i t roL xxiv. ko. 330. ..'"'niOTOII II. C. FRIDAY, HOVEUBER 19. IS75. 110. 7.C13 W' i i Lm ! I I for Thlln "imml. BY TELEGRAPH. RAiiMOJCCiDEfif. IILESMP1SC M TEIC. C. I A. I. 1 1 rauensrr Train" Rub Into Bj a Freight Trala-Oae KUIrl Out KlSkt -Sevf ral lojared. It. INTERNAL, REVENUE FRAUDS- Chief Clerk Fituaj on the Stand -Hoir the Hash Monf-r Is Berehfd And to Whom It It raid, it. NEWS I N" QENEB AJJLt. I'nlon League-Fire -Wisconsin Elet lion-Explosion llabama Consti tution -Jiap'pl Atrata Eoute. GOLD 141-2. Bt TELEGRAPH TO TUC JOURNAL. MAINE. Gobham.Noy. 13 Two Diiuiug mills of the O i.tntal PowJ.r WorkB ex plodrd this moiui ig , Nobody I art WlStOSSIN. Milwacmb. Not. If. -The official oount givua Liuiilington, 11 pubiioau, for Governor, 841 majority ; P .rker, Lieut Q 'V. 120. The ljptnoorta eitot the bulaao of tbe Stale ticket j PKSS8YLTA5IA. Philadelphia, Not. 18. The steam er Illinois took with her a quautity of dressed beeves, sheep, poaltry, oysters and other meats which they propose o deliver freeb in Liverpool by meaus of the refrigerating apparatus. . ALABAMA Montoomert, Nov. 18. The major ity for the ratification of the new con stitution will probably reach 60.000. Ouly four oouuties in the Sttte give a mnjiiity agaiust it, the reumiuing 8iity-ond are overwhelmingly iu ita favor. - , . TIBGIXIA. Norfolk, Not. 1& Vew Masouio Temple was dedicated tivday, General Taliferro, Grand Miater, offloiatiug. . . Considerable activity prevails at the Gosport Navy Yard. ' Orders have been reoeived from Washington to tioionglily fit ot the monitora Lohigb and Moutauk witb all posBibledispatch. NEW TORE. New York, Nov. 18. The Executive Committee of the Union League of America have eallf d an annual meet ing of that body at Philadelphia, ou Dcoember 8tb, to consider national po itios, public school internets, aud the protective tariff. M. M. Pomeroy, editor of the Demo crat, hoc gone into bankruptcy. Lia bilities, $143,000. . MISS0TBI. St. Louis, Nov. 17. The following is thi testimony in the M '.Donald case : James Fitzroy, chief clerk in the As sessor's office, testified: knew of tbe coming of Agents Brooks, Brasher, Yaryau.and Gavitt, fome days before tbeir arritat ; informed the distillers ; told tbeni to strengthen op uuder the orders of Joyce; hud conversation with MnDonald at tbe Planter's House in wliioh he said be wanted $5,000 to remunerate some parties in Washing ton, for information reoeived from tbem ; raised the money, and threw it over tbe transom of the door of Afo Douald's room, as agreed upon ; was F resent when, $4,500 was given by oyoe to MeKee. 1 ' Henry Hillinshield and wifn have been sentenoed to death in Gasconade oouuty for the murder of their son-in-law. : . ' ' "" ' WASHINGTON. Waobihoton, Nov. 18. The Ship Canal Commission met at the Navy Department and examined the mnps of the survey report of the Napipi Atrata route. Lieutenant Collins, who was in charge of that survey, was exsmined at length as to the advantages affordud by that route. The Commission then adjourned till Saturday, Tbe Oommittee appointed to inves tigate the teeonnts of the Second Comptroller's office, for alleged fraud ulenf. irregularities, oommeuced work today. - - " The Secretary of th Navy will re comm'md the organization of a small naval P establiuhment at Port Royal, ! S. 0. '. - - 1 Treasurer New has paid into the Treasury $3,000, stolen therefrom since his administration. IESTICKY. LourafrwiHf Nov, 18. The National Grange has convened here. All the States and Territories except two are represented. . " , , I he report of the Executive Com tnlttee disonssed in regard to the busi ness of . tbe different agouoi"S, The report Bays,' some cities nro doing a very Urge business, and have in the aggregate millions of dollars., whiln in otiier respeota (hey are unsatisfactory, and falls short of ta i beneHU . which ought to be realiznd. Tbe oommisiojt lysteth of order is aafd to be f ale in tiieorv- and unjust to members, at d ' hbiefoie in the minds of the Commit tee another method of selling is deem J ueoeary for the good of the Order. Such a nystera. the Commit tee beg leave to utinit tha plans rf at an earlT dav. and are MtietWd that it ment with gueial approval. I e luclasion, tbe oommittee 'eommend the emp'oyment of lecturers to canvass the country, and make known the trn aim a-ni oiijecta if tlie Order, there! circling tne wrong impieskiona which now eciat in the mmds of mar worthy people concerning the Patrons of Husbandry" The City Hall, completed two years sgo at a coat of S'.'.uixi.tkXi, i on nre am' wil invbMv le totaltv ditroTed, Tli fir. i e mtiued to the tower of the Citv 1111. The loss will Im less than the insurance, which ia $15,000. GEORGIA. ACoraTA, soy. 18. A frightful so oideut ourred Uht n ghtou the Char lotte, Columbia Sc August Rulroad, ner Pine House, a'.out tweoty-flve mill from Augusta. After the regular passenger It ft Columbia yesterday nfternoou fur Auguta, it followeU oy a train of empty ears for the same point The two trains rolled along at the rate of about twonty miles an hou oue foltowiLg lose!y on the other. Tbe passenger traiu bad just reached tha s'd'ing, and wis atxmt to stop. wheu the at.vmd train came along and the engine telescoped the ladies' pas Sanger oar, throwing it and smashing tbe car from the track. A teinble scne followed. The ladies' oar was Ailed with paa'Dgers. Men, women and children were jammed together- wonuded crushed and bleeding. After a few momeuti confusion, windows and doors were broken open and the nftKsengers emerged roiu the wreck It was ther discovered tht whil many were biased seriously, but one Hie was loot that of Charlie Nightin gsle, a child about six years old, son of wiuiam iMgtitiugal". of lkucswiok G i. The child bad but a slight wound ou the dead, and seemed to have been steamed to-dealh A son of Mr. Heg'. heimar, U. H. (Joast Survi-T. who waa in the ninoking oar. was seriomly id- jurea. ana win probably losa an eye, mr. umuroau. of Baltimore, a com merciai irayeier, waa out in tha arm and bh d prof us. lv. As so n as pos sihle the passengers were resoued from the wreck. At last every pas senger was brought from tbe train, ex oept the poor b y whose untimely end is alone recorded. A few hours later tbe outward train reached the soot. a d beiug unable to pasn, brought the passengers of the wreaked train to Augusta, reaching the city about half past ten o'olock. W. T. bpiiukle, con ductor of tbe passenger train is not to bUme, but there isgroat feeling against me men on tne other traid for criminal carelessness. Neither engineer nor oouduotor could be found after the aooiiient. The body of little Charlie Nightingale was carried to Brunawick this morning. Mi. Dishman Is doing -veil, and so is the son of Mr. Hegis heimer. All the ether passengers escaped, s unn without a scratch, and others with slight bruises. It is al most a mirpcle, under the circum stances, how any .of thm escaped, as the engine telescoped right into th passenger cars. O 1i 13 I O-IT . ENGLAND. " Lonpom, Nov, 18, The insurgent viotory at Gatscliko is fully confirmed. Iu consequence of interruption in the cable between Madras and Penaug, no further intelligence hs been reoeived from that quarter. DUCKIKG POWDER. M X Kegs No. 3 Diiokmg Pos dor. - ForSals by KEKCHNEB A OAL.DBK BEOS. SALT. SALT. SALT. 10,000 xck Literpwl and Auer'.oao Bait. For Sals by KERCBNER ft OALDEH bROs'. SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES. 100 HogKhesili of J. H. Hu laseei. 830 Barrels S. H,Molaues. For Sale oy KEBonjtEH A OALUER BROS. OATS, CORN MID HAY. loy BaaheliOsti. BOO Buabflliirn. iK Sl(?l Bu.tarn Hy . 1 i For isle by KEIliUlNKR -CAt,T)KR BHOH. ST. JOHN'S HALL. EMEKGENT MEETINU O" OONOOAU I bi.tnr No. l.lor wrk in Pmi Mwtei'. Iifgree, t7x o-c!am, (urp. Bf order .1 tlie M.E. H. P. Not. Hth, 1878-lt " ' mm n life. SKETCHES of Young ladies, Young Gentleme a a" d YOUNO COUPLES, Bt OH li. Di'KK.NK. Wltli Twenty JUfttt'ant tjr "PbH." . (FWst Amorlcin Kiltlin ) g'Lesg AI-8U, HUGH MELTON, . s tor', . . N p,r KITHlslNK RIN'n. THE QUEEN OF CONNAUQHT, a Hlory. HEINSBERGER'S l;I VK BOO It AND M09IC STOKE, "0t7 . -,.. -; ; THE $50,000 BONANZA TO HJ H'RftorienUsK loa f irrnu-., KnM .wfrn'sre iwmf free Ad- ""SPENOLETON A READ, WaU .XMW JIM Tl. J TIMZ.WM.XT. O T I La La m m D I I.J PARTLY f.:AS2 v.. ....10 XXlkLT 1BO DOCI3ITS BOLD. CLOTHS, CASSIIEH3 cl TESTS Wad to Ha i'i, PROMPfLYI STYLISHLY MUHSON & CO CITY CLOTHIER SOMETHING NEW AGAIN . .T Win. FYKE'K EXCHANGE CORNER. FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY from Paris, 1 h Latest Tblogi ant In tat Un. A large CELLULOID CORAL SETS AND NECKLACES Aaothrr Hsodioma iwortnut oT .Tftf TUCKING COMI1S. lUMt Sir's Llnaa Collar tri'l Ciffi. OJt.11 HOWES' SCALES H "irr lb atrtHttro th m kaown o U9H Partlrt will oa well toinnnt sai pis befbrt laying othrr (. Oct KMwr ,lniu Lo? Pro. Prompt - IMbm. FIIIST-CLASWOHK , STATIONERS- SPRINTERS AND BINDERS' LITH08RAPHERS. oct u (a POLKTON. STILt ALIVE fflfl MING VCKTdeairabi Ln Hon, and Valnabi lnls, tor tanl and fur Male, tots In flxi f od On lou'tU to 'twenty Aorei. Terns llbeial. Applvto J L POLK, OTlO ttswSw Polk ton, W. C. II MACHINE MADE HAENESS. Of U klndi m ohraf m aud food M to In th CARPENTER A MALLARD'S, oath Front Street. botIT Wilmington, N. 0 THE NORTH CAROLINA MAGAZINE. THIRD AMD POURTU VOLUMKS. JULY. JUNE. OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD 870. 1876. 10,000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS WAITED. WKWI LFUUIHTHEFI&ST kKAH bsndeoraalf boond, la Library style, two toiuum. (halt o!fl. with nnrrnnt tr from July. 187s, to Jane. 1H6. Incliulre, for 7; or t e Bret year bonnd la to to! n ore, elotli, ami ourrent year I' r IS. 1h liberality of Ibis offer will appear from the J Honing : in vo:., i.inrary ttyie.. 46 BO - Mugtune co-rent year g OA $8M Fnrnl'h.. toretber for BT. Two Vole,, oiotta ,. Migu.ne current year . . , . I 0J . $7 SO Fnrnl.bod ogetber for 9- Thoee wbo delre to eeoore the Maailne from beginning hare an opportunity ni-w of doing ro on f role term., nd t the me time, ther will thwakl In bnlldlngnpa ortS Osroll 1 Matruln, and giro enooiirag. moot to nstlre Ulent, 1 am tithonx.d to state tbst nbrlrtlsn Read, M'. O. W. Htrr'i, T. W. Klngibary, Km , Urn Ollngmsn, Got. Vanoe, sud other (IIMIn. KJithtd writeri will eont lbate to oar oolemur during the earront esr Onr mors .-erl.U will begin with the Janar rr number. 'I'll! J.nutry we mk the following offrr ! To any one Minding t we will tnrni.b the Marae ne eomplete from Jenuary, 187 S, to Dv o. rabr, 1871, lncladlo"A Hummer llvl,"b. ChrlHtan Uesd, and "Margtret Howlyn." hr Mrs. 0. V. Harrl, and the Magailn fir the yr, 1S78, from January and iieoembi-r two yere with f 'iur oomplete aerial, for .1 NOW 18 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE t ! B78end In jonr nMere Atl'rr 8.D. POOb.Eile'gh.N. 0. September. 1875. Auguat. 1876. THE N.C. JOURNAL OF EDUCAiM A 48 pege Mouthli. $; 80 per ye r. The.eorn l ver of tht. .tnirnl began In Bpfmb.r It, 's f'lrn'-h d t- tcb-s an minlit-re of the Ji.poI f f 1 per J ar The Brt yer, Hep'tmh.r IS'5, to Anifi't, '87,, inclu sire.esu be b d rpmpl.to ter s I. Adlrem, A. D. PO i, H.lelgb.N.O. NATIONAL SALOON H WINQ JUST riTf Sr OP Mf, HAMPLE ROOM, In (he ltt modern tvle, f propose to run to oonnectlnn ih.rowith a A EESTADRAKT AND CIGAR STORE. Thi fornw will bs kept en the ' K(J UIPJ IN , Pt.A 1 - and genilrme i .l.'tln me will rlwey. be InrnHml with the eboiwet Veate. VeniKin.o.diare. nm", and e.aryrrilrt th tbe Vo'thara a en1 our Home MarktaSnrd iehall h.lao,in slew der.lieSnert kitof IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. 1 ver off rwl t.vr In Wilmlnton. M y at imi le ui pliM witl the tre4 liquor, an 4 wine. be h . I re.peetielly sea a aoaro t til. nh"e p.'-on". s XUBTTBI 1ST JONES. 1 AOVtlB. ' ' " wszwftjiiit T2pimmmMmwMWMmMWMmMMWMwwBMWM 1875. FALL AND WINTER SEASON. Best AasorWd Stock infJie Citj now Oprn at 36 LrlnilET STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Celebrated Ouinet'a Qroa Graiua. COLORED SILKS, Ul the Latest Cloth Shades. 1 REAL SILK POPLIJSTS. MERINOS, CASSIMERES, SERGES. AND MOHAIR GLACE, . uid all the Latest Novelties in lDetooo dBcEDcnxrOc: BLACK ALPACAS, That usual Bpeeialty we have always many goous 11 is ouiy a amau pari 01 tne aseortniMnt. M O U R N IN G GOODS. In every variety. Will open on the 8th CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. MEIST AND BOYS' "WEAB. Great Hosier, Gloves Embroideries, STAPLE AND FANCY Everything is Cheaper than has beenjknown for years. We only require a call tne raoea ana Styles No. 86 MARKET 8TB1SET. GEO. MY BUS, 11 and 13 8. FRONT ST, . All.oar Uoodi daring A I R VV EE KC T REDUCED PHiCES FOR CASH GROCERIES. - PltO VISIONS, WINES. TEAS. LIQU'O'UtS, COFFEES SPICES, BED APPLES, OBIIGES, LEMONS, All Vartetlei of NuU. OIVE US A CALIi. We ean fum eh ererjihlng, together with ALL FAMILY SUPPLIES We he a l.erre Htnck, ml will sell t UM8CALLY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Oar Prinde for Kbii- are hew Prori Um pire, K"noi;rn.n Kiujlre, Kiuylrs Ettrt, Ah land end Lower r in. BUTTER AND CHEESE- And a Lvge titock ami (arletyof F.ncy Uol GEORGE MYERS. j 11 k 13 SOU rii FRONT ST., nort auiSAUL caoetv wilkss M laais CHONLY h M0RRI8 AUCTIONEERS STOCK ANDKEAL ESTATE BROKCRI WU.MINUTUS, S. O. tIAM BK ATTHSIHS4LKS HPOM I plan of the city, on ui eolared 1. Blink Hook slth tne hu indarleiof ttwi In the nlly d ntlnetl v defl "nl. Aeeewed value, part anl present. of ova In tbe elty. Any ini'irmsuon iweu inrnianan up a Inailon. 11. JUST PUBLISHED. 11th Edition. PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. . NERVOUS DEDILITY PHYMVAL EXHAVSTIOX To which le added Bet Eieaar Havrrlakfa- With Important ehapteie on DI40KKER1 OP jrti HtPKODUUTIVa OROAlfn, Beinsa eTtio"iof fei-tare. delred t their MUSEUM OF ANATOMY ' btr.n ere .tailing rhi city, .honld not tail to ae thla crest I'ollertKin, hslng the largeet In he wor d' BT CkawUtait 8l . Oppoelt Cenllnra tavl Hatcl, Philadelphia. Copleeof iMtarts Mtoa reoelpe of SO easts AdJrees, I'S" JUKI) & DAVIExON, . ... usvanxuAUTsv., rM.adeivhbu tfloii 1070. aold so many nd ao low, that among ao another Lot of those oLeap Henrietta's Line of White Goods. GOODS, NOTION, ETC. will do tne selling. PoaitiTely Ho Pjatponement ! A FORTTJ1TE "afORfJl. LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. ITEXAS GIFT CONCERT ASSOCIATION. Of Uenlion, Taias, will give a SECOND GRAND QIFf .OONOF.H ilov 30th. 187f DRAWING 1'OSITIVI Or Money'.Refunded. First Capital Qtft.. I ISeoond Capital Qift : ae ae tint, ta proportion an-ountlng ta all Ui 0260.000.00. Lovy.eatCl.tttahol. Ticket, Wpl Prlre of a Whole Tlaket. S. which eonilaU lf S o fl Oookdh, 1 COUPON TiCKtTfl), II. Which will entitle the hold. r to adminlon t he or.i.d O insert, and t on.-flfik of wh 'Ter glit my be awarded to the whole tlcke niimher. HeaHinthle agent, want'd. Allordeafar ticket, eont direct promD'l (lilet. Olroul it, Vttmn. eic, iitiui full psrt cu are, .nn' frre. In wr ting, be ueend elgi your nime, tun 'to in'f n I "t t In toll. ('rt ire i r tlo 't am unt.l t to 6 and up r mnt . ti. P,, tf i.l(d. A (drew a. 1 uimmunloetlone and make all euiitiauoi of money payable to A. R. COLLINS, gc-. Denttes, Risa tic tears at o thn Itrewlng will poel'l.elf fake placi- Not nth. l;o, and bat a ihort time bow re 'mama. ..0ME ENDORSEMENT) We. the umle .1 nrd . Iti.f n ot Dent ae Texw, Pheer'uIlT slv - oar te.ilovn. la th. houor.hli and imuarllsl In wh rh Hie AVriA I ami U it ' oiicurtof the l'eau I'troniimti taw l.tion w oxtidncieil, snil to he a' iifavtiiry m ini or In which all tho pled4 in. prumirnoi be awri.ii m were oerne 'ml: mi l. furthei. di rn l beirtilf endorx Mie a.cmd itr.nu Ollt Concert, to b gttet No.im i't ith, IKS. W II Winn. Msvor. Cltr of Donlfon: Al ilermm Judre W D Kirk, W Walter.' 0 ( it lx.lng. J W mI v mil, W A Tilth. W II How I TT'iir I. 4 J hn-on:Tjohn Netl i. Whole ".l. lr Ood.: J H 'tui, Whole'ae ttroner: Kp-rti'ln rt'O. Wh ile'e l,lqa.ir; re tr wn-iinle Hi. OonI". Ih Ornn'eMln WhoWl Dry fj-mle II m J W leonlna.; i()Kp.r l.t r; "r -f rM. PflAI ALt- Aizes, for GRTE9, UUAL STOVK8 and HEATERS. ' Vnnn ASH and PINK, lfUUU cut to any LenKth. ' DellTer.il to any part of the City In fcood O'der anl eomlltnn, at kiwnat cub prloee. -'. O. PARM.ICY ACo, New location . Water St , root ortirange B'lTlltf THE llikleTIMORE HOM CEO PATH 10 PHlRHACy MJERIOVElPon S-p'emb-r l' to tba pf mi .tore at N . lr. W.t P.iytto St., wbar th rmiri ti't. wilt b p' " I to e I lit- rod Tien', ' i'r"n A O'ai l-t '-k f Pilr n Kelleb'e H 'mon tl ln "r-'llolo wll m Bonk, fof Phyatnlen end family use, eon Kt.rdT kept In atork. dae rter mall nmmpt lr attended to. i ddreee HOKKIOKK 4 TAT JUL, W West IfajetU Street, Balllnots, .XMW jarKMTItRJMMXTWi DON'T Are fully alive and know that OOODH MUST TE SOLD LOW. We are prepared to BELL AS CUE A I AS ANY HOUSE IS AMERICA. Give na a call and s lor yonraelvea. Ourspaoe is too small to enumerate ever artiole. BLANlvlTS, FLANISTELS, Ladiea' and Oanta andJChihlrena Merino Under Vfta and Glovea. A LARCE STOCK OF FAtJCY HOOE DRESS GOODS. Vn Endless Variety. , BLACK ALPACA "We Ivlake WAKE UP! ! GKNTa)1 WIII11TH, PAIITL1 MADE SIX FOR 6.00. Manafaolnred from WamsnttaOotton and 2,100 Linen. Now la your time to boy SOAHLIST MKDICATKD FLANNEL, eooro mended by every fhvslolsn , Uuderwear. Maohine Needles CUT IiVIEJJ BE0T7II ft RODDICK. 45 Ilarket Street. SIM AT RETAIL I AT RETAIL I B. WEILL! B. WEILL! B. WEILL 600 03 AT PRICE8 TO SUIT TIIE5 TIMES, ALL we ask la an examination of our stock. We feel BHtlsflrd that that the public will be convinced of what we suy, Weflve below a tew prices: 1 ,000 vards Black Alpaous at W) cents worth 62 cents. 1,000 yanls Kluck Alpacas at 68 cents worth 70 cants. 1.000 yards Illitck Alpucas at 67 centti worth 80 cuuta. 0(M pairs Ladles' Hose at Z centM worth 30 cents. 300 pairs LiuIIch' Hose at 48 ccuta worth 6rtcentM. 600 pairs Chlldroua' Btrlpcd Hose at 81 cents worth 87 cents. 600 pairs ('till IrctiH Ktrlicd Hose at 87 cunts worth 43 cents. ' 6(10 jiuirs Chlldrcus' Htrlpod Hoho at b'l cents worth Ql cents, 1 We have ou hand many other goods JiQXJALLY AS LOW, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, All of which we will sell FOR. CJfBEZ. AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. VERY RESPECTFULLY, B, WEILL, 32 north. Front Street. oct 2 FURMITUREl FUtirilTURT" y PopFKB FOB TBE PALL TK AH K t VKUSrAL LAUOB AND lNCWCASID STOCK New Patterns and Designs OF 1'orlor, Chumher and Dining? lioomFurHlfnre. - AT rXrarVtLY L"W PittOKH. CAHPET8 AND OIL CLOTH AvD - HATTING Is thla line our -tvk nitirn.alll the Ni-w aupere, OitUm aid Menip onrp-t All ,aiid Kuga, of .1 Bedding. &o. &o Hair. Mu TfKKsSICS. rBkTlKH1.PHTHKH t OOMPUiiTABLKM.Ao..! ,'. And out W'i Hotalf , Bts.mer and PrWate Reldoof rn rieaeegiT aiaoau anaei .m ne TJ eon 1 tf . i'Hc Carolina HonscMd Maaaziac, i AN H.l.fMTRATICU M'iNTHLV ebole Literature, .III he las'ied from th loins. iimo Mi-amman Orrics rommenolns w tb ilanuwy. ISIS. Tht flret number will b read; lor mvllng hy ! nbor lath, and th period liinl will be iiuMlPttet eiich eafloeedlng montb thereafter without tntenantlon. fio ad.an lage will he neglei tod uih either talent or nai'I'al ran mr .o rvmter es h Mue an sgre.eble snrt io.trn.itlt eotnpi nilloui At cnnlo" res'ltng.bv popular writers, both heme ppt'(a. The Carolina Household MasTailne will be alarms n-pags, alfhtyioui eotiuuii monthly, lim1oninly printed on tintwt l'(i peper and beautifully llln.'.aied. It I. a thoroughly aoutlern enteri.rlw end li. iinci' I atriaii) fully aaeorod. The riilillcbor meanr to make it tint nla niiiibW. Ili'. one In- trodiierd In the fuml'y nlr'tle, le enre t be eagerly wttrbed tor ani n.r.nil'y irem-r.ed lta'POKTKIT O ALI.KKY" will i ro.e r attrtetlTfl tratnre. Tbe January nitmber will oontatn allfe-iike picture of EI-GOV. Z. B. VANCE, and blograpbloal (ketoh, to bo Inltuwod In eaoh suoceedlng number with photograph of oUpr promlnool atatesaan, dirinea, Ao. ONLY TWOOOLLABH A TKAB and asoh auhecrtber oaa make a ubilr Taaas 't la.tmrri., LAaoa Knar , t us la of each M I 0 inohe., "Tb Plu-llpy of the Ba.lour in the fern pie," "'I Madui na." or King Lear D'fynig th at.,. ,( warded on receipt of th auV'ilrtl a prloe. Either of the Kaxraylnge le wr h -oullethe prlre a-knd lor th 1 Magar' . . . T Asy one een ling a hIi u. u will rr C'Itm au vtraMb.iirtpiH.n tree. Htr.arapl.i W oeots, ftrnoby mall. Hit oon'h aubaor p tloa, wl Jiimt the f n1-a.liiK, si, Aanta Wanted Cverwwhere, iUUUom,M U. FOEGETII a Speoialtv. for Bheumatism. Shaker Flannel Five Cents Each. Frank Leslies' for I? AirriSllIVN. sad temtlni; P.tt'erne of Brusesi., Three-ply gr uiee mi totu aad Melting. Aieuaiaia auli ul Deeua, Shuo. Excelsior and Straw 1M KK A T H KK PI ,l,OW3 Ah U B JL1TKB OP TM : I1KST SlA I KHIAL Msnufaclure. - ' nlti.1 In the I.te4 Stylo and atLow Prle eur nvin boi ire pu'uuaiing. A. SMITH & CO, 1 4a Front Street - "'.'', Atkinson & Manning f 70,000,000 Aaattla Heproacalwel. na. o. of Korn. America .... Phtlatephi. Phe-1 In.iirmr. ivmtien? ....New York, i:ontln'ntii! Inurnnr. v'o .New York, N. British v. o.i'rti-" ln,.('olAmd .n. Harttur l Mm In.. rnnii in..,, Hertford, hettonai Pire l'ni'.anT...Hnrtft)rd. aprlngtlald P. I"i o . .llauachuaett MARINE. k Hneantiie Mu'ua- ui. Jo..,,,v.w York In Oo. or (ioith Amrrtna, PU ltdelphla. LIFf. Connect' cut Mu'imI uiv Ins, Oo. Hartford. ifb27t Da. a. v. ooaa. pa. a. a. soeooh. NEW DRUG GT0EE : FRESH MEDICINES, t Krket,bet.oond aid Third Btreota DR?. C0C3 tYtJOnCOM QOl.tCIT tho attention of PlyaM.na and . O Pabllo generally to their new irug Ktore, TneyLoepouly r uvtt r.D mi Kimiztt. Freto lpit ekrefnllj'' ron p"nrided a hour., day or nteht. Tl. hi.pe l. rarffa at'entbni thmrrit.ur.rort. Thlrhruft:oi a ; oSoe U in tha I)r Jg atore, and ;, , , ItUiaU aala-ipivWoa, . aiiti r

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