J ,-'1 POL XXIV. HO. 241. WILIimQTOir !I. C-FRIDAY. JECEH3Eil 3. 1875. WHOLE HO- 7.G27. B - in : '; (: i A 1 A ! 1 h H 1 i! AM - J ; i .! M i 1 1 m L JF I I ? I I 1 i l I i (Tin Jhiln 3loiininl. BY TEL EC RAPHL MISSISSIPPI, RADIOAL DESPOTISM. T. AmM Withholding Of Jrntlali or Members Elect to the House. NEWS I NT QENEH AL. Failure -Drtalli or the Sunojslde Din-iitcr-Proposed Reforme, 4c. GOLD 151-4. ILLINOIS. "Vmcxao, D.c 2. Tim Chicago A Illiuow R Tcr Ii'iiruKl Company lia go'ie iiito bankruptcy, with linftihtit amiiiniiiT to Sl.poi) hh. . W1S111GT0X. A.iHrsoTox. Doo. 2. It in r nor thit.lfT.AratH. withhold cndt'iitiulH frotu MiHaiaaipi OmtirefHiurtM. I hry Hill participate tu oucu-. but cnunu, ot in the lIonf without biin. SEW I0UK. . Nsw York, D-d 2. The Vteanier PnnTid wa Hintk to d.ij hv t)p 'c. Tli f tllowiiift nn thrt particulars : I ho ma't hid mjr got oyr tiftHtm or twu ty f'-t of the Ht.-smer with his life boat full of peop'e when it eap'ZMil, then a terrible ecene enmid. Thert must have brn-n eighteen perxoriR in the boHt The mitn bwiu hore, bii ; the other that weie KAted kwhiu Imck to the Hteamur, lu all pn,b iliih it), that were lont Wro drowned flora the capsizing of the hfr-bout Their nhouts od cries for aid munt have bien heard for a long distance. Q nckly an ponsible I t'xk a boitt from the trbord aula, aud with oar head waiter and deck boy, trid to get around to the people iu the water, bu' the hoayy ioe preveuted. Ories for help oontiuued tea miuntes. We launolied the big boat f r-m the uppe; deck, which wan even with the water; the ateamcr at that time bung 2l)iJ fet from shore. I took the boat witli the Rcoond eugineer and QoaHy reached the o:tpu d bout. She w bottom np wards, and a man lay on her on hi back, with his feet in- the water ami ioe, nearly dad We took him o j board the ateame , put him in the pilot's room and covered him with blank ts. I thea heard a noiae on tho ontMide of our port whtHhoaHe, whio i was only two feet out of water. Wo weut to work to construct a rope ferry from the steamer to the shore. At this time at least sixty persous were crowded together on the hnrrioaoe deck aft; the wind was blowing hnrd and the air was bitter cold. We got the line ashore sud succeeded iu get ting all off. IP O 1A I? I Or XT. . CEEM1MT. Bciiiiif, Deo 2 It i reported that Austria has eut a d -aught of re form to be recommended to the Fort. Russia will reply on the roturu of OorUchakt ff ta St. Petersburg. WMII1 ICIHIIINS !U Stm.Tlll. ' h rrridracv o' Hon W, M. liobbina, un lh. 2vb nit-. Ro. VI L, "xi, or tliA oith (;n)ihi nife',nf and Mr 4mnaa Kubbino, hef. 11. tl. Br eit ofd ;ltln. FIL TiWMOHUl.KI'N -In Ih c;ti cn t!i niarnlng a' OoiohT TS'h. al fin Kront Mr M K. :hnroh, by tin H J K. Maim, Mr. cr M Vi ijw to Ii Henrlctf Ich il. ken, ailof this e ty. N icnl Si -Hr'.tHK-Pl'TI KVAT- In tlun cllt on the -Slof No-iuber, a' tli From Htrv't M. i t-hu cb, byihe J. K Mnn, M: c. li. 'chu ken to Mimillce M. I'tttrwiy, all r . ' DIED. MX N At I i-r Tivi'irit.cr in rlim'nn M M -". K Nio -. rilioi .f tUe Utf Niclioaa N. i- Mon, a cf"td f MAfiRVK. n tiujl Ust , Mm. IJnrd Ire Jk wtrRM, g'' K nar. The trlnnilmif tb liuliy ' IikIkI l t tfd ber fun rl I rum Kt .lKm Oburch, at 8:30 oVIoc thin afternoon. KW Jint'llBTIBBMKXTH. OPERA HOUSE. TbeVont rt'egnut I'r'1 lie n Eti-t-no', nn Art Com n. 'b ' -lubrvrd ANO SOL SMITH RUSSELL CO SCEltT. TROUPE I,A1)V OIICIIKHTUA. LADIES SILVER CORNET BAND. Re-i n r'd and Ke coii-'m. t.d lib the Greatest Comic Aribl of iLc Umrersf. iml i'ori' cf HVIIjd l's tirni"rmnfn'riid in tb I if pwtiT .Hi by hiijt -orgniliitU n In Aoier u M'f An'.a ''uriwr, - on t MM; M' f;ra''a K 'r. Vi'lliiivO r'e; .Miw Amu Vo ran, f"i'i"" Vo.Mit, Ml I'tli Vo ki, Fren' 1) M '". MIuJimiiJ' T tui. 1romb ne Boloim Mm J ' M(llo"fr. Ttpnr l.ora All the la" ! Nolticor Uie ly !! be g'T'ii. p in o t-.s a usual. teata tail V lecur'd a' Milnvbeigoi' hook aiufa.'' dot3-lrUuu me wtd. 0 ERCER FAMILY. m mmwMUm 'mm- .vr JBrJCriK.A.vri. WOOD Long orH.-eu I'p et-'ptrtt. in J -r aii)a. and den red ta ft-txl I'H I' g i""n 'itl.in. Ml.l'.Ktl.H!', IVkt 'ttPii H. TV tlti NC.toot ol range rlee S ' AUCTION SALE ! HOOT.- AND i-IIOTM. f "fiL1. nntBi'Hru arilT, ii-. mWr X 4:l, t tl ot'im-k. tow I out i u.e of tin k i.i Unit" ana SIiom. 0.41 MARKET STREET. S ile t b (onrtim J rr-tv ,1t until atork I. out. Xbi-eo iih ara trim Ibe bank uanat-tular '.) huiilit (iptewly for hi Mrki, TERMS i CASH ON DELIVERY. , S.'W.DiVIi, detl-ir 4rotlofitr N" O T I"C F77 H.U bpttild at i hil-Mwi at liirlnl'a-f , V , "U .1 b .rl t. , ln. eiuijer IH t . at. aur'o.k, f m , ivn eaa Mwnr ItvixI nt ai i i f-K m i'). a ft , w th a'l itr umO. at Itoiitid, to ft d in -., ii w cvnpiot by klr. Yo,ii, 'lha- iittiot noMh r Hi Haitri'a ii ic tu b !d J ''r.'l I l.r.x. ta uahl nn'inpr.i d int.in .Ham irt and four ?'a im ii itriii ut.iI I. .ton f in I y Lr irt, trtLlu oi. i Ji M (or i- iri'ca tr i'ii. to CR3NLY A M3RRIS, d el a,U l Feather Dnsters. Oil,, HA.KSR.al SOAP, raiblUir; of all kiuJt. II l,.1)IB ' AND QNT' XATCUILS, vi7 cb.ap for ranh. 0! PB'R m a n. . o. t Sjjih Pr bt nt. S t. V4 h t:s INPELIOE': A NuVKL Br AUHU4TA J. KV lMi. Ao'ho-o' 'B-nlab," "It Kllllo, "TaihU.' ' Who ba ii-if '.! wl'h nr d 'l?h- th MW. . fi rtUiAl .CV'U l .llllll.i , l diirtuT.Mand TiEirliia'iiig" .TTfTTTTn iitufi un'd "era ir: r intrn-i lntt-ir ftirown A nun n Bivi-nu inrn m th wftranf th Hiu h. rf t H'liuOfiT-g lust ntvtmmj 4iid for n' tt HEINSBERQER'S 14? BUOK ANII MUSIC HTORB. THE LITTLE DAR.INQ. mint 'iw ao nua aa B L'OHT WORK. JUST THE THlMCt f nt free '. ant t litrsi on r- - nipt oi i nme u nia-a rai iv Oo., "6 Hleckr at, NnwTirk. nuirone, uoi 9a. WANT KO. oti-eod'r THE 11ALTIMOHE HOMCEOPATHIC PHARMACY KEJIflVGD on HiT'crabT lit to the apai-l-oukniore at N .. LliWnat PayntM St., where th' t roprixtoro will be p ae I tfi e tbx'r o 4 'rli-n la ant pt'rona A compi't i a'o-k of Pur an I (tellable II uoowpitlilo Wedlcmea at arall an R:.ikt. for Pbyatolana and famlljr ua, enn Kt' tlT k"t't In at k. ' iid-ra ner mi1; tr 'nipt va U'll -MtL. 4lld T!yiB "Kl 'KKTAriLf 31 Wot F.yetts itrnut, Ualilmire. N SASH, 8L1NDS. DOORS L hqe sra-K. I" O It H A I. 13 JL. o v. AT I). A. SMITH fc CO. noTit tl OLD WINKS AND 131 aIMDIER 1 b t. irrra' Hiork and I h loat Braid In rhe Sum. Examine on hlqiora before (latobasing. .laxil aHnra Hand Uda tour Utyh Wl'lakev. Tare Uoilaad Gla. ltlueQra, Ktntuoky Gem, Biwen. and Rourboa VHSI IK. HARMONY SHERRY, The ( bnl,'-.t nrer olorc I in tin dla'a. 25 0' "ft ijtl.iiu and ImpiTiil Tf, frm lanpntura rale a' half prioj. (tend lor S (IH 'If, 20 T aba Buiter . "Brat In tu WorH." EN(lLlS!lT:UK5Nfi. We a'e ajentu for the "UNIVERSAL BITTf RS," A p'i.tifpc r. tor n.-rrei d hidty. perial I duceina'ta to O .-U h t er . A I ave and (leieral A"Oi tm int o' Chi'tne) .and Ms for lie Hollfs, Arr ring !ally. MALAGA CRAPES, In ('lunri-M, a iioii'id for f'.tn, at GEOKOK MYERS, d -cl 11 anu if SkuUi K-cn' tri-o. WHITE ANO COWD KID GLOVES. PAItTY Tl HANDSOME "BLACK PANTS v OVKHCOAT. FINE BLACK .CL0TH FR(CI(S' IUWINKS SUITS.5, W A M STTTTA1 S 1 1 1 .ITS, 6 fop $7.5-rartl7 Made. Can., I'niUr.l'aa, Haga, Trunka, 4a., be - J MUNSCH A CO., Cty Clotbian had Uarckut IaUora. x r y UP 1' dllfHJU.'W . NOTICE. ArPIICAriO W 11,1, MR MA1R TO " i ke Hsuik tfv.. Han. T-r- .r tkr 'a if 44i'li' t-rtirti lor 1J aa-- of th. eaatal UK-k uf uxl ha' t. In pU--. or ir orgiBapuertldt-atea, N uil 0 f ..id abu'Mlierit.ilui ly U ta th 'ai. K ti. pi.dilwl)h d.i of i n I .. 1 . t. A RUI'ia. rorl-lk4 Ada'r . K. KMPIK CaOSLY & M0Hfil$T " AUCTIONECHS STOCK ANO REAL ESTATE BACKER WILat IMiTON, M. U. 1H BR 1PRS At THillt aAl.HS t-w pian of the fitr.oo an aniaryrd vj'r Hlnnk Book with to boandariraof f IB tksidi.tlnot',T'laol. aawedala,iaM aud piMnt.f la th put Any '.ntumaaUoM 1Mrd fa-altl pi .(ka jalr Af YATES BOOK STOE Toa eaa tad SCHOOL BOOKS. SIITIO.VERT, USaORiNDllS, BLA.M BOOKS POCKET BOOKS. PKXCILJ, gold nss, ALBUMS, ' AAMK8, Ac, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. NO T J C K . H WHO qui Bid aiA'ailnla.rawea tb 'tata r W O A. ah'im., oo tiH. 1 Tl b y ''!( ?amhr. no'ioe ah'rbi tia I pir-n b irum ol'liu. a.aina'. a.il aattt. to pr4ii h itian to mi on or boiva tna IT tb J. of NoTOinber. A. l I. N 0. W. MUM.KK. Nov ITth. Ill , Aduilalakcatoc. norl ia w CUrLDRT. OOKR'J PM KKT4 TABLB tUTLKRY IV WiTaHoL a R A V Ka) aaii B4ZOH1,' Needh m'a and Mllnat'a foekat kalaaa I hi above ar all F1K8T-0LA1S UOUDi For ati luw by tlEO. A, PEC. No?, nth, (re. APPLETONS' AMERICAN CYCLOPZDU, law HaTlai4 Kdltioat. Kntlrely rewritten by the aMeal wrltera on every aubjeet. Printed fnim new type, and llluatrataa with e)eyeial Thoaaau4 augia. Tioga ana aaape. THR work ortgtnallapahllahed. ond UOf TrtR NK AMKnlCAM C'TU er S tl- tuof TrtR UK AMKnlCAM C'TOI O 'M- IX A WMOomulvtM I laai .moe whieu time the wlda clroulatimi hir,li it baa attained In all parlaoi th. Umt-d .atataa, and tbealgnalda fehipnitnta li,ch hat taken p1a- in eiery bi an, b or aelenoi', literature, and art, hare In duoeil the editor and D'ibll.beiato aobmlt Ut an eiaot and thoroagh m.laion. and tu laaue a new etliloa entitle TUB AMKftlQAli CT- WlthiL th Ian tea yeara the progremof dl. covery in t dopartmaut of knowledge haa made a aew work of reference) an laperatlt want. The otrement of polltloal aflalr baa kept pace with the dleooverlo of aclenoa, aud their fruitful apullratlon totbe luduatrtal and uo fnl a-t and the ooneeuleaoe and reHnemen' of aiiolal lire. Ore.t waraaad oonaeqoeot rerolu tloaa hare Ofiourred. tiTolrlng national ohangea of peculiar moment. 1'be elrll war of our own eon itry, which waa at lia height when th laat TOluuieoftae old work appwod. haa happily been ended, and a new oourae of euminerrlai and Indottrlal aotivltv ha been ontn oimmud liarge arOMloiia to nnr geographical knuwl leilg bare pern made bi the indefatlgableai plorttaof frliia. ' The great political refolutton of th le.t d -cade, with the natural reau'.tof the la,Na ol linii. harebrongbt liro pnblio 1ew a multl tadeof new man, bo name are In erery one mnath. and of wbuae lire erery on ii cur ooa to know tie para mlar. nr. at battle b it i been rungbl and tmportan' alrgra main lained, of which ibedittailaaieaayet prcaerred on y In the newapaperaor luthe tfanalent pub licatlmaof tin day, but which ought now to take their place) in permanent and aulhentla bietory. n pieparllng tha present edition far tb prtw,ttbae aooordinglr b'en the aim of tbe editor to bringdown tha InforinaUo to the lateat poealbla date, and to fmni-h an aoi'Q ra'e aowmiit of tbe m wt recent diaooverlen lo clum e.ol every frewb pioduotUin In literature, and cf the neweat Inrfiitljn. in tbe pra -tlnal art, a well aa to gif.i a auccint ann orlglna record o tbe progreaa of polltloal aud hiaiorl cal eTnt I'lie work haa been bgnn after long and oarefnl urelitnliiary labor, and w tb the m-.ot ample reaouicea for carrying It on to a aacceie fn termination. None, if the original atereotype plat have bean nard, but every page kaa been printed on new pe, forming In uct a new Oyclopanlla, wltp the aanie plan and coiapaa aaiU prede ceaaiir, hoi with a far treater pecuolar eiin dltare, and with euch 1 n prove men t In It cum poaltton aa he been anitgeated by lunger ax purlenceand enlarged nowledg Tbe llliiatra' inu which are Introduced for tha flret tme In the preaent edition have been ad ded not for the pake of pictorial eilRct, but to glT g'ea'er lucHltv and rorce to ft- pa a tlona lo 'ho te.t. Tbe embmc all bi..n Ii )fscienci' aiidol nat 'ml h'atory 'ld lr' Ihe Dolt f tiuoua an t rmrlibi fentnrra o acene 1 y.arcbitJ'Ciure, aud at. a. e'l aili Tarli'iH roci-a-eaol (nerban caand manutwr t fi AI hongb Inlen led lor tt'a'rui'tlii rathn. tlm nib-i iliinriit,no M'l'ia h te bi'i-r aii.ird I. quo i their a r latin nct-llei ce ; Me coat o heir rwciitlon la encrmou. aim it l erlirvei s will hnd a welcome r'eeptio i a an a( .imblu 'ea'n enf ttiit i:li.iieii, aud woitli) A Ha high character Tbla wo k ia "M to tn'iicrihra oul l.ya blenn dlier of eai h tnlatn't It "111 be cm pletrdln ritteen larg' x-tav ni'inn, eah noiitaloing abo t H l 'ir"- Inl y lllua'r.iM with Miveriil thun at'd Wood Kngrnvinga. and ni b nnojernnaeilorod l,ithraihie Price and Stvleof Blndlns. Inau Dlotn, pr nol an OH In Utirnry U-albi-r,per ni. ( ufl In Half Ta key Mor.co, ,tfl IM In Half Kni, antra git, jn-r '! 8 On In Foil Morocco, antique gut edg-w, jier Til . .'. , in m fn Foil KnMi, per .ol lo no V- luinea now reay. 8it' C edmg tonnu a until co'.atilalloi, win he lamied once in two montba. ,(iia i(i ,'bi tM FKf 'AN '!Vt.l.oP.e l , 'hiwlfg , lrn-triitiiiiia, em., w II bt ent gr tl, on app'.lc tioi . FlRHT-GliAaS CaNTASBINO AolHTi 7 V ASTRO. " Addreae tbPuhtehtri, , D. AI'PLEfON A CO., '49 and 551 P-'oadway, N. Y. tuai i? umi SOMETHING NEW AGfilD Win. FYFE'S. EXCHANGE CORNER. . FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY1 from Pane, lba LaPrtTi o it In that line. A la'te lot of CELLULOID CSRAl'SETS AMD NECKLACES Another l!ntlimf rtoitiitt of TUCKltKO COJI1I1S, tiateat 8tyU of Wnaa Oollarg ana Cafla. , aoUl 1875. 1375. FALL AND WINTER REASOTJ. Beat Aaaorttd Htock iu the CAy in.w Ojn n ut 36 IvTAiavlIlT? STREET, BLACK SILKS, ' fTha Ct'lvfbratwd Galuft'a Uro Oraiim. COLORED SILKS, V V ' ' M tu Late! Cloth Shadfa.l , REAL SILK POPLINS. MERINOS, CASSIMEHEi1, SERQES. AND MOHAIR GLACE,' Mud all the L'itvt N"Vcltim in BLACK ALPACAS, That usual HppoittltT w lia alwuya uiniij- Kooua u miuiy a iu M O U R N I fi Iu efery Tarietj. Will open on the 8 h CLOASS AND SHAWLS. :o:- MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Qroat Hosier, Gloves Embroideries, STAPLE AND FANCY ETerjthing ia Choapor than has been r now ana oryioa No. 3(5 MARKltJT STREET. The Noya of tha Season I "A OtJts rlON OF'HONOa" "A Ou Mtlnnof M inor, bf TVItln Rrtid. In praieed bf the preaa a a wurk hu-ii t i pi iIi.' Ik of ani-rliai Ifra 're. The .iililn,i t n traeta lareliom aerr fa.orahUcritinleajiai frtmtht I'MaMMa Prni. "A new wjra of Union br (Jhilaiian Keld ta alwara aoceiiraiil . . ; 'A y ealloa ol Hon r, la a aiory of H. milium ath irtv, with a w,'H ton arnrtea and ell-eu.Uinid pint, aad with a flui.h wlilch will t unanticipated t.y m.,l roaden'" rrm IKe Sna fann R'piitrr "An ailraualilr told a ir v. lull i.f inrlilpul and plot, ibat are In hi reapect oruratralneil. and arrying tiilanae lnlcre 1 uatha threndaol rnenarraura are caught up and JnluaU U g-ther" rrim lar .ouupi'ie ('mer-ourn. "T bra nr. I a cuarmlt oae. an I I i worth ol the aathot a leuuatinn: ln irprt.it ba'atcurM t a, the heat and uobloa ot ail that be haa ."t written." from the Button Glolt. "Kiqmaltelv clear In ityla and ele.akei id ton, aud 1 worth inoret'iau o ie eiiidlui read ing rrm a unca H'fa'tl, 'Tbeaalhi-i haawrou'it mm rar i.a with a aood etlil.-al an I ar i-tl- nurtoie. ami thf a aic the i -i-niii ti v l i i ihe baildliig up of an ADi' ,i. n lit ii-rn u'," From tht Hot'tn VaifU: 'Aaa a intribiitlun In Aniaili-an fliclion. A Oueerlon of U nioi,' wl.l muretiian m.nita n Uiea!rir -n'iaiie ro .iu.1 u nil .jtUjr.' "roia thi liuf.ilt Uouritr, 'vbi Htth ir o' ' V i i-rid '11!' I ann ot 'h m ! a i '..na.t'ul of tbonj wn t hii ir'-d 'n oiatruii u- .-".t of the crul miuilnl m Aoierican lit . .Iril.Uini). ;io u. 11 , ai.ja. Wailed bia iT ad trew wl'bio tim L'uital ia(a, i-o.-ioii'1, on r 'I'l'ip of pi lco. f, APi'I.al.iN A ii , f'libll-li -r Bfil Kriuuwat, ti. Y. ang.wdtiwi The Piedmont Press. . " HICKORY, N. . I the anl ipei pub lalrnd In Ontuwha Miuiily . an t ha' arte. im m dreiu.tlun mnng Mi n l ai U. Kai a ra. and all ei'iwcaof l,ul i n- men i lhnM.tr The PR-a la a ihe wlite-awaar IliniOi'i-atlc impcr, .1 il ta di-lr.i hie nji-i'lum -nr l mlli.g in tan m Nur , I'aioiira Liberal tetiui a I ,iii'iniv,l ei tiai-metitj.. Ktibac tntton 2 In n ta c Addresa MnRM.11,1,4 TOM M N.HON, 'dilorn. Hntprl.eu,ra ft Atkinson & ManDins. 7l,.100.MIO Aa.Vt. Kepn aeuu d. ii. 0. 01 Hor'i. amerlc...... Ph'lalspiia Pbiinu ' iiranre'"Bit.aiy,, ..New Ti'K. "ntitnu-nUI turncj o., ...Ni. Vnrk N. Krltlan Vrs-cai 'll ln.f,o..I,ni d n. HtrtteT'l re Ina. 'omnnf .. ilf,.rd Natlona' Fire Ina 'Vntna. ..H.fior I tprlnjtfe'.d F. . In. iri . Maaaachtiattt Me evntlle Mu'oa ln. (Jo .. .New York in 0-. of No th "ieriea Phild LIFf - oitneot'cut MutUilT.liH 'n. '). Hr ' XI . ., 1 The Celebrate Douhle h'.thntla SPEiNCIOKIAN STTEL. PEN .i .. i .. Lr mi ui-ali.i.- 'wtl For ft.OTanlenci'0. tlio" :i)tnv Mii'tv tbem. Sam ib' Hard, C"ti: tlnl i ,'n eidi nf lannnibeii, w 111 boaentuy mill on rjKlpt oX i'v'HOjJ", U1AKMAN,TAY' 0 ' 0 , ' la St 140 Uand BU, Mw Tor k. gVM3aa noon Qj3 czDCDdil aold h iihimt i ud hd Ihw, that auioiitf no itritri til l!id Hs-toilnii ut. G GOODS . aiiotlier Lut of thoae oheap HnriettaV Liue of White Ooods. GOODS, NOTION, ETC. known for yara. Wo only reqnirw a oall win uo uio BOllibgr. AT 29 IvHAIKIST ST lllng aold out my uitm to k of oM giKi l AT AUCTION! I b Ke-npeneil at uif Old hinnd. A fn ih a'id wcil-.drt d H'ock of DRY GOODS CLOTHING, BOUTS HATS llniei und t'lpa, wbli h I will aell at the Itwe.t OA iH PKIObH. Keli'w I -ivo tou a la Itcui-i ailll prima a ifiancil t, Brai nail, ota Irorn 7. to j, par yard. Itrown Ootion from li)fo. to id--, pi r yd. Oo d .lam.a Innii Hp. ( upwanl. 1' iHoinila a 'id Ooiton Flanne1, Tety Cheap. Hiviklng you all f.rvciir kind aid liberal patr.mv horetofu' etnn 'ed, I reap - fuilj Oib'H. a r.oniliniit'ic. i.f the aauia In my new litialnoea. Keatn ci.f til I y Ymtra, 29 UAKKKT fTKKKT. crt Wiln lug'on. It MmmMU iniiic Vcrld C WEST& SONS' ALADDIN SECU RITY Clt Wiarria-ated.ns Itojrne .Ure;;Teat fnthrsftlhjf the Fiit Iiiiui'ittM thmpaniet. r Itttiltit C'lil DHlig'a'e, a.-lenlnd l'ro: P'anv ofht-ra Hiiwmui f h Ink 'o; or II o.iimt, ) I'ri-i inb-rvt, 1STI. Nrstr I- Writ .9otn (1 ntlenjeti --t.ifg lle t tin- t vl'ni. nita.'ild 'tl li eltv 'or I'lued' nattni; pii'p'ea I take pl'iairn in rernui niernllnu y. or " Aladdin Heonrlff " aalbe aa.leat and li.nt pvit und In our lioufliold, Vuura trtilT, (Mjne.M NiHiCW HKK.HR, Proa't. IT WILL MOT EXPLODE Atkynur 51 rrX''ptr fur il. Wliolcatle Diuii'. C: WEST 4 ION US '1.1 'V U nb.tr I "frnet. III .inut. I.J.d Hi., FOR FIR WEEH vHi7 t'Tnini U'fiiir Ti nr I V ve. ut i ii w 'ut title., tu btiv,r. n . Iir aiiut. end a'l irdera fl'led at 'h r,t lug priii or in v y a e r.i clrn I, 111 rfivin t c il o- ra .ro tliu o d re ,iir--ct tt ! ilis t uo tdi i t tg'tli y wiilil bT" 1;' l rCH-n1.. SmcM Bicoa Iu Us, a'id -Bois, lir S.t't id Mett t.H, t h'iuHi, BmIim a and Baca ii ni.l.i II r -fa nr Huvl 1'ne.uagei ; JiREAKFAST STKIPES. M a PotV, v.tr Or und Mia .'Flab. acker v ti l-i.. Herring., .Vo. EUOAR. COFFEE, SALT- Molaa-ea of II ktid. SYRUP ALL KINDS, Unn'o all g-ia'IHea. ' And our live Ln ditd article f One PANOT-OROGBRItt, Call or mil r ft iin n, orue' of Dock and rroa" xireuia, Wlini'iigirp, ". C iul A'if'UN VoM.KKI. SPADES no iVlIOVELS, Jura K"w'nnrt' 1p d n' la AX LOW?'T L'ltlOlCN, GILES 1 MJoteON uoiti , NiWaiardwaj:SliK. A NOT II ER EARTHQUAKE! DRY GOODS 15 M ARK O.u nnyrr haa jnat return! from thd Northern Market -Turohaiiea hare been rtiade way hrtnw ooat of rnauufetiirlng. Hate been entiotfd to buy , more gooda than watit.d. They ar ruarkt-d and jut ou , the oouuti-ra at prio that will eurpriae the mohtikeptioaL llavo Lirod Ihfthtofa unt door, -J: 7 M A R Iv ft T STREET, And will tuakti tlio Larjjett Diaplay of FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL IS!UUMIhTS, TOYS, ETC., Ever offered ia I lie City of Wilmington. IUo no rpjio to enumerate, and ouuot evt'U give a tout iJott of the variety. PRESENTS FOR CHRISTKAS I AND THE HOLIDAYS. Watches -Canary Dlida-Caget-Locomotlvet-Tenplnt -Drums -Open Ougglcs-Tool Chests - Parlor Croquet-One and Two Scat Velocipedes -Crumb Pans -Children's Own Books and Carts, AM) IN FA .T EYERYTHING COMPEISUG THE TOT TRADE. ' CANARY BIRS S3 EACH-ALL WARRANTED TO SING. BROWN & RODDICK. noa AirncrFKUruH lHaKAOilKalJaulltUai AL LAHUB AND INOHIASKUaTUOK OF New Patterns or l'nrlor Clknmhor mid Dlnlnn ltoom ITuruIturo. ' AT rXlKFMF.I V L W PltlOM. ' -t - . CARPLTS AKU OIL CLOTH AM) MATTING 1 1 tlila lluaonr ito.'k eni'irniraall or th) ti.aand leading Pallet na uf nmayi, Tkraa-ply upera, Oul ton and Hnu'p 'arp ui A llgr up a i ill i lotb aud M ittlng. alao Mat v ai'd Kiiga, ui I' anil ol Dealgua. Bedding. &c. &o. Hair. Mu ShaoV Excelsior and traw MATI'HMIICH FFtTltHH'4 FBlTMRll I 1A FFATH (TK PII,I.OW VN U B ) LUT Jill UlMFnTAUbK.aj, n., f.i.tlF TMW HltHT MAl'CttlAU . And inn w lylaoniacliire, Ho'ali, ataameia and rrleata Hnali.).cen rnahed tilth l.atet Htyle and atfiOW PrlO t'leaae gi ui a call audei .iu ne our .it ok hnf ir pa uhaalng. D A. SMri'H & CO., in Front titreet eat. ia if N i rakT it " lma. I VSaj . CAR PETS, iuai'i:hy. i''iiniti'iu'.. We ak rjiealajatietitlen In i tir atoik of I lie abnTcd gin ds V'e arn nw prrpaieil m fur iil.li l atl'va lilni' g Hviina ah l i haiulina Willi I; irpcia Kiir Itui-ant i tapi i j in oi t't U In laic tytia au I at AT LOW - I'JtlClirt Ai'y H' 111 thl P'i!.!'tv D. A 8MITH CO. infill t.1 Taba (j. K. Dnlti-r. 1' 0 Hoaea Kaflioiy at d Sito (Jkreae. PK) Harn-la ani Hj laf'rwker nil Hlnla. , 101 Hartel. K. H. ritlif'a. v.1 R'nela Diiikwl iai, HA(l(;iMI, 1)A:'N, l ANI'l Ka, OAKIiV, . COCFtK, O'JKN, It AT, ., , ''AT8 MlTf II KS, , ML4sl:,, ': tiY i I'm, POTASH. Ai.r, IAKNH, riHUKriSU Tbe alanf flftida 111 lia ol'eti'd rery low to preiupt pay tig ru tunMia, I r ' WILLIAMS & MUKCHISON. noitl 1 ANN10fS .ew tlr'fa ia -guaraii-rnl ..ir.. wli". Ifemarar, hug.i II u ao. IP I-i O TJFl 1,'fl.l Itiinc r i'l gr.i lef. 8ugir, tal, Oo true, Hiilna, Hriom", t.'atiil", .snuffs rarkera, ,in ere b n ." t oe. r ln., w: Uh we giirmt". 1 ' m"J 111 T' ' "r" ' i.o-tf' DtNFORO.CROW AO 1 1 1 j i ti i jy. A. HMITII Aa CO. noiKi tr GROCERIES mm ! CiRPBIS I ET STREET. 45, 47 Market Street. and Designs laW. ia-Tl . -. - - - ... :iW.-.l:T;,W -A APPLES. CHEESE. RAI8X8- OO II ti u i Jip'ri. OO H " A'ni H t'k.e.. IOO ' '!bee. 20 Miurii Vtni'gur, for Sal tv R.SII )ItNF.it SAtt1 n')s. SPIRIT CtSKsTTPANISH iiv.OWN 200 !lrU .' 10 B4iriIHi'iiili'i Orowu. IOO Harn lU;u. for'alel'V h tlU'iIM'-U . iJAi Uall BROS. 'mm BfiEADT PREPARATION. 00 i:aari llofiiid' Bread Preparation. , for aa'e by KKKi HNBItACALDKR I1KOS. wi xaxt. 2SO Keg' tlrl X K"l "IB knit Sporting, 200 Kega H a-tlug Powder. 00 Kega No. Dunking Powder. -x rUHK A.ND caps. Fei Sal by KKKOHNKR A OALOIABKO deni SAUSAGE CUTTERS 1 BtJTi HFK M N AI.K, MgUi' AW. nnealnel Kinfea of all klndi, Saaaara Kith-re, A ' A large atork of the aho.e gooda, and .1 Tory I -w prli-ea, rail be lound at thi Old a tab I ahrd Haidwuro Houaenf ,iiiin DAVTSON, ppt!8 N.i I.I.I .audi' V a, ki-t Street. H OWES' SCALES M w luari Ihe asnt-fur thiaa will known i in . raitira nil no r-en toexamm aim- t fi'r' buying n!brr ' aki'i, of UUR'JBiltOn. v M .rilware .Innae UELiaiY CAULIFLOWERS A Yjry Una lot lr a1 at del 0. H W K'JOR". Dissolution. rnf n-niot Muli AYOfriUeWdiaavtr d hy 1 mil'"' ie M'. (.. w Materia aii'horn d o .a tie tlm old b iltn ti " W. aUTi.I.KH, decl St JOHN W.tiK lif . Dissolution. nrwr: Una nf A. "-.nm "n.,at Terre 0or a ,, I. . u,w u.irv7 .ir '. w . r. i aent. A. a'.m h-Tl"i! p-ir.haanl t n tlr Uitere of J. W an t W. il. P w Ulaa-id ffm, and atmi I ty- Hablll ! Of th .am. AL"X hK's'v'U.... I. W. W. ' POWtl.. CtrQdo,M.O.,NoT.:a. deci 1

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