4 Mr rfO, v3' t TV A A S VOL XXIV. HO. 329 uil::i::otoii it. c. Thursday, itoveiiber is ibts. UROLZ HO- 7,015 i 1 :v ; . Of .3nIb".jotirnaI. BY TELEGRAPH. SPAIN. DON CARLOS SEEKS A TRUCE. In the I vent f War 1)oi Carlo to Tnlte With Alf.no-1 Will Stll ; Maintain My BIjBt to the Throne INTERNAL REVENUV FRAUDS- lllim CHAISES BT WITNESSES. Ex-Collector McDonald on Trial -The Amount Paid the Rlns-Ilow the Spoils Are Divided Up, Ac. NEWS IN GENERAL Suicide -Coort Decision -Monument to Edgar A. Poe-Fallurfi-Tnrhltth Tlctorj-Colll8lon-larje Fire. G 0 L D 14 1-2. BT TELIOBAPH TO THI JOUBNAIi. KEW JK.SKT. Nmn, Nov 17 Alderman John 0- Johusuit, a prominent citizon, com mitted suicide thin morning. MISSISSIPPI. Comjmbus, Not. II. The Grand Jory liave failed to find a trun bill aga'nt Lient-tlQT. Davis, , against whom charges of bribery were mad11. I5DIAXA. ETAKBTliii.a, Nov. 17. J. Bingham, distiller, with several gangers and atorekeeperi. hare been arrested and taken to Indianapolis. Supposed for violation of tbe Revenue law. STCCII. Lotus vtlle, Nov. 17. The Kn Klui prisoners Ooan and Smoot were aken to the Frankfort penitentiary to-day. Meffrrt has been respit d. Tbe City Hall, completed two years ago at a oust of $2,000,000, is on fire, and will probably be totally destroyed. : WASHUifiTOX. WASHntoroN, Nov. 17. A. C. Buell, indicted long ago for alleged criminal libel on Chandler, has been bailed in the sum of $2,000. The Signal offloe reports another oold. wintry day throughout the country. Tbe velocity of tbe wind st Mount Washington, per bouV is 144 miles, with the thermometer ne de grees below fero. PE5N8Y1YAXIA. 1 Philadblphia, Nov. 17. In tbe Court of Common Pleas to-day. It. 8. Hazard asks au injutotlon to restrain the Credit Mobilier from compromising the contract with tlw U. P. It. R. Co. , Haaard olaim' that the whole ech me1 is to ad vane the inter at of tbe rood at the expense ff the Cred t Mobilier, and was fraudulent. A preliminary injunction was granted. MARYLAND. . . I Baxttmorb. Not 17. The monu ment of Edgar A. Poe was unveiled in the Westminster Church to-day. The prelimina y ceremonies were held at the Westerm Female High School, where the initial movement took pleoo Oct. l8h, 1865, to devise some means to perpetuate tbe memory of the poet. The darwas s fins, and the vast hall crowded i to . overflowing. Several addresses were delivered, poems re cited, atd letters read, when the as semblage repaired to tbe church where Prof. Elliott unveiled the statue, plao ing on the head a chaplet of ever greens. Tbe steamer Geo. arv whs slightly damaged by a collision off Fort Henry with the. schooner T. C. Worrell, wbioh sunk immediately. A MISSOURI. St. Loots, Nov. 17. The following is the testimony in the M -Donald oae : MoGreve testified t Had many con versations with McDonald about mak ing money from evading the wuixkey tax ; he oommenoed operations in Sep tember, 1871 ; dictillers bronght money to Modure's room Batu1 day after noons, the amount aggregating usually $8,BQ0 per week, which MoClure divi. ded into five pokges one for him self, one for MoDonald. one for Joyoe, and twfor Leavenworth, with the understanding that Leavenworth should give one to McKee ; MoDonald once complained that Joyce took too muoh, MoOnire then gave McDonald $2,000 extra; the distiller retained about half the profits ; I always st aside a portion for W. O. Avery, first $1U0, then $300 per week ; Avery's in crease was made at the instance nf Joyce, who represented Avery as dis satisfied.. McOreve made $30,000 or $60,000 by the frauds, the most of which he lost by Wall street .speculations, " Walcott Thoeipsnnv distiller, testi fied : Paid Ring $300 to $1,500 per weekgenerally to MoClure ; in Sep tember, ,1872. .Agent Brasher oame from Washington ; said he had caught us all t gave him $10,000. , Alfred Bevia testified: Made "crook d" whifkey with the knowledge of Joyce and McDonald ; paid from $1,000 to $1,000 per week ; paid Brother $3,- 000 as his share of the $10.000 ; he thoaght his house paid $75,000 to $1, 000,000 in fourteen mouths ; was in GolltotorY cfiloa when the teoorda were destroyed ; deatruction was ar ranged ny Joyce aid I'aton ; Canon ra chi. f clerk iu th Colli ctur'a office. Witue-o waa bera shown letter by JnTM tinmnrtinff in ntmn front AvtirV ai4 Babeoek, the PreciUent's privats secretary. WUd renamed : Hd conversation with McDonald abont wbiakey mat t rn, who said everything i all rtLt, go at.emt. POREIGK-. IXGLAJD. Lommv. Nov 17. A telegram to here rieuifa that Price Frederick will vinit the U'lited St'itea. Blockou. Vanghn A Co., iron pro dnoen.. at LeK have been eoroiMM.ed owing to the depression of trade, to discharge 3,000 lianas. TIKAKI. Constantinoplb, Nov 17. A severe enoonuter occurred on the 12 h inst, at Piva, i 1 Bosnia, between Turkish troops and a iarg body of im-urierits. Six battalions undr Chefket Pacha were engHgl. The iusurgents 'were completely routed, leaving 600 killed ou the hU. SPAIN. Madrid. Nov. 17. The fact that D m Carlos has written a Mter to tbe King rreatea great t xcitement, and is variously oommeuted ou by the press. IntWIigenoe from Carlist sourO' says Dou Carlos letter offered to sgn to a truce should the Cuban difficulty cause war between pio and ' the United Stat.. In that ease, Don Carlos res- rvmg hw right tothetbrone. would unit'' his for es wiih A'fouso to preserve the integrity of Spauiah terri tory. FRANCE. Pahii, Nov. 17.- Joseph Halphen A Co., extensive diamond brokers, have failed Liabilities, $3,000,0 K). The evening papeis of this city pnb- iihii the text or the tetter written by Don Carlos to King Alfonso. The at titude of President Orant, tbe letter says, i a prelmt to war between Spain and the United States, if you do not recognize the md'-pendenoe of Cuba. 1 he resolution which you rep resent is responsible for this parricidal rebellion. Had I teigned it would not have occurred, at least, not have gained strength. Now, however, tbe integrity of the country is at stske. and all her children are bound to de fend it. Should w r break out, I offer you a trnoe as long as tbe contest last, but maintain my right to tbe orown, as I retain the conviction that I shall one day wear it. I cannot send rov loyal volunteers to Cuba, but I will defend these Provinoes. The Caiibian ooast will send out privateers manned by tbe indomnitable population of that coast, wbioh will pursue the merchant ships oi our enemes, and perhap obaae them in their own harbors. If yon accept the trooe, let us appoint representative to settle the oond itions. If you refuse, the world will be the witness that Catbolio Spain has nobly done her duty. AKW JUrKMTISJUKBJrTtl. A C A.E D. Tn all who are anflvln from tha errors and Indiscretions of youth, ner vous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a receipt that will cure, FREE Of CHARGE. This prent remedy m HIirnvarcH h a missionary In South America. Send Brn-nuuresjcu envelope io me iter. Joseph T. Inman, Station D., Bible 11 - W wr a d tx utilise, new iora uij. ., , NT O TIO E . IHVRP( L' UTr MY fNiK'KST IS I lie flock of Ptv 'tooda, Ac, o , In rtor. o-i K.rih ireit, inr Honat trlde. In Mr. J. nnnn. uo win coni'ine in Diisinns at toe 01(1 Hioa. MORkll BfAK, Wilmington, Fept. 10'h, 1818 norl-n noticeT TTAVINO qit.rHed at A'mltilirtor rb ih XX e'taw "t w. ;. . anrrnn, on in. ntu of N Tenib.r,'noMre i. hrjb gWen loa I porn i hivirg clHlma aali it Mid eatit to prefint the .am. to m an or b.lora tht lUb df of Noyen ber, A. I '8'. O. 0. tf. M01I.KB. Nov 17th, '878 ' Admlal.trator. n tH la 6w , STONEWALL JACKSON. Vim n ld.r.Und thattb. well-known publlih. lng houa of D. APPLETON & CO., New York. Into nearly re.rtytor pabllcatlon t LIFE OF 8T0NI WALL JACK SON t 'tl! 7 lUnTKtrd by tlewa and portialtp, Incloit lng the oration, and to.ne. attenitlng lit BDTelll' g of Foley's Statne of Stonew.il Jack wa at HlchmoDd. We adrlee a'l, especially dlfabled wildlerc and women ont of woik, to wnta io the puMilier at one aod seeare an agem-y, a. thn woi k 1. to bi aold by tub -crip. tioa. ItwH hire a largi tale. riawtt SKE TCHE of " Young Ladies, Young Oentlemeo and VOIJIVO COUPLES, BT 0H. DlCKRN!, With Twenty lllaet !. by PbH." (First Am'tlr.n Editlm.) BJ.JI HUGH MELTON, A MfOTT, Bv K4THalNB KINO. THE QUeKN OF CONNAUCHT. AStorr. HEINSBERGER'a; LIVK BOOK ANI MUSIC 8TORK. Portland Cement AIpo, Roman. !Tepni''and rtln ' tiw w.lki elati-raa1 uJa!lon. i-tuble-i, cellar., bridge., r larrolo , j.i mlt l eenta n-wtnge for praS'lnal trttlon f mfn'r 8.1, MKUOHANT W. ' ? " Suath kt , Naw York. . 163-Vaoo d. .rjt JBVEMTllXtr..VT9. STILL A!I2AD I I IN PAHTLY f.UC2 ivaf.'zotta c:::nT3 ! UliKLT 1BO DOSZ317S I OLD. CLCtHS, CASSIHEEE3 ci TESTES Had to Xaarar. PROMPflY! STYLISHLY MU1TS01T & CO. CITY CL0THIEK3. - rov it i SOMETHING NEW AGAIN 4T Wm. FYFIi'H. EXCHANGE CORNER. FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY1 boa raria, Th. Lat it Thloj. oat la that lloa.Qa lar( CELLULOID CORAL SETS: AN 9 NECKLACES. . Inothfr Hftndtomt) Aswcrt-nent of TUCKING OOMI1H. l.te-t Slvlool Lln.a GoHVi itt C'lffa. 001.11 HOWES' SCALES M "IVy'I.r tha ajenUfo that wall known otiea. Partla will do well to.i.atlM aast- ple. b.fcr. bayla other stakes. OILBSA WUBLHIK oat m H.n1writ .limM. Low Prices, Prompt Mai FIIIHT.CLA8WOHK . STATIONERS fPRINTERS AND BINDERS UTH38RAPHERS. ootll Sa POLKTON. STILL ME aiiMING ViRYdaair.bl. L-t. Hone and Valdabl. 11 1, frr Knt and for S.I.. lot. In .Is from Oa. fbu'ts to Twenty AorM. Term, llbeial. Apply to b.ii.ruia, BOTlO 8taww . f olktoa, If . C. MACHINE MADE HARNESS. Of all kiadi m ohf m and ff"l m ny in ih emio sic CARPENTER A MALLARD'S, S South FrsntStieet, dotIT Wlimloftou, N. O THE NORTH CABOMft MAGAZINE. THIHlt AMD FOUBTB YULUMrS. JULY JUNE. OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD 1870. 1876. 10,000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS WANTED. WBWt liUKMHTHK FIBST KAR handaoai.lt bonnd. In Llbrarr .'Tie. two ToiaaH, (tiaireal(). with entrant ar from Jolj, 1S78, Ut June. l7t tKlulva,for Tl or ta flrat yar bound In two volants, cloth, and current year I r Th liberality of Ul offer will anMar from thef llowlt g: two vo:., l.inrary rjie .43 on M.gatino current yoar 3 OS 8 SO f oml'heu together for ST.. Two YoU., eioth Magaa a. carrcnt year ; 17 so Fnrnlahed .ogatber for S8. Those who denlre to aaoaro th. Hagaalna from hef Inning hare aa oppnilnaltr w or doing n on fT'irable term, and at tha eawte time , th.v "Hi thai aid la bulging n a North Oarollr.a Maaaitne, and giro nooaragrm.nt to natWe talen'. I art S'ttborlatd to state that nhrlrtlaa Read, V'. O. W. Hurli, T W. Klngubnrj, Eeq., Oen Ollngman, Got. Vance, and mlier dlstln- Salehid writer, will oont'lbuto to oar column, nrlng the current veer - Oae r more .art. la will begin with the Janof arjrumber. Till J.nuarTW. make tht following offer i To an one tending 1 wa ill fnrnl.b tha Maaai'na eompleta front Jtnuarv, is; A, tn D ornber, 187.1, Including "A Hummer IWI,"t CbrlMlan Keed, and "Margaret l-on-lyn " b Mr.. 0. v. Herri-, and tha Magailn f . r the yrar, 1ST8, from January aa1 ifeonnlw r two year, wi'h fonr comp'eteetUl", tor gl. NOW IS THE TIME TO SIBSCRIBE 1 1 ST'S.nd In your ordara Addreal 8. U. POOU, Rala'gS, V, O. t i ' September Aujrunt. 1870 1876. THE N. C. JOURNAL OF EDDCA.M A 48 pge Monttilv. $i 51 f"-r ye r. Tbereornl rer or thin .1 nrnal bognn tn September It 'a fam'-h d t'tch an I mlnl.t-'ra it the Ooanel at 1 1 ner y ar The nr.t year, Rp'mbr 18'B, to Aeg'int, 1878, Inolq Ire, oan ba btd eoroplet. fer si. AdilraM, . f). tO- , K.lelgh, . O. NAT10MAL SALOON ! Haying jdst rirrun or nr. S A M P L. E BOO Mv In the latest modern etyle, I pronow to rin la connect 1"U ih rewith a A RESTAURANT AND CIGAR STORE. The form-r will ba kept an the ' KfJKOPE n PI. A and gentlemen visiting ne will elway he lurnl.lied with the chort aleta Vrn'ton.'ii.te-.. fl.m'.and , fTOrythlig that ih Ncthera en I our Home Market aft'ordt Jl.allh'elao,inaf.w ' day. the Inert lot of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC' CIGARS. erolF red for ! In Wilmington. Myean. pie nan. la pliawt with tba SreM ll,nnra and wine, to ha bad. I rexpeottulty aak a .bare or the pan"" pna. JtBXJDIlSr JONE3, aovllsk .,,' , ;M" 1070. 1075. FALL. AND WINTER GEAGON. ' ' - Bt st Assorted Btock injthe City now Open at 36 MARKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Celebrated Gulnet'a Uros Qraiua COLORED SILKS, All tht Latest Cloth Shades, 1 REAL SILK POPLINS. . MERINOS, CASSIMERE3, SERGES. AND MOHAIR GLACE, ud all the Lstest Novelties In BLACK ALPACAS, That usual Specialty ws have always many gooua u is oniy a email pari oi lue asaortntHat. M O U R r J I N G GOODS. In every variety. Will open on the 8 h CLO ASS AND SHAWLS. :o:- MEN" AND BOYS' WEAR. Great Hosier. Gloves Embroideries, STAPLE AKD FANCY Everything is Cheaper than has beentnown for years. We only require a call the rrioes snd otyles No. 36 MARK3ST STRTSET. GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 S. FRONT ST. AU our Uoodi during F A I R VV E E IC T REDUCED PHlCES FOR CASH G ROC i: 11 IKS. PltO VISIONS, WIlNEsJ. TEAS. LI ( U OltS, COFFEES SPICES, RED APPLES, 0RAXGES, LEM0IS, RilSISS. All Varieties ef Inla. OIVI US A CALL. We can fa en h ery'hlng, tng.ther with 111 FAMILY SUPPLIES We he a I arre fttnrlr, and wilt wll at LMSCALLI LOW PRICES FOB CASH. Oar Hr.nd. for Kl'nr are hew Prog-rci Kro- Filre. Monora" Km At", Kmplre Rttra, Ab and ard liowoi tr nine. BUTTER AND CHEESE- And a Large Stock and Variety of F.ncy Owl. GEORGE MYERS. 11 A 13 SOUTH FRONTST., norl moaaat. 'aai.r WILBBa MOSBIS CHOHLY & C10RRI3 AUCTIONEERS ITOCKAND REAL E.TATE BROKER. WILMUiUTUN, M. O. CUN HR aEKN aTTHKlB SAI.ru HIH.IM ) a plan nf the olty, on an enlarged ta' 1. Hlank Uook aith the runlarle. of every In thenlty aieiinntldalt led. Aaaeaaed alue,paat a I present. of era lathaoiu. ' Any information laaled fanUhed ap ' p lnatlon. t JUST PUBLISHED. 11 rh dltlnti, PBAOTIO AL OBSERVATIONS. NERVOUS DEBILITY ARl PHYSICAL EXilA USTIOA To which If added Aai Eaaavr siavrrlataja" With latrortant obapteri on tISOREKR UP THR REPRODUCTIVE OaHANH, Belnt a Tn"al,ot lture. dellvere l at thel' MUSEUM OF ANATOMY Mranger rl.lllng tht clty.'honld not tall to ae thl. ataat rolleotl m, krtog lb largeet 18 ha wor d- SOT rheataut St . Oppoalta r.aillaivai tsti If etrt, Phllftwalphlau 0lle. of Iw.turi nt on reoelpt of tS Cant. Addraea, On. JOHO IH. DA VI RON, Wt riLBKBT Hi PhUadsluhla. HP -"--;-)-' " - t sol j so many end so low, that among so another Lot of those cheap Henrietta's Line of White Goods. GOODS, NOTION, ETC, will do tae selling. oiltlTsly No P irftponement !, A FORTTJ1TE :LEQ ALLY AUTHORIZED. HAS GIFT CONCERT ASSOCIATION Of Dnl.on, tease, will glr.a ' ' SEOONO GRAND GIFT C0N0F,H'r. ITov- 30th. m DRAWING l'OSITIVI. Or MonevIRefunded. Hot daa dlfu in proportion atrountlng In all tul 0250,000.00. Lowest Cint94ehoh.Ticft. tOti Prloe of a Whole Tlokat. SS. w.ioa aondatnl r are si tonpon. COUPON TICKKTC, f l Wbioh will entitle tha holder 10 admlMlon t he Or.nd U tneert, and t'ton.-Orth or wh t mr flitm.v awarded to thf whole tick. noai'irr. ' Heponllile agent.wantd, A llordca for ttvket. eent direct rromptl. tlllet. Olrjiil ire, Paper., eto., gtrtng full partlca Ian, mnt frr. In wr'tlng, be nraand lg ynar nme, turn, ooan tf an I at tt Iu foil, , llfditr. ( ir tlo 'ti am Mititiig to 8 and up war Mnt ('. ti. 0.. if dveired. 1 Alrtroma l communication, and make all eaiittanonofmoneypar.bl.ro A. M. C0UINS, lectr. Oentaoa. - IY- ROER TIOICCT3 AT O the Hrewlna will icaiiily take tlacc No tth. M;5,and but a abort tlma now ro man., .3 ME ENDORSEMENT) We. tha nude .1'ned. vltlien 0' Icnl on. Tea. rheanullr aW ' onr tewlm'nr Io thr thonnrihli and Imnartlal In ahrh the Firti ') and (l it onoertof tha TeiaaO Itl'oncertl Avo l.tion wae oniidnoted, and a t' he tmii .atl.factory mint ar In Wntch all the plrdjeV inn promi-eaiit ne Anooi-ttm were Carrie ml; an I, fnr he' d" mn.t beirttlr endor. he S'cmd tlr n I (iilt Concert, to be glret NortrnV rl'ilh, lS. Wit Winn. M.ior. Oltr of Tntnlmn: Al ktermrn.li.dre W rtKirk.'l W WaltrrV O mi H IxiTlna. , W NKlyard, W A Tllilo. W II How I O TarW. 1. 1 .Inhn on; J hn Nel 1. Whole rle Hn Oood .1 H liar. Wholes e Orncer: m' ttrin Hro.. Wh itrnt'e uiquor; am -tar we-zr.tle Dry Ool-: Mai Itrtin "etfln WtioV'ala Dr Ocol. Hn . W Jennlng; 1Q" ? ltk r; "r .f O Telld. COAL ALL AIZC9. for ORSTEt, ti'taa ana nta ichb I'finn OAK, ASH and PINC, ifUUU Out to any Length. Dallered to any pa' tor tbe CM v In aood Oder and erudition, at lowett oath priori. .O. raRaLRY ATo, Mew loratlon 9. Watar 8t , foot ofv'r.nge niUtf the iiaitimoitit: Hbr.KEOPATH IO PHARIIACY BEMOVKOan -r'ah t In' to "be epa I ou.rere at N . t' Wnt F-.ylla Ht , where th 1 roprletor will ba p ae 1 to a Ihetr o d trlenit. n I pmn e mi l t .'oi'.k of Pur n KK'Ub'o II inoeop.tlilo Vt"1lflli.n aa wl' a. Rook, for Phreialana ad family aw, eon ttai tly kapt la atnek. indent per mal prompt y.'teadrdtu. AddraeaBOSHIUKK Jt TATaLi, U Wwi rajejuaairawVaWilaww. . KB' JBt'XBTIKJKK.YTi DON'T FOBGET!! Are fully alive an.l know tint OOODS MUST RE SOLD LOW. Wt!Ve preparrxl to HELL AS C11EU' AS ANY 1IOUSE LS AMERICA. (live ns a call snd so for youraulves. Our sjwoe is too """" small to enumerate every article BL, A IN KETS, FLANNELS, Laillea' and Ot nU' ondJChil.lrena' Merino UuJer Vetta and Olovra. A LARCE STOCK OF FANCY HOSE DRESS GOODS. J.n Endless Variety. LACK ALPACA Wo IMalce ' O ' WAKEUP!! vtxrt OUNTH' DIlItN HIIIUTH. 1AITL: MADia SIX FOR 6.00. Mannfaotnred from WamsnttaOot'on and 2,100 Liut-u. Now is your time to bay HOAKLKT MKDIOATKD FLANNEL, oommendad by every i'byeloUn for Rheumatism. Shaker Flannel for Underwear, Maoline Nendles Five Gouts Each. Frank Leslies' . CDT ryTIil I?A.rlvrJEll,IN. BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street. OSlM AT RETAIL I B. WEILL! B. WEILL! B. WEILL 60008 AT PRICES TO SUIT THE, TIMES, ALL we ask Is an examination of our stock. We fwl antUflod that that tha publlo will be couvlucod of what we uy, We.glve belw a tew prit'ea: 1,000 vards Black Alpnons nt 60 centH worth (12 couts. . ' 1,000 yards Rlark Aljiupus at fiS Cfiits worth 70 ceuta. 1,000 yards Hlaok Alpacas at 07J cents worth 80 cents. . 600 pairs Ijadlcs' Homo at ' cent worth HO cents. 800 pairs ljtilles' Hone nt 48 cenU worth 00 cents. 600 pnlrs Children' Htrlietl Hone at 81 cents worth 37 cents. 600 pulrs Chll Irens' Ktrlped lioHoat 87 cents worth 45 cent. . , 600 pulrs Chlldruns' Striped Hose at 62 cents worth 05 cents. We have on hand many other goods EQUALLY AS LOW, ; TOO NUMEROUS t - - i All of which we will ell POR.'OASH AT PltlCES THAT DEFY COMI'ETITION, VERT RESPECTFULLY. WEILL, 32 North Front Street.' oct 2 FURniTURE i FURfilTURE 1 sTEOrFEBFOETHBrAlXTEaliai CBDSrALLAaoK AND lSCREA8DSTOOE Hew Patterns and Designs OF Pnrlor, Chnmlier mid Dlnlnjx Uoom lur-atl turo. AT Xl'KKMl.Y Ii IW PhMCKS. v CARPETS AND OIL la thl. line onr -tiok t aibranr.al' of the New Super., UJtton and namp uarpita an ,and ung", of d Bedding. &o.. "&o Hair. Mj M Tl'KB1iK8, KK AT1I KK1. K K ATH Ell 1 UUMFUUTAIIIiKI.SV,. li ' Ami out wt Hotel., Steamer, and Prlrate nm-l.l4"(et' rn riwwe oail i tin D MptStf TUe Carolina Bouse!- An tlil.Uf IKt I Mr mi in i niii i voinco Lltorature. II I be leaned from Ih' 1oue- eimo Maeo.a Ornca (wmmenclng with .lanuarT.lt'. The Sriit nnmber will b readt for mvllng by DeceTbar lath, and th perln.1. usal will be palilUbed each eucceedlng montb thereafter wlthouii Interruption. ,to adrnn taite will he neglected .wiob either talent or capital can coini""'. .o render ea h Imne an eirreeable and i natrncttr rompendluui ol cooloe rea ling, or popuier urasn, m a uuiur and k ' a. The Carolina Household Magazine will be a lare -fe. elahty-tnui cotuun ninthly, hvndeomiily printed on tinted book paiier and beaitt.l ullr iliuwriiled It If thoroughly anutt em enter nrlre ai d It. unctir I air ail fal'r aMiired. The i nMI-lie' incanf to make it a Hrt !. mon'hir, llia. "i.a- In trodoocd In the faml'y nlr-le, l im m In eaoerlT watched lot ani curetiii y imnwi tt.i KOH I' H A IT 0LIKUYM wllltroean sttrmtlvA traiur I be .lanaary number will contain a Hfe-llka picture of EX-OOV. Z. B. VANOF, and biographical .ketch, to be Pillowed In aaeb .uooeeillng nu-nber with pliotiitfretih. ol other promlneot ttatremea, dllne, o 1 1 HI I I 1 wv. wi.MiiK. . . i k k. u ..It.ilnA n w main I Akli VtflU ana aaca onoriu. Taaaa moar aaaCTirPL.LAaaa Kkiik. t ra. HUOf oaen aa x ewinonc, t .. . .. r ........ 0r the Saviour In the l am pie," "Tha at idon na'or-'Klngfiar Drln tha Ht.irm,'' for wanted on rartlpt of tbe .nlii-rl,Urn prtco r.ltheroftb rn'Tiofle wonh doable the price a kd for th i Mana.lne. vf IIJ iilir nimitv vi.w w erlre au urn .uln. rlylion Iraa. Mini,. ooplt. Don, w-Vuttho rnrrarlng, S1. v laidjboro.K U. nm. a Spooialtv. AT RETAIL! TO MENTION. CLOTH "AND MATTING and leading P.tttcrna of hruaiel", Three-ply griim mi unn ii i m, ttm. Aieomai. univul Denldin, ShuoV. Excelsior and Straw l1 KA I Krit PM.MIW4 AN B JMTEIi tir Tlt'DKHI MAitUIAU Mannfaotnre. thed In the l'et Htrlr. and at bow PrlO n uui ov iu. uai irt iv vuwui. A. SMITH & C0 ,4a Front Street mm: mw:, -OF- Atkinson j&Hannintr- 8 0,000,000 Aaaeta Kopre.ontod. flRE.l ne. o lit "-urn. Amerlo . .... Phllalet'bl.. Ph- m ln-ir in.- ti 'mpi'ij ....New York. i iitin ntut ti mra ii-. . ., fi w York. M, iirlMKb Vt i) i hi ln.Co..lAind n. . HaitfuM t-lre In, t'orapinr... I.aelford. National Plre In.. i'i ni'nay...Hirttord. 4pitniiflf!it CAM, ... Ni...UaeMchu.ett MARINE. k v(,rcantl; Mu'ua' in. i:a.,..,N York.- in U0.0I' North Amerlr Pb Ivlelphla. LIFE. onnectlcut Wn'rul I.UVi ln, Co. Hwtford. 'eh Kt pa. . r. ouBB. Dn. h a. aoROow. NEW DRUG STORE FRKSH MKUICINES, M irktt.bat. Second and 1 bird trceta DRS. CODlTa NORCOM COM k P' They k OMCIT tha attention nr Pliyloln and) f nu lie general y to in-ir new wrug "ure. eepwuiy kvh akd nil r.:Esicim. Pre.crlptlona r'ernl'y romp nnded hnnra. dar or nlvht TUt y hp h-ra'afw tienlli tosi'rll tun' ort. Tb.lrprufrlo; a oSloe la la the Drug Htor. and th y will It their oareta. atpaifUi. u KOOD

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