uiiii Journal. WILMINGTON'. N- C-. J . .'.! 1. I fm DiiM jorkiiAL. U'e o'Wt iVy ft 4t iu North Carolina, U puHt!W , 7 won lug, except Mn(!iy, at ElonT Lmi.laiw a jat; For Dollars lis HM.i.th;T "?svit5Tr-riTi enu pr monrt r i'.r ptrwxie. Served by . Carriers i", INT f.TJ At "jKVISTT-FtTS CtltU p-r nioc rt of Two TLLAhS sod Twas T 4 -rtvs " per quarter. . . i t Jovbsai, (rrMAy) i i-tv. U" pat-. '0 1-OLLAK fcVeetyt-. 5 T l01 LAM ASD A HALF tu cop, nrrx Dollars; twsutj Copies X HI VI T-me DoU-AKA. Si'turnU nK ill All el PavaN If A 'Am', A')d m pAjnr 6ntlnad Aflr tb , iratioc of t' tiKf VA 'I 'r- l.iKiTTAkVK sloclJ b niAd by ri pft )iot;t y tOr M FxpfwtA. If thil r t' b ikw, ion a.'aIt Ua by B''l waj "tumt by forwArtirtc a f pAviMstmhe rtSprrrftbe pvritor "ihf Juii .At, or by iPiulms Ui owy AdTenUinR lit (rr Inch ot iwelv m.il.t Hv f Ailertl9ltiK type,) One Inch cms ltufrtiort. One Dollar; two tll tio Onr Po(.i. a a and a halt; thn .iwertlonA. Two UoLLAKm fmir tinrrtloni Two Dollar a hp a b ai f; ( lre)r .TBitfF 1oixa; its luifrtl'i. 4 I v RFK AMD A HAL;iWKe , 4 -timid. PYVI Doi.1 Al AKD A BALF, r itHm. EiKTloi.LAlts; two mMiUli Jirmn Oollam thrw months Twin, tt-two Dollar. , t HittACU for hmser period i Bd longit li-ia' iipn hbrkl Urtu Jr ENwrxnARn t SrirrjtBS Wllmlngtiin, N. C F.irIHIl, HITK . Tn t1u of ootton lout this yir for want of picking is estimited to be oyer I5.000.00p. J ' S Hi ; TanldndkBillA aits bfn coii- ted by tie tuilitry, And minora Are aid to be going in by the hnndr K Thi length of dorp tea OAbte laid ia the world i 70,000 mile:. The world Ulfgrniie lltiet tt'eod Over 400,000 milevBdUirer 100.000 miles of railroed. A fiiHai Kniuber of gentlemen, re presenting " Iron worlt in the Ohio r Alley, 4 Ate now in the vicinity of Lyncbbarg, Vt; , ' the object of their trip being to obtain definite inform! tion in rcgurd to the iron deposit! of the uae ritrat Tslley, y . John Scbbatt mrried Virginia lAdyJirt jwfAM ! sow' teaohiog ohool At A Till Age io Meryl And, About twenty . mile thenoe. Miee Surrett married a Treasuty olerk, bat immr diately after the naptiaU be was i4 miMfld fmm Aaprnvtmnm Th expoximeDts reoently usdo by the Worcester, Maa Railroad offloials with petroleum , as fuel for looomo- Uvss,'IiAv resulted inoeesofnlly. An engine has been ran from Providence to Woonsockett, petroleum being tie only fuel nsed, , Other tests and ex periments will be made In a few dsys. Tub I'hilsdelphia Sunday Pren ays in tho lion. 8sm Randalls district a scheme it on foot to defeat him in the next Cobgrexsional Convention, State Senator Nsgle, it is said, bar ing lately come ont as the candidate. It is rumored that he will be hacked byTomPoott and the Texas Pacifio fcdilrfintl internal, an.1 K Q.Al'm hostility td Randall arises from the litter's opposition to the Psoifle sub sidy business last season. Tai most ootable indication of the keen intereot felt in the political strng gin of th next year is the call at this eary .U f.r the Republican Statu Convention' f Miana. The next i ko. tion -'here i'-h not occur until Oo'obor 2.1, 187il, b v, -'m Oonventiou is to noi liiule at ' i.- ticket, aud selei-t del i y ales to the Nntionsl Couveution sod Ireeidential Electors is called for February 22d. over seven moiiths iu sdvanoe of the election. The increas ing talk i f Senator Morton as a Presi dential candidate may have soiuo con nection with thin eirly movement of the party ia bis State, especially as thi October elections in Indiana, Ohio and Illinois are relle.ble indications of h"w the oouutry will go ia the Presidential election a month afterwards. It is said that Cu'u fornix com - uuir est the mark of any rtnmouweilth.in the world as a St ite virtually without debt. i'tiO'Dt writer hows that nominslly the .State debt is nearly four millions, but ot this" sum hu owt i three millions or so to herself. She bought up her bonds and keepi'them in trust for jier schools, the. uuivorii ty aii( otiierubjioU; ; Tho xct ual Oebt is only nbout J700.000, and for this she Ins i L SiAte Capilol, very 'X pnnaivtj litiildiiiK. pail for; the oiigi nal InMtie Asylum,' Normal School, State Armory, and Statu Prison, etc. In the tame connecton, it is stated that the county of Shu Franoisoo does not owe uo pnt. The city of Man Fra::oisco vs SUlOOOOO, while New Yiik. ith oclr four limes th p ipti lutii, t!jr, owrt f irty tims as m ioh money,--- - . A Wabiusotom special to the New York im' M.r' Ferry, of Miohi gnn, wfi( i(ig lconn. acting Vice PresileBb.v tb death of Mr. Wi'son. is not regarded as "in accord with the odminiatratiou oi the currency ques tion," and there will "norloubbdly" beantttempt to di place Lim from the chair. Two yenrs ngrj 1,6 waB fierce for "more money," but we I ave seen newspkpr statements this season that he lias "modified" his vier on that subject. . The New Vnrk ttcrald i even more uiplmtio. It inxista U.at nnlees Mr.-. Ferry makes a sstinfactory rifotilion of l.is views - the Sepnte sha'l cause in'm "fo stp down and oaf. r Th" wUer..re a t'.u.r . ' coi-m,!. f'KVSii D jttyh.g todo. The failure of the Fall (oriOl JltM I'll'll HK - A U- VAiitm or the mi, So fr as it eoreerns tie Notth, tbs r't " re (lazrUt ergnea tint the r 0. Lt eiportaliot tf itt'rftna ittoa gtxxl i f the cti-irr orf to Englind, far from beirg's Ciitnr rt jubila'ioo. ii, on the contrary, a go i f ucLeaUhi boas. Our Baltimore eotitfa potarr coutendi that it growi cut of the de press, d condition of our cotton manu facture; cad only be regarded a ad effort to g"t riil t,f a pArt of tie acju mu'Ated turplns low on the mtket, and finding ilow isle At unreruune re- tive f'liot end, if maiLUin-d At All.it must be by roduoiujr th wg td tUe BiTer strike resulted in foroiug theop entites to scopt a rednetioB of ten pr oni. on the former rate of wigwe, end tLe mill owtere, Ukirg advAUtage tt t:.ir tictory; and the Ceoefitie of their' work, people, cow insist on a furtbir reduoliou tf ten pt r cent. TLe hiiii Aiithoriiy think, from these premises that two things sr msde appAretit: "If uottou gfKKli cao be saccest'fully exported to EDxland, or to other ouuii tries where these fb- rios come into competition with Lug ish goods, either there is uo ntctiisity any longer for a tariff to proUot their rcauntsoture, or the export must bo at therxpeuseci impoverishing the oper atives." ' .The Oatr He, however, bolievesthst the nresent eiport is a rnse on tho prt of mannfActurers, in vitw of the shriuk age h domestio detusudi aud glut of the ma ket, to got rid.eren at a lose.oi the snrplns prod action. The ol.jootii stated as two-fold vie: eving of the interest onflrst cost end, by reduction of stock, to advance priot at huoio. Illmtratitig the efTtOt of this policy by a o )njparinon with the iron aud supper tride, the Gcuttt- oonolodi s thai: "When we set dowuourfur naces sod our rolliug mills in the miiUi of the ooal and the ore, the lltutwtoul aud the msganeae, that are the taw material required to 'produoe thii most nseful of all the netalswe shall be able to eoroiete with the world without need of a tariff to proUot its manufacture, 8o, too, when we n t our ootton mills in the midst of the ootton plantations instead of trans porting the raw material thousand miles to be manafaotured, we may hone to oompete with England in for eign markets and yet pay onr opera tives good wages. Bat not till then.' rnmiKiTuiiHii fAtinc. The Richmond "Diipitoh" ssys tlmt i aff. h oonstrujtion of the Southern rioiflo It Ail way and its hear tog npon pur MextoAn relatioua its im portanoe ia immense. . Our interoonrH witu Mexico wonw be greatly tnores'.1 by it to the eepeoial advauUge f the j Soatu. During the filial year ending in June, '73, oar imports from Alexin amounted to SI 1,305,630 and our ex ports to thatoouDtry to 7,420,111 Since then thia trade baa increased. and in the department of oanmd fruits the Meniosns are now taking a large part of onr annual stock. With reftr I e ice to the raids of the Mexican free 'b.ioten and to the bdrdor troubles hich now involve the Government I f A ImmAnnA nvriffnilihima IIiam will 1.. important facilities afforded by the road. The government will be ab)e to ave millions by the greater conve nienoe and eie with which means i defense and pituishmett will be oon oeutrated where needed. At present tho outrages along tho Mexican bor dcrehi it td" bit an iilmo tt furbar oua rtgion, It will not be lor g af'er tiid'.iouthe'ra PauiHo is built When ttiero will bo comparative pence uud security where Oortiuas' men now maiutaiu continued apprtheuaion in d ofteu inflict terriblo outregfa. 1 he road aill be the means of developing tho rich niiuing regn o of Westeiu Mexico, whioii haft been little worked for Iouk years. It ia underhtooj to abound ia rich ores. When we con sider the freedom of the line from e!i mtio obhtruotieus.aud ita easy grades, w o oi see th t at once that it mint b-oome the grest lughwav between the Atlantio and Pnoiflc worth many times ss niuou to people Aud Govern aiOLtai the present road, with its sharp grades ; its summits iu the skies ; its one hundred end fifty miles of snow sheds; and its disability for all grest servioe to Commeree for mouths in the year, ' ' Till: l'idt 1. U I.AUOf. The Springfield (Mass.) KcptiMum, which has been iuveMiu'iug the pres eut wages of local labor as compared W.th tho wages of 18(50, oonfen to some surprise at the result, all the im portant branches of mdustrv exceut . i uau neivioe eowug an sorauoe slill retained of from forty to sixty fiva per oeut, and the average aitvance tut all oiaiises covered by tho iuveitigstion biiug still fif'y-two per rent. The g.'Ueral avemge of this t xcei-s of preh eat over auti.-wur .vvug. a is given aa f jIIows ; Itailrouds Ootton. Woolen...' Paper Buttons , 08ars.' whijk.. Donust d ...... . . . Iron and wood..,. Day labor.....,.., Avefage. ..,;;. iiBaMi . per cent, :3ft -..Mi tM 55 .55 ....(30) ) .,.44 155 . ... .....t)4 . ; 41) ' A fool in high station is like a msu on the top of a high mountain-1 very, thipg arpeara small to him, aud he ppears small to everybody. , , , , . .W KLM.YXOI . iiARDVARUrSTEEL Agricultural end sechanlc Implements American unci English Pocket and Table Cutlery, Cuna, RifllS. T'OWli:it, NIIOT. Ac. Wr Inil'e m afntl m f nt-Oa-l. Burrra to our ' r' v d ii ''4 "t'tk, eKl to tk' vi jirrt n 'tit aa (til Oiler. fall lam NATHANIEL JICOcTS, H i KLW A&L I'KP.T Rime, Hubs, Spokes, Springe, Axles, Bolts, Trlmmlnce, Ato. A full winM oi Ottt r W M"frll cm fi-fT ilfMcOiiin Ail otlrr tr uiii'.ljr hlitil, m d t iIki t!un pukiioiKril. NATHANIEL JACGBI'S. H 4U1M At K OKU- r. SASH ! D00RS1 1 BLINDS ! ! At Fr "IT Prior. MI H i" - I ' H tr or or fllll'l lor Rii, JUm's e. PAINT. CILS, GLASS, VARNUH KATHASlEliJACOut'S UAUUWAKE DEPOT, 1WO. t MAllIiFr iT. ri'ivT XX-If Wilmingtoa IS A LI V V. TO H KB IM'I'MCIfH Iu l. (Kroiiu i, htt tu rann will I lfl' ' THE YASHiNGTON ECHf: iluji an. I wf II thll O.e.l ttljr t -! urr, i'.ln noting eenin ly h. o i roimMf -llyda. Ilaiilrt. Panillfo, I'lO. ..lntvil lid tLiw vliilnin Hi at Low WALT P. WlLLUautUH. - . H UA'I F.illmri an I rroprlMor. ft t mt f . COKOON AUURIwEf, GENERAL! NSURANCEAOENT3 riREri,MARINE. ! Bsprswat th LlTi'rpoOi etitf Lonilo O'oh , S'rii'ikir PIRST'CLASS COMPANIES : wuu uiui.li.fi !'' FIFTY MILLION D3LI. ARb ffli 0iikIIi Hilo H nn umlur H.rrlm Mownll.iirth W'r Blreat. ort 17 tin JU3T PUBLISHED. lUhtdltlon, PfiAOTIOAL 0BSEKVATI0NS. NERVOUS DEBILITY - v J'irYMVAL EX11AUSTIOS T j which fit audeil An ICaaariow MKrrlag' vVlth Imiorlantrbaptrra on .OKKEKi OF THI HHKHOPOOt IVB . niiiiiii. Baitir i "Ttini,.!. ni ,..riiri ditllverxil m Ihnlr MUSEUM OF AKATOMY Krrnrn TlKllliiI IM rltV. ahutiltl not IhII t thi ureal lollirtiim, Iiik ilm lara-l la 0t Chestnut Mi , OppiMlletSonllnen tavl Hotel, rblldrlihla. ; OiiIm uf trrturm rnt an nript nf W rwila Ari.lrrM, ta. .IOKOA N A UA VI KHUN, IW KILHKHT ST.. Fbliadclihla. WtiT?T d-lf 'Tho Virgin if. " BUFFALO SPHINGS, IMecklenbura County, Virginia. THE, GREAT MEDICINAL WATER f THE SOUTH. , OI EN 20thMAY, 187S; TlftA watcn an immiciwd at euraoia'im curailT rnwr In allmttiua or tha K llM KTS and 111. A 1)1) IK, Iu nil ilriiitmaiilf of tt' HIL1AHV UUUN inwdnniui warm nilna mxtla fflotn. In Dao ala, n Ola emei oecullar to Women Chronic. Intermittent h" Nomlt tent Fevers ' Chronlo Conorr hcea. Secondary Syohlll. Cleot ana ill (ii-ahi.i iu Genital Qrtiana il In ama I rm ot Cout Rhuma tletl. Their rmrkiii.i imwi i .o vmoai'V Iu tfc disaaaaa lmtlatit r viint'heii lor l-y aomaafths moit dii-t t.iulshml iu-(ti ll men i " tM f.j.Ti , nuin N i Oi nii.l M-nrth, a wi-ll Mlo awrd ruw r i mo't tiuiin sn t ovakl rM l'.) In.inuln m I" m nti I t r..ri frautdan rallim. THKWA'l'EH FOHittAI.W. J M arator i at up in a' of onri il ien h.Hifl'oa Moll at ail i rape. Uoatt to thoSprina ror the South: i y i i Ilia Kicuiiiiiii.l ami A' .aa i l.li a Kllroil In .scinl.ur hi ilahe.i "unit, Vlrliili, wimr . r I. tm. ura met t j ooa f tf ft nilleidl'ttnt 'I ''.'. (i()('Dir, THE NORTH C&EOfJJU MAGAZINE, THt Kt ASL FOUHTH VOI.ITM S. JULY. . JUNE. OUR LIVING Ar D OUR DEAD 1 875. 1876. 10,000 NEW Sl'BSCniBERS WASTED. WK Wll .l.rCKNfSiTTMB Filter KAK haiiila.ini iljr lniui, Hi Library a'yla, tio T Miaicn (,.alf c:i. wilh I'nrrant .i-at from ,hily. lflft, to ,1un. 170. lucliiKlTa, V'r S7; aw tba Hnl y ar lonnt In two tolumaa, ciuili, aail eurraiii vrar I r t. 1 In. liliara lly oTtnl ofler will appear from fie Itilloaln ; Taro Vol"., l.lhrurr alyla.. F, (HI Slatna (UTrmt'fuar. 4 uD rurnl'tru to.tiisr i.k t. 1 Two Vnla o'oih Magna na enrtent y.-aj ...... .... i 0 II W Farnlibml oifariirr for (. Thia wlio deaira to nc.nr th Mavatlna 1.ia iKlualn( liam au ajl.:iuiulty u w of ""'i " uu K'liumuuiAK, L'l all do aaaia t ma, tbi y will tin- al.l tu hnl ilir.j n a Nortb atoll, a Mafatm., a'Hl gW riimn ragtrO' nt to u ttita Ulast. I aai 1 1 loritfd te atata that lirl ttan , '. W. Harrt.. t W. Rrnnhury, Fuj , aim. eiiiiiiinian, Vaia-, r.nd ,.thrr Htln. wr.wrn iii .aiBi.min. to our eoluni it i ar t g ren r,rn nt y.ar Ui. r iti.na trli. la alll h BIB with the Jam M r i n m liar, I'lil Jann n mil at t-lirt fnlloailri offir: To ?) una wmlitij t w win tiirnlth 'm aia 01 twanlatr I,ib J. baArr, 17P, t Dj. rilwt, la;i, inoludlii Saaamar l(il,"iM "irl ilu Knail, ai ii " Vsritaret itoawlyii." bv 'H i e , Varrl, ai.il tlw ttk4'.xm fir llie t nr. H"S, troia .htnnary ant ...eermlier-twu vwra wi h vt t'nneoaerlK r wfl i XOff 18 THE T1MK 10 BIU8CRISK I ! J"Sniut hi voar ft lar IS.irea ' 8. I). PilQ f,, llilalgn, N. C. September. . 1 8713. August. 1870. THE it. a JOURNAL CF EDUCAiIGIi. AASiMgeMotiiiv, , , .jr. lliseenn l jeT t tb i J..ari)ai liuon In Beiitemhtr. It la f iint." Mli t-.h a art tnlnlawai4tiiatl.a.al: p ,i y r Ihetlr.t yaar, f npininb'r la p, iu j utf nat, 'a'S, mc'tt lT.,eaa b hi( W-Skllft I III SI. Aeilr a, . 0,1- O'i, tli;i, N.O .:"-,T THE X j' ' j JAC0DI jt j AXE. 7H CnHAr" H1TAIL CT OF Till iTATE, FOE SALE AT -AUG" 'TON AT 34 MA1!KET8T.:-U . . r r t llavirg (wrfrettd arruiK' m aa hy which cloUgi.'U, I LaVrf Uvtrrmintl twali,t ancttoo rvery dl'r r wrlti tf gow.b cotitaiiird in my retail stxk Tliis ooiupritea Ue . , , LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS : IN iVILMiNQTOH,i - ' . Aral moactirg to over k ... , . $2 5,0 00 Worth of Hwonsble- ar.d EepaLt Goods, ociijsstiBg t.f Silk", Velvets, DRESS GOODS 111 Knglibti, t rench ami Aiu. ncer ;a-.ine , ; MijJt'.u, WateipMHf uud LADIES', GENTS' and CHILDBENS' UNDERWEAR IIoMiery, Glovea, f-hirta, Col are, Cuff", Cbiefn, Phawia m enuieaa van' ly, eve y qusntv amr prtoe, rjiarBers, -, Mar-nlUs Qmlta," rlpre-ida. hbretintf, Ticku rf, O.mforta, Table-olothe, Towels, Napkins, D.apers, and other LINEN AND COTTON r GOODS In great virietv. Trnuks, Sitoliois, Umbrellas, Ilr.ta, Shnee, Fsncy Notions, LadieB Fura, with thonaaiule of other articles, f .rming slt4gethtr the , . most eiegani, tursutive sou aeairanie stocx ever, soja . st aucton H North Carolina. The Ladies, the Merchant, 1 the Farmer and Mecbauioare all fori ted to attend this mammoth T 1 RMS; All Goods mailt be paid fo?co deliver) i - of sals altered after int o H An nie and oomfortb!eaooomrnodations ' . . . ill sale, lf.Vfry article put np win oe soui. rrariies win oe accommKiaia , as to quantities, ai far ae 'posaiblev',' Goods must tie' called and i ? '! " . . ..... ...I. ; . i ' ' liien aa poon hiu t iu a an n ia (hwhiuiu au ueover i them, This sale will bo continued ' at the ' " store, No. 34 Market street from t . r i s day t dny, commencing ' ' ' ., I'-t'hi Hi I i ' ' Until the entire Stock is sold THal'e fb and 7 o clock, V. M. Uooila sola to DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. Conttry lleroha' ts whose bills ar oyttf on first-class Citv acceptance. ... ( , VrdO WEILL j Aerit. N" O T I G E ! ! ! . - f . . ' i I- ( It ii I' I I 'j I ' -t ... ... . i !. , : Our regular butlnest Vyill at No. 32 Front Street; corner Princess. . . TH EJODRNAL MO'FFiCS now in, r i r 'i ii t ii it t -; of -. ' : ' nt i IU 'n i AULE WORKMAN IlATeheen seeurtd for this Dermrtraer.t, a 4 the Job Otuce embrAcei a com plete outfit of , . ALL STYLES OF TM, We are now prepared to reeolvj ORDERS ' for JOB WORK, Which will res Its prompt atteLlion and bs done at REASONABLE RATES. We have an unlimited supply of material and ueceisiry fixture", making this Department one of the -. ' . ; IN THIS SECT ON BOOKS,. -.1 ' t PAMPHlEfP, POSTERS. BUSINESS CARDS 1 VISITING CARDS, : And 1n fact all kinds of JOB WOEK WIU he done at th MOST REASONABLE RATES j And In the best pwiibje V .." " Thankful for the psit patensge ei- tende l lo us, it will be our aim te merit a ounUfluanc of the Hm. ' If I MOST COuPLETE tbw ohsraeW of mf lQiiiee will be EVERY: ; VARIETY, - I rs. ;evjfwn uoewas, iwaveis, Sattueiti, togttbi r with, , . ,, Uil bons, Lacea. Edgings, Hsndker- sale bv auction. .'' ' CSH. XT:iyTist& will be furnished Ladies attending the it T-.: t;.,i' 1' i i a. omraence daily at 10 o'clock, A. M.; 3 parties residing in the city wilt be 850) will be allowed thirty days time c" 2 - r- f t fa be continued as heretofore I TRADE MARK. QKCESTERSHIHE SAUCt. LEA ft ."ERRIN8' "Onlt Ooodrr-jeBKiws tbi 8BUCS," j eatecmoM in lv dla, and ii. In ni A ..4 aipHrahl. to opinion, th on it lllatablt aJwt-llai RVRRT TARtK VT UP DISH. tba moat whole ume SP" that If madl.' Worcestershire 8auce. Sul I iwi a;l ror BaiiOTwnoa by tat Pr.ipri.tOTe.L8A o PBBBINS. W ..leetrj , Rngland, ud Ket all by l"eal ar I In Bahus ges- arellv tbrongboat the wotid. , . Ask for Lea & Perrtai' Ssncs, Ai:Ui. UHEAKVART TIIILK H twi pari th. m art erqamts rellib lad seit U Bol or Cold 1 at, Fowl, Flh, BtollMl KidMy, Ae At the I I nnr.H T1UI.C, In Boop, witl Flab, Hot Mtnti, oame, asd.lo all UriTlM, H glTeaAd"glittuHaTof. - At UM, CUNCHP.Oat AND BIIPPKn lABlts It tj deemed .IndUpaniabi. b) thoaa faml .ai fun it attlinabl. qoailtlM. - Fnmlttw TrkTnut ' '" . -' Therl nurellali lo the world wbieh law aatfiiraaliv Ukad aa La A P.rrlna' famod Worcat'uirs Ssucs. : ;,. ,; JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS HBWSODTHERN HOUSE Josa w. initio, (Late of , runt A Htnav W lmlngt ,n, N. U 4AMSS u. cnaaiss. (Lau Uaahior Bank o few ManoTer.l Tarboro HINSON&CDtllllliG .CiiiaOl MEaCHAHTS" ,roB THECALS ,or -Cotton, Rlae. Lumber, tobacco, Naval Store, and Southern reiue oeneriiiy, j : NO."102 CHESTNUT ST, P. O. BwaBOita, c fbtlautciphiaPa I BivaasseiK I. B nralnget, praafdant BatiiorNew Man. 0e, WHmlngitu, N t), i w ti - s , y , B K hswati, PiMitKat rbwt National Bank Wilmington, N C. laiaea Dawaon, PrcaMawt Dawaon Bauk, WHralngtoB.N 0. AH Borden, Prellv Bask of . New Uin, orfr, (loldaboro, N . j v j ' Ki-.l J A Leak ''realdont tutluf N Hanow. Wade-fciro. N !. jMa Llhdaay, Plff'Jfctt Bfuk of Grna bora, UrMnahoro, N I . , . , . ; . U Weddell, Kat;., U.. , o 71 O. Hon. W O Jotnaon, A4k-:on Ct non woo. nowaril, 1 iit,hu, M Wft.lll Kmr I. . ... Court Bonn, Jaly n .iSlLLttRATBU .''- -'-' f Hi. horhCHt). AUS ' CX1 BAOl n BV J " SLFTTKRfrota. ! 1 I ; MF.UIUAl.UiSN. OONNOlSSBtJBS ' "tohl, brofh? , il WOltUBSTBK,. ! TO kITIi f k. M. iwii I t Iss d 4wtf "EW Ycn:: AriD Wilmington, U, C. paot Fre eht Route to all Po' V : f North or .NI'TW New Yorn and, wnmingtcn i a ' V? !il (rut uirrii r . . SEMI-WEEKLY. Sailiig from NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY al1 SATt RDAY at 8 P. M., sxd j -' Iron WILMINGiON, WEDNESLAYardSAlCRrif BOSTON AND .New York m;d. .ViJininston Mtjiaiship ton rany, ' ' 1 ' ' ' -y - " CONKEfTlhO Willi THB OLD COLONY RAILROAD AKD STEALERS. . v: Dalle Between BOSTON and MEW YORK Scmi-Week.n between NW iOKK sn,d WILMINGTON. ' WesJaesfcw Ave 4 .tarsi r fryui each FwrtI ' ' o .',' ,.' ehtmiera a bt tal moii the BTcnutacd reic 'ar faM'i.r ,.i n... i, .. ' l; tklsrsat.. ILMIQTt.LULr:n A AMiTKTA K A I I.Ht t - f ... . .WU.IIINUTUN WMIifK KAII.KOar, '' ' . , ' miiAiifLiM I hMKAI. RAM WAT, ;,r.WhH.ltoet1g.,B, ! ( NORTH and SOE1B CAPOLINA. CI 01;GIA ar d &UUm Aho to NEW YOKK. BOSTON. 1 ROYTDtM F. frAT.T. nn 'a ... Eaeten, USitiee. - Mark all Goods iia I'Jj dtV W ilmiiiRtt n Lfrip. For Jmtbsr Inroraiatiol prt Is tiifcrrot tbs underaljn'd Jg.nUsi I tbi Lint. D. D. (J. MINK, Uaneral Kaatara A fent, -..., Datouihire 8tr.it, Boatob. J Biifuii Ml W elm TraisrcrlaticD tew -via wi iauixcj'i xiv, ' i . ci -I ..FAST FREIGHT ROUTE To al' Points Worth or South , BALTIMORE. J , EailMB'aiif tiiniiiilcD Line,-' , j fWXI-avLT. . " " 'r-i ; -SAiLimJ bom' BA'iriMOKaC-.. Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P M. -AND rHOM WILMINOTOM- Wednesday V Saturday. BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE, f Bal timers and WSsnagtou Line, .. BiIUboii, Boaton aud 1 roflUei.ee Line, -Ur via Canal Dally to I'hlliwloli hla and Cljdi'i Phlladolpbla and Providence l ine. ' Bsml-WMkly from each Port ShippeM may rely upon the i rmit ud reenter ai!ln f,f there f teaiHfri and ooirk ralrbilTentoallablpmentaby thla runtf. NO DELAYS. ,fl " ' . . , Througa Blllflo lifting giym to ami tri m all Pt mta In ' ' " NOliTH end SOUTH CAKOLJKA, GEOKGIA and ALABAMA Also to It ALT I MORE, rHILADELlBIA, BOSTON, PEOTJDEKCE snd thpr Eastern Cities. ,iu erpafs?1' - hj 0,t"' l,00lM,d !.'' Losrtsar oyeicharg.1 Mark all Otods Tia UaHliiiore and Wi Jinlngdm Due. VT For fottherjnrormatlon apply toelthei of the nmleralgtied Amenta of the l,ln. DWIN FITZCERALD, Agent. ba'tira a Liu, , m noudi Btien Ba timori. march la-tl I j 1 (Carolina; Central Eailway, ; " GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT,) " .miiboton, March 31st, 1875. " ) THB ATTENTION OF TMR PrjBLIO IS RKSPB'ITFUI.LT INVITKU rroTHl faot that the Carolina Central Kailway bring completed and lolly eqoinped to builasai tura-wlih ita coiiuectioni at WMmlnvUin, both via dlrrct Hteami r Linne and via Welili n an ' PortemnutH, toB.ltlmore, Philadelphia, New York, Boaton ant Pruvtdence-anequaled Itaa uy for handling abipvant rrom ' WILMINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITIES TO CHAR. .LOTTE, STATESVILLE. GREENVILLE, SPARTAN- , . - BURC )j ' : ' '' ' : and all station! on Atlantic, Term raee A Ohio Atlantis and Riehrornd Air tin. and Forth Carolina Hallroadaaaw.il aa all po'nt, In OKOKH1A and AJ.AIIAMA. Inanranu. trom Baarern oltlea puai anieed a low aa tia art rt her line. Noternilnalor iiaat iw ebargea, and Halea alwayt an low aa tbe lowe'at. Katea te all potnti laraliaad upoa appHobtliHi to th. undsreignid. Offlcs In Bank of Hsw Hanover Bsilams- i , tJ,.ti.i.J;'l..; I. i S1. W. i3XAJRSC, aprllt-S0-ty Ueneral Freight Agent. VVEwIANOVB IK UMT-Hlrgiiial-ll ISed aa adnjli.lairatur ot tha e-tate of .liiaeph W Baron, on th. ?0tb ila oroctoher, IJTS, notlc. la heieur g'Ti n t all per.ma hav n. elalma ayaiuat the decatfrrt. to rxh bit h' -am. ti nch.Admlalatr.tor an or I sfot. th 1 tb day af Ootoar. I-Ti.ur toll uotloi wl V bo p'aotd In bar of their raooter , ' ,. JULIA ANN RARNKl, of 1 1 lawlw dmlnl trator Flour and MeaL A KU MIXRD.rEtr. Oar-'tAd, t, , d on abort notlcs. Oram bought at tb taarkst prkl. Addraaa, , . AKUm'F CU T MILL, , . 1 CMrlott., K t-, - - 1 1 . t ' . ?- t FcBlherDn&tf n - Assorted Sizes. Whitewash Brashes, Faint and Kslso nlale Braibes, Bope, Twine, Thread. For sal tow ; sovfl " "- OCO- A- PECK- B0ST" limes South. YOltK, FALL RIVER. KO DELAYS, t natUrf at tl lla lshca ' . . T " "UM vw". WM. F. Ol YDK A CO., rDral A.anta. N.w ark 1 tne, Henilrj brreit'll T, A. D. CAZAUX. Agent. ?aaW4ut----' PHILADELPHIA. EaiLicrc 2tfi WiLticfl dm, tm-wucir bitwkim BALilaivtiA. AMI ll.W INUION. , Haltlmor.aiid rblla.lcl, kia KiatnbcatOi. I'ally al C'ana, beiween ' .' BJLTUli HK AM tHll aliJtl.eHlA. WESTERN CITIES. BALl'lJIOKK ANI .IlMISliTUN UHH . Noiiliwn Central Fallioad , ' ISO TBI .' ' ' ', Baltimore and Utile haJ road. A. D. CAZAUX, Avert. Bait inoit .i u Sr 'Voi), I ,ni ffiliiniua, K. C. Turpentine Scrapers TRUSS HOOPS. Jointeri, Drawrrg KbItw, Headtrg Bnltea. coniiat'a iisaniara, Setia, Pnnchea, ohlela. Sock ft Or vera, Weil. Ing Machines back Irona, Bora. He, da, Coop, .r'a Adit a, Ae, f, - 'Ihrlaraeat a-ortra nt, and loweat prlei I of ilia Mm re B'vdi mn be tound at the vid e tab llfhfd tiardw e Hnuae of , , i'OHN IJAWXON, ! ' No. 1, Jo, II Hat ket street. Pee Dee Courier. RB THE MEKCHANTJ OF WILMlKb. ton aware that the Courier to tbi only Dema oratlo paper publlehed a nookti. am, aad that It circulate .itenaiTfly In Klolmond, Montgomery and Anion eonntiM i Kateaof adrer tiling liberal and no irtia .ha-gei madi. for charging mint w.akly. ;' - DCCKkH A KBVJS, I ' i ' ' tdltori.

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