4 irh'nnn - X : i .1 i HO. 342 FOL XXIV. TELlGRAPniU IJGLiND. TJrrtj. To. 8.-A disptoh from r. .V,.. 00th NnrtMnk r. MTI B tnrMlbv the M1V ..i ui;,n i,l the murder ol Dir. ti i. rlih rxl,lfU. baa iUC- I eoeded in nkmK wcape u4 ro- v - i.iruiug to tbe isriUBn dmij".""". iiriPilliurTnM WftTCC u.. .hut Ualiium h i W A3I.1UU 1 U11 11W . j Va .Uoag atok.de tor de- I (. nee. Ti ltWr dedans that the 'THE SPEAKERSHIP CONTEST, j Malays will iwhb tie Ei.glu i to i ti, nttprmoHt. Sir William Jrvaia u n,0.r .if tL Straits Bettloun uts Randall and Kerr Sanguine of Suracs'i At Penan preparation for attaokiug Him Malavim are rnuniuK ir v -Cox and fiajlcr m the uaca ti-ound-Ihe Clerkship FUN. uiLiiniGTOir Id. Saturday,, decsseh 4 1875. 1875. 875 FALL AND WINTER SEASOFJ. Bi nt Assort! d Wools, ia the City now Op. u at 36 MARKET STREET, SITTvS, thiols :;o- 7.c::. OPERA HOUSE. Th Mart kurnt Trrnii In K!tnc WeSmsflar ant Tlmrsflay. DcclS k& 9!1l Ar Cowag, aa 0ktbr.ted BERCER FffilLl NEWSIN QENEBALI Workmen' Appeal -Dishonest Official -Probable Settlement of the Last em Question The Malajs. G O L D 14 58. DT TELEGRAPH TO TUB JOl'RSAI. I wasuiVgtox. WifiniNOTos, Dfo. 3 TheS.orrtaiy - of ttfo Trumurv will mail biidwWim ...to 'Collector of Cnx'toma to whom tdi tor will apply for narly copiw. A nke'e of Grant's m asage vr read iu the Cabinet to-day aud ap proved. . Etnr Admiral John J. Almy rrports hia' arrival at La P, Mexico, on the 29th October. Hmiltn of officers and crew g oJ. The chief "of the Bnrean of Steam Erg'merii'R, rrpavd.Bj theeipht hour liw, m ys "tliia has Luii the eflYct of iucrfHing the exponditnres for labor, practically one-four'h . for the sanic amount of work, aud henco it has b oome olieaper to piocnro much of the rork fi.rmaily execntcd at the Yaid from private eatabliMhmenU." The followlog ia tb report of tlif chief of the Seorct Sorvioe Deport' A I a via Bit 1 that the French Mmi-Urnf FordicuAffiiM Rtuteathat the reason why the Government re- fu-d to puroliase tue ou.i v,n tl. nrooertv waa t.ndered for i-ale to the MiniHtry. was that Mao- n.,i.i,t rynul a war witk itllUU " II ......A,- Col. Owen han reaiRmd hi ponition !,.. cu.,miiil Oomn.iwiioiier, and nr. iiTh. rt Handford and Professor 4 .n,n IVruntnr nf the Edinbnrjth Mnnnnm, have tn-eii appoiutad Joiut Oouiuiiuitiouera. - -. from Borliu con- ttins the following detail in regard to n. gotihtions on the Turkish inhOr- rec H)U queistiou : .uui uuu.wj, tiio Austrian Prime Miuinter, hut lib ra tud to St. Pttersluug prorjosala he wag tntrusUd to draft. Io it he ennmerutea the reform Tui key aliould pledge to the insurgeuta, aud the gnaranteea ttie gret Powers should nun4' thmr fwtftHment. Prinoe Ti jmuroV anil u ..Kfil.Hkoff have dis- u diuhiu. ..,! i, ljQlin noints of tuH doc- ,.n.un' on.t i.uca inn t,'.d their ap- i r . - .,.....! i...r.,.f A. Hi.nn a the throe a.riuT tiiiK-"!! 1 Inn ,uiiii t ttn ormilctltH detliutelv 0' 1. Lit ra i C " o pt the proposilf, the other P wert ol J-.urope win ve invm-u iu r"ul pate. mm t Mil -1 COLORED SILKS, The Celebrated Ouiuel's (Jros OuiuH.) SOL i SMITH" RUSSELL CONCERT TROUPJS. I.A1JY .OHCIUXTHA LADIES SILVER CORNET BAND. Creates! fcmic Artist if (he UivertM. And a rnrMof Shit rd Pttfo'inor-- uiiar:-urd ID tU.'lf ISprtlT . mm'P VJ ny uu.iili.ttim lu An.rio k. ma Inn. R ftTutr 4 'Of II. t H. !'!: V Mf Rmti Kl.tr, Vi.iUnoeliBti Mliw An uio Mor Mutir.nu Vao.llrti Ml'i Utt MH, ..nK u..m m.iu :iiiiii T.tu. I'rjnib n 'VolvM; MIOT J .i M.ailo k, lnor Hoin All th. UU Mu.il Novi'ltlei of tli t-y wll I It ic i-:h ah"'1Jh UAL. " 3tU c.a b ..cured H.lntberger'. ooo iure. necs-irij.1111 in" wu. AUCTION SALE ! 1IOOXH ,ASL HIIOhiH. tri1 I. wmi.ll.it nf, AttirilAV. IVOrfkl.Cr 4tU, at 11 u'elnk. tOM-ll nt kal.ucti t U the L iteet Cloth Shades. 1T.EA.Ij silk poplins, MERINOS, CASSlMEREu, SERGES. AND MOHAIR GLACE, JBT JitVKBTiaK.9B.rT0i ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE! DEI GOODS ud all the LatOHt Novelties in 2ID cQ ' tnu.'S 0! liouuau iaiu. .. ' BifiDSTEADH. NO. 41 MARKET STREET. BLACK ALPACAS, That usual Specialty wo have si way aohl fi many stul o low, that auiuufc ao . 1 U r.lr u uin ill lurf nf that uMnrl Ilki tlL " MOURNING GOODS . In every variety. Will upon on the Hih auothor Lot of thoan olienp llenrieiw CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. ohiel ol tne neoroi a:r.uo "'F'" moot of tho Treiwuxy from October, 40O Cottage Bedsteads In 1874 : 214. arresU for ooanterMtiug d f 8ae ,ow c and violations of tha revenue and pos n . LA. - 41. - I tal lairs, 40., 83 were sent w me peui tent.iary : 18 are Waiting- the action t grand juries; 7 acquitted, and the ba'anoe turned over to Btate antboritiw aud released on bail. The amount Atptured vai $20,8a6, with th rty counterfeit plates. The reppeotive friends of Kerr aud Bandall have about the same ao.ount of cjnfldence, though neither venture huavily on either. Heavy men in that line are hfta from- Philadelphia and New York. There are some fifty mem bers who remam non eommittd. Ran dall's more sanguine friends olaim bin elation on the first ballot, and he will almost certainly lead the Hold on the trnt.w. If after a few ballots neither have been able to carry the caucus, Saybr, of Ohio, will oome to the sur faoe. ' He ia popular as third choice. The friends of Mr. Cox are warm and earnest, and will give him good ad herenoe, but when they leave him, as they ultimately must, they will doubt less lie the balauoe of power and will really control the organization. ThiB is about all they hope to d . They " give tio sign as to their second choice. M Banks, of Mississippi, is still the favorite among the prophets for Clerk, but enoountera. much opposi tion. He will probably poll his full strength on the firet ballot. Adams, of Kentucky, and DuBos, of Georgia, come next, witn weuaerourn ciooh up. Col. Tyler, of Alabama, is not without gapport outside of his own Stnte. The other positions are not so closely can aSBed. Col. J. M. Cavanaugh if making the race for Postmaster lively. The first poll to night btood Ran dall, 7 ; field 10. SEW .TORE. Nbw York, DeZ 3. O'Connor still - KAmnitm 111 a nrnnarions condition. At a meeting of the Board of Alder men, yonterday, a petition was received from tho United American Bricklayer's Association, asking for the passage of nn onliaance authorizing thei' employ ment nil ha pnblio works. It recited t'.at tho AsHooiation consisted of over 5fl(X) timbers, and that not more thao ii.o -fifth of their number were workii if ; that they had passed through two anions of idleness; tnai me prfisenl ooudltion of businens was such that tinny capitalists oould not or would not employ them ; that they aPk lubor ; not charity ; that they wit! not bo sole to sustain their families durin,r the present winter, and that the oit f must therefce choose between furnihlling tnem WHO onaruy or iu.u. The petition closed with the following ento:oe : "Wo know that by bteom Ing oiiiiviots we can be assured of labor bv tho State or city, and we hope we VIM U DO OllVtU l" r.u."'J. Nai Ration on the Hudnou north of Ronuiljiil i closed. Tho J rouer'a jury have exonerated th ci iu end crew of tho steamer Jjutinjtide. Nat'uau Sprague, colored, for two veare. employed mthe Rochester Pont oflloe, was arreftd fpr robbing the " mails. F"nvteen lettora were found in hit. po-si'BHion. MABIU.M). " Ba: nxioBft, Doc 3. Chas. S. Abell. t A S. Abell. t;rocrietor cf the ai n u 1. ort.limte of fieoruil-own Ccllege, and lot (several ears a fivorite contributor oftu buu. I . ' OKB I GUN". GERMANY. Bl i-is, Deo. 3. It ia rep irtcit tirn it, .nfMri'iico between Bimrck and ii..mt'.:...in(r and the thw Power I MW' ' . . . which thf y iepreent, are m pcr;cat n.fDQ liy On the ALMS"" ijurnnuu. FRANCE. . . ft ft if, Pea 3. The Municipality 01 . -'1'ari- 'ins Co Mibuted $0.0iK) towards , nil .cup tiou to send a dputition at Frei' 1 workmen to tho Centennial Store and for Sale Low. . A. SMITH & CO. a.la tu k nnntfnnad wr d. BOtll Stock U 0'O!W QUI. t UW low. iruu. "w Danofautarar., n4 bnatnl ipr.M.iy for tni. n.r.ei. :o: TERMS 1 dcea-tf' CASH I OX DELIVERY. W. DAVIS, Auctioneer. COMFORTABLES ! A Large biockiiiu. FOR SALE LOW. . A. SMITH CO. dec mnoN 11 MEN AND BOYS' WEA.E. ' Qroat Lino of I NT O T I CSJE Hosiers I . 1 -. ' s. I ? lilnrraa Embroideries, wt (1 , . . ; White Goods. STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, NOTION, ETC. ,L5 MARKET STREET. . o ' Out Buyer ha jut retnrued from the Northern Markot-Purohasea Lava been mado way below mt !.f mHnufaotiiriug. Have been eutioed to buy more good than we wanted. They re marked and put ou theoountersstpriofs that will surprise the moat tktpttoal. ' llava LirwlthaKtore next door, 47 M AE KE T ST BEET, And will make the Largest Display of FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INSlRUHIiNTS, TOYS, ETC., Ever offered ia the City of Wilmington. Have 110 apace to enumerate, and cannot even give a faiut idea of tba variety. , , PRESENTS FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS. Watches- Canary Blida-Cages-Locomotlvea-Tenplnt auet -One and Two Seat Veloclpedea-Crumb Pana-Chlldren's Own Dooka and Carta. AND IN FA'T EVERYTHING CUMPRISINO THE TOY TRADE. CANARY BIRS $3 EACH-ALL WARRANTED TO 8INQ. BROWN & RODDICK. 45, 47 narket Street. TfTILL bs told t public at turlnbitrf, WV u n n I'hupaulaiv. I tnrA Hi tMF IA. iKlfl. AtnrlwavtA aImI.A rlDBflF. Wlttl 111 ST HIOM M I - i - I 1,4 ..Ua m. AMMtaXil IA A Ia.... Th.r tvwtioB north af tha Rft(lroa4 i. ... A a . aw., aflatn at v Y aiul fnnP VftlVw I Iuuiiuui 1 'inii mww w w w bk ummproTlJotOn Ffcirlny Strtet. riQUaf H t. i l-.l i.f tf itlfer fcnnl to ' .,."J eurov rDOCEDIFS. . MAXAM'S MINCE MbTAT8. D.1RU BUTTER.. APPLE BUTTER. Trr ear Ktr fit rP R A S ! n Forelan and Uomeatlo TT RTTTT S . ..n,n" and oth.r Brandt of T A K o V' ID' V j - . - j . . CURTIS A BOATWRIGHTi deo rcather Dusters. TTh5IESvS OIL, H1K1BH BUf. Y faddlerj.of 11 klndi. LADIK1' !AND Q'.KT S 8ATCBBUB, Terr ch.p for CMli. iiiLDwrrn Xt. MAII.AT). o. I Saath Fr.mt St. H )t. Mth, 4815. OLD WINES AND BHANDiES. I im mi.rm hafort parchaMng. ; , , . J'"-iLUnS U SOOT MAh WHl.k.T. , 1'uie llollaol Uib, Hlu. Uruw, .-; ' KentsokrOem, B )en. and Boitrboa d3l.4.1; NOTICE. A PPLtOATIOS WILL BR MADI TO 2 w rh Bank of N.w HT.or.r" lor th. 1 -.a or daplKMt. vmncai. lor ij .asm .1. .....I mtnj.y Af i.l U.B, H nlAAA fkt ill. arlslniDtoartllcatM, tit. It nd UO, for 14 ihuH bsrrtufwe lwa'4 to U. 11 w. B. Kn. pie, dAladtha. davof nrt now lint. BOTlMawaw AdmT W, B. KMPIB. GRONLY t MORRIS AUCTIONEERS ITOCRAND REAL ESTATE BROKER! WtLMINQTOS, R. O. I1AN BR BERK AT TRBIB S ALKS RCOM a pita oi tne ciit.od u euiargou ui.hV Hniti wirn tig .qdiuiuibibi .nr. In toeottyaminoiiT a.nnau, A ffiMwod vain., part and pftMnt ,of era re in. our. - . Ant :nroriD.wm iiww .runyi f plication. jit iAf YATES' BOOK STOdE Ton ean find HCIffluL BOOKS. 8T1TI0XEBI. j jnfinuuA.iiiiiiiio, BJ,A.K HOOKS r AJfc rocavKT Boa, PENCILS, GOLD PINS, A LB I MS. GAMES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Brerythiug ia Oheapar than has beenjknown for years. Wo ooly raqniro a oall D.;-.,.. U...I... mill Hn Urn an llliir. i tu3- Ivil- liCATSj No. 3(3 MARKET STREET. nnvl qot7 HISIIK. HARMONY SHERRY, The tUoirtt .Tr o're 1 lu tbn Htt. ORi:i..t 0.,'oni an-i laiirll Ten", from ,mp"m ' hu .prtoi. eua lor 20 Tubs' HutUT. "'BMt In tU. World." enoliniTTuieksb, - W.'. aent fortL. "IIM.VFBSAL BITTERS.' A. poiitlTe C'jr for ti-Ttoii. dbllt'yv 8p.clal A la'ie ,nl Gr.ral Aswitm.nt CUilea 1ST O TJ O E ww- a it i Mn - , ,iH i a 1 lanliAUtr fjrO' tnft Hfft I I -WAT H . , ... ill il A il.rf4riH nn tli' 1 iLQ oa, uf N 'Tembir, ou'io 'H nrowv m pftri0IH UTU'(I C IIUI iinai n-i ur?tit 'hTnm to mt on or boiore tite mn .. U t .- A II Idftt Not. nth, iT5. AdiuliiWtrntor. n itH a w CUTLERY. Tho Hovel of the Season I , iOHKftftlANREIDS'" ' f "A PUIISTION OF HOJSOB " "AQue.tlnnof rTonor,'liy Hhrl.tlan Reld.l? prtlwid by the preM M a work blgh.y cre.lltal.la of Amirittai linrainre. iiio nunj.i.i.n si tract, larotrom ery iforin nrnu; Yom IM rnoaf!a r-rii. A nr. wirk of flottun bv Obrlau.n Held U lwj. aceei'LM. . . : 'A J em ion ol'Huuur, i. . nt u.im i h rn MtMntv. with . W.I I noti- truotl and wli-.iu.tluj.l plot, aud with a HllUU wlllvU Will O. uiimiun;iiiou "J mum reader.-" . nw IM New H(ttn Kfguur tt . .....1 nt..r Int. ..rtni.ldi.itt "&U Ilitl mvij-w 1111 DIUbtlDHlWC II "W w .. , and rrylDK lutetu lntret Mtlie tlirew. of the narracW. are cangbt up Aud Joined to- fitneT-" from me WUIIVUIC I. vrrxrr-uui tit i. .'Tho. tir. I . rtmrmlni on. and l lull- worthy of tha author', mpatation: InJicl . that ih hu jet wrltmn." irwiMinM"ttiwti i.w.-MiB.fi In .t.vln .nd .l..Ud In ton, aud Ui worth mora than one careful reid- - , . from ft. viicu ncT-utu, urrk. ...th.,,. hiaa niiiuhl wif.ll fl.r.. End ut... . a.K.i.ut .tni .rllMtli, ttt.rtifi... and then. ai th 'M-nttal arl. In th. buUdtug tip ut U imrrltllD lll.tun. iAa Mi.n...K.tfcliin fcr, AmHlll-n. fllfltlmi. A y Hi-it lo f H'tn-ir,' will more tb.o maintain th. airaaay entuniw r .mtntii .uui'. 'Hie author or 'V .-rio Ayim.r I one of ihf ra- ui'VU-fu! of Ibnie who bays Irlfd to r.ii ntiuei oot;-i ;-t ol th cru le mitarlal ol Aiuttrt.-iti ilf. lf.il.limo. Oloth. PU, l."o.' Willed to.ny ad Ire within the United state.. 'Ont-f"4id, on r tp of price. I). ATfLMl'N . DO., r'ubllnh-ir, $ 1 B koadwav, N. T. .ngSO a iwt RE-OPENJfJC AT 29 :m ARKET ST Having Kid out my cnVr. ook of eld good. AT AUCTION I I htia Re-oimnod It Biy Old Stand. A Irc.h and well-oleot'4 Mtook of DRY GOODS CLOTHING, BOOTS HATS Bhoe. .nd !p.. which I will at th. luwent VAnu. rlllUBt. ooi.iw i w ow Item, with prion, anneied :j BM uallofl from 7i. to its, vt yard. Hrown Ootton rrora 0)iu' 10 l"'1' I' J1' Oo td ,fen Intra ...! n.wril. Klmi.tdi. and OdU on Klaiml. vary Cheap. Thanking you all f f your kind and liberal pftlTOII'lfCt ii'jt nwi.ti'o ,it,uutit.-'t. t if k l fully lo.l'it r ooiiMnumne of the tame In uiy new htwlnow. Bpcttllv Tonr, uoiioi2 Li:iin:it, it MAKKKT BTRKKT, ootW WilD.lngton. no.w in . ..-.L-u ru tut v a 1.L.THAD ai Ij U B URI AL LAKUB AN!) INCUIABItUBTOO , , urv.Ra-vN - - " - . iTrtll w tIaw Pnttfima and Desitrns n tr ' V t tt0 lu:a Parlor, bhnmbw ami UluXng Koomlur4ltir . AT HVBlMalt Lw riiicta. . T-i. C A HPET 8 AN I) OIL CLOTH AND MATEIAG Inthi. lln.onr ntook .ml.rio.. at or th-. w?;,l"A0rV " - .op.r., Ootton A.d H...P ifir , , V Beddinjr. dto., &o. Hair, Me a BhuoV. Excelsior nd trfci , M tTTBtCSIAH, kTHKBS, ".T NEK I r R ATM RH NtlUllO BOMX , m. . (t!)AfrUHTABLR1.AO..I tt.r IHKBB81 MAIMIAVU , A ad out wnManufantur. i ' '1 'm.U .,,, tai.m.r. and Prlyat KBld.i...fi rnfh.d In tha Utiwt Htyle. and at Low Fria. HoUl 8' HiliVfiw r..04lU04a. 4aa.our8t.ekb.far.pu ol.ulng. 1 - t A CtT'TTrnTT A. fA . '' ! ' D A. SEIITHCC) Stre4 ''; aepHttr CARPETS, DUAri:iiY. KUllNITtTIlK. W. ak rpecl aiteull.n to our lo of the abovod good. Wear, now .rr.rfd to mr lil.h rurl.im. Mnlng Konnn tid tlhamliM. with (1rpi Fur Itur.and Urapiry to match, lalaie iyi. n1 at, AT LOW l'lHOliH A. any lloue In the country D. A- SMITH & CO. tin.as' APPLES. CHEESE. RAI8H5; ' BO Barrels pple. e it , L - i I BO Boiai nd k Hoie. Gk.tM. t ., 100 Hoxc. Oh.ewi. 20 Barrauriufgw. ! '; ' ' '' : for Kale h - ..!..-' . ' ." KEKRBNBH AOALOBa bBOS. , SPIRIT CASKS SPANISH BSOWH.'. ' a00pvtt Oatka. . . 10 Ilarrel.SpanUh Brown. 100 Barrel. Olne. ( ' . ror'al. by KERCHNI;RAl''B,lu' ' 11 OOKhVS POCK F. T TA BLE I.UTLKBY vtprau.i.ai Ketxlhuu'. a.d Milnei'l Pocket kjlves The above are all FIR8T-0LASN OOODJ For i.i. low by ,, . ...,,. ceo. A. PX".:at. Nof.vith.ieiB. 1 1 1 nnix wins, GogiIs for . 'tk .liays, Iu d c A-rivlngPally., .r. f M kLACA CRAPES, ; :m 'ir., 3 md. lor a1.", at GEOUOK MYEItS 11 and it Hnuth Frmt Strfrt A OVKt. Br AU'iClTA . EV4WR..- ....i r i n.n'nh "St (Mm". Vft.nn aiitt'v.t vi . k.. n rK.tl W'll fr mo SOMETHING NEW AGAIN AT Wni. ..lYlIS' EXCHANOE CORXEB. RENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY" Irom Pirle, Tu LAVrt Thing! out In th Una. .A 'li'ga CELLULOID C0RALISET81 - AND NECKLACES Another,Han.1iwuKtAM)rtiinit of TUCKING OOSIll. l atent Ptyle'oi L' .n OolUr. and Cu1'-. .tut. .r Ol AUli drriu . " ' Ivv .11 T nMAiMMM th-. .r. ii.nl .4:,V.i";i..ri"!TI. ah t .inki tie w.oheTtto h'ihi; irl"i niim crd eliord. nt Tim, i nr.ltin d '".ill- nutine, tonflUng It" mo t "iiriiiti; tm Ini.'i." Tnte 1'4p-iT'i Vi ei-" tn .'" ' "Tnorp . "iwt uJel'vu'dTnH fnt sale at ) ti f . f ; ! TIF.TNSBERQER'S if UT K BOOK AHU MUSXU BTUEE The Piedmont Press. HICKORY, N. C. u the onW r.per publlrhed in O.tawha county, and hw.BOifn.lTe circulation among Merchant.. Kainir-rr, and all oliei. of bull .t.. mmwy. Ik..ntnral.li ntltl.tr. mud ft.AY.lrft klemp.lium 'or atl.ei lining In We. itn North ''.rollna l.ibi.ral tri.a.low onjenrlyad Trtl.rnenta. Ntilic 1. 1 ou S2 In a-Ti c. Ad.liMim MUHHII.I.A TOMMNSON, 'litorn.i rroprietori illO Best nonscnold Oil mine Wurli C. WEST A SONS' ALADDIN SECU RITT Oil- Warranted'! lit lBr8B;jrirJTe Kmlori'dby th'. Fin Iniuruiui (bmponiei. lltKtltie f'lO "Willi pnrtlg.-at, wlocted fruin mau' olbeta HoA-in riaa l I'o: or n aI.tim irk, J l.pi-fni'.'-rM, 1SH. J ir..... r- uv. .Vm: i'f ih'minhHvtlig u i v, vlo.i" :tlta.dd Hi tr. -dt 'or Illumi nating pniiHtf- 1 lf-e pioiwir i mn.llni y..ur-AlaMin MfcurlH" a. the -atari deal ever .d lu oar l.onbold. loun ""'ATiiia:)' aNPKKAV HKESK, Pren't, H7 IT WILL NOT EXPLODE witnit.il !)euot C: VEST A SONS- .mutird Htrai.t, Hlilmor.. GROCERIES - r. Tub. 0. F. rtuttpr. KO Bexf. Faciwy Ahd 8lte ( hew. ion liarrrtlnand ..;"rcker all kind!. liMl Barrel K. K. I'otalon. vft Unr.cl. rin.-liwltt. HAUt'N. . I'A MI'I.KS, t'ANDV, tOPFKK. COWN, FI.OUB, HAV, I.Vr-, MlTiHIK, MuLASiKS OYilKHrt, POTASH. SALT, YARNS, sHKunsa Hie li Ooodi will be ollVred v.ry low to prompt py'ngou!tomer!,by WILLIAMS & MURuni.un. HOSFORD'S PREPARATlOli. Il 115 W. V-.tfl 'm IIUHA HK h. of A Q A HP. ta a'l who are. aufferlns from the and l(tl.cret)oii of youth, ner- . a . A toui cakni'88, earij flccaj, ios i manbood, c, I will aead rerepi that will cure, FUII OF CHARGE. Tt.rr-afpfmf!wai fllseoTcred bj . Mi.yinnarr In South America. Bead fltlriTianTi tr IIflTlTlin r. MlUtUUVU y M". ' g 7 0,(1110,000 At.rt. Meprnid. rlE.. ttm llo, of Vnrrt, Amerlc Philadep i' pi.. .mi In netncti il tini'tiny ....New Yo . i,irllnpntl Irauranw Uu New Yo S Hritlli S Mermiiiin in..;o..imi. u Hrtt.rd ir.' Inn. tlomp'try... Haetfor I. Matinnal Tl'e lo. !!omr.ay...Hrtfor I - . Borlng9.;!4 F. M. I" "... II aataomlitl 5 MARINE. Vi. emt"e Mu'i.a. !n. w Nw .''. In. Oo.of North Anwln Phllad LIFE. orinert.. H Mutual Ule Iu. Co. H' teblit - "FOR fair week AN VKUV riTtlKH W K KK IS ' y.f nf. mw"rt mlc to buyer, ou .not aud 1 nrdri. H'1,-,1 t ih r.i lug pric r' .. ....,i ..i thti. Bi.inji c t .ra'arn ihu or.l r l"-.-' o a. the m.nn .id, I tg th' y w mid lnv- It prrAvm- Smafoi Bicon !a lis, Mi -Bcp.s, y Baltnd Met Hle., khiuiMr., tioiiieh anu HhoK. Mmti Tli r r Hr-iV I'ar.kagei BEEAKFAST STRIPES, M"M Pork. wH!-f Or unfl M"ft'. r 10,-1 nvrvi- B. f)iU It'l". 1'Cii'iia-i in.. csTTA AT?.. COFFEE, , BAU-' Mola. e.. f II k'lids, SYRUP ALL KINDS, . llinil New friran-goaranlred linrf. -ul.a,l)einar.r , Sugit Houk. F Hi OU 1, 00 Harrele a'l gTA.V)'. 5O Uonford". Bread Preparation. for lala bv KF.KrHNF.Ii A CAI.DEB. BB08. i IM W13 EB. 3 BO K.g ind Kcgi Klfle and SpotUng. 200 K'' BiA'tl" Powder. ( 60 H K"gNo. I JUicaing ron.nT. frrjHl3 AND OAP. I'ot Hale by '; ' ! KKRCHSEK 4 CALDKA BUpB, dec'J , SAUSAGE i CUTTERS;! BUTtHFttU 8 ALES, VM BAW8 tii. .leel Kn.ye. of all kind., 8uai(8 ruler., Ac. A large .took of the aho. good!. ami t T..ry liw i.rice., c.n b. loun I at tb. old B.t.b1..h,d Hard.ar. Hon "rTowlr SCALES 1 1 t 1 B ara th. agenU for ioM won anowo iia . rrtlei will do well toaxaailoa nwr tfere laying other wiako.. . ' m" . Hardwwaaonaa. Th Oiklratetl Double FJattto HP ION CIS III AN STEEL PEWS, Flour n all O'.slltlefc And ov.r five hu dud "rllclo it fine ara i-r . . lr For .afnionan. fancy muwm r.iinrnrd r from n., owner of Dock and Tv'nr ''"a'l?BlA'HVULtEBB. tho wr-o may ihtotry mlNlonarr In South America, fieid ( uS".bp ,"-"t;l' ', : A .ell-addreaacd envelope to the Ren ' -ly ' be M8t "y '"n t t0' V . . n RlblA '5,euT, Ml .A K aMA. TATLOH A 10., JmtftDh T. Inmnn, Station Doufte, Hew Iork Cltj. aodAaaA II., Di-ic ,ym.,--- V1:ttdV:.wIork. i ABV " F ' ' tap Nan SPADES no SHOVELS, A no. A Rowlan l'.Sp.d.i Shovel! TIA WT-HT IMtlCES, OILES itSSSURCHISOH , 8 Hardware Vara. Hi( ir. Mali', OKLKRY, . AND - CAULIFLOWERS . 1... t'n. Ml. .ft df i nn. lot for aala at 0. H. W.RUNGFB Ooffco. Hptc.. Broom, dandy, Snnff, i.rack.r , And e,rr,'l.'.n 'n tl. g-orery l!-e. wbloh w '''VlMFOCROVvACO Dissolution. m rv Hrn. ot Millie X itru' j """ '.' L ' , M, fi n. w Muier ia I minim ntiiii.nii' ..... ..otl .settle tb. old hur WHi ANU COLORED KID GOT. PAKTYTllCS, HANDSOME BLACK PANTS. cimc rtiCt CI.HTH trl-URS. WAMSUTTA SIIHITS, 0 fur $7.a0-rrtly Made. aV., ruibr.l;4, b.i, Tral.a., .; '"""V uuxtax & co., ' City ClothUm a4ilroaaa Tallova. Dissolution. m. 1 1 -. iw. Ant THK Arm nf A. Bun-onii" d. .?N. 0 , t. hereby '''H nMin. n. a.. No. nth J iw t;ril "i - WM1 V V F JU t ong Of ed TTp. K'P " ""Ton. dellvtrod 1. "---VbsLB f , N..UttoB.WAta -., deoj) . .. . ...... , , . - T B(J5U ii

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