Hi AM i 1 rj I M i! 1 : I ' I t .A it if I i ! -;i is y c POL. XXIV. HO. 333 UIIIHIIOTON II. C. TUESDAY. . NOVEMBER 33. 1375 XJR0U1 HO V'V' Ci)f ihiln jloiminl. BY TELECRAPH. rr U It K IS Y. MONTENEGRO BHfUSHT TO BAT. The Crisis at Hand -11,000 Insurgents Massed for the Final Ereounter Xo Objection Kalsed by Anstrla. WASHINGTON NOTES. Rasullty Amon Indian Asents-Two to be Removed -Canadian Fishery Trealj-Darlan Ship Canal. NEWSIN QENEnAL. Impeacbmrnt-Flie-Almost a Disaster Francit-Peru Guano Contract -The Russian Loss at Khokand, JLf. GOLD 143-0. I BY TKLKGKAPH TO THK JOT'BNAL. TfKCIXIA. WHSRLiNa, Nor. 29. The Asneinbly to-dsy adopted artiolc of iropHoh ment against Tteasurer John S. Bur deU." MASS ACUl SETTS. Bostun, Nov. 29. The tn'ilw shoo factor at Maiden, with all the ad joining buildinps, were burDPd last nihA Lous, $150,000 ; iiiiuraica, 890,000. ' r PE55SILTAXIA. Wilkksbarrb, Not. 29. The roofs of the Chancy and Qran.l funnel mineH fell, oovering one hundred acres. Loan $100,000. No lives were lost. Over seven hundred hands hve been thrown ont of employment. Mr. Roberts, one of the proprietors, noticed the sign of danger, and gave orders for the men to leave ; 125 of the men left two hOnn before the oave. SEW I0KK. . ; New York. Nov. 29. fhe annonnoe mrtut, by oble, that a contract had been mtde in faris for the sale of 2. 000.0(H) tons of guano haa had a chcei ing fffeot throughout Pe n. G ld and silver ooins, whioh had long been rarities, (fst 8 percjnt. of their ficti tious value iu one day. O le draw back about the loan is, that purchasers of guano canu t sell a pound of it until the end of 1875, when the privilege of Meters. Dreyfus expires. KANSAS. ToPEKA. Nov. 29. Advices from Washington say that Enoch Hoag, Superintendent of this Agency, and Ageut Gibson, of the Osages, are both to b removed. It is charged here on good authority that a ring of specula tors hiive been systematically defraud ing the Potawatamie ludians, who, nutil reoently, occupied a reservation near Topeka. The principal charge it that certain members of the tribe liv ing in the Indian Territory were represented as being dead, and their estates were administered upon and the proceeds pocketed by the Ring 1 he amount realized by the schttoie is estimated at $20,0tK) WASHINGTON. Wasbinoton. Nov. 29. The delay in organizing the Commission under the t reaty of Wanhiugton, for the de termination of tbe amount of award to be paid to Cansda for the privilege of nsiug her fishing grounds, was pro-JoDg-id under a direct request from England, the cause for the delay having originated with Canada, in order, if possible, to negotiate a treaty of reciprocity. The Commission to examine the irariotiB surveys for a ship canal across e lsttimusol LMnen, have submitted a report to the President, aud are of opinion, after a full investigation, that the Nicaragua route is tbe best They estimate that tbe canal from the har bor of Brite, on the Puoilie, to Grey town, on the Atlantic, ci be oou structed ftt a coHt not exo -eding 6 -000,000. Tue objection are of almost an insnrmoU'it.ibi nature in all but the Piintfm't mid Niearsgne route, and notwithstanding a griutnr length by 186 miles, tiny give jrferni'o to it. Lke Nicjiraffna is on this route. IP O IB 13 I O- 2iT . ITHY : TiBNyA, ftov. 29 Accounts from Tiplis represent tie Russian losses, during Ihtf recent rising at Khokaud, a havy. A part of the garrison at Khokand were raHHsacr. d."- , i SPAIN. " JIajid, Nov. 29. - The Cabinot h s di'feruiiut d to issue a decree before tho 5th of Dewmb"r, convening the Cortes. C'DelCastello re-as-umea the Piesi dencv of lb -Miuintry. QLoreno, Mayor of Madrid, bt comes Minist ir of Foreign Affiirs. The royal staff is ordered to bo in readiness., to t-caoinpnoy tli King ti tbeArihyuf tbu North on Ilecanibir 0th.- t- -1 ' ' K-U'J England. London, Nov. 29 The Times says that the btfier Towers were not noli flid of th pat ch's e o.' the Su.Z sharca b'cauao of vfant of,timn, nod because the rowers' A uo right to protert. A Beriiu tel"gtaui asys tiut Lloute- oeRro is getting ll.CxX) men ready for the deceive etieouuter which is fi rncted around Qorankko and Q tzako. Tlie Prince has informed Austria th it Lis premie will irtbab!y Wke part in the ooud ci Anitri has answered thitt th Prince was the best jndgwof hi own action. A diHpstch from Odessa ssiwrts that the late battle a' Tiva really ranked in the positive d feat of tlw Turk. A special from B-rliu says tbst the Curate i f the Mate tribunal haa ruled thst the charge uf treason apaiut-t Von Arnitn is admissible. JSKW JO i'KM TIS If.n f.VT, V A. IN 'V 13 I. A B Y, 15 to W year .old t run . Prm lu tU ntHi-e. noyHO t Kcelianics'BaililJig anfl Loan Assaciatian rplIK (adjourned) Annral Mrrtliig gf th. ud ! otn A-0'"tii will ho hel.l a' th'' Hlh r llinn Hull, W.itn1y THiiig. I'.mh r 1. , at J y n'r o V. A full a t 'n1.uic uf tlio ntuck bol lei. la t arufbtlv rrqatwtixt. c '.nil . no. O H Secret i j nd Trea-a oi. rp 1VH.K will he an fin'gnt m,tltig thi a. ( l urt i) ftrlilnt a 7 n- lnr mora 1 1 tttu Mimer'. rr Hv or''r ! tua W, M, JAMES C. Ml'Nix, Hecreiair. Kt J.ihn' Hall, Nor I th. It " INFELIC eTT A MiVKU Br r'-UiTA . KVAVi. Author of ' B niah," "St Urn "Tanhtl. Who nnt with r.r Mi th "ft I MUII d u t:' i vh cli -h i rtiiik7!tf I 'To he 1 ' ; to iiiTi n .ir t T (lltM'ipHl I'm l .-'I)N-1 rH 'O Lf A tin it n in'i it" fit the Wir hunt tlusHmi ti HEINSBERQER'S 1 IVK BOUK AMI HOMO STORK "C.SO ANNUAL MEETING. THK ro(ul n-ul m eting of th Wll lnl"Kion Library A"H'lKt'on will be he'd at th l.lbrarr room, on Wwln n1av a.entng Den. I.t, t 7.V o'tilork. It m botied that there will he a full i,ttenln,ot raeiutere, a. iftloe'. and blroj'ora foi tbe eu.ulng year are to be elect-d. J b. WitO'sTfR, not30-lt Librarian. broadwaTsack suits. VIRGINIA 'MSHlMERr, . ALL WOOL, Made to Order In Qood Style Fit Ouaranteed, $27jQO, norfflJt ' Wl in lot; ton. IS'ew Orleans -guarantei d pure. Cubft, Oetnirsr, 8ugu Honw. aMam . i ' - " J - FLOU ibR. 100 Barrets all graler. Sugar, . a1 Coffee, ' Si'lcea. Broom., . : ' 1 - Uaodv, - - ... . Snuff rarlrrra, Ant ete'T hlng In the g ocory llae, which we giiHrintei , 't I.IWP mirl"t prlrM. uo.iP BINFORD, CROW A CO. rTOUR. FLOUR. FLOUR. 300 Buret Boll Mill, rioar. 300 B arelii Hoh White Flour , 200 Btrro". PrinooM l'.oyal Kloar. For tii hy KKRUHHE I OiLDKH ItROS. BRANDY FEACHST PICKLES,. 50 'tsas. Brandy Peaches. IOO t'ases t'lcklet. IOO Oaea Ojntera. IOO ('a 1-ye and Pota-h. For Hale by KEKCHNKR OAl DKR BROS. BAGGING. COFFEE. SUGAR. 2BO Kolla BegKttig 300 X KolH "agglng. 200 Sacka Oolt'et). 75 Barrel. Refined 8 ngr. For i ale by KEHCHNKR 4 TALDF.R B: OS. BACON. SALT. MOLASSES. 150 I). S. and Smk'd -Idts. . 8000 ''aciii "'t. 300 Hhda n I Hti'i ". H. Molaiws. - 50 Hl"i hm! liblHCKba Molaca e. : 23 Puncbsuna Dun .r ,r Wolaven. Fot S.ki b' KEROHNKK .t CsL' E.t BItCS SAUSACE GUTTERS ! BHTi HKK'S VA1.KS, MKI,1 H4W8 tln9tfl Ki. to. el nil kind", Sao'aiO Kn'f r. r. A large ftork of the alio.d joiiiI .. and l very 1 prl-e.. ran be louud r t ths old ( : .(OWN KAWSOM. r.-v! Nk. V, t .and 21 Va k.'t Street. SPADES nd SHOVELS, Atnei A KiiwEfttnl' -pt(l ii A !SbnvtlB . -i GILES & M'JRCHISON, no 'ii Ni w Hardware Sloie. WHY NOT BUY ? OlIXCniLlA OVERCOATS, $8 00 FIXE BEAVKB " - -12 00 KI SI.N KSS SI ITS, ... $8 to $10 00 IlOlllLF,-llRl!ASIEDfiA(K COATS, $1 So ' A'aanlllntliem' '' ''' 'now 13 the TIME CERT.IK'. I noy'iS .rr a o ri a r 1 kat. at yate:1 gto m Yea ea lad SCUOCL B33IS, SIAIIOSI-T, Kixsmsris. BLA.1I BCOIS POCSXI BCOIS, - mens, GOLD ms, ALBISIS, riwro . m evi., MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Teather Dusters. TTAaNBSS "OIL, HHNKS 8UAP, H aiiai( tjr ot a atuut. L..tlIEV ANI (IK NT SATCHEL!!, .ry iht.p fur f. CahPKMirK MAI.I..1 D. ho. South Fr.at Ht N t. m h. !;$ CARPETS, I")RAPI2HY; FUHNITUUIv We ak ieo atu-ntlen to nr atork of the aborrd go d. W.a-e n w tr t ared to fur nU-h Tarlo's Dining Koorua an I t'bamb 'r. with Cri'. Fur Iture and Draper to match In late-.tlM. ao'l at AT LOW PH1CEH A. any Hutue In the eonntry M D. A- SMITH & CO. novij - OPERAHOUSE. Cue WW emir, Way, Nor, 30Ul Tbe Old Favoiltra GAYLORD'S MINSTRELS AMI It It A H H 11 A N I . OA 8TAR PERFORMERS. ff II F.nit.ged eiprewiy tor their own III All .oeciaitlee, now on their return II I M Irom Oal Iranla with an entirrf II w new Oomi any. W PRICKS : General Adnewion tflo. Uailery . am. Kcaorred Keat. .I6o. Secure yonraeaUat Heluaberger's Book Store. novSS 2t THE JOURNAL JOB OFFICE itw in a k n'iil ii i(, tin tui 11 kiit't of . ABLE WORKMEN Have been secured for this Department, a d the Job Otlice embraces a com plete outfit of ALL STYLES OF TO We are now prepared to receive ORDERS lor I Wl Ich will roceivs prompt attention and be done at REASONABLE WES. We have an unlimited supply of material and necessary fixtures, making this Department one of the IX THIS SECT ON BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, POSTERS. BUSINESS CARDS VISITING CARDS, , , And in faot all kinds of JOB "WORK Will be done at the I REASONABLE RATES i , And In the best possible STYLE OF THE ART i '. Thankful for the past patronage x tchded to ns, It will be our aim to merit a continuance of the same. OiylJ VOUU. Ie.d. t., f.rtun . A 1i pHire liook unit, el t "Men and Idi .m. of Wr ft Mt,,"rt'',n e ri lling ppim rnpp JohnHlokllng A Co.. Olifli iKbh sankeriaua tiOMSr,?t Hroaasay, N.w lotkt I Mi TOIL 1070. 1875. FALL AUD WINTER SEASON. Best AanorU J Stock iu the City now Opi u at ' r 36 MARKET STREET, BLACK SrCKS, Tlie Ct-lfbrattHl Guiuet'a Oroa fUaiiiB. COLORED SILKS, til the Ltttwt Cloth ShaiKs.l RJSAX SILK PO LM INS. IEHIN0S, CASSIMEREi, SERGES. 'AND MOHAIR GLACE, null all the L BLACK ALPACAS, 1 . That UBQftJ Specialty wo have hIwhvh uiauj gouuM ii in on ly a mu MO U RN I U In every variety. Will tpen on the 8'h CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. :o: MEN" AND BOYS' WEAE. Great Hosier, Gloves, Embroideries, FANCY Everything la Cheaper than has beeofknown fo years. We only require acall the Prioos and Styles will do the selling. No. 36 MARKET STRlflKT. noyt 'GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 8. FROJT ST. - All our Ooxt. durjng F" a i r w:e e k AT REDUCED PHlCES fOR CASH GITOCEItlKN, IltO VISIONS, WINKS. X13AH. L, 1 U OK8, COFFEES Sl'ICES, RED APPLES, 0 RANGES, LEMONS, KAISI.NS. All 7arletle. of N uta. 1ir aria a a w -w We can furn an rcry hlng, together wllh ALL FAMILY SUPPUKS We b. a T.arge Stick, and will m!1 nt IM 81 ALLY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. O tr i ri d. for Klonr artf fw trnii' Kin. ) re. Monogram r.uuilre, a.uidr E.lr, Aili and and Uiwor (,H'i. BUTTER AND' CHEESE- And a Large Stock and Variety o: Fhi y O'i)0 GEORGE MYERS. 11 A 13 SOUTH FHONTST., norT ' . 1ST O TJ C E. APPUCATt'tN WI1, ftp. MADE TO " The Bank of 'ew Hmovor" lor tlie if ue 'if di ult -.are ' tt'tlr tut IXt .litr-. ol the MMI to'k of aaid bana, In plan, of the orlgliiapteeriltJia'sit, N.. 1?H b I a u. lomld .hare. Ii(irt )lte j u d to Ibe W. K. i".m. pia.dilcdthe day of rMlunwh-i. A. Mi'lW, novlfl-16w A'lm'r . H. KMPf K STILL ALIVE and MOVIM VKTdc.lrh;L-es H.ei-pa at d V ilnnli1' lan '.. lor ' out ant 1'ir Sail, Lit In ?l f om One tou tu to Iwpt.ty Acn j. T.rm tibeia', Appyto l. I. 101 K noia aw3w f olkton, N. FQll HAH.K Oil HUNT. THAT DBIIRABtiR PROPKRTV LO'JA. te' at lb. Cnl.eralty of Ninth IJaro. Ili.a, and kaown a. tbe NANCY HILL.IARD HOTEL. ha.lng bnenth irouKhlyrepalr.il .ml p,lnnd t.olterml lor .'e 01 rent for tbe otihu nir roar In addition t' Hi pttrun go or th .tnditnl., haiel Hi'l attiirda unn.ual advtiitm ti. a a miner roi-ort. It I. perfect y b aliliy, ln xcel nt t.r,ai"l nan bus-it ot tlbiail". aerond to none in ti.eeinntry. For pattlin'Kr. au, ly to D.Mo'lA t KV, . tiut i urn, n.u. Or, W. K KENAN. Wilmington, N. 0. " Eo.ai lot itest Novelties iu 8i11 m invy viu ho lour, tlmt tttnong no ui j),tti m tiw uMhui'tia nt, G G OODS . auother Lot of thotie clieitp lit niietta's Lino of White Goods. MlOfiHO, HOODS, . -. J ;. .., .. .- t ; THU IlALTIMoni HOM CEO PATH tC PHARMACY lli;noVi:nmi Si-nti-mbT l.r. to the apa' l ou.Mora at N Ill) Wtut Kayntle St., aliurx th roprletora will beiii(Bel to.ie tbi'lrnd trlnnci. and patrnna. A com fie to .lock of i;ur' mil Ktillaliie HmiKHMip-kihli! Medlnlnra arwll iu MiHika, for I'byainlana .lid lainlly 1 roll" rtantlr knpt In atock. nrd.'r. tier ma'i tr nipt y nMitndrd M. Addiew ll' IKKI.'K K A TAFMj, 35 Wiiat. t'ytte Nlreet, Baltimore. . A O A. R D. To all Mho lire siilfcrlii fnim the errors and IndlsrrpllmiHiif youlli, ner vons Ht'iikni NN, carlr decay, loss of manliond, Ac., I will send a reee lit that will cure, FltKK OF (IIAIUiK. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In Smith America. Send a sell-addressed envelmie to I he Kev. Joseph T. Iiimaii, station 0., Illhle House, M'W lork tliy. Ui iiiie nawiun S8 T.ibn 0. j. Hit Her. HO Itinei Kmitory imil State Clicean. 100 I'.nn V ami It 'it M t'r.o k.itr I all k'.lii1.. !0 lliinul- K. It. I nut. i. . .5 Utic'I. Hti jw ;tat. KAfi'ilNd, II 1'! t A Slf, K, OdNKV, COKFKK, CcUN, . mv, OATS I.VK, . M t Ti HKS, .. MoLAHt . .. . .. OYII'lH, FCTAS1I. SALT, IAHNH, S4KKriS(l 1 lip r.'irne (iix il. ill b nftorrl very low to prour t p -y tijt ni lomi-r., by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. ,"'"21 A 1 I i . Ii, 2,,,,,'N PEAR AM) VLIM rlTTi:i!. P.RSfsiPS BEETS. CARROTS. Horsa Radish and Garlick Iitrai'eat O. W. II. KUNGE'B. nn.ll Administrator's 3aie. rWll.f.TXPDSK K't B A K IT Til" i.ou rt Hint i: iio-ir, in th" I It t of ovilm'iii" Inn. mi Mmi'lay, I'e I'liiro r (I ti, al Ivn'clm l ' . the lol n:iii In. in . of' ih il iiliniln0 t. bi atfttf of I ni tntT'l Nirt, itrri'iii' il, a'ttint In t hi ;lty n' w 1 1 to it t in, ill rt- tit, U ii low-: It 'jtnn ntr nt t ti' on M in tr(-( t. I 3 f"tt tiom II uikin sirent fl'iil t nn ni g h,tr. llltill. Ml'llai-tr l" MlHli fill fntl, theli" a-t paia tei w.tti mnain e reit i oe ' 'nnif' art,t rind W'tli .! I nlloyn rtli ttr) f.- 't, tll:,n M IW tnat. 'llil dr. I 1 g Din at in i b In i tie wea-'ern IikiI ol l.nt tn j lOti-k ''. ai'ltfl.lltlir 10 In t' n of tdt .- Ity I A laiitiiiiti. rm.. nt t.' I d 'an "ol ln'aMO III a's m' tw v.- o n tij rcsoryej, w. n I)KRT, la4w AdmlD'.lr.tor. aB ( .vitir .tni - ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE! ; o DRY GOODS 15 MARKET STREET. Out Ihiyi r bus jusirt turned from the Northern Market rurohaea Lave been u'udo way lx low cost of nianufscturing. Have been enticed to buy uure giKnls Hutu we wanted. They are marked and put on the counters t price Hint will surprise themoet skeptical. Have Lired the btore ut xt door, 47 M A UKET ST EEET, And will make the Lrget Display of FANCY GOODS, UlfllGALlNirRDHINTI, TOYS, ETC., Kver o lie red ia the City of Wilmington. Have no space to enumerate, and c.innot eve n give a faint idea of the variety. PRESENTS FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS. Watches Canary Blids-C&ges-Locombtlves-Tenplns -Drums-Open Duggles-Tool Chests Parlor Cro-qutt-Ono and Two Boat Velocipedes-Crumb Pans-Chlldron's Own Books and Carts, AND IN FA.T 'EVERY1HING CUMPRISING THE TOT TRADE. CANARY BIBS S3 EACHALL WARRANTED TO SING. BROWN & RODDICK. no.ua AT RETAIL 1 AT RETAIL I B. WEILL B. WEILL ! B. WEILL ! GOODS AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL we ask la an culmination of our atouk. We feel satisfied that that tho pulllo will be oonvliieed of what w Bay, WelTe below a few prices: 1,000 varda l'.luek Alpucaa at &(l cents worth 02 eeiita. l.tKHiyurtls llhiek Alpiiuu utfiH cents worth 70 Cents. s- 1,(KK) yurds lllni k Alpaca at 07J cuU worth 80 centa. (H Hi pulrs Lmllirs' Hone ut til cents worth 30 cents. iHHi pairs LihUch' llnt 4H wlita worth GOcent. ' ("XNI piths Clill.lreiis'Wrlpod Hose at HI cents worth 87 Cents. rm pairs t'hll Iretis' Ntrlpod Hose at 37 oeuts worth 45 cents. OiHj puirs Children' Htrriit'd Iloso ut C2 ccuts worth 05 cents. We have on hand Hiauy other gotnls JiQUALLY AS LOW, TOO NUMEROUS All of which 30 oases: AT I'lliCES THAT DEFY COMPETITION, VEHY KESrECTFULLT, .B. WEILL, 32 net FUR.TURkrVi FURNITURE ! KI R n H I H Y 1.1 II l K OUHU1' ALI.ARQR AND INCKEA8K08TUOK Hew Patterns and Designs O t' b ilaHu, Cl DIuli'tf lloomFiifuHneo. ' At XI'krLltI.JW fiiiCe.lt. AM) OIL CVHPhTS i Oil. Hi., rtiir ti'lr in' i'i " ' "to l,'wanii na ii'iK . i.i.oiii. ,.i i.iuu.-, ui.m-ia; In Oil. inn ittir r a ,, , u. ..!. till I Inth &n.l Matting. Aim Mata m. u. ij 'tl.iii a "i ii.li , 1 . ii i' ;,,d Hugs of &c. &C-. Hair. Moa u .,.,.uA.-,s KK. t'l'lli"'''. K K r H P. It t IU FK M'llRH PILLOWS AN l B JLITKIi 4 1 1 l tt uO rtVo'vl' lltl.c.-t. .!.. 1.1. OK THK liKST MATK.UIAL Amloiii w i .vt aii u aril ure. ... U..... In fl.u l..t.i.. ttfwlAa ami ar.t.nia t. A llnlola iti'iinTii a l l f ri.aiii iMt'iii ' wan lioi.yt., ji n , , r r Y " 'I" a t...ti .'' ' ' "" D wpistr BEToPEMiNc. 29MABKET ST Haying M oat my r-nt re tro" of old, gt1. AT AUCTION ! 1 h.o fce pi' at mr Old "taml.. A frcali ati'l l-a--l.iet.il rt'uck of mnno n ni-UTsn. en s ts UliUlUlHU, tt a U i ,, . , fc . , .,, , I ,( !bm,. ii KM, will h ' wll mil at t'.. i.M tJAaH I'RIIi'.H IVilli'W I I V i vm tew Iti m i mill pi ut a iii -' d Hi at. i n.liii,. a triim 7 . i'"' -'. iii.iwn i;.ituni n.irn f.j". tu M ' t-fr yd. On il .1 ma 'run I h In irt fla.inelaa'fl ' rrf.m K'-tmie'e '' Tlia' klnu yntt a'l f r nir-kio-l ami 'llo rat pii .ina- Ii t " -a-- ' r f!' lul v in-if-e r -n ut uii'i'V' f ). im i'l iik ue I'tmlii- '". ' e.ri c""H V. iir., , I'd t tl:,ihT ntr;i T, rcti'l i n e ''ii. The. (W't'rrnc'l Jlnuldn tMvttto HJ10.'':lilIAN S T. - E L ps ns , are for At a by alt dealer. ln'S)ta'f'n.n,T Kor o iiftiluneno. i.Iiom win tna?wlhtnlr them, aainoie '"t t, - H'llii.irf on e.iH nt 15 nu n Id J. mil. ui .11111111 BIO CAI'vMilpr 01 21 cents. taw x tJ uauu f ow. i septo&a r.nxtntuma.rr; 45, 47 Harket Street. TO MENTION, wo will sell Horth Front Street. CLOTJl AM) MATTING . . I II.... ............ .. I. 1'k.....t. ",. - Haull ul l.li(ii, ShaoS Excelsior and Straw uv. ........ . . . .. ki,.ik lutf ira iinmliaa na. . " ' - " m- A. SMITH & CO- 43 Front Street j INSURANCE ROOSIS -Of- Atkinson & Planning. 70,000,000 Aaaete lleprcawalatd. I A n X.trM AnNrlflt Phil atanhtai 1 i. :.. r...;.:.a . n v;; " . u'liinea'al It .uranpe ...New tSiE N. I.rlilnitt Mi .na.'tt'a f rm.Co..Liird' n. Hir(. ... , omn,-.. ......tord. - , ..; ., ' u.,,i MHtuiiial Fire fu.. Uim'ia. Hartford. iprliiytield K 4 M. 1 1. tNo...Maaaaohosetl MARINE. . . VI. reantlle Mutual ln. ci...,,New York- tna (Jo. of North Amnrlra Philadelphia, LIFF. our est cu Mutual Life ln. Oo. Hartford. hOTt CB. B. r. COBB. na. H. S. SOROOW. NEW DRUG STORE pnEsn ,'hisuicimes, Market, bet. Seconl and Third ftres's, DR8. COD3& rjoncon QOlitOIT the at'eiitton or Fliyaleians and Pub le r enerally to thilr niw irug Store. They ke;i only . KEV1K3 PURE HECICISCf."- Fmorlptlotia earernVy rompt onded at al bonrf, day or nlgtit. They hope l-yrarefil attention to nwil au nt ort. Their prufemioa il irrfloe I. la the Drug Stare. Bad abuy 1,1 U their carat a. aovoiikwa, cut

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