.. . ! o ' . - -, J a i - . A v&J j i Jy . . f ; ! - I ; i J : I - t - V V V 'v V UILimiGTOIT IT. C. SUIIDAY. IIOVEIIBER 21. 1675. VOL. XXIV. NO. 332 1070. 1U7B. .VfcV JBrXMTIIS.tK.TTW. DON'T FOEGETll BAGGK3, r:.LT, FLOUR. MARlMOLAl -l " elt Wh Int.. th. ' M . H.nKie Vuil. J. Suolar, -Uaat ds-.ht.r of Mia.. A M.Kr. . jrri-w' vr"- - FALL AHD WITJTER S EAGON. j .Best Assorted Stock in the City now Open t SA Bolll Sad Stit iolU BAgjtBf. 10,000 tUbcki Unnn kai lairiiM Bait. 10t0 Bamti riMr, BY .TELE C HA P H. MARATIM33. EFFECTS OF THE LATE CAl ES. Thirteen Vessels Lost off the Const or Great Brltian -Between Thjrtj or Lives Lost-Burned at Sea.. MEWS I NT QENERAL. Texas Paeifle Railroad fonventlon Heavy Express Bob uery.-Post Offlie Bobberjf-Postponement, JLc. COLD 14 3-4. BT TKLKORAI'n TO TUB JUUHKAL. CALIFORNIA. Han Fhancwco. N.v. '20 -The 50. 000 tuoe in p.i-rpoii, J until the 25 h. WISCONSIN. MiLWAt KiK, Not. 20 H. J. Con k . Hd, ex-fpiiil Sgmit, bus bern arretted cn the charge ol receiying 1110117 from diitilhra. ILLINOIS. ' ' CmcAo , Nv.20. While tbe driver of tlm United Stit?s Express Co.'s wujjon i4 ilHliverint; ickag"S, the wH(iii whs driTfu off ud 'obbed of $40,00 1. No arrests. ' ... KENTKKT. Locixville, Not. 20. In the ouee of the Uuitd Btafeo th. O. H. Bur bridge, for an alleged deflcienry of $17,000, wbile special nuperviiing agent of tbe Trtanuiyal New Orleans, Ter dict Bgiust Barbridge for $315,000. ' PENNSYLVANIA. fnm. Not. 20. Jacob Welnegons, aged 60, killed his eldest daughter to day, and then fhot himxelf. The wooden bridge oTer Hip Schuyl kill at Philadelphia, caught fire from s defeotive gas pipe, and was totally consumed, MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Not, 20. The ship FaTor ita, which arrived here to-dy from Manila, reports that on Oat. lsr, she saw a large Tesael on flre ; ran down, but she sank in about five minutes after we reached her ; cruised arouua the spot for two hours but con d not discover sny trace of the crew, nor loarn anything to establish the vessel's indentity. , NEW TORE. Nbw Yokk, Not, 20. Mayor Wick- ( ham hss been appointed by a delega tion cf prorafilent gentlemen to attend the St. Louis railroad convention. Three hundred men are out of em ployment by the suspension of work on the tanneries, caused by depression of the leather trade, Wm. Merrimsn, a newspaper man, and Herald war correspondent, died at Troy this morning. ' WASHINGTON. Washington, Not, 20. The Tost Office Department has advices of the robbery of the mail on the Corpus Christi route, supposed to have been done by border Mexioaus. The mail ambulance, with contents, were driveu off by the robbers. Commodore Trenehard has been pi o- mrtt.ul fit To.l Admiral. Gen. Sherman goes to Florida to upend tne winter. Gov. Ames was at the Interior De partment today. - ' TENNESSEE. Memphis, Not. 20. The Texas Pa cific Railroad convention assembled here to-day, Got. Magoffin presiding. Delegations were present from Arkan- sas, Tennessee, Mississippi, and par tial delegations from Louisiana, South Caro'.ina, Missouri, Alabama, Ken tucky, Appeals to the people and Congress will be made for the con struction of the road. The convention's proposal to add 8t. Louis to the list of proposed ter mini was debated upon, and it was fl,ioil reanlveri Hint the nmisfiion was not dote in a spirit of opposition or . mt i iiosuiity to mat cry. ineinenusoi the roud are sanguine of sunoess. 'fobeight. ; ll'BA. Havaha, Not. 20. Cnptain Genersl Valnwsfds went into neia operations to-duy. SPAIN. Maduid, Not. 20. It is stated that all foreionArn tried in Clubs' for partici pation in tbe rebellion, shall have counseL f ENGLAND. T.nvnn. Not. 20. A sbooial savs thftt the Turkish Ambassador nt St. Petersburg has been summoned to Constantinople. The recent Rales sround the coasts of Great Britain have been terribly destrnetiTo to Ufe ml property. L'oyds agent at Dovtr telegraphs tht thirteen Tesstls foundered . in the Downs during tbe storm last, night, and that forty or fifty lWes wore lust. A Cftlcntta speoial says the alarm at Ragoon originated by a bnnd ot rob berg attempting to sicz3 the arsenal. CARPER I CARPETS NEW PARENS ASD3JEAP PRICES. AT 1. A. 3ii rii V CO. until u SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, LAVOK 8TUCK, 1- O It HA I- 12 L O W, AT I. A. K3IIT1I S& CO. novii ti O R C AN S Mn Hinvln Th Stand id, aud Waters tf Org'i.. Particular attention la called to their beautiful quality or tone. auanoaa of scale, and the remark ably fine finish of all the action work. The cases ara morougmy mrA. ftnrf well finished In sood taste, vl hout any meretricious ornamenting, or tne use oi Hnt narvinsi. Ac. and are not merely coated with cheap var. nlsh, but are ilea, Tinea wnn grain and nnisnea witn snenac. Tuo ijO fur ele t ' ; HEINSBERQER'S LIVE BOOK AND MCSIC 8TOKS BriinswickCo. Bjnds. . II DlrRIINli HIlT.DlSO HONMS OF f th O'HinfT of Rrunowtek. ln or tt fll tn, are requnntfd to pieMiit tbom for iny- ,U9"l,U JOHN H THKKS, vrnit. TrM'iirsr. Orto MAKHDKN BLIiAMY, (Dnnty Atlorner. M.U.tTHHir, O.ork Hnrd of CommlMlotiero of Bii"lrk 'ounty. no.21-lt FOIt WAtjTrO Oil ttKNT.. rilH T PKSIRABI.B PROPFRTT I O'lA. JL tel Ht tint UtiWflmttjr of North Uaro. Ili.a, and knimn a. th NANCY HILLIARD HOTEL. baring been thoroughly repaired Hud plntedi HoflVrM lor Kle or rent for the rin'nu tear In ad dition to Hie pttrun' of the ntudente i hipel HI'I arl'jrrte nnufnal advantage a a lanner rewrt. It I. periect'v h alihy. h neMi.nt wnt.r, and can boa"t of ilbtaile. iieoonil to none In tliocnntry. rlttlc-.r.W.lyoj(of5ArTEVi I ba 1 Hill, N.O. Or, W. K. KITNAN. WIIin'ngton.N. O. tot?1 lot 0PERAHOUSE." One Night Only, Wcflncsflay, No?. 24th. Tbo O d Fimrlteo GAYf ORD'S MINSTRELS AND II 11 A H. "AND, 20 STAR PERFORMERS- 20 tnaajfd- ennrewlv f'T thflr own eoeclaltlei, now on tneir reiarn irom vawwui. w,.u . entire new Company. PRIOE8: ' . Oenera Admllon N3- O.llery c. Kferfed8?al.... eonre"our if at. at Hcln.berger'o Book- Store' no '81 St FOREIGN & DOMESTIC CLOTHS, CASblMERES, VCSTINCS. Haaisie Bib Sis. BEAUTIFUL DRESS bill f 8. BOWS, COLLARS, TIES. HALPHOSE. Ju.t Ki oelved at " S . ' MUNSOH & CO. CITY CLOlillJKUa. nor Xl GROCERIES IS Tub. G. E. Butter, tin Boies Factory and State Cheer. 100 Barrel, and Bon. Crackers-all kind.. 100 Barrel. K. B. Potatoes. V5 Barrel! buckwheat. BiQQINU, BAODN, CANDLES, ' CANDY. COKFKE, CORN, FLOUR, H4T, OATS LYR, MATCHES, HOLA8SEM, OYSTERS, POTASH,- SALT, HAKNS, HEETK The aboto Oood. will bi olterel ry low to prompt pnylng rit'iomer., ry WILLIAMS & MURCHI50H. nosjl II Fresh ArrtTal of A I "otteof FANCY NOTIONS AND TRICKS. In adltlch to a lrgi arortmntof imm AND MISCELLANEOUS BO OKS. Buret MaV.p nti't Hn.io 1 lu-tiuinn ts. BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY. - aoiSi - . For Sl by KKRCBKIK CALDS8 bEOI TIES. TY1HE. HDUE2EP. ' SO Tost ritiewl ABd Mow TtOO. 400 Tom Btf f Twin. BO HophMri. f ' M. MolMOOA lv) Hunii a. tr' stoiMMt V PiBoktoo Davmr at Amm. K Brl. D BMrr MolaM. 61 H,n.b0 Cb MoItMoa. Par bT KBttCHMEK OA DK BROS. JIKAL. OATS. Ricr 111 BbU Ml. loot Bubcl.Okt. 10 rioroM B oo. S3 Tub. BatlM. ISO HoiM(0bMi. ' 80 Bvnll Applw. Pdr, Bbt,Ups tyo, Polwh, CanaT, At tot Ml KKKCHXBK A CA1.DRK (I'-O. CLOSING OUT O.' onr Kntlr.Hc5ti.il '8tork on and After MONDAY, NOV. 22D Owlsf to the fkot tht It l our Intention In tbo lutuio toowry on n , esaie Wo now offer for tal -A.TX, CTJr GOODS, r.pei'UUy DRESS GOODS, JL t cost and BELOW CO ST. AAION A RHEINSTEN. norm .'W SO PKOhT Hi UAAT. M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. CR0NLY & MORRIS. POSITIVE SALE or SEASONABLE- AND DESIRABLE GOODS And ti Account f VTion it Iij Coicent. On Tneml.y neit, 23d InM, onmmenolDg at 10 o'clock, A. M we will mil at our bal. rooin.. on rrtni .(rest, 10 Cases, B80 Pair, MEN AMD n uinB.il a nuiiEB. Wimiutta Bhlr s, Balmoral Skirt.. TTnderiklrtt Drna Qoodi. Fin Ovoreoati. Barrets of Flour, Star oh, Potato., Onions, Oraokero HuKtr. Uami. 4o Boie of Canned Q odi, Herrlnn. Moan. OaadlM. Table Bait. Kots. t'atidr. T.a, Ploutit, Screw., BbcOOulUrt, Wrapplna Paper, Farnltur Moaldlnc1 Plctar Frameo, Tower., Tin.Batln., Knlrotant Fork. Mulo Box, Spy Gla.i, Barom ter ALameaD. Ei'ensiye VarietT of Toys. The sale In thl. department oonclading with LARGE AND HANDtOME BABY, and ELDECLT GENTLEMAN DEVOURING Til Pi no?! to OPERA HOUSE. FBIDAT and SATURDAY, SOT. 26, 27, SATURDAY MATINEB AT I P.M. Rngannont at a ireat ootlay of tbo oe'obrated HOLMAK ENGLISH OPERA TROUPE. Enlarged fur the prooeut waaon. FBIDAT r.VE.MXO, NOVEMBER TH, First time her ot Leooq'a I art and most bril liant Opera CIROFLtT CIROPLA. Saturday Matin at I p. a., th. Speetaen'ar Cinderella. SATURDAY EYENING, NOVEMBER 27TH, Lecoq's sparkling Opera LA HUE DC MADAME ANCOT. Admlw'on I! OS a.u.r.a -.. B-i . K uaaervea seats Bala .a . U.in.kiT.jr l Mn.i. a. - 1 i A . . ft . u .n .r DWi. nuiniiji pvt. iw.mi .i unicienng riano n.eu. SAUSAGE CUnERS ! -w-rrmHirit'a H At.R4 v K .' MAW" W V.I... nt .11 kl.M. Kn.f Killer., ( A larii nnr or me u-, an. I .1 vnrr 1 at lirl -... T.n ll t'Olintl i- t th Olu esiabrahca naruwar noenoi J'll IHIT3UJI, nrv 21 No U, i . and 21 a ktt Street. Hc&uprters Cape Fear Lilit ArtiHcty AT rK.K"i'IOV, M EM fiEtS I Yon a h-l Iit nr.lt re't t pnra' ar ior Armory, Thjk'i'V, NiTrmber IS, tTX o'cKick. a Mfl . - o'' linwr.tx- H hii tr.nme Hj OiO.r of I he UuUln-II. 'J. rl-nuer. W.K. KINO. noV!l "0.0 BOXING AXES ! Wo Wnrrnnt Our IJoxln AxtN, - Hutthfmit GILES A MURCHISON, n ttf ll Granor ani. t. AnOrcw AUtlct c ctnli AHPfcClAL MVKHNU OF THE I MTt will l NM t ' Oo"lg"' Ph-.ti',iii,' 'l-i... . . .... M,t'1av Ki... (flitiar tl Vis at 8 o'clock, t. K8r, min'-r l r. qi-.'eil t" lie preamt; as bmriusrs of lniOr. tiiKM.stobe trans ctt ..,. a2MI Bccrrtari 36 MAEIIET STREET, BLACK SIIjKS, The Celebrated Ouinet's Gros GrsinA COLORED SILKS, ' ' All the Latest Cloth Shades. 1 R33AX, SILK POPLINS. MERINOS, CASSIMERES, SERGES. AND MOHAIR GLACE, v uid all the Lateet NoreltiM iu BLACK ALPACAS, That usunl Speo''1 ws haTe slwsys sold ... 1- la ..tw a atmall 171 O U R N I r J In every Yariety. Will tpen on the 8 h MEN" AND BOYS' WE AH. Oreat Hosier, Gloves. STAPLE AKD EAKCY Berything is Cheaper than has beenlknown for years. We poly require tcall the Prices and Styles will do the selling. tii. TJ3. JSTo. 80 MARKET STREET. hnarT I GEO. MY EES, 11 and 13 a FRONT BT. All our Uoods during J FAI R W E E K AT REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH GUOOBHIEM, PltO VISIONS. WINES. TEAS. Li I QUO 11 , COFFEES . SPICES, ' RED APPLttJ, ORANGES, LIM0NS. RAISINS. All Varl.ties of Kuu. OIVl. US A CAIili. We o.n turn ah sverythlng, together with ALL FAMILY SUPPLIES W. hava a larae Stnek. and Will sell at UM SI ALLY I.0W PRICES FOR CASII. Our Brands for Fli ar Kow fro.re.a r.U)- Iiir. tonoi(r' . Kmoir', Empiro s,w, and and I ''wur ferule.. BUTTER AND CHEESE- And a Luge Stock ant Variety or r .ncy wow. GEORGE MYERS. 11 & 13 SOUTH FRONT ST., norT " good chance. Aw o n. wki.l. 'B- rsHi.iftti.il sriut BUSINE S. In m,,"t 'SU'" P"' n.r.9:!? n....'j on U.or-bU t imt, If a piloaM ii i nia at oiou nill-2t . P.O.L0X463. HORSES AND MULES A. T AUCTION , ,lnteis IHin 8i cond h ltlnrs- atriet, on . MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, Atlnq'otxck, , no.i U KNl.v W"KWti, SirtVfra Aiil. lTnch, Quintw PEAR AND PLUM BITTER. PARSNIPS BEETS. CARROTF. Horsa Badish and Garhck For tie at G. W. H. .ItUNOE'S. novll ,'" N OT IOE". w a - f - . i il A . 4 ii.iitrfnp An ih . H , ur 1 Ahrriis tin th 17th kii a ! I m ah.1i. at mi tf,if to irt Ht 'hJ tim M m O" or blor tht 1th I a a Ik tfi.-At Not miv'STB. . , . Admlnlatrator. uoill-la 6w so many rnd so low, that among so narr -f tttA ttanrt Ml li fc G GOOD S . another Let of those cheap Henrietta s AND SHAWLS. Line of 1 Si tmViAr1oiloa i White Goods. GOODS, NOTION, ETC, SCATZ, COALVrSvk.e.9AJTl!' WOOD trVMU' Dellvrd to any part of th City In good Older and condition, at lowest oash prloes. O.O. PARSLEY Oo, Ntw Location S. Water St., root oforann. novlitf THE IJALTIMOKE HOE71CEOPATHIC FHdRIIACT HEnOVEDoB September 1st to tbo pa-l- oasator at M'.I3IWmI Fayatt nt., wuere th. t roprlewra will b pirated to H their o u Tienue ano paTruDK RropH .tuu. . ium n1 Reliable llotnoeopatble Medloln.s a wll u. ii ... i. - .... Uha.lfll.ti. anrf .mll a . a,n- y attended . address BOICHtCKK e.TAFKL, B)U TV O' rTWi ll rnv, Kfii ww GUAM) CENTHAL HkVINO JUST FITTtO CP MY 8AMPLE-ltOOM. In th latMt modern style, I propoa to ran In -; . I. ... . l. a wnii.uui'y iiki.wih. m A RESTAURANT AND CIGAR STORE. Th r.jrm-r will t ke.t ' ' BlftOPEAN FI.A .." nd gnt.lini la'tm m will I Iway. he liirnl'biHl wild the chowt Went. Vtinmon.ov.ters, Uaro, and terythug thit i No'tlirn au lonr Honia Maik ttfl'nrd. I iia I hive tlen.iii a tew (lily, the (Inert b of . IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. er otrr-.l f.'r fs'eln Wlminirtnn. jij Bm pla ro.ru ia .unplled wit i the Onent llqii irs Slid win, t bo had. -1 re .eotf inly k a 'iar of th po"0 pfrnna"" atJUJOCM UV-IXMJC.CJ. o I tui. SOMETHING NEW AGAIN Win. lYlJLG'N. EXCHANGE 0OUNEB. x FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY1 from I ar a. The LttftThlii.s out In tot' lino. A largo IOI I" , , CELLULOID CORAL SETS. AND NECKLACES. Annlh'r II .mtaome an-rl ii-nt of TUCKING COMHI. I,ai.-t Siy'o ol Linen r..illr. and Cufla. o"-ll - t'llEAP MOVK HOUaE , J. 0. DUNLOP & GO. 9 W. Pratt Strser, Ba.l miir' PARLOR HEATERS- -COOKINQ STOVES ILLUMINATORS' furnaces, emu A?ID QRAIES. S7 , Nto.es repaired. loAwtn - '-ww .-,...-. Are fully alive and know that GOODS Gi,Te ns a call and lor yourselves. Our space is too small to enumerate every article. gLA is KETS, Ladies' and Gents' aud.Chihlrens' A LARCE STOCK DRESS GOODS. Jn Endless Variety. BLACK ALPACA "We Ivlake a WAKE ciUNTM l)lti;pH HlIIItTH, PAllTL. MADK STX FOR &6.0O. Manufactored from WamsuttaOoton and HOAHLET MKDICATKD FLANNKL, eoommended by ever? rhysioisn for Bheamatiam. Bbaksr Flsnnol for Underwear. Maohine Needles Fits Cents Each. Frank Leslies OPTI'APIiP PA1TEHNN BR0WK & RODDICK. 45 Ilarket Street. OUIS4 AT RETAIL! AT RETAIL I B. WEILL! B. WEILL! B. WEILL 60003 AT PRICES TO SUIT THEl TIMES. ALL we ask U an examination of our stock. We ftel sHtlsfled that that tbe public f wm U convint-ed of what we suy, WjstT heW a low prices: - 1 000 vartls Wack Al P'" t worth C2 cents. Svird. Z-k AIimuui at 68 conts worth 70 cent., ml m r I a V How at 48 wnts worth OOceuU fiiHi imirH Chll Iri-iis' htr ped iioso PlSfehlldrei-t.' BtrlKHl Hoho We have on Imml JIQUALLY TOO NUMEROUS AH of which AT PUICES THAT DEFY C0MIETIT10N. VERY RESrEOTFULLY, B, WEILL, 32 Horth Front Street, 00 2 FURrllTURE i FUJUllTUUli I "CITE oFfltal FOttTHBFALLTRAD-l I CBTJ4rALl.AB.Q-l ASD INCUBABKD ITOOK1 OF Hew Patterns 0 F Parlor,Clmber and AT BXTBKMKLV niiiPRTS AND OIL .nr...N.w la Ibis tin. our -Jo.ik 'Z '.).?n, a A upera, Uuttou and Homp P " - Ln in. H&ir. Moa Bedding, ftc. M .TrBSSE8 VuBTlBL S3. So". . L, Hotols, "rA'fXZ T.s ,m RE-OPENING 129 MARKET ST Harlng sold oat my nttr .tosk of old goodf AT AUCTION I I h.e Be..pen.d st my Old Stand. A fresh and well-solect id etoch of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOtS HATS Bh.H- 'isps.-lil-lj I llsrll at tlie lt Items wiUl price anneseil : Bs oallooes from 7o. to S, p.r yai''. Btown Ootton from BHO. to 10-. rr yd. o'd Jean. from lie. and niarJa. nanuels and Uollon Flannels wj Ob.up. Thanklnl yon all fryour kind and liberal natron's hretolo eatotuled. I rwp t Pfulh VS I" If f on.lnunoer the s.uie ' In my new bnlns. BOTpretftllly Vr-ura . . MASKI' UKa r, ootid w The CcMirutad'bouhtr. Ktantm ,1K.CKKLVN I AIL PENT J ST ar for "al T " nler ",' ,l0UrI For o B-n,leno. tho- who nmy I h to tr them l" Cards, "t duia on- e -k f IS iiuuioo,., il' ' W 011 r,,,f1 P of ?VlHON.HLAKKMAH,TATiOH S' O . sp03ia Mp1tt ' Ull ' ' MUST BR SOLD LOW. Ws ars FLANNELS, Merino Under Vests tad UloTea. OF FAHCY HOGE Speoialtv. UP!! 2,100 Linen. Now is your tlma to buy w"',l,',7' t IU ci-nta worth ct-nta. mauy other goods AS . LOW, TO MENTION, we will sell . ' and Designs lnl"r IloomFurltnwi. 'W PKIC-S. '-..,.. riwfll r f n : CLOTH AD UA1TUSU and leading Patwrn. of Hruasela, TI Eli '" '' M-'n' ultlu, irfgus, Thrss-ply isis Shuob Excelsior and Straw p.u.ows anp u.litb Of THE BUT MAT-K.Ab n. our Bt,ok bof ire pu-ohg. all A - -J OF- ' ' ..... AtkiTison &Hanninj?. fTO.000,000 Aaacis KeproaesMe. flRE-l na.l o.of Sortt Aaierlofc.... Philadophis. Phenl InoiranceOompa IJ....NO" Tors. (lontlnental lr urno- o. . .. . 7,w.Xi0,B' N. Brltla i MfC'tll ' lna.tX.ll'd'n. Harttord 'lr.Hn. 'ompinT...Hatfora. National Kl--e P,T'"l"rtiIlS;iit ' ?prlngttjld F. M. . o...Ma-chu.t MARIfJE. v. M.roantlle Mufnai !. t'o JJ7 7. Si. ins! Co. of North AtneHca Ph i vlolphla, 0'rnct"Ut Mu' "tal i.ii. Ins. Co. Hartford.' 'Hint ' . pa. s. . ooss. a. m. s. nuos. - HEW DRUG STORE FBESU IIE13ICINES. Mirket.bet. Bscoud and Third turret DRS. COCO & NORCOL1 SOLICIT th attention or Fbyaioiana ana Publlo generally to tttait sow wrag Ktor. Iheyke'po"1 key a::3 mi lusicsses. JPresorlntloni carofnUy r-omrnnded a hour." day Ot nlil.t. Thy hone hi tn ttnllr.B to merit .upport. ftv Vr fit offlo I. in th Drag Star, and th y wH tttulcawla.n'ls " ! iiiniTn ii iiii iiiiiiskti PIJllllNlfi wmL