C 77 " 1 ; Mi 'r', ,51. A 'A N A' uii::h:gtoii it. c. Wednesday, iioveliber n. 1075. VHOLE 110- 7,011 VOL. XXIV. HO. 328. Co? Sailn lounial OY TELEGRAPH. . WASHINGTON NOTES. MISSISSIPPI UNDER CONSIDERATION Who's to Blaine T-Pease and Strarni Hot to be BemoKd Treasurer Xev Ke-roislderi His Intention. CUIUS A1TD CASUALTY. Orerjow-Wlte Murder and Sulfide -Rascally Conductors-An Inhuman Hushaad-Tireed's Appeals. NEWS IN GENERAL Whiskey Frauds-Court ' Beclslons Alabama Constitution Ratification Hersegorlnlan Snccesses, 4c. GOLD 141-2. BI TgLKGRAPH TO THB JOUBKAUj ussorei. Bt. Louis, Not.. 16 The trial of Gen. Jobn McDonald. Sa ervi or of Internal Beyenua, is progrmiog. MASSACHUSETTS. BosTiiM, Not. 16. Orrin Marshall, who shot Lis wife on Satnrdny, wns found dead this morning. Ou hi par -sou whs found letter alluding bittily to his wifu's fiailty. GEORGIA. Atlanta, Not. 16. The delegates from 'AtlauU to tba Railroad Convert tion at St Imis on the 25th, will leove Atlanta, (Saturday evening, Not. 20:h. FENTiSVLVAMA. Philadelphia, Not. 16. The man damus asked fcr by the Park Commis siouers to oompel the City Oounoil to appropriate $1,000.00) for improve ment of parks, baa been refused by the Court. NEBRASKA. Omaha Not. 16. The breaks in the Western Union Telegraph Co.'s wires, between this Doiot, aod California. hare been repaired, and the line is tow in complete order between the Atlantic and Paoiflo coasts, ' L0II8IAKA. Niw Orleans, Not. 16. John Mc Namara, a car drivery was shot dfad by passenger named Jobn Dowlmg, whom be ejected for non-payment of fare. - The Advisory Board left for the Jetties thia afternoon. . CALIFORNIA. San Fbancisoo, Not. fS-Tbe Court in the Eu letin ,. Alta Californian libel suit granted the motiou to strike out the portion relating to the Bank of California. This prevents the Bulletin from making good the truth and aoouraoy ot their reports regarding the Bank and its late President. The great lour mile raoe for $30,000 gold, occurs Saturday. A sharp shock of earthquake was felt here At 8 o'clock last eveuiug. " 'ALABAMA- Montoomkby, Not. 16. Enough news has been received here to war rant the ataiemMit that the new Con stitntion is ratified by a large majority. Perry county, a large negro county, and Republican generally ty 3,000 mejnrity, rites 1,000 majority for rati, fioation. ' The Conatitution is generally acceptable to both parties, and the custom house and federal officials have generally failed in their efforts to de feat it. , ;; ; WASHINGTON. Washington, Not. 16. The order guapetiding Postmaster Pease, of Vickburg, and Postmauter Stearns, of Holly Springs, is revoked. Treasurer New's partner in India napolis being restored to health, the Treasurer has re-oousidercd his inten tion to resign. The Department of Justice decides that Attorney Generals must institute Iirooeedings in violations of customs a we irrespective of bis judgment as to the ends of justice, and then report to the Secretary of the Treasury, and take bis direction in regard to farther prosecutions. The Cabinet bas under discussion the Mississippi question. They do not understand who is to blame for the state of affairs in that State, and pro pose odj investigation be made by honest men, Whose report it. is hoped will restore harmony among the Re publicans. ' f .' ( NIW TORE. Trot, Nov! 16. A woman named Jane Costello, died here to-day from burns caused by her drunken husband throwing a lighted kerosene lamp at her. , ,,. ? 4 ' A half dozen street car conductors have been arrested in Brooklyn for using false) bell punches. The Court of Appeals have dismissed Tweed's appeals. He gets neither re duction ei bail or mil of particular. 4New Yobje, Not. 16. Tha Methodist Episcopal Board of Mission bsve ap propriated $14,475 to Italy ; $17,400 to japan : and $2,(HH) to work in Menoo ' Meeting of the first mortgsge boml boldera f the Atlanta k Ricbmoi d Air Line Railroad waa held to-d 7 to hear the report of the committee of trustees appointed to look after tu interest of the road. The report n cites a liumt.er of litigations in which the road has bn iuTolved, and states that a decree has been obtained in the U 8. Circuit Court for the Northern District of Georgia, appointing a Re ceiver, and directing the sale of tie road in order to pay the iutereat due on the boud.. The report alno mtd that all that is now neoeaaary Ix fora selling the r ad la to obtain those poi tion of it situated ia North and Honth Carolina, and reummeoda that tie bondholders pay $6 per bond in add tion to the $3 already paid. Resolu tion wa adopted to the ff ct that the report of the committee be adopted. FOBEION. CLVADA. Montreal, Not. 16.-9 Su a m. The Voluuters have jut started from Campo Mara en route for the ceme tery. The police, armed with carbines, are also on their way. sriix. Madrid, Not. 16 The Cronista be lieves that the questions between the United States and Spain, relative to the treaty ot "93 will result in agree ment. RUSSIA. ryr?" PKTisBUBO, Not. ,16 The Official Gazette says, Europe never was in a more favorable position for the peaceful sttlemnt of anr diflloult question. Three powerful fcroperora are striving tor a peso ful solution of the Hei tegoviuMn tronbles. . TIRKIT. ' a 4 CiTTKNGB, Not. 16 In the viVory of the iuourgeuts OTer the Turks at Gatohko, the incurgents suffered a loss of only fifty seven killed, inoluding one chief and six officers, and ninety six wounded. They captured a pro vision train, fifty tons of ammunition and three hundred rifles. .- .... ENGIA3D. . ..; 1 1 London, Not. 16 The estimated damage to London and neighborhood by the recent overflow is fully 5,000, 000. A special from Cittenge save that Selim Paoba h s retreated to Gatohko, losing 1,000 killed, and all their bag gage, ammunition and several cannon. FRANCE. Paris, Nov. 16. A motion in the Assembly to postpone the considera tion of the municipal law until after the election is opposed by Republi cans, who accuse the Government of designs to influence elections through mayors, who under existing laws are appointed by the Government, and M. Buffet refused to abandon the mayors to whom the Government is indebted for devoted servio e. The elections will be free aid straight forward. STILL AHEAD ! I IN PARTLY MADE 17AMSUTTA SHIRTS ! JNE 1HLY 150 DOZENS OLD. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and YESTM5 Mad to Mea'ure, ' PROMP TLY I STYLISHLY ! MUIOT '& CO. CITY CLOTHIERS. DOT 17 MACHINE MADE HAKNESS. Of all klnfliauchfp Mnd 9Sso& as any In the CARPENTER A MALLARD'S, 8 Boulh Front ittraet, novW ; :.;. W II min (tou, M. O AUOTIONI Choloe Bananas. Suoerior Sweet Orange. Extra Sour Green Limes. AT AUOTIONI ON bourd ttie Br. ftthr. J jIH CHiabeth.at 10 o'clock tUli dy, (Wedniirlaf, Nov. nth. CBOM.Y & MOKB1S, otlT-1t AootloDMn. 8T. J0HITS HALL, WIL3IIIN CiTOIV, IV. C, ME!riN (if OOmWRD OHAPTRF, No,l, for work In Moat Kxcellenl Mm. . D gr, at Tjf o'clock. B ordsrof ' " Koreinber ITtb-lt H P. FOR BOSTON Tke Fin Boboonec NELLIE CTARR, HAVING Bimt of h r oirfo engigd, lll baroquioK din ateh abora. For bai auo. freight ruom Jki'ply to " WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Mot. am-A CITY TAX SALE' OrrtUR THEMTR R ft ooM.noroR, UITT OI WTLKIKOTO . v. n. IS, 18TS ) mHK01TYTlX RaI.E whUh wa .dvtr 1 tl ed to mk plae Pot. 10 h, nd td loin tied oron wpfilr. will Uke plc Not. 17, IMS, in rrrtit or tujr ai n tw c , w. D0TtT.1t Triarer A Unll'cW. Wilmiiiijroii EEi Main. Ri?OUL.AR; MEKTtNU . WUMJNOTON Building AoiioclKtlon tbli eronlngat Hlbcralin llxll at 7:30 JJ'.rctor metlnf at 8. WALTER O. MAtKiB, iMxatw A i'raawrtr. J notn It .vjra- ja rxm rs-R jcvtv FOR "NEVYOFlk ! ItKCUILH LINE. Tb.8 nt-01aS Sokoon FRANCES, CAPT.L . PATTKKSON, Urt. L hva qalok ttepttck u ahOT. Po freight nam apply i . WIlllAUSA MURCHISCa. Mot. u ii 3 A LARGE Lot of Best Live Ceose Feathers Just Received and for Salt t ow. We Warrant them to be Well Steamed. pot i a. r P. A. SMITH A CO. SOMETHING NEW AGAIN AT ' Win. FYFE'K EXCHANGE CORNER. FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY1 from Parlf, Tb Latt Tiling oat In that ttn.A large lot of CELLULOID CORAL SETS AND NECKLACES. Anottrr Hand Horn Aatrtment of TUCKING C0 511IN. ltMt Style of Unn Uollari and CtVt. 03SI ICil II 11 1'llUil SKETCHES or Young ladies, Young Gentlemen and YOUNCr COUPLES, Br (JH4K. piCKKNt. WIUi Twenty lllort ttton by "Pbla." (Elrdt A"rtcn Edition ) AL0. HUGH MELTON, A Htorv, ! Br KITHAbINK KINO. THE QUEEN OF CONNAUCHTt . . A atory. HEINSBERGEE'S UVI BOOK AMD MUSIC 8TORB. novT Portland Cement. Alao, ttia, KB' and Parian, tor wlk eiitorM fnndatlon, tablet, eallarr, bridge, r terrain, Jko. Hamlt ! sent pottage tor praaUoal treatlM on aementa' S.L. MEKCHANT OO. Boats t , New fork. 1M-1ml. HOWES' SCALES M " th agaote for the well known aoaiea. ParUea will do well to examine wr pie befbr baying other miakea, GILES MTJBCHWCM. oet Hard war .Irnnw. POLKTON.' STILL Mfiaii MING VCKTdlrablIyit. Honoe and Vlntb l,an'e, for Hent and f'r Hale. Ixita In elief om One fumtb to twenty Aorta. Terna liberal. App'yto - V t POIK, novlO ta3w Polktun, N. Ci PAHKEit MILLS MAILS. The Host Sellable Kail In the Market. For a) by GILES At MURCHISON, norlJ THE 050,000 BONANZA rr x MR A lOTefted 'n Wall xj J ill JJJ R'reetortee kale taafortnno. Pnil riartirn'" ent fre Ad- rtreee PENDLETON READ, Wan Street, New Yora. SEKT FREE . Circular bow f 10 10 $10 to ftO) inreined in Sf k f rivtlece'. baa iwl and will pay Ltre Profit.. Kall'oad Mlookt, Rinde and oold twugni on margin intermc vk Six per eent.allnwidoodpnltteublmc iPJUU, to ilirhf draft. Hnckwalter Sc Co , Bankem and Broker, No. 10 Wall tre M. T. P. 0. 4BI7, . Apple. Peach, Quince, PEAB km PLUM BUTTER. , PARSNIPS. BEETS. CARROTS. Horse Badish and Garliok For ele at Q. W. Hi BUNGE'S. DOT 14 16 nORSBS AND MULES AT AUC T I ON! In Alley at oar Selearoom, 6n TIIUltHIiAY, OV, 18, at 10 o'clock, A. M. CRONLT A MOK"Il, nort tf Ansilonre'a. NOTJOEr APPLIOATFOM WILL 'BR MADE TO " lie Bank of New Hannrer lor the Is. ueof d itili'-a-e o'lttHoate lor 120 eliarca of the cental Ktock of aald Ban, In place of the O lflnplneilnat,. Noa 12.ndl foreild hare hfr 't itore li d to the lata W. B. am. ple.detedthe darof anrtnnwlwt. A- EMPIR, . I orlB-1 awlw Adm'r tt. EMP IE. Low Prices, ProfflDt Elocution. - FlltS T-C LAS WOll Ii . STATIOXERS v PRINTERS AND BIDDERS' UTHSSSAPHERSf oetl2a H iliii, 1075. 1075. FALL AUD WirJTER SEAGOTJ. 4 . Beet Assorted Btock li.Jthe City now Open at 36 MiimiET STREET, BLACK SILKS, v The Celebrated OniDeta OroiOraiaa. COLORED SILKS, ' i All the Latest ClotUBhaJea.1 SILK POPLINS. MERINOS, CASSIMERES, SERGES. AND MOHAIR GLACE, ml all the Latest Noveltiei in ED BLACK ALPACAS, That usual Spooialty we have always mauy gooUd u la ouiy a (man part oi tue aaeortuieut. M OUR U IN C GOODS . Io every variety. Will open on the 8 h another Lot of those oheap Uenrletta's CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. -;o:- MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Great Line of Hosier, Gloves Embroideries, STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, M10N, ETC. Everything is Cheaper than has been known for years. We only require a call the Prices and Styles will do the selling. ill M. No. SkS MARKET STREET. dot! GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 8. FRONT ST. All our Uoide during FAIR VV E E K AT REDUCED PRICES f OR CASH GIlOCRItlKH. l?UO VISIONS, WINKS. TEAS. JL. I Cfc U'O It C0FFIES SriCES, BED APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS, i BAISRS. i All Varlettee Of NuU. OIVI2 U8 A CALL. We!aiifafnlTerT!lilrig,tcgetlier with ALL FAMILY SUPPLIES We bT a I arr niork, end will m'I it rSCSl'ALLI LOW PBICES FOR CASH. Oar Bramle Tor Flour are few Program Km ptre, Honoirr' Kin.ilie, Cmpird Kttra, Ash laud aud Lower Or wtee. BUTTER AND CHEESE- Ami a Laige Sto'Jli and Variety or FncT Omxla GEORGE MYERS. 11 k 13 SOUTH FRONT. ST.. norT ' lCliBL USIIMLT. wnaaa miaaia CRONLY & MORRIS AUCTIONEERS STOCK AND REAL EiTATEBROKERi WILWISOTON, . 0. tIAN Bit StEN ATTHBIH8AI-KH Hi OM I a plan of the oltT.o u rnlargodK' 1. ' Blank Buuk with the lanitarleauf eTarf In the city diatlnetly dellned. AHMieecd alu, past au i preeoDt.of t n the city. Any formation ItK'Hi 'apTriehea np '.ietlon. ' i JUST PUBLISHED. 11th 'dltlon. PEAOTIOAL OBSERVATIONS. , an NERVOUS DEBILITY PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION whlrh I addoil An EeJr on Carriage' With Important chat ter on DMOHEKK4 Of THK URPKODUUTIV. OROAN, Belna a Tiin"l ol Mrturr dMrre l et thel MUSEUM OF ANATOMY htrantera Tleltlng itn city, hnld tint tail to e thi- areat cullertl'in, being the largeet lu be wor'd- 907 CheatuutSi . Oppnaliorentlnen avl nvtei.PhllSMlelpbia. Cofleenf Irrtnree ponton receipt of M caole Advireca. ' r . rnoun, 1628 tlLB SB r BT PhlladOl(hl ugll d l , told so many rod io low, that among ao White Goods. Hi Positively No F ntponement I A FORTUNE kVOIlI. . :leoally. authorized. . EXAS GIFT CONCECT ASSOCIATION Of Uenlion.TeiM. will We a SECOND GRAND GIFT OONOW llov 30th. 187f DUAW1NU P0SITIV1 Or Money.Refunded. First Capital Qlft.. tgQ-KH peoona uapitai uwi kouuui leaaea Oltt in pioporilun areantingio an na 0250,000.00. LovatCltttholeTlct, IBrt Prlo or a Whole Ticket, S. which aonaieM n Oro ft Oou !". COUPON TICKaTT8.fi. Whl oh will entitle the bolder to admlMlAn ti heUmnd 0 moert, and t oue tinti or wnn iTr gilt may e awarded to the whole tlcke unm'irr. KeKinltile agentwanrM. Allordprafur Mckete eent direct rfnp'1; llllel. I ;iron! r, Hepnri, etc., gtTiug full partlcu liar, eent. frre. In writing, be .U'eand ,lgi' ?nnr naiDK, I iwu. oojllty au i ni n in iuii, O.d'trn l'ir tin rt am mating to f6 and up war rente. (.().. If tliiw1. Addreiwail oommunteatlon, and make all eniitlauora of money payable to ft. R. COLLINS, Sk't. OanUoa, " rr- Rot R TICKETS AT O ' the Drawing will MMl'lely take llaoi Sot 8 Kli. lKiS, and but a ahvrt lima now ta niaiuj.l !. - - .0ME ENDORSEMENT) We, the nude el :ned. ulllin of Denton, Texan. rheerluIlT lv our teMlnvny to the lio'iorible and imiarllal In ah rh the Firtrl i end Oilt ' ouoertof the !' U Iti onomt two 'latum wn ci dueled, and a to he Tery :frfiry mtnt er In wulch all the pldt m l i romlwexf lL Awocl tiun were oarrie t nil; and, rurhei ai mM near hit enuoriK he nemnd iro 1 Gift Concert, to be glfei SiTrnr"r3ith, IKS. W II Winn. Mavor, Oltf of Denlaon: AI Ierm n J ml re W DKi'k.O W Walter.' (Jo i U'TliiK. .1 W wdtard, W A Tllil., W B Hoaii I OTav "r l..v(.!.ha ou;,l hn Nel i.Wbola M lr (t(-)d; .1 H tu,f Whole a eUr.ioer-, Kn;Mln ttron.. Wh 'ia e l.iq iorn; nam tar 'Vicsmle l.rT Oowl: Mat (ruu-wln vriioi"Ml Ore O'mU ll-n J W Jennlngi; CI 'o J Out r; ',r ,; reiw. m 1 tmmmmmm wmmm aw, GOAL VrVJTESi!- PellTerMl to any pa t of the CUT In goodo drr ani ennun.oo, ai iotshidihi p.iccr ' . PARai.RT ''n. New Ixx-atlon . Water tit, root of range ri'.THif THE UALTIMORE HOMCEOPATHIC PHARMACY at .-.NiiVf'.non a"Hemb-r te Ut the tti U ouenore H S ,in W.t F.iy tte Ht... where thn i roprUn will bep 'et to a. the'r d ,n k.'tnble II.imoou thlo Metlolct a. wll aa Ponka, tor l'nviolann aud family ubj, con ...t.ii. ki,t In atink. hd nr ff ma'l nmwint ,T attended AddreaaBUKKIOKK&TArKL,, iaS.Waat FattaaUMt,BUliaan, ,V .IUfKBTinK.nK.rTII, DON'T FOBQETI! Are fully alive end know (hat OOODS MUhT HE SOLD LOW. WeTare prepared to hELL AS Cl'EM' AS ANY HOUSE IN' AMEEICA. Qive as a rail and for yuitraelTea. Our apnoe ia too mall to ruunieruto every article. ' J3Li A. N K3HTS, FLANNELS,' Latlica' aud Oi'uU' ainUCluUlrcua' Slorino Under Ywti nud Glovca. A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY HOSE DRESS GOODS, " An Endless Variety. BLACK ALPACA "We !M!ake WAKE UP!! QKNTi' DHFH WIIIIITN, PA11TJL.1l MADM SIX FOR 6.00. Manufsotured fromWainsuttaOuton aud 2,100 Liucu. Now ia your time to buy WOAMLKT JI10DICATKD FLANMEL, ' eoonimeuded by ever? l'liynicin for Rheaniatisai. Shaker Flannel for Underwear. Maohiue Needles Fivu CuuU Each. Frauk Lenlies' CUT I A.I?JG5lJ PA.UEltIVN. SHOWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street. AT RETAIL I B. WEILL ! B. WEILL! B. WEILL 600D3 AT PRICE8 TO SUIT THE? T1WES. ; .-' , ' . ""' ' ' ' """ "' " ' '-' ' ' a ' ' "l' ' ' ' .-:,.: ALL we ask la au examination of our alock. We fKl a.tiMllnl llmt that the publlo will be convinced of wlmt we nay, Wu.glve below u lew juices: 1,0(10 vania llluclt Alpaoua atiOei-iiU wnrl.h'fii cenU; ' 1.0(H) yanla Uluck Aljmuiu ut M tf nta worth 70 cent. : 1,000 yard lllitek Alpaciw nt (17 rcnU woitli 0 eont. (MK)pnlrn IfuIloM' Hone tit 25hiiU worth 3d cent. ? 300 iialia I.dicMlie at 4.H tuuUi worlh (iOif nU. N) rati Clillilit'iiH' HI ri mhI 11ow at III wots worth !!T. ccnNi ' SOO iitili-HCIill Irt'im' Slrlpoil Honeut 37J wntM worth iiootitri. ;. s 600 palm Cliildmurj' Btrlpwl Hoho ut 5:1 tf nUi worth 0i tiouU. We have on hand TOO NUMEROUS All of which FOR v XD&IS.: :!' AT L'ltlCKS THAT DEFY COJH'KTITIOX, I VEUY ItnSPECTFULLY, B, WEILL, 32 oct2 FURUlTURE i "T R OFFER ton THB FAH.THUlltt'UHUSrAU.AttOK AND INCHE1SED8TOOK New Patterns and Designs - O F Pnrlor, Clnnier mnl Dlnluu? llooin rni-i!tiliv. AT I XI KKIWKl.V L W PHIVHS. CAUPJKTS AM) OIL Inthlallneoiir -t.o.ik i ml raweall nf the Nw u ..ju..,n,in..M a 11 ,! Kiga, of -t Bedding. &c. &o Hair. Ma a M ll 1 11 MM KB. FPaTUKiM. KK THKIi ' jL OUMKU 1'l'ABI.KH ,4o ..' I And u w Hotel. 8tameiaandPrlTteKoMd io if m Hleaegive u a call ndt m - 0 aepWtf . The Carolina HonscMtl Magaziuc, AN lliMTKTRA TKI M(N I'llLV r cliolce Literature, lll belw ied from lh )oli out) Maeu Ornoa comuienrlng W'th January, lSio. Thellrat nnmber will b teady for mailing liy Dane ber 18th, and the period, lual will be uuhllanrd each eucoeedlng nionSi ther ra ter wlilmut Interrnutlon. tin adtan uge will be neglented '.nih either talent nt capital can wmr"'"! u render a -b Iwiia an agrwatile and i oetruotlT6 eotuprndlnui ol ouoIcb reading, by popular wrltora, both home arid t toed. The Carolina Household Magazine will be a larg 29-ga, eighty-tout eolurun monthly, hamTroniely printed on tlntrd book ier aud beautifully llluatrated. It I e thoroughlT aoutt ern enterrrle and Ite euneeiw laalrradr fullT arxured. The i iibllelier ni-anf to make It a 5'K-i'Uk mmithir, that, nnce In troduced In th famllr clrile. I enre nib eagerlT watohed tnr eu'l ran-ruPT preerr.te.1. Ite'fOHIttAlT d!.' KhV" will i rne an attraetlTe fatnre. Tb .lannary nntuber will eontain a Hie-like picture of EX-GOV. Z. B. VANCE, and blographleal akrtoh, to b followed le each uncordln nnmher with rdiuUirranh ol other prouilMoi atateeman, dlTlnea, &e ONt.TTWK)l,f,AKH A VKAR and eaob .uhacrlber nan wake a clxiioe Thkbb mot aaattTiTCL, l k F km r ti no, le oi aaoh MID Inohee, t1: "The rinling o' th haflourln the remple," "Tho Mail')n na."or -'King Lear-DsfTliig the Mturm.'MoT. warded mi rooelpt of the pba,rli. tlin prV.e. Ktther uft'.e K"grTlo I worth dnablotbe pi Ire kd tor ( alne. . , $ur Any one at riding a dluu or flTt will re mlTaau ' rieubJ.riptioulree. 8ln,.oopli ill cent, free by mall. 8ti mon'lia nubiiiir.p Uon, w' Jiniit tb fcngraTleg, 1. : ' . AEOnta Wantwd fvervwhers. SoldiburoM ii. , a Speoialtv. AT RETAIL I many other gootln , TO , MENTION. we will wll IToith Front Street. FURtllTURE t LOTJI Alii) MATTlAG and leadln Tat'erna of llrune'. Three-ply or nia tMi loth aul Aliittniir. uiMatii null ul Uealgna, Shuo1'. Eicelsior and Straw 1 FBAi unit fll.i.owi aa;i ui.ii & OK TH BBS T MA Ihlt. AL. Manufacture. klied In H e l.ato HfyJ" and atU PiiO noour Stiok befjre pu uhMing. A. SMITH & CO, 1 43 Fruut Street - t)F- Atkinson &ElannintT. $TO,n()0,000 Aft llepreaeilteU. ' flMi. in. i 0. ot Norn. Arnenn .... I'hilaeph a. PhiniT tiii ifin itinni i? ....New York. aintiit'mat ! mra ) Niw York. V. Hrtt ! U) O" 'It I:i.CoIjimI n. Harflurd Kl" In", 1 unii vnv.. . i aetford. Natlunai Plr" !'. in ny... Hertford. 4nrlngrle:d K ! 'i...Maeaachueett MARINE. v M.ircn'tlln ui, i ni. u. . ..Mew Tiork' ua. Do. ul Soith .amerl-ia.. , Fh lulolpbla. LIF Jtmnwtli'UtMu'H U Ului In;). '. Hartford, tebi.t n. B.r. (jniiB. iiu. a e. wooim. NEW DRUG ST0P.E FItKSII MKWICINIOS-, ' Mitkct, bet. xeiotid alid Third "tree'ili ' DRS. CODrJ& NORCOM SOLICIT the a'tcntin o PI juiUna rnd ; Hulillo gouaral y to th Ir nw kiu "i. re. 1 Uny lyrpeun ; i 1 . " ! NEW AKD FUSE MECICINEf. v Preaoflirtlone' ' OA''! y eorbp""''' houre, da or ilulit, CU luiwr ! ra'eta tentt nii m ill n.ort. TtmlroMfiiiJi a ofh.TililuiKnlw.iiHiiir, auii thjf UlUelr oarlu.pcfiM4k. , eu.i