V? , , 4 . A! i i i ! I I i ' ; FOL XSIV. NO. rot; cut.'. UILimiGTOn ft. C. THURSDAY. IIOVEIIBER 25. 1075. xinov: :;o. 7,::i v. i? ' r sTVi ' si .-ttiMvJ : - r i. !!'. 'i Villi. BY TELEGRAPH 1 " 1 INDIAN THOUIJLKS. Hostllltlei Imminent-Rpnt Inlne Seriously Wounded, le. NEW3 IN" GENERAL. National Cran-ff -Damastn; Tcstiniunj -Strike Death of a Millionaire. COLD 14 3-8. I BT TKLKGRAm TO TB JOrR AL. MISSOURI. 8 t L-ris, Not. 24 Tn the CotiYeti icu to dm a lfutr'liy Met from CVt. Roott wtt re'idj p'tin(f forth th ad Trtiitjr- to be derTd by the conntry sr. larga, and t the Clover utuout from the Tens raciflo nad. SEW JERSET. FHrvoTON Not. 21 F"rkT atndcntu were upKlied from the College here for pprKistinsr in iM!oDpitur to a etcrrt t"ciy against the ordora of the faculty. J1 wo third of the fipelled Doioog to toe enir olasR. ILLINOIS. Chicago, Nov. 24 -At a 'meeting of t-PKMi sgonta rates to a unraber of B-utl.prn cities were rdno'd. The rates ti Atlanta, CtnrleAtou, Raleigh, and otliT prii.cipul cities in tlutt sec tion have been r-dne.'d ?2 to (3. KEXiTCET. Louisville, Nov. 24 T!e National Grange hcl 1 tueir eldotiou for officer for tue ensuing year. John 8. Jnei, Mter, ArkaJias; J. J. Woodman, Ovi-riteer, Miohigivn: H. B. Hmidly, Locturpr, Iowa ; A. J. Vuugli.Blewurd, ' MiHKi'-sipui ; F. McDowell, Treasurer, and O. U. Kellej, Secretary, Ken tucly. PENNSYLVANIA. Pn iLadrijPHia, Nov. 24. A move meut in Hf Kit ty ahaerable a Ittre num ber of eoidien of the late wnr in Huh city some time during the Centennial. It ii proposed to have the Northern and Sontherr. armies reprented bv their leading Oeneral, and a 1,(100 rank and fie f r m each State. The inrKae is to show the world, by a grand impressive demonstration, Hint men who were in aims against each other a few years sgo, are now nnited in nelebratiug tthe 100th birthday of their country, WISniNCTON. WAanntoTON, Nov. 24. - Iudian Agent Irvine telegraphs, that in a recent altercation at tbe Cameron Ageu -y, be was wounded iu the hand by an Indian, and who, in attempting to eaoipe, waa ebot by the guard, ami that hostilities might be looked for at any moment. Ilia wound prevents him from taking an ao'ive part in the difficulty. lie recommends that the iiffaira be placed iu the hands of a mili tary commissioner. Official information shows, that in consequence of war with the natives, thft Liberians in theiuterior are on the Tertre of starvation. The Secretary of Stafe has issued an order !o the diplomatic and Consular offices to display Iheir flags at half Battt, and adopt the usual symbols of mourning for ihirtv days. , SEW T0BK. Nkw Yobk, Nov. 24. One thousaud knitters of wooleu goods struck at Amsterdam against a reduction of 10 pr osnt As the strikers have no or ganization they oannot hold out long. Pauline Lucoi wis thrown from her ettriiuge in Switzerland, and received auch iujuries as will duluy her engage ments in this country for Ave or six weeks. Wm. B. Astor, died this morning, aged 84 Ho hai been in ill health for a long time, and his death was not un expected. During the course of bis long life, the value of property be queathed to him by his father has been constantly increasing, and it is almost impossible at the present time to estimate its amount, as it consists of all kinds of real estate, and is worth many millions of dollars. He will be buried Saturday. James 0 vert, aged 18 vears, of Binghampton, who pleud guilty to a felonious assault nn a girl, aged 9, was aenteiio. d( to 20 years imprisonment. CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Nov. 23. The offi cial cnnt of the vote in Oregon gives Lane (D m,) 267 maj rity for Congress. One. of the crew of the ship Orpheus made a sworn stut -ment before a notary Dublioat Port TowuseDd, in whioh he cbnrg'8 the captain of the Orpluuis. of having lieeu the ciiiHe of the disas ter. Re ssys, on raising tbe light on the Paoiflo, he was ordered by the tooud mate to head for them; in a few minutea thereafter the captnin pame ou deck and ordered him to again put the ship on Ler course. About thr?e miutee after he was ord- red y tbe captain to b t b r luff, which be did. After this the cnptiin H'gnifhd bis intention to p ak t!:e Bems r, for whioh purpose the lights of the gteamer were kf pt dead ahead, mtil the to esf els camo'in oo!li--ion, the pnoplfl on b( rd tbe steamer odiing ou the captain of the OrplKus to M.np ,md rescue thrm, but h did not hue d tb ir cries and kept on his course. The $30,000 nco l as been postponed until CliriBtmaa. Olarod off,, , . , A'l pools are da- DIED. CHAH"-' URV-TiWaiher U h, of 1. .h tbrrU Wit-T a mot, 'Ittrd ton x laBiee H Mtrv Ann Cb .! oarn, u d I Tft, I I Tb" WnN e-ti .-qul"t' eew the fm"y I a1 r ih .1111. ttiriL.I ta nt'rrd 1h - f4in ri t . Jem-V Char. in, TS.r'er, io. iviiil I oVI'H-k, r. a . thrnce to t ak a to e a tir 9 .tart- ju-ftari s.wvr. SALE OF REAL ESTATE UI1KU MOUTUAOK BT tr i- '. a1 I ',erliiHt wl'b, th p r ' ' r ' n an tllii.difdoliBNt. g. mvie bi Ti. M r and 'ar'lli a r. h w . I My- tnn tn Mtrk. m td t'l 2U h i1 oi Vr-h, A. 1. IS I nt i -o Urd m h Krirl'ffr'i fll ui ew Haw. r i oun ty IS ho k it if.il. t pa" -SI ;m aal I i, I iiw t a.. b ublie a tioa, ai to oiu Houinorin ilia l ol Wimlii(t a la thnd iu ty iX N HkbuTir. n Mui.d alidi.rol lf'b.r, A ,, 18TS. at liM m. t-aMh, the fol owing devcrll'rd ir Mrty, t tt: m g n r . tn at t'l 'ha vtra Una orwc"l i'rrai, h-ypii r.td Hock Mraaia.ll fmt fnm wfavcn th ea.tra luia ot Krc.md -tr. ft In ii ta- . hj I ha mhn lina of V.rk' ftict', roria'ng thcara aa'wa'dlv a'fnir th- pn-a'B !. oi Haeord nterl, S7 tet. tn. re T reel lit and airallel with Wi'til r. rt. thrtnea ti'thait'y, Ht irtlVI wl h Karent t'l,61 !', thnie rntatri! aid t.rl'el at h Mret mrl , I t, t-tn raO- u llneo; sronl rj. t-th he jtiniuii. HAHUrr lilt.LI.AMY. f 6 AC OH. PORK FlOUR. H Rum t. . M e ami Shnu d'. 1 1 Hoxr Mi'kel giitn and bUuaidt ra. SO Harri l P,i k. . aOO Prrela riour..., . Fur data ! KlfR lBNER OA LO BR BROS. DPB0 rlUU ' U. TIES. SALT. VWKutl- HKlnj. , r t(W Malf K 'i.B.g. Inf. v NT'imTiH, 10 0110 "ack. Llrcrp o; and Aiafrtiran fait. Fur 1. bT KKKCHNER OA' DfR BROS. 3t O 1. A!S P IUN, .'0 1M d Harre'. a. H Molw. 1R Hothead, and BNi. Huba Molaaaci. 21 Punalieont D 'rr Mn!a-eilL for ia! rjr KKHUHNRK rALDKK BltOU. ORIENTAL. POWDER. .S Keg. Kill i Ani Siortlng Powder, fill Kk No Dueling Powlar. 3' 0 Krga BlxlllDg Pt w Icr. Fei Sai bT KKROHNER CALnBA ni.OS. THE BRIDAL EVE I un, ROSE ICLlvIER. Ut Ma.. B, D. E. N. SOOrnWyttiH. LIFE IN PARIS : . Ot, Tliti Adrouturn of ALFRED DE ROSANN IN THE FRENCH METROPOLIS. liY OKI. W. M RKY.tOLDS. CtPHINA. i r. The Heerotaof a Kletiire Gallery. Br OR I. . M. REYNOLDS. The aoore f.r .tie at HE INS BE R GEE'S LIVE BOVK ANO M04IC 8TORK. "OvSI Administrator's Sale FXPOSE FU RA B AT THE Court Hoa eiii t, Id tbe Olty of Wllmlng U n on Muntlaj, lierrrabcr 20 b, at ISto'olack, vtthe ful owing piece. of land belonging te the rat' o( Knunufl Nun, tlece-d, altnate in the i Itj of WTmlngton, dranribed tut lol. low: HxuiDingit a tae on Mokaa .treet, 1S fHetfromKtnkin street and running fhejioe wt bltld McKw! tr-et roatb M fet, tbenoe eat nara'iel with Rankin .'rert lfia teet to lne' alley, thenci with .aid alley north 66 ft, theno went lrS feet, tt the beginning. The aim being the we.iern hair ot lot No 4 B:ook tit. anfoidlnir to the p n of the .aid Olty "( Wilmington. Term., one third eah, ami balance la nil and twalre montt.1, title reeetrej. .H DARBY, Uw4 Admlni.tretor, SASH, I. mDS, D ORS ' LARGE STOCK, , FOU HALE LOW, AT ' E5 D. A. SMITH te CO.1 norjl- tt FOREIGN & DOMESTIC CLOTHS, CASS. I ME RES, VESTINCS- Haiie Bnsiness Sis. BEAUTIFUL jRESSjUlfS. BOWS. . COLLARS, " TIES. HALF HOSE, Junt Ktoeived at MUNSOtt & CO. CITY CLOTHIERS. nor 21 BrunswickjDo. Bonds. hh PERSON HOLDINO BONDH OF tlie County of Brunick,1uii or to fall il ue , r rtdjunud to piaeat them lor ay- mttDtU) JOHN H THFKS, i iiun'y Tna urer. Or to MARHDKN i'EIXV,Y, Oounty At ocney, M. O. UuTHKlH, O.crV Hoard of Commliaionei. of btut . l 'k onity. iiiiv'il It J 'If Fr . nh A-rlral of A I Hn-tenf FANCY NOTICr.3 AND TRICKS, , tn Mdltl n to a lnrg amorm i t of STANDARD. ,AKD MISCELLANEOUS . 13 O O 8 . S' icl.Mu-.c tn.l Mimical iueUuauiita.. OLtNK COOKS, STATIONERY NT O TIOE." rpHfOWMia. OrTHIRXAb rsTATR X wa aaal tar OltT teaaa at abtca tiva. Ittk. a4 aroaad h ihaaat-r- Uaad, a ah rr aauaaa ihat ik aarc af in ru aiaiaad i' wi tuaa arr pria (. vaoiaiBa ia,iaa, W.r.0AOADT. WlUBlaAo.Ba H, 1H. ntt-l CARPETS, DHAPEHY. , FURNITURE Wa ak .pol attcstkaa t ar atat-k of tk ahortxl to da. W ra a. prpart tr fr Blah ra-W Dtalnf Kouau aat Cfcaiub with Carpata. ramltun and Draper? to autih, la lai atyle. aal at a DrluaMlBUooaMtrr D. A. SMITH CO. BOT OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY and 8 ATI RD AT, HOT. 18, JI, ATUaUAT MATIMK Al I P. M. Bngageant at a great ootlaj of th. ce aerated HOLMAN ENGLISH OPERA TROOPE. Enlarge tar the praaaat aaeo . FKIDAT ITININ6, N0TIIBER , 6TH rli.t tlBMhereorUooi'ilaft and Boat brll- I'eot opera CIROFLE CIROFLA. 8aturd.ii Mauaaa at t r. m., Ue apeotaca ar VpWB . O 1ADEII ELLA. SATl RDAI ITENIN6, N0VIMIX1 SITI, . .i. . ioo'i'a .park tug Opera LA FILlt Dl MADAME ANQOT. Admlasoa. 00 liallory. go 1 Reertved Seal. ' 10 San U i.itiBtnN at H-lnabeiger't Vutle munu .y, r o. im,at a. H. 10 tihlckeitng Plantwni-d. SAUSAGE CUnERS ! BI!T' HER'i H ALBH. -E. HAWM Onateel KnWe. ol all kind.. Hamate Killer.. c A lai e atock of tha ahu.a n.t. tit olj ann at rery low pri. et, ran ba fonnd at eatabliabed Hatdare Uoaeeof JiHN DAWSON. anvil Mn. U,i.andtl Market Street. PARKER MILLS nails The Moit Reliable Jail la the Market. For ealeby 0ILES.AMUICHIS0N, BOTH . NEW PATTERNS AND CHEAP PRICES, "AT r. A. SMITH to CO. tio.ii tr . BOXiNGTAXES"! "We Warrant Our lioxln Axe, Bay then at 6ILES AMURCHISON, COAL ! COAL ! ALL BIZ ES, FOR GRATES, STOVES and HEATERS, . AT LOWEST PRIUE"., FOR ClSH, 0. 0. PARSLEY 4 CO.; ootOoi CerO.ang. and Boutb Wa THE LITTLE DAR'JNO. a rurioT .iw'ma maouimi voa lioht wnaa. JU8T THE THINQl ilent tree to but aldrea an ra Mlptof Three Dillar. if AR- U1L.0 A Oo., l' Hleioker tt , SiwY.rk. Addrea), Boi 4l. tOBWm W41TBO. oittO-iHllf CttEAP SIOY HOUSE J. 0. DUNL0P& CO. ' ti W rnt 8treat,;Ba.Uow PARLOR HEATERS. C00KINQ STOVES ILLUMINATOR , FUBNiCES. UHUl ANO ORATES A-Htoe ryp aired. IdAa-laf CTJTLEIIY. HOGBR'd rUCKRT TARLI CUTLBRT WuBTIBHOLM'a KAIVK3 AND RAZOR, Needh.m'i aad Mllnar'i Pocket ei The abora ar. tU FIRST-CLASH GOOD', For eia low by " GEO. A, PECK. Nor. llth, Feather Dusters. H ALNESS Oil,, H.KNK8S BOAP, Maddlt ry or all kind., -liADIK 1' AND GKNT'i SATCHELS, ry cb.ap for ra.h. OA1 PBr(R A MALLA D. No. South Fr -Dl Bt, M.T.t4b.4rk GBAND CENTRAL eBaapaaaai a Hvinq vest rirTBo dpmti H A JH PLK i BOO 5f , ta the 'att m oil fro atria, f pmroe to tun In connection 'b, row tb a 4 A RESTAURANT AND CIGAR STORE. Tu fornrr will he kept an th KlT ntlPJ IN P! A ard gntirreT WtlnK me il ela-ify. l-e MirnWieT 'b trie choi'frt Aieatm Ven.Min.ifrre, nam", and ' 1 i-TrrytMtig thit ih Nn-ibrn .nlf or Hntn Maikpta"rd. v. ' t latailb.w'laa.inafea- , , ? . ay. tl tBneel MoT ; ; IMPORTED AND D0MESTIO ."ciGm vrolt' rei for ''. In W 1'ii'nton My i.l.. om i. -n ili"'l with the it'ont Hqnur, anil wlno-ti lisht l. I re-iiectml y aak a.i.are ol tii. ii.iMln pa rira ' vf ' . r ' . .HiE-CfBEN" JOIXBS, i i .... lit. ... .:. . " -i IG7S. FALL AHD WINTER QEAGOTJ. Bal AasorUd Stock ItJUae City dow Opn at 36 MARKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, - ) Tha Celebrated Guinat'e Oroa Graiua. COLORED SILKS, ill tha Lateal Cloth Shade. 1 REAL SILK POPLINS. MERINOS, CASSIMERES, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, . id all the Latest Noraltiea In IBLAOK ALPACAS, That tuual Specialty wa bare alwayi many guoua u ta oniy a .nan pari oi ine aaaorunBDV im o u r r j i n ceo o d o . Id every Tariety. Will open on tha 8 h CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. -:os . , MEN AND BOYS" WEAR. Great Hosier, Gloves l3mhrA.r.Arioa. f AP UWl Eterythtng is Ghenpr than baa ben kn iue niow buu ptyiea JU3. TJJKATa No. 36 MARKET STREET. ITT GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 S. FRONT ST. All oof Oood. during , FAIR WEEK T REDUCED PriiCES FOR CASH QOOCERIErl, PROVISIONS, WINES. TEAS. Li I Q U O H S, COFFEES BF.CIS, EED APPLES, 0BAKGIS, UMoirs, RAISNS. AU VarteUeiof Knta. . OITE US A CALL. Wee.n fom b erery thing, together with ALL FMILf SUPPLIES We hare a lrre tnek, ani) Will eel I at IMSrALIT LOW PKICES FOB CASH. Our Hrnndi rr Kl id. are hew Prnirr.n Em. pire, honour'" Kmplre, Kmplre Bttra, Aili land anil lower ir mIim. BUTTER AND CHEESE- And a Large Slouk aiul Variety ot Fane Oood. GEORGE M YERS. 11 k 18 SOTJtH FRONT ST., botT NO TIOE. APPT.ICATTOM WILL BB MADI TO I'tie Bank of Mew Hanorer" lor tbe la. t.lrt of it lull ' flt.lncate for I'M .harf, of the eiatal atock of mid He , la plae" of the otlgln.pt nertlflratea-, Mot. 121 aad 1 10, for ..Id hare, hertifore lut to tbe let-i W. R. f m. pie, d tied i be day of rni nowlDet, . A KM tl H BOvlS-lawcir Adm'r H, H. BMP IB. POLKTON. STILL ALIVE anfl HOYING VtKYd'iilrtbleLit. Honwe and Talnnhi. mr ' tint anil f n- Hal''. Ill Ma t f om One run tii to 1 wenty Aon Trin libel a. . pp'y 10 v L.L POLK nort0J-.w3 PO'ktun, V. FOU BALK Oil HUNT. THAT PRMlXABLR PROPfBTT IO'iA. tel .. lb i rnlrt cxity of North 'Jnro. lli.a, and kuowu ibe . NANCY HILLIARD HOTEL. baring lien thorough lyreilred i,d Mlnt"rt, kiuf r rt iwrealaoi rent for tbe en-n T. r, In ail litl n tathn B.'run at the eturiemi. ht"-l "I I att ir i. tiiinmial adiautxKe. . .uuiraf re'nrt. It k n-'fect'T 1. -uUliy, lit vn-ei'ent wt.r and tan hoa-t or lbi.il a .Tiiuil noetn thee niftry. Fgr partlou r ai-lT to '' . .. , . I.leOAl'i nv, tbael Hlll.ii.O. yt, W rtr-ff AN. I THimifton,N.U, Bprn-lOt 187G. told so many tnd ao low, that amonf to another Let of those cheap Henrietta's v . - f Line of White Goods. (iOODS,; piION, flC. A VI. iwn fo? yeara. Wa only require aoall wui ao tna anuing, tuia-j.i-i.jjj..i.jif. COALVr'bnV.'V.ATEiS,-' rooo itssi Delivered to any part of tb. Olty In good ftid.r : and oonUUion, t leweit oath prloee. I . . O. PARLBT AOo, Kaw Loeatloa I. Water It , Coot ofuraaga. BUTlltf THE UAftTIMOllE HOMCEOPATHIC PHdEUACY HEnOTCDn Septeaiber let to too epaii one More at M . 13 WeM Fayetta Ht. where tha proprietor, will bt pUaaait to aeo their o d nanu. ann parrona, a onmpiete atooa or rure n1 Reliable HomoeoDathle Medlolnei aa wall aa Book., for Pbralelan. and f ami It ... ton- tantly kept In Mork. Order, per mall tirrmpt t attended th Audraa. BOEKICaK ot TAFKL, I Weet FayetU WUeet, B.ltlmore.- , A O A R 3D. To all who are mfferlnr from the error and Indiscretions of youth, ner tom weakRfM, early decay, lose of mannooa. etc.. i win teea rere di that Will core. FKCK Of CHARGE. Thin rreat reaiedr waa dlacovered ar a missionary In South America. Send a selt-addressed enrelone to the Rer. Joseph T. Inman, fitatlea 0., Bible uonse, Kew lort city. ueoaei.aweia GROCERIES n Tub. Q K. Batter. 1(0 Boe Faetory and State Chfae. ' 100 barrel and Boui Crocker all Bloda, 100 KarreU K. R. Potatoet, a Barrels Bookwteat HAOQINO, BAUOM, VANDLR, . OA SOT, COFFBB, CORN, FLOUR, HAT, . OATS LTK, MATt.Hrtt, MOLASiE, OYjrKRt. POTASH. HALT, lARVS, ttf BBTltl Tbe above Good, will be ottered Tory tow to promit piy'ng en toner, by WILLIAMS AMURCHISON. norJl . Apple, .lciel, Quince, PEAS ANO rLl'X BITTER. PtRSNIPS BEETS. CARROTS. Hors9 Radish and Garliok l or tile at G. W. II. RUNGE'S. . u I i j I " COMPI.KTK 1 BT O 0! TH OARO. llii Kf o t. for mIii I "lie 1, nle a ebrupl.'ta iwt ol the fcor'k ' am ! a Kepoit In dr.tiat .ide. forMn- i'r.. w H ntiL" v. Ar't, i i.r ottr, k. 0. Ta'.l SoBtinal a- ObftoMo leert eopy rMir tlnoa, aud lotward evaoutta to Dally Haws. -,. JTMW JBrKMTItM.WM.YTIi DON'T POEGBTI! Are fnlly alive anl know that GOODS MUST EE BOLD LOW. Wa are . prepared to SLL AS CHEAP AS ANT HOUSE IN AMERICA, f Uito ua a call and see fur yonraeWea. Oar space la too small to enumerate every article. BLANKETS; FLANNELS, a Ladiea' ami Gent' and.CbilJrens' Merino Under Yeats and GloTaa. A LARGE STOCK OF FANCY HOCE DRESS GOODS. .An Endless Variety. BLACK ALPACA Wo iVlake a Speoialtv. WA EE UP!! GIONTH' DltlCNH HIIIltTN, rAUTLI MADE SIX FOR 6.00. Mannfaotured from WarasuttaCoUon NCAHLKT MKDICATKD FLANNEL, eoom mended by every f'WetoUn for Rheumatism. Bbakor Flannel for Uuderwear. Maoiiine Needlea Five Oenta Kaon. Frank Leslies' BROWN & RODDICK. 45 narkot Strcot. ontM AT RETAIL I B. WEILL! B. WEILL! B.WEILL 60003 AT PRICE8 ALL we auk la an examination of the public will be convinced of what we aay, WeJglTe below a few prloea: . ; .'.... , . : .'I . ; :' 5 . . : . - - 1,000 Vards Black Alpaeae at W-cente. worth 82 cents),. , , . LOOOyanlslHnckAlpacna at 68 cents worth 70 cents. , ' Tl.OOO yards Uliwk Alpacas at 67J ccnU worth 80 cenU.' , 600 nafra Latlloa' Hoae at SW cent worth 80 cohta. I 800palre ltyw' lloseat AH oeuta worth OOcenta. 600 pairs Chlldrens' BtrlptMl lUwo at 31 cent worth 87 conU. 6()0 pairs Chll Ireiw Htrljwd Hoae at 374 cenU worth 45 oenU. . j 600 pairs Chlldrena' Btrljied Hose at 6a ocnW worth 66 cent. 1 h ' We have on hand ninny other gooda JiQU ALLY AS LOW, TOO NUMEROUS 'AU of which we willed!. 1 AT PltlCES TIIAT DEFY COMPETITION. VERY RESrECTFULLT, B. WEILL, 32 oct2 FURrilTURE I W B OFF BR FOB TBB FALL TRAD OURCr AL LARQB ADD INCRBABBD BTOOK t r Hew Patterns OF . " I'urlor, Chambvr nud Dlninr IloomlTurailturo. I . at XIMMLT L "W PHIOKS. . CAHPET8 AND OIL CLOTH AND MATTING . 1 aad Kuga, of H autnul J)algn, Bedding. &o. &o. Hair, Mil M ''''qj'i jto,t oF THK BIWT MATEBIAb " Amloui wnMannfaotar.. , , H.UI. ataameraaiid Prlrata Re.il ino.f rn Iheil In the Latmt Style and atU)W FrlO - jiaaae gir. a oil aoa.t ,m D aeptatr RE-OPEfJINC ! AT 29 MABKET ST flaring aold out sey tnfr. Mock of old p-o I. AT AUCTION I I hn He-open! ("d "tar (I. A tain anil w.il-w'lect' 'OLk of DRY GOODS CLOTHING. BOCTS BITS hoeHBlCt'. whl"h I wll! e-'ll t''. t'trett UAaU I'hiur.H bel-ivr I ivu ton a few itemi with prices a'imi-rl : Beat JailiiM. trota To, to '. t' ) ". ' Hrown Ootlon Irrnri lijf ;. in 1" ' r J'' Oo d Jen, ir nn I'' t 't i r- r-'i FlaiiueUand io ton flannel e Ceao. Thanking yon all fr ?rnr imt . Hm ra' pt.roni he et- ln e ( lUJi ihl. r' "p ' fully to Mt t fl.i-i'l..sviei'f tii- iie la mi new tiuelntis Kenp e'fnllr Tun'., OKOiiCwii ii:ini:ff, MARKET aTRBKT, Onttt , Wllrtng'.w. The Celclirated J)oit(ric K uilw Hl'MNCHHIAM are fnr wtl. by All d.aler. la MUtlonwy For o, oetileiin-. I,0 ")J theai.Ham .'- On f-, o 'Ul .Inlii ; ia. D ol litntnBhat.. Ul be entity raMltm receipt ot IV'SoS; BLAKSMA",TATI OW. .'()., ! IU I4 waQd tv H ' vet ' and 2,100 Linen. Now is your time to bay AT RETAIL I TO SUIT THE! TIL1E8. our stock. We ol satisfied that that TO MENTION, Hoith Front Street. FURrilTURt. I and Designs Shuofc Exoelsior and Straw oe oer Btooe Deure pareaaeing. A. SUITHjCO. Street aa INSURANCE liOUOS v .... .. ... (jF ... ..... , ,,. Atkinson & Ilanning 970,0(10,000 Aaaota Itapreaosttad. lna.Co.ot ttor'L Amerio Pbilaflephia, Ph.ulx (narii'e tMmnitiij .. .New Totlr. CoDtinenUtl h lutuiee .'.. ...Sew Yot. N.Brltl-'i Mi I'f.til ' lii.t'o..l'iil' B. Uartloril Kite Ion. i 'omptuv.. . Haetford. ' hatlonal Tire li'. '' .iiii.nm ...Hurilord. 8;nlng0u'il F. ft I"". t:o...MsMaclioiett MARINE. Marcant le Mutnn inn. tj.i .w 'Vork- Im. Oo. of North ATH-'n.....Ph Wdelphla. Owneet -ut. Mutual UL In. Co. Hartford. ' pi. a. . cobs. nat a . oaoow NEW DRUG STORE FRESir MEUICINKS. ' Market, bet. Becond and Tbird Htrr.t. ' DRS. CODOA IJORCOLl SOl.tCIT tb. atteniion or Physician, and Pulillo generally to their new lrng xtota. Theykeepouly ' '' nev.skd f'jhe r:.E::::::Ei. FrenorlptloBS oarafnlly eomprBtnle at l houni, ilar oe nl.ht. Theyeop. b ra-efnl attention to merit rmt-ort. Their proftweloo.l offloe le 1b tha Dree Binro, and Uaf W' ! uUloua.sujIitrti. i i - . r, 1 . 1 .Ii'1

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