( ! j nit 4 ! I , ill a,. . V7ILmi?QT01I H. C. 7ED1IESDAY. DECEIIBER 8. 1875. onj tttc Tin ftis w V am i w t w : i .- - - ' . . I v Jtifumri hka 7H0LU HO- 7.C21. DY TELEGRAPH, CONGRESS. Reaiisz of Ussais. DrawmjIM HOUSE ADJOURNED TO. FRIDAY. J3 ABC( CK. A TRIE . iti. HST HI. NEWS IN" GENERAL. nutrltt.ltternev Warl Resigned -A Railroad Accident-Several (an Completely BemolUhcd Ko LItm loit8teambrat Ex plosion on Hed Rlter. ." ' CO LD 141-4. , I Ml TEIiMBAFB TO TH rOTTBHAA. WA8US6T0.f; V Washuiotoh, Deo. 7. John A. Smith, ex-member of Oongreea from Ohio wm appointed Iudian Commis sioner. ( Edward J. Toby acoeeda Bark as Fostmaster of Boatoo. asNAxa. . The lltwaage wat read by Qorham, Secretary of the Benate, after which tha Senate adjourned to noon to-morrow. . ( Hocsa. iftMiiwHnmttiM had returned and ohoioa of teata accorded to the oldest continuous member, Kelly, of Fnm sylvania, drawing ets ooenrred. Mr. McHoffy; Beading Clerk, read the Message. The reading of the message oooo pied too houra and fire minutes At firat it waa listened to with oonsidrr ble interest aod attention, bat after the Clerk had got paat the paragraph relating to Ednoation, Church proper ty and the Cuban question, members began gradually to leare their Beats, retiring to the, cloak, rooms, loitering listlessly in fheatdea eugaged ia con versation with eaoh other, ao that dar ing thertadiaf of he latter ball there were not probably forty memberaij their aeata, and not half that nanatx-r paying the slightest attention to the message, la f aet were it not for thd monotoaooa tone Of tha Clerk' roiee, it might hare been supposed that the lions waa inaoiging u ". Cox presented ths petition of W. H. Tresoott attdothera of Booth Carolina, with rAfarenoe to the riff ht of represeu- Ution of the third Congreasional dis trict of South Carolina, and moved that it be referred to the committee on Election. He aaid that the qaestioa raised by the memorial was not so mnnl thai of a rDresenUtive a it was that of representation. The petition was so referred. adjourned to Friday. ME88AGB. Washdiotoh, Do. 7. - The message mums : In submitting my seventh an. nual message to Congress in the Cen tennial year of our National exiateuoe u a free! and independent ppl, it affords me ureal pleasure to reour to the advancement that has been mada from the tun of the Colonics: One hundred years ao we were then people, numbering only three millions "now we number more than forty mil lion. Then industries were confined l moat eiolusivelv to the tillage) of the toil; now manufactures absorb much of the labor of the country; onr liber tine remain unimpaired the bondsmen have been freed from slavery and we have beoome possessed of the respect if not the friendship of all civilized na tions. Granhio and well worded de tail follow. . . The Preside , earnestly reoom-, mends that a constitutional amend meat be submitted to the legislatures making it the duty of each State to es tablishand forever maintain her free public aohoole adequate to the educa tion of all ohildren in the rudimentary branches within their respective limits, irrespective of eex, color or religion; forbidding the teaching in said ich ols of religions of Atheistic or Pagan te nets, and prohibiting the granting of any school funds or school tains, or any part thereof, either by legislative, municipal or other authorities for the benefit or in aid, directly or indirectly, of any religions sect or denomination, or in a d or for the benefit of any other objeot of any nature or kind whatever. He alluesto the impor tune of correcting the evil of the Ttwt amounts of untaxed chnreh prop - and estimates that by 1890. if unoheoked, hie properly would reaoh miD exocediDff lureo thousand mil linn dollars. He would sngceat the t.TAlion of ail propertr be rquil, ac eeptiug only the last renting plaoe of the dead; ' Relations with most fore;gn powers Aontinne on a satisfactory aud friendly fooling. The Persldent is happy to anioouoe the pasasge of an act by the n.nnral Curtea of Portujril. abulishine alavery in the oolintoi, The pat year has furnished no evidence of an ap proaching termination of the ruinous Conflict wuiou um umu iBgiug tut bdt' an vaara in Cuba.. - . The sam disreaard of the laws if civiliaed warfare, aud ths just demands of humaitT,fflnoo jjave nereioiore ou ed forth expreaaiotia of condemnation from thrnatiowof ohriattnilom heVe continued to WaoUou the dad ocue. Desolation, ruia'aud pillage are per Tavclirt? the rich fields of thu most ft-r-tUe aud (woilncti v region of the earth, and the iuceudiariee torch firing plan " tatioua and valuable faotorie atid buildings i the agent marking ihe al ternate advance and retreat of the oou- tending 'partiea. The rrcaulent nar- ratea daoiaffe w lntert sw oi au w""- mercial nations, especially thoee oi tne UuiU4- State, ami th lnaeourHj o nropnrty owned by oitiaena of the United SUtea in Cuba. He had hoped Spain could be enabled to establish peace in her colony, aud beoause of this hope and from an rxtrem-J reluo tance to inteero ia the affairs of au other and a friendly nation, he was pa tiently and anxiously awaited the pro gresa of eventv -The armed bands of either tide now occupy the ground as iutheptst.The President makesalong argument, and eoucludea : A recogni tion of the independence of Cuba be ing, in my opinion, indefensible. The question whion uext preaents itself ia that of the belligerent rights of ths parties to the contest; after fur ther argument the President oon cludeB : The recognition of independ ence or belligerency blug thus, in my itl(1ffmen,. eauallv inadmissible; it re mains to consider what course shall be ailnnted. ahonld the Wnfl ct not soon be brought to an eud by aets of tha partiea tbemielvee, an should the evils result therofrom affooMng all na tions and particularly the.United mate ooutinne in anon event, l am oi opiuion that other nations will ba compelled to ...... i t a aisnme the responsibility wuion ue- volvea upon thorn to seriously consider the only remaining measures possible meditation and ia ervention. ai ter further statement, he sayi : At the aame time while impressed, I do hot at this time recommend the adoption of anv measure of Intervention, Ha adds : Persnsded however, that a proper regard for the interests of th Ceiled States and of its oitizens, enti tle it to relief from the strain to whioh it hta hann anbiactM bv the diffloultie of the questions aud the wrong and losses which arise from tne oonresi id Cuba, and that the interest of humani ty itself demand the cessation of the strife before the whole island shall be laid waste and larger aaorinoea be made, I shall oonaider it my duty should my hopes for a satisfactory aa iastment of the early restoration of peaoe, and the removal oi ininre Cannes of complain b unhappily dis appointed, to make a tanner commu nication to Conareae at some period not far remote, and daring the present iicssion, recommending what may then seem to me to be neceesary, Alluding to the oattle raids on the Kio Grand, the l'reauient says; An ex peri mint of an armed vessel on the ilio Grande for that purpose is on tnal, and it is hoped tb.it if not thwarted by the shallowness of the river and other natural obstacles, it may materially ointribnte to the protection of the herdsmen of Texas. Ooean telegraphs are discussed at great length but no allusion is made to the postal telegrapn. Diftoassing the specie resumption, thePiesident sbvb: Too much stress cannot lie laid upon this question and I hope Congreas may be lnducea at tne earliest day praotioable, to insure the consummation oi tne act oi last uon greas at its last session, to bring about spbi ia resumption on ana aner mo first day of January, leva, at iurcnest It would be a arreat blessing if this could be consummated even at an ear lier day. Nothing seems to me more oertain thau that a full, healthy nd permanent reaction cannot take plaoe in favor of tha industries and financial welfare of the oountry, until w return Ln a maasnre of values recognized thronghont the oivihzed world. While we use a currency not equivalent to this standard, the world'a recognized standard specie becomes a commodity like the products of the soil the sur plus seeking a market wherever there is a demand for it Under onr present system we should want none nor would we have anv were if not that custom dnea are paid in ooio. and beoause of pledges to pay interest on the public debt in ooin. the yield of precious metals would flow out for the purchase of foreign productions and leave the United States hewers of wood an drawers of water because of wiser leg. irlatiou on the subject of fluauoe by nationa with whom we have dealings. I am not prepared to say that I can suggest the best legislation to secure the end most heartily recommended. It will be a source of great gratifica tion to me to 'je able to approve any measure of Congress looking efleo.u- avAilable b if ore the beginning of tl a nextflacal year;repealthelaw abolishing mileage aud return to tne oia sjsiem, approprisaon tor torpedo triala by o jrp engineer; permauent orgauil t- tion for signal oorpa. The oonditiou of our navy at una me he eaya i a sou roe of satisfaction. Uavi iwing details of defects aa com pared with other natioua he aaya: l)ut neither our xn mental aitaauon or our foreign policy, rendra it neces sity that ww ahonld have a 1-urge uuui- ber of tneae powermt iron oiau. wuue our aitaatiou aud the nature of our porta oombioe to make those of other natioua little dangerona to us under S' j oiroumstanoea. We have fifty wax ship's, inolud ug fifteen iron-olads now in hand on the Atlantic ooast " The postal service ia entirely satis factory. The President suggeeta the xoluaioo of merchandise frou mail. The method of treating Indian adopted at th beginning of my first . . . i ... term ha been steadily pursued wuu satisfactory aiid encouraging result; has been productive or evident lm protement in the oondition of that race, aud will be continued with such modifToatiouB a expeneuoo may mJr cat to be noeaary. lie epeaka cneeringly and iioeraiiy regarding the Centennial. II eaya of the Bureau of Agrioul- tar: It baa accomplished much in disseminating nteful knowlepge to the agriculturist, and also in Introdaoing new and useful productions adapted to onr climate, and ia worthy of the con tinued enoonragement of th govern inent. Ha characterize the oondition of affaire in Utah aa acandalont; aa an In stitution polygamy ahould be baniahed from the land. Aa this will be the last message I shall have the honor of submitting to Congress before my auooessor is cho sen. I will recall or recapitulate the quMtions whioh I deem ol vital impor tanoe wtiiob may be legislated upon and sett ed at this session. First, that thi States shall b re, quired to afford the opportunity of I good oommon school education to ev ery ohild within their limits. Second. no aeotarian tenet ahall ever b taught ia any school supported in whole or in part by the State, nation, or prooaeda of any tax levied upon any oommnnity; make education compulsory bo lar aa to deprive all persons who oannot read and write from becoming voter after the year of 1890; dispossessing none, however, on grounds of illiteracy who may be voters at the time this amend ment takes effect. Third. dolar Churob and State forever aeparat and diatinct, bat each free within their pro per spheres, and that all church prop erty shall bear it owu proportion of taxation. 4th. Drive out licensed immorality, snob as polygamy and the importation of women for illegitimate purpose. 1 recur again to the Centennial year. It would seem as though now a we are about to begin the second century of our national existence, would be a most fitting time for these reforms. 6th. Enact such laws as will seonre a speedy return to a sound currency suoh as will oommand the respect of the world. Believing that these views will Com mend themselves to the great majority of the right thinking and patriotio oit izens of the United States I submit the rest to Congreas, : Signed j U. H. Ubaht. FALL AMD WINTER SEASON. Best Assorted Stock in the City now Open at a n' . 36 M-AJFttET STREET, BLACK STLKS, The Celebrated Guiuet'B Oroaflraiua. f COLORED SILKS All tha Lateat Cloth Shade.! - EBAL SILK POPLINS. MES1K0S, CASSIMEEE3, SERUB, AND MOHAIR GLACE, oi all the Latest Noveltiea in ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE1 7 45 MARKET STREET. BLACK ALPACAS, That usual Specialty we have alwya roll bo many end ao low, that among o many gooda it is only a small part of thosortnients MOURNING GOODS. In every variety. Will opeu on the 8th another Lot of those cheap Jtenriottu'B CLOASS AND SHAWLS. -;o;- MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Great Line of Hosier, Gloves, , ... Emb roidenes, White Goods. ST APIB AND PANCV GOODS, NOTION, ETC, Everything is Cheaper than has beon known for yeare. We onlj require acall tue rrioes ana isiyiea wiu uu wis suiiiu((.aBM . No. 3t5 avIARKET STREET. NOTICE. XVTlll, b sold at publto sal at I.aurtnbnrf, Yf N. 0,, on ibarmUy. UewmMr IS, li9, a.; zo ooca...ai. iudioh pfKniBr uihikikqu ui aaie), MI8S01BI. St. Louts, Deo. 7. Aa far as can be ascertained, no indictment has as yet been found against Baboock. . I0U1SIAHA. Niw Okuuns, Deo. 7. The 0. H. Dnpree burst her steam pipes on the Bed river. There waa one person killed, three soalded aud three jumped overboard and were drowned. ILLINOIS. Chioaoo. Deo 7. District-Attorney J. D. Ward has been requested to resign by the Attorney-General. It ia supposed that the cause grows ont of nia reiaocanoe to prosecute tne wuisaej oases. ally toward securing the resumption. Unlimited inflation would probably bring about specie payments more speedily than auy legialion looking to the redemption oi legal tenders iu coin, but it would be Rt the expense of honor. The legal tenders wouia uave no value beyond ttling prrseut lia bilities, or propnrly speuking, repudi ating them. They would buy nothing after all the debt were settled. There are a few measures which seem to be important in this connection, aud whioh I commend to your earnest con sideration. A repeal of so much of the leaal fender act aa makes these notea receivable for debts contracted after a oertain date to be fixed iu the act itself, Bay not later thau the first of January. 1877. A hearty reaction would set in at once, and with it a de- air to make the currency equal what it onrporta to be. The President elaborates the good eff ots which would follow this suggestion. Second, that the Secretary of the Treasury be anthorized to redeem, say not to ex ceed two million dollaia monthly of legal tender notes, by issuing in their stead a loug bond bearing thre sixty five hnndieibs per cent, of the denom inations ranging from fifty to a thou sand dollare each. Third. That addi tional power be given the 8f oretary of the Treasury to accommodate gold for final redemption either by increasing the revenue or decreasing the expenses nrboth. It is preferable to do both. A restoration of duty on tea and coffee ia nio-ted. lno a reduction on c rtam rtinliw minh 'as hardly pay for the enst of eolleotion and snoh aa enter into mfinnfBnture. He silpumU" that aorne Iw'tter m aua be found for veil fving olaimi acaiui-t the Quvemnvnt tnan throngb court claims, especially those growing out m i uvo " They are in .early every instance ex orbitaut. Drowning the report of the Secretary of War he invites sproial at tention to musing three hundred thou sand of subsistence, appropriation NEW jsussr. Mario. Deo. 7. A collision occur red at 4 :2'J this morning at Horse'iio- Juaotiou neur the out in Jersey Olty. The limited western express whio'i carries the mo ning pniein either junipad the truck or was thrown off by a misplaced switch, the traiu running at the time about twenty-five miles an hour. It ran into an eastern bound extra freiaht train. The two engines were demolished, together with a lot of freight care. The track was block aded uutil 10 o'oiVk. The mails were c inveved by wagons to and from New Yora.and passengers were transferred. The damage done will be $'25,000 or $30,000. NEW TORE. , a h!kuM antu ail gr.iunrt. au I iUring wld out my amtir .took of ma good. piac, ujw uouiiuisj ni mr.u p. Tbat inruoa norm oi in nauroau track to ba sold separately. Tureo aiain at prlraia aoaM. ia iui viae, ujw uooh Yoiid. That mrtloa north of tl Iroad unlmDfOTod lots on Main street, and four tsIu- abl uulmproTWl lot on ITalrUiTtrMt, fronting on Rtllroad. Kor prtlrulr apply to CRQNLY A MORRIS, deol,8,l,ia SALE REAL ESTAT& UNDER MOItTGA;iJ BT Tir n of, and In aecordtnea with, the power of Mlt- contained In a deed of mnrt gtgemade tr i nomas n. uarr ana uronne N. ilarr, his wife to tinaannah Mark, mde tha aeth day or March, A. U. 18is, ana reoo uui In the HegLter iffloe or New lUiioyr r )oun. ty.le Bo k O. O.U at pagm 181. m and r, I wllleipoa. for .ale, by public anitlon, at the Court Honee door In the rityor Wilmington, In the etld lvnnty or New Hanover, on IHotT tie )ih day or lleoemh-ir, A. P., 1873, at l'i M for ouh. the following nrlbed property, tj lt! Bi'e nnini In the oatrn line of Second treat, boteeen Mxrketand lnck (treei.,7.1 foot from where the eattern Una or Meeonil Itreet la interaecti by the muthern line of Market trt, munlng thence southwardly i"n the n . ae of Send rtrae. 87 fnit thmiofl Tilwt. rat and pwallel with Vsrltet ir ., -h i,eti nurthwardly, anrt prllt-l wl'h ieem.1 afwi',51 fer, tbeuce wc.ti(llv ami para 'e' wl b Mrket air a'.lOfe t, tithe tat ernlluor rtecon.l mrett-the bglnnlfiK. MAHHOKN Htl.U.MV. A'ttiruev RE-OPENJNG AT 29 MARKET ST A.X AUCTION I Oui Buyer baa just returned from the Northern Market rurohae have been luiulo way lelow cost of manufacturing. Have been enticed to bny moie goodi Umu we wanted. They are marked and put on the couhtt is t pi ivea that w 111 surprise the moKt skeptical, . Uave hired theBtore uext door, 4:7 M AEKET ST BEET, , , ; Aud will mak tha Largoat DiBplay of FANCY GOODS, M U S I C A L 1 N S T R U H li N T S, T 0 1 S, ETC., Erer offorod is th City of Wilmington. Have no apaoe to ennrnwate, and cannot even gtvo laint luea oi m varieiy, PRESENTS FOR CHRISTUM AND THE HOLIDAYS. Watches- Canary Blids-cagei-a-ocomonvesi-lenpms -Drums -Opn Bugglee-Tool Chests -ranor croquet-One and Two Seat Velocipedes-Crumb Pans-Children's Own Books and Carts, AND IN FACT EVERYTHING COMPRISING THE TOY TRADE, CANAR BIR3 S3 EACH-ALL WARRANTED TO SING. BRYWH & RODDICK, 45, 47 Ilarkot Street. THE GREAT RETAIL OTOCK OF THE STATE, FOR BALE AT AUCTION, AT New York. Deo. 6. A St. Loirs di to ' Datoh to the Herald says, The United I . 1 ' 1 . a 1 A btates urana jury aia not.wora u day,-having adjourned till to-morrow morniue. A reiwrt is enrreut tnis morning, thtt a trn bill lias been found against Qen. B ibook, and that a wat rant for his arreat was era route for Washington, but the report was without foundation, mere s autnen tio information to the frct that the Grand Jury still have the evidence under consideration, and that to-noi-row, immediately after the meeting, a vote will bo taken on the aubjeot. The Diatriot-Attorney was abeut from the oitv to day, and the object of postpon ing the vote until 'o-momw, was to consult him on so rue point of law. ' Oelriolt & Co., agents of the North Oorman Lloyd's line, have received no dipafcht-a n la iug to the disaster to the Mil solilaud. They oould not tell the name of the Oaptiiio, offlcfrs or ore w, as tiny are all uw, the vessel lisvinu boen laid up in Uretnen since February. The Htfuuta "say it proba ble only a vei y few passengers w. re on boa'd. the tide of immiirratioo at this aeason of the year being alack. They have telegraphed to the other sid for the passengers lost. HOSFORD'S BREAD PREPARATION. OO Caaot tfj.rord'l Brnad Proparattm. ' tot tala by APPLES. CHEESE RAISHS- BO Btrrelt llfd ipn'e.. ' BO ttoxAi aa1 X Bote. Rs situ. IOO '4f)x :aai CLeaac. 25 Tabs Butter. For am by KBrtoatrKR u .Dta oitoi I hf a K-nnunM at bit Old Stand. A fruh and well-ncloct nl Stuck of DRY GOODS CLOTHING. BOOTS HATS IhooiHtid 0, whirh t will skII at the lawast UAHH PKIUKH. Halnw I nlvfl Toil raw Item, with price annoied :J Boat Oallowi rrom To. to (n, pnr yard. Hrowa Ootlon rrom 60. to llw. r yd. (liol Jon Irom Hit. and uiwanla. K Inline I. and Uoiton Flanuula, Tar; Cheap. Thanking you all f ir yunr kind and llbaral ptrunt(H hwroUirore eiuimltit, 1 riwiflat fully ao.lHt oontlunaiiea lit tha aarae Iu my now 1iiIiim. ' n Ee.pc clfnlly Tonra, UEORGU LEiniUl, !it MAltKET HTKEET, octW Wlloluglon. FOR FAIR WEEK 34 IARKET ST. 34 Havlnir perfected arrangements by which the character of mr busineas will U char ged. I have determined to sell at auction every dollar i worth of goods contained in my rotail stock. This comprise tha LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS IN WILMINGTON, And amounting to over $ 2 5 . 0 O O IWorth of Soasonable and E'egant Goods, oonBiating of Silks, Velvets, nncss nnnns in FUFRY UAR1FTY. UIILUU JJiVJ III f Encllah. French and American Oassimnres. Black Cloths, Doeskins, Be vera, o ' m..v. Unli.w.ltu fyinnt. ir with UieiUJu, wuwjrjiiwi u..uvv..( -wov-- LADIES', GENTS' and 0HILDRENS' UNDERWEAR Hosiery. Gloves, Shirts, Ool'ars, Cuffs, Ribbons Laces. Edgings, Handker chiefa, Bhawls-in endless variety, every quality and price, Blankets, Marseille Quilta, Spread, hheeUng, Tiokiug, OomforU, Tablo-clolhB, Towels, Naiikins, Diapers, aud other LINEN AND COTTON GOODS IVKHT OTBRIt WKKK IS I1K year at lowfat iirlnea to buyfra on Jia pot, and a'lnnt-ra II l'l at tharn'lng prlfl. or lhdy thry iar.l'l, th ia glrlinj e.iUi O- ara actrlltiif onl rartlraot to u tliaaa.na a.li l tig thf y would lia If iriwii' , lr svt Bucks BAGGING, SALT, RICE, FLOE 3BO Ho' I. and X' l1 gln;. 7B00 Saok Sal v. 20 T1arc.ee Hlo. IOOO Harrtls Flour. For aal iy K'.R IttSB-t OALDKtl hKOS. .PO WT) E J. 2BO Kegaand X Kcge Mlfle and Storting. 200 Keg B!tm Powder. BO K K"f! No' Daek'BK Pnadnr. FUeJK CAPS. Fet fl by KKttOHNEIl A OAL'MM BROS deoT Bacon In IM, ana 'Beits, .d Mnl ejHHf- 'li inl lera, BnL.rk and Hm- In Tl- r - 'a 'ir "t.i l'i Ka'-naifin ; BREAKFAST STRIPES. M' iu Pork, Vntr r imrt Mml, rrh, ackor el, SlilUft", Herring., 4c. SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT' Molwo. lit 11 klnUs, SYRUP ALL KINDS, Floor o all Quallt'o.. ind over Bv hu .lrd arliclea )f Una HEX GROCIRltt, fallnrnrd r from i, cirnr nf Pork and fron Ktrccta, WllmlniiK Ti, .C UOTtll A!H!AN . VVLI.KrH. JOHN A; BYRNB & CO. Gmral Iisiirai urn'-. (FIKE, MARINE AND LI E) 40,000,00 Urproeol )rriO-.-iMiutritial Kiobatg' BbHtM g. nrl.li WntOTPtrae. Feather Dnstera. Old, H It N KM 4 80.1P, wldlory or all aimla, ir biDlBl' AND O '.NT'1 SAtCHRIil, . Tury chp far taia. OAhFSXTEB A HALL V tD. l South Front fit ov.Mth.illB. Af YATES' BOOK STOrtE Yoa can flml SCHOOL B00K8, 'STATIONEBT, 1 MF.MOIliWOS BUSK BOOKS 1'OCKKT BOOKS, 1'EXniS (iOLD rKXS, ' ALIilMS, - GAMES, It. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS In creat variety. Trunks, BitchclM, Umbrellas, Hats, Shoes I anoy Notions, Ladiea' Furs, with thousands of other articles, farming altogether the most eloii-aiit, nttraotivo and doairable stock ever sold at t anotion i-i North Carolina. The Ladies, the Merchant, the Furnier aud fllotwiamo are an inviieu w attend this mammoth sale by auction. TERMS: C ASH. . . a "VT ' .1- ,llrfrt,1 ia nnnili'l lvft All Goods mht b paid for on neiivory. o gwu uauuwiHou, . uuu. of asle altered uftur they are bid off. XsT O B IDDI 1ST Ample and comfortable accommodations will be furnished Ladies attending the a,u' . . t .1 , ui.,. -,al Pdrtiiw will ha aaoommodated sale. jiiVoryariu'w w "" -r- ,,t j a8toqmntitifis.aafaraspotHible. Oiiods must be oalled and , t .keii s after the sale as it is possible to deliver thorn. Thia sale will bo oontinned at the at Te, No. 34 Market street from -dy to day, commencing DECEMBER' 6th, Until the outiro atock is Bold. Bale to oimraeuou (Uily at 10 o'clock, A. M.; 3 and 7 o c ock, I . M. uooiH Hoia v paw " DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. .... AAI . 'II 1 . .11 iL:.t Jt.aa 4,'. I Country Mcrol.a t whose bills aro ov.r ju i win oo auoweu a.iV ujra on llrst class uuv accupiauco. eill; A. WEILL, Agent NOTICE!!! Our rogular businpss will bo continued as heretofore at No. 32 Front Street, corner Princess. iSS-If Wilmington rs AI.IVK TOHrU INTBOBM'C' In CaM l naroilna, hr bm-lnaaa raen will aili.laals THE WASHINGTON ECHO, Writ ana wall llhad w.iily nuwtna o .r i-ir -nj Him ti'i iy in. 'I 2 oounUarfO Ud. "aiK dwOOib and tkosa a'llo'nlna;. Kliw Low. Wavt. i. lujianiii - H. Caaaoas, Latof Tarboto. af Walatoa. BVIllori aid FropTlut, The Celebrated Double Elcutio STEEL P HUB A mf wish to ir I i , nn Wh Of Kor & A7tJllU3DOaC UkOM WllO 1 15nnmtt, ftlll baawui iy iui 9U ww pi raNlo