; T - ;f .MINiTCN. N C -w , oTrmbfr ?J, I 3 . ' J.VKSA.L, t:,- oMt a. " 0. CaiiiLu. i .-u:-:t!i.tl ten.vjK M .?, at Ei'nT 1 b. it'tf i vfcSfT-.V eeuU per mouth - sl or.rT jvtliJ-. Served by CaxriiT t! 7y si 'nvt;sTT-riv evii' p rBior h.of TwjUhi-abs and Twit n -nv Vti3 tr !J"iJtT- " '".' il. WfxxLi J oi' lis Ai (Friday; iri year; lb re co i" "IV i,0J- " D xir; fur &ksji Dllaks tiff MpiSV BTl'JHT l'or ' R A A HALF t?n oiiif, Kirrr.ii Dollar; twenty ecpie TwxtTT-rivK 1gllars. Si nwKirTiONi in aU faa payablf l xx'h, a1 no rprMitlnnftl after tb e,-irfioe of it tiw tiJ for. KmtTTANciw 1uM b utdi by r' rfl . Mowy (Vr Express. If thlxcxn i.o bi don, pMwtkw :alnt 1om bj tiit'l nny b ncuivd by forwarding : f. pvahp trtit orler ofthe pr-pritlor . iho JouaiAJ, or by tending tb moixj AdvoriUlnit Bxtit (per Inch ot iwpW Jild lire of alrtl$lng type,) One Inch one Inxeriion, () Doixar; two inacr tiont ()s UotLAB AND A HALF: three nwrtlone, jiro IXiU-AW; four lnertUi Two IHI.I.AK AHD A AI.; Ote inaei Thrkr Dollars: tlx IneerUone. I KKR Doi C.AR8 ARD A HAL;tweWe niooa. Fivr Dollar ard a half, t ' .amain Kioht Dollars: two nontha; irTRX!f Doixars; Uiree month, Twf tt two Doh-arp. K (intiarU fr longer perlnd and Niger pate triage npo'i liberal terma. .,J'reee, KKftKLHARD SArRDRRR, Wilmington, N. V EDITOKIAI. WOTER Aorr aix bund" d thousand atand of arms are exported from the United States annually. Fxuti Mouth , th onoe famoni chess-player, bis beooms a hopeless msniao in New Orleans. f Sxviral eases of poisoning from th nseofthe sshionable striped stock ings hsve Occdrrwd In Chicago. Palahi cab Pnllman sails for Italy on the 24th, to snpsrintend the placing of his cars on Italian railways. t Gin. Bodorr A, Tbtor will delirer the anntial aJiIren before the Wash ington Lee University Societies of Vir giniSy on tne llijtB oi i one, is in. Thi Qreeley statne has oome to grief, money eooHfh eonlj not be eolleoted and the subscriptions made bare been returned to the aabsoribere, Tbr State of Louisiana will ssts millions of dollars this year in having raised neirly ell the pom neoiled fot borne consumption. Thb conn ties beard horn in Mississip pi give the Conservatives a mjr rity of 29,575. The seventeen yet to hear from will swell this majority to 40,000. Thb revomtwnlsu who spent five dollars and lost one man in j overturuing the State government of Fsnsma last month were disgusted to find only $3 11 in the treasury, Thb Leesbnrg Mirror says j It may not be generally known, but it is nevertheless true, that ex-Speaker Blaine's ancestors were natives of Lou doun oounty, Virginia, where many of his distsiit relatives still reside. Mn. IisT!AF.u'a study at bis country bo jit is in 1 ho ft't'f), and very plainly far nml -d. : r in ourpet barely oovt rs th ;oor, ai.-.f h". books are placed mis C 'Kineousij tin plain Bhelves around tLu sides ot t . ooui. A large part of bis literary wnrk has been done there. Thei are trying to find an appro, priate inscription for Foe's mouument. TLe FhilsdolphiA Time well suggest au adaptation of tLe cpitspb 'written for the anther of "lliulibras." While Halter, needy wrulch, wm yt al ye, No grni-n,ui.trui vru'd a dinner g'TO) Hchuld blm now, when d al atl tiirutd to On 4, Prtaenled with a n.oYiuni'ntal buat. 1 he nt'e lile la heie In arablem ahnwni Uc arlied tut bre iU and be received a atone. MlStbTEIlWAsHUURNB 18 looked Upon iu Psris as the successor of Qrst.t. Il may be just possible that the rresi- th ut will pack the couvtntion so as to 'be able to use it for bis own sdvsuee nieiit, sell it ont to the highest bidder, or make the nomination a present to Washbufne.'BoBs Shepherd, bi any other man. Thb Royal family of England is 'said to be a little mixed in its religion. Queen Victoria dislikes the Ritualists, and delights in a y tuple form of wor- - abip. The Prince of Wales, on the contrary, enjoys the forms Of the church whenever be attenda, which is seldom. His eldest sister is a Luth- , eran. Lord Lome is a Presbyterian. The Duchess of Edinburgh is a mem ber of the Greek Church, and ber bus- ' band is a Low Church Episcopalian. A Nrw York letter says: "The Ami Tammany Democracy, apparently, are .not inclined either to disband or go inttfwinter quarter. They have pre pared and will publish on Monday, a State address, defining their position, and claiming, in view of their success at the late election, that they must be recognize 1 now as the true reprefenta tives of the party in this city. Their executive committee ore also to have a metrtiug on Frid evening next, at the Even it House, for the purpose of perfecting their organization. Mcau wlile, as regards Tammany, it ohu only be said that nothing further has trsnspired as to the rumored retire, mmt of John Kelly." t ; Thb Conservative papers of Missis sippi generally claim that the more in telligent black! broke, through the "color line" and voted in large num - bers lor tne Conservative ticket. And tbey talk now as though they meant to dojiiNtice to their new allies. The ColnmUns, (Miwi,) litdex says: "And now tljfl hit os and blacks having Voted togoth r 1( t ! s ' ' tgalher like friends snd work t r for the advancement and lroj rvtuient of both raoes. II II tt 1 1. V TLe t '-gTt h :,- :. t.s Jk.1i f r ! j & ru'i g t f lit "tv Wi'a c, J! i"B-Lasit, V pH.r.TKidfi t tf tJ Ux::t-.l tut. Mr. WiU n Us bf - o la f-fl l.ua'.h f"f ouie tin), :! fc .Inth in i). t nrrx-w't J by tin vn - ;fry. Mr. Wil-cu ..a ef-n.V ". having !ifmikf r iti early t u ly 111' iit, if a Viginm iu- tt-iit-ct ratner tuau inn any nriiuanrj as tliiLkcr or sM,kr Lit had rt-u to tb next L'fitt )'ttioj udJot Hie .iv"rnmrnf, after a lung erviet io U.e Vi.itivl S'a'ys Nufe. & (rum llie l-t't'itititjg if hi I'tibliO c,- retr BU utreme fstiatio opon the qms- tion i f sKvery, and he owes much ot is promotion probably to the extreme fttuaticiira of the people of bis Btste opon thin subj.-ct. ' Al- wsj s sud at all tim-s a prrsictent snd bitter political opponent of the South ern people, his individual feelings hsd partaken of these eentimntl toagrent dt-giee, and at bis destb be was proba bly the f oreinoet representative of that olass of pohtioiaus who were un willing to let the Toands of the war heal np. With bisdeath, bowever.onr qnarrul with Lim ceases, and we stop to pay bis memory the honor due bis official position. Snstor Ferry, of Michigan, as Free ideut of the Benate, becomes the Vice- President of the United States by the death of Mr.- Wilson, until the meet ing of the Seuate next month, when a pt widlng offloer will be selected for the present session. F. 8. Later tele -rams speak of the death of Senator Ferry, We suppose it was Senator Ferry of Michigan and not of Connecticut. If this be so then there is a Yseaocy in the Presidency of the Senate. A VAtitVAMLI INOtURTBt- When the war oommenoed Wilming ton was the centre ot the area which was devoted to the peauut culture. Iudeed next to the rioeorop and the naval store products, the peanut crop was of greatent importance to the farmers surrounding Wilmington, aud eepeoi ally to thoee who cultivated the light lauds of sand and alluvia which lay ou our sea ooast. These peanuts sought a Northern market, almost entirely and hen the military linos were diawu between the sections, the neoessity arose tor converting these nuts Into au oil which was then in great demand for lubricating maohioery. The oil thus made, was found by tome to pos seas suporior qualities,, not only, for Ibis purpose, but also lor table se A distinguished physioiau, the late Dr James F, Moltee of this oity, a man who possessed not only the fluent In tellentual abilitv and annniremnnt. hut the m Usto foJ tha n,oetiM of the , ih. n(l - 1 d ' "--I " " i a ly mauufaotured aud refined, tn be su perior in every particular to the best olive oil. The peanut crop is an important one to our community yet. But its culti vation has been so greatly extended throughout Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee siuoe tho war, that tho prices usually realized by the pro. ducers are quite unsatisfactory, But if some ei terprising mau would under take to convert tlieao peanuts into oil f.ir table use iu Wilmitfgton, where tbe nuts, enn be procured freehand sweet, the initiative step would be U ken in au enterprise which would .re sult, iu our opinion, in great gain to the projector, aud also f uruisb a steady market for the producer. Wo have been load to these suggs- tious by the following extrriet, which we clip from the Now Orleans i'tca- reaiiut oil, which Hontlierners took to muking during the wur, haH lieoome very popular aua is iniw iu large do iuaud. It supiilies the tiluoe ct olive aud aluioiid oils ia various lines, and is lower iu price, retains its purity and JJavor lo a long tmio and is lose siiBoeptible to the irct of light than olive oil. The oil in extr ioU d entirely from the meat of the nut bv prrsitire. the refuse oeinir used as cattle feed or fertilizer. aAM-a-V;SIIVCE4HKS. , The New Orleaus Picayttne suts the sucoess of a part; is not a perfectly satisfactory proof of the justice aud propriety of tbe measures which itad- 'ooutes. It sometimes happens that the people are led off by false issues, ekillfully raised before they have bad time to take that ' tober second thought' of theirs whiob is supposed to be well uigh infallible. Harper' Weekly however, Hubstantially admits that the overwhelming defeat of the Republican party iu 1874 was the just oonsequenoe of its abuse of tbe popular trust repented iu it. Butler was defeated in a Re publican district ; Inx who bad been el.cted by CO.OOO.majority, was beaten 1 tA ifr i it ii . vj ou.uuu ana unanaier ana usrpenter were laid upon the shelf. In the hour of dsrkners anddiBmay the Republican party made up its mind "to turn over a new leaf," to "eschew saok and live cleanly." Consequently "fiB proceed iegs st the opening of. the Louisiana Legislature were condemned by a Iark e part of the beet Republican press;" the President's Arkansas policy was given its quietus; tbe renewal of the force bill was baffled ; the interior De partment was subjected to a fieroe crit icism, aud its chief was in effect com pelled to retire ; respeotable men like Bristow and Pierrepont were brought into the Cabinet; tbe line between tbe President and the party was sharp ly drawn, and Mr. ConkliDg and the Custom House "organization" were thrown overboard in New York. Alto, gether a yery good ahowing. "When the devil got siok," eto., everybody anows tne rest and em mako the sp' Nov iLt tie ' J r i! -!f n f .(Ui. J r- .-n Vi i.l i f i -i. t . I it 1 1 C. T't If il e I nocr '. .' in Il.itpfi'g piiiiitifv ev, ' I st J l tr y;'s etue wrvii " i i i ,i i m, ! ,1((.lt.l.V.'l. I HARDWARE, I" ON, STEEL Agricultural and Vechanlo Implements. American and English Pocket and Table Cutlery, Cum. Riflsa, l'OWI)i:U, H1IOT. Ai. We iuU Ibc trsH of hoti Ruj-frn our mt w. tl-tHr rl hr1. a-id'to tb. n.f.ri r Wnt igM w ra pBi-r. CU 3d niin ml NATHANIEL JACQBI'S, HSHUWIiKIIKPnT. Rims, Hubs, Spokes, Springs, Axles, Bolts, Trimmings, Ac. A full Aaaor'mrnt of Crrlgi mM Wiron Mktwltl ol Tary Sml.U4iir All OMi.ia ftuiutillj fllltd.siwl Mtltfiutioa gabrntHNl. NATHANIEL JACQBI'S. HAKUWAKK UKPi T. SAXH! DOORS 1 ! BLINDS 11 At Ftc'iry Prioc. Oill Sii ia4i 1 1 1)1 r Ord 'ta filled for Hl., N iwii , Ac. , PAINTf, OILS, GLASS, VARNISH Prices raxluctMl at NATHANIEUJAGOBI'S HARDWARB DEPOT,t HO. O MAllliKX NX. novT . Tie Carolina ImM Maiazioc, a R IL1.USTRATKO MONTHLY rbolce f LIUtratur. Ktll beliaued rromtb loi.oe- anao MaKiB 0IC8 ronimenrln 'th January, 1 "J (I. The Ural number win o lean fnw m.lllne be lo Dr latw, ana in imtm tul will be .ulllhe4 e b eiirnoeillnfi Diiilb tharaaftur w U bout liiterrai.tlon. No a1ian- U will bo BoglootoS aieh elthr talent or Caiiltal ran cobf""'I render SlMiiosn amoablo and i oitrantWa eomiendloa ot obolre roadlnf, bv 0alar wrlton, bo'h borne aaSalMia. The Carolina Household tfagaiine will bs a Wrj JS-fufe, elhtj-loai eoluain nuinthly.haiiilKomrly printed nn tinted hook naiK.r. and beutlullv llhiiira'ed It I a tbiirounhly anotl em entnrln and iti iiioreee la alrrailr fallv steured. The i nbltidier meaue to. make It. a SrM-olaM nionthly, thai, mm In troduced In the family circle, la iuro to bn eacerlf watr.hed lor snd earefitlly i.reeerted t... p()Kl KAIT Oil.i r.KY" will iroTOan altractlre feature. 1 be January number will eonUlo s Urs-llks ptoturs of EX-OOV. Z. B. VANCE, and niairraiihleAl aketob. to be (hllowed lu aoh iu.icee.llnf number wltb .liotitrahe ol Otbsr promlneat itsteimon, dlvlnoi, Ac Only two dollar a yrar and eauh uhtorllwr can make a obolos Tarns unr ianTitCL,iaai rta? iaaa, alioofSaohStmeinoiiea, vii: " i ne rinaui of the Saviour In the Temple," "The Madon na."or -'Klni hear Defvlas tho Htrm," for wanted on reoelut of the lubanrlutlon price Kltborof the Knirravlngeti worth dnoble tin prl atked for the Manailne. . aLt Aneona aendlnir a olub of a will re eaiea an citr aulecrliitn tree. Slut, e con! 20 eenU, free by rsu. in uun'bs vioeoiip" lion. wl'Jiont fas Kngravlna, at, . . " " ! .- ,, . , . (iMr.aoro,Jl U A NEW DAILY PAPER j IBT WILMINGTON Prosocctas of the Ereninz Reyie? fS OR ABOUT OCTOHKHIiTlhST, THE V Underalgned wlil dko t"e mi)iu-Jtiion in Uie Cltr of Wilinhigton, Of the KriNiNa KsviKW ThejRSVtSw wll I he nobnehed every evenlnir. exoept Huiiiiay. It aim will he to fii'nMi the laleef, the beet, and the niOHt rellnbla news. In every meaning of the ami The tutorial Department will he tn able har de, and tha local retmw will hu ftrrnllil hy Mr Jainm, for dm yenra paet th loual editor of the Daily Journtl.' . Mr, Lb o-lea A. I'rl K. a ion of uu of th fimndera ol the .lot) !., and binuall a gen tleman uf aereral yean en'Orlence lu tbebun-liK-ea, will bar charge of th bniuue.e depart- monu ol tn iptr, llnutnal attentlcAi will b trlren to It. mar ket report with the riew of lunilahliig the full t, antl(Pii ol' the day to the cloa of m roa. tile hours wn.t thee renO'te will be tnde by a caieiul, tnorougnir eiperienoea reporter. n the whole th pper will be newer, aheap Mid r-ditble, and a epeelal medlem th-ough whlrh the poor man and tbe laboring olaa-ee royhhear', Ternat of eitbecrlptlon r 5 a year, 110 sent a mon Hi and 14 cunt a week, Advertising rat eery low. tn connection with the now ocpartment we will eetabliau the Kariaw Hook and Job Printing; tinii e, where competent and eklllful operntlvee will h i-mployed, ami wteire It la needlre to My we wll no our beer to fnrniah our pal nine with ih brat (work (or the lowest amount ot money. , Joih T. Jamci. ' nit lrt f t hus. A- Price. THE CELEBRATED FERTILIZER WILCOX, GIBBS 4 CO S. MAMI'ULATED OUANO. Thi" Cumio . now cflred to Farmer "d Planiora of m"U Kruln for Ih eeaaun vn Ih t,il lowing liberal tfrn,,- 'B crei It to l t of Norember,, with option t f paying In c itron at IT cent, lor middling, de liver dnt Miiiitf r' nereLU Ion, lit) 00. i in err ditto tat 0r Noreinher, payaol In cu-rcne, wit' out option, Ion 00 Oah, tbn.ot). Bend in or-'en early and get rnnr Ohkno while yon ara hauling cotton ti maikrt, to v ep nae. , circular, giving an lytla, certificate, etc., may be bad on application to JA8. T. PETTEWAY, Wllmlngtoo, N. O. Agent for Merer Wilcox, Olbb A Do, tier 14 Administrator's Sale I Witt. rXPOSR TOK SA'K AT THB Court Huaie dour, In the City of Wilming ton on Monday, December VOth, at iKoVlock, M.,th lol t wing piece of land belonging to thaeilatrof Kmnurl Nun, decerned, ailuat In the city of Wilmington, dmenbed a tol. Iowa: Befinmngat a etak on MoKae itreet, l.lv feel from Rankin tret and running thence with laid McKae air' et routh M feet, thenoe evt parallel with Bankln irert IAS eet to lone' arey, mence wirn eaia alley nnrtn no feet, thence weat I'd reef t.i tbe beginning. 1 hm being tbe weatern half of Lot Nn 4 11'ock xi. according to th p an of the eaid City cf Wilmington. Irrm, one tblid each, and balance in alx and twolv nunib, title remrved. , . H n RHY, lw4w Admlnletretor. uiaaat. obobli . wilsbu. atoaBt CBONLY & MORRIS AUCTIONEERS STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER! WIXMINOTUN, W. a (1AM RR SKKJI AT rHRIR 3A1.K8 HiH)t a plan ofthe oity, on an enlarged a' a. Blank Hook with the bo'inlarleaof verw la thecMy dwtlnotly defined. aaeeeeo vain , pari ana preeent .01 v lathe city. Any 'nrormaflon taatrad rntahd ap p'lcatloT, " leu ' HOWES' SCALES M yyr. ar th antefo th.ae well known oaier. Partli will do well toflxaniln earn L pie before buying other oak. OII EH ACRCHm- T'. oc'j Haela-ar Jouaa, 1 ' J i'J t o jjACOlui AXE. y ,.iLO GC;! ). St T:$ O J a. i. lfUri s r. i wr. r ' , ' ' . ., M miu h r f -ar 1 .-r ,w ,H.-ai niiy f ti i-T ! tr:t I' :Mtu..i. Tn i J i 'CZZ i '. 1 . ' " ' k u J Nit." (i i pittj,wiincl OH tte PMfr- a1 rik ld'U f vh Sl.ie la aa tut )!' KriiHiM It Ikf -riiuna uaui kv." Jl. EUcIETTE -SUITH'S I,IoiiF"picfFai," FINE ARTS an J POLITE Literature. BlnzU Copies 25 rents. iMMrrrptbiS Prltv, f 1 i rr, jwil-fll, Inrlidlir , rrmiim of t we Sollart' worth ol bi(wu irw to each aibwrlbor. W. a4 ur CTOTIFICATFH W -ot ATOBN will U fetn M I'l..l.aliu li f 1 utitf'a a ThS10NTIILY AVOIltD Of FAyillOIX.Mihe very finest ri beaut (vl, attranlfr ma,iae toba'oaB 1 tM tlila eountif . and 'jv prfon wno beglna uh aiilni It. will NftVER tlbrwUna it hile It U pub'lalia.t. S4.500.C0 III BOLD We will el ve S3 OOO CO In COLDl COIN 68 f UoMi.d u ib- ra;. ".an rr el .ueTitere to oar World of ! Faahlon." at S3 each, before Micb S, !. A IuIuwkTo the getter-epot the l.ariet rum no In Ooid I oln V at.,... l 1 art0t ;luh.,( Id Larneet Club... 4'b La-et Ciuh... Rlh Ijarjet Club.,, -S'h latrtoet JI"b.. 1th U'ceH Clnb... Slh I '' Clnb... till l.arT-t "Int... ' 10'b Lref Club.., urn on In Ooid Coin lfO 00 In Oold Coin. t:0 tmln Hold "uin. 10 no In Oold Onto. 1 iu o In tioid Cola ion on In Onld oln. TS 00 In loia l oin. 41 01 In Oold tolit, St 1 0 In Oold t o n. tltn I arft 'lnb M on In Oold Coin. aadeo a to the tSBth Largeet Olub: YOU I s pmntam for every tubeoriber yon BftTU nf theee rinlrfCaln PrAaenta term ber Number besides '' tierura and P. O. eddreewe of I W perKMw to wboiu we have yet paild 'S,I3A 00 In i.old, according to our prrrlnne otTefS- cn writ to one"' SMO' rnm a iu rn-j wm i.u jn tuu , ai w a r. 1 I arvy ipww-a tuqi YIIIIK KKM when yon will tret B W w a e aaar aaaf a mluma, whti h yon oon, orel ij ornta lor roe oopr. rrnn rempror rarniua aieriogno. A. DUROETTE SMITH. PI 4 Broadvya, P O Box POB8 TRADE MARK. WOiaCESTERSHlKE SAUCE. LEA ft PERRIK8' .jsxluoatbd; p mc KorNcrn tCXTKAOT )f iLKTl'BKfroma MKIMCAL UrtN MAN at Matirae, to hla baothm at YOKCK8TKK, . , . Bit :: OOMNOISHSTJIM 10 as TBS - May, I8F1. Tell LEA It PKKKIN8 tbat their uce leblgh 8Mce'B RSQ lyoateemeedin ID ilia, and ia. In to) opinion, tho Dioai Aul appllcahlt W U paiatanieaiwouae ITMV VIB Ttor man. tli aott whole omo Sane tbat bj made." Worcestershire Sauce. Sold W'ldlJatl aid tor Kipoftationl by toe Proprietor, LI A A PBRnlWH, Weeet., Rnglaud; and Retail hy Daairta Banc gen erally throughout th world. Ask for Lea ft Perrini' Bauoe. A' th UltKAKIAST TAHI.U It par tu moat eiaitt rellb and et to Hoi or Oold Meat, Fowl, Plrh, Broiled Kidney, Ao. At th DIKMKRTABI.e, ill Soup, with Flab, Hot Joint, (lame, andjn all Gravis, tt A glvoi a'dtllghttol 0vor. At IBS L,(lCIIEOr1 AND RIIPPBH fABI.ES it I deemed Independable bj tho Ikmlllar wua it eattmabls 'qnailtle. There la no relleh In the world which ln onlrerntlly liked a Lea A Prrln' famon Woroeterahlr Haoce, JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS jobs w uihki.m, ( Late of Mpruiit A Hlnwn.t W lmington, N. U tfAnan u. VUBlBlind, (Lt Uaahier Bank of Mew Hanover.) Tarboro, N. 0. HINS0H& CUMING roR THB 8A1.K or Cotton, Rioe. Lumber, Tobaooo, Naval Storoa. and Southern Produoe Cenerally, NO- 102 CHESTNUT ST, P. O. Bsi liOitB. Phllaulelptiia, s aSTSSIRUSK I. B Oralngir, Prealdcnt Bunk of New Han over, Wllmlng'orj, N t). K K Hurrew. Preddeut First National Bank. Wilmington. N C. J roee llawaon, PrcakSent Dawaon Bauk, Wilmington, NO.,. ' KB Borden, Praldrt Bisk or New Ban over, Q.ildfUoro. NO. J A Lk, 'reldnnt Bum of Mew Hanover, Wftdeeboro. NO. JtweeH Llndeay.Pioiaont Jnk of Qreeri. ooro, reenooro, M I' Hon Oen. Howard,! i rti-,y, J rj) Hon. W 1 JohuoB, kVajrl) ) Court Boaar, THE LITTLE OAR.INQ. a riaracr tuwiH-t naouiai to a iiobt woaa. JUST THE THINCI tent free o any addrea on re ilnt or Three I) illa-a F4IK. H1LD A Co., nt Blerkr VtwVirk. Addraea, llox TS5. l.KIra WANTED. wtM-idiv 1 IN HIJ CJabJ. WE hav added to oar list or trat-cla Companle Lancaster Ins. Co., tf lanckltr, tnglanJ. ASSETS IIO.OOO.QOO! Lancashire Inroranc Company, of Kng'and. Niagara ,. Npw ymk At lent fl , Ne York Petr',nrg having A fa. CO . Pat-eb'g. ranuil Hall " , B't .n WK are trrepared I earry any IU ottered ' u, and we ronfldet t'y eipect a kro -A tha Ka'ton.vn a onr Irlnnd. Mr. M uunal N rthrn, and Mr. C. H, Robla- on aav entiro eoarge or t'd offlo. NORTMROP & CUMMINGS. BOW it 1 ' 6 ft t it I - 1 - ( - - a:tr til tbs' I l pT c I w ntfer fci vgnr (-ou -jy I I' i-r;ir t.-.b.ir pa; ; "J tJ f"r :fl ' ' ' rj " 0 h ,hr..l. l,Suct. lh AT1UR v Illnstratca PaUcm Eazaar! ampwi opr i's t. t Bnbeerlpt'iB Pr re, i 1 a y. t" ald. ' (nediH'J .rti.if fattnrne give t aah eukiwribei Irew a i remluai. TO GIVE AWAY! We will Rive 1 2 CCO CO H COLD ICUIN i 113 I" otau, iml nil, int " '' inter Una t ont Bsjaer.1' at tl 'P tech, ten re Mrtrcb I, 187b. St follows: To the Getter np of tho arfest tlnb A.V0 00 In Oold t,oiu. Sd l.aigeet luh.... 20.) 01 tn Old t'Oln. Sd I rot :nb.... V oil (q Hold Corn w tb Irg at O lib ..18 Oi'ln Oild Coin Mb Urft l Clnb.... HO OS In t.old Coin. Stb Urgent Club.... IS SO In Oold Coin . lib Lwgut O, tib... BO COJei (lold Coin. Mh La.geet Club.... id oln OoU oln.' Sb irgt )ln".... W1 it) Cold Coiq. lOlh I rettll ..,. V OSIS SoldCotB, 1 Hh Larteat Citib. . 144 4 In ttold Cola, and eo on h tbe 33d 1 arfeid t'lab, , i i send si. AND every tabeortbor gerj a pre- offere will l-efunndit fglllenitb la the Sen. a uu niacuy ai we promieo wwn uw . hi wiuar, vi aiaHi'aw the Bret number and yoor t errtttcate. M Pre- can abow, ami at on begin getting rubacrl- New York City. Southern Illustrated Age i RALEIGJ(. O. .f rnm OMLT IIXOHTR ATFU ' WFFKLT X In the South. Eight pegea. Forty cnl mna. roi iain-ng more rraatug matter ma any weekly iiuhliahed In tbe Kuntbern State Tbeflrtt nomber of th HOUTHKHJi iU O BTllAIKU AOK will be pelaen, v Saturday 9tm stair f laws, 18T5 Th Pnblleber lotendi mekfni it an Illu trated record of th t me, tt will tieat of every toplo, i Political, Hitorli'al, Literary, and Solentltn, whiob le of ruritnt lnterett, and give trie tie inuttratlunauiat canue obtained nrldltial or t'nrelirn 1 be HOTJ THkHH IIXPSTHaTri) -A 6 It will b printed on new lyue, and heavy book paper. . r ' -' On it llrt of conribntor will be found tb narrei ol many ot th beat writereln tbe Hnutu SerU. and abort torle, onrm and aketcliee and wail cot duct' d editorial department, fir ing toa lateat personal, nterarv, acienuno. po litloal.TellKiou and eommeroial Intelligence will turnleh every week an emonnt ot" iradffl. matter nnaurpaeaod by other pa en, in eio'f- lence n variety it I int nilod to make the M)'"rtKHN ll,I,USTKAIKI AUK a (out nal for the flreald aeverHl rolumne will be eclally devoted tn all anhjecbt pertaining to anmenic ana eociai uie. No Ikmilr ebould be without It. V 1 t " V? HubMrliiMon price onlv SI pet annum. Post age free. x t , R. T. FrjIiOHUM. Editor, Ka'elgh. N. d. Inn ; S U i- i . , ,. r. ii iir.i, The Charlotte Observer The only monilna dullv pUner publMied th th HUUj writ of Rleuk ant lorth ut. Wll. mlngto, oner aneoial luduoementato adver tirfere. Ita cimilatio , alia n - owl jlnet have been largely Ineri-a-ed during tho year jnat riant, and It now feachea most ol the M chant et western North tlatotina, niua on.-r- Ingsn ananrpamed medium of oommunlca- tion neitreento m erc.bantiot Wilmington ana the people or Western Norlti Carolina. TSRMBOS BCaeOBlPTlOBI .. Dally S3 00 per annum, Weekly..... 1 to " Advertlmng very low. The "rirj-iiin, BUFFALO SPRINGS Mecklenburg County. Virginia. THE Co EAT MEDICINAL WATER -THJEJOUTH. ; OVEN 20th MAY, 1875 . I'heac w ten ara poaaevMd of extranroinai curatlre .. were In atleotloae ofthe KIDNEYS and HLA HDVR.ln all derangement of tbe B ILIA IO ORGANS tnnldeut to warm rnla. matte regn o. In Dvsfia, in- DS' eases peculiar to Women, m Chronic Intermittent t Remit tent Fevers. Chronic Conorr. nosa. oeconaary svonius. ciee andaildu. eHoi ti. Genital Orsans and In aoni- forma o( Cout'O Rhtuma tlsm, 'I' elr nmarkabli power aiidarttoao.i tntueniae, ee Indl. ateaKare yort hed for by omofth moat dint ngulnhed medical men of the co'i'.trv, both North and South, a well ahy repu ted eu im th ra r.tu.quea tlonable a nree. Ci Inionlal tn Pamphlet form luni .'ied on 1 p oatlon. THE WATKH rOHSAI ,. , ..... ... ... . The w!i ' i pot op In eaae of on doien haf(" Hottl m at SS per eaee. Route toWeSprlrws tor the Southt, By way ot tl,. Hlonmond and Atlanta Air Line Railroad t Houttubi.rg Depet ' In Halirai county, Virginia, where all train ara mat by ooa 8prl igUtmllwdlrtnt, , i 'fHOkaXS .- OOOHII-, ' THE PEE DEE HERALD. Published sverv Wednesday at W ADEK BOKO, AN80N, COUNT! 4 JOHN. T PATRICK.', , Haaalarge and rpMly Inerwmg pnUii. tlon In th p l)ee country In cjHb and Houth Carolina. Advertiser wll' And tl thrTVt ni' dlum In either of the nlatei tatea lor reaoblng tbe amen, plantar and merchant. The extensive local advcrlitting pat ronage exhibited in i( column ts thf bet evidence of iti large and influen tial circulation, - -' SSf Specimen cople, with rate tor adver tlalng, ent tre, poKtagcpaiil on application toth underalnM.at Wadwnro JN. T. PATBIliK, PIdltnr and Prnprlet.tr The Piedmont Press HICKORY, N, C. 'i t -th only paper pnbllahed In .Catawl county, and ha an Mtenatv etrcal'.tMin .ninng Merchant, Kaimer, and all clann-aof bua ne men In the State Th Pa- la a live wlde-awaae IXmocrallc paper, and r a deelr hie medium fnr adver ang la We r, North Carolina. Liberal term atow.'nn i early ad vertlaemeat. tnl,ao,irtlnn 2 In av.vat,ce Addrea MOBHII.L TOMLINHON, "dltoraan l Prourlaton. maroaJt-a ' sr .4rTi ! a 1 ) s J SIS tsirri.yvi. UZVl YORU AND i Wilmington, fl. C. Fast Fre eht Route to all North or South. rSKW YOltK. New Yoik and Wilmingtcn EteLiiisMp IUaIj ! SEMI-WEEKLY, litg frofjW TOEK, WEDNESDAY and EATL'BDAY at 8 T. M., ard from WILMINQi ON," WEDNESDAY and SATtPAf BOSTON AND New York and Wilmington SteaBisliip Company, t . ' OOKHEOTINa WITH THB " X ' OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS. Dally Between BOSTON and NEW YORK. Semi-WeekN bete?n SEW YORK snd W1LWJKGT0K Weal -- arw r .taid y troBB each Pert, . . -a O- ' Mlt.ncra ev rHv oi'On the urcmiit and rtfi'lar eallln nr there Sr.a,ra ..a 1 aim. patt-a given to ail ahi, Bimia l,y tbi loute.' With th WILtiaTCN,tOLl'iBlA ATCCSTA KAII P( AI. WIl.SllNUTUN WSI.UtiN KAII KOaO, THECAKeLlftAt rKlKAI. lUrtWAT, amu p. ak hivkh birAstrxs Tbrnngb Bill ot Lading given to and from all Point In KORTH and SOUTH CABOLINi, GEOFGIA snd ALABAMA. " Alan tn KP.W Tf)T?K TtOftTfllf PT?rVTTll, Xt V CUT llrxi, ..i Eastern Cities. Rate guaranteed a low a by any other promptly paid. - Mark all Goods yia tljde's Wilnil nt n Line. r For further Information apply to either ot the undersigned A genu of tbe Lin. D.D.O. MINK. , WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. General Aant. tieneral Kaetern Agent, ss Davonehur street, Boston. BiwiJSoita Steam yitx WILMINGTON, 1. 0 FAST FREIGHT ROUTE To al' Points North or South 1BALTIM0IIE. i Baltifflore and Wilmiiiiiton line, I eaati-WKKiLT. ' -SAiLINO FKtlM BALTIMOKIt- Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M. -AND FROM WILMINGTON Wednesday & Saturday. BOSTON ANDPROVIDENCE. Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Baltlmors, Boston and rov Mence Line, ' br via Canal Dally to Pblladelphla and Clyda'a Philadelphia and Provklence Line. Beml-Weekly from eaoh Port. Rhippere may rely npon tbe prompt aud reenlarllnir nl tlicr Htrimera, and qnick t atrh giyeft to all ehipment by tbi route. NO DELAYS. - " Tbrongh Bill of Lading given to ai.d from all Point In NORTH and SOTJTH CAROLINA, GJ:0RGIA and ALABAMA. Also to BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, PROVlDEKClC snd .V,o. t,' i n:: " i " ajaHnwru Vvl urn, S7" Kate guaranteed a low a by any otbar promptly pai aid. . Mark all Ooods Tia Baltimore and Wilnilngton Line. B" For turther Information apply toeltbet ofthe undcralgDed Agent of the Line, EDWIN riTZCERALD, Agent. Baitim-ire Lint , 6U South tfHeet, Baltimore, march IR-tf nsroTiO-E. - Carolina Central Railway, GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, j Wilhinoton, March 81st, 1875. ) THB ATTENTION OP THE PfJBLIO IS RRSPBlTfTJLLT INVITKO "f OJ TUB iact that th Carolina Oentral Hallway being completed and tully eqnlpped for buelnoaa bttr-wtth it connection at Wilmington, both via direct Htemer Line and via Weldnn an ' Pi.rtuniouth, vo B tlttmore, Philadelphis Near York, Boston and Providence aoeqaaled ;fas Ity ror handling nhlpwenU from ( , , ; WILMINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITIES TO CHAR LOTTE, ST ATESVILLE.XREENVILLE, SPARTAN- r , ! . :- . ' burc ' .. - -' and all station an Atlantic, Tenneanee A Ohio Atlantic and Richmond Air' Liu and North Carolina Hallroad a well a all point In QKOROIA and ALABAMA. Inauranu from Kantern eitie guaranteed a low a via any other lino. No ternilnalor traa fer charge, and Ravtes alway ava low a, tbe loweat. Kate Hi all points inruiaoed upon application to th undragnd. Offloe In Bark of Now Hanover Building. aprtl 8 80-ly Ueneral freight A gtnt. r KOTICJS. NEW qANOVEHtiOUTY-Havlngqual-. Iflinl r.duinielrato'' ot tbe ertale ot .l.-eeph W. Barn,, on the Pirth dy or October, 1970, notice , berehv given tn all peram bnv in clalnia atptlnst the decertent, to xh bit tho amet.i mch AdmlnUtr.tor on or before the S tn day uf October. 178, or tula notlo wl j, bo p aced in bar of their recoven ITJLIA ANN BABNra, octSl 16w administrator . Flour and Meal yWO MI1ED;FXKD. Oar-load a on abort notloo. Jrm bought at tb market price. Addrear, . . .UKI.OX r CITY M ILL, C vtotto, N tnnr tf FfttaerDustf r Assorted Sizes. Whitewash Brnshetia Paint and Kslso. mlnle Brushes, Hope, Twine, Thread. Tor aal low by Mv4t CEO- A- PICK- BOSTOH LINCG - Poi FALL RIVER. . NO DELAYS, liui.'lug at VtllBlnitea ' route and thai a anick. Loaw or awirharraa New ork tin, S Hoar Hi g breea, N T. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. PHILADELPHIA. Baltimore ana Wilmiuton Line. , SBi-yraBBi.T BSTWaaa BALumukKANU WJLMINUTON. Baltimore and Philadelphia BUambiatOo. Daily via Canal htn BALTIMOBK ANJt t HJl.aUEL" HIA. WESTERN CITIES. BALTIM JKE AND .VILMlNGTtlN LIN1 Northern Orntral Ballioad AMD THB Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Boat and time a quick. Loaee wr ovsrobarga A. D. CAZAUX, Acentv Baltimoit ki,u New York I in WttBtSOTOIt, N.O. Turpentine Scrapers THTJS HOOP8. Jointer, Drawlrg Knlvo. Heading Rnliea. ;o,ipei'. HnDniera, bet f, PuncheL'hiel. Socket Hr vrra, Weil, ins Much nca. Rrck Iron. Horap Hend. Cooo- erV 4d, Ao, c. 1 he laryeat ortm' nf, and. lower, price of the above good (Nil be found at the rid Oita b. llalud Hardwtie Hnuieof JOHM DAWSON, No. (. 20, Hi Market Street. Pee Dee Courier. A1 EB TUB MERCHANTS OF WILMlMta. ton awar that th Courier Is tb only Denvt- Traisiorlalloi CoiaiF crauo paper puDiumea n nooiii. am, ana that It oironlatat xtnive)y ha Rlahmoad, Montgomery and Anon oonnti) KaUaof advertlalag Bbral and so sktlS charge made, ror changing, autv.Jremaat atuak-y. IOUCKET1 a tBVIN, hti Kdltora, V