1 t A" .A I r n i 1 v i lift V..l II A' lit J - k v y . V- Iff fOL XXIV. NO. 34. UILHIIGTOII 11 C. WEDNESDAY, 2T0VEHBER 24. 1375. WHOLE 170. 7.CZ3 i i l : , i 1 ii .1 Mi ' BY Ti-EC PR Mo DO X A I ,D (1 V I ITY. Found tulltj ea Sine Indlrtme.'tS Sentence Renmrd, if. NEWS I CST OENER Storms-ream-Bon farlon-The St. Louis Railroad Convention, Ac. G 0 T 5 13-4. Bt TELSOltAPH TO TitB Joints AU MASS Arm SETTS. Boston, Not. i23 John WVlls. A aociate Jntio of th MfUMiuhitMftt Supreme Court, di-d this rormug. MIllllCAJ.., Ppthoit. Nov. 23 Ri-Dorta hava bwn n dived of th rrk of Rfvenil schooners on Lks riupenor and Huron. CALIFORNIA. Saw Fbakci-'CO, Not. 23. Th,e frrsat 830,000 rsoe ooenr. no TrtHukpiviitff Day if the weather in good and the hnrswi in omditinn. ' . Wild Idle lias th rpizootio. kentIVky. LoirifcviLLB Nov. 23 -The National Grunge Imv appointed a committee to anni ge a speo.al marriage otTe.QonT for flrangcro The n-aolut'ontab1iKhinji an (iffiiiial orgnn at TjouiHviJle or elsewhere does not roeet with mu.ih faTor. ' . A committee hna been appointed to mtruoriliza Congress to establish a Boieotiflo bnrpai; on grasshoppers, cattrrpilUrs. k6. Ri'solutiona. condemning the mort gaging of crops hare been referred. WASHIXCT0. , Washington, Not. 23. The fnneral eervice of the Vice-Frc i lent will take place in the 8 na'e Chamber on Rat iirdy, when the remains will go Phil adeiphiH, wlr-re they will lay in state in the Htate Hone Hnnday. The Hocietry of the Navy directs that the day aftr receiving the formal order, which haa been published, fl igi shall he placed at half mnit from sun rise to tnnsrt, and that thirtren guns be flrrd at sunrise ; nineteen minute guns at nonn, and the national salute at sunset. Officer of the Navv marine corps will wear the usunl badges of mourning three months. SEW lORK. Kkw Yobk, Not. 23. Snit his been commenced agtiust ' the York State Flax Spinning Co., for $100,000, for alleged undervaluation. A Paris paper received by the last European mail, say Don Curios, on the 2'2d October, was in a house tf n miles from Pampelona, when Babul's arrived in a camsge accompanied by the Mayor of Bauritz, who continues to iuterfere in the. most fhgrant man ner in the nir.irs of the neighboring country. The Freiich functionary ob taired an audience, when Oen. Ssballs threw himself at the feet cf Don Car lot and asked a secret Audience. It lasted twenty five minutes, when Don Carlos OAlh'd the chief of his escort, and demaudod a sqnad of seven men and a sarg' aut. These eight men sur rounded 8aballs, and gillcped with liiin toEftfl'a, with orders to confine bint in a cell of ti e municipal prison, aud prevent communication with any one. fMISSOlEI. Bt. Louis, Nov. 23. McDonald has been convicted on all the eight indict ments, after thre hours consultation by the jury. The Judge will not pro nounce senteno until he hss heard the evidence. Meanwhile McDonald is in custody of the Marshal in default of $50,000 bail. The maximum is three years, and the minimum six months imprisonment for eiioh indictment, with fine at the discretion of the Court. Delegates to the Convention are ar riving on every train. There will be at least 1,000 delegates present. Col. Broadhead, chairman of the Executive Committee, called, the con vention to order, and stated in detail the objects of the convt ution. Delegates were present from tweuty eeyen Btates, who thoroughly repre sented the various interests of their respective communities. Oen. Anderson, of Richmond, was elected temporary chairman, withL. L. Walbridge and D. II. MoAdams of St. Lonis, as aecretaries. At this point Oen. Joe E. Johnson, in response to a general invitation, took a seat on t1 e platfotm, and was greeted most cordiRlly by, Gen. Sher man, who advanocd and shocrk hands with him, amidst the greatest applause from all parts of the house. Oeneial Beauregard was then olled tip and greeed in the same warm and fiiendly roanuer, M Davis was also invited forward, bat declined. The conven tion then adjourned for an hour. F O BEIQU. GERMANY. BebuV Nov.' 23.1 he Federal Council has rejected the Prussian pro position for coercive press laws. ,;, . SPAIN. Madrid, Not. 2&-"The TT. 8. frigate Conuress has been ordered home, The Franklin, Juniata, and Ala4a have been ordered to Lisbon. Senor Custelar has assurances from Minister Cushing that the peace now existing . between the two countries will not be disturbed. MARRIED. WO n-r" T.-ia ! eit o 1 Kih ine- . ? th.- K . .lm M. -pr-it KsiinilU-,"t h niao H 'jd. V. l., to M KiMitifxIr. Wuilila'ol Iritnder Spi r.r-Al.U,WMiV U IkLc'tyaa Na t.-h it ihe ' rat Pri-ib.t'rtji 1 liar h b k Jo R Hini.ll. i.. !-. Oe-i . m to M M i)tt. ter Jrale AUleruan, Brq. Noe-id. .CUT1EHY. I ) OOKKM P'M'(tlfAT4S.B UrLEKY IV W,TkULH'H Ketkm' and Ullocj'i Vncin nl l h-.hiTe ar il' FIHS f.CLAiJi G(Kl) . For t l-m b N if llth, 1T. Feather Dusters. nlKSKHM OH, " ITK,S,1, .- SOAP rj or all khi lg. ' I. A DIK ' A.M fl.'tlT'H ATCHEI.S, ! flmp tor ranli. DJUPKNIrB VAI.H 1. -o. S SMith Frtitt. N t. n h 1ST O T TO ""EC? R'TA I. K' K ' ASStM'tATlO. Kcti'ar mon'h T rn'Mitiff r wtn i!hv lie: f'.'M'i ut ) t g j'. Wok. Putictu-1 illi iHrf, urrrril M ur.lrt ot I'le-Mont, .IUH V c. KOCH, COtI.KTK.SKr o OKTH tlKi. r tti Ke oit tar .Hit. I fnr sh m ron.pl m t ot tlio Vur'h rro'ln Hiirt I W. H H tILVV, Ag'tit, - flinrlotte, h (!, I' Ksntliwl 4 ('ln-lotto IV n-rt pnp t mm Unit, mil torwra (-oounti to DU THE BRIDAL EVf i HOSE TTLlviER. Py Mh. S i K. N. S:ilJI n'VOKiH. L'FE !N PAhlS ; Ot, The A1t. u'nr ')f ALFRED Hi R0SANWIN THE FRENCH METROPOLIS. z ty i;k ..w. m r-y.-u)i. CIIM1INA i 'r. I'tie Hroretiof Picture Oa'lcry. lit (ISO. w.M.EEYNOU9.' The t'Mi tot Mr t . 1 HEINSBERQER'S UVB BOtfR AND MUSIC HTOBK, HA VIVO qil S4 A'mln'. r.turnn tt unto vf W, O. A. Ahri-in, oh th" J7th ity of N Tcniber, notico i hrebv ij1mii 1 i ill rerun i hfnig olnlmi 'l'Ht, ii'tul ttx to frnt the nun ta m on or belor tlie ITth dif ol November, A. I 8 s. M.O. W. Ml'M.RK. Not nth, -S75 Ailmiitirtrntor. ' nuvl-li Sw 1 KO TI O E, API'MCATIOM WILt, BR MAPS TO " rtie BKUk of Pr Hunorer" or the l--'iof itliti - e ttmcaio for 130 nhri of the. cii!kI tick of will K' , In plo of thr 0 lgiliiil".r(ltl('tw, Nnt ITS and I 0. for laid mtren heri t il'uie Iwu'd to the late W. B. .ai pie, dated the d rn'l now lott. A. KMPIR, EOvie-lww Adm'r R. KMPIR. POLKTOIST. Y"";KY(1olrb't')t. Hiine and Vlnb'i! 1 'i 'a, tor Hent and fr Seln. lite In .liw from One-fou'tl to want J Aores. Terma libeial, App'yto - ' I L POI K, re10-8'ir3w Potliton. N. ' SASH, B LlfiDSTDOORS LAUGK STOCK, 1'" O 11 H A L 10 Tu o w, AT . r. A. SMITH & CO. nivll If (Ji lO It HATlCl OR KENT, THAT TEStlKABLE PROPFRTT 1.00 A te 1 at the I'nlvarsitj of North Ce'O. Una, and known a the NANCY HILLIARD HOTEL. liAVln ben thorouslily repaired and pilntd, la orlei fit for ante or rent fur the sntulng year, In ad titlnn la the pttronige of the atudente, ( bipol Hi'l ntl'orda nnniuftt adventure aa niKoiner reaort, It II perfectly hoelthy, h excellent wt"r, and can biat ot ilbrarlce eecntid to none in theonntry. For rat tiru'ars apply to , D. MoOAfl EV, r Cha lei Hill, N.O. Or, W. R. KPN AN. wliDiingtou, B. tJ. rorii nit CORDON & TURNER, GENERAL NSURANCE AGENTS FIRE. LIFE, MARINE. Keprenei't the Llrerpcoi end I ido Globe, and olUcr FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES With comnit.e.4 anetsof FIFTY MILLION DOLL ABS Office oipoiti P.lot Hne under Hirrhu Unwell, Worth Wtr Street. oot V Sm A. O A B P:- To all who arc snfftrln!? from tbe errors and indiscretions of youth, ner vous wenknesi, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a' rece nt that will cure, FREE OF, CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a selt-nddressed envelope to the Iter. Joseph T. Inman, Station D., Bible House, New York City. dendamawem OPERAJHOUSE. One MM Only, Wefincsday, Key. 24tti. TheO d Fmrl'te GAY1 ORD'S MINSTRELS AMI IJ JR. A B W BAND, 20 STAR; rERFOR!VltR8- Entraepd einrra.r ('rt'li'lr owit icUHle now n the r ectttin fro l.'a!l(C(iua With au eulire new Oumjauy. , , , .. : rutpESi , , . .. . fli'ii'v ai Adipii Ion....',.,.,..,.,..,.,., lioi; - Ull"ry ,t ,.-,, -.,.. i If O. Koeerro.i .Sre'K.. ........ Jic. "fenre vour Seals at UoiuAb W9t' Hook. Btora. BOrtl-M ' X O TICE. TdROWHRM OF THSREAL P8TATK thU wa aotd tor Otty lu .M ab Icauc tun. Ni,.lttk. aa4 riuM by the a tar aifned. a ak'r.by saiiol 'kaih far eta a ili 'ot be eUiaeri ml Uxee arr aid Bra. ti Decaabe u., 1H7. W.P.CA-ArT. Wile, at ex, he? M, tm. inM.K CARPETS, DIIAPEUY. URNITUIIE. iH xit2 attenttee t car Hock of the abovnl go. dr. We are twm r r 1 t fur-ni-h Par lore. IHnlng Kooaie and tkairb with CartHita. F ur ltureaad Draper; to aiat.h, io late Mvlre. a1 at AT, LOW PltlCLM a any rouae In tbe oeuituy, ' D. A- SMITH & CO. nortt BAGGING, SALT, FLOUR. B00 Roll. and Hair Jtolll Hafrflnf. 10 000 Macke UVerp ol and Aoier'.caa Salt." 1000 Harrole Flour. For bale by KER 0HNKR A t ALDKB I.ROS ties. tyineTmolasses. M Tone PUionl and New Tie. 4t Tone Bagg'tig Talt e. fio UoKiiieavb f u. M. Mulayeo. kW Rarrele 8. "H, Molaaaea l Panehrnne Dt aarara Mniaate. n Barrel, Oenarara MiJaaae. S) H"fcTbeedaOuhe Molaaxea. For ale by KKRC'HNEB A UAI D'R BROS. M -sAJLr OATH. II ICF. It HuaLetf'Uaal. 10OO BiutitUtAta. j 10 Vleroea Woe. 1 l ube Butler. . 150 Bom (. beeie. fiil Bnrrele Atmlea. Powder, Shot, Cap., Lye. Potarti, Candy, Jkp, ror tale by KCRl'HNEH A CAI.DBR BU08. HOV31 6 PER A HOUSE. FRIDAT and SATURDAY, NOT. S6, 27, 8ATDRDAT MATINRR ATI P. M. riigitf eaeat at a frat outlay of the celebrated H0LM4N ENGLISH OPERA TROOPE, Fnlargcd for the pre ecu t tea tap. FRIDAY' ITKNIKG, NOVEMBER CTH, ret time her of Leeoq'i laxt and nott bril liant Oprra CIROFLE CIROFLA. ,turdu Matinee at 1 P. M., the Mpectacular Opera OirKiii3rJL,A. SATURDAY EYENIXG, NOVEMBER 27TH, Leooq'a iparklltig Opera LA FILLE DC MAOAMB ANOOT. Ad minion , II oo Gellerye W A IB He. erred He' 1 SO fia'e to commenne at HehieberMr'l Motto 8 tore Monday. bo. lid, at I A. H. WJl ontekeriDg I'lauoe ut 'O. SAUSACE CUTTEnS ! BUTOHSR'8 guALKS, Wgti1 BAWS flneeteol Knlyee of all kinds, Baotaga Killere, la, A tart e atock of the aho.e m)k1, and at Tory low prices, can be lound at the old e.tabllihfd Hardware UoaMof JOHN DAWSON, pot 21 Nol. 19, l and 31 Ma-k, tBtrret. PARKER MILLS NAILS. The Most Sellable Nail In the Market. For iale by -. GILES 4MURCHIJ0N, NEW PATTERNS AND CHEAP PRICES AT 13. A. SMITH to CO. noyi tf GROCERIES IS Tabs G. K. Butter. 1(0 Boxes Rectory and State Cheese. 100 Barrels and Boim Crackerr all kinds 100 Barrals B. R. Potatoes, 25 Barrels Buokwheat . UAOGINO, BAOON, I OANDIiE?,. CANDY. corrKB, ' ' CORN, FLOUR, HAT, t ATS I.YK, . - MATCHES, MOLA88R. OYJTKRS. " . ' fs POTASH, " " ' ' HALT, ' V A RICH, MHEETINll The above (ood will be ollered tery low to prompt pay'ng cnatomers, by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. notlt FQBE13N & DOMESTIC CLOTHS, , . CAS&IMERE9 VESTINCS- BEAUTIFUL DRESS SUITS. BOWS, ' hliilj A' : ..i COLLARS, il TIES. HanflsoffiB Bpsiness Ms. ' HALF HOSE. Jnt ReoeWed at " MUHSOIT & CO. i ail CLOTHIERS. Mt ;- 1075. 1075. FALL AND WINTER SEASON. (..Beat Assorted Btoc4 in4Ui6 City now On at 36 MARKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Ct'lebratod Oninet'i Oros drains. COLORED SILKS, 4.U tU Latest ClvtUBLaJei,! RJfiAX, SILK POPLINS. MERINOS, CASSIMERES, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACEr aud all the Latest Novelties iu 3 tBLA.OJK: ALPACAS, That nsual Spfoialt; v liavi aUaya iU bo manr and no low, that among 10 many goods it li only a email part of lUe aasortrat ut. MOUR N.I N CO O O D S . . . - - . - , fu tfverj vuriety. Will cpon on the 8th another Lot of tlione oLep Henrietta's CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. .-(-"' , -" . - " MEN' AND BOYS' WEAK. Great Line of Hosiers Gloves Embroideries. STAPLE AND t PAKCY (iflODS, NOTION, 1IC. Everything (a Oheapr than lias boon Inoirn for ypars. We only require aoall tbe Prices and Bt jloe will do the wiling. iu3. EU3. SCATS, : No. 3(5 MAEKET STR1S3ST. GEO. MY ERS, 11 and 138. FliONT ST. All our Uoals during FA I R W E E K AT REDUCED PRICES f OR CASH OROORU1E8, v PllO VISIONS. WINKS. TEAralt L. I ct V O K H, COFFEES SPICES, BED APPLES,, ORANGES LEMONS, RAISINS. All Varieties of Nuts. GIVE US A CALL. - Wecn fnrn hTery(blng, together with ALL FAMILY SUPPLIES We have a I arre Stnck, and will mU t UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Our Lranda tor Kluur are Hew Prre,s Em. filre, MonoKram Kmulre, Kmplre ttrs Ah and ami lower (irilea. BUTTER AND CHEESE- And a Urge Stort and Vailety of Fancy Goxls at GEORGE MYERS. 11 & 13 SOUTH FBONTST., ot7 Apple, liMi;liV Quince, I PEAR AND PLUM BITTER. ; PARSNIPS. BEETS. CARROTS. Horse Radish and Garlick ; for g ile at O. W. H. ttUNGG'3. BOrH . FOR FAIR WEEK- A ' N VrU CTiirjR vrt.ra IN 1IJK l T'ar at lowrrt piiVe to buyir. o. Us pot, and 'l nrdvra 8' fid at ih rn Ing Jincs o: then tT '-"'J are re. eiT, tans girinii. oiinunr ere sen ling ord ra 'Irect to na tlid same ad tan -tags th'y w raid bare ir iTeeoni. t SmoM Bacon In lis.' ani Eoics, Dry Silted Meat tide., shoulders, Bolliee and Bactis Ham. I Tlrrwsor Hiaall laraiei BREAKFAST STRIPES,' ! M l. Pora-r'Ater Or nnd Mea.Tlih, I aoker l, MullrU, t errlnji, , , SUGAR, COFFEE, , BALT -, . . Molasms of a" k'nds, 1 Si 8 ' SYRUP ALL KINDS, flour all QialiUek And nrer do hmdied articles t fine Oall or ord"r from n, corner f Iock and front-KUOCts, WUmlnuijn, N.O .. .. botUI ' aVUiUAIi VOLLERi. CScnc2co White Goods. WOOD OAK, ASH and PINE, uuiia mnj a.antn- I'ellrerad to any part of tbe Oltv In good oidr ana evnaiiion, at lowest easg prioes. O.Q. PABSMtTo.no, NiW location 8, Water Bt, foot ofurange. noH tf THK 11ALTIMOMK HOMCEOPATHIC PH&BHACY RElflOVED on September 1st to the .pc oueatore at tin. m West Payette Bt.. .here the proprietors will be pltaaed to ere their o d frlenila and patron. A complete stock of Pure aul Reliable Hnmoeopatblc Mellclnes as well as Hooka, lor I'hyaicians anil family uae, con stantly kept In atock. Otdms per mail prompt j attended to. aaareaa i iikiiih k otTArfiu, It Weal. Fayette Htreet, Baltimore. GUAND CENTUAL Having just fittico dp inr H A M P L E ROOM, In the latest modem rtylo, t pronoes to rso In oonneotlon therewith a A RESTAURANT AND CIGAR STORE, The former will be kept o the ' KUktOPK IN PI. A .a." i,,,,! anntlAmMn wlallintf me will ilwaya be lurul.lind with tke cIioti-H iats, Venirnn.iirsters, Oam', and ererytblng tint the Northern an lour Honin Market atlnnl. , I aliall hvelro,in'a fow . ilaya the aneat Intel' , . IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. or offered for aie In Wilmington. Mjr sam ple room Is .upplieii with U flimat liquors and vltta. t h hiui. t re.ftHntlullv aak a aliare of the pnhllopa rone. itiJ U iililNI aJUJMJtS, nor 11m. SOMETHING NEW AGAIN Win. S. EX0H AN0 COUNEB. 1 1 A -FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY' from i'aris. I hi Lat'Kt Tbtnits out lo th t' Una. A large lot of . CELLULOID CORAL SETS AXO NECKLACES J Jnoth-r Hatidsomo Assirtueut or TUG IC;i IV Ct CO Mil H. II l,atet Style of Linen Collars and C jfl. CHEAP SfOVFr HOUSE J. 0. DUNLUP & C0. i ' W( Pratt" StrMVjBtn0' PARLOR HEATERS. . COOKING STOVES. ILLUMINATORS FORCES, RHUS AND ORATES gsy-fHWees repaired. K ,.. , .,.,( ." .VJTB JOfMMTinM.nK.XTti DON'T FOfiGETIl Are fulTy aliva and Inow that OOOD9 MUST HE ROLD LOW. We are ,ire,ard to HULL A3 UUEAl', AS ANY UOUSE IN AMERICA. Uive ui k call and aoo for jroaraelfea. Oar space U too small to rnumoratt) every attiole, BLAlNiaTS, FLANNELS, IjttiV and OouU' and CliiKlrenx' Moiino Under Yvttt tud Qlovea. A LARCE STOCK OF FAUCY HOQE DRESS GOODS. An Endless Variety. BLACK ALPACA Wo IMalco a Spooialtv. WAKE) UP!! OICNTs 1)HFH MIIIltTH, lAliTL: MADE SIX FOR $6.00. Manufactured from Wamautta Cotton and 3,100 Linen. Now la your time to bay j , HCAltLKT MKDlCATliD FLANNEL, eoommcndnd by evtrT lliyaiolnn for RUeumatiam. Shaker Flannel for . Underwear. Maohlue Nwdlot Five Couta Each. Frank Lealiea' i . i : " BR0WH & RODDICK. 45 Harket Street. ul4 AT RETAIL I AT RETAIL I B. WEILL I B. WEILL! B. WEILL 600DS AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIUE8, ALLv'f auk liau enmlimtlon f our Block. We feel autlHllod tliat that the ubllQ will b ctnivlnrtitl "f what w way, 'Weglve bolcw u lew (irlcee: 1 ,000 vardn llliick Alpncim nt Wleenta O"" I'lillH J, II, ll,n 6(K) imlra ChUdrena' mtrijMnt lltwe ut K) itntra Clill JioitM Htrlpt'd llonout W i)iUrs CblldifiiH' Htrl)fd How at We lutve on hnntl JiQtT ALLY TOO NUMKUOUS 1 Uimi van in HlaeK Aipuwut at o vvuut wurm u rami, l.OHO yrdn lllmik AUhhuim nt II7J conU wtrth 80 oentn. WKi pulrs IhiiIIoh' Hoho at ' ?ut worth 80 twnU- e,m .. .r t 11,... t roil I wni'lll (1(1 r(.llj4. ' AU of which we will sell AT riUCES TUAT DEFY COMPETITION. VERY BESrECTFULLY, E. WEILL, 32 oct 2 1 " " " ' " J I - - FURMITUKc. 1 WrJ OFVKH fOft THB FA'-tlH!) t URDdf At, tABfll AND lCRA8KDBTO0I Hew Patterns and Designs OF Parlor, Clamlor nml 11iIKT lloom Fiiralture, AT XTKKMrXYI.'W PttfC'KS. CAHFETS AM) OIL CLOTH AM) MATT0O t KtigH. Ol I ftUlLilU uwgnat 1 Beddine, &o. &o . Hair, Mo a Shuck Excelsior and Straw And out waMatid'aotora. w a... rr,,. .....,..dPrlvt.Hi.lil..."-l'' rn .hed In the eet HtylfS and atUw lrl0 , neWa-ire ut eU eiuet .m D sen 1 tf REE-OPENING AT 29MARKETST Hating nld out my .ntuo stock of oi l guolf r " ; AT ATJCTIOTS I ' I hDvtt Ke oiif nod at Bi'' Old Mn' d. A fneh and w'l-ia-lnctl S "n kiif DRY GOODS MING, IMS HMS Hloei mil (!. M' i I " Rt 11 u"tA (AH PHtffH. Hulrw I ' tri na a tew lt.iui with pricua a'iufl I . i . Bi I'aMotM-a rronifrt. to R. fr '' : Hrown Oot'OH from t. i" 1" ' 1" yd. (4o d .le-tiisirm 11c nl d in.wnrta KlaniiBtsand "o ton Flantiels jrChaan. Thanking you all f t root hind and HUrral iKttonr he.rKii-e .nu n 'fit. 1'uiij o I-1' r f ..iiillini'iim' f ih e'a In my new tuine. 1 t 't tiav',f'"'v V.jur., ., ; ' Ji:OlUiI2 IslJIBBW,; '.t MA Brt BT STIlSirr, ' oe l ' - ' Hr Hnt'en. The CeMiralci Doubin Klaxtic STEEL ar. li al. by ll iealo,ln e'Atlinary Fordnroiiteoofw thoi wli iay ailfh'W rr' tliKni,!taDuln lla:d, f inUlulna- me -h f IS num iuis, IU i en by m': on ruili,t ot -J3 cents. ' . j i ' i , i ' ii ,,'-.-: fylHOh, KLAKKMAS.TAYrO't .,; ! l:iblIOsdSt.,Nwirutl'. -rapJOSa. ' - . j .iiS'i. n;ii , worth 2 cents. ," ........ ............ 81 emit worth 37 ponts. 87 oetiU worth 4.1ci'iiU 6ii cenU worth 0.'j cent. mauy other gooda AS XOV, T() . MENTION, North Front Street. mem aS k a ' . sik si aW3 tP. mjm "m ruitui I ukc i n our ittoos oeure pu'cuuing A. SMITH & C0. iA Front Street -0F- Atkinson & Ilanning. 070,000,000 Akaet. eprMnla)d. , ; rMRE. '. :" . pa. t'n.o! nr'u Aaierlii .,.,, Phtladeiht.i IMr i n 'n iirn-i'viDi.iiii....New York. in I mm,,! If i urn nr. 'e New York, V Hii'l-n Vi i), Mtn ;iia.Oo..Ixind'in. Hvit'O'd ' lie t lit,. I .eiup'tns... Haetford. ,'i,iii Kl-e l" " y.. .Hartford. .4iiivU!d fi fr V. t.,. ' o...MaeacIiuoU MARINE. M"niitlie Mufnai ni.'t; few York1 Inr (Jo. or f-O'tli AroHia Philadelphia. LIFF. ''(inneet'i'iit Mutual Ule Ins, Co. Uartford. , ifb 2It na. a. ooaa. tia. h a. Boaooa. NEW DRUG STORE . , Market, bet. Second and Third (rtrrels . bns. cooiTa fjoncor.i 80MCIT the attention of PhYalctan. and Pobllo generally to their new irug Store, 'f bey keep only NEW JLK3 PUEE CUCICiES. Jfrescrlptlona earefnlly romnmnded at all houra, rlny or nlht. The, hop hyra'eiiil at'untlon to merit .import. Their profenalonal offlw ta In th. Drug Utor.. and tfc jy wdl ltJ It tUaliarla. SupanUfcM. ' " i ' ': '