 140 uand St., New York, aep M Sibj ; , ' " '. VM Prices, Prompt Mar;1 rin8TJLAWOHtt a'-' 7T 4' i.. ; STATISXERS 5 .-: 1 , PRINTERS ARB BIXCERS ; . a ' octlJ li LITKS&SAPHERSi GEO. MYERS, '11 and 13 a FRONT ST. All ear UxU dartng FA I R WEE IC AT REDUCED PfllCES FOR CASH craocfiiii8i ' ; PUO VISIONS, wines. .. ( :: -. - ' ; ' TEAS. LIQUORS, COFFEES SPICES, BED APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS, RAIS15S. AU Varieties of Nats. GIVE. US ; A CALL. We 0a torn sk fTSrythtag, together with ALL FAMILY SUPPLIES We bae a lra Stock, and will aell at VMSrALLI LW PRICES FOR, CASH. Oar Hranda for Flonr are hew Proitreis Km. pire. Monogram Kmprre, empire Kxtra, A in land and Lower Or. ilea. BUTTER AND CHEESE- And a Large Stock and Variety of Fancy Oooda GEORGE MY EttS. 11 1 13 SOUTH FRONT ST., notl BEST STOCK. LOVVEOT PRICE! ORJ BL AUK BOOKS, PAPER! ENVELOPES.! . ' and ' : " ' ALL OTHER J( f ATIONERY, SCHOOLBOOKS, . and FANCY GOODS SaTs yonr money by calling on E. MANN, ; Bookseller and Stationer, norl St XT WOU'lH f UVMT ST. N O T I O B- SBORKT ART'S OFriCrS, ) rton, UoJnmbla A AagnM. H R fllmiuglon, W. O , Nor 1, 18 8. ) Wllmlnrt Wll HE SIXI'H ANNUAL MBKTI50 ot the Stockh luera ol the Wilmington,' Ooltimbla A Anii4a ft all4 l om'pan y rl'l be held at the office of the Companv, In ItmrBvton. on W'd seedaj.tba I'tbln". .. ' J W THOMPSON, Of III SeoretarT 107G, FALL AHD IViriTER GEAOOU. V ', Bol Aaaoiictl Stock in!tha City now Open tl 38 MARKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, . . jxha Celebrated Qainet's Oros Grains. COLORED SILKS, U tha Latest Oloth Sbadea.1 i i ' '" i 1 ... . ' JIEAL SILK POPLINS. IERIK0S, CASSIMERES, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, . Ajd all tba Lateit Noveltiea in lDctogo 23rrciDr0o POK ALPACAS, That nsaal Hpeolalt ws hars aUsys sold so many and so low, that among so tuaoT goods it is onlj a small part of tha assortment. 171 O URN I li e G O O D O . In every variety. Will open on the 8lh another Lot of those oheap TlenrietU't CLOAHS AITS OH AWLS. -:o: MEN.- AND BOYS' WE A.E. Great Hosierv; Qlovei Embroideries, Everything is Cheaper than baa been : the Prioea and Styles will do the soiling. lull. SCATS; .No. 30 MARKET STRICET. nori NOTICE. VTEW HAMOVBRO(iUTTRsTingqaal i I tied aa adalolatrator or tbt estate of Joseph W. Bar na. on tbe Snth da of October, ISIS, notlos la heiebr given ts all peranna bar. Ins olaims asaloat the decedent, to eib bit the ame t' moh Admlnlrtrator on or before tbt Sith (1st of OotoSer, l7f), or this oottoe i be plaeeU In bar af tbelr reeoTery. ' )UlilAANa 0ABNES, oo'Sl lawter odmlnlstrator JOHN D. BELLAMY.IJr., Attor oy a Lavr, Offlo on Market ireet, near Northeast Corner J Second Street, WlXMtNUTON.N.U Will braotine In all the Ooortaof the M s. rrompt attention (lren ts V oolleffoi ol claims. oot 1 1 .a-wl AN OUTFIT I FREE" We want aoma one In everr ooii'itv to tea oraera ana aenver goofinor tne oia and on. lam plen. al (J. O. D. House. I arte Cash wagee. aaa wages, spi did rbancs tn every nslhhorhood for the right pxraon or euoer rex, v raonof eltber ret, youna or old. Samul.a new lia'a, circular,, terms, etc., a comilele outfit aent rrs nd pot paid. Send for It at once ani make money 4tyour homsa. Andrf an n. a. n n u x vo-, a n, noararu utre t, oaiu- The PieiaiflLit Press HICKdRY, . C, Is tha onlf parer published In Catawba county, and has aa eitenaire nlrc altUon among Mrrciianis, raim 'ra, ana all eiaeeeeor ooai neoa men in the hUt Tbe Psaaa la a live, wide-awake If ruo irallo paiier, and r a dealra ble meiliuin 'r a,irerlulng In VM sa rriNor'h HaroUna. l.lbnral traiailowe on yearly ad rertiaemaiita, hnbaritiptlon S2 In ut ee. Addma MultHlLLA 'l UMLi NiON, "4i toman, prayrletora. mareh .94-S MIOBSIL UBOWI.T. wiLsaa aiKsis CRONLY & MORRIS' AUCTIONEERS STOCK ANO REAL ESTATEBR0KER1 , WILMiNUtuN, M. O. (UN B R H t E N AT rHEIB SALRS HI DM a plan of tbe olty, on au enlarged t-a'r (llank Booh with the itonndarleeof eturf IB tbe illy disttnjtly defined. Asseneea raina,paBt anu present, oi era lthaolt ilty '.nf ant y 'ormatkm desired rnmlikad ap p Inatloo. I til, NATIONAL SALOON ! HiVixi jost rirrsjrt up mti H A M P L K O O I, In the latest modern atyle, f propose ts iu la connection thorew th a A RESTAURANT AND STORE. The former will be kept sn the BCKOPB IN PI, A i." and gantlemea visiting ma will tlwaya be turntntied with the choicest Meats, Venlron.'iista-a, Uam( and everything that tha NoMbern ant our Home Market afforda I shall havealao.in a fear tiara the finest lot of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS Fvev oirrl for taie In Wilmington. Myaam nle room la aupp'.lM with the tinea llqaors and wlneato b had. I reapeett ally ask a skats ! lb. on""" pvmniM, HBXJBItT JONE3, POTJ 10JU ........ .' 1 070. Li us of White Goods. known (or years. We only require a call 'ositively, H Postponement flL PORTTJWE VOlldl." ULEO ALLY AUTHORIZED. EKAS GIFT CONCERT ASSOCIATION Of Denlisn, Texas, will give a IOOND GRAND GIFT OONOF.rW nov 30th. 187M D1UW1NG l'OSlTIVI., Or Money.Refunded- lrstuamtai tiirt fivyy eoond(5apitalQift 25.000 Dee del UlfU tn proportion ao-oontlng in all Ui 0250,000.00. Lowest Clfttt,aholTloft, Wd Price nf a Whole Tloket, . wliloh oonilstal fir Brofl uouionc. COUPON TICKETS, ff. Wliick will entitle the holder to admlaalon U hellrand Omrart, and t ons-Stia or wn vnr glituty be awarded te the whole tiuke lumlifr. RMiiontlble agents wantM. All orders for tlukeuient direct prompt!' tilled. (llroul ra, Paper, etn., giving run pamctt ara. aant fr,'. In writlne. be sure and slci rnur name, t iwn. ocinty aii'l t te In lull. Orddra t.ir tlni t- araumtl 14 to SS ana up ar rent I . U. ..if ip ai'eil. A'Mrewa-l oommiiaicatlotis ana make all emlttancra of money payable to, A. n. C0LUNS, Sec'v. Denttos, ivr rder TICKETS AT 0 ' ... .-L. 1 I iiiim lira wing win poai'iieiy mi i p.ann Nov AVMb. IKlo.aod buta short time now e mant.ej ..0M END0RSEMEN1I We, tbe nude nUned. vlllaeua of Denl on refa. rheerlnllv ilva our temlm nv to th- hoiinrahl and Imi arllal In wlii h (be find ) and Qilt oncertof the I'iiQ rt oticxit Awlation waacidiio'eil. and a to be wy iractnry manrer In which all the, pJedaiJ md Promina nr lie Aoocixi'm were crn nit! ami. fnr'hel d mnat hearlllv dors, 'be Srnnrd ttrtni (lilt Concert, to be given Sov mher S'Kh, "la. WH Winn. Mavor. Oltv of nenlaoi: l larmi-n Jjdae W rtK'rk. l W Wtltera'O.'d it Uirlng , W Hlard, W t Tlbba, W II Him I OTay or ! lhnon;.l hn Nevl 1, Whole nU Hi Aivli: .1 H ni. Whole a e tttwr Vp rt'ln Mrea. Wh lra'e Llqiorn: urn ""tar WnnKsa'a lry Qod; (Irnfatiiln Wl.oHHal Drv Ooole H n J W Jennings iqi-O J I 'filt'r; nrjoreild. THE 050,000 BONANZA QO tO OOO fl'rart often Hi i.i. f,.rtnii.. KiiTT natlcn a" ent f -ee i "rest PENDLETON A READ, Wall Street, New Yurk. U tfll iriDLl CiroularhowSIOtO (DlU ShOllnteatMi in "(fi t rnviieina, naa pam ana will pay lrge Profit'. Hill oad Stocks, B-da and (told bought on margins interest Hli nrreur..arnw-dondFDnaiteeut ect t !! dra't. huokw.lter Oo., Btnk-r.and Hrokera, No. 10 Wall tftreet, H, T. r.i'.aiu. WOOD : Al' Rinds cl Ash, Oak, IA' Iwvxl, Ao., oY. For sale by ai. WZiOOTT, Agent, At the Walker Wnarf, foot of Doek Street. povIJS r , .- '.. .va j it 'jr a DON'T TP- Are fnlly alive and know that 0001)8 MUST BE BOLD LOW. Wa"are prepared to HELL AH CHEW A8 ANY HOUSE. IN AMERICA, v , . Uiva us a call and sue (or yourselves. Oar spsoe is too small to tuuiueraUi every article, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, Ladiva' and GuUr and'Childrens' Merino tnir Ycata and Ulovrs. A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY HOSE. DRESS GOODS. - jLn Endless Variety. BLACE ALPACA Wo lake WA K . . . i , , .i CiUCNTrV UltlUNN HIIIUTM, PAltTriTc six:eor '6.oo. Manafsotnred from Wamsutta Cotton and 2,100 Liuen. Now Is your time to bay WCAHLKT MKDIOATUI) 1T11,ANNICL, ' eoommended by every t'ovsioisn Underwear, Maohine Needles CUT 3? A.XIiiIA BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Ilarket Street SDlM SJ X J - . I AT RETAIL I B. WEILL ! B. WEILL I VILL I 600D3 AT PRICES I ALL wt ask Is an examination of our stunk. We fW) MttlHllcd tliat thnt' the publio will be couvlui-od of wimt we wiy, V (ttve twinw a few irkws: " ' i u ' i.j. - 1,000 vnrds llhuk AIpiii'ss at (iOrt'tits torth filici'iits. , , , , 1,000 yartlsHlack Alpacas ntM Hints wortli W ooiiN. " " .. 1.0(H) yards UltipkAlimfU8nt07J cwits worth 80 oetit ' " 1 i (K)0 nuirs Lnillfs' Jliwe til 'St wuU worth ao routs. , , .lt s , 300 im!rt Lnrlirs' Jlosent 4H rrnt worth (IlKwnti- , , , . 800 lift Irs liildrens Htrlprd Huso at Rl punts worth .17 rents. 1 " 60i)iHlrst'hil Irmm' MriptKi HoMeiit87i tnta wwrth 45 wnlev ' f .- WajwlrtUilldreuM' Htrli)odIloHt'at6.otUtswortU5jeutii. . , , . . J ' . i S li I- . -..'. t, i I -' (: liuve on liiuul many other Kuods ;. - - 11 QU ALLY AS' LOW, . TOO NUMEROUS All of which FOR ;-OASH PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITIOX. : VEKY RESPECTFULLY, ! B, WEILL, 32 North Front Street; AT oet 2 FURNITURE ! FURMlTURe I V OrlEBl FOB THE PALliTrtaDr. HCRDirAt, I,ARQK AND INGUBA8BD8TUOK w UP New Patterns I'nrlor, Chumher nnI . -AT XrKKMI,V CAUPET8 AM Oil In this Una our -t wk ' m'.ra--s s'l of the MrW nprrs, I U..tt,in B'ld Hemp 1 erpnis u iBMI M4gll..ll ' Bedding &c. &o . Hair. Me i M ll TKKSclKS, KKVTIIrClfl Pl"IKIt 1 I And out Hotels, Htoamera and Private Her id jlc af ..r teas, give as a van iuu j eritstr Tbe Caroliua Hansuboid HaeaziDC, . AN ILliCiTItA I'KO MONTHLY' rholce Lltiftnro, alll belfaiwl ftom lb' lou"- Bu.o Ms aamiBB Orricis comiuenclng wtii .lanairv, iJft. . The first rmmb'-r will b rail lor mvllngny iiai ei per iin, ana in inni. Ii'st will hr pu'ill'K't each siiccohIIhk mni.tli thi'rsn'ter wlibooi tnli-rrnptmn. n .in tairf wli hn neglcteii a-jii n aitnt-r la'eni 01 ai Hal fan cmr'"! .0 render e h lrie an agriable and nslriicttva rnmumdliiin ol rn"lcr r-a ling, by popn'ar writers buh homr atidtt rad. - . The Carolina Household Magazine will be a lar ,a SS-page. eUhty-IOBi .rolume monthly, haudMimalv print til on tint" bo patwr and bnauti'ullv 'llustraied It Is thoroughly anuitern entevnrlne and ltiiociw Is alrradi fnl'y siureil. Th inibll"Uer ihbhiii o make It a Brut ,il raniilhiy,' lha. onco In trod need In Oi faml'v clr.-la. I sine to b eugerly watcbed tor and pariiiliy iir,..rre.l lta"POHTM,IT OaLl.KKY" wllUroveae attrnotlve f-a'nro the .U"Hiy number will eontaln a liro-llke plotnra of EX GOV. Z. B. VANCE, and hibrapliloal skntoh, tn be Ihlloned In eanh su.ieiHnii nnmher with pbotograubs ol otber prominent atntwwnen. illvlnee, c ; ONLY T"" '11)1, LSt SYKAH and sanh nhaor!er can maki- a ehi'oe Tenia iwt BBar;TirnL,taB usa ioa. site of eanh l 1 :0'nrha, via: "Tha Fit ding of tha a'otir In the l'emple,H "The M lon na."or"KngLar l flng the Ntnrm.' for. warded on rediA f tbe eBbvlitkm 1 rice. Hither of the v.nrv!n la worth drolilethe prlnse, k 4 'or 'hr M,aal .. . mr seven en Mnjaol'ih of will ri" prtve a i t' s ib '1 ipiun Iree. P'.n.t coUt eenU, frew by mall. Hi mn'hs aubsor p. ttow, w'houtlh Tngravlng, SI. Asants Wanted at verywh.re, " JoiluaA. tfOMTii, Pebllil'hS JoldHxwo,N O. r s x.a .vr t O B G E T ! I a Qpeoialtv. E UP T T MADia for llhsnmatistD. Bhsker Flannel Five Cents Eitolu Frank Leslies.'., , , for , I? A.TLTTI2rfcNW. 1 i .i AT RETAIL I TO SUIT THE i -TltlES. TO MENTION, wo j will sell ? t ti ( and Designs , lInlir Hoom ir-ui-AiiiiiM.! L W PKIOES. ( tXOTJI AM) MATT ami leainng rauern. n. Drun-ri.. . .... -piy gr " ' ' - a- .Hi. UI .'riui,, Shuo'T. Excelsior and Straw t D-l K K.V 1 HFf PI (.LOWS AN l B'JUi I Ka , OP TH. BEST MA lKKlAb w 1 Miin'iicnire. rn ht In 'ho lJttot SHylr and atli; rrle ,ra nexuf Btwkbaf.iropu'obiuiing. , D. A. SMITH & CO-. t t3 FroutStreat , .Till: 1SALTIIIOHE HOF.1CEOPATHIC PHARMACY HtllllVtU in ScpH'iuti r Is', to tha ipacl oussiure t N . l;i Wet Fuytte hi., where th t ropr'rtcirs will bo p" hiI to ere their o iX rlcndannt p'ron . wmj li'ta slock of Pure . nni Kellaht lMtnoeopMliln Me"llolns 4 wll aa h.k. fnr Pht-slclens i'd family use, mi ,t' tlv k'l t In atii.'k. ' id ira per mall rf r pt Iva te.ulMit .. A.l.l.ll'ir KH'KKiTAFfcb, oat r. yeit- Nmi, llalilmors. Ei ANHUtSES A CO'X r, , j . ...... T TTttK lager b'ier, Just reolverl In loa from if at. Luiiladiiect, Tbe Idlowlng la thsre suit of tbe analysis raadu by W, . tit Conrad,, ObamUt if the 'n'twl itre Naval Labor tory, New York. Oi'NCLCSlON FBOV THR ANA' T -li OF ! THE QUALITY. heqsaIl'yorthie beer, aa ilinwn bv our enlivens superior by Its parenees. as n et trano m'ier could be deteoted. I he larw Bm nntef aitractsubalan.T (ro.H M-ing navd. In etiraordlnry great quantitlrs, wMch, hav ing been roasteil, lves tho oot that peculiar flavo of fresh bread) makAs tbl i-r a vrv. BonrUhriig and highly ncomrueni ili a drink for medi.li'Bl parpoan,- Anolh r gnid qii.lity of this beer ia that It k p la geol own l.nou . BSAersllclionmatHnoea, a . . W.O. '0"RAt. , rhemWtsof U. a. Nav.lLar tmy. w" km the .ho.aals agents, and lt Is for, ale) a'ao la tbe city by , . ... . Jean Waab.Js., , . , ! M.W. wrx. I :; . ? I a. Q, H. FlH. . ., ADRIAN ea VOUd '"v .

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