( :Yr'y i A 'A0 4 ! 'ill i Mi U ri , ; M i lU J ( v 70L XXIV. ,?hi!p journal Of 0Y TELEGRAPH. CONGRESS. ORGANIZATION CF TKI K5USE. Harmony tad CoodFcemit-TliePml-dent'i rssse-fe CScen-Tbe Senate Bead; for Soilness. HIS ESC.Pat FROM CUSTODY. The "Boss" Once More Fire-Rumors and Conjecture! Concernlnj His Eseape-$l,Ooa Betard. NEWS IN QBNERAL, Jail BeUwry-IaTal Preparatlons-larkey-Terrlfcle Collier j Explosion .S00 LlTes Supposed to be Lost. Q 0 L D 14 3-a it IHT T1LKOB1PH TO TUB J0UBKA1.1 M1SS1CHUSITTS. Fill Rjybh, Do 6. All the millf are running quietly at a 10 per cent reduction.' IIW IlMFSHItS. POBT8MortH, Deo. 6. Orders hsro been reoeiTed at the Navy Yard to im mediately fit for sea the Tioonderoga, now lying up bre. : The Marion ha not been ordered to LiUria, but still awaits orders. A draft for fifty seamen from the Charleston Nayy lard arrtred here yesterday for this Teasel MiBTLiKD. stiTiTvnan TW ft. The Baltimoro k Ohio Railroad, allow a drawback of 3 cents on the 100 pounds on grain brought here from Western points through their ekrators for export. Apprehensions are felt for the safety of the Itaeoa, which sailed from thii port on the 29th of April last. ; bh was spoken on the 81st of May, thirty miles south of the Equator, and , uss not sinoe been hesrd from. WASBIXtTOX. WisHnrotoK.DeaS. Biresentatife Kerr reoeiTed many ol his friends to , day who called to congratulate him ' n . on his nomination for the 8pe8kership. All parties oonoodd bis fitness for tho position. . The remarks of Representees Ran dall in caucus, and Us motion to make the nomination unanimous, are erery where spoken of in terms of oommen - dation. Surprise ia-expressed thet the West and south oarnea an tne offloes. For the two or three hundred subordinate places there are at lenft one thousand applicants, not a few of whom are at work already to secure the respeotiTe position, inolndina clerks, atsistant diorkeepers, mssen gers, document folders, pags and bat!i room attendants. A dozsu or mure applications have boen uiide for the jirifilege of keeping the rrstauraiit, whioh has f.jr some years bewn in the possession of George T. Downing, colored. - ' 1 The first bnsiness of to-morrow will eonnist of calling the roll of member, by Mr. McPberson, the present clerk, ad the administration of the oath of effie next the election of the several offioors will take plaoe. Questions af fecting the aeato of some of the mem bers may arise, which msy protract ti e organisation. In view of such an veut the President will not transmit bin message until Tuesday noon. The uontents of the message bare been studiously concealed. The moat inter est ia expressed conoeruing that pur . tion whioh relates to our ralations with Bpain, Cuba ineluded. Ti.ora ia mnnh soeoulatiou in reoara nivnintment of the Btandinff Committees of the House, and already Mr Randall nas Deen ooourueu vj uu. ide parties the Chairmanship of tho InmmittA : On ADoroorlfttiom, Fer- ..,)n Wood, the WaTi and MeatiH, ad Cox, that of Foreigu Afl urn, but this Is without the leMt uut iority, and .oAnl wiks rpy elape btfore the o.tr will announce the Committees Washikoton, Deo G The Senate . was callei to order at 12 m , Hendtor Ferry, of MiowgRU, mine ciiir. no-o-infinnu were adopted notifyiug the President and the House of R-presen ati s, that a quorum ha I anseinblid tn that tbe Senate vas ready for busi Tt ftinn ttdinlirtjCil. At 12 o'olock, m , Mr. McPhersou called the Home t order. MoEury's m.n MiRSiaHiiioi aMruiou reaii'eu their fredentials signed by the L'eut flovernor. The call of the roll pro gressed, amongst dense crowd in at 4nrlalirA. a m. There were two bimdrd nio,tv members oreseut. I i nw!r ing in members. Mers. More y, of t L;.;t.a anil (i ode. of Vrcrinia. ttskml to stand aside ax their seats m nnntested. A motion to refer Morey's predentiali", after a um da iip.l and be was twom in. Mr Ooode after a short difcoussiou, web ulso aworn iu. . t. T.m.r nff.red a reRolntion de thu f.illowirir ollloers of the Cl.llUB Clerk O. W. Adrnns, cf Kentucky. Bergeaut-at-Atm -JoUii u. iiiomp on, of Ohio. Doorkeeper Lafayette H. Fitz- hnpoBtmaster-James M. Stewart, of TCharlain-RdT. J. L. Townsend, of Pistriot of Columbia. - - " a itinniTnin c 10" HO. 3 iLUHUAUH it. v. - , - - -, . jmmr- I .VA IT J nfKKTIK.H K.YTi - f IT. rr on Ainff the chair said' : Gentlemen of the Haue of Repreeen titiTrt I am truly gratiftVd for tha honor ja Lave conferred in calling me to this vial ted - etatiuu. I pro foundly appreei ll importance ai:d delicay of hi duties. I skall donbft less m aiy tim-s need jour patient in dulgence. I pray that you " rnt if .nil with nnthii'ff but kiudlv feeling toward etery member of the House, I . . ml IV 1 & - T promise tlia M all oijr oraomi a"-" will divert auyanlf, to the n'moat of my ah;iit nf all iwsnnal bits, end observe complete fairneae Bud impartiality to wards all. and toward ua diversified intereste of the oonntry represented in this Bonne. The resident deoliues to inteifeni lu the reoeut consolidation of the revenue oollectoTfLtpe South. Major Hope, a well known sporting man, u fomd derd in hi bed t lis aoroing wib a bottle f laadanum by hie side. He hod just ooruplHU-d ar rangement for opening a bank. . ' KKW TOBt. i ' Nbw Tork, Dh, 5. Diligent search has bem made for Tweed last uight ne, in charge of offlons, wut to hi home to wiMit his wife ; wished to sye her alone, and was seen no mor. Difforeut cities hae been telegraphed to lookout for liimt Twenty minutes after the esnaue was made known word rraobid every pol oe station in the aity. Not the sligtittist clue nas oeeu oniam d. Ten thousand dollars are offered for his capture. . It has been aHoertained that Two- d s secretary took passage to Bton on Sstniday nigbVaayiug he would return 'fneadsy. It was ruihored to-dy at the 59th street polio ltetioo that Irom four to five Katardal afternoon a tug wan noticd aoting in a aupioioua ojaun. r on Eact river off 59tli street, but nothing was noticed by whioh it oould be identified. Inspector Dilkea Vlievea tbtTwed is on the Ocean. There is good reason to believe that he mad-J his eaonpe many hours before it was reported. It is generally believed that Warden Durhan and keeper Hogan were privy to the esoap", and that Tweed em barked on some private craft on the East rirer, and i now sailing for some foreign port. Tweed's oases, whioh a nn trt.rlav .v I noktDOned. An afternoon paper has the follow ing regarding Tweed's escape: The most probable theory is that Tweed escaped in the bark Lord Clarendon, whioh cleared November 14th for Queenstown; f he story is that a rela tive of Tweed, not residing here, and known in tint few in this citv. reached hare some three weeks sinoe, and pur ohassd Uie bark itom uiarenaon. one is a fine vessel with exosllsnt sailing qualities. t is said a vessel lookiug like tha Im-il Qlarendon has been seeu off the eaat end of Long Island. . It is annnnaiul thai Tueed Was ConvfVtd OQ board a steam tng Isying In the East river'on Hatnrdav eveoinc. and was S.kan nn hnarrT the Tjori Clarendop. The name of the firm whioh chartered the Lord Clarendon is not in the drree- Application to compel the mails to carry tmrd class msiier ai one oeui au haa hwn refuiied. ' Tnde John on rendered the decision denying the app iomon ; nviaini; inai we ibw waa parieotly valid and ooustitntiouai, and that white the nost-offlce laws are roenne laws in the meaning of the itatutes. thsv are not laws for raising revenue within the provisions of the uousiiiuuou. Col. llos ula. who was oommauder of the lute expedition to Cubit in the Uragnay, last night made a report to the Cnbsn Junta that tne vessel was whollv nnflt for the service. Her manhinerv wa old and in poor condi tion : her propeller working so badly mf that the utmo-t speed the steamer sonld attain was five miles an hour. When the vessel had set out on her yoysge it was discovered thst the sup ply of coal was tusutnoiont, ana latter the tirnvisiona beaaa to fall short. When tney readied uuoa n'ne man were landed in a boat ti reconnoitre, but the place was so dangarous to the vessel that it waa impossible to lana in v part of the cargo or soldiers. Msaowhile the Spanish authorities had !en informed of tlieirpresenoe, and Mi ey nad to msxe tne utmost spiou io r.maina. The arus furnis'ied were of an inferior quality . for whioh he blames the Cuban agents here. The Tribune na tne ionowintr uis- patoh from St Loui : Ths Grand Jury in this city nave louna an inaici- meut ajaiust Ueu. liitmooa lor ins jonuection with the whifkey ring, but o ii'g to the nb.enco of the Dis'rict Attorney it was not announced in court (.eHtcrdav, but will without doubt be to-anrrow." - - - - A number of prisoners efcuped from Raymond street ail. last n'gtit, includ ing" John and Thomas Laugh' rty, Donutarfeiters of five cent pieces. Madrid, 1c. 6 Havy .now it. irnit c intinne to retard rnilit.ry opt-rht'ons in tiiiepi z. (jour Hp'uoia. nas oeen appoiutca Mayor of Madrid, i Iim Kmniiah Lflntion at Lisbon has bpen raided to the runk of Embusty, md Senor (laslro lias oeen appoiniea iinlittKsndor. v ilSTUIA. IUat'SA, Dm. G. Usvuf Padia has nuooe-ded in throwpg provi"ion into Qora'isko, bui the irisurRnnts sHsert that he whs subsequently di'far--d near GatHchko, losing 1,000 killed aud ronudi d. ENGLAND.. Tiondon. Deo. 6. Tha Ooloone i-z tto pnblishes a repoit thst the iri.,..t.w '.ma nulered 15.000 men to mroh aK'nst the Abyssinians. A speo'al to the News from Vienna reports thut the Turks have sucofloded ir snpplyiutr the garrisou of t Nicaio with provia'cns. ' S A Timoi BDeoial from AlBxandri I .... a mw j ! says that Egypt d jos not wish to annex Abyssinia, she merely wanting sicutuy agtiuat violations of her frontier. The Fall Mall CUMtte oontaina the following brief but startling newaitem: An awfal explosion occurred to-day at -. .... . . w I awaithe Main Uollierv, near earns irj, in the wast riding of Yorkshire. It is frared that more thtn two hundred lives were lost. The oolliery at whioh the dreadful explosion ooourred to-day, belong to Mitchell A Co., one of the Isrge. t in tha aonthern prt of Yorkshire. It i ioiiW by underground workings with Edmund's main col.iery, where twelve years ago,yeeterd)y, ovtr 3i0 p r-ona periahed. The works exd ud fi r many miles, entirely worked with safety lam pi, under very rigid discipline, and were considered safe. At 6 o'clock, a. si , abont three hundnd men aud boys descended aod oommeuoed work as usual .t half past uiuo a terriflo explos ou occurred, The xact posi t,nn nf the e-iDlosion is nuknown, but the miuirs in all parts c f the pit were stert'ed by a loud report iohopu oj a large volume of smoke and after damp. Those who were able rushed to the pit bottom, but found the draw ing cage displaced. As soon as pos ihl volunteers nraiiuizcd t seal ell for the drad aud dying and those who had escaped. Alter Demg iiowu ior Btme time ttie volunteers repormi about noon that they had mot with great difficulty. J'JCWJUViHTMM.WK.YTII. OPERA HOUSE. Tha Molt itlemut I'roope n Eil-t-'nc. WednesflaraMT'liii'rsilay, Dcc.8 H& 9tii Are I'nm'ng, na i:lbrvea ANtl CONCERT TROUPE LADY OUCHE8THA UDIEt SILVER CORKET BAND. Ra-aiaaaiiedi and K oonMructed ulifa lb Greatest Comic Artist tf ihe Universe. And alVwpaaf Skilled P.rform.r. atunrpujed in laur lexmiva .raoniu mj any !..,,, rt.aiutiun ia aam.oa. , MHa Aim Rnmr. IVwaat SoloUt: M'll Ka.a.airilTi. yiiiilneallata: MlM Aoul. Mar Frenoh Horn. MIm Jeonle TltM, TroDibon B0I0UU MlM Jiihi Maddovk, Tenor Moru At) tu lata Muilo.l Noveltin of tha Dy wit , . S,n' ' . pmcc a 6 usual. B.au caa bCMearM at Htlapberfer'i Bcok Btora. t ;(laca-(n4aa.taa-iraa. OOEH'S WK.KT TA IILE CTjrLBllT 1 WlRIIHim II VII AMI, Ri7,IIHf.T NeeUhiin't aad M liner. Pocket kniroi Tha above ar all riKbT-OtASS OOOU8 For ..I lo by ' UEO. . PEC at. Nov. nth. trrs. II FANCY CROCCRIE8. MAXAM'S MINCE MfATS PEACH BUTTER. APPLE BUTTER. Try our Kxrra Ftrja TEAS!!! Foreign and Domctlo FRUITS . i 1 P.vorlta" and other Brand of C I G AES, tjtlerv fri-sh ly evt-ry atramtr. CURTIS k BOATWRIGHT. Feather Dusters. w 1 1 vrU4 Oil HAHNEMi 80AP, HIIK11 1 .7., . Ma,iaierv or all kind., v ly rh'.p for f''. OSbrBNIlK lAl.liAHI. N s S'illi Frnit :t ' ,v. h.4;s. a lMMitlrac -r tm ti-r ! rt bH'-y. Sptc al Itidiiwoiwt. ti Ovli 1'1'I. a. Iar,8 and Oaieril A-.-0' lin -M f Ui ice Mi for i A-Hvtn Pailr. MM-AC A CRAPES, In 'la-ter, S v0"'"1" -,"r l GE01U.E -MYKKS, ,1c! ii snu U SAtli F'ont Strre SAUSAGE CUrfERS ! BHTIHKKS H AI.Ki. ' K 1 ' HAW8 fl.,tfl. Ki..eH ot !' klt.dK, han ajie K-lili.Tf. A Urjp .tnr.k Ol till At, and M ver; ery I w prl ., can n iouuh t. the old etialvlli ..dHa-dware Ho,..r "HOWES' scuts n E ar. the nt fo th.ie well k'i't" , Frtle w Ho ell tocxanilne .am efi,r bny'ng other make. on k muri.hi r. Hrdwr .liiiiw Administrator's Sale a r A (J OT IQN fl -1 . .ii .(. ...fir .tnr. o fnBerl..tn p,lnr-1 v th f-'h , Ht PU ii O ook Vt..r- n of "o-ir.h aid Swn iirw., togittmr wlh a oi1wK-m snd tt "'' - m iV A. Ahrn. -"ece-fc-d. 1h I will .Ml th ! 4,0. ji AJ-lnUUator, BERCER FAMILY. w a.: o-r,' COIEGTIOIRIES FAMILY WliRlKS, and ... tti Holite 1R7G. m - sw m FALL AWD WINTER SEASON. Best Assorted Stock in the City now Open at 36 MABIffiT STREET, BLACK SILKS, ' (The Celebrated Ouiuofs Oros nrsius. COLORED SILKS, A.U the Latent Cloth Shades. 1 HF.iVT, SILK PO PLINS. MERINOS, CASSIMEREi1, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, aud all the Latest ED BLACK ALPACAS, TbaLusualippoialty w have always sold so many i nd so low, that among so ' . 1.. a i,.nl. - umiiII n.kiti 4laA iALiArLikii.itir: . 1 -,w 171 O U R N I ttlG G O O D 8 . Iu every variety. Vill open on the 8 h another Lot of thoao clump Hetiriettu's CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. :o:- MEN AND BOYS' WEAll Great Hosier, Gloves, Embroideries, STAPLE Jin Bvery thing is Cheapir than has been known fo? yeare. We only require a call i the Prices and Styles will do the selling. TJ3. rJ3i 2CA b Zf No. 3(3 MARKET STHEET. A OAR D. Io all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of joutli, ner vous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, 4c, I will send a recept that will cure, FKKE OF MARGIE. This great remedy was discovered hy a missionary In South America. Send a sell-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station I)., Bible liouse, new iora tiiy. dixxi8.uoui COMFORTABLES ! A Large Stock Jurt Rtcolved an. I FOR SALE LOW, 13. A. SMITH ate CO. dec ' : - Administrator's Sale. TTVII.T, FXPOSK F'W SA B AT THF iiurt Hou- itwr, In the l-itr or Wilniln l,, on Monrtn,, .e.;eu.b.r WIU, at 1oVlock M .the fol iiaii.g ,ii-mor land bt-lonirlng to the f.iftteol' Kmeiurl Nun, ilerwan(l. .Itu.t. Intheiilty of Wl mingt.in, Uew-ribed ! low.! Biuniniiiif ata t.on Moltau tre.-t, I fetrrom lUiikm streft aud tnnnli g thenen -l h-.il ynlian.tr et roulh H I" t th-ir ,- t laiancl to B.nkin .iroet M te-!. m nm'r' il'n.l enc - ih aid ll n -rili in tw th-c I feo tJ hejinnit (. ' in- l-ein tne wmiero li;i -l lot No. 4 i i u ...foilln to fi" iii.n of t'-e ul Hv f ' II million. rm, .i..-iniru c i i .l U vrt In . x d! tw-ive mint t. time reserved. ,.,, ov l44 Ailmnii'trslor. JOHN i. HVtiM' & (JO. ml Insflraace mm. (FIKK, MAIUXS ANDLIJIC) (l.i0. Olid rta lleprrp.ni irIOK -lioion-.Tiai Kiianf Ha id g. K'flrft. W'.trt. tlAft' Af YATES' BOOK bTOrfE Yon'ra find SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, MEHOUANDl'MS, BANKBOOKS rot ktr uuu,r TENCILS, GOLD FENS, ALBUMS. GAMES, Ac, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. -awvil I. hr mild t i.nlilit i. ' iiaiirinnurir, W V , n "i irwlaV. H.' niniier In w, :7,.v...w,v!1r''H;; Vol 'I lia', ortion'nottli or th. Ka;lvl OTb. s-Pratetv. Th- wkaki. on Kalliod. '' dect,S,U,l lU7b. Novelties iu Q I2 CQ Line of White Goods. ID 1 nE-oPErjirjc AT 29 MARKET ST ; ii.-n in r - t Having uld out my i iit to Mock ol old gcxi.tK AT AUCTION I I k.ia kajinenwl at mt (ld Sland. A fri.u and weil-uliiot l Slin k ol DRY GOODS CLOTHING, BOOTS HATS UbiK" Hti'l 04ik, whli h I will ii-ll at Ilia lawtut UASU PKiOtCH. Iluliiw I vivu yoi Ibinii Willi prii-.ua aniu-n.it :t ' Rmi kialhujMM fniin Ti;. to S!. uor anl Hi j w ii Unuin Irmu tio. to 10 i. inr yd. (In -d .Iiimi. Iriim lie. and upwar1.. ! lannelf and Uo lon FUnnc!., very Cheap Ih.iikiua von ill fr vour kind and lllii-ial itruiiK'i Imretnln'n ex'undfrt. I rBnHct lully ui li'l' . contliinmw of lb. uiih to my new buMiiuw. - ' k . He.pf eTnlly Tour., !M MARKKT SI'UKtT. Willi lnifion. TUc Bffitlio!flOiIiiiiiicWor!iI C. WEST A SONS' ALAJDIN SECU RITY Cll. Wrr Hert'll lorora il'ir -ifoat Eiulonrdly fflc Fire InxiMnm Obmpanin. tr 'trial th-i riliwln eerllgiiate, Mncted from iimny otlieri lloWA iu Fins In 3u: llAi.iM-"r. ( I'f.i-iifi -r -), li. J Mr.iii C- M'l AV..- (I-Mleim n .mi t , fvliMr 'Hi-' il'l.'n v .in lur I luml n!!il nr.cirii I t.l" i-i-c-iriin r i-i - niuij v..iiV "Ala l-llli Mi 'inrv" . uic mn Mil l ln'M. erur ummI in ur l-cu t inn I. - xmir (Mgliell ijHi'r.r.n r.oii,ii.ii (ET IT WILL NOT EXPLODE v?iio!c.0e Io-... C: WEST "ONs J'3 lift I, m' i"'l iiriMt, II il tlihii'.. .FOH.-FMR WEEIT a N rVKtlT (TBflR WI'CK IN 11 K l v.i.1- hi inw t T'i'i- to bvr. ot ti ' upot. and a'l or lr tt I.- I t ii rail :ix r' or th i ir v a e pi -civ. i, hi ' Kiiu i, i. r. "il!ni'o'd " '(-"" i'l i- ' ii 'l -i-i vtt I tag th jr w mid a-iv-i iw,-. Smifcd" Bico'i In His. aui 'Baxi.s. - Ii mi ttr, Bull ii Si i ill I'd- rh Hint iim-kii ',m I" 11 r BREAKFAST STItlPES, M , Purl' w,t r 'If unit M'-b' ' ', V II 1 l. '1T' UK- , Ki-h. acki-r , Ax. SUOAR, COFFEE. Molxae. of 11 k'Mli1. SALT SYRUP AIL KINDS, Flour o all QmiHt'oH. And ovi-r live hu irttrd .rtl'cIM line PANOT'GROGBRItt, Call or ntd r r-m u, Citn?r of Pock tn-l ,,,! a,'HN V U.KK. SPADES ndSIIOVKLS, inn Iti wlan-ri tp' d lmv -If ATLOVrT IMllOKH, GILES MURCHISON ' B0B Kw Hardware Btore. iJ 1 lull A N () T It E II E A DEI GOODS 5 M AHKTST STREET. Out Dnver l.na iust returned fom the Northern Marl?it-riirchHs have been n'sdc way Vl.w coat of I'lHimfiiohiiii f. Have Wn enticed to buy mure go(ds tlmne wmittd. They sra marked and -ut on the vuiiiti r t pi nn a tlmt a ilt iiqirise the luof t skeptical. lliwllr d the More next door, 1:7 MAJtK K T ST EEET, Ai.d will wake tha Lnifet D'sphty of FANCY GOODS, MUSlOAIi INS f RVHRJKTf , . TOYS, ETC., - -Ever off-red in the City of Wilmipgton. Huve no sps to eLnmrate, and ountiot even give a fnint idea of the variety. NTS- Watches Canary ci.ds-CaKcrf-Locomotlves-Tenplns -Drums -Open BusRles-ToolChosts Parlor Cro-qurt-Ono and Two Seat Velocipedes -Crumb Pans-Chlldron'o Own Books and Carts, m-t FA.T EVERYTHING CftNAR Bias S3 EACHAIL WAHrUNTEO TO SING. BRYV7H & RODDICK, notus THE GREAT RETAIL STOCK - f Qf TnB BTATE, FOlt SALE AT AUCTIO N . AT 34 M ARKET ST. 34 Havinn iWf.-ctt d .rtaiiRiwontB by wldnl. the character of mf bneine-s will be uaving writ-ii - . ., ..,. ,,,r. ,lo ar a wottu of g ll, cot.tuit.sd iu n.y reUil LARGEST STOCK OF ' ! 1 1 ' And anion b Hug to oter . :25vOOO -jytforth Hnnnd ..iiit DRESS GOODS 111 EVERY VARIETY, UprIIhI. Frc-M-h nnd Aiiiorii-sn n.a.in,rri. ICack CloH.a, Dorskins, Uoavers, iiiigi.Hii, v,l!(.rpr..(.f and atin tt-., t,.g.-tl..-r with LADIES', GENTS' aud CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR HoMii-ry Gloves Hl.irts, (J-d'ars, Onff. ltil.W. Lftees ' i-Mgmu - "Uller" chl't H hiwH -in .-...ll.'HH variety, . vo.y juu ity and pru-.s Blankets, LINEN AND COTTON GOODS . 'i, TrnntH HilcheiH Uinbmll.is. l.tuU, SluK's. lnoy Notions, moi eh'r't, .r..-.tio and desirablo h.;cU iv sold ,-t B,u..!irii.. NorlhOr.....a. 'I l. Ladi.-a. tho Myrohu-t, tht. 1-Vri.K f tiMil iMi lmnie i' 'l myitt-il to a'leiid hi MiumniotU wi'obyKUOtioii. T J2 11 M B : C A. S I I. NO BT-BIDDING , , ,im.l,iU.m,t-.v1ll b fiiruislir-d Ladies atti'tidinjr tho Aun.!,. iu.d corner ,.,., will be wcommialalcd . Kl'0- l' ? Tl r .r n a . Lib!,,. Gooda u.u4 be culled and ns t k;,;a;;;1;um.rt.;,H,rit..rHlbi tln ni. Thia niiln will1 bi continued at .tho; Bb.re, No. 31 Market strort from l.,y to dny, .-ouirm noing DEOEMBE . , i u s. .,,1,1 -Rn'ii a n innwiiii i d'tily lit 10 o'clock. A. M.; 8 U,,t aill 7 o'c' r. Id! Iwfl'dd Vp.utics reidii iu t, city will be DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. allowed thirty days timJ Oontitry Meroha ti wnoao iiu mo on first ciats r E.W A. WEILL, Agent NOTICE!!! Our rcular busings will be continued as heretofore nt No. 32 Front Street, corner Prlncass. tleol-loi ' 1 - f-lf Wilmiagtoa the mmmm emo. i tiarniina. " - . ar a ..I wMI a-tai.ti-ueu ' " v,uwli' K"' "ow AUwVVn;-ri' ofw-IU,to..: Kilwri1 frprlUr. out U W"W- ' ' WHOLE HO- 7XC0 11 T II Q U A K E ! COMPRISI THE TOY TRADE. 45, 47 Market Street. ' i '.' stock. This .opnipuva the GOODS IM . WILMINGTON, a..oJ consihting of BilK Velvets, E 6 t li , v - , ;. The Cdchratcd Double FJukIIo .Hl'KNClilWAN. i .... m-m sr m ara s f 'fc'-.r.'r'r.r? ' ' ,wnww,'R (, W 8ia" kb t. .., , .. ... - iV'hon, Tot. rp03a. HOLIDAYS ts Hi .