I s ' 4 '! 0 I U , I ; 1.1 : ' i V f ! i ! i " ,-. WILMINGTON II C. SUKDAY. IIOVEIU3EE 23. IG75. 7n0iD :;o- 7.:. XXIV. HO. 037 V jiournnl. OY TELEGRAPH. NEWS IN GENERAL. The Whiskey Frauds -rijmnutlu -An Eifollertor'i Sentence -Indian Troubles -Wilson's Remains. ILLINOIS. Chicago. Nor. 27 -Tlie freiuMnfr en &nr ami grain fioiug Eastward baa adrtUO'J 5 Jt cijt.. MISSISSIPPI. S.HDis, N. 2. Bon Et1wa'd end 0er Frt'tni in, both co'.itmI, wi rr handed n-Uajr f jr tUe UiiirJer of I'Wlii Hd)lT. PKSXSILVASIl. rHitAwcwHU. Not. 27 Fu'It tu thousand Hrwni riwfd the remninf of Vio Prwidmit Wilso'i at ludopen driiot Hall. Tlit (retiioiii.-i wrtu-ar ried out aivordirp to ttir programme, MARYUND. Baitimohr. Nor 27. Pet' A. Ke'. ley, at'd fiOvfara, wlio was wpII known her. wrh dmi d deail in ixui at nar rmm'a For mny jr ars be waa Viw- Pnul.tit of the Hilwruian hooiety. E. Crant, aed 55 years, a loading lawyer of Weatnvnater, loll uoaa tmt morning while eJclrenir.g a jury. WASHINGTON. Wa-suisoton.Not. 27.- Indian Ajrent Sarille t'l graph from th U d Oloud Ag. -ncy, that a young Indian, without culi.n h, it a man named BohW. vnilA Iim waa lirinaing in catt e. Ht will demand the aurrnuder of the In dian, which he knows will be refnapd, aud ack adice. Oom.nisMonr Hmitli replies : "The Iudiaua must be com- - petlfd to surrender the guilty party If the military will stand by you, stop the rations until the surrender iH made. Chandler to day dismissed the chief clerks of the three headu of divisions ' and seven other principal clerks of the Indian Bureau. HKWIORK. New Yobk, Nov. 27. Plymouth Church ha reconsidered the aoiion of dropping West's name from the roll. Beecher read a long letter to Mrs. Moulton coutaiumg the following : We awpt your proposition for a call of a mutual counoil of churches, and will listen to their fraternal adyioe. The Vice-President's remaina ar rived at 3 o'clock. Col. Robert D'Anges, ex Deputy Collector of Costoms, has been con victed of smuggling goods through the Appraiser's office, at under valu ations, and sentnc'd to two years' imprisonment and $10,000 fine. He i to remain imprisoued until, the fine i paid. Maj. Gen. Hancock and staff. Gov. Tilden atd staff, and Admiral Howan , and staff, nceived the remains of the Vice President at Jersey City, MISSOURI. Ft Louis. Nov. 27. In the Avery trial to-dy, storekeeper Thorp testi fied that Joyce repeatedly showed him letters purporting o have come from Avery and Babo ck ; did not know the handwriting ; the famous dispatch, re ceived here four days before the seizure, was from Barnes, traveling bgent of the firm of Newoomb, Buch anan A Co., of Louisville, who seemed to kno-v all about it; had been in f rmed by the Secretary of the Treas nrv that he was interested iu the firm of Newcomb, Buchanan Co. Sensa tion I ' J. F. Josephs, clerk of division ao conrite, testified that he sent Avery to Ht. Louis in '72, to examine the ao connts of revenue agent Gunther j Avery reported verbally that Gunther's accounts are probablv correct ; he re marked that Joyce was going to send ns a Christmas present on tne ioi low ing February ; in February, be handed witness a package contaiuiug $100; said I would send it back to Joyce ; Avory.aaid no, that it was sent in suoh a manner that no trouble could oome of it ; I returned the money to Joyce, and told Commissioner Rogers, who spoke to Avery, who said he intended to return his too. VIRGINIA. Richmond, Nov. 27. In the United gta es Circuit Court to day, Hon. W, M. F.varts, of New York, counsel for the Chat apt ake &',6l i Railroad, msd i a motion for the dismissal of the'pro cecdings appointed a receiver for the road and looking to an early sale of the same. Be oouteuded that jurisdic tion in the matter belonged to the Btuto and not to the Federal Courts. Je eited numerous decisions of the U. 8. Supreme C urt bearing on the ques tion to establish his position. Judge Bhipman. of New York, ooun Sl for the plaintiffs, stated that after ex mining authorities he was satisfied that this court had no jurisdiction. Judge Boad, after stating that the court was not ready to hear suoh a motion, by request of counsel fixed the 20th of December aa the, time aud Alexandria at the place for . the next hearing of the cae. Mr. Evarts further Bsked that if it was convenient that Justice Waite be present at that time. From the report of the fieoond Au ditor it appears that the State debt ou tha anth of ScDtember. 1875. exclusive of bond and certificates ho'd by the literary ard sirki g fund, was 820,514 88. the debt as reported October 1st, 1874, was $20.957,104.75. ITALY Bomb, Not.' 27.-Tha- Blihop rittebnrg, Pa., U here. Of SP1IX. Mabrid. Nov. 27 It has b. en M certaiued offlciallv that negotiations with the Uuiuxl Btat are procoen favorablv. Tha relations between tlie two couitnes may be regarded as ex Cflleut. ' f UAHE. Paris, Nov. 27 The proceedings iu iu the Assembly ruder a tr.nm'li of the arrondisbtnent system of votii-g cortaiu. D Ci-m q iao bs been sum moned bifore the Courts. The Journal (t ffioial) sys the gnv eicmeLt at Paris baa resolved to pre vent all ni'-etinirt of a character to t x cue disorder- This action is evidently aimed at Caasagnaca speech at lJ- lle- vilie and a radical couuter demoiistra tlou orgauizmg here. ENGLAND. London, Nov. 27.--A dispa'eh from Victoria aya the Ooronnr'a jury ti Id tlia l'..ifln uli Mild not have been injured by the oollimou if sound aud mbstantia.. iueooi'iaiou was tau-" by the Orpheus being iuipfperl etoertnl. The watoh on ou the deck tl.H PuciQo was idmiflioieat. The I'j cifio had 238 persoua and five boatu, the utmost capnoitjr of wiaoa wa io i. The boats could not be bind led ty tm iii)nilioieut aud uuuiscip.iuedcrew TiiM liautaur of the Orplieus sailt t hunt trf itiff ti a certain whfct tiiH Pucillc siistaiiied. The purohase of1 8ut Canal st-tek is heartily approved oy lue .Anglian press. A niHtiiiirof Imndbolders and others interested iu Lib ria resolved to send a deputation to the English roreiga uiiuister and to the American Minister to England with the view t obtaintrg aid fur that republic in the present crisis. The Piinoe of Wales visited Goa yesterday. DIED. BLOrT-At tlia Connt of tb Scrid Hei 1. 1 oi cei clon, "wi, on weaieir, ft. Wi. 18TS H'X r. n , of ;il or Ihe hfa't. Hrimi Mvgr!t K. Blonnt,ibel'1dnih. t -r 4 f ili lata Toma M Bluniit, of Waol'lng ton City, and fur niny y' Bu ignore of the Gun feu t. EM.ru North Carolina ptp'r pleaie copy. ah w an rem tm jmiat. OPERA HOUSE, One KUt Only, Tuesday, M 30Ol Thi Old FavoiltMi G A YLORD'S MINSTRELS AND is n BRANN II A 13 . STAR PERFORMERS. P!nKgMl npremi y for thalr own peomitiai, mow on msir rwnrni from California with an eailrrl n Comi ani. 1 PRICES: - Oenral Adu'nlon ....ftne. Hailerr 2V. Kear?d Heat. TSo. Hecurx yrnir aeatl at Heluabergor'i Book Store. novn i WHY NOT BUY ? CniNCOILU OVERCOATS, . $8 00 FINE BKATKR "... 12 00 Bl'SINESS SUITS, $8 to $10 00 DOUBLE-BREASTED 8ACIC0AT8, 4 50 WHEN nuNGon & co. are sailing thorn SO LOW!! NOW IS THE TIME CERTAIN. uuv8 BROADWAY SACK COATS. Virginia onsimkrr, ALL WOOL, Vtaiin to Outer lu Good Htyla Kit Guaranteed. $27. OO, .1. MnllORMIl K. DOT2S-3t Wllmtugton. New Orleans -guaranteed pure. Cuba, Demarara, 8ugr House. FLO U 1R. . 100 Barrels all gralef. Sugar, Co flee, Bptoes. Broomf, Oandr, flnnflT. and erer'hlng In the g oeerf llae, wlilch we So7 BINFORP, CROW A CO. FLOUR. FLOUR. FLOUR. 300 Barrel Bell Willi Tlonr. 300 B Bo White Flour . 200 Hvreli Prinoe Royal Klour. For 8al by - , KEli'JHMER OAIjDStl BB03, BRANDY PEACHES. PICKLES, Jn, BO Oasea Brandy Peach' i. lOOawsPlokiet. . IOO c'e, Oysters. IOO anee t.y and Jo(a h. Formal, by KBttOflNER OA. D' B HBO U BAGu'KG. COFFEE. SUGAR. 2S0 Rolla Baling. 300 "agglng. 200 Kacki Oofles. 75 Barrel. Cleaned igar. fer rail, by KEKOHKR l AI.DER BI OS. BACON. WLT. MOLASSES. ISO Boxo '"d Voa'A Mdrf. . 800O nin8a , 300 to r'"' t10'' H- Molynta. ' ISO "'f MblaOaba M puS. h 25 PftehnUtBijrar.Molaiaa. rM'Balaby . KkSOBKia A 0ALDBA BEOS. .v- jttrxTiF.r.vTH ! SPADES and SHOVELS. I A.e..l(.aaa,sl.d.,,,. ATWWKhT lyUCKH,: GILES Jt M'JSCHISQN, ! not s Sew Hritwr 8-we. SAUSACE CUnF;3 ! BtT-HR" HcALK. VKl. MiV Hn I Kn , t ! link u K .t rr, e. A '- 1 ol llir !. ! , and l rry !' ri i., ran tv !uul Ll Ut o.U .Lattl U d laidard haue M' ,1 n IM vro', . N U. t . it ' -ii.oi. A f YATL BIC K IT 0 E ot -an HiiJ SCHOOL BOOKS. STATION EKY, J1EH0KANDI J.S. BLANK BOOkS roiktT COOKS, . TENTHS, GOLD PKNS. ALGl !HS, A VIES, 1c, MUSICAL INSTfUfVILN f 3. MAQEL MAftTirl, AH .rttil Id) I, T JOHN Hhf M. Ah V. II I r I If It, ( th Iihitr'Hi'i.) HOSTAGES TO FORTUni:, A "'"iy. I!v MISS M. E. B.tA '1 Tl-J. Aut oi ol "Aurutn Fad ""A Mri.,.i Wor.rt," PIANOS, CC(Ali3AKD CUROTI S, HEISSEEEGER'S I M K KUUK AMJ MIT-It1 bTi'U!' A CARD. Contemplating a fhanj;c In my Ilusl- ncm, I Will Sell at AUCTION. at 34 MARKET STREET. 34 My Entire IIKTA11VS rocit of DRY COO OS Cpmprtslnz A. F U Ij I LINK Of And HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Etc., Etc., Etc Full Particular Will be Given In a FEW. DAYS, B. WEILL. aona-it . HOKRM POCRKr TAtfl.K i u i l.KKV CTB, H I.M'u K V'H M K ' Z"K , Neeiili in'. n'i Mn'n'a t'wi:l te Tin atioTO r l KI1 W-1 1. Ot"'J -Pot ie l-'w b .. . Pl-Xh. Nir. aub, 'rr. G A R P ETS , DRAPE It Y. FURNITURE. V axk .peoiaj attentlau lo ur .'o-li rtli ahovM goodi. We are mw i a' el t far n' h rarlnt, Dlnli g Kooma an'l Chiinih with Garpata Furultureaml 1'raperj to mau h In late tv'f". an 1 at AT LOW riHCKH In the ou.itry D. A SMITH &CO. ntT2 1 J75. 1070. " ,ir ..... r-,, FALL AHD WINTER GEAGON. Best Aaaorted SUok inTtha City now Open at IRJUm IKjHu C!g2. uz:5a 36 INARICIET STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Celebrated Ouiu.t'a Uroa Qraiua COLORED SILKS, 111 tha Latoat Cloth Shadea.1 iyAL SlL.lv POPLINS. MERINOS, CASSIMEEES, SERGES. AND MOHAIR GLACE, i aud all the Lateat Noveltiw in BLACK ALPACAS, Tliat nsual Specialty we have always f -; . uiauy gooUa u ta only amall part oi tna aMorlnieu. 173 6 U R N I N C G O O DO. iu every variety. Will open on the 8th CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Great Hosiers, Gloves Embroideries, STAPLE FANCY GOODS, NOTION, ETC. :;(.; . ,'.. .- - . - j ' l Everything ia Cheaper than ha been known for jrean. We only require a call the Trioee and Btylea will do th aelliag. No. 8(3 MARKET STRTSET. nt GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 8. FRONT BT. ; Ailonr (tox5.;durlng F A I R W E EilC AT REDUCED PKlCES FOR CASH aiioouiiiKS. 'PUOVIHIONM, WINK. TEAS. COFFEES . Sl'ICES, RED APPLES, ORANGES, I.EM0SS, E1ISINS. All rariaiei or NuU. (JIVE US A CALIi. Wmn lain ki 'rerjr'hlng, togtthar; with ALL FAMILY SUPPLIES Wf lit'C l.ftrpn Htnrk, an1 will Mil t IXISIAIIA LOW PRICES FOB CASH. (t--Ira W. Kl'iii- utt w fmnra-a Km p re, iVoi.o' i Kaulr, nil'lr. Sttra, Ah r'iit an.l i ...wet 'irwiw. BUTTER AND CHEESE- A ".I a 1.' g S o in I Varletv ol ttnej QoM tiEORGE M YERS. U . 13 SOUTH FRONT 8T.. tio'7 . NOTICE. VI I' ICATroN MM. BK MAOB TO f.o y niltor v HaioTr"ior the ia- , ,i t i ill it a itilWio tin 1'JU aharea of Hi c'l P'ck f Ha n.lii plai oT tnr nrt t'"'t -TMtli'.'M, Una U' nd!0 loraaw ihir.". "iit tii.iiei.a a io ia. iaw . n. r.. plctd.'.:Uli aTOi .'J, ' I(,vlfi-U , ''m'r ".H.'KMPt'lt. POLKTON. STILL ALIVE M MOVING Y KY I irib,' H tB'' ad Vloah' h . 'r ' ami f r iali total -i.i nn "i"' rn fi to twertr Tarro- io.ma3 Pokton.w. FO I C HA IA OUKHN T. rnltjT DKMitAIJl.tC 'liOPKHTV l.O'IA. 1 te nf tli-1 riiirwra'tjf or Norn vary. a ani (!'.! NANCY HILtlARD HOTEL. vl iK h" 'h -nohlyeialtei and p ln'd , it'i t ( i.r o i e o' r"it fur tba iihmIh ve' - i . .im. ... ,1. . .,i.m .Mi At ih atuitiuta. i i .iv mi titiN.ni MitMM. aa a itjf itrt. It t- i.frfafll'y healthy, ha i Tit watr.ftMd can roat r iDfawk ad " nnln uooantry l or j'ainou u apv'7 w P.JrToOAUT.ItT, r fhailHlll,Il.a Or ,WTU KENAN. n aom-ioa VtfliminKUin, a, v. sold ao many and to low, that among ao another Let of those cheap Hsnrietta'a Line of White Goods. THE UAL.TI310IIE HOr.lCZOPATHIC PHABIIACY ErtoVBDoa "r!mbir lit to tha pa l out Mora at M . IRI Waat Fayatu at., .Iran th proprtf tor will b( plad to tt thalr o d Irtendi an1 patrons. A nomplata Hook or I'ura n I lUllabla HomoMpatblo htedlelota a wall an Hooka, for Phjilohijia and family uai, xii rtartly kept la Honk, irrderi pr mall prnmpt yatteadMito. AddraaaBOftHIUKKATarKli, W Weal rayatU itraet, Baltlore. A OAE'O. Tn alKwhs ara'anrTerlnr from the error and lndlacretloniof joutn, ner. voui weakliest, earl r . decar, loa of manhood, ate., I will tend rere pt that will mm. IKII ill rHlKliK. Toll treat remedj wai dlieorered hi a minainnava in aniun amnrira. nna a alt.addpfiaaiid envnlone to the ReT. JoNeDh T. Jnman, Station B.. Bible lloase, New York tit. deuuinai. GROCERIES f: HTaba O. B. Butter. . : 1(0 ftnima Paotory and Stat Cheeaa. ' 100 Harri and Hint Otckara-all kind!. 100 HarraU K. R. Potatoea. VS nrrela BoekwheaU KAOfllNU, BAU f, CANDI.B1, OAMDT. corrp.K, CORN, FLOOR, HAT, OATS LIB, - " MOL484B', . . . ., OYiriCR, POTASH, HALT, . 1AHNH, BHBBTlSil The ahore Oofda .111 b offered my low to prnrai't Py' iomera, y WILLIAMS & MURCHISOM. , borll , . . ; - , ' Apple, Poach, Qutncw, PEAR 011 PtCM BlITTEU. PARSNIPS BEETS. CARROTS. Horsa , fiadiah , and Qirlick For a ila t o. w. n. RUNOEU ' aot 14 3 '; Administrator's" Sale. rWII.I. rXfOilt FOR PA R AT TB Oourl Hob e dour, In tha i;tt of WUrnlnf u,o on Monday, I'eremW.'O'h, atlio'chmk, i ,tbo fol ut!g pieioaor and be)girf t. 'hi aiat of Km nn-1 nn, deoaaaed, altuata nttai'ltyo v 1 ealntoa, tfeaoribad aa fob . - . . - -k AM UnU.. .fMt i ( f.irrora Ktnkln atr.et and fanning thenoa ttbtahl aieaaeair-av p. '"' . ": ja parallel with Rankin airaet 189 teat to lonei' APey.thane. with aald alley north M fif, thauo wast I'M tft ti JMnnn. Phe aiaaa bala tht wMor half of lt No. 4 Block i. ar(0'dl4 to tha p an of t' a aU Olt uf Wilmington. Ta, ona-thl-d eali, and balance ia aa aa4 twalra awnl a, till raaorral. i la "" ! W.H DARBY, Adaalaiatratar. vara Bf - ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE! o DST GOODS 4:5 MARKET STREET. Oni Ruver baa rctnruad from tha NortLora Market rnrohaaaa have been ivada way below ooat of mauafaoturiuft. Hava ben eotioad to bay mora ginnU tlvau w wautrll. Tbey ara marked and nt oa tbe oouutera at priooa that will aurpriae tha moat akaptioal. II ave Lirad tha Store next door,' 47 M ARKET ST REET, An J will make tLe Largest Diaplaj of FANCY GOODS, MUSIOAL INS IRUMISNTS, TOYS, ETC., Eter ti'ffored ia lie City of Wilmington. Hava do pao to enumerate, and caunot eviu give a faiut Idea of the variety. PBESENTS FOR CHRISTMS AND THE HOLIDAYS. Watchoa -Canary Dltdi-Cagoa-Locomotlvea-Tenplna -Drums -Open Dugglea-Tool Chests Parlor Cro-qutt-Ono and Two leat Veloclpadea-Crumb Pans-Chlldron's Own Dooka and Carts, AUD in fa;t everything comprising the tot trade. CANARY BIRDS S3 EACH-ALL WARRANTED TO CK.'G. BROWN & RODDICK, ' MttM AT RETAIL I i B. WEILL I B. WEI LL I B. WEILL 60003 AT PRICE8 TO 8UIT THE TII..E8, it .Ai..n Qinliinllon of our atock. We fwl autlnfled that that Um publlo will be convlutstd of what 1 000 vartla llliick AUiaraa nt 5(1 cenU worth 62 cent. IS arda Sl a 5 at 07, eouta worth 80 oeuta. '2 J iLt at ooiiU irorth 80, .en a SSChllC 600 pair ChlldrtW Htrlitwl Hoae at 6iceuU worth 64 cents. We have on hand many other gooda JiQTJALLY AS LOW. TOO NUMEROUS All of whidi AT riUCES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. VERY BESFEGTFTJLLY, E, WEILL, 32 oct2 FURUiTUUli I FER rott THE KA' M BU WW New Patterns or ParIor.Ohnnalor nud i p unilMirLt PAUPfcTS AND OIL m. - In tbla line oar Uiwk om'ir " ' 'A hak,.ra,0..tton aid HP i,f Beadine, Ac, &c, Hair. Mia Of I M if Out I ri ' mT. . -. - , tRe,rd iiaf. rn.had In the tatart ,. WW mm An.tilill Hotaia, ":. JaVv, Y. a oaU and i .m ua Bam. D RE-oPEriinc 29 MAEKETST earing ld eat my nt-M ttoek of old good. AT AUCTION t I h.M He -peal at mr Old Hta- d. A fro.U DRY GOODS CLOTHING. BOOTS HATS 1I,..-ni CI whi. h I will a-" at to. www "". n i ,.ii , ivn vim lew twra.illi prlca i'ln- i-d! B,t. !lrw fwia tn. to8. if vaM. iliKiRKin . ,.t,n i.i1. i rwp 1 1 Durifi" Unal'i'i. . MfMli Tunra. iji:oiu;u LiaiBBU, V.H.TI1RKT.. u.i' KIT HIEEKT. Mt9t "iVte Celelrratcd VouM IJastio MI'KNCKKIAIV STEEL P?', for Ml' Of H alr In ef-Msnery rer,Balenoiio. i.h. rrafwin v-t llnuniia.., .llibaiauiay mail ou iit ptoi SSeenta. , w n., - , n lM4Ui)Uand8f.,Newor. KB 1 ' ' rijt..rrf I i ! 45, 47 Uarket Streot AT RETAIL l , we aay, Weltre below a few prloee: TO MENTION, we .will aell north Front Street. F U IUIIT U HE I UtBOH At.tArS D ISCMa8DTO0 and Designs lnlir ItoomFuralture. LUW PKfCM. CLOTH AND MATTING .n.i leartina Patterna of Braaaaif, Thraa-ply H.r tdea il 'loth aat Matting. Alao MaU Iaail.ul Uealgua, , . Shuob Exoelaior and Straw "". r - - ' .... imanuw'iwi' . ... oar WJ oeiar. purOB.u.. at WBHnaB A A. SinTHO, Street INSURANCE IICOS . -or- Atkinson & Hanning 97O.000.0eO Aawate K.fraBU). rMrji-' na. Vo. ot Nor'W tB.rlo... PhilaJ.phta. Fbnu 'r..nraacaUomi"J....N.w Tora. i-omlnental lr6Brano )o NawYoraj N. Hriil.n Vf '0fl' (n.CO..IXndB. Ha-tl.-d fire laa. (!opanT...Maetford. National Plra In. Oomoaay... Hartford. MprlngBeid P M. In. 0..Maaaaohattl MARINF. ' k Mt.roantlle Matnai Inn. U, .... 7orf. I m Co. of North AnurH ... Philadelphia... )oMiticBtMoal'L't 'oa. Co. Hartfbrd4 trbSIt ca. a. ooaa. ra. a. a. xoaoow. NEW DRUG Market, bet. BecooJ and Third tr.U. drs. cess & t:cr.cc:.i SOLICIT tha attention or FBTnioiaM ana Pablie geBorally to their new iirog Stora, They Weep only Bonn. w t,. , ; a Vain loa to mrli aoo. ort. '!'"''"'. omlalath. Urof ator. awl th.y wi.i it tUelr eantia, em irH'1' ;