r , ' -r; 1 y, x yn c k !.. vn ' 1 I! Y ! " ! " ' '"" I ' 1 " t ' i I 1 . I ; ';! v.' I. 1:1 k' V'V ,ii J- POL. XXIV. HO. 240. WILUIHGTON ti C. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2. 1375 7H0LE HO- 7X23. .i "Kin jinnnial. . i r j u.vr r . 1875. 1875. .vjr J-icrjr.ijr.T apples, cheese. raisxsyTH EJOURNAL JOB OFFiChI A NOT II EH EARTHQUAKE! OY TEL GRAPH. UliY LT1 WW BO Bi". and Mnet.rh.tK. IOO Hot Che. 20 rr.iw Vinegar, fur h r, K-'JUHNBR HALIiCS hKOS. bow id nil i.i'.i 1 It till il' a - . 1 k I of i - M lil THE FIRE BUG AT WORK.f.RRlT. W, ' fPAIO ' Ii QWX Twen1y-fJve Stores Burnt d Grfat Distress Among the Citizens. NEWS I M Q EN"ER AJLu Etnora Eavolatlonl.ts Defeated -The Hattonal Gr.n2fArf ldents- has. OTonnor-Khukand, I: COLDI5I-4. 50KTIJ CAROLINA. BKtrroBT, N. C, via Mohiihad Cm, Deo. 1 The largest fire that ever occurred here touk ploe about 2 A. v., aud wns evidently tne work of an nceudiarv. The Ions was -very heavy hUil the inaurauoe comparative-ly light. About twenty-five stores wurn burned, cniprniug all that portico cf Front street, between Turner ; and Orange, with tha noeptioo of two private dwe'liug. Many of onr oiti sens lost everything, aud muou dit tre-a will result t h en f torn.. .mjw : ' WASHIJiCTOX. WASHisaroir, Deo. 1. It is r ported that Bnj. 1. Avery, Minister toCbiua, ia doad. , ILLINOIS. Chicago, I)ij. 1. Senator Log an is ufferiug ton acute rheumatism of the braiu. f CALIFORNIA. BAsFBAiiOisoo, Dts. 1. A diHpch front Tantkm eouflrms the report of the defeat of the Sonora revolutioiiit-te. KEMTICKT. LouiBTiLLk, Deo, 1. The National . OrMDge cootiuiii s in eHion anntlirr week. A resolution ordering a Court of Appeal fcr Qrangt rs wan adopted. OHIO. CiNOiKNAn, Deo. 1. A freight trsia on the Kentucky Central jumped the track and run down an rpibaukmtnt. The engiueer, Wm. Thomrs, wai ki' led. The engine and ten cars were wrtckid. . .SEW TOM. Ntw ToRK. Deo. l.Th steamer Boiayside was suuk to-day by the ice. Tl olerk bere thinks that four or five live wer lot-i ' .- At a late hour last n'ght O'Connor's phy-ioians held out hopes of bis re covery, providing he Buffers from no relHpse. The police prevented 'a public draw, ing of the lottery for tue erecti id of a home for the homeless children. The drawing was conducted privately. MARYLAND. Baltimore, Deo. 1. A fpeeial meet ing of the tttookboiders of th Balti more & t-onthern Bfe.im Transporta tion Company is being held lit re to day, to t;ke into consideration the luct meann of oluciue the buiu:ns of tlie Company. A rebolutiou ' vas adopted turning over the property to the Direo'ors, to be lined for the bene fit of creditor. Tlie total ii,d"bted imsH is $'20.W)0. Mr. D. J. Foley, FreHi'dent of the Cumpuny, tlattd tbut eteaniers would be run as umiul. The eteamers of the Company ply between this city, CLarleston and Wilmington, N o. . ; . . rOKEIGHT. ' ENGLAND. London, Dec. 1. The St. Peters burg Gttlos says the inoeemaut raids on fttisoian territory Drove the necessity cf the occupation of the remainder of Khokand. The Btandaid says that in conse qnenoa of the recrt cmferenoe between the English isnd French com manding officers on the Ntirth Ani;ri can stations, it i hoped that hII bo e lieKM in ooii8cqneuc( of the interftsreudrt of the Frf noli iu the. New Fouudland fisheries will be removed. W. S. F. E. Co. No. 1. IIkOUi Att MNIHI.T MKTI' THI8 (lliur-a)eTeiil'gt7x qM'jcV. v dc It W I .f BWE fT, Koo. SfO. OELERY AND CAULIFLOWERS A ferj Hue lot lor Mtla t a,c 0. H. W.R'JNOR'fl Dissolution- TH tltm or Mullo ft flnl' IMIfjilrrd by mi'ntl roiimiit, Mr. O. '. w Mo Irr 1 autborixid 10 thn oM biilnw ( t. MIT, 1 E, do'2 3t . JOHN W. iK IH'i. -Dissolution. THKlN-nthf A. Prodis ro,,t fVrro "or dn.N hereby dli.lvd bv roatn.1 eonlwi'H , 'i-Hn: h Tl"f paiiTmfil 111" i. tlr Ir'rre.ior J. W -n W, !. P w t, In ('1,1 am and Maiiir- I tlii Mabi.l Its the il" ' I W. W. O I'Utf L',. cjira Gordo, N. 0., Nov. iit.a. det-lw 200 l,,r,t . 10 Brrp!.,nl.h Hi. li 100 Bt.UU . Peroslali KKKCH N FR )A D-B BROS. Emm E:;EAD PiWATlN. BO Cim U,rr l'. Hreut Preitaritl .n. for ' hj j K f. Hc'H V KK ' A l.DhR B US. I w-l Eli; 250 Kk sa,l j. K'gi kla n 1 Si-oUb(. 200 Rek B Hovder. 60 H Kr' Na- Durk n Pow.l r. tTLTrtK AAD OA PH. Pol Hlc br KKKUHKEK 4 CiAU BA bK( de1 vo'ncE . tlTlI.I, h. nt p (ill.- .a . t l..nrli,'ii W V "n i h irUv. In. tiuhir t IS 5 i' ''V'uik, H M ,iiiii!eM inr ,'lmirel of ti i,i( ,'),hMi. f tu l Kr.u i'N at Uclied. In .fd , i'. ii. w oc.-uitiot hv Ml Voi.u. Th.t ion ion noith ! tb Hailrean lr.i,' to be unid ("imrttr-U. Thrr it until uninipr pi1 loir on Main mrr-ct. tnd four t'u in imiiror.'d lot on F.irlH.atrnt, In bud' on Kaiiioad. Fr rr' cuir .p'T to , . CRONLY k MORRIS, dec!3 1 OLD WINKS AT-D I h l.rr.' H ock and h frl Rrioil In th oti. BttoiHix oni l iquor, oeior luicbailng. ,ln;.l a Knm, Hand Mad ''cur Mah WhlikrT. l ura tin' l ii1 Oln. MlueUra., , K ntH'3kj Gam, lijnn. and Bourbon ISKIES. HARMONY SHERRY, The Choicest orer olfrieJ In Ibia at'. 28 0'at. Oolon ano lniprUI Tea, from iaipO'ter( Bale at hair prlcj. nend lor 20 Tuba Batter. "Bmt la the WorM." ENGLIHlFcUEESB. W are ayenta for tha "UNIVERSAL BITTERS," A poaltlro ear for n?rrou. J, blilty . Mpeulal lodocemert to Owb b it err. A iJi'se and Oereral Aaaottnevt o Chile 1, and - 'I Arriving la!ljr, MALACA CRAPES, In Clutter., 3 lounda lor f'.fxi, at GEOKUE M YE US, doel 1 1 anu 18 Ht,utb Frunt Strent. ' Tcather Dusters. HtlNttSS lli, HlhNKaH BOP, na,lll4i or ml alini., Ij.HIE'' AND Gf.NTM SAKHaLS, rerj rbap for ra.li. UAbPENJ'rB 4 MALM T. f o. I South Fr -lit M. S ,. t4ih.M:5 ustfelioe: : A NuVKl,. Bt ac:uta .f. EVani. AoHoro' ' B.olHta," "it. Kim"," "Vvtitt.' v'ho t not ral wl'h rr. d lli' tha nuTe!iuiTiiLTTT!a immmmw ii ay i-wiilwmi ii ,-a iiiri'ini ;hrt inti-iHH littci'sr iikowm a ounn lTII?Tr7MvTviiiM!i i'SfTfhr .rirn'fpti litiii'. r'iimirB to nte jufct teceHuti 4iid fot lit EEINTSBERGER'S 1 IVK IJOOK JNii MUIO STORS, no!5 BROADWAY SACK SUITS. VlKUINIA "AHHIVF.RIf, ALlx WOOL, Mad.i to Oulcr m flood Style ! It Gura:' toed. $27. OO, , U.WilllUl, If ). Mol.ORWI'.K. iiot2W1 Wilmington. no ti c e; ATPUCATTON WILL BE MADB TO ' 'le Bank of Ve Hanover" ror the le ua of 'd lidi e'rtlfici,e for l'Jfl lir- of lh cia'al .fork of naUl Ha . In ,l,'l of the oHglnm'l rertlflrtei, Ni. 128 nd(:0. for Hid .ham. bert'ifoie l-wu-d to the late W. H. Km. pie, dt;d I he day uf . tndnnwldat. A KVtfllt, rprl-lt Adm'r w , K. F.MPIW TIIK 1JALTIMOUE HOfilCEO PATH IC PHflRMACY HKiVKIVKO on S-.iembr to the cpvl oofior,' t N . l.r. Wtmt Faytt, St. wher th i roprvtor. wilt be p'la'el to.'e tliff'rod irlen I. an I patron A C 'rn let? .Ni -k ol Tore an' KillHh1'' Iloii)n"0tnlo Medlclnri m fll a. Hmk, f,ir Pht.tolana nd r.m ly ro' (fu llT kei.tluafiek. "id ri tr m'.nr. mpr v vtemm t ld cH' iKH K'K'K . T kFKL. 81 Wc- F itotte Mtreet. B tl'lm ire SASHrBLlNDSrOOORS LlkOB 8TOV.K I - " FO It w A t- J2 X. O W, i3. a . saiini & co, BJvii-tr Jl II aiu.i: vorkmi:n Have been (cured for t!it 1 i-p.tr' n.s-'iit, and the Job Oiflca nilroit'( a fui' plete 'outfit of ALL STYLES OF TYPE, We are i.oiv repanv! to rpivlr ORDERS tor B 10 ML Wl Ich wlV rec ive piouipt aHoi.tlou and be done at REASONABLE RATES, We have an unlimited supply ef material and ueeesssry flxfun-s, nuking tlili Depart nient one of the ix this mretrr on BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. POSTERS. BUSINESS CARDS VISITING CARDS, And in fact all kinda of JOB WORK ' - Will bs done at the MOST REASONABLE RATES. And la the bed possible I STYLE OF THE ART. i Thankful for the pad pBtrouae ex- temV'1 to us, it will be our aim to merit a continuance uf ilia game. j COLDSBORO. N. C. M rKrrKH. 4. H., Prof Anrtemand Mud em ItnguSK"., j K.iW. ADA44, A M , Prof. MaihematU . 1 tie 'third Trrm ol I hie lutliit tioa win bcitla on ,Uoudaf. Aur. 'A. and aud oil JluiiUtty, uec; i-i, IMS. TH TS "chool l.nlt-'ate-l In the town or llo'd. b.iro ( i hi, centrij of louc It.i.riid, , ami Irotn Ita aicneetbliitv oC'er.eupt iir advau uye to p,ri;nty and ituirdltiii. hflnin thn .uv P'U'.llng cuinilrl-. or In thu Kd-t ni por'l'.n or the elate. The locutU'ii I. hea'iliv, 'lint no lea'R of lrkn ?. tichi! b' rntin'tulneo by famst. .ending turir Kc. to tbn p:aoe, a. uut a .Inifle fH.tf of .oiiitu. llltie.i nc, ii' red in th "" hi"' da' ,,; th" )", c 'i.,lwtiv year. No i. "'it, ih'fore. can --1 v r-hlv be detiTred irum j.Htroo r.' j thlt, 8 h',. : ,. the core I the unhnal'lilii 't I ho c i n. Prr'ta r W, i(lnm who ha eh roi tlie 11 Mi' mHtl. .1 le;rt j,eei l an alniuii'ir V l'jnd"iph Heoii yio lee, ai"J Iih. lie ii a !iu.ei-',ini teioher of yonih r r tnuov k. The eoutani'f liiKtruetlon ia "U'k1, th no igh ar,il i iten.'lve and aeol-.e to lt op an. Impiove the tii'i'titl power, of the opl hf irainlng then to iHiNit, and by to.ehliig tiiein the rlgnt meei Hie t, oltlea with wbicn ol h' en dowe t iheio. 1 hi dineli'line of th. Spi'nol, while It I. ml!ii anil parental, en loi c.r. the Out. of obnllesee toertrv roleani rego'atlort. A. In.nbord'iia lon and dienrderly oondoni a e wholly Ineoin-pllhl- aill) aubola.tlo tr.tielr,! n.n 1 cental l-riiii".. no boy who I. md'.OMl t In.p'ovj hie time or t an tn iry to h!( fellow, wtl! be t-l.lned In the Hehoot. Horal an l reltninusln.troo.tlon ecslyea ad it .ha of kt'eoth'i) and oonaidnrntio'i , For un K the heart and cm-den- be lneiraet1 anc might M.rt, m- re wcniarlearning wtil ava-l tin II: tlr- in the formation of a cjrrel aud uprlgii character. The four religions bo-llee being wll repre aented In thlf plaee, evary boarder le alli wed to at! end thnt hiirib on Monday widen hi. pa rent may deognaie Th . wirh and preference of the parent will be nr.et y hr red, a. nett ing of a lectarlan cbarac'vr ia coo'itenanoed In the Irbod. B"y r prepared lor alvanned clanaea Ip College or 'or the ae.tlvo bm .inn of li'e. 1 lie but ding, hliherto knoaa a. the "Fe male I'l'llege "ha born a-cnreii hj the Ptlnol- Eal. and will hereafter be omd aehool lor fieadly weapon", intof c.tl'n drlnk, pio'an Ity and every ipecle ol giuinllng aia. atrictly prohlbltod. Terms, per Session of 20 Weeks HALF IK AHVINOF-llALAtiCltOS FlfT OF oOT'lHKIt. Toltlou for tiriror' depai tmmit..,., ' 1S no HlglurFrifllfh 10 on aman '.rd daiaea, with l't bra.etn .l i 0 daned elainw. vrlfh at'.n n (10 ai d with I atln a d Otnek. .f on fleriaan French, and b oli-kei p'ng, eacu etia It fn ftoe'ri inelml ng 'lie, and Itirl t. .v. . . 7h Ml Jnc'denlal eipenw.. ..; 8 'VI t.rh ft 1 nt 111 furn'.h, fur hi. o n u'e, a nalr of blanket, a pilrof .hoet , a , air i f p I irw w nd hi (oel. - fr.,'edn-;tl n Tr -n, 'n'tlonand Moard In rtau Of dl'nilwh n or withdraw!, and only tn can-. dt wotra-t d .le.t.i ... Fonurlh.r trtloa are, addrem M. FETTER, Principal, UljJ4-dwkf Q0LD8BOKU, N.C. HOST f JPLETE FALL AND WINTER- SEASON. , It. t Aa-orlid St'K-k iu the C.tv t ow Open t 36 IvIAPcIIET STREET, BIjAOIv SIJIiKS, f 1 lie OolelirateJ Ouiutl'a UUm Otaiue. COLORED SILKS, "; UninLnted CUh Suadea.1 . SILK POPLIJSTS. XEBIKOS, CASSiMERE SEEUES. AND MOHAIR GLACE, . ud all the Lutt'iit Nuveltiea in BLACK ALPAC A S, That ustul Sjxrialty wn have alwava ild so iiiativ i nd ao low, that atunng no many gooda it ia ouly.a tnHll purt of tlui uilni' Ut. . M O U R N I N O GO O DS . Iu every variety. Will i pen on the H'li anotliej Iot of Hioho cheap IliiiriettaV CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. MIC NT AND BOYS' V 10 A.R. QrtMit Line of Hosier, Gloves, Embroideries, White Goods M( i . Every thiug is Cheaper than has beenjknowrf fi yearn. We only require a call uie A-Jicee autt Siylea IU3. N"o. 8(3 ...... JVLAJIKJST... 8TP.1S.I3T. n tT The Novel of the Season (, CniUHTUN REIDS' "A QUESriON OF HONOR." "A Q'le.Mcnof Honor, by 'loH.tian Held, le ('raled by the lire a. a work liigh.y e re -Hani, of . Ani.trii-au fit' we. Tin eiinjmn, d tl tmota larelioni very fatoralilv eiliii irm,; ' fo Iht PMaJ Ifikia I'rmi. "A new work i n.'tl 'ii t Clul.i'.n "eld It alwa.r. aeeoi ta:l . . i 'A V :c.iio ol Honor, la a arory ot "I'U'licn aodrtv, wiih a well con irucie i a'1 w.ili-(ti.ttn- d plot, aad with a finish wli'.ch will te unanUcipaied 17 uioit rtier-". Frrm A'ew Hafi Ktrntlrr "An alinint''? t ad Uo y, tup if 'nrtdent and plot, tint .re In' o re., ort ovemtrainrd, and 1 arTyloglu'f.nae Intotr t antlie threadiol the narrative mo eknght up and J ilned to gather" F com Iht Lr.uinillr Covrirr ourvitt, "The. or. I a ciarmlng on . and worthy nf th 1 aothor . rcpu'Klion: ii ; ha enred f 1 ji fie best and uubie.; ot ail that.ht haa i" witw"." . Frtm tat "to fflett. "Xjqni.it'lv O-ar In .tj!e an! elevated It tone, aud it or'h morctnan one careful read lug iVoia at t'fiea llrraH, "The anth'-r hvW'ofigiit villi care, and wIMi a good rtnlcal an t arl.i.tlo pir,'0e, and tli. ae ate the i nilal ne da In tha building up of au e m'TU-an Uf-'' u'e." frttm W.'i.'er, ftai'tu. 'Aa c ii, rilinTi.'ii 1 a ni.'iica'i flietlon, A 'e.'t.ie of Hoi'iif.' wl I moreimn mvii tain theatroa ly i U''i,. re Tmoll'. .utiir.' From lh' Hvgtiin Couriir. ''he antli r ol V'a ere ivlmer' I. nn ot f h .- m i .0, c.'i'nl 01' ti'iKs w'l.i I, ,v- tried 10 ni Mm tuiyeie -n of th? truJ, mverial 11 lui'Tl'-an if-j " ,1 -'l .lKiao. t,)'j;.. Hi.e, kl.Ta. V".lid t 'auv d ireM wiif in ttie UniU-d btai... i',,-:-.'d, on r"ieitit of pi ire n. APf'LMiiN -Vi;n., eniMHhr. A Wl ItROAnwav, N. T ang so il l iwt The Piedmont Prc33. HSCXORY, W. C-, '. Ihe only pei p'lii Ifhed In (atawha eoont r . ano h. in eilr,.! ve eirenlttion Mn,,mp ,1 ( T t.. Kaimre, and all c!ei-.e. nf bni TiFfe men in Ihc f-l..! 1 h I'l, t-. 1. a live l''o-ake lli inoei.lti' eupcr, n il 1 a de.lrH. hlo oieiliuni ',-r ad f rtlel. g in wn 111 Nor'h 'aiO'ina l.lheral lnnx a'lowi. on le.tlyad Hrtl-em'nta. ei,t'He-i.t',m e2 In B'.'vt' ee Adilre. Mt'KI'JIJ.A TOM LI N M IN, , "diUT.." 1 Proortetur. vn.r I, (J.R 811 Atkinson ft Manning fc?0,f)00,0IO Aaaela llepreaen tt-d. n. t o. ot Noril. Aaierle.... Phila ieptea f-heni In mnnee i;,,tn,.ii ....New York. ot t'lienial limrane.i'o Nw York N. I'ri'.h'ii Mrrc.MIH In. . (jo. .1 i d n. iH'tt 'Tit Klre In.. I'ompanv... '-aetford. .aitnni Fire Ir. I -om'ay. .Hr lor I. i(,rlnglle:d F M. I". n . .Ma.Mchti.tl r MARINE. W-, eantlie "iiioa in. ii" New Yo k n tl". "f North ameet,-,....,puii,(j LtFF. ' enneet'eiit Mutual l,n 'ni. On. Ha' :eh art . " Th.e, (hhraitl Juhl AVtwr-w Kl'KNCKIIIAN STEEL PEUS, a 1 o- e, nv'nl-'ne'-o. lIio-i n OA-' i Ii tt.i, ti-em, Saoi-): iVnil", '' nt il"In 0-1 "! nf ln,imm -lilt"- 'ii' "V tn illun ri.eipt of ?VhVn, H,KMA.,T.Y 0r O . . 1 l:i8 'land St., New York. eepSOJai GOODS, NOIIOX. Ell!. WUI tlo tlie selliug. KATZ, RE-OPEN!fJG - ar 29 MARII12T ST Having eold cut my tut re .to.k of old good. AT AUCTION I hue H opened at BiviHil VtaniT. A In ah and well .rleet d e'i k of BEY GOODS CLOffllNd, BOOTS HATS ho und l'ip, whl-h I will eell at the lnt I.A4H flilt r.i, lliili-w l.lvc '--11 a lew Ituiu. Hh pnc... a iu-t'd : llat a-l ' . from je, to Kc, it ja"l. iuuwn r.iuo'i hoi,! ui inc. --r yd. tin d ,1,1 iroiu I Ii,. and npwtr,!. I" laiineM and t!o, t,m Klunint e vn y Cheap, ib-ti.kmg 5,1,1 all f-t viir kind aid liln'tal pti,iug-i heielotii e r&U'U'lcd, 1 reep-ui-t ul . j to I' Ivr i iiiiiliiu.tiic.e ot Lii j t .iue In niy now 1'ii.lnciM. heipictliillv Vouia, ;i:oiu;i: 1,1:1111:11, 2V Ma KK K 1' el KtC I', or I ill W 1,- tng'iiD, it Best Hottfljil id ine Wurid C. IVEST& 80SS' ALADDIN SECU RITY Oil- Warriaiilnd: 1.1.1 Urev 'IrelS'lVat EwUirt'dliy Vie h'ire iiturunre Vumpnnit i. r tl" i 1 ' I'll1 fnl ar.t'g'U, .!eoted Iroiu iran otliert Ho I'l-it I N I o: l)l.-'i i r., I "e Ul ) I J, Hi l. M'ttit '." H'eil ' A',,t.- Ii -.'ii tie in 11 -n .ung ii-.H 1 ro.i v .1 -ti'i -l!i.'i'l n h . 1-1 1 , -, i lu-tti-n.itiliK I u li'M" I ta," I I M.ire in r-,om. ne "lit y r ' Ala idi'i ii'.'iirii i " h 'he .-!' .' to, I be',' i-Tjt uiw-d in our f ,iu Itul l, or truly, tMno.) NIltK"V " RKF-. r a'l. K7-IT WILL NOT EXPLODE A fc jeinr Htirek,''p'.t 'far it. X'hou.iie ii,.' C: WEST SO.'J .Hi Hi .'. L ilul, if I . Ir,i. I., Il tl I'll,!' cuvisxiir. UliOe h'.t ('in Kfc'f.Vr T HLK t L'i'LKhY WihTUMI-'l 'M K V V-'S a'.li K,tZ 'llJ, Ncedh in', and V. Intr' f'ocliet ti 1 Th ' above are 1' Fl iH I'-i'LAxi UK(M For m. I w by ;i:o. , pi:t h. N-iv 'th, M r, SPADES ND SHOVELS, A me. A Rowland', ip ide. A MmyVa A T A XV V. WT l II I O GILES & MURCH1EQN, ! (1 New ll.rilwiie Hioie. .Admiiiistrator's Sale rVILl. FXFilSKl F'llt FA' H AT TH K urt llou.e door, In the ' lt ol Wllmlnu- I t.ji oi Monday, l)e,einner vo n, ai i re ca ,tt e lol owing piero. or 'ana nriongntg in (lie ' . ttti of I' m mHi-l Nun, iiecefi. d, tltuate infie' .ity o tt t m'ngni. dcerib d a. ml. I w : B ni'i-.ij a' a a'e oo M.ill.o etreif. I ? f el f nn It i.ik 'i e"e't and 'iinnlng 'hence I h i I Mtieao.tr ot Miuth ('I feel, (honor e.-t t.ira'el ill) Ilan'n erect 1 ret iriiv . i cy.fi'enn i with itd alley nrMi flfi (,. , ey we.t, t"9 reel ti Hie b gnnloe 'he', in- ehH the 'ern haif of Lot s-o 4 R'iv U 'M. ero'dlng to V" p n of the ra'd I Itv It'jiltigfnn." i'erma.wn. fiilrd on--H an i Ha -.iii'ii In n hdI tw -ve aim" i tiro 'l"""0'- Jf. Jl DAUBY, m jW4w Adtnlnlttr.tor, RY GOODS -15 MARKET STREET. Out Pnver hea jnat rt tnrued from the Northern Market Purchaoea have been U'da way U low ooat of uiamifttiHiiriujr. Have been enticed to boy mure Rimda than t wanted. They are marked and ynl ou tLa 0juutera vt pri(H that will aurpriae themoat (keptioaL Have hired thehtore tieit door, 4 7 M A 11 K TO T ST HE E T , And will make the Largest Dwplay of FANCY GOODS, MUSI t1 A L INS ! Ii U M Ii N T S, TOYS, ETC., Eer olTered ia the City of Wiluiinton. Have no upaoe to eiiumarate, and omiiot even give a faiut idea of the variety. BMK-B Watches- Canary Dlids-Capos-Locomotlves-Tonplns -Drums -Open Bugglos-Tool Chosts Parlor Cro-qutt-Ono and Two Scat Veloclpodos Crumb Pans -Chlldron'a Own Dooks and Carts, AND IN FA T EVERYTHING CUMPRISUG THE TOY TRADE. CANARY BIBS $3 EACH-ALL WARRANTED TO SING. KROWN & RODDICK, 45, 47 Market Street. lina . ' 1 I . '. 111 1 1 I I .... " ..... .J. rr iiFIKH full IliDKA' L'l KAHa, til'KU . AL LAM. A ANU 1MCHBA JU OK OK New Patterns O V parlor, Clkintii' iml Dtiilui; Htiuui rurntttire. AT iXI-kr-Mr.Mr r.-w PKICR4. CARPI TS AND OIL CLOTH AM) 51ATTLN(J In tbla line nnr t K'k rmraer.atl of th N'T-amt Iradlu I'.tiern. nf flru...,., 1 hr.-ply euper., O'jttim ai.d Mi'top "',rp ia Al'gr !'-. I'll loth en l M lliiig. AlwiM.i. aid Hog. ni autl ul tie.ign., Bedding, to.. &o Hair. Mia Bhuo. Exoelsior and traw M irrHSHl'B. KK iTIIHIta KHII'IFK III FKATH TK Plf I OW AMI B Ll 1 KH CiiMiiitr.iltLK., ,tn . I (, . of Tlie; UliiV MA I'CHIAL And ote a Mann'.ftiire, Ho'elt, Hf iiii r. an I Private lef,.,'e". fi rn H'e,l In Hie La'evl Htylei and attiow Frio t iee (,ve it i cad ud ioi io our St-iek 1ml ,r pu oliaaiug. D A. SMITH & CO-, fl Froct Street .n ' ' - GROCER I MS (tlTiih. 1 F. Hnlier lit) H' n Kaeiory and Miate Chirt. Ion Marrel. and h n r oitert-all kliw't. HWHaiieU K. K. roLUiK't. vfl Merrelt Itui.wheat iiAi,(iiN"i, ' B'iU N. I AM" ''-, ' I'lM'V, ' I 0. fl K. t;t'K. Fl.OI'lt, IUV, . ua n LVf, M l I'i II M "l,Sf', '. OY ITKIH. hi'l'VM a A 1. 1', YAH XM, " . ! - ICKIT-I 1 be .hove ilocde HI be oli'ere-l vtry low I'i pn in ! p yni! i li-'o o, re, by will;ams& MuacKisa.?. roiil carpets; dhai'j;i:y. I'lTitN'rrciu:. Wc a"t i pet "enl io i to , ur 'u - k ,1 il ahoved i!m-,Ih, vc e w r a,ct ti fur tiUh l urloi.. I'inli K l ie, in. Hint lilia lib ". w th C.rj-e'. Knr ItiintanJ rra ry In mMi In line tvl". mi ' at A'i" ixv iiticj w D. A SiVtlTH & CO. THIVV3 i j Z a n w i oW" " New fir'e ma gnaiante'd pure I ul. ,, lie nar.ir, l Hoiwu. 3J1 L O" XJ . 1,'TO. Harre'a til gra er. s.ig.v, Ial, tj iS.-e, i!cr. llnom". ; t i hi dr, ' .' ''.'. . . . Jjnlill', -H lacker., An;i eve'h n In the ir "eerv line, which w( giir-tnr.e i wc m trkt pr-eea. ne: EINFORD, CROW A CO. T IiTcTiTb iTrjF ertilizer WILCOX, UI13DS & CO S. JIANII'ULATED (SUAKO, Thl. Cii no 1' now nflV.red ti Parmer, aid Planteir of ni dl greln lor th Kaaon ,n the lullowiM liberal i-inih: I'D er- 1' "i 1 t of Noreni'i"r. with op Ion if paying ii' e- toiii at 17 r, nt -lor in dd-lng, Ul ilver U in ' liiivr'.rie:.!"' . Im,$10n. 'ncfilt'o I"' oi' Noe-n'nr, pa: uh In m rrno . ,i t cu'Op! on,t6UW Ue,.,-X"..i. smllnor-io. 'a'ly nnl go -onr Inano while y , . arc tiaul-uj otion t inmhcf to ttvs ev.p nif. i.H ii- r-ni l t inMvl.. cerlittcitic. e o., m iy be b el ' ' -'le JiS. 1. fETTFWAT, lluilngtoe, N. 0. . A gout fu atn W'loux, o:bb( 4 '..9. DUV 14 and Designs SALE or REAL ESTATE UiNDMli MOUTOAaiO fVlr n i.f.aml In aneiriUn e with, fho 1 j p-Wfr or t.n euntain.i In a deed or m 'rt, g tuule br 'I'ln.uia. H. Oarr a-id Carolina m ' a, i, Ii a III to I n-.nn.h Me'., ni ule t'-(2U hylav nl March, A, 11. 1471 and rneo ll ,1 ill tli. ItWl.'or i nine ot ew llanovi r ''ouo. iv. in imi (ii at paito. Ki, lai and 1'.. I will eip ioi li rm'o, by pulilia .n 'lion, at tiio iiuurf lo5" rtoo'r in th. by nr WllmiiiKt .n In tlie not i ou "y o: Jvew Hanover, n -Moad'v ee V hday or lienemb r, a 1.N7J, l II M. lor eh. the follovilng dewtlne,l iriperty, VI P : ll'g lining In ilio mitMn line ol Hi coed tl'.et b"tein wurketand 1'oek .t.eel(.J.I I et fiotn whore Ihe caftcrn line of Hi oood tieet I. In'nr..ele by the mm hern line ofi Maik"i meet, r-iunlon 'hence a 'iitbwarilljr ni lb "Viol I nc of Meen'Hl .t eel, ffl feel, h.iiei T'liv-t. it I and palatini weh Ma'ker, ar e', tb nee toir'hnrdiy, ami p'r.llel wl'h tend ul ee, 81 fe thm we.teanlly and P ''e'- ai h Mrltire ,',ofo t.tithat ru liinof Mcoond .iri-t-fli biiiii'rif. W A HJJK,N BM.I.AMY. t ov:'S mf A lornry STortog-o Salo. IY PIKTl'K A All HI 1(1 MU. TKOM ,1 h A Clue hard to I', tc ''. '.owan, ,i i . -d ct -I. r I m l, in d du-y r 'uLiered In Mo k '. IL ! , t"t '" No, oi I he im'ki ter of II e e in Ihe nHhf- of Miw Itinorer C ninty. e n l ol ani'ti" r in'.r'g liin Irun liit"!bi'il A hh tier i" I'li'i, A. I'i''., eteeulor ot A'fred L I'l l-o iL n.l V rn 4, I -I I. a i l d,i v i -nl.tur- i 'ii ihi-k I I. I , pn-e l ,1. and oi anorner xi tge i"in Rug eh f I "an inline W l.n- I 'foe-le, ia-nii'l V Vick an I i'e"r t. 'ar. .v, -Ir , d tied ,l"ly IU, IHI3. and itnly .otr,i'' in Honk I. I, L , Iwiio 61, and of no'oer m'.risaje (roin Kniillmei A Miinii'lioa I., .I .iiu lloyli".. (l-eoye Howard and William M.-H ".d tt dduno 1(. 1H70. aii'i d'Hv 'el.tered , i mk I, L- i' , p.ge .', I will oiler f,.r .ale, nt "ol'li i ami'lo'i, lor ca.li, at tha on. I iiiiit.e In ih U tvof Wllmloitt. n.onTuen-Uy.theiiUtli dtv of Novemher, If 1.1, all the prei.e, tvpta, p ti -, machinery and rnanr'al or eveiykinil and de.'-rl:it oo belonging lo ihe ofllce of "The f iHv.lonrni"ai'd "The wrmlngto i .Innrnal" mtn.te In rhe hu'ld ng on HrinO' tref t. In tf itv id wlliuii'Kt ii, known aa Tlie .luurrai Ituildlng, together with the good will of lb( .il 1 oltlce aud new.paner. IWBI BTIIAVIti Attorney. Po.tponid until Toefdav, Decembir 14ih, tflR, at '2 o'cln ik. M , at the Court Home door WHITE AND COLORED KID GLOVES. I'AUXY TIES, HANDSOME JBLAOK PANT. (jVERCOATS. FINE BLACK CLQTH FROCKS. lirjMlNEi SUITS, tlf 1 lK'lTTffl a cirffTLJ tl lViUUI IA tlllllUC, 6 for $7.50 -Partly Made. fane.. rmbr:l!a, Hagi, Trauk., c.,etn b( t, uu la' . MUNS0N4CT., 0 tv ('Inlllar. and Merchant Tnllor.. A. G A. RB.. Tn all m-lin are anfforln? from thft errors and Indiscretions orj oulli, ner vous weakness, early decay, Ions of manhood, 4c, I will send a rere pt that will cure, 1UEK OK CIIAKUK. This great remedy was dlse ovcred by a miHhionary in sumn America, neua a sell-addressed envelope to the tier, Joseph T. Inman, Station D., Ulble House, Hew lorKUtf. Ueoo(jiawa "i

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