v. I N - Ai i i : x ' f VOL XXIV. Ha 327 X. TiaTOIT IT. C TUESDAY. IIOVEUBER 16. 1875. xi&olz no- im DY TELECRAPH. EU "R O PE. EUSSU - FREFABKD FCR WAR. leadr tor Smlfe-IIrriffOTlnla to Seid Deputation to toe rower -Carllsta Repulsed In Kloja. WASHINGTON ? NOTES, Seeretarj Chandlar-Radlfals to Be- orfanlie Tlielr Partj In Tlrglala ijrieultural Beport, if.. Ae. .NEWS IN GENERAL Fire - Whiskey Frauds - Murderous Assault -8. CConst-lidatlou Bonds -Spain! Iatentloni-Aquatlc. G O L D 14 5-8. 81 TMJKHUPH-TO TH JOCBiJAIi. J SUNDAY'S DISPATCHES. HIW YOBKj v. Vnov Vm 11 -Tlfrrftmi from I'lattshurg, Whitehall, and other points in tins mato, report upbyj nuuw storm. Fears are entertained for an early olose of navigation. SOCIH CIBOLH A. King street, last night, destroyed the dry goods star of. J, B. Read Co.; Barnard's photograph gallery ; and an AljoiniDg building temporarily ouu r.,aA r va mrA k fVi an a book anO' tion house. Loss, $80 000 ; insurance, 865,1)00. . WASHINGTON. . Washtnotoh, Not. H. Vioe-Presi- Ak XPilnn'a hsalrh ill atill imtirOT- UCU ' ' Miww - ----- . . ing. He receired aeveral friends to day. ... a.....r,ttn11ov will re-nommenoe the work of ramovfcig offloiaja . this . VTnnt mnitaniiiinii nravails in the DepartmeaA The heads of the various Departments are Carrying . with their annual reports. , It is offloially stated that additional calls by the Treasury lot tne rwuamp n nf ha nil rmtatandinf bonds do- lVV U VT MV 17 pond on tha sale of the new ones abroad. - - . d.... .uih ti that nrominent Republicans in Virgiuia are working that Btate. - A change in the Richmond postmastership i said to be contem plated a the leading incident of the reorganization vj wu.u mo denU nd Republicans are to unite. aor to Misa Lew, while Oen, Heath is on the programme lor wvenne not a i t):.LaJ lector lu jwuuiuuuu. p OBBI O- IN. BUSSIA. am Vmm-namrmn ' Vn 14. All the troops in Southern Russia are said to ia. .AtiA .arvi'iu DO in reauiucon iu v ..w. . AUSTRIA. -tTrvrnr. Vnv 14 Herzecovinia will , --. . y send a deputation to present a petition to Vienna, Benin ana ds. rrierBuurg, embodyinf tneu? wienes. . t ITALY-' ' Vn. 1 4 LncianL Frezza. .mti Fin and Mrtrftlli. who have been on trial, ol.arged with complicity . V 1 CI . in tne muraer oz ivanaei ouz.guu, - J,- a T 'nar.ifj-.lo. hftTA hf)D COD- vioted, and sentenced to penal aem- tude for me. MONDAY'S DISPATCHES. The question of importing Chinee women for immoral purposes ia aet for T It '''J . ..... . The olnoiai ooiwn crop n-i.. x ... ..ira iirot rximpariwon of the prdoot of this year witu mat 01 1874. As former reports of the con dition have iudioted the ries oor d.rirg on the AUantio all ahow a reduoed product, aud tUoe in theMis iraippl Valley aa ineroated yild. l'rior U Not. 1st. killing -front had appeared in the mow northern State of the cotton belt, in' some countiea of .Northern Georgia and in the di-trot north of the Ti-nnewee riTer lu Ala bama. E!ewhre tne co'ion piam wai nnirjured and generally in Tigor- US RrowtU on-good ianu. in tu h in Tnimiitna (Claiborne) it is claimed that a wk's eou'innano of fine wtafher wonld wcronae the looai yield eT rl hundred bales. There la much in quality in the piogreas of picking, lu nome omiuvieo in uou'k' and Alabama the harvest ia neaily Tn MiKRiHiitmi the work has be-n delayed bT politieal diMnrnanoes and sickness. "In Washington connty two-tbirda of the -rop was uwrathered. aud it was feared tuat unriaimas would find ono-fonrth Mil in me Balds. Fine weather has betn the rule with a few ciceptin- s. The effmit of the great Beprmrer storm m Southern Texas proves lees disastrous than was at flrat represented. The amount of lint in corapa ieon with the .f luiiMiniitton is nuite variaoie. " R " - - .tin. 9nn 0T tn X imr cent., but SO far a reported appears to be less hau in 1874. .! lWkev. DeDiitT CommiBMoner of Patents, has resigned. ixmnAnra flnonnr. timmandlliff at he Pensaoola Navy Yard, telegraphs . .. .. i.: I. - thtl k'l q.wutitiuo resiriowoua uo been removt d at that plsoe. Collectors Of ynstonis witi oe oruereu to reduce their forces to curtail ex- Denses. an the appropriation is detl- oient $000,000. The PresiJp.nt has oomraenoea tne prepHration" of hw message and will receive no visitors uuui it ou.u pleted. . ... The Postbffioe Department estimates are $77,415 in exoeaa of lat year'a appropriations. JTBW JBfv irs M.CnOJJLY.AuclItnszr, CE0IILY C: iiczma, IDIT.FiIE AT AUCTION! TH MOBalFBal IS a'alack, will Ml bwr of W. ''' iM,Mf lytn4 la trwl f Mr. J. . y Itor. I DO Dunchea Danana. SaoOO twet Oranges. 8ALH POSITIVE. BOTl It THERS. FEATHERS A LARCI Lot of Boat Llva Coeaa Foathora Juat Raoalvad and for Sala 1 ow. Wa Warrant tham to ba Wall Staamad. orisif p. A. SMITH A CO. "opera-house. asaaraixs' A TTD ACTION I FOR TWO NICHTS ONLY ! HALL'd COMBINATION- THUS. A. HSLL... Mtiatr. Alio Manr et th ( Chicago rsatr,awl lata Maaacer f Walaat Hfrft Thtr. GRAND OPENINfl MONDAY NICHT ! NOVKMBB. tftta., " Whn will h rrrk ntad for Ilia flrtt tint bar, mat Maw York aoeit. THE TWO ORPHANS. FioniMwMd by tha arcai ana puonn, aa piaraa ; tht brilliant UaablnaUna of diatlng ntib aa Matropolttaa Artlata, tia rcat Dramatla Ennl af tha aaann. TUESDAY EVENING, N0YEMBEB lotn, Wtllbeiriaanted,mra B'at iiom ana, u Urva. pHr I'immim 107G. 1070. FALL AHD IVIUTER SEASON.. jWt AMorte 8tock fcfke City now Open al ' r e r ' i -A wVr"- UVUpliVUp LiciiUx- - aj '36 MARKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Celebrated Ouinefs Oros Graiua. COLORED SILKS, : Alltha Lt Cloth Bhades,! REAL SILK POPLINS. " MERINOS, CASSIMERES, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, id all the Latest Novelties Jn .VKBT JtBfKKTIfK.nK.XtSt DON'T FOEGET1! Are fully alire and know that"00OL)!i MUST EE HOLD LOW. Wej:ara " Oire us a fall aud aeo for yourselves. Our spuoe U too malt to cuumerate every artiole. BLAINiailTS, FLAlSnSTKLS, ' Ladiea' aud Gents' MidChiUr.W Merino Cudor Vta and Gloves, A LARGE STOCK OF FAMCY HOSE DRESS GrOODS. An Endless Variety. 25nxn)raa BLACK ALPACA TIBGINIA. Wnv 1K n. O. DeTier. an officer in charge of the chain-gang, : .tmrnT trt arrest an escapinff IU i.UU..u ' neffro, waa assaulted with a shoe knife, rtoeiviDg tweivo cuwaoou m ru, neok, and upper part of the body, soma of whioh are serious and may prove fatal. The negro was arrtu. SOUTH CAB0L1NA. 4 fjantorvcm Ny. 15 Information having reached Columbia that a report ;n.Naar Tnrk that the naw consolidation bonds of South Carolina, whioh Trere issuea in , exenange lor oouponn alleged to have been fraudu lently outstanding, wonld be repudiated by the tttate, tne uovernor, vjuui-roller-General and State Treasurer authorize the contradiction of the re port, and express tha Duller mat no snob purpose is anywhere entertained, or can be legally acoomplinued even if desired. FOBBION- BLACK ALPACAS, Thai usual Specialty wa haTe always Bold so many and ao low, that among so many gooua it w uuij ui.ii . IM O U R N I n G G OOD8. LED ASTRAY ! In every variety. " Will opea on the 8:h ftaotber Lot of thoae ohep HenriotU's I A ..a,U...lH hi. VA.k lilt. I 4 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. MEN" AND BOYS' WEAR. Great fjtoe of Ai bom. slaved at prewBt Id Naw York 01 tj Prloi of admlwlon TSo. and Sue. Reastvad ta f i. Pnr Ml tbraa aajri In adrutoa at Helnnbaraer'a Book atora. Partlsulain tn pro jr an mat. BO14J 80L1ETHINQ HEW AQAIR AT Wm. , FYFE'S. EXCHANGE CORNER. FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY" froai rarla. Tha LataftThlagi sat la that Uaa.XA large CELLULCIO CORAL SETS. AX 9 KECUACES. Anothtr Handaoma Aawrtajant of TUCKING OOBI1J8. We Make a Spdoialtv. WAKE UP!!r, GENTK' DUIN HIXlltTH, 1A11TI SIX FOR 86.0.0. Manufactured from WamsuttaCoton and 2,100 Liuou. Now iayour time to buy HOAltl-KT MKDICATKD I't.ANISlCL, eoommended by every rhvsioin for Rheumatism. Bhakor Flannel (or ... ' ir n r ...11..- nAn?a Tr.iili Tr fn ii It r.Anliaisi' UOUOrWeAf. iUaiOaJllAW AUHtllVO A IfO vvli aWtwv4 a BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street turn Hosiers Gloves limbroideries, White Goods. STAfLB If AM mm U VlAltJ 1 NOTION 1 ootll rtatt BtfU of LIB OoHart and CaOa. DRAWN 1011 IM, SKETCHES of Yonng Ladies, Young Gentlemen Everything ia Cheaper than haa been.known for yeara. Wa oaly require aoan tua rnon buu diji w. v o- JSTo. 36 MARKET STBIGET. AT RETAIL I AT RETAI L I B. WEILL! B. WEILL I B. WEILL 600D8 AT PRICES TO SUIT THE; TIMES. ... . . . aifiuilr. V tVwl itUHt tl tllllt til lit I th pubUo will to oonvluced of what wa auy, W;kIvo bbw a taw prices; 1,000 vanls Black Aliwma at B0wi.b worth' Mcciita. 1 (MK) yards lllnck Ahmoua at 5S ccnU worth 0 wnU. Wards Blm AIonH at 67 'l,t- i pain, likiics' jiomo hi -j v .r,A , ,V u 80) Lira JdMlliV liowut 48 jviiU worth -0ciUm 600 6IKI BS WW WrlH I at 8l..t-" wortl. HTj cn.s. JEW TOBK. Tnn Vnv. 15. Qao. Belmore, the English actor, died here thismorn icg. Investigation shows that tha cargo f u Win nnndained neither kero- sens no paWoloum, but bad three . i nana nf refilled DetroleUEl stowed on her upper deck, part aft and i ..4 Unaf nna hnnnred feet part JUfWwu, " " a ui. from any fire or other inflammable freight on Poarpy fENNSVLVANIA. T..'.-rrY.' Wn 1R. A' laee number of - business men, embracing delegations from ail Dranoue. uu changea. hrriTed on a special train from New York and apent severs houra ia ; examining the Centennial buildings. : ' ' ' MISSOtBl. St. Loms. NorTm-The trial of MoKee and MoGuire is set f or the 15th December. -Toorhees defends them both. Thirteen distillers and recti fiers, and aevaa I gangera and atore keepers have plead guilty. GERMANY. TtaTtT Wav II. Tf. .si ATYinhatififtllv JUIWVa-'liVf; .ivi.avi at denied that the movements ot Russian troops are connected with warlike preparations. SFAIN. Mmtra Knr IB The CarlisU hi tfomntinir In rirBTrtnl Onesada from fortifying positions in th district of Rioja, were repuiaeaiwitn neavy iobb. TharVti-raannrufanniaatAteathe reDlf of Spain to the recent nota of the United estates, in regard to tue treuij nf 17Qn whinh will lief and the riff lit JL UV w.v " --- - - u f Hntiin with pnoTA-v. but mediation. It expresses hope, tnat in ner aeaire tn maintain onnA rplftt.innS between the two countries, Bpaiu ' wih meet with reciprocity. ENGLAND. T .AimAlf Nntr. 1R. The Thames this morning was the highest on record. i Jla.-.ottfi frnm Perak sava troODS are intrenohing the British residency, and await reinioroemenw oeiore m taoking the Malay stockade, which is seven miles distant , A special from Uaiiara says eigut Turkish battalions under flehm rash, are surrounded near Gatsobka by o nnn naransntimiinR. a l ihwhl bu- counts the battle is still progressing. Joseph a. Haaier, 01 uouuou, uov t tit n-.i nf futaahAad. for a stake of 200 and the championship .of the Thames. At the conclusion 01 iuerue Sadler announced that he would never go into training again. - (First ABMtteaa EdUloa.) ALSO. HUGH MELTON, R WaTHAalNK KINO. TUfflUCIN OF GONNAUOHTt HEINSBEEQER'S UVB BOOK ANO HTJ8IC STORE. norT' YOUNOCOUPLE8, ftWA MYEKS. BT CM as. unjaa.no. i ija aaSTy BBiaa ava aaaaawivj With Twenty Illart.tl.ns by "Phl.r" 11 .nil 13 H TRONT BT. All oar Uoodi daring) FAIR WEEK AT " REDUCED PEICES f OR. CASH GROCEniBS. PHO VISIONS, WINES. TEAS. L I C UOBS, C0FTIE8 SPICES, BED APPtES, 0BA5GES, LEMONS. ! BAISI5S. All TarletlM of MnU. HIVE U8 A CALL. Waaaa farB aaaTary'hlnj.togeHiar with ALL PdHlliy SUPPLI1S We te a !.arte Stock, sb4 will ell t I M SI ALLY LOW PRICEff FOR CASE. Our Bnndi for Flour are w Prorata Ko. plre, Monogram r.iupiiu, nuiyuv fMw n.i i .imi i ir ulna. BUTTER AND CHEESE- And a Large Block anJ variety oi r nicy uw Portland Cement. Alto, Rflao. Keeae'e and Parlaa, lor walks ditto rot" findatloni, ttablea, eellart, krtdgm, r. WTOlre, ic. Ktmlt tlx cent postage (ot prUca. S'VThJS'haNT OO. t Boath 8t , New York. lia-miM t. HOWE!' SCALES M XITEara the tgente for then well known acVeN Parties will do well toexaailne plea before baylag other sake. OILEa 4k MUBUBIHCn. oet ' Hardware Jonas. BUGGIES ! BUGGIES I B E. JONR8 aVOO., of Goldaboro, , Will have on exhibition at the ralr a lot of Open and Too Bugglae."- wtu be For Sale. OWe theai aa examination, 4 POT- POLKTON. STILL AL17E aifi MOVING -rTBBTderirsbleliOti, Honte and Vainjoia 1 ,t01iiIt 0Bi)att ell t-om One-fouHh to Twenty Aorr t. Terms liberal. Apply to . t nOTl0ltaw3W Polkton, W. C. GEORGE HYERS. 11 & 13 SOUTH FEONTBT., aovT wii.ass aoaaia CROHLY & MORRIS jrSW JltVMtTJBBJUt-YTB. db. a.v.ooaa. db. s. aoaooau DOB AND mm A. T AUOTIONI in at. onr Raleireom. On THUliSIA.Y, -NOV. 1, at iso'iocs, a. CRONIiY4kMOR"IS, novl tf Anctlrtneer. . AUCTIONEERS STOCK AND REM. ESTATEBROKERS WILMIMQTOli, W. 0. I ...at aavu iTTUr. Rll l,KH Bl ajam FHESH MEDICINES. tfVXlSSS&ZS NEW DRUG STORE Washington. . UfaamiGTOif, Not. 15. Supreme Court Henry Brenner and H. S. Moore vs. Leroy F. WaTkrt- and others, from the Northern District of Alabama, Decrea below sustained with costs. Ooinion' on appeal from Judge Brad SiecisiouTo the. Grant Parish essea is not compiewu, difficult to m "M PID,0U wh.,0.h wiU oommand the sanction of a major ity of, the juBtioea in all ita pomta. NOTICE. APPLICATION WILU MB " Hank of Hew Hanover" 'or the to ,. of a daphsata ? v Mca for 1 arj. af ?li;gre.b.rftutlHeiWa-d .0 the I.U W. . pie.dtteaine o.t , .-i-MPIR, Bo16-1.-w . Adm'.B.EMPlB. HORSE BLANKETS, Lap-Robes, Saddles, Ifarness, Travel-llng-Bags, Satchels, Shal? Straps, Feather Dusters, Saddle-tlotha. Blind Bridles, Back-Bands, uouars, names, Leather, Saddlery Hardware, Axle Greese. - , 1 Markflt,bet.Beoond and third Street. DRS. COBO k NORCOM 10I.ICIT tha attention of Phyilclane and V pa1.ile generally to their aew rug Btore. 'hey keep only , NEW AKD PURE MEDICIKES. , Prua.lptlnna earefal y f"di hours, dav or nltht. Thethope at earofa tentloa toerltta-.rort. Taeirpn...j- office Uln the Drug Store, and thty will Itlhelreareta. eapurtl.lon. iw.u ib tne oi. j UUUUVU7 uwmi.vw. Ajtetsed TalBe.paet ai.i proeeat.of ava latheeity. ... . . Ant InfonBaooaenrwi plleatton. ' an PARKER BULLS NAILS. The Host Reliable Nail la the Market. Fr aale by GILES ft MURCHISOM, not I J neutered to ai.y part of tha CUv In f aud euudltuw, at kwai.t cath prloet. . .o, rBSLi atuq, v,.itll.ar at, toot ofuraage. nutltu ' 1 ' JUST PUBLISHED. ositively No Pistponement !i IA FORTUNE tVOR8l..v .LEO-ALLY AUTHORlZID.1 mi GIFT CONCERT ASSOCIATION. ; Of PenUm, Texas, will gltea BEOOND QBAND GIFT CONGER, Nov 30th. 187 DRAWING 1'OSITIYlJ Or MoneySRefunded. Icii-at rianttal Citt klAnntlrf nrlil ift. ......... . ! rv'Y"-r"' :." lea dee Ohm la proportion an-onuiiua, .u " 1230.000.00. UoWatClrtto,yholaTlct,WO Prloe of a Wholt Ticket, ao. wsiod oonaistH it ate SI uoain. onimnv TICKETS. l. Which will entitle the boldr e admiatlai. toj ha Urand O inoert, ann nrnii-nim - ter glit may "e awaraea w rue wu. inmlr, KMiionilble agnntt WMitMl. . All orJerafo' tirkett tout dlroct promptl;. Illled. ' .. Clrmil ; Papert, etc., gitiug ran pari.ru . in a,i,i.iir h.i .ma and tilt. roar name, tiwn. eojnty anl Mt ti In roll. Ordre f r tloi'.t. ainiautl m to 6 and tip . ... I. I. A ..... 1 ar tein 1 . v. """ . Aldretaail topimunltatioinana niw.i einlttanne of money payenie to A. R. COLUNS, Sect. Dentson, rr DnrD TIClfCTS AT O ttha urtwlng will posriaiy raae Not nrn. isid. ana oo m ur ,lu. maint.i .?HE ENDORSEMENT! We. the mule l .-ned.vltlttnt ot Dent oa, m . -1 ...11 .1... ..utninnt . , h I- lonnrable and Imuartlal in ah ch the ftritj 1 and G'lt oncurtof the 1'exa.O lt oncettl . .... ........ MsannAIM. Ktlfl U til II") TBI Kir I il i. '." wmnv 7 - - rariaicwwy un.n vi , . ' " inntffomioi h. "p)Di';" mf an-l. fnrfhel &" ai.Jt beartllr endure MinMrnnid irnd Olrt Concert. 10 be glren MotfmVrS'llh, lS. ...., W H Winn, -layor, vivt in ."!" -""" luting. J W MMirard. W W.M. W H Bow Lie tr. Ool. JHHm, Wliole e (Irowr Kd tln h'oa.. wnnewej.q i.t", -- -r. . i. . nnj.. y. ilrnn'ataln waoiraie ."7 v... . vri.nlle ln Ooolt Hn J W Jeimlnge, Si Chliur' Btrl'M K 'c.nto worth ea.,t- We have on luuid many other gooUa JtQUALLY AS LOW, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, All of which wo will Holl . , v FOR , CJfa-SSE AT PRICKS THAT DEFY C()31IKTIT10N, VERY IUEfjrECTPULLY, jj, WEILL, 32 Noitli Front Street. oct 2 FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE 1 . ..r .r t iiir IKCUKAHttOSTOOK -ITTKOrFEBFORTHKrAl.Ul v New Patterns and Designs OF Parlor, CI...lor .U1 lMnL.tf Koo.nFurHliuro. at txruKMKLY i,"W pitiur:s. riAItPJETS AM) OIL CLOTH ' AM) MATTMO UtUI. line onr ;t Vk n,,r -TU-.r V--11' Baddiae. &o.. &o, Hair, Ma ShucV, Excelsior and Straw ' TJ. Aa&mTK&CO.a V, a wa. 143 Front Strrft apWtr 11th Edition. PBAOTIOAL OBSERVATIONS. OS 4 - NERVOUS DEBILITY PUYMVAL EXUAVSTlOti To which Is added An Eaeay sta Marriage' Witk Important ehapter. on OHORKEBI OP TUB ttBPRODUOTIVB Bemr s 'stnopal or le-tarea dellred at their MUSEUM OF ANATOMY htraniiert tleltlng ihe city, thoeld not tall to e? t". freat colPecttn, being the largest In OB wwri I Mf ciiestaatat , oppwItaCanfiawt? Ml " ' rtentee .if loUr cnt on reeelirt of !S canu TCraaa, Paa. .IOHIM N IATIK80N. THE 050,000 BONANZA nfaaaa - afa 1 II TOTim ,n tisn F Tf ft 711 HtraitOtlftn rrfcnn. n'l nvttcu, wnt frtj Ad- Drum KT TCI M a. MtAU. w Street. Nw io.lt. ' . ma rtbBitHr t- raiiadolpbla. 8KHT FREE UKa-W $ltto m ln.ted m St" k Pntlli-go", has paid and will par lra ProBt-. B ll 0d HlocH", B"d arid Horn oogiomn i...... vri lx ircnr. alli.w dond-prtltttublent ipjUU, f.il.U'dra't. hinkwller&0 , B.nk-rd Krokert, Nu. la Wall street, w. T. r. WOOD All K't-ds of 4th, OK. Ut iw "'. Forlby . ... B. WKJOOTT, Agent At the Walker Waarf, foot ot Uock Street. aotT i - , ... ... .... . . Ie Carolina HonscHoU Mapzsiic, - AM IMiUSTHATICIl mm i nu.-' -in K.U......I ftnml 1 lol.U- oMpi()i.io.' romniei.eliig w ill Jannart, WB. to arm "-''" ;-V ., ! ..iLlLha ch .acoemlln. nn.i.tt thereaflr without interruption, f... a.lr; Ue will oe negiei'wu -ji. .. capital ran mi"-! -o rr-mler ev h m i, aireaable and i nrtrmitlta m.mp-n.lliJ i. obolce reading, by popular wrIUrt. buih Horn. endrt.-taa. Ihe Carolina Household Maaraztue will be a large 29-page, alithty-looi ci.ti nn ... i ..... aia n.inti nn nnuu ' .a l ..ii. ill. .ail riafpd It, If IiKIHir ialiu imaiuumij ........ . . - throughly sottttern entar,.. "-- and la AlpvatlW III IT BlPkinreMi. l nw aiin--v torokc ltflrt-.-l.i.m mihiv, tbi '"''; troduced Ib tha faailiy Jf-;, , ,'V..,r',.i lia'Tuni 1 1 ........... attractlte r-atur. rut ni "" oontaln a uro -ii e pioima . EX-OOV. Z. B. VANOEA ... . ...I i. tat ii faltowoa lu other prouineu.avicBiun.., - OBLTTWO)Ol.t.AliB ATKAB and eaflh Minwrlber ran make a cho cs .... .Ih l x 30 Inche.., tlx: "The Fl. i.ng o' the satt.mr In lb l eoiple," "1 h M M or-Kt'igIiesxff.m the Hu.rm,"lr. Xro7t..TOaln..J. worth l. abf. thr nrlrSBk lor in" .. P iar AiiTOWteitlr.gaolub or St, will re ...... .iT.iu.n Irn-. Him auou i aj eentp.freebyinll. "l mon'lie subtcr p- .f. . .... lrntf.1n. ai i Boa. w. -nou. i Asanta wanted C vervwhara. - nouuuwa v. Till! UALTIMOHE HOPCEOPATHIC PHARMACY mm tiMi.ir . a..tiAmh r 1 to the PaCl- ".Aor. utH . 15i Wt Ff.tte Bt. .brrr. r !llIMni IXtTiMin. r wait i v . - n Hellabli ll. m.KopS.thlo' Me.llclae. ae wr I aa fi-Kikt, for f lit-irlatis ml family UNO, C.v- It a-lrs'lrd t.. Add' n Bj 'f' " iCK K 4TAP4.-., i;OK. F vtt' flitfi. ""i Miuw-. BEST STOCK. LOWEST' PRICE! pon; BLAUK 'BOOKS, PAPER ! and ' ALL OTHER SfATIO?ERY, . - Also SCHOOL BOOKS, ana IT! A N O Y i O O 1) H i Bate yoar aioney by ca'l'nu on c. r.iAfj?J. ' . Eooksc'.'.cp and Stationer,