it' . v 70L XXIV. KO. 33 3 9 UILIHNGTOI? tf. C. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. WILSON. THE VICE PCESIDEM IXNCES AT 7:3f A. I. DIES WITHOUT A STRUCCLI Full f artlrolars of tie Lhst Momr nts or Henrj Wilson -The President " Order-Apoplexy ih Cause. NEWS 1 1ST GJ-EIM ,AL. Whlskej Indictments -Horses Burned Ixplonlou-ljnchlns -Suicide Pacific Mall -Preparations. GOLD 14 3-4r I BT TELEGRAPH TO TUB JOCBSAIi. SUNDAY'S DISPATCHES. MISSOURI. " ' 8T'Lrrm. Not. 21 .Amended iu diirapnta have been rreenpd iu th U. 8. Oourt auainat Wm McKet and CorjstnHn MoOuire, and one against them joint'y. - ;. ,''. ' v.,'. . MONDAY'S DISPATCHES. '' . lALIfOBM. San Frakchco, Not. .21 Acting 1' Mexican Ciinl Iifto aoonta tle idea that a treaty hetween aixxieo ana m Congress, cdior territory north of the . nn.t. 1 1 l parauri. . , ( . ILLINOIS. " Crioaoo, i No. 22. The United Brotherhood of Loootnotive Firrmen are in pension here, and have adopted the Mutual Life Iuru ranee plan. After eleotiDg offloera, " they adjourned to meet in Baltimore next year. - " PEXXSTLYAXU. II I ' Harrisburo Not. 22. The Harris burg Trotting Park, with nine horses, wan burned last' night. Morehead & Oo.'s blast furnace at Pittsburg, exploded this morning, kill ing one, and wounding three.probably - fatally. ; . , ' 7" GEORGIA. Fort Vallky, Nct. 22. A negro named John Brown was arrested yes terday for attempting to rape a bighl respeotable yonng lady. He knocked out Bome twth and filled her month and eyes with dirt. He was afterward tken from' the custody of the sheriff aud hangt d. OHIO. Cincinnati, Not. 22 A New Or leans special says that the monitor Canonicus has bVn ordered to pre pare or sea at' a moment's notioe. Provinione and ammunition liaTe been put aboard. The officers and meu arc forbidden to go ashore. Commodore Cooper reports favorably of New Or leans a the bae of operations iu case of a difficulty with Spain. TIRGINIA. Richmond, Not. 22 Gen. Brad'ey T. Johnson ! ad a bearing before the police oourt to-day, for assaulting Gen, J. D. Imboden with a oowhido Hatur day night. He wis fined 820, and pUoed under $1,000 to kwp the peace twelve months. Gun. Imboden left Hitnrdsy night to attend the railroad convention at St. Louis, when arrested ho was bailed till Leo. 2d, and not till this morning, as first telegraphed. MARILAXD. Baltimorb, Nov. 22 Col. John Mc Lean Taylor, senior Maj r Bimteuance Department, died h re last in'ght. The schooner Hhiloh, of Baltimore, reports, that while at Deiuarara, her captain and first mate were arrested for larceny, and imprisoned nine months. The second mate is in jail there charged with assanlt with tutent to kill. - .-.. ........ The Fifth Raiment of Maryland will esoort Vice President Wilson's re mains from Washington to their place of burial. KEWTORK. . New Yokk, Not. 22. Edward Lovfy, cashier at Devoe'a Oil Works, shot, himself through the heart yester day. T " - I wo hundred laborers employed on the Bergen tunnel engaged iu a drunk en row this morning in which all kinds of weapons, were used. . Twenty-eight were arrsted. The PaoiBo Mai' Steamship Co. is sueing ex-Gongressmnn J. G. flohu maker,. of Brooklyn, for 30,000, al leged to bsTA been unlawfully paid him by the Company's agent, Richard B. Irwin, for seiTices in procuring a ubHidy for that Company. Elmira, Not. 21 Brick Pomeroy denies that-he or his papur has sus pended. Dr. Wm. H. Hure, missioiary bish'; op, was taktjn indJenly ill whilepreaob ing yesterday. . WASHINGTON. Washinoton. Not. 22. - Vicf-Prei-deut Wilson died Tery suddenly at 7:30 A.M. He rested well last niphfc, i-ixl awoke at 7 o'olrtck, expressing himself that he waa feeling bright and bett-r; sat up in bed to take his niedioina. lay down on his left side, and expired in ' a few minutes without a struggle, JSenntor Ferry is President of the Seuata pro tern. The Cabiaet s in extra session. Secrttary Fih will represent the C .bluet at meetiug of Senator and Judges of the Saprtm C.mrt, at noon, to Hrrsuge fur the. funeral, af r which j the PresiJaLt will ibue appropriate The Mipreme Oourt has a.ljouruej uatil t"-iU'irrow. EXECUTIVE MAN'I Waiu.sO;on, D. O. Nut. 22. 1875 It is with piofouud Borrow thrft the rr sid lit b is to announce to the peo p of the Uuited State the tlftU of tlie Vic -rrtidti)t, Ht-iiry Wilson, to died 'iu tt.e ciint il vl the nation t a luorui g. The eminent oUtion of t''drc aed. his hih character. 1 is 1 "Vy steer in the rTice of his Stite ami othe Uiiion, il-rotiou to the 0il f fr-(!i.m ami tlie KliliT Nrliicli h broniflit to thu dkcharnA of every dijty, Bla.d eouspictioasly, aud are ludelb y iuipreosed on the hearts ana Hir, ctioni of the Amer;c iu p ople. Iu te-itiin- t of respect for this diS' tinguiHhed oit ten aud faithful publ'o Berviit, the various Uepnrtmeiita of thjr lioTi rcment will be closed ou tho v of the funeral, aud thi Fxeeutiva Mansion, and all the Executive De partments in Washington will be draped with badge of mouminjf for tnt ty my: 1 lie S cretanes of War aud ol Navv will issue orders that appropriate military and caTal honors re remit red to the memory nf one whose virtues mid services will loug lie oome in rtcolleotion by a grateful nation. (Signed.) U. a. (JUAN T. By the Presideut ' Hauilton Fisb, Secretarv of State. Nearly alt the nonrta in tke country ai our ea nut repct tor the uteai' ory of Hi'urv Wilson. The Supreme Court of the United cratea will transact no business this week. Delegations have been appointed! from Tit ions places to come to Wash ington to utt'Miu the f unnral oercmouies. The First Brigade of the Maryland National Guard have tendered their b rvices to the President a gyd and esooi-t. The Vice-President passed a quiet day yesterday ; heard of Seuator Fur ry s death ibout 8 o'clock, whioh de pressed him Tery much. Before re tiring to bed be alluded to. it several times ; retired at 9:3 I, sleepiug sound and peaceful. At three this morning his rest waa disturbed byjpain in the cheat ; was re ieved by rubbing chest with anodyne, which had.' been pre scribed, and again slept He awoke precisely at 7 o'clock ; said he had alept soundly, and waa muob refreshed; setup in bed; tocka glass of bitter water, which had been prescribed ; short after he arose and walked abont the room. His attendant noticed a change in Mr. Wilson about 7:15. He was then lying in bed, drawing short hurried breaths, moving about un- uijy.the limbs twitching convulsively. Physicians Were called, it being noticed that the breathiag grew shorter with eaoh breath, and as the attendant moved r uud the bed to support hia head, he arave one long gasp and ex pired. . Four times last night, befo'e 12 o'clock, be oalled lor water, drinking a glassful each time. Night before last he complained of bis old trouble, with pain at the base of brain, and re marked that he must ha,v more de termined treatment, but said nothinor about it to the dootor. Last night, be tween 6 a d 8 o'olookbe, said if the dootor was here 1 would .-have a blister applied to the back of my neck. From to y;dU ins attendants manpu ated bim, piuching him thoroughly, rs k never liked to be rubbed. There is no evidence that Mr. Wilson Buffered, si his fftoe wears the usual pleasant ex pression. A post mortem examination mad Che conclusion that death resulted from apoplexy. lhe special session of the Senate called in April last, after an exciting oaucus, selected by a majority vote of one, Tho. W. Ferry, of Miohigan, as against iienry IS. Anthony, of Rhode Island, thu competitor for the nlace. There has been no change in the Senate since, ah tne new members partici pated in the canons deliberations which brought about the nomination. There is no doubt that if the Senate at its next meeting does not reserve its selection of last April, that Mr. Ferry will be the presiding officer. The" re vised statutes contaitiithe following : rIn c.ise of removal, death, resigna tion, or inability of both President and Vice-President of thUnited States, the President of the Senate, rr It there be none, then the Speaker of the Hoar of Representatives for the time being, shall act as President, nntil the ina bility is removed, or a new President elected. , EJGLUD. ' London, Not, 22. A letter from Rome states, that .besides the long note from the Vatioau to Spain on the 12tb, Spin had previously received secret note from tho same sount which has not yet been published. ' CANADA, Montbkatj, Nov. 22. The Cure of of the parish of Notra Dame has given public notice that Guibord's grave is fn n'..i.n Yesterday the Cures of the Roman Catholio Churches in this city an nounced the reception of the pastoral letter relative to the interment of the remains ot Joseph Guibord in con seemttd ground. The pastoral sajs, Fur we have truly declared, in virtue of tho divine power tint we exercise in fMnsme of the pastor of pastors, that the p'ace whero this rebellious son of the Church ha been deposited is aepurated from the ttnl of the conse crated oemetery, to be no longer more than an ordinary p eo of ground. BOXING AXES I AV Wnrrnut Our Boxing '- AxtN,' Put them at . . . GILEXJttlURCHIICJI, ... ''..., WOOn-KINBEI'V -la tUK city rs h ITik IBM., by th E. V. JBtea M. i rtt-t, ol Knn.lll, Thnawa M Wd, M. 1 . Ui Mi Sm) KMMd;,4i(buiW AkiiBduf Spia il cnn.t8 itiiifMieotk'iirii iii.i-w scat SItrMar. a. n.,atk ft h lt, Mr. A a RliCtUd.wMriktB.tica.'at. M t V.B A., f injTrm. ., .rear jmrMMTtam.nK.YTa. NT OTIC It). THR OWNERS (iPTHMKKAU SrTR Ik it w- sold lor' City tat, at nb l -t ." N"T. IT'k aa-1 pnrrkaano by tboia'.r lnil. I fb t-y BoilSrd 'kl'k-iwrm n .( "ot b i'UIbh-4 si k taxoa arr ral'l itn t DaoaBbar li, U?a W. P. - A'Ah'T Wllnln(Un, Nov M, n U I CARPETS, DRAPERY. FURNITURE V ak tpcl' attBtla to i-ur aloi'V uf the aboTl gooda. Wear w .r arad fqi B.h ra lo a IMolff Homa ant t hmb r withOirta Fur itura'aud 1 raptr; tn oia'ch, ih late Ktflua. an I at AT LOW PH1CKS a anjr toua lo tbt ouuuiry. D. A SMITH dt CO. botM MAOHISE MADE HARNESS. CARPENTER & MALLARD'S, , uth Frjiit at. at. Bv" V liaiirgtun, N. I' BAGGif G, SALT, FLOUR. 600 KoIlant Ifalf .iolla Manning. 10 000 aaekt Llvorp ol sad Atuarteao Bait. 100 Barrala flour. Tot Bala hj KEROUNRH OALDKK hROS. TIES. TWINE. MOLASSES. 80 Tons eiaiead and Naw Ttaa, 400 Toaa Bagg'Df Twin. 50 Hogabtaiaora. H. MuluaeL 180 Barrala S. H, Molaaaaa. Vi Paaenaona DaaaJara M olaaaaa. . n Barren Dcnarara HUm. 61 Hogilieadi Cuba Molaaaee. PorSalabv KKRCRMBR CAt.DKR BROS. MRAL. pATS. XIIOF. tnol Hoahala Mral. i - - 1001 Baaholi Oats. 10 riaroaaRloa.. MTaas Bottar. " lMBosaaOboata. Co BarroU Appla. fowdar, Baot, Capt, Vj, Potaah, Candv, Ac. rur uiapy CRRCBNIR A CALDER BROS. B0V21 M. CRONLY. Auctioneer.. CR0IJXY & MORRIS. POSITIVE SALE at SEASONABLE AND DESIRABLE GOODS . ror Attount f Wbora it Maj Concern. o'c'uck, k. M., we will Mil .t our ruuma, od rrnt atrret, 10 Cases, BOO Pair, MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES, Wammtfa hlr i, . Balmoial fklrta,TJnder.klrU Dreai GooJi. Flna Barrel! of Floar, Btarch, Potatooa, Onioni, Oraokers, Basar. Ham.. Jbn Boiatof Canned Oioda, Herrlaga, Boat, caadlat, Table Bait. Knt n.n. Tea. Ploaghi, Screw. BhioCuttert, Wrapping Paper, Fnrnltura lif.inMln. Plctur Frames, Tawert, Tin Baeln", Kalvaa ant Fork! Muilo Box, 8p7 Qlait, ! , i Barometer.' A Lare and Ei'ensiTe Variety of Toys. Then) In tbuj departaant eoneludlng with that or tha LARQE AND HANDSOME BABY, and ELDERLY GENTLEMAN DEVOCGING TlIEPlG BO til to OPERA HOUSE. FBIDAT and SATURDAY, NOT. 26, 27, SATURDAY MATINEK AT 1 P. M, Bagagamant atagreatoutlarorthe oelabrUed HOLMAN-ENGLISH OPERA TROUPF. Knlarged for tb pretest toaaou. UUfkl ITlsrXG, N0TKMBEB 6TH, rirA time here of Lecixj' last and moat trll ' I'ant Opfra I CIROFLE CIROFLA. Srturdij Matinee a 2 r. M.,tue llectacu'ar I opera Cl.NDKlt ELLA . ATI RDAT EVENING, 0VEHCF.U 27TH, - ' ecoq'i iparklliig (prra LA PI LI E DE MADAME ANCOT. Ailmlaaon v t1 00 llerya Bi . Ksaerred Heata 1 Vi Ha'e to rommenra at Ualnaberger'l Vmlc Store MondT, Nor. JM, at S A. M. 0b( Dickering rtana aard. SAUSACE CUTTERS ! Bt'T' HRR'S BiiALR, Mid HAW Unaatanl Knlrn of all aluda, 8au afe Ku'er, c A lar. atock ol' the ah gr , and at wj Vw lrl , can be found t tht old wlablithcd Haidware Hon.i. or JOHNt)W80N. run Noa IJ. J and 3i Ma . r Htrret. PAHKER Mills wails. Tbe Mott Sellable Xall In the Hartcf, F.realebf gius:amurchisosi, aevll 1875. ET A I I Afin WIMTPD CCVIQ LP'9' Assorted Btock 36 IvliVniET STREET, iBLA.CIt SILKS, The Celebrated Guinera Gros Grains.) COLORED SILKS, ' All the Lstost Cloth Hhadea.1 S3ilA.IL, SILK POPLINS. ' MERINOS, CASSIMERSS, SEE3ES, AND' MOHAIR GLACE,. aud all the Latest Novelties in E3D (BLACK ALPACAS, That nsu tl Specialty wi have always I many gooda it is ouiy a small part ol tne assortment. M OUR N I N C C OO D .8 . In every variety. Will open on the 8th CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. :o:- MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Great Hosier. Gloves Embroideries. STAPLE AND FANCY Everything is Cheaper than baa been known or years. We only require s call the Prioea and Styles will do the selling. r , - ,7 -' lw3. SU3. .CATS, No. 3(3 MARXIST 8TETSET. nnVT GEO MY EES, 11 and 13 S. FKONT ST. Alljour UoodidurlngJ FAIR WEEK AT REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH GROOKHIKS, I'liO VISIONS, WINK-. TEAS. LIC U It, H , COFFEES SriCES, BED APPLES, ORANGES, j LEMONS, RAISINS. All rarlettt-s of Nut. GIVE US A CALL. We can furn n ery'lilng, together wllh ALL FAMILY SUPPLIES Wa ha I arce Ht u:k, and will 'ell tt l.M'Sl'ALtV LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Oar I rand. I'r FI"U" ar w Pmniai Eui O'ra, Uonvxra Km lr, Kmplre Ktt.ra, Ali land an.1 I i.wnr Ort'ie". BUTTER AND' CHEESE- And a I.vge S'.O'jk an 1 Varla'joi Ftnny Ula GEORGE MYERS. 11 A 13 SOUril FRONT ST., " tiotT GOOD CHAHCE. An oi i), ww.r, k-ta r,HH r SHOE BUSINE ' S, 'I"" ni t Igthir ui in rit. , wit ie a-id nn iaforable t rmi, If ai p lea'! n In ma it at i nce at, miTil-it P.O. hOX 403. Apple, -Jtooli, QuliH??, PEAK AND PLUM BITTEB. PARSNIPS. BEETS. CARROTS. Hpr83 Badisli and. Garlick fm atle at . Q. W. II. RUNOE'S. DOT 1 O RG A N s . Mnwri H .m'ln The Htandud, and Water it i.o V Organ.. Particular attention Is called to their beautiful quality of tone. eveness or scaie, ana ine remarK ably fine finish of all the action work. The cases are thoroughly made, and well finished In good taste, wl'hout any meretricious ornamenting, or tne use or saw dust carvings, aVo., and are not merely coated with cheap var. nlsh, but are oiled, filled with grain and finished with shellac, Tbe ato fr le t HEINSBERQER'S LIVE BOO? AMD MUSIC STORK'. .. aqM ..... . ..... ....... .. ..I...... 1875. "A I NI kt)UI.. 4 in the City now Open at told so many and so low, that among so another Lot of those cheap Henrietta's Line of WhitelGoods. GOODS, NOTION, ETC. nnfil ALL8!. for 0RTE9, uUML6rOVa.8sndHI.TER8. ' VYAiin OAK, ASH and PINE, lfUUU Cut to any Length. I'eliverrd to ana part of the Oltv In aood oidr aud ooiirtlt on, at lowent euh prierr. .(). PAUm.KV A On, Mtwtooatlon S. Watar St, Tout oforanga. norlltr t THE TJAXjTIAlOUn HOMCEOPATHIC PHARMACY KK.TIOVEnon Srntemb'r in', to the .pail mnntore at N". 1S1 Wwt Kytle St., vhera tha p rop'lrtora will be pi. amil to a, a their o d trlenda and pa'rona. A onmrlete atonk of Pure an1 Ualltbla Hnmoeop tthlo Medlolu.a aa wall a. Rook., for Pbjr.ltilana and family uaa, ron utaiitlr kept In aUiok. Ordnm imr mall uromrit y v Tfl iiur ti m. a uu rean i, 1 1 r n i : n. is 1 A r w 1., VB weai triyeiie irrij, naitimnre. GltANjj CENTUAL HV!NO JUST flTTED DP MY H A M 1 1 K MOO r, In the latart morlnn atyi, I prnpoaa to run In connection iiiorrw. in a ABESTAffBAKT AND CIGAR STORE. Tha fiwmrr will b kct an th'i ' KUitOPKtN tl.A," and if"'illiiintf tis ting me will rlway. In1 I iirnlaiii'il HU lhe cl.O'rnt I'eK. Vcn;inn,'il'. Hum -, and. enTTIhli'K I li at. NnMimrn an our H-iiue Mari-talt'iril V J ' I bnvf "lpn.iii a Inw . A day. the inrn hit of v 1 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. "e r aii tfiI fur .ale In WiliulhUn. M earn plx 'iiO'D m.iitipU'd with ll'e Ui-phI liquor, and wine- to lie ba t. I re-inwtullr ask a aliare of tht iiiiMIh p, rnnw. UliXJBEN" JONES, no 1 I ni. SOMETHING NEW AGAIN T EXCHANGE CORNER. FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY1 from Farlf, s , - ' Tbe LatMtThlnga o it In thit Una. A) large . ( lot of CELLULOID CORAL SETS AKD NECKLACES Annth'r llanileoine Am rlmunt or TUCKING COM1IH. I alcnt Rtjr'e ot Linen Oollartand Curia. oit3l . vmiV SiOYK HOlhE J. 0. DUHLO? &.C0. 9 Wi Pratt' Sir jef. Ba.l more' PARLOR HEATERS. COQKINQ eTOYES JLLUMiNATOKS A!3 CIA'ES, fM" Hwie tapairad. , taAwim . ".. DON'T POEGET!! Are fully alive au.l know that OOODH MUST RE BOLT) LOW. Ws are .rtn-ated to SELL A3 CHEAP AH ANY IlOt'SE IS AMERICA. Oita na a call aud nw for yonraelvea. Our apace la too ainall to ennruerate ererj article. BLAN IDTS, FLANNELS, Lalu a' ami G. uU' oDdCliiKlrt'Da' Merino Under Veeta and Olovea. A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY HOOE : DRESS GOODS. A.n Endless Variety. BLACK ALPACA "We Lrlake aSpeoialtv. WAKE UP!! KIVTh' DltKWH N1IIIITH, PAUTL1 MAD13 SIX FOR $C.OO. MauufaotnrfJ from WamiuttaOotton and 2,100 Liuen. Now li your Urns to bay HOAUL13T MKDIOATEli TLANISEILh, soommended bj ever fbjaialun for Rbeumatiam. Bhaknr Flannel for Underwear. Machine Needles Firs Gents Eaoh. Frank Leslies' OCT xa.i?i&i pirranivw. BE0WN & RODDICK. 45 Uarket Street ealM AT RETAIL i B. WEILL I WEILL I B. WEILLr 600DS AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. . ...... " - . . ALL we awk Is n examlnalon of our atock. We feel sittinfled that ttinV r the public will be convinced of what we nay, Mm fc.fow prloaej n"C l,f)00 varda Rlack Alfiaces at At) cents worth 82 cents. 1,'HKl yarl Black Altcas at M coots worth 70 frenta. ' 'V" 1,000 yard Bluck Alpacas at 07J cents worth 81) cents. ','. WKI IHtll'a I,ndlCH' Jlowe ui i cents wortii ou iwuia. .,, , , t ,.f -8(K) imlra Ladlca' Hoee at 48 writs worth 00 cents."" '. . ,,' . ,. 6X) palm Willdrcna' fcitrlpod Hone at 81 cents worth 87 cents. ' fim) palm Will lreua' Htrlpod 1 lorn at 87i cents worth 45 centn. m pulra Chlldrcim' Striped lloao at 52 cents worth 64 conta. We have on hand many othfii goods . JiQUALLY A.S laOW, TOO NUMEROUS i All of which we will sell ;..'poR-: cash; "': AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. VERY B, WEILL, 32 oct I )FURr4lTUR i FURrHTURE "CTfTc 'rFEIl FOB THE FAIXl KAllf. . I'BUSfAU LARGS AUD IHCHKAHEOBTOCK V OF , , New Patterns and Designs . OF- " V, . y , : larlor, Cliimlor mitl Ilnlr Iloom sTurjaltiii-o. AT JtXTBKMLy UW PKICKS. OAUP&T8 AKD OIL CLOTH AND MATTING ardHiiK4,of H autl'iil De.lgua, Bedding, &o. &o; Hair. Maa SliuoV. Eioelsior and Straw (JOUFOtiTADlKi, !.. fj'i F THK llBSl MATEKIAU Andnui w iM'atiuraotura. , Hotela, tean,c,. arlrat. Ke.,1 ..c.f rn In Strand uU cla D A. SMITH &J0u k A3 Front Street pi if RE-OPHrJING AT 29 MARKET ST llailiig wild out my nt'te rtock of old gnoli AT AUCTION J I hi. a Re.pfi"4 at hi Hand. A frrali anil wii n-'iuci u o"" am DRY &00DS, CLOTHING, BO TS H&TSj Sho"ndrif,.wlilili I wlllVIl at Hie liwrrt OAH PKICKS. Bliw I Ivo tou a lew i !t:ni wltli iirnin. annexed : Bta. Wnxni from Tf. tn i, nor ja-L. hn.wn t)ution Irma H''. l'-11 )"' )0 d .Krair'ni ll a n wiir i. Manuelfaiid Do'lcn FU'irx-'a tiiij (ihap. lh"lng yon all f r your kind aid lllicral iitriiini(lie.ti'ri e o'iii "!'. n.. m fill ('it r ronllnanw "f ihi aiiuo Id n ii.'W l.u.lni m. Fpftrni Tnra r.i:onK i,i:iui:h, MABKET STRF,T, octjfl Wilr In .m. ' flic Vek;liraU;i Jktulile Mantlo al'KNC.'EIIIAN are lor ' by aB dialjr. In atatUnery Kn cx' nlnnceo. iho'a a mayl bt' n thi-m, Hm l 'v )'i n'al.iln - rn ian'i f lAauiuuai., will ba ent by mall on receipt of '43 cent.. I V ON, BLA K MAN, TAT' OR A O., let) A 10 wand St., Maw llaj0S r AT RETAIL I tj TO MENTION, RESrECTFULLY, North Front Street. -or- Atkinson &Mannine. $70,000,000 A aaeta IICBreaculcw. Ina. 'o. of Nor'V. Aaierlc i..... Phil1e U ". PUn ln-iir.nol)imiiiMj...,New Ymk. O. ullni-uul li mriyo' 1 Nw Yk, li.BrltNiiAM.' ttiii.Oo..Iiniid n. HartlO.d Hire Inn. I'vnipmy... Haetford. hatlnnal Klre Iimi. ili ravT... Hartford. HuilugUeld r. ft M. l a. o...MaMchuentl M.-reantll. Mii'na ln. ": few York- Iih Co. nf Noilli Ami'rlna fb lidelphla. L4FF. 'oi.not'cut Mutnl U( In.. Co. Haxtford. ieb2it pa. A. r 0"BB pa. H a. BOKOO. NEW DRUG STORE F"!KSII ME13ICIN1CS, M taet, bet. Sacoud ard Third Kt-t at DRS. COOQ & N OR COM CJOl.'CIT tba attentiwi of Phralolana and Q Pnlills generally to titlr new uH( tttora. Ihay trfponly NEW m PURE f.UCICKEJ. jraaar,ptlon rarafnl'y oompundel at at) hour., da or lit, Ttaet h.ipa hw ra al attention to aaariUupporl. Thlr proff wlimal ffioa U la tha lrng aiora. and ta.y will aire tttbeiiaaria.aapiifiilii. atsi if r a . ; i S7.i n Jl.LfnT t f'f. if x

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