J A v. t J 1 i i 1 i i ! 1 i-t , t A 1 rlVV: i in 1 ' I v fc J I K. ' t i . y v. POL XXIV. NO. S3G UILIIINOrOK IT. C. SATURDAY. IIOVELIBEIi 27. 1875. uholi: no. 7::3 (Lif 5nito jloiimnl. MlEYLlD. I .VMW JrKMTIM.mn.YTH, N o tick.: Baltimore, Not 2i TL F.f'h bp DON'T , FO'EGETI! Sixtb l!i'gi!nen'i M N. U .aml sa -- BY TLCRAPH. gacization of jailors of tlie lut wr,n 'pHr owrm nr ihckea . 'sutn A O-it w -u; l lor City lar. t , nb U'i- it. ?".. II' h ami pn-rhMid by tUr vn r i.mi.t. U r by nuulicd ih.l'hx (hi n gr in liue for enort duty at th Vu'i President funeral. . W 1 L. H I . Tribute to the Memorj of the late Vice-President-Crouds Tlenlng, the Ecmalns-Tbe Funeral. CROOKED WHISKEY FRAUD?. McGreere Repeats Ills Testlmony-A Few Additional Disclosure-"). Sot Kicked Out of tbe Iluuse." NEWSIN GENERAL. iousta Races-Disastrous Galea off the ScottlHh Coast-Alfbnsolst Vic tor) -Kerosene Lamp Explosion. I GOLD 14 3-8. i BY TBLEOBAPH TO TUR JOFBN AL. , THURSDAY'S DISPATCHES. . NORTH CAROLIXA. RALEiaHfNoT, 25. A grand Thank. giving uppe. wa given to-night by the N wa Publishing Company io their room on Martin strict. It was largely attended hy every profeairion, trade and avooatioo in the city. A bonntiful and elegant anpper waa pro yided, which wa enlivened by npt-tonea, t t aud hours. .The whole affnir was a brilliant success. rtlSCONSlX. Milwaukee, Nov 25. Judge Dyer bai disRclvt d tbe injunction rentrRinin the Colleotor from Belling $217,0 0 worth of property of J. P. KissiDger, fonusetwmeut. ; MAINE. Portland, Nov. 25. The aignal . Bet vice operator at Mount Washington ntartfd to deroend tbe mountain on Tueday, ainoe which time he has been nnU-ard from. It ia feared he perish el in the storm. WASHINGTON. Washington, Not. 25.-A constant fltram of people passed through the OspiUl to view the remain of Vioe Preaident Wilaon. Krr, Wood and Oox, candidate for Speakership of the House, are here. Henntors and Member of the House are arriving rapidly. GEORGIA, v . Aoodsta, Nov. 25. Third day of the Angusta Jocki y Olub. First race Mile heats ; Springlett, flret ; Katie Lee, second; Clmrlie Cheatham, third. Time. 1:43 rl:48j. Second raoe Two mile dah; Tom O'Neil, first : Buy Bee, second ; Van derbilt, third. Time, 3:49. MISSOURI. "St. Loots, Nov. 25. In the whiskey trial yesterday MoGreeve repeated most of his evidence in the McDonald case against Avery : Packages marked for Avery and given to Joyce ; saw Avery in Washington at Brasher 's re quest ; told Avi-ry that he was foolish to fight Braxher, as Avery and himself bad received mony for crooked whis key and if he fought Brasher, all would be found oat ; said he was not fighting Brasher ; Avery took sides with McDonald and Joyce, keeping Brasher away from St. Louis ; visited Avery at his house in Washington iu '74 ; afked him whether he was giving information to the ring here ; did not order me out of the house ; I did not shake my flrt at him, nor say 1 would get even with him ; parted with him in very friendly manner. GERMANY, j Berlin, Nov. 25. Charge of fraud ulent bankruptcy have been brought gainst Dr. Strassburg, who is still nuder arrest, ,. , ENGLAND. London, Nov. 25. Heavy and dis astrous gales have occurred off tbe ooaet of Fifeshire. Sixteen fishermen re kaon to have been lost, and four teen are missing. The Globe says: Our stock market has been greatly prejudiced by a rumor which waa circulated to-day, that Par liament will be summoned to consider tbe Eastern question, particularly with referenoe to Egypt. We have been able to learn That the rumor is un founded. The Standard in its fioanoial column Siva : The market closed dull, a rumor having been circulated that a British fleet had been ordered to the Mediter ranean Sea. SPAIN. ' Madrid, Nov. 25. Additional rein forcements of 1,365 men embarked to day for Cuba. Gen."""Quesada has captured San Cristobal, with all the Carlist positions in the neighborhood of Pampeluna. FRIDAY'S DISPATCHES. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Nov. 26. A coal oil lamp, burning on the mantle of a sleep ing room, exploded, and the mother And daughter, sleeping in the room, were fatally burned and a son severely. The inmate "were asleep when the lampexpioded. SKW YORK. New Yobk, Nov. 'J6 , The "nn . AiysrtiMn, with Curdum! M-Cofc on board, nr.'vd at this p'rt tj-dm ' YASHISGTOV WAI.HIN0T05. Nov. 26. The fiirrr of ice-Presul'Hit i now i now ifi grMti.g accmdilg to the M'.mi' proprnnime of drr.i.geuiei.t, ai udopti by the Comrui'lee : Hie Coinai'ttee of Afraug' nit1' t PHll-benrers and moarmrs atteudt at the Vioe-Prsidenr'n eliHiubi- in V Capitol st HV a. M. 1 he r niuiiis wer then removed frrm the rotunda i ohmirHfif tht f!ommitt-A i f ,4runir ments, attenddil by the poll -res rer iit mourners and the rrRe:iit st Arma of the Senate to the Sna Cbamber, wher, nt 10:30 A m., divin servioe was performed. Wheti t orpmoniee wer- oonipletJ tlie fuei pmmsaion, n rider emmaud of Br-vc Major General. Emory, movd frcn the Sonste Chamlwr to the d. put of C.sitimore & Potomac lt iilr.iad, w)xre t'i norjaitia wore n'aced in eWg f the c ir.imittw appointed by' the Gov eruur ui lunsBHUiianeiiB. Hie tMHiy will leave nre at 1 :( p.v and on arriving at Baltimore will Lhvo a military e-ort through, th it itv leaving there t 6 p. M. the Hev. Dc. Sunderland, ohsplaiu of Kii'ite, will offer prayer at the funeral on Fri- d iy nioniiup, and the Bov. Ir. H kui will deliver tlmerri:on. the IhmH will be plao d in the rotnndft on Ti.urt- day moruing, where it wid reninoi in sUte on the fame aitari'quu u d for rreS'ileiit Liincoin,. M'-nator bU'Rnr. Chit f Justice Ch meaud lion. Thudded Steven-. On reaching Philndelphia on Friday inglit the body will be tukeu to iihli pendente Hall, whe it will liei'i t.t I'e Until 10 or 11 o clock Suturd.iv morn ing, and will then b" taken to New York. They expect to start from tin-re for Boston on the 9 o'clock truin Sat urday tight, ., i ; j risimmatmmtmmmBmum wtPvajrcsT 1 COAL. COAL, RED AND WHITE ASH. All We . ncrMRcd. liellTnr.d to an PI 01 ID. CllJ. fKO.fABULrT A 'o, Nw location 8. Wnter 8t , tool of' thiiku. DOTT-tf SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER MOBTUAGK BY tr n. of, an t In acjotdntiM wlib, ttm jwiri rof ati. con'.a nd In adenl ol in iit, Kitf.nmlo It Tuonmi B. arr n,l C arolina N. Omr, hi wite, t Mumnaih MurkK, m iilii the Kh dn of Msr'-h. A. 1). 18 3 md 10 n il. d in the KeiditerX'ttloaot Hew Hino.T rnuu ty.ln Hoik (I. (i, O.. ut iti',) IH1, ISS and la, 1 ll eKiB to HHle, t-y fuhlfc ii"lii n, it the Oourt Houm i-Mrin the I I' j ol WMniiiiitin, l tboitid Luu' ty iif Jew HaniiTcr, "'i MubIm '.he 2M (Uv ol lieccmbtr, A. O., 1H7.1, Ht il U for cash, the follow lii dcrilird i r.ipcrty, - It: h jjlniilrK in 0e eutrn 11 nf of Kfcotu! street, Imtiteeii Mtrkot ami l'ock nttO'iB, 71 leet from where the raotnrn line of 8 'Cuiid Mret ta lnteote . by th. wnthe'n of Murki-t tTet, rnnn'rj theme iu;hwa.d' along thp rMHru ln of Second street, (il tef r. thence II feet eat and parallel with MarV. street. tlenr.e nrr.hward'y, and i.rUel wi'h Socotid street, B7 feet, thence wcctwu'dlv ar-il l. r0el wl h Mertret ree, 10 fe-1. 1 t'e fan ern line of tjeoond .treit tl'e hpylntiliir. WAHfUfN BKU.AMY. noT2!S 2(lt A t'irn-y. THE BRIDAL EVE : ')", ROSE ELIVTER. Bv Mas. B, D. E. N. HOClHWWltlH. LIFE !H PARIS Or , The AdTentore. of ALFRED DE ROSANN IN THE FRENCH METROPOLIS. Br GEO. W. M KlYMOMH.' Or.'Fhe Secreteof a Picture Gallery Br flEO. W. M.BEYNlU The abore for .tie et HEINSBERGER'S Live book anu music stork. ioy24 FOREIGN & DOMESTIC CLOTHS' CASblMERES, 1 VESTINCS- iss. suns, BEAUTIFUL DRESS SUITS. BOWS. . COLLARS, TICS. HALPHCSE, Junt HeoeWed at MUNS01T & CO. CITY CLOTHIEKH. botJI . SOMETHING NEW AGIH AT Wm. PYFE'N. EXCHANGE CORNER. FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY1 ftom Pari?, The Latet TulnjH out In (that Una, "A large lot of CELLULOID CORAL SETS AMD NECXLACES " AnoHirTHanlaia3Aa H mi ai n T.TJCHll NG CO H II i, Uteet Btyle ol Utkn l.'oUara ai d (Jutr. . . oeoi W.r.CA ADvY. V i'tn'Bjton.Noy :, I87. DS.I CARPETS, DKAPKHY. FUKNJTUHE We n-k p-y attmihin to ar ia k of the '""'l (' ..r ii mrt t- tun BilS I I'lo'l 1'lllllJI hO'Ml. 4.IH I'tlllll II th t.'.r!' fur MiiiBMit i rip rj to nuh in ia'e ft' . an ' at AT LOW lmOl;?-t a any t oiiKt In tl. ooantry. . D. A SMITH &CO. OPERA HOUSE, i - 'FRIDAY and StTlRDAT. NOY. 20, 27 , SATi kKAT M HKP! .! P. vf. ngt .eraeut at a r t outlay ,(f tin Crated HOLIAff" LKGLISH CPE3A TEODPE A-tl Al-ft U I fb Il elit rt.hj .11. I - . FRIDAY KYESISS, NOVF.liUER 6TB, f lrt tlmi her. oi J le.i.)' iar and la'xt CirM C1R OFLE CIROFLA. SHturd.v Matlue. at 2 r. u., the Sptotitcn ar "I'i'ra c t i) i; u k. r. r. a . AIyi4soN,fc)e. aid .6 SATl 'KDAY i;Yi;MG, NOVEMBER 2ITH, . (tq- n irk i"g h r fc LA FILIE DE MADAME ANGOT ':rolnon... , i jt no t lit'' ,!. H:lIVtdSl " 'I M Sum I. . ll)-.ni.llt'H . ir..Uikl. M...I.. ni-a.'rinn i ian, u..fl. SAUSAGE GUTTERS ! TV'!1' llU M At,K, 'MR. HWH Jl fl'ieete-l. Kiiiit-.t ol all irdn, Wail ae I iili iy, . A lar moi k ol the ah'. uo. il, HTil tit vnry 1 w prl . ran lie hiunil at tl.a ol.t riijni hu.it I'a'iiwarr tioiiMmr J HS IIAWHON, ' !"v2l K m. US. and 21 V.a lu.tMrret, SURKEU MiLLS .nails. The Most Reliable Nail In the Market. Fi r.de by hut 1 3 ., . ,, ! SEW PATTERNS AND CHEAP PRICE?. AT 1. A. NMITII & CO, noriil If BOXING AXES! W Wnrrnnt Ourl Joxliig- , Axon, uy tbeiu at GILES & M JRCHISON, ILJitlLf . COAL ! COAL ! ALI.rlZKS, OR GRATES, SPG YES and HEATER?, AT MiVYKST PIUOKS, ; , . FO R OASII, C. G. PARSLEY & CO.? iiofl"r('enjrng ai d .ti iiih Wa THE LITTLE CAR LING. A 1-kupkot mw no a arum. rK LKIHr WUKK. JUST THE THING! ii nt t're 'o an al Irea in ri nip' of l'li--e 1) ilK a ' il a- Ad liaa, Bin t V. UVItH wwrv.n. . i'fi-. iu (MUMP mOU IIOUsK j. o. umiw& co. ( W I'ratt. StrnJt.;lU.Uiuore PARLOR HEATERS. C03KIKQ STOVES. JLLUMlnUU? FUBN&CES. UHt AND GRATES eyfto.w rpalre1. 1 ll.twjm CUTLERY. POKRTTll,K a.f.T ri.KRY WuaT.Mli'l.a'' "KMVei ANI R.IZ'il, Ne.'dlum'a and Viiaar". Pu"l e Thi above ar.) li KIR8P-' LAI 1MU. For kle 1 'f bv I.O, I, I'CCh. N.rr.Sltli, IM7B. Teather Susters. TTAt-NES.H mil. IIMt'Sli. KOAP, 1 Li r t-i-l ry n! a'd km-ts. liiDIK' AM (1 Nl'-I 8 V l'UHKI.1, v : eh i f'T i'wh. , 0'. PKiTHl WHI.i I. 0. 6 S uili Fr i t "U K ,v.ri !t 4S, a 1 5 ; v in i c iu rs tkal ITVvimj jtjs'j.' nrr;:: iy H A M 1 C ii 11 O O Jt, fit Mtf t ffol- rn ! ?!, I (it Om) to rri!. 1j roniift t ii h r -wjU a A RESTAURANT AKB CHAR SIfl'iE. Tlie tnrmef will b i..r an th.. ' KtTHe8 PliA.'l," himI gemlciuj flu' m aill ' play i turntin'il villi ,! c'1.' 'iAloitii, Veniauii.it.Mara Maine, and tvervthlPC thai l lie Nurtliaru -.-1 and mir Home hai k'tifl'Td. I ahall have aleo, in a l.ar daya tlie Hnel. let ul ffirkiED.AKD DOMESTIi CIGAR3. I ' aifli rid f r.'a"ln Wil'tiln.ton. Mvihi.i- pl- O i'.' ' ii'i'Ud i 'til the tli'i-Ht ilquiir.. - aliten 1 1 ! t"id. I u , "tinny e a aiiara 01 tii pa'"le ! ''inf. ' " J aov'l tm. S3 I 1075. 107C FALL AND WINTER SEASON. l. Beat Aaaorted Stock Injtha City now Open at 36 MARKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Celebrated Goinefa Groa Grain. COLORED SILKS, All the Latet Cloth Shade R JD AL, SILK POPLIJSTS. ' MERINOS, CASSIMERES, SEEGES,. AID MOHAIR BLACE, aud U ih Latest Noveltiea in tDlreoQ IBpAOK ALPACAS, That usnai Specialty wa have alay - .i many gooaa u is ooiy a rman pari oi toe aaaortmenU ; ri our n i n e c ood o . (:i every variety. Will open on the 6;h CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. AND BOYS' WEAH. Oreat Hosier, Glove. ' ., , -'vrsAv ; ;-v E tnioideries, ; i. .... tfmm fancy Everything la Cheaper than ha beerjjknown for yeara.' Wa only require aeall ma moea ana otyiet f"'.(,.:n,i ... .i, v No. 3G MARKET STBT5ET. n it7. GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 a FBONT ST. 111 our Uoc'di during ' " FAIR VV E EK AT REDUCED PiUCES fOR CASH GHOCB HIICS, PUOVISION8. wixsi-:--!. TEAS. X QUO it, S, COFFEES SPICES, RED APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS, BAISINS. All , Varieties of Nat. OIVB US A CALL. Wooan fu.n .veryililnf , tag.Uisr with Ml, mX Sl'PPUES We b- . I.ar?e ";tock, .Bd will Mil 4 OtiSUALlY LOW PKICES FOR CASH. Oo i r.i' il. fur Kl ii ar.) rew rrniir... Kin. fi re, huru'4 Kiul'n, Kailire Kttra, A.h a'nl .'i t i.wer rule.. BUTTER AND CHEESE- Au l a l.i'g- Hjiik and Vai le' or Fancy OH GEORGE M YEBS, - 11 & 13 BOUIO FRONTHT., nun N O rri c E.x AH' "'A ffoN W1U. BR MARK TO ! ' i.e Han of V HmMvut" lor the la. lie i' ilfli i? tlfl-. fat Vff iai. of tli m.ata, .-t"rk nf ra'd Ua a, Id i'nn of the mlK ti'iitfer'ltlia'tv, No.. 118 .ndl'O, for laid ,n'l'l,T 'l lniutwu.d lo the l.t.i W U. Km BH. tvu In- dayof . r tl no.lo.-t, - A KMria. totl'M-... AUrn'r H. KMPIB POI.K TOJST. yr.RY't'lrab'e Lra Mr. urea ai d Valn.b1. t ' a a. "r ' ent mi l f.ir .Sal", dot. In Am t mo 1 1 w inn 1 1 to f wei.tr Arr., T.rm. ltlMia. i'iyio ul polk ; v u ha tjw o 1 1 KIN T. 1 te a i, th minrity of Nnitl Caro. Ii. Il nil known ihe , , MANCY HIUIIABD HOTEL. h-viia! been Mi n nr'iilyri'.aliei and .iuted. m ,ill jii-'l a.r wlc ' r'it fol tbe eueaing wat, . ili 'fi i l ill' I'Vr-m t ' ih aluOeBU, bull i l Kt'.ri.. niin'ii'O ni.antaaaa aaa iiiiuu ' re "rr It I. -i rty lialihy, ha. vn "i"it w.m-i a i ''.w noat ol iiDiaries , ,. ji io n "i" tti tlLonnirj, . . Knraii.cu'iiii'iptyu ' ' k D.MoCAtTT.KT. ' ' Chapel Hill, N.O. Ur.W K KItNAN, , V?llmuxton,N.O. BevZMOt ' ! STILL ALIVE old o many and io low, that among so another Let of tboee cheap Henrietta's IJae of yHlte Goods. ps, n,jni mu do tn aouiog. , i ,.t..ili" ?.".' THE MAiyriMOUE HOMCnOPATHIC PH4RUACY " REMOVED on leptombw 1H to tb. apaxl oa.Mor. at Na. IgtWaat FavatU It., .bar. tb. proprtetora Will b. pl.aa.it to f th.lr a d friend, aiyt patroaa. A oampl.t. mock af Par. and Keltabl. llnmorcpatblo Mailloln. a wall aa Hook., for Phy.lotan. and family ua., eon- tantiy a.H ia atona. iiraar. pw man Iprnmpt TarKL., tiennwao. auaraa. BUEHIUKK W.t.Faytta atrMt, Baltlmar., A OAR D. To ill who are lafferiDX from tbe error and Indiscretion of youth, ner. you weaanfit, eariy aecay, toai or manhood, Ac, I will ead a rere pt that will enre, FREE Of CHARGE. Thl tTeat remedy wa dlicovered by a mlnslonary la South America. Sena a icll-addrened enreloee to the Rer. Joseph T. Inman, Station B., Bible uoase, new iori uij. dead.maw.ia GROCERIES 5 Tab. O. R. Batter. lot loiea Faetory and Itato Obaaae. 100 Rarrela and Bout t'rack.ra all kind.. 100 Rarrala K- R. Fotatoea, ti Barrel. Ba.kwb.aU M AQQ'NO) B1U IN, i CAND1.R1, ! " OANDT, j ' , : uorrcie, . 'T - COBN, ' FLOUB, HAT, , OAT LTB, .' . . MAT'iRRS, UOLtSaR', , OYirEH.1. . FOTASU, ' iALT, ' TARSH,' BUEKTlNl) Tb. .bora Qord. will ba ott'.red very low to proini't paying ou tom.ra, by WILLIAMS A MURCHIS8N. novll A.ppl, Peach, Qulno, PEAR ANIr PLUM BUTTER. PARSNIPS BEETS. CARROTS.. Horse Badish and Qarliok For. le at G. W. A. BUNQE'S. wo. 14 r A.dmiai8trator's Sale. I will rxftma ko a at thk Onurt Houa door, tn tb. Kit. ol Wl.ialnr-t-,n n't M'nnlay, iei'Oilier W It, at I ll.'olook, il., ihe fol owui. pieiaeof land b.kmghiff to Hit nati f r m '" 1 Mut, daeeaaed, .Ituat. in til. iju ot Wl nlnftnn, deacnlwd aa lot. 1'iw.: H :iumng at a aia.a on MoKae .treat, I 2o.tfrom Rankin .tr.et and running thane, with .aid MeRae .treat eouth a r.t. tb.noa .at paiallel with Kunkln aireet IN leet to Innea' Alley, thanea with .alii alley north TVI feai, tbanoa woat Teat t th. befliinl . Tlie aama bain, the waatera half of lot K 4 Block avnrillnif lo tb. yan of V. ai. Oltr of Wilmington. Tama, rma-thlrd eaab, an haianaa ta ala aaA lw.lv .atontaa, till. "" . ; f Uwt h,,., i HI : AiwaVrtiaV, Are mlly alive and know that GOODS MUST BE. BOLD LOW. Wa ara prepared to HELL A3 CIlEAl' AS ANY EOCba IS AMERICA. Give na a call and aee for amau io euunieraie every axuoia. BL, AJNKETS, Latliea' and Genta' and.Childfen' A LARGE STOCK DRESS GOODS. . : An Endless Variety. BLACK ALPACA "W'e Ivloke WAKE UP!! CJKIMT' imiCN MlIlltTN, .I'AUTIat 5IADK SIX FOR $6.00. Mauufaotored front WamauttaOotton HCA MKDIOAT1SD riaANlNiai, eoommeuded by every 1'liyaioiun for Tthenraatlam. Bhaker Flannel for Underwear. Maouine Needle Five Conta Each. Frank Lea lie' OUT PAPliJP I?ArXm21iIVi5i :;''- i ' ' ' - I ' - ... , BROWH & EODDIOH. to narlret Street. UlM AT RETAIL 1 0. WEILL! B. WEILL! B.1WEILL 600DS At PRICES A I ALL' we auk la an examination of our atook. We feel aitlnfled that that th publlu will be oonvliH'dd of what we auy, Weglve below a lew prioee; ' ' i t " -i .. ' i 1,000 vnrda'IUack Alpacua at GOeenU worth 2 cent. i,000 yard Hlm-k AlimcuaatoM cunt worth 70 oenta. , , " , , : l.tMK) yanla Hlttck AlpnfftM at fl7j cent worth SOceute. ' 000 pair Lailh' lloao at V conta worth 80 oenta. taiKlpulra Laillea' Hone ut 4 wnta worth OOconta. 6(H) pair ChlldroiiM' Htrlpml Hone at 31 centa worth 87f conta. , ADO pulrat'hll lffiiK' Httlpml lloaeat 871 oonta worth 43 eouta . 600 pnl ia Child reiut' Htrlped Uoae at Ki centa worth 05 conta. We have ou hand mariy other gwHla JIQUXKLY AS LOW, i TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, ' All of which we will aell ' FOR OilSH WUCES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. VERY BESrECTFULLY, ,13, WEILL, 32 ITortb. Front Street AT oet2 FUUMlTUREi PUllUlTUUel CTrit OFFER FOR THE FAI.l.TKAD OURUSrAL LA.RG1 AND 1NCHBABKD8T00K i Hew Patterns and Designs . - OF. Parlor, Clte InliaT IloomlTurailture. AT aXTKF.MkLV.t.'JW FKIOEB. CAltraS AKD OIL Id tlil. tin. ear ttook .. Vapor, Cotton, an aa nauip ami K'iga. h " Bedding. &o. &o Hair. Ma a Shuot Eicelaior and Straw TTaaiB FF,Tlieft,F8.TMBR 1 D FKATHRR PILI-OW AMD BOUTIR I Andoui wnMannfactnra. ' ,.i. ..aamaraand Prl.ato Kealdanoaafi rn .hl In tba Latart 8tykg and atLow fil - - ,letM (tr. u t oaU and aa tm wp 1 It RE-OPENING AT Havlow)id wit my .nfra ato-ih of old jjod. . S AT AUC TION t I ha k ..iwnert kt t ld. Htantt. v4 frb ; an V w.'.l lect. d 8lpek Of , DRT O00DS C10THIHS, BOOTS BATS Bho. nl C -p.. will h twill a,'ll at th rJwast OA't H;"h, H-anwlfivo toe a.t.w ll.'io' with prion. a'iii"cd : ' Be." la'li ne. 1mm 1c to i. tr yam. Hrown n HUM) rr.im Kt. m III". p"r yd. (lo d ,filr nil tl'. f-fl tifwaMa. , Flaiiil and l'ton F aun.!., vary Cheap. ibaiiktui yao all It 11,,"r, nil run r be'.r to' x'cnJid. i reap'pf fal'y I.W'. rt"'t meeuf th. eaioa , . Ifl ni w l.iialnew. I f , hi ) . : '"Mi' ftllly Ymira, KOHJi LTilllHIt, " t t MARK Bt aTltKRT, ootM r i' . 1 W.li'liigltfn. i HPKNCKUIAJN STEEL PEUr are fci" aalo by alt. 9 'Morn t Ht-t'.nerj r,nenlfnaeot tn. !r-'i lu.f Wlh t.trt tl'MB, iui 'in 0i ti", onutalaln i r'l v "I . n.im .ill pa milt ny mul tm re itlpl t IVufoN', BLiKRVAV,TY'.0t mj UUilaadbU New YurK, , '!T7T1:.--:t x:...:v'. youmlvea. Our ipaoa ia too FLANNELS, Merino Under Yetta and Glove. OF FANCY HOOC a Specialty. and 2,100 Linen. Now U your time to buy AT RETAIL I -TO SUIT THE? TILIES. CLOTH AIM) MATTWG ...I uAi. Dattama a mm PlifaU.aal af "AZSTMTl M.t7 " y,.. ,:",. " ui"i'i'i , n.aurBtooa D.rur. purouaaing. i.va. buttho. Street ah m -or Atkinson & Uanning ,, T0, 000,00 Aaaola UepreaB(. 'na. Co. of Kortl. Aarlo....Pbiuvlepbi.J Phnl tn.urano. O'inapa iy,...N.w York. Oontlnental lrmrano o N.w'Yorkt fN. Hrltlan A Mrroaftll lua.Jo..tiOnd'n. HarttaM Fir. in.. Ooauanv... Haattnra. .. .. National Fir. In. Company.. .Harttbrd. prlngfla'.d F. a M. lu. Oo...MaaMoliuaU MARINE. ; ' Mnvantlie Mutual Hi". co,,.Vew York In. Co. of Worth AmaHea.,,..Phllad.lphla. Conraetlmit Mutual'latau.. Oo. HutfordJ lab 2tt i : hi. a. v. oo a a. ta. a. a. aoacoar. NEW DRUG STOEE FRK8H MEUICINEa, ' Market, bet.'S.conil and Third tttrteta ' DR8. cocoa Nonccr.1 OJ.1CIT ih. att.ntiew ar Fhyglolan. ad PnLlle generally to th.lr new ftugtora. Theyk aeapouiy . key a!.d kii lu:isix. : prwnriptlnn. ' ear.fnl y eomw nnded at al bnnra, dav or alaht. TUeybcpn are' .. at'entUin to mrti .iimort, TbelrnroffMton.1 i offlo u in th. Drag mora, and ta.y win i"w UthCAriita.auiwrvUloo. l .