) - h'iVV 'A r i V VOL. XXIV. HO. 339 WILUIHGTOH 11 C. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1875. UHOLS HO- 7.C25 ((li fc'ri Chf tb.ln jlournnl. BY TELEGRAPH. THE MEXICAN BORDER CATTLE THIEVES HARD AT WORK. Bow Meilrnn Cattle (ontrarls ire Filled at Texas' Eipensc-Troou Joining (be Raiders, if. NEWS I N Q ENE R AL. Marine Disasters -Appointment -fold Weather Serloas Illness of Chas. O'lonor-Dj dropbobla, 4c. GOLD 151-4. WEST YIRGIXIA. WHKKiiiNO, Ivor. 80. Artic'oa of impeachment againat G. A. BouLett, Auditor, were vdptt d. MAINE. Wade'Boro", "Ma.; Nov. 30. Th iu-lir Jnl.n Sntnrra Oiitialzml in B.M.t.li Bay 1 bur. TLe captain and one man were tout. MICBIGAX. " Detroit, Not. 30 A furlon north 4.weitRHH b'owin? and the Vrettuer ia iuteuaelv oold. Sttvpral vsoh re anhore and a pood many have broken from their mooring. The barge Wanne-an la on a reef. Captain Mo Kenzie, hia wife, two children and the crew are supposed to have been lost. MASSACHUSETTS. Bostos, Not. 30. A galp extended along the New England coast with a ve'ocitT bere, at one time, of 65 mi led an hour. A large school-house at We terville waa uuroofed while the achool was in session. The children eaoaped without erione injury Unprecedented o dd weather for tho season, In all section! of New Eng land the thermometer ranges from two to twenty two degrees below Zero. I DIANA. Indianapolis, Not. 80. - Io the crook d whiakey trial J. W. and Gor don BiDRbam were called and their joint appearance bond of $.'5,000 for feited. Gordon Bingham ia in Evans Title nick, and J. W. Bingham ia at 8r. Lorn, where be ban been surrendered 'jy hia Kuretieg on another indictment. The following plead guilty : Geo. S. Simouaon, John E. Phillips Harrison Milier, David M. Lewis, Geo, Hagan, Geo. F. Crisp. Christopher Ca?honan, M. Momfo d kBil Dennis Reilly. ""PESSSYLVAXIA. Philadelphia, Not. 30. A child 8 years of age died of hydrophobia. Hlie was bitteu by a dog November 8tb. The same dog also bit two other chil dren. " Milfoed, Pa., Not. 30 The ther mometer two degrees above zero. The Delaware is frozen over. Thn remains found among the ruins of the barn in Lebaiion township, which was destioyed by fire, are be lieved to be th.ise of Frances Stuart, a female notion peddlar, who wis recently lodged in btandnhnry jail for shooting Slid attempting to lob a farmer, and whost tire to the cmrt . bonne, and made her escape by jump ing from a window. . . . . SEW I0RI. Tort Jabvis, N. Y.;' Not. 30 Tie Caual closed from tl'inesdnle to Ellen vilie. A'l of the boats wiil reach tide water to-day, when the c.iual will be cloned. Pouohkeepsib, N. Y., Nov. 30 The TTiitlaoti in frozen frum lipiinn tn Alhn. ry. The thermometer is at zro. All Iiight the steamers were behind. New Poke. Nov. 30 At midnight 0'Cot.uor was still alive and sleeping soundly but his recovery is consider ed very unvr by n. New Yoni Nov. 30. O'Connor re mains in tho acme ocdition. . Cubans here have information that the Spanish ueueral Sebas Marin Las been twice defeated by the insurrec tionists and Martin himself mortally wounded. . , WASniXGTO.V. Washington, Nov. 80. Hou. Fran cis E. Bhobrr, of North Carolina, Sec retary of the DamoentieOiugresional Committee of the Foity-st eond Con green, lm grtat stnugtli for Clerk of the House. Judge Advocate-General Holt Las Ken retired on hm own application. General Dunn has been appointed Jndge.Advocate. Information from the Bio Grande n pit-sent the tronbie from oattle steal ing as bud as ever. Mexican raidtrs Lave a eontraot to deliver 18,1)00 head ai Moutercy and expect to steal them from Texas. The soldiers sent by the Mexican Government to tho frontier to prevent raids often desert to the cattle thieves, thna increasing instead pf diminishing toe depredations. Cor tina himself Las been detected in ship ping cattle from Bagdad to Cuba and tud the cattle bearing the "marks of Texaus. It is also known tbat'the cat tle stealers are eugaged io smuggling goo.ls ibto Teiav The office hours of the Executivo Department will hereafter be from 9 to to clock. Byjrder of the Cabinet to day. The following from Gen, Babcock was sent to Hon. D P., Dyer, U. h. Distnct.'Attorney at St. Louis, Mo.: ' am ab-olutely innoemt. and ev ery telegram which I sei t will appear perfectly innnnoiit the moment 1 can be heard; I demand a bearing befoie the Court. When eu I Utstil) f ' , ' Tberrenident liastendrred the Con; miMd.inship of ludian Affairs t ex Conreiaan W'm. II. UjU.-n, f Uhi' . The Demo ratio euius meN t 2 o'clock Satnrdav in the ball of the I House. The use of the hall gi u the party which makes t'ne SjHker. The follow. ng ia a diep-tcti fgned ".Sylph." tLe htnlwritiu,? of wh;-h whm identified as tLt of Oei. O. E. Babcoek: "Wasaisoton, D.c. 13, lTt. Gen. John McDonald, St. Lorn.-: "I succeeded. They will cot go I wi'l write Ton ' "J" telegraphs Balicock on Di c. 3d. 18774:. "Ila the Secudary or C-nimisMoue'r order d auyb nly here?" The following will be the contisuts t k eats in the i ext linage ot Kej r--: . tttues : rionUi. t.niey T- "U'l ; Al abama, Brom'ierg vs. tlnra'son ; l.on- isiat a, Speuenr vs. Morey and Bn-aux vs. R titey j Virginia, Piatt t. Ooode, CfBA. IIatana. Nov. 30 AKoi birth day waa oelebrated by a military and fireman's parade. kw .f in 'i. it ti i n.n x-r rs. N" O frjC K . WI'.l t- lit t p I'll ! l.ui'n''U i : v' C, 'n -th .r1v. lirm'ifr it; 18 : lut'mk, H M ,iuh:w "iir . ? I 11 p ' ), b mi , lb a 1 tr u k1- at fnotti-d, In.aiHl mI, m jw ov-viu I l-JT Su. Yoip. That lortlon nu'lh r tu Hail ' '' tra. kti) bn mU -(mrielv, 'ILre it unli'y unimpr (Ml lulu n iirct. anil foil' u- ailf ui imu'OTfd hit on Fthiv.rr'-, lit. a mi ou Bllri)d. tor Mri'cu'T- tn ' ,. CRONLT & MORRIS, TH 5 x.Kiilar o IM Vrntlngnf lh (',' ill t't bo d i tho rill"K-i.r PU)iiirlu M bu Toird itrel, 00 WMHie.d , I fe lil. 1875. -tf W. Hi 1 Y. dtcl-lt 8critcf. OLD WIN K8 1 h Lrfit B'ock ami 1 h 4e. Hr nls In th bUl. Ei.mlns oni M j'ior. l.tluro puiolvlng. Jamat a Hum, Hand Mad Hour Ma.h wMhIt. 1'uie Muiland Ola. Blue Or, Kuntaokv Gem, Biwen. d1 I'ouibi'n 1! DISHES. HARMONY SHERRY, The Chulcett ever olTereil In thla stale. 20 Weete Oolong and Imperial Tea, from inpo ter. Hale at hall prlci. -na Wi SO Tb Butter. Bcit In the Worlt." E.NOLISII CHEESE, We are aenu for the "UNIVERSAL BITTERS," A poaitlre ours tor nrrrou d. blllly. (Iiirclal I'iducemeru to Uanh baverr. A l.arre and Oereral Awoitmeut of Choice and i A'ril.iPaM. MALAGA CRAP?, In Ciu'ters, 3 pcunda lur SM1, at ; GEOltOE MYEltS, di-cl II anu I? 8outh From Mtnut. Feather Dusters. HARNESS OH HAHVEiji SOAP, euMlory of all kimln. LlOIEV ANIi G'HTM SAICHrLS, r-ry chi ap i'it caul'. UAIiPKNTKR MAL1-A 'T. ' 0. 8 9jutb Kr.i.t t, NiT.4!h,W5 ! . .1 li THK (adJ'Mtrned) Annual .MreM''g f the iliarelio'd-.n of the Mflia 1I.0' lOii'din and I n i'i Aoi'ation will bf hnbl ai the Hiber nian H .11, Wednesday eienlng. Dei' nib. r In , at 7Ji o'fl'qck. A roll attrnitauoa of ih rtue. holdeie ti earneiit'iy reqnetted. C. "IJ.I , nor'O It aecretiiry and Trea-.irpT. ."infeliojeT"" M VKL. Bt AtjuUlTA I. EV'AK I. Author of B-niah," "It Mm",'!- Vaah't." who t'ft nrit n ad fl'b rir d-M 'It Hie ll.lt .Mil U.l'll KV .IJ-? I', i it... , . -. -a--. i .-w.ii mil. .1 w:vjj.'h... deriti1. i"I iK-i'ini. tug aty!--; th-.' i-iiil-UMl dnjdi'. t'i'wii cli nL.- aiiiki lS" iiiiiTlTt(7frniTii nafii e, tn'irbliig Ita mot .nrnd olmrde mid kiirinei.; iiw In"." n"iiTT"r a'iii''ViBrr""i.ii h"r I'fiar i.ii.ia n-t tnn v.tv iu .'hTmiI'i-I wn'..w.M.,L....ii, iiayn.awii i i.n hii-i. I U""Of lu r 1 In iMpai r )' 1 ' " 0 "'e ai nn 1 11 i Inmrea' tn thn w irkaot th a tSnu I'. ..- ia ma . 1 1 in in.. 1 1 ttm. em 'iti'iira-a " duetrm eued a"d I'd' a'e at HEINSBEEGER'S LIVK BOOK AMI MDsjc S'l'dlZI. novSO " BROADWAY SACK SUi. VIHOINJA "aSSIVKRK, ALL WOOL, Made to Order in Onod Htjle Kit Ouaiantned, $27.00, .1 UnlW.U U li If J. MoCORvii' K, noT2).3t Wilmington. AT AUCTION. Thl-mirn'ngat l o'libwk we alll fell a! hlii our tire, aoi!h Krnni S.rot, hi a-aort-met tot , XUY GOODS, MHOK-, left r hniu at e u a OTjaiber. , Sale l ya CHQMLY & 1iaKKIS, UooUlt Aaoiloaeora. ' a u .1 1 -a f it K.n :,m mm m The Great Secret of the Weiderfnl SUCCESS CF VEGETiKE. ! nt-il. - "h fw.tof dl-e. J port tia Mi i. .-. t finjt hr Hi r .id Im.j v i t y ..'Uii, in. iuf Ai,i.g tbe Dt ruu, iim. Kelliili'e EvWcnc W. M H.!I V N: Iii-.4 -in 1 l',i Dim i"lirhi a 'd my itiih jn i.i I (jr-ii :i u' r 'u ' i.irilT -.,! fi fHr-T t yo'T - ill f ' iln ill. eii i A iei"T - or 1 ilii 1 1 ihUiW iioiigb "n hr n't in 1 i. '' r, ir I w i t-.in'-l A .i,r Vii't i-b f't-1 -il i!..1 lt,' a'anh, , i! 1 h i, iu, id .n!i'n . i: IH til .t it wiiii ) h--ii 5.11 t' 11 :h t i'i.ni'1 W T-'T hrih ant i. (!. - id V.okii h 1 11 --.I mi ; nl 1 Ju ri ( th.ik .if 1 n t!itim- ' o a-iini a oii-i1iivi e V hh mi, aril I ;o tt lna II .iiii nf 'h- '-it iBi'itii'iiii-n fov e iigli an 1 vt"k i ' H'ni' fi'- T iT a tli ii t nrs. ml mIv'm rv-y ui, in ta .e Hio Vnm' i f ir 1 ran k r r- th-m Ilia. It I-ut a i n.flnl nr-dli'lue. Iliiuitrfi; ill'. 1 I.IIIIK, 1 or. M ti il'nn auil Wlnnt k i-h-'ii. Oiiali I ,:ge Mm THOUSANDS SPEAK. V JKlisa I i'krnlrilaM 'i ' r'm mn1. td hv'l ' p ttn-rut . .i be ha 1 11- II T h ' mil 11' tn hl-uk! t d i:' ', hi d ill i'i"nii " ik nil. pr-laeah! fca.e lii"t;iij-.uwrU to h.. a th w Feport from a Practical Chemist and Apothecary. I'twrua, Jn. I IS74 1 a 1 -- T' I- ! l I 'tut 1 h?f en d at r til' iRIJj ! I 9"J ottlii 01 onr VanKTiNR ue Ainll 1", 1 -TO) and mi trul. hi th la iji'iin 'lii '.l-fi-llin of r. -1. I.-. 1 , ! .il'l 'Jill- f..r Itlllrh It ' r r-nrnin 'ii I- it t)i l I ev.- 11 tl I. Nri-1. a d.f p - , wlf, iiii m'liii uf m r n.tunn rm -1 1 T 111 s 'limn.' It 1111 Hifmu'liri. n- tlilr frl' n I ni i-M-ff.-t v "i'n ii t fif mvn ui nm-n of -rr l"ul in. !' n o'ii elng rail1'' bj rauan! l mi- tn (Mi .lito i'T Vrrr he p iirif i"t v n ., Al M N. 4i Broadway. Tn H R. TkV.ai. E g. V E G E-T.l N E Mill Cleanse Scrofula from the Iji tein. HONEST OPINION. Sl a. M . SI I'VU'S : l'A HiB 'I'M. 1. t' i'nw tl a VI K III fifc neck In .!' ary, 1-04. l h Snmlna. w'lleh ''nine on' n H'g' tor .ami nlcia "n hi. t.-ir d hip. Hi nwcliml no than t.i(ii tumi'u Ha hid .arl dni-tui. 111 Meh .'inillni In ih.'r pTOtf-Mimt.t.irn fron Bi t n anl Hr f i)" (jhr e-tnn Tilthint gctt'H! a bit I'i't'rr. Hi it a. nb'lgd to He wl i-ri-ver he w plaivt, lur hn hd d" of b" lrnva tlift-i, .1 hid (liiin nu -1'iw.nl hl-Hvii'tf W-W- r-t M to Ut V K (I Pl TE Ibi j'fit IT i d ri-moily; and lie bad ti k i It hut a .ii tt time bi t'u'e we could e a I' I rti.Tgn. '1'ne -an 'i bad Iha' we bait tue 'ange thn .:inh.' four or Are t'mi. a J.t. MtlM. b gpttl.ig lifttir j for h- fn d mm Hi I'm' anil hoit hni. tlr a II tie He wiih tn'nn able 'o..l np In he..nd,bya c"n tnt neof V""'KTJNK It bmrnie 1 him Hr hn a Inine leg wbirli l a w II prohibit hnm for li'i. ; bn 'l h -nu'ly he!b'?.. If we bad nM VKOK'i I N " ln-forfl we t all nntl,rrd wl'h th'i rt mtnr". Ir w mid hiTfi aaf'-d the line or hi. I g .nd re lii.oit It '1 naiu'Al he.lt . I h'lte an tbnii rn"ble.1 th "crnfnla wl I read tb' ta.'.imnuT of me Hnil iar oi, aho I. now well an 1 able to Mie.k for I lm ir. , 1' I J iINK VArT't.NKY. , I V IKl.MAH'iNUT, id Trenton tt., Charleston, MaM. Miv 10, 1S72 Thi aoe n'ain bnt honmt flatrm-nt on- uln-iT'ly hhnw" the qn'-k end thorniinh rleatie. Inge fleet of the VI GKT'NK In Scrulula. Vfofttnr I arVnowl. 1 11 1 by aP nlae'ea of .mi. e in In th- n-j an I mm reliable nuso.1 purifier n th ' ji Id. U.ii'1-lm Vearellne ! Sold by nil BruirirWs. AGENTS WANTF0 ! Veflnta and Oiplomai Awarded t. HotMAvsntnTnnm mni eti sm I iu I UilnC liiULLU 1300 llliistratlnn. d'tte- fur n w niienlar., A. J. HOL7.1 Afl & CO. Aucjii m., P11: -.I .i l:i i'i. & I), r'ltm 41 V T MllJI. ( II II .T. IMi, tiiiw f'M)'ir '-I'! in 11 f winiit' anil .i tin. Niv tn l a'iin'iHrm 1,1 Hny 11' ".nn t'ltiy pIhi'.w ne' an-' ". 'I h'e simple, m-rtil arniil'e- tu n H 1 1 p. .fn,tre-, nt mail f ir 45 uente, t ,(,.t'i.'r I'll am 11 lag-i guide, ' gvptlan 1 r fin. Drain', tliuw hi l.idiea. W.i.bHeg-N'.'ht 1it'. !'. ii-i-iT bo'ia. Aiinreaa 1. wil- 11 M C 1., i-tiM'lierK, P hilailf pbla, Pa. f A ; i T f? Hi A """ f ,r l,,e WA 6 -Lt 1 l-g frie P.ck- 111 fie wo-iii it c n 'tin 10 alii eta pacer, h iv nil .2 I I in rii'i.. it 11 ii'l !rr, 1 end!, Hmttnl -in Baii-, an t a plane of J-wiry. M .y;'p p -C't 1,1 ; u : "V'nit p III, pvatp.'vt, i-"'. Ci "i -ii I'm-. I'ltlDE & Ovi., i6J Uroau wiy. N. Y. For COUGflT CCLD3.E0 A RSEN ES 3 AM) ALL THI'OAT DISEASES, I 'wi . WELLS' Cf 3 :LI3 TASlETS, R'.'.T 'i' ONl.y IN H: (!K 1I11X1C-, A TfirEO ANO SURE REMEDY. If r v t i' ti 1 1' 11 jti"r .!', .rtfi t T N lit) I, VV , v & O . I'inl i-phlj. Pi, kll OUTFIT FREE Wit it.t anin ii i: I', i vi n- o ' i tr t,i tiVe urdbta ai-d-d i v' t g-j ' or iheo d and origin al o D. Ilnuae. . artfii rah wage. i!e -did iha'ie-i.fii t'-rv n -t rh irti mil lur Die right ii ifDiini e"'i''r f . yniniij in- old Hiiiipl tn w In-a. rl.oiil.r.. titiiiii.. mo a POin,lata DUlrtt r 1 1 f.rr and "t t a d M. n I fur It at -u ' m ile in') ey at y nir lr-ni-e A 'dr e II. J "V l. oi irr, Mil. N. iloear 1 re t Il.lll II,!.' S n i T " tiil K vi M) ZINK The ilii.ii."!(i'il Maxlii.' ot em-ripa Two lal i 'i' -it '" fi'f-n iite ' bv Mi". It. i' r; '-til !iran." by I'. ar.bur i.'B' ell' ' i- : w'M i i i pn n in i iv uunin. r . Term-, i '0 or :u ; 3 itojile- to- $3..'0 8ia '111 Hid: ! ft' i a iinj ri'""iiim- niecim-n imtt'ti " ii' in ". . A J nl'R & , ri.i.H ''! ti! l Pa. WHIIE m fClMEKID GLOVES. PAH I Y TIKH, HANDSOME "BLrVOK PANTS. rVElC'()ATi. FINE DLACK "CLOTH TRQCRS. UUrtirJKNt MTJIXH. WAMSlJlfT SIIIitTS, 0 Tor $7.50 - rartlj Made. Cm . I tnbr Hi.', livafrink", .V"., citi he tuun 'It' t t-: i ItuhiiT. and llfnh int 1'a iiir'. GUTTERS Bf-V- H i Ii H s .'.l.L.S, MK , t) lffH ll.ui I K . vi-n in n; Tni". Sa i a 'o I KlCi'T", 1 1'. A I i' it- Hii. k n: tlui IMI (-.fi J. ' K.i.i M Vorv 1 w I i 1 , can iio luuutl al, til" old ; j,jtULhKa HaiaBrti Unu.u.if JlU'la llAWSON, I twi i Noa. U, i'.auili! ata'kttHtxeet. 1875. 1075. FALL AfJD IV INTER SEASON. Beet Ast-orted Btock ia tlie C'Aj roy Open 1 1 36 IMAPtllET STREET, BLACK SILKS, (The Ci1tjbrttKl QuiDet'a Oros OriuR. COLORED SILKS, 1 lithe Latevi Clot 'u Shadt;B.l SIJLK POPLINS. ' MERINOS. CASSIMERES, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, " nud all tLa LnUit NoTcltii' in 170! BLACK ALPACAS, Tuat uanal Hpecialt we have always i so munj i ml ao low, that among aft many gooda it ia ouly a inll part of the uaaortru' ut. , M OURNING -GOOD S . Ia every TurietY. Will open on the 8th aaotlier Lvt of thane cheap HrnrietU'i CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. MEN"; AND BOYS' W K ATI. Great Hosier, Gloves Embroideries, STAPLE AND FANCY (iOOR WIN, M Everything ia Cheaper than has boonjknown fo yeara. We only reiuire a call the Prioea and Btylea will do the Belling. . IU. - iSTo. 3t MARKET STRICET. yy-KKKKK tOU IHK FAbLiTllallK (. I'KUSl AL tiAKMM A M) IMJUKASKU 81 OOK New Patterns and Designs n OF t:. Parlor, Clainior 7iii1 Dliiiiifcr liooikTr,uriiitur6;" AT XTKKMELY 1, W PKICK8. C1KPETS AKD OIL CLOTH AM) MATT J ISO Iu tble llneour 8tn,;k embraotaall of tho hrwand leading Paferna of llrua.-ia. Throe-ply Supura, UotUin aud Hjoip Oarpota. A l!gr idm nil i loth and Mulling. AlaoMal. and huge, of I. auli! ul gin, Bedding, &c, &0i Hair, Mia Shuob Excelsior and traw m ATrKKSSSH, FKAT1IKK a. KK ATH FB I Da FKATHKR PI I.I OW.a AM) U IMTKR OUMlTUii.rAULKM, 40..A ,1, e" THK. IliM 1' iyl A I r III AL, And out wi ll:i ulanture. Uotale, B'eamoia and Prirate ltealdaiioi efi rn ilio l In 'lm I.a'ct K'ylaa nd atlniw Prlo . fivaaegiT a a oail andaa tm u our alinsk bol'jra pu' uhiiing D A. SMITH & C(k i.i Frout Htreet aaptatf , GROCERIES 15 Tub. U. T, nitt'er. I'O Hoxee Kaotory and State Cheeae. toa Harmla and Hmii Cr tckera all klnda. KM lla-iel. K. R. rufatfma,. V9 Barrel, lliiokwucat. BAQOINQ, . BAOjN, . -CANOliE, OANDV, uorrrr, riiOUB, U.T, OATH LTE, . MATCH KS, MiiL tSaE, OY4JKR-. POTAxlt. .... HALT, IARXM, SBEKTINJ The abore (lo'da will be ottered very low to prompt paying euafomtri, by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. ltoi2l - carpets; DIIAPE11Y. IHTIINITURE. V- e a'k ipcr.la attenii.n tn our rtock of the nbcTcil go d. Wear, ni w prepared to fur mth farlois, Dining Room, and Ohambr. with Garpott Fur tliireaud Urapery to match, in late atvlc. an I at AX LOW PItlCEH as any Huuae iu tbe country , D. A- SMITH & CO. noS Af YATES' BOOK JT0iiE Ton can And SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIOXERT, 1 MEMORANDUMS, BLANE BOOKS rOCKET BOOKS, mens, GOLD PS, AL'JIMS, tiAHES, lc, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. DSlXI Line of White Goods. KATZ, FLO Jit. FL0US1. FLOUR. 300 lirrel I'ell M ill Flour. 300 H iiro'.a Hob White Flour . 200 Oarrsia PiIhoom I'.oyal Flour. For Hal. iiy KKROU.VK'lAOALDK t littOS. BRAND! mm PICKLES, &?, BO ;i,aae Ilrandy Poacbrt. 100 fiaera Plnk'ai. 100 'laaea tjter. lOO'awa t.yuand Pota-h, For ''tie by KBKCHNKR , 0A1 DER BH08. QACGSG. COFFEE. SUGAR. 230 K"" Biglrg. 300 X HaRglng. 200 aacka Oofloi. 75 Itutel. KtUiipJ Sngar. For rale by KKItU:iNKll A I'Al.DKR BB08. BACON. SALT. M0LASSL8. 100 Ho.i-. D. H. and Smk'd ' i!e. 8000 JaeM Sa'f. 300 Hl:d '.ml Mbl H. H. Mol.eeee. , ISO H I.14 mil Hbl.Uaha Molm-n. 25 i'lii'Cbeon Demamra H 'luMfl'. . Fot silo b KKUCUNEH St Al,DE.i I KOS New Oreana -guaranfoid pure. Cuba, Demarar, ting u Hunw. 100 Uarre'e Ul gra lee. Sugar, ial , CofTeo, Bplcfi, , llruoni", Cand, St oft', racki ra, An" eierT'h n; '.. Iit g nwri Hue, whK'h wo gifrinl'' ' ' "! m irifi nr "i , tout) BINFORD, CROW 4 CO. , Ante K .w'ntifa 'p'd A linr-li AT IA V.I :T PltTOIQ, CiLESi MURCHI.ON, r uomis Htm Ilardwart Sloie, .vr j ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE! O BROWN & DET GOODS 45 MARKET STREET. Oai Riivor h juat returned fiora the Northern Market -rurchaaea Lave been uada way belnw coat of nianufaoturiug. Have bwn cntioed to buy mure good tlmu we wanted. They are marked and j nt on the euuut.ra at pritve that will unrjiriae the most akeplical. Have hired thabtoreuixt door, , 4 7 MARKET STREET, And will make tbf Largeat Diiplay of FANCY GOODS, MUSIOAIi INS rRlTMEKTS, TOYS, ETC., Eter olfared In the City of Wilmington. Have no apaoo to oncmerate, and caiiuot evt ii giro a fniut idea of the variety. Watches - Canary Dltds-Cnges-Locomotlves-Tonplns -Drums -Open Bugslcs-Tool Chests Parlor Cro-qut-Ono and Two Seat Velocipedes -Crumb Pans-Children's Own Books and Carts, AND IN FA-T EVERYTHING CUMPRISM THE TOY TRADE. CANARY DIBS S3 EACH--ALL WARRANTED TO SING. BROWN & ItODDICK, 45, 47 Market Street. THE GREAT RETAIL OTOCK OF THE BTATE, FOR SALE AT AUCTION, AT 34 MAEEET ST. 34 Having it rfeot d nrrangi nn-nta hy whinh the eharaoter of my Imaineaa will ba eiiat getl, I hhvn di ti riiiiiiml to ae!i at auction every dollar'a worth of gooiU ouiitaiucd io my retail attftk, Thla comnriifiM the LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS IN WILMINGTON, And ftmouctiDg to over 2 5.0 CO ""IWrtlfof Pt'nsiiiialiliraiid E'fgatit Oocd,' oonaiatlag of SiJkd, Velvcti, DRESS GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY, Engliah, Freneli ami Arairieau CaKaimi-reai Black Cloths, Doeskins, Bfiiivera, , MelUin, VVaterjiriaif and Kutinotta, togt tbr with . LADIES', CERTS' and CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR HotM'tt, 0!' "I"-, fliit-iK, Cul ara, CniT-, Ribbon, Lom, Edging, Handker oliirfn, Hi aw.a-i.. ijudluaa vari:ty( envy qmlity and price, Blanketc, MhI'i ilii f Q.u t Hpiiida, hliiH'tui).', Tieking, Citufcrt, ' T'llil-clotlia, TowelH, Ntj im, Diafcra, and olln r LINEN AND COTTON UOODS Iu grfi t vnri;l;,-. Ti nblv", Hjtuliela, Uoibrellaa, Ifnls, Hhoea, Faney Notioks, ladies' Fiira, witb tiuH)Mnu.lM (if oilier arto!ee, f inning altitgetht r Iha tnoat eifuaiif., .tfrsetivrt and ilnairablo atoek ever mild f aucf.'on in Norrli ('arnlira. Tim Ladiea, tho Meroliaut, lite Forni' T niiil Mi-bmiio arn all inviled to Btlft.tl 'Iiih ni.mitiuiUi unit) by auction. - TERMS : G A. S EL. All Oooda muut bo puid for nu delivery. No good) exohaned, or condition of eatti altered after they aro bid ofl KT O B I 3D TD -X 1ST Or Ample and eorafnrtableacoommodntiona will tmfurninhed Ladiea attending tho -aale. Every article put up will be aold. Pitrtiea will be aooommoilatea ua to qnantiliea, aa fur a pantile. Oooda mxmt be culled and . taken hh noon after the a tie aa it ia poaaible to deliver i thttn. Thia tule will bu continued at the atore, No. 81 Market atroit from duy to dny, oommeuoing DECEM Until the entire atock 's sofd. S.le to o iinraeTioj daily at 10 o'olook, A. M.; 3 1 and 7 o'o ook, P. M. Oooda aold It paitiea ro.iding in the city will be DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. Country Mcrcba-1 whose billn are er r jOJ wi I leaUowtd thirty dLiyst;in on flrHt c;aas Uu aiCi ptai.ee. . . A. WEILL, Agent. . NO TJCE!!! Our rvgular business will be continued as heretofore at No. 32 Front Street, corner Princess. The Ciiltshmlutl Uuuhht l Uuhv Mi;vjEifi,vl "ZJ ,rrt tor it a by dnb . 1 1-l-ror-I'o e n nl.'t'O , i' u a-' ' it.tiy t U t n V ii'ii. 1 1 111 'b' ', oil'' ""' 'W t.rt i,I Vi mm io ., .Hi be nr. ini'l oa ree Ipt ot 'J-1 CO' , ,V P(liS,L.KiiWA,,TAY OH (0 1 ' it Jk 111 uand St., New Tot tc. ep03ia .r.jK.vTt LieSDflG;! BBB 6 tli, WEILL, XII K BALTIMOHE CEO PATH SO . PIMRHACY IIIlMOTK'I'Wi 'nml r ),.' r.j lie ipwl iiitahtor.1 at N , I:7.'w4 F iy Ua M., able In- t tiirn Ut. Kill bapiiaed toae their d .-I- - I ..In.... A ....... Iu. m Bin... i.l Ptll-M -nruin .a' wt imii. ."u '"i - mi uMill,l II iimv.nii tl.iii Ti'illiiiira aa wll aa Itnok., f ir I'liiatoiaiia and Km. J' '' r01'" t tit kept Iu rt Kk. "d ie par ma'' ",r'l'' liinilriH.. AdiieB!Kli f. KK 4 TAFlCli, ii Wet F-kjeUo bU.ot, JlalUinorD.