v. : I: j r i - "S I, ( ir j! i - I J " 4 701, XXIV. NO. C3L IGTOIT IL C. SATURDAY. NOVEIIBER 20. 1375. i . I . i i i .OYJTELeCiWPH. NEWS.IM GENERAL. Larse Fire-Attempted Mirder (on olldaMnn or Revenue BIMrlcts- Opinion fpon Dun farlo.1, if. GOLD 14 3-4. iBI TeLRUlt.VPH TO TUB JOURNAL. ion i. Di Brgre, Not. 19. The Town Lum ber Co. 'a mill, thrpe mile from thi city, u bnrnptl last uibt. Ful'y 2.01 0.0(H) ft of Inmbi-r w. re oou anmed. Loss $C,(XK). The firo i still burning. " VtSS.MHt8F.TTS. Bo.-, ton, No. 19 Tt wn rnmnroj here to day that B. F. l)ur w.dfi. A niKii n-ttued Butler di?d in Ha'nra to dT, whKjb probably gave rise to tht report ALABAMA MoBitB, Not 19. There Is great re joicing over the victory lor the Oou stittition. Well informed oottoa men say that the prewmt notfrm crop, if tt can be gnthmed, will lie the largest since the war. . fKSNSVLTAXIA. rHiLAWtLPHiA, Nov. 19. Two ap prentices utteuipted to poiaon their master, a oolorcd ahoeniaker. fur the reason that thi y were tind of hiin. OroVrs have berj VeceiTed at the Navy Yard to hurry the completion and equipm-t of the sloops of -war lyiug iu the Delaware, aud fit up all the mouitors, in readinoas for service. "L MISSOURI. St. Lortra, Nov. 19. The evidenoe in the McDotald case ban developed nothiug new. Several letters from McDonald to Commissioner Douglass were read, deolariu that there was no frauds in Bt. Louis, provoking much mirth in the court room. W. R. Davis, ex Mayor of Crolton, Illg , blew hi braing out at the funeral of Paul Wright, who shot himself here a few days ago. HARTLANO. Baltimore, Nov. 19. At a meeting of manufacturers of fertilizers a reso lution was adopted, that fertilizers should ba sold for cash or satiffaotorily endorsed pnper, and that barter for ootfcvi and ether prodncts should be abandoned. A committee on perma nent organization was appointed to meet and report in Baltimore next May. T. 8. Wallis, late a oandidata for Attorney-General, gives notice that he will contest the election. NORTH CAROLINA. Charlotte, Nov. 19.-The following are the raoea run to day One" and one eighth milo dash : Bpringlet , 1 Hartland 2 Time 2:13. Half mile beats : - Mollie Darling. 1 OWeil. 2 Time 57, CCj. Mile dash : Abdel Koroe 1 Century 2 Time 1:54. NEW YORK. New York, Nov. 19. The Directors of the Pauama Railroad Company have resolved to proceed at onoe with their new line of steamers The Btearaor D. R. Martin, .plying bt tween New Yord and Staten Iglaud, was burned to the water's edge yester day afternoon, when two miles from Staten Island. She was mn ashore, aud the passengers numbering thirty or forty, landed in small boats without injVy. John Clark was hanged in R ichestr to day. He ascended the scaffold smoking a cigar. . 1 WASHINGTON. Washington, Nov. 19. American citizens on trial before Cn'jsn court rnartials have hereafter the privilege of selecting oou use 1 for defense. The President ban issued ordnrs con solidating the Revenue collection Dis tricts. , The following are the Southern Dis tricts, with name of the retained Col lector : Robt. M. Proud, 3d and 4th Dists., Md. Isaao M. Young, 3d, and 4th Dists., N. C... T. Powers, 1st and 2d Dists., N. C. L. C. Carpi nter, 1st and 3d Dists., S. C. Jus. T. Bucker, 4th and titli Dists., Ky. Robt. F. Patter son, 7th and 8th Dists., Tenn. Sam. B. Cliff, 5th and 6th DisU, Tenn. II. M. Cooper, 1st, 2d and 3d Dists., Ark. Col. Young, who is now Collector of , the 3d and 4th Dist riots of North Carolina, has been informed that there is too much nepotism in his District. POBEIQ-lTi . SNfiiANB. . London, Not, 19. A speoial says the Turks are massing their foroos for another attempt to provision the town of Ooranska. The Turks baye already massed 15,0oO, and the insurgents havo been re-inforocd by 6,000 meo. , A special from Berlin says one hun dred priests in the ten canons of Rhine land, have given notioe of their sub mission to the Ecclesiastical law. The following are comments on Don Carlos' letter ; , . . . , ,. . . . Dai'y Xnwa Pu Carlos ok hia respite from pauib&ien to the Cuban wsr, an1 makoe the unpp'wd difficulty between 8 ain and the UuiUd States tlie corasion for exciting the pride of bin eountrytnra. , Ttl-praph It in' Impossible to ira viue a more frandnleut, futile' pr p at. at once at) etfroiit and au aot of ti l wr. TV. Mall (laz It Full of bombast. Ilea la aliuxt like a ho x. 8euis to iinjj telle I'rt'U-nd-r'a dosire to find an excuHti to retire from the OJDflmt. Tln Crown Frinoe of Doom rk is S'TiouhIt ill. It im reported the Ctbjiiet baa Mnt telegram aJviMug the l'nnoo of Walea return. The Tint says editoria'ly that It.'myoviLia is now fairly out of the Siiitnti a erao, aa if destiny had act led it by the c f-rnioe of ljwei, and peue eii only be brought about ly thii txtiuchou of lurkish authority. .1 m' j nt'K rnje.nK.vrM. Administrator's Sale. T WlL'i I X il8 K FOR A" K AT TH L ' ; nrt Hou ilMr, In th i it. r Wllmlnr U 01 Moiinm. li. uoi'.Hr ttik, at ivo'eiwk. .. Iho fol vwng p;rtiof Und n-)unlli f to at v( r m mii'i nut, ec.-u, unnnto lulaei l'T of I umii'on, di tnnb a Im low : B jinn rii at a xta t v UoKt utrret 1 I f"t f.om 1( kin ttrri t nd mnnli g ih"noi' wl:hpU VrK tT'ri nuth 6 f I tLno awt aia'l vith H.nnin avrrrt 198 rt 'o oncx' allivr, tliend with t.ld allev north 08 tii-t, tht,c wfji ( fee' t the bagmnlnf, ' lie m belnic tia vnatorn half fit liit No 4 RiiH'k ZW. nr(i'illuK to t n of fit MM OltT "f Wilmington. rma, ona-thl-d faa, an t hn' ince In ix and tw.iTB OMi'ti, till rewrrea. . H D BUT, Iiw4r adulolfrxtor, OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAI and SATIRDAT, NOV. 20, 97, SAl SDAV MA mEK ATI P. M, Engtjcmeut atagrpntoullnyof th c'brted HOLMM EK3LISH OPERA TROUPE. Pnlargi-d rut the prMnt iim. FRIDAY 1TE.MNG. NOVEMBER 26T1I. Firt tlmt here of Lecui" lat anl stoat Df I- Ol.NDKllELLA. SATI RDAT EVENING, NOVEMBER 2ITH, Lecoy'g ijiarkllng Opt ra LA FILIE DE MADAME ANCOT. Alrulwoti ... f oo (llnry , Jo , n Kf rtfd SftB 1)0 Ha'e (n iommnoe at Hhmbnrgnr'i Muilo W" muuuny, xot. in, at V A. M. U,S mm from M SKETCHES of Young Ladies, Young Gentlemen YOUNG COUPLES, Br U1I IS. DlCKKNM. Willi Twenty IllDnt itloni by "tbi." (First Animlcan Edllloo.) fgZ3 ALIO, HUGH MELTON. A Story, BT KITHArINC KINO. THE QUEEN OF CONNAUCHT, A Story. HEINSBERGER'S LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC 8T0RK. no7 OItAtVI CENTRAL H vin just rirrEii up mv, SAMPLE ROOM, In the 1atot molern rtyls, I propose o run In connection therewith a A RESTAURANT AND CIGAR STORE. The former will b knpti an th ''KDHOPKAN VliAS," and gentlemen vlnltlng ma will lwy be furnlHlifid with tbe cho'cant Wel, VeniKn,tivpten, (4nm, and everything that I ho Northern unt our Home Market afford. I nhall hve also, In a few 1 day the flneitt lot of ' IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Tver ofT'red for f aie In Wilmington. My sim ple ioocu lnupplil with the Brent liianratid wine to be bal. I renpectlully auk a lliare or the pntt'le. pronaff. REUBEN JONES. out 1 lui. MACHINE MADE HARNESS. 'if all kin te a obeap u and good M any In tbe 8tHi at CARPENTER & MALLARD'S, 8 South Front Stieet, novlT . Wilmington, N.O POLKTON, VKYdelrableLoti. Hnn.i and Valuable l.an la, lor Kent ami for Mala. lota In. lie from One-ftmrth to twenty Aores. Termi liberal. Apply to r L L. POLK. nvtO Btaw3w Polkton, N. C. DUCKING POWDER. W x Keg No. 2 Ducking Powder. For Bale ly KEKOHNER GAI.DE R BROS. SALT. SALT. SALT. 10,000 8acka Liverpool and American Salt. For Hale by KFRUHNER & OALDEK BHOS. SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES. 100 Hogshead of J. H. Mola.Mi. 880 Barrel 8. H, Molaesei. For Hale by " KERCHNKR & CALDER BROS. OATS, CORN AND HAY. loo" BuaheliOaU, 8i)0 Bniiheld IJorn. . VQ Bales Fasten Hay. Foraa'eby . KEKQHNERCAI.DRBli08. xrra. OTI! 1, D I I I i IVA! . a t . t w . . 1 1 u i M1BLT 150 DOLJLjITS OLD. CLCTHS, CASSIIEEI3 d TESIlS Mad to Maaeara, PROMPTIY! STYLISHLY MU1TS01T & CO. enr CLOTHIERS. or 17 SOMETHING NEW AGAIN AT Win. lYK1 EXCHANGE CORNER. FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY1 from far la, Tha LatMt Talogi cut la that baa. A large rot or CELLULOID CORAL lETt.r . AND NECKLACES. Another Handaroa Aaortmeut of TUCKING CO I teet Sty '.a of Linen Collars and Ca 5V o.st HOWES' SCALES tt yTT-ar. the ajentt fo-theae wall know a vo-e. rartios will ao well to eaamloa aam plea before keying ather wake. pittS MURCHirH V. "g'g Hanlware .lua.a THE NORTH CAROLINA MAGAZINE. THIHU AND rOUHTB TULUMKK. JULY. JUNI. OUR LIVING AKO OUR DEAD 1875. 1876. 10,000 NEW 61 BSCR1BIB3 WANTED. WTK WIi L rUKMlUTHI rtftMT 111! TV handsumule bunna. t. Uhr.r atu T'F uuim. (m.ii cam, wiia current .ar tram July. 1875. to Jnaa. tm. larlulra. fnr T- or tua Sret year bound la two tolnaee, aloth. and carr.nl year I r M. 1h. liberality ofUils offer will appear froia ins i -tiowiDg : i wo oi.., L,irrary style. .......JSM et.gasine eu rent year , , g og ISO ..$ 81 aj an an f ornl'hfti. togwtbar for SI. two roia,, e ou M agaa ae oarr.nt j ear . . . Furnished wgwtlier for fa. Those who deetra is mare tha IfaMrfna from beilaalna hare an .ntwitnnl, n. r FiDcru maviiTBoie verms, ana at toe same time. they will thmaM in bui'dlng ap a forth Oarollia kfarastne, a ad glre enoeuragemsnt to native talent. " I am a ithoria.d to state that rifcrfstlaa Read, Mrs. I). W. Harris. T. W arinnhrw m. Qen Ollngman, 6oy. Vanoe, and other dlatla. galsh.d writer wll eont IbnU to oar nolnmns during the ewrrent yesr Oiier mora ,rUli will begin with tha Janar ary number. Till Jannvy we make tha following offer i To any on wading 11 w will fnrnlsh the Mairai as eemplete from January, 178, to D. oerober, 18TS, Including "A Summer I1yl."by Chrl-tlan Read, and tUrgaret Koelyn by Mrs. il. . Harii. and the Wsnalne tr tha year, 1876, from January and :eembrr tww yeare with far complete aerials, for M NOW IS THE TIME TO SIB SCRIBE 1 1 aSstid to your or ient Address 8. 1). POOL, Rale'gb, N. O. September. AuRuat. IBO. JB70. THE N. a JOURNAL OF EDUCAilON A 48 pngeMotithlT.il 80 per ye-r. Tbeeeornd re.r of this Joarn.i ku In September. It Is ftirnhhrd t t t.aohe e an I ralulsK rs of the Onertel at 1 1 pee year. Tbe Bret year. September 1S75, to August, ISTS, inolu lye, can bs had complete far f I. Addreta, o. v. ruvn oaieign, n. u. RE-OPENirJG AT 29 1L AnitET ST Harlng told ont my entire stock of old good AT AUCTION I I ht Re-opened at my Old Stand. A fresh and waU-eeiectxd atock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS HATS ghoel Hnd Caps, which I wfll sell at tbe lewest OA4H PKIOKH. Below 1 ttivw too a few Items with prices annexed : Best uallcoea from 7. to go, per yard. Brown Ootton from 6j(o. to 100. per yd. Good Jeans from lie and npwarda. Klannels and Ootton Flannels, Tory Cheap. Thanking yon all fir your kind and liberal patronage heretofore extended, ( reepeov fully soilnlt contlnuanoe of the lame in my new business. Respectfully Toon, ' GEORGE LEIBEH, MARKET STREET, oct9 Wilolngion, AT YATES' BOOK STORE Toe caa And a fin assortment of Chromos, Mottoei, Stereoscopes, " Stereoscopic VIcwi N . Games and Toji. ALIO, Fifes : Flutee,u Banjos Violins, CultarVJ Accordeons1?! "'Li - Harmonloas NOTICE. APPLICATIOK WILL BR MADE TO "The Bank of New Hanover" for the la ueof dunlina ertiflcac for 10 hara of the caatal atnek of said Ra,ln nan of th o lglx.pl oerfiflcates, No. 128 and f 10, for laid share, heretofore lou d to, the late W. R. rn. ple.daledthe day of rn1 now lost. A empik tiovlft-lawSw Adm'r W. it. KMPIK. PARKER MILLS NAILS. The Host Sellable Xall In the Market. For sale by ma LEIMUICHIISX, 1070. 1075. FALL AND WINTER GEAGON. Ii Beat AisorteJ Stock khe Qiij now Open al 36 MARKET1 STREET, BLACK SILKS, . The Ctfebrated Quiuet'a Gros drains. COLORED SILKS, All the LatMt Cloth SbaJea.1 REAL SILK POPIjITSTS. MERINOS, CASSIMERE3, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, aud all the Latost Noyelties in GD BLAOIv ALPACAS, That usual Ppfoialty w hare always many goods It is only a small part oi the aaaortiunut. e MOURNI NO GOODS . In every rariety. Will open on the 8ih another Let of those cheap Henrietta's CLOAKS AXTD SHAWLS. MEN" AND BOYS' WEAEr " : S Oreat Line of Hosiery Gloves. . embroideries, STAPLE AM) FANCY Ererything is Cheaper than has been tue iTioes ana styles rJ3. TJ3. IsTo. 30 GEO. MY EES, 11 and 13 a FRONT ST. AllurUoididurtn( FAIR WEE It AT REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH GROCERIES, into visions, WINES. TEAS. Iu I U O R fS, COFFEES SPICES, RED APPLES, ORASGIS, LEMONS, RAISIN B. ; All Varieties of KuU. GIVE US A CALL. ' We can turn ah everything, together with ALL FAMILY SUPPLIES We have a Larre Stock, and will sell at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES FOR CASIL Our Brands for Flour are hew Prnre- Km. pire, Monogram Kiunlrn, Empire tre, Ash land and Lower Or utea. BUTTER AND CHEESE. And a Large Htook and Variety of Fancy Quods GEORGE MYERS. 11 i 13 SOUTH FRONT ST., botT toaaai oborlt. wiLia Hoaaia CRONLY h MORRIS AUCTIONEERS STOCK ANDREALESTATEBROXERt WLLMINQTUtt . M O. (1AM BR REEK AT THKIR 8 ALES Kllf ) a planof the olty.on an enlarged Blank Book with the "inndarleeofayary la tbe olry distinctly den ied. Aeseseed ala. paata it present, of ere lutheoltj. Any 'nformatlonlen'-ed furnlthM ap p icatlon. tail JUST PUBLISHED. tilt "dltlon. PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS. ow NERVOUS OEOILITY PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION To whlrh Is added Am Eaaftv n Harris;.' With Imi'Ortant chapter on DIORERiRS Or THE RBPRODUUTIVa 0RIIAN8, Belnr a .vnotml. of Ieetures delivered at their MUSEUM OF ANATOMY btrangers visiting th city, shonld not tall to . thl great coliectl'm, being tbe largest In ha wor d Ml Chestnut Ni . OppMli.C.ittlnen , tal HUI, Phllmd.lphlaw Oofilec of lertores sentaa reoelpt of M nanu Adarem, uh, juruih auaviksun, ItUS Tll.BRUr St.. Philadelphia. aglld-l sold so man and so low, that among so :o:- White Goods. GOODS, NOTION, ETC. kuown for years. We only require a oall win ao ine selling. jCAT2, 8TBT5ET. positively No Pistponement 1 A FORTUNE VOltWl. LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. TEXAS GlfT CONCERT ASSOCIATION, Of uiuljon.Teias. will glrea SECOND GRAND GIFT OONOr.J Hov 30th 1877 DRAWING P0SIT1VL Or Money.Refunded. First Canital Gift $5' Second Capital Gift 8 He da Olfts In proportion arountlog in all U 0250,000.00. Lowest Cl,ttt,a Whole Ticket, iBOl Prloe of a Whole Tloket. as. wulel conltt4 pt avo II uoupons. COUPON TICKITS, fl Which will entitle tbe holder to admission t he (Iritnd O mrort, and tt onu-Bfth of wht ver gilt may ba awarded to titc whole tlcke tinmticr. Resntin lble acent wanted. All orde-a roe ic kej rnut direct promotl Illlel. Olretil r.. Papers, ern., givtug full particu are. atmr freo. In wr tiim. be .tire end Ui yonr name, t twn, eo'intv and atitt In tulU- Orders ror tie -tt a.nnntl ig to 0 and up war sent ('. O. fl., if desired. A'ldreaeail ootuniiinlnatlotie and- make all eeaitianore of money parable to A. R. COLLINS, See r, Denteon, M" R3H TICKtrS AT O At the Urawlna will poslit.oly take plact' Nov loih. IHlB.aud but a short time now re mains. ,0ME ENDORSEMENT We. the ande signed iltlien" of Penl an Texas, cheerinlly .lv our testimony to the honorable and impHHlal In wh eh the Frt II and Girt Concert of the I'esa. (1 It ( onentl Asmh lation was oondiioled, and a. to he very .atisfactury mnrer In wnich all the pledntJ tn i promiies oi tie aoooi -non were carneo ml: and, ntrtliet. d most beartuv enflorn the Heeond Urn Gift (.oooert, to be given W M Winn, Mayor, Oltr of Paulson; Al lermt n .dirte w n Kir-, u w waiters' Geo 1 l.vlng. , W Hidrard, W A Tllilta. W B Htm I GTaruir L l Johnson;. I hi NevH. Whole- Me Or. Ool: ! H Gm, Wltolesa'e Grocer; Kpisteln Hros.. Wholeaa'e l.lq ior ni tr WbTisale lry OomI: Mat Grn'fateln, wholmale frv Goo la. It n .1 W -fennlnza: iGeo.I IXnt.r; 1r .loMH, COAL ALL 8IZCS, for CRATES, 8 TOVE8 and HEATERS. Wnfin OAK, ASH and PINE, IIUUU cut to any Length. Delivered to any part of the City In good Older ana oonaiiion, at lowest oaan price. . t. O. PABSLET Oo, New location tt. Water Bt , foot oforange. uovt4 tf THE BALTIMORE HOrlCEOPATHIC PHARMACY- IIEHIOVEDon September 1st to tbe p'l ou. store at N . 13 West Fayette ft., win r th tropr'' tor. will bepKaied tor e the'rutl (rlrmis snd pa'ron A oomf let" s'n k ol Pur sn KeiUble Homoeopttbl'- dlclo. w-ll aa Itooks, fnr I'hyslolan I uu.iy us i, con atantly kept la stock. Otileis per ni'i prompt .va'tondedto. ArtdteesBOKi l(!KK tSTAFEL. W Wast Fayette attest, Bal'lmor. LDOISTT TP Are ful'y a'ie soil know that OOODS MUST EE FOLD LOW. We are prei-areU to SELL AH CHEAP AS ANY HOUSE IN AMERICA. Uite na a call and at for yonraeWca. Our space ia too small to coutuorata erury article. ' BL, AIN KETS, FLANlsrELS, Latliee' and Qcnta' auJIChiUlrctu Merino Under Veita and Oloyet. A LARCE STOCK OF FANCY HOSE DRESS GrOODS. An Endless Variety. BLACK ALPACA We Ivlake a Speoialtv. WAKE UP!! OKNTia' 1)RN NIII11TH, I'AltTLt MADE SIX FOR $6.0 0. Manafaotnred from WamsultaCotton and 2,100 Linen. Now is your time to buy SO A H LET MEDICATED FLANNKL, eoom mended by erery fbysioinn for Rheumatism. Shaker Flannel for Uuderwear. MaoLius Netidlus Five OouU Each. Frank Leslies' CUT XilIiX LJA.rim21flIVN4 BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Ilarket Street um AT RETAIL I AT RETAIL I B. WEILL ! B. WEILL! B. WEILL j 60008 AT ! PRICES TO SUIT THE. TIMES, ALL we aik is an examination of our stock. We feel sutlafiod that that the public will lie convinced of what 1,000 v&rda lUack Alpaww at f0 cent l.(M0 varda lllacW Aliiacua at 6ft cunta 1,(XX yards llluck A I parus at 07J iTiita worth m cents. HX) pairs Ladica' Iloae at 23 fonts worth UO cents. , ; 8(K) jmlre Ladlcn' liot' at 48 cents worth HO cento. . 600 jialrs Childifim' Striped Homo at 81 cento worth S7J cento. ' 6(H pair Clill Irons' Klrl'd 1 1 oho at S7 cento worth 4 cents. 600 pulia C'lilldrona' Htrliod IIoho at fi2 cent worth 06 ocnU. "Ve hnvc on hand many other goods JIQUALLY TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, All of which we will sell for o-s:o: AT miCES THAT DEFY COM1ETIT10N, VERY RESPECTFULLY, B, WEILL, 32 oct2 FURNITURE ! HlFKEE TOE TBE FALLTRAUE I New Patterns o v lnrlor Clat"l' nl Dlnlnur Room Furalturo. AT CXTUEMELT L'W Pit ICES. CAKPCTN AM) OIL CLOTH AJVD MATTHVG Jatblsllneotir.itwkemi.raMsalloi UteNew and leading I'atiertts of Hrussls. Thre-ply Supers, Oott:in aud rluiui' t-arp 'ts All gr ulna nil t loth and M.ttlug. Also Mats ,and Hugs, of H autliul designs, BeddingL &o.. &o Hair. HL93 M iTl'KKiSSS, FF! tTIIKIti, FK t THEll 1 OOMFUiiTaBLKH, Ao.. LI, And out W't Hotels, Steamers and Prlvtt Ke.i.lionf rn r lease give us a uau ami ev, im D aep IS ' THe Carolina HonscHoli Hanazmc, i AN iLI.UitTRATKII MONTHLY' choice 1 Literature, will be Issued from Ih loins aiko Ma-saaoaa Ovriue commencing W'tli January, 1MIS. Tbe Hrst number will b reaily for m.'ling by Once tuber leth, and tha period loal will he pnlili.ht't each succeeding montli thereafter wlthnuii Inten notion. So atl.an tage will he neglected v.ioli eltlmr talntilor oaiilral can rrnnp"-! .o tender ea h Moean agreeabl and lostruollv oomi uilloul oi oiioioe rea'llng,bv popular writers, bulb bomr and at 'tad. The Carolina Household Mag az Ice will he a lare t-nge, elgbty-toui twluuti monthly, handsomely printed on tip ted boos paper and beautifully ill'ikirated. It Is luoroughly soutsern entflrprite ami Itstotnensr 1 alrrsdv fally assured. 1 tie publisher m. u. to make It a Hrst clius monthly, that, nnm In troduced In the famtlv olrole, It sure t" bs eagerly watohed for an.t earelullv- i re.i.rjo.l lU"POttTltAIT G A Ll.KKY" will iro.ean attrsctlve feature, t he January nunibei v'l eontaln a llte lik picture or EI-GOV. Z. B. VAKCP, and biographical sketch, to be tolioad In each succeeding aumber with i.boinrnrlt. ni other promlneol stat"m ni, tli.iues, die ONLY TWO 'M' LA h" A V K A H and each subac-l'ie- ean m.n cliolee Taaaiii BtuPTiM'L.i.sanK r tea -".o. slseofstch H t M) itirhet, Us; "1 u i Km on. o' th Ka. lour in the t emi le," "T ie V ' I 'n na."or"KingLr D'fvlng the "torap " mr wsRledon reil t of tha aubsnrittliri -l nee Kltherol'tne R tgrsr og-is worth dri bin lot prli ea k tt tor 'h- Maial'ie. ay anv one t.i 'inrf a nliib nf t will , eo.e ai 'M so1!" -ri t t. n ued. e)l"i "Opi I couth, tre. ! tuail. Hi moel.s ei.baor.p tlon, wl'hnnt the Kagraelg, i. JUHUq A. kti'NlI M, fablf'iati aldihor,ti O OH GET!! wij any, Wejglvo below a few prloeai worth (12 cuuta worth 70 ccritt. ' ' 5 AS LOW, North Front Street. FUKMIYURE ! UKU tl'AL LARGE AND INCBEASEU 8TO0K and Designs ShucV. JExoelBior and Straw- Di FKATIIKH PILLOWS AM O U jLilKli Of TrlK BtfST !Al'KltlAI, Manuiacture. ." shed In the Latent Style and at Low Prlo no oiw ovw. wowi. y uumiu. A. SMITH & CO.. 43 Front Street -or- Atkinson & Manning. $70,000,000 Aeet HeprcaeMtwd FI R E.I ns. 1 o. of Norn. Amerlc t FhiladepblK. Fhema In or.m e Uomps ) ....New Yotk. continental Iriurat ce i o New York. N.KritlaliA Mr. u.i tl1 . Jio.l'o..Ind"n. Ilarttonl irire In.. :orui mv... Haetford. National Fire I:.. t)oin;."y...Wartlord. aprliigtlcla r. A M. Io- to...MassaohaeU MARINE. k Mtreantll MuHai luo. uo.....New York in. Oonr North America Phdadelphla. 'Vrnect'i-o' Mu'nal ins. in, Hartford. fobint I dr. a. r-onaa. tin. a a. noaoow. NEW DRUG STORE FHKII MEDICINES, Market, bat. Second and Third streets v. t OR9. CO Clllt NORCOM S'll.'C'IT 'he attention of Physicians and Pill' H i goi erally to their new urug Utore. ibey torpouit ' nlw and rm mmim.r: Prescriptions caretul y eoni pounded a boors. dv r iilnht. Thrv hope by eaeefa at'eutttm tuu.iii.uo. ert. Their profeeelona ornoa I In the Itrug eluw. and they will , UUieu C4rala,aveikUIu. oUU